GeoBerlin 2023
Geosciences Beyond Boundaries - Research, Society, Future
150th PGLA (BGR) Anniversary and 175th DGGV Anniversary
Berlin | 3 – 8 September 2023
Conference Agenda
Overview and details of the sessions of this conference. Please select a date or location to show only sessions at that day or location. Please select a single session for detailed view (with abstracts and downloads if available).
Session Overview |
Date: Sunday, 03/Sept/2023 | |
8:00am - 6:00pm | Field trip 3:To classic locations of Quaternary geology in NE-Brandenburg and to the family seat and the grave of Leopold von Buch Session Chair: Olaf Juschus, LGBR Brandenburg Meeting Point: 7:45 h at Berlin Central station -> "Straße am Steigenberger Kanzleramt". The bus is from "BerlinBus" Company. Start: 8:00 am at Berlin central station, Europaplatz 1, 10557 Berlin End: 6 pm at Henry Ford Building, Garystraße 35, 14195 Berlin Excursion guide: Olaf Juschus and Robert Bussert |
8:30am - 6:00pm | Exkursion 4. Rüdersdorf Treffpunkt: 8:15 Uhr, Berliner Hauptbahnhof -> am Steigenberger Kanzleramt. Der Bus trägt die Aufschrift "BerlinBus". Start: 8:30 Uhr am Berliner Hauptbahnhof, Europaplatz 1, 10557 Berlin Ende: 16 – 18 Uhr Henry Ford Bau, Garystraße 35, 14195 Berlin Exkursionsleiter: Ulli Raschke |
3:00pm - 5:00pm | Pre-icebreaker Event for Students and Early Career Researchers Location: Senatssaal |
5:00pm - 8:00pm | Registration Location: Foyer (Henry Ford Building) |
6:00pm - 9:00pm | Icebreaker Location: Foyer (Henry Ford Building) |
Date: Monday, 04/Sept/2023 | |
Exhibition "Life conquers a planet: Example Earth" | Gesteins-Ausstellung: Leben übernimmt die planetare Steuerung: Beispiel Erde Location: Foyer (Henry Ford Building) Session Chair: Christoph Heubeck, Friedrich-Schiller universität Jena | |
7:30am - 8:30am | Registration & Welcome Coffee Location: Foyer (Henry Ford Building) |
8:30am - 10:00am | 3.03-1 Advances in paleoclimate proxy development and application Location: Hall A (HFB) Session Chair: David Bajnai, University of Göttingen |
8:30am - 9:00am
Invited Session Keynote Topics: 3.03 Advances in paleoclimate proxy development and application Triple oxygen isotopes of modern terrestrial mammalian tooth enamel –new implications for paleoenvironmental and physiological research 1Abteilung Geochemie & Isotopengeologie, Geowissenschaftliches Zentrum,Georg-August-Universität,Goldschmidtstraße 1, D-37077 Göttingen,Germany; 2Institute für Geology und Mineralogy, Department für Geowissenschaften, Universität zu Köln, Greinstrasse, 4-6, D-50939, Köln, Germany; 3Presently at Earth-Life Science Institute, Tokyo Institute of Technology, 152-8550 Tokyo, Japan; 4Institut für Geowissenschaften, Goethe Universität Frankfurt, Altenhöferallee 1, D-60323 Frankfurt (Main), Germany; 5Institut für Geowissenschaften, AG Angewandte und Analytische Paläontologie, Universität Mainz, J.-J.-Becherweg 21, D-55128 Mainz, Germany Triple oxygen isotope (Δ'17O) analysis has recently be shown to be a powerful tool for identifying metabolic oxygen signatures in mammalian tooth enamel (Pack et al., 2013; Feng et al., 2022). Atmospheric O2 is consumed by mammals for metabolic oxidation. The low triple oxygen isotope (Δ'17O) composition of air O2 serves as a natural tracer for identifying metabolic oxygen in body water. Bioapatite precipitates in isotopic equilibrium with its parental body water and consequently records information on the air O2. The Δ'17O of atmospheric O2 is directly linked to pCO2 and gross primary production, hence fossil teeth can be used for paleo- pCO2 reconstructions. To provide a modern baseline for this approach, we measured 128 individual mammal teeth for their bioapatite Δ'17O by automatic BrF5 laser fluorination. The sample set includes diverse body size with a body mass range from 2 g to 6000 kg and physiology from different habitats. Taxon-specific oxygen mass balance models are developed for resolving principal dependencies and relationships. The mass balance modelled data for all species agree within uncertainty with the measured data. The results show that Δ'17O not only correlates with body mass, but also with initial oxygen anomalies of inhaled air O2, which allows for pCO2 reconstruction on terrestrial mammalian tooth enamel. This documents the potential of tooth enamel Δ'17O analysis for metabolic rates of extinct vertebrates and paleoclimate reconstructions, especially for small mammals (Mb < 1 kg). Pack et al. (2013) GCA, 102, 306–317. Feng et al. (2022) GCA, 328, 85-102. 9:00am - 9:15am
Topics: 3.03 Advances in paleoclimate proxy development and application Vital effects in biogenic carbonates in triple oxygen isotope space 1Uni Köln, Germany; 2Uni Göttingen, Germany; 3Uni Frankfurt, Germany Carbonate δ18O and Δ47 are used to reconstruct paleotemperatures. Because biogenic carbonate does not form in full equilibrium with seawater, species-specific temperature calibration curves are required for accurate temperature estimates. Apparent growth temperatures derived from corals, however, are generally inaccurate due to large and variable kinetic isotope effects, often termed “vital effect”. Triple oxygen isotope systematics can help identify if an organism forms carbonate in equilibrium with ambient water or not and thus if the δ18O and Δ47 values provide accurate paleotemperatures. In addition, the chemical nature of the “vital effect” can be identified, because individual kinetic effects fall on characteristic trajectories in triple oxygen isotope space. To examine these concepts a series of cold water and warm water corals as well as brachiopods are analyzed for δ18O and δ17O (expressed as Δ’17O) using the CO2 spectrometer (TILDAS; Aerodyne Research) installed in Göttingen. Samples formed in equilibrium are expected to fall on the equilibrium curve. Most samples fall below the curve providing evidence that their oxygen isotope composition is biased by kinetic effects. We suggest that the “vital effect” in corals is dominated by a CO2 absorption effect. Similar conclusions are derived from dual clumped (Δ47 and Δ48) isotope analyses of the same samples [1]. These authors suggested to correct for kinetic effects by back extrapolation to the “dual clumped” equilibrium line. The same concept can be applied in triple oxygen isotope space by back-extrapolation to the “triple oxygen isotope” equilibrium line. [1] Davies et al. (2022). GCA 338, 66–78. 9:15am - 9:30am
Topics: 3.03 Advances in paleoclimate proxy development and application Assessing the belemnite archive for Mesozoic seawater temperature reconstruction by clumped isotope thermometry 1Goethe University Frankfurt; 2University of Plymouth; 3Senckenberg Biodiversity and Climate Research Centre The reconstruction of Mesozoic seawater temperature is valuable to further understand the link between atmospheric carbon dioxide concentration and earth surface temperature variation. Belemnites are an effective archive for this purpose, owing to their distribution over an extensive latitudinal range in Jurassic and Cretaceous seas. However, uncertainty remains as to whether belemnites precipitate rostrum calcite in oxygen and clumped isotope equilibrium with surrounding seawater. Furthermore, recent study indicates that belemnite calcite may be more susceptible to thermal resetting of ∆47 values through oxygen isotope exchange with internal water than other calcites (Looser et al., 2023). Here, we demonstrate identification of thermal resetting of ∆47 values in belemnite calcite using a combination of measured δ18O of fluid inclusions, δ18O and ∆47 values of belemnite calcite. We then apply dual carbonate clumped isotope thermometry (i.e. the simultaneous measurement of ∆47 and ∆48), to assess the potential importance of kinetic limitations during belemnite biomineralization (Bajnai et al., 2020; Guo, 2020). We demonstrate that Maastrichtian agebelemnites sampled at 4 sites with a range of paleolatitudes from 34 to 45 ˚N, yield ∆47 and ∆48 values that fall on the experimentally derived equilibrium calibration of Fiebig et al., (2021) indicating that rostrum calcite precipitated in clumped isotope equilibrium. ∆47-derived temperatures are combined with other proxy-based reconstructions of Maastrichtian seawater temperature to examine its latitudinal variability. 9:30am - 9:45am
Topics: 3.03 Advances in paleoclimate proxy development and application New insights on the influence of biota on the Ce and U redox proxies: Evidence from experimental water-rock interaction with biogenic ligands under anoxic, hypoxic and oxic conditions 1Bundesanstalt für Geowissenschaften und Rohstoffe, Germany; 2Constructor University Bremen, Germany; 3Leibniz Universität Hannover, Germany Microbes, plants and other organisms actively shape the Earth surface by a variety of processes. Current research on modern systems suggests that biota has a significant impact on the mobility of trace elements and there is growing evidence that it may have done so since the dawn of life. The secretion of extracellular compounds that bind strongly to iron and other micronutrients are evolutionary traits that may, besides acquiring bio-essential trace metals, also have helped in tackling with the toxicity of certain heavy metals. An example of such compounds are siderophores, which are produced today by many different plants, microbes and fungi. Besides iron, they promote the (bio)availability of different highly-charged cations in the natural environment. In paleoclimate studies, the redox-sensitive trace elements Ce and U are commonly used as geochemical proxies (e.g., Ce anomalies, Th-U ratios, stable U isotopes) for reconstructing atmospheric oxygen levels through time. We investigated the effect of siderophores on the mobilization of rare earth elements, Th and U (isotopes) from natural rocks under anoxic, hypoxic and oxic conditions. We show that experimental water–rock interaction with siderophores under strictly anoxic conditions produces positive Ce anomalies – a geochemical signal that is usually attributed to the presence of atmospheric oxygen. Siderophores also influence the Th-U signal, but do not induce a significant U stable isotope fractionation. Thus, oxygen-independent fractionation during geo–bio interaction may hold the potential to use certain trace elements as a bio-proxy in addition to their current use as a redox proxy. 9:45am - 10:00am
Topics: 3.03 Advances in paleoclimate proxy development and application Oxygen isotope variations in cherts from the Rhenish Massif record their diagenetic history, not climatic variations 1Universität Göttingen, Germany; 2GFZ Potsdam, Potsdam, Germany Cherts are sturdy and ubiquitous throughout Earth history and therefore potentially ideal climatic archives, yet their diagenetic formation challenges straightforward interpretations. Previous work shows that oxygen isotope ratios (δ18Ochert) are not only controlled by seawater T and δ18Oseawater, but also by basal heat flow (Q) and burial rates, i.e. the diagenetic T-t path (Tatzel et al., 2022). To strengthen the empirical evidence for the control of Q and burial rates on δ18Ochert we exploit the geological framework of the Rhenish Massif: During the Lower Carboniferous siliceous sediments were deposited onto stretched continental crust with variable Q across the basin. The opal mud then transformed during burial diagenesis into chert while tectonic nappes were stacked onto the autochthonous sediments during the Armorica- Laurussia collision. To isolate the effects of the T-t-path on δ18Ochert we sampled isochronous cherts and siliceous shales from the Northern and Eastern margin of the Rhenish Massif. A decreasing trend in δ18Ochert from West-to-East (by >6 ‰) testifies to differences in burial rates and paleo-Q. We derive constraints on burial rates from peak diagenetic temperatures using Raman Spectrometry of carbonaceous matter and deconvolve for paleo-Q. Triple oxygen isotope compositions (Δ’17O) show increasing variations with increasing δ18Ochert – presumably a reflection of a wider range of diagenetic conditions in low-Q settings. Tatzel, M., Frings, P.J., Oelze, M., Herwartz, D., Lünsdorf, N.K., Wiedenbeck, M., 2022. Chert oxygen isotope ratios are driven by Earth’s thermal evolution. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. 119. |
8:30am - 10:00am | 3.20-1 Metamorphism and Deformation across scales Location: Hall B (HFB) Session Chair: Vasiliki Mouslopoulou, National Observatory of Athens Session Chair: Marcel Thielmann, Universität Bayreuth Session Chair: Gareth James Crutchley, GEOMAR Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel |
8:30am - 8:45am
Topics: 3.20 Multiscale Investigations of Convergent Margins: Unraveling Subduction Dynamics from Kinematic Transitions to Metamorphic Reactions Megathrust stress drop as trigger of aftershock seismicity in subduction zone forearcs: Insights from the 2011 Mw 9.0 Tohoku earthquake, Japan 1Leibniz Universität Hannover, Germany; 2Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Germany; 3GFZ Potsdam, Germany Large megathrust earthquakes like the 2011 Mw 9.0 Tohoku earthquake (Japan) are followed by numerous aftershocks in the subduction zone forearc overlying the seismogenic fault. The aftershocks in the forearc can include normal-faulting events despite the thrust mechanism of the main shock. Postseismic normal faulting has been explained by stress changes induced by the coseismic stress drop along the megathrust. However, details of stress changes in the forearc and aftershock triggering mechanisms remain poorly constrained. Here we use numerical force-balance models combined with Coulomb failure analysis to show that the megathrust stress drop indeed supports normal faulting, but that forearc-wide triggering of aftershocks is feasible within a narrow range of megathrust stress-drop values and forearc stress states only [for details see Dielforder et al., 2023]. We determine this range for the Tohoku earthquake and show that the associated stress changes explain the aftershock seismicity in unprecedented detail. In particular, our analysis reveals that ~78% of the aftershocks and ~92% of the seismic moment release occurred in areas where the Tohoku earthquake caused a stress increase, and that the detailed aftershock distribution was also governed by spatial variability in fault strength and forearc topography. Our findings provide new insights into aftershock triggering and help to understand where aftershocks occur after great earthquakes at subduction zones. Dielforder, A., Bocchini, G. M., Kemna, K., Hampel, A., Harrington, R. M., & Oncken, O. (2023). Megathrust stress drop as trigger of aftershock seismicity: Insights from the 2011 Tohoku earthquake, Japan. Geophysical Research Letters, 50, e2022GL101320. https://doi.org/10.1029/2022GL101320 8:45am - 9:00am
Topics: 3.20 Multiscale Investigations of Convergent Margins: Unraveling Subduction Dynamics from Kinematic Transitions to Metamorphic Reactions Distribution, duration and size of slow-slip events in the eastern Mediterranean: insights from the Hellenic subduction system 1Technical University of Berlin, Berlin, Germany; 2National Observatory of Athens, Athens, Greece; 3GFZ Potsdam, Germany; 4University of West Attica, Athens, Greece; 5University of Canterbury, Christchurch, New Zealand; 6Ruhr University Bochum, Bochum, Germany; 7Technical University of Crete, Chania, Greece Slow-slip events (SSEs), although widely recorded in various convergent margins globally, only recently have been reported in the Eastern Mediterranean, with one of them triggering the 2018 ~M7 Zakynthos Earthquake along the western Hellenic Subduction System (HSS). Here, we explore the distribution, size and duration of SSEs along the HSS and assess their importance in subduction-related strain accumulation and release. To achieve this, we analyse geodetic timeseries from a dense network of permanent GNSS stations on Western Peloponnese, Crete and surrounding islands that collectively span a time-period of ~10 years. We use greedy linear regression techniques to estimate displacement trajectory models for each station and thus we identify transient displacement signals, associated with aseismic processes at depth. To further constrain the spatial extent and size of the SSEs we invert the GNSS transient displacements for variable distributed slip at depth and we, therefore, discuss likely scenarios of aseismic and seismic strain distribution (and partitioning) within the HSS’s complex plate-interface zone. 9:15am - 9:45am
Invited Session Keynote Topics: 3.20 Multiscale Investigations of Convergent Margins: Unraveling Subduction Dynamics from Kinematic Transitions to Metamorphic Reactions Transition from Subduction to Strike-slip: Insights from a well-expressed example in central New Zealand 1GEOMAR; 2Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel; 3University of Texas Institute for Geophysics Central New Zealand (southern North Island/northern South Island) occupies a complex transition from subduction to strike-slip at the southern termination of the Hikurangi subduction zone. This transition was also the site of the 2016 M7.8 Kaikoura earthquake, which is the most complex earthquake ever recorded, involving rupture of over a dozen faults. I will discuss how this transition from subduction to strike-slip occurs, through a joint interpretation of geologic and geodetic data. Approximately 2 cm/yr of convergence is accommodated at the Hikurangi Trough offshore the southern North Island, which decreases rapidly southward offshore the northern South Island (to a few mm/yr), where the majority of the relative plate motion is transferred onto strike-slip faults within the upper plate. This transfer of slip is facilitated via easterly-trending strike-slip faults (such as the Boo Boo fault in Cook Strait). Although the shallow megathrust offshore the northeastern South Island accommodates low rates of convergence, kinematic models based on geodetic data indicate that a large component of relative plate motion must be accommodated on the subduction interface at depth, down-dip of the major upper plate faults. This, along with geodetic evidence for interseismic coupling on the subduction interface beneath the northeastern South Island has implications for the potential southward extent of subduction interface earthquake rupture in central New Zealand. InSAR and GNSS evidence for large amounts of afterslip on the subduction interface following the Kaikoura earthquake also indicates the subduction zone continues as an important boundary well into the northern South Island. 9:45am - 10:00am
Topics: 3.20 Multiscale Investigations of Convergent Margins: Unraveling Subduction Dynamics from Kinematic Transitions to Metamorphic Reactions Effects of an oblique collision on the evolution of foreland basins: Insights from 3D numerical modeling 1Institute of Applied Geosciences, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany; 2Institute of Geophysics, ETH Zürich, Switzerland; 3GFZ Potsdam, Germany Flexural bending of a downgoing subducting plate in response to forces from slab pull and topographic load leads to foreland basin development in front of growing mountain belts. Many foreland basins worldwide show along-strike variable basin architecture and subsidence history. Various factors such as lateral variations in slab pull, the presence of lateral crustal heterogeneity, slab breakoff and tear propagation have been suggested as drivers. However, the effects of an oblique continental collision on the evolution of foreland basins are largely ignored. In this study, we use 3D thermo-mechanical numerical models coupled with surface processes (i.e., sedimentation and erosion) to simulate an oblique collision. In the initial model, the continental plate margin is placed at an oblique angle relative to the subduction trench and we vary the following parameters: (1) margin obliquity, (2) convergence velocity, (3) age of the subducting oceanic lithosphere, and (4) presence of pre-existing rigid blocks in the subducting plate. Our results show that models with no obliquity (i.e., straight continental margin) create simultaneous along-strike continental collision and foreland basin subsidence. However, higher margin obliquity (≥ 15° ) causes a delay in the along-strike collision and foreland basin development. Our results suggest that the along-strike propagation of foreland basin development is controlled by the initial margin obliquity and plate convergence velocity. Finally, we discuss the implications of our study on the 3D evolution of the Northern Alpine Foreland Basin (NAFB) and intramountain basins within the Betics where along-strike variations of the sedimentary basin architecture are reported. |
8:30am - 10:00am | 4.13 Museen als Fenster in die Forschung Location: Hall C (HFB) Session Chair: Christina Ifrim, Staatliche Naturwissenschaftliche Sammlungen Bayerns |
8:30am - 9:00am
Invited Session Keynote Topics: 4.13 Museen als Fenster in die Forschung Wie alt ist das eigentlich? Ein neues Exponat erklärt Plattenkalk-Forschung im Jura-Museum Staatliche Naturwissenschaftliche Sammlungen Bayerns, Germany Das Jura-Museum widmet sich den Fossilien im weltberühmten Solnhofener Plattenkalk. Hier wird ein neues Exponat vorgestellt, dass sich den Solnhofener Plattenkalken über die Fossilien hinaus widmet. Es handelt sich um ein Festgesteins--Transferpräparat aus dem Steinbruch Ettling, das während der Forschungsgrabung angefertigt wurde und die Gesteinsabfolge im Original dokumentiert. Daraus wird ein Exponat, das dem Publikum Einblicke geben soll, wie sedimentäre Abfolgen datiert und interpretiert werden. Der Steinbruch Ettling ist bekannt für seine außerordentlich gut erhaltenen Fische mit Farbmustern. Der einzige Ammonit, der als Altersanzeiger dienen kann, kommt aus einer Bank, die im Transferpräparat enthalten ist. So kann Biostratigraphie anschaulich vermittelt werden. Weitere Forschungsdatenwerden in Zukunft direkt auf das Transferpräparat übertragen. Derzeitige Analysenumfassen mineralogische Zusammensetzung, Nannofazies, Chemostratigraphie und quantitative Auswertungen aus der Forschungsgrabung. Die Ergebnisse, die allein sehr abstrakt wären, sind so anschaulich am Profil vermittelbar. Das Exponat dient somit zur Vermittlung vielfältiger geowissenschaftlicher Ansätze und Fragestellungen weit über den Fossilbestand hinaus und liefert direkte Einblicke in die Forschung. 9:00am - 9:15am
Topics: 4.13 Museen als Fenster in die Forschung Was ist die Öffentlichkeit HSPV NRW, Germany Ein Museum will eine Öffentlichkeit erreichen. Doch das ist leichter gesagt als getan, denn aus soziologischer Sicht zeigt sich die Öffentlichkeit nicht als monolithischer Block, sondern als ein Konglomerat aus sozialen Milieus, die Informationen sehr unterschiedlich aufnehmen und verarbeiten. Das Wahlkapfteam Barack Obamas z.B. war dementsprechend auf über 80 solcher ÖffentlichkeitEN eingestellt und sprach sie jeweils unterschiedlich an. Wie kann die Soziologie mit ihren Modellen von dem, was man gemeinhin "Gesellschaft" nennt der Wissenschaft, die genau weiß, "wie man mit dem Hammer philosopirt" (Nietzsche) ggf. dabei helfen, ihre Öffentlichkeiten zu erkennen und erfolgreich mit ihnen zu kommunzieren? Dieser Frage würde ich gerne in meinem Beitrag diskutieren. 9:15am - 9:30am
Topics: 4.13 Museen als Fenster in die Forschung Ohne „in die Kreide zu kommen“ in die Kreide kommen: Günstig produzierte Videos zur Ergänzung geologischer Ausstellungen 1Leibniz-Institut zur Analyse des Biodiversitätswandels, Germany; 2Universität Hamburg Kleine Museen mit eingeschränkter Finanzierung können oft nur geringe Mittel aufbringen, um mit weiterführenden Material Vitrinen und Ausstellungsobjekte zu ergänzen, zum Beispiel englische Texte oder Tonmaterial für Sehbehinderte. Um spezielle Zielgruppen, wie z. B. Kinder und Schülerinnen und Schüler anzusprechen und ihnen Sammlungsobjekte zugänglich zu machen, bieten sich kurze Videos an, die wissenschaftliche Zusammenhänge erläutern. Ferner können Forschungsmethoden in solchen Videos erklärt werden. Die Einbindung von ergänzenden Visualisierungen kann u a. über QR-Codes oder an geeigneten Stellen mit Monitoren erfolgen. Wir präsentieren anhand von Fallbeispielen Ansätze, wie mit geringem technischen Aufwand und weit verbreiteter, zum Teil frei verfügbarer Software ergänzendes Videomaterial erzeugt und in Ausstellungen eingesetzt werden kann. Das Poster bietet über QR-Codes Zugang zu auf diese Art generierte Videodateien. |
8:30am - 10:00am | 1.01 Towards 'Net Zero' with negative emissions and sustainable landscapes Location: Hall D (HFB) Session Chair: Patrick Frings, GFZ Potsdam Session Chair: Patricia Grasse, iDiv Session Chair: Dirk Sachse, GFZ Potsdam |
8:30am - 9:00am
Invited Session Keynote Topics: 1.01 Towards 'Net Zero' with negative emissions and sustainable landscapes Quantifying and optimising Enhanced Weathering as a CO2 removal tool GFZ Potsdam, Germany The application of finely ground silicate minerals to croplands and forests, with the aim of enhancing the rate of natural CO2 consuming weathering reactions, is receiving attention as a part of climate change mitigation strategies. Yet considerable uncertainty surrounds the quantification of CO2 removal associated with Enhanced Weathering, and its potential efficacy remains undemonstrated outside of the laboratory. Here, I discuss how the geochemical insights garnered from decades of natural weathering studies provide a pathway towards a strategy for ‘Monitoring, Reporting and Verification’ of CO2 sequestration. These natural weathering studies have also produced an understanding of what limits silicate weathering in different settings, which can be used to shed light on how deployment strategies, and specifically application sites, can be optimised. 9:00am - 9:15am
Topics: 1.01 Towards 'Net Zero' with negative emissions and sustainable landscapes Limits and CO2 equilibration of near-coast alkalinity enhancement 1Google Inc., United States of America; 2MIT-WHOI Joint Program in Oceanography and Applied Ocean Science and Engineering, Cambridge, MA, 02139, USA In this work we study critical questions which determine the scale and viability of ocean alkalinity enhancement (OAE): Which coastal locations are able to sustain a large flux of alkalinity at minimal pH and aragonite saturation changes? What is the interference distance between adjacent OAE projects? How much CO2 is absorbed per unit of alkalinity added? How quickly does the induced CO2 deficiency equilibrate with the atmosphere? 9:15am - 9:30am
Topics: 1.01 Towards 'Net Zero' with negative emissions and sustainable landscapes Human impacts on marine sedimentary carbon sequestration 1Helmhotz-Zentrum Hereon, Germany; 2Universität Hamburg, Germany The seafloor functions as a substantial long-term (>100 yr) carbon sink and reservoir in the form of sedimentary organic particles. Human activities can modify the seafloor's natural carbon sequestration capacity by disturbing the upper sediment layers and thereby altering biogeochemical processes and releasing previously trapped carbon. Yet, the overall magnitudes of the changes in sedimentary carbon pools induced by these processes are not well known and could not be adequately considered in environmental impact assessments so far. In this study, we quantify anthropogenic disturbances of sedimentary carbon sequestration in the North Sea using a combination of measurement data and numerical modeling. In particular, we examine the effects of bottom-contacting fisheries, sediment extraction, and material dumping. By resolving spatial and temporal patterns of both natural and anthropogenic drivers, we identify areas particularly vulnerable to degradation, representing the most detailed large-scale estimates of human impacts on North Sea sediments to date. Our results indicate that while the impacts of human activities on sedimentary carbon sequestration are comparable in magnitude to natural sedimentation processes, the resulting carbon benefits are considerably lower than previously estimated. Although remaining uncertainties need to be further confined and missing processes such as ecosystem feedbacks considered, our findings can serve as a useful basis for the consideration of sedimentary carbon disturbance in the context of marine spatial management plans. 9:30am - 9:45am
Topics: 1.01 Towards 'Net Zero' with negative emissions and sustainable landscapes Enhanced weathering of mafic rocks in tropical Colombia Universidad del Norte, Colombia The tropics have the potential to capture large amounts of CO2 through enhanced weathering of mafic rocks. This negative emissions technology can be articulated with the needs of the agricultural sector, in particular the large irrigated tropical cropland in the tropics. High-yield agricultural soils in the tropics are acidic. Their acidity is traditionally controlled with lime, which in turn emits CO2. Crushed mafic rocks can be used instead of lime, with the added benefit of not only avoiding the lime emissions, but also capturing CO2. In tropical Colombia, there are extensive plantations of African oil palm, sugar cane, rice, banana, and corn. Nearby, there are large open-cast mining operations that produce massive volumes of mafic and ultramafic rocks as waste product. We are characterizing mafic and ultramafic rocks closest to the potential application sites, as well as the products of their weathering under natural conditions. We are also conducting field experiments with natural soils from areas of active afforestation, as well as in soils degraded by cattle ranching. Both were previously covered by rain forests. In these experiments we are evaluating the reaction rates and efficiencies of mafic and ultramafic rocks under tropical conditions in natural soils. We aim to establish the technical and scientific basis for a process by which the forestry, mining, agricultural, and energy industries in the tropics can reduce their operational carbon footprint, and eventually offer carbon capture bonds in the international market. 9:45am - 10:00am
Topics: 1.01 Towards 'Net Zero' with negative emissions and sustainable landscapes Navigating the Uncertainty: Rethinking the Relationship of Law and Science CAU Kiel, Germany It is now well known that limiting the warming of the planet to 1,5°C by the end of the century will require some degree of carbon dioxide removal (CDR) and marine CDR technologies have emerged as a potential solution to mitigate climate change. While marine CDR can be piloted domestically, its maximum efficiency requires international coordination due to transboundary effects. However, the current international legal framework, including the UNFCCC and its descendants, lacks a dedicated regime for CDR, resulting in a plethora of potentially applicable sources of law with different answers on the legality of CDR. Emphasizing the challenges and necessities of coordinating CDR activities on a global level, this presentation addresses the unrealistic optimism of current law to over-rely on clear cut answers from natural sciences. It will explain how the traditional approach of the law needs to be revised to adapt to the scientific realities of climate action. This analysis should provide a reflection on the need for a wider societal debate to solve “trade-offs” issues that lawyers alone are not in a position to solve. |
8:30am - 10:00am | 1.17-1 Marine mineral deposits: Formation, exploration, and environmental impacts of human activities Location: Wiwi 101 Session Chair: Sebastian Fuchs, Bundesanstalt für Geowissenschaften und Rohstoffe |
8:30am - 9:00am
Invited Session Keynote Topics: 1.17 Marine mineral deposits: Formation, exploration, and environmental impacts of human activities Advancements in Deep-Sea Mineral Exploration and Legal Aspects of Deep-Sea Mining Bundesanstalt für Geowissenschaften und Rohstoffe, Germany The presentation provides an overview of BGR's deep-sea mineral resource exploration and informs on recent developments in deep-sea mining. Metals such as copper, nickel and cobalt play a vital role in the production of regenerative energies and high-tech electronic products. Currently, these metals are solely extracted from land sources, but increasing global demand has spurred interest in deep-sea deposits located in areas beyond national jurisdiction. Polymetallic nodules, cobalt-rich manganese crusts and massive sulphides found at water depths of 1 to 5 kilometers are seen as potential sources of such raw materials. Germany, as an industrial country with high raw material demands, heavily relies on metal imports. As a potential measure to reduce dependence and secure supply, Germany has invested actively in the exploration of marine mineral deposits and their environment in the eastern Pacific and southwestern Indian Ocean during the last two decades. The International Seabed Authority (ISA) is currently negotiating regulations for the mining of these resources (“Mining Code”). At the moment, the focus is on adopting regulations for polymetallic nodule mining, possibly by 2024. However, companies could potentially already submit mining applications today, to be considered by the Council despite the absence of a full set of binding regulations. Significant progress has recently been made in overcoming the technical challenges of mining the deep sea. Several contractors have successfully tested mining systems and are currently monitoring the resultant impacts on the environment and the biodiversity. 9:15am - 9:30am
Topics: 1.17 Marine mineral deposits: Formation, exploration, and environmental impacts of human activities Systematic variations in trace element composition of pyrites from the Xunmei hydrothermal field (26°S), Mid-Atlantic Ridge 1Kiel University, Germany; 2Chengdu University of Technology, China; 3First Institute of Oceanography - Qingdao, China; 4Benha University, Egypt; 5GEOMAR Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research - Kiel, Germany Two zoned inactive chimney samples from the SMAR 26°S (Xunmei) hydrothermal field were studied petrographically and by in-situ LA-ICP-MS analysis. Morphologically different pyrites precipitated with increasing temperatures from the outermost chimney wall to intermediate zone, then to the inner zone, and finally to interstice pore fillings which represents the late mature stage. The distribution of trace elements in pyrites across the chimney indicates a strong dependence on time, temperature, and associated sulfide minerals. The variation of trace elements in different paragenetic stages of pyrite reveals that the hydrothermal system most likely evolved from low-temperature low-chloride liquid-dominated fluids (enriched in Zn, Cd, Tl, Ag, Pb, Mn, Mo, and V) to higher temperature, vapor-dominated fluids (Cu, Au, Te, and Bi), probably representing magmatic volatiles, and then to high-temperature fluids (Co and Se). In the waning stage of the hydrothermal system, circulating hot fluids in auxiliary conduits were depleted in most trace elements. LA-ICP-MS time-depth profiles reveal that Co, Se, and Mo are present mainly in lattice substitution, whereas Cu, Zn, Cd, Tl, Ag, Te, and Bi are related to micro-/nano-inclusions. Profiles for As, Pb, Au, and Sb can be either smooth or irregular, indicating both lattice substitutions and inclusions. Adsorbed films on pyrites control the distribution of V and Mo. To conclude, the behavior of trace elements is strongly associated with the fluid evolution during chimney growth, where trapping of micro-/nano-inclusions and surface adsorption are seen more frequently at the low-temperature stage, whereas lattice substitutions are dominant at elevated temperature stages. |
8:30am - 10:00am | - Location: Wiwi 104 |
8:30am - 10:00am | 3.11-1 Triassic Revolution Location: Wiwi 104a Session Chair: Emma Dunne, Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg |
8:30am - 8:45am
Topics: 3.11 Triassic Revolution Prevailing deteriorated palaeoenvironments related to the hyperthermal Permian-Triassic mass extinction 1School of Earth Sciences, University of Bristol, Bristol, BS8 1RJ, UK; 2Institute of Geology, Chinese Academy of Geological Sciences, Beijing 100037, China; 3State Key Laboratory for Mineral Deposits Research, Nanjing University, Nanjing 210023, China; 4British Geological Survey, Maclean Building, Wallingford OX10 8BB, UK The Permian-Triassic mass extinction, one of the most severe biotic crises in Earth's history, has been attributed to sharp heating (nearly 15°C in low-latitude areas) initially triggered by massive volcanic eruptions of the Siberian Traps in the latest Permian. Drastic environmental changes have been identified worldwide, both in the sea and on land. However, the connections of global palaeoclimate changes, particularly their detection in complex terrestrial systems, remain debatable. Here, based on sedimentological and geochemical data and state-of-the-art modelling from North China, we emphasise the drastically deteriorated palaeoenvironments (e.g. unstable, drought and intermittent heavy precipitation) under a regime of sharp heating, mass wasting and acid rain on land may be significant causes of the mass killing events near the end-Permian and the subsequent Early Triassic long-lasting stressed terrestrial palaeoclimate that delayed the recovery of life. Understanding the Permian-Triassic hyperthermal crisis may also provide critical insight into similar events of different magnitudes in Earth's history, and could inform our near future, in the context of anthropogenic warming and our rapidly changing planet. 8:45am - 9:00am
Topics: 3.11 Triassic Revolution From the field to the synchrotron, investigating the early Triassic recovery fauna from Driefontein, South Africa 1European Synchrotron and Radiation Facility, France; 2Evolutionary Studies Institute, University of Witwatersrand, Johannesburg; 3Department of Geological and Environmental Sciences, Appalachian State University The Karoo Supergroup of South Africa contains extremely rich palaeontological record, including evidence of the largest mass extinction in history, the end-Permian extinction (±251.9 Ma). The recovery of terrestrial ecosystems from this mass extinction is an active area of research and one of South Africa’s most important contributions to the field of palaeontology. The farm Driefontein 11 in the Free State Province preserves an Early Triassic (upper Olenekian) fossil lagerstattë in the Burgersdorp Formation of the Karoo’s Beaufort Group . Driefontein yields tens of thousands of body and trace fossils. These fossils range in size from sub-mm scale teeth and invertebrates to bones of large temnospondyls and archosauromorphs. Despite the importance of these fossils, the fauna of Driefontein remains incompletely known – reflecting the sheer numbers of specimens (+- 30 000 coprolites alone) as well as the fragmentary and/or fragile nature and microscopic size of many of the remains. Here, we use a multiresolution (42µm to 1.14µm) approach with propagation phase contrast X-ray synchrotron micro computed tomography on the newly installed beamline, BM18, at the European Synchrotron and Radiation Facility, to investigate all trophic levels of Driefontein. We use this large dataset of high-resolution scans to investigate various aspects of organismal biology, including growth history, functional morphology, and comparative anatomy. This study contributes to our knowledge of the recovery of terrestrial ecosystems after the largest mass extinction in history, the end-Permian extinction, and highlights the importance of Driefontein 11 as a site for future research in the field of palaeontology 9:00am - 9:15am
Topics: 3.11 Triassic Revolution TETRAPODS FROM THE GERMAN BUNTSANDSTEIN (TRIASSIC: OLENEKIAN-ANISIAN): EVIDENCE ON TETRAPOD DIVERSIFICATION IN LAURASIA FOLLOWING THE END-PERMIAN EXTINCTION Staatlichse Museum fur Naturkunde Stuttgart, Germany Following the end-Permian biotic crisis, reptiles rapidly diversified and dispersed across the globe at the beginning of the Triassic Period. Non-mammalian synapsids became much less abundant and had massive losses in diversity during the end-Permian event. To date, the fossil record of continental tetrapods has largely been restricted to the Karoo of South Africa and European Russia. In the Central European Basin, Early and early Middle Triassic continental red beds are collectively referred to as the Buntsandstein Group. Whereas the strata of the Lower Buntsandstein are largely unfossiliferous, those of the Middle and Upper Buntsandstein have yielded many tracks and trackways representing a great diversity of tetrapods and occasionally skeletal remains of tetrapods. Temnospondyl stem-amphibians were common with a variety of ecomorphs. A sandstone quarry at Rotfelden in the Black Forest region (Germany) exposed a 6-to-8-m-thick section within the top of the Röt 4 Subformation. Tetrapod remains have been recovered from several horizons in this section. Previously, Amotosaurus rotfeldensis, a tanystropheid archosauromorph and the temnospondyl Eocyclotosaurus lehmani have been reported from this locality. New discoveries include a new Euparkeria-grade archosauriform and a rhynchosaur. The latter is documented by a group of three juvenile skeletons. The absence of unambiguous records of non-mammalian synapsids in the Buntsandstein is possibly related to environmental factors. The growing number of tetrapod taxa from the Buntsandstein suggests that assemblages of continental tetrapods had already recovered to a considerable extent 6-7 million years after the end-Permian extinction. 9:15am - 9:30am
Topics: 3.11 Triassic Revolution In a while it will be a crocodile: the early evolution of Crocodylomorpha in Europe Naturkunde Museum Stuttgart, Germany Crocodylomorpha, the crocodylian stem-lineage, is the only pseudosuchian clade that survived into the Jurassic. Its earliest members, the non-crocodyliform crocodylomorphs or ‘sphenosuchians’, were terrestrial and mostly small-bodied (<2 m long). A redescription of both known European ‘sphenosuchian’ taxa is provided, Terrestrisuchus gracilis from the Late Triassic (Norian-Rhaetian?) of southern Wales, and Saltoposuchus connectens from the Norian of southwestern Germany. Terrestrisuchus and Saltoposuchus can clearly be distinguished based on many character states, contrary to some previous hypotheses. A new phylogenetic analysis finds that both taxa form a clade of gracile, long-legged crocodylomorphs, identified as Saltoposuchidae, together with Litargosuchus leptorhynchus. Analysis of a µCT-scan provides a virtually complete threedimensional reconstruction of the Terrestrisuchus braincase. The quadrate only forms a small, unfused contact with the prootic, contrary to later crocodylomorphs in which the braincase is heavily fused to surrounding cranial elements. The posterior skull region is extensively pneumatised by, among others, large pre- and postcarotid recesses on the parabasisphenoid and a large pneumatic cavity within the articular of the mandible, revealing extensive braincase pneumatisation occurred early within Crocodylomorpha. Terrestrisuchus preserves an ossified basihyal and scleral ring, the latter representing the first occurrence among non-bird-line archosaurs. Based on phylogenetic flexible discriminant analysis (pFDA) of the relative dimensions of the sclerotic ring and orbit, Terrestrisuchus was likely active in a range of light levels. Histological long bone sections of both Terrestrisuchus and Saltoposuchus reveal highly vascularized fibrolamellar tissue, indicating sustained high growth rates and thus high resting metabolic rates and active lifestyles for saltoposuchids. 9:30am - 9:45am
Topics: 3.11 Triassic Revolution A new pachypleurosaur (Reptilia: Sauropterygia) from the Middle Triassic of southwestern China and its phylogenetic and biogeographic implications 1School of Resources and Environmental Engineering, Hefei University of Technology, Hefei 230009, China; 2Institute of Geosciences, University of Bonn, Bonn 53115, Germany After the devastating Permo-Triassic Mass Extinction, several new groups of large predators invaded the sea in the early part of the Triassic, including sauropterygians, ichthyosauromorphs and thalattosaurs. Among these predators, sauropterygians are the most abundant group in terms of the generic/species diversity. Here we report a new species of Pachypleurosauria (Sauropterygia: Eosauropterygia) from a recently discovered Lagerstätten in the Upper Member of Anisian Guanling Formation. The only known specimen of the new species was collected from Muta village, Luxi County, Yunnan Province, South China. Our new phylogenetic analysis based on a novel data matrix recovered the new taxon as a sister group to Dianmeisaurus. The new phylogenetic analysis also collapsed the monophyly of traditionally recgonized Eusauropterygia. Pistosauridea, Majiashanosaurus, and Hanosaurus comprise the consecutive sister groups to a new clade including Pachypleurosauria and Nothosauroidea. A monophyletic Pachypleurosauria, of which the clade consisting of Dianmeisaurus and Panzhousaurus occupy the basal-most position, is recovered by this study. The clade consisting of Dawazisaurus and Dianopachysaurus forms the sister group to remaining pachypleurosaurs included in this study. Since Dianmeisaurus, Panzhousaurus, Dawazisaurus and Dianopachysaurus are all exclusively known from South China, we suggest that pachypleurosaurs had a paleobiogeographic origin in the eastern Tethys. 9:45am - 10:00am
Topics: 3.11 Triassic Revolution The Triassic Revolution on land University of Bristol, United Kingdom The evolution of terrestrial life was as profoundly affected by the end-Permian mass extinction as life in the sea. The recovery of life in the Triassic represented much more than simply a return to pre-extinction conditions, but in fact an entirely new world was ushered in. The generalized replacement of synapsids by archosauromorph reptiles had long been recognized, together with the rise of the dinosaurs to ecological dominance and origins of many modern groups including lissamphibians, turtles, lizards, crocodilomorphs, and mammals. In addition, all the new larger tetrapods had switched from a sprawling posture before the crisis to an erect posture and parasagittal gait afterwards, and this hints at higher activity levels. This is confirmed by the more recent discovery that many of the Triassic archosauromorphs had indicators of endothermy (warm-bloodedness) in their bone histology, and that these Triassic tetrapods also had insulating dermal structures: hair in synapsids and feathers in dinosaurs, pterosaurs and their ancestors. All these indications of endothermy are debated and yet to be confirmed by further study, but they suggest an overall increase of energy in ecosystems, a general speeding up of life as competition and predation increased. Also, it means that these tetrapods were consuming more energy than their Permian forebears. In many ways, these discoveries suggest a macroevolutionary model equivalent to the Mesozoic Marine Revolution, in which Mesozoic marine life was more active and more meaty than much if Palaeozoic marine life. |
8:30am - 10:00am | 3.24 Shaping divergent plate boundaries and associated georesources through tectonic, magmatic and hydrothermal processes Location: Wiwi 105 Session Chair: Anne Glerum, GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences, Potsdam, Germany Session Chair: Marta Perez-Gussinye, MARUM/Bremen Universität |
8:45am - 9:00am
Topics: 3.24 Shaping divergent plate boundaries and associated georesources through tectonic, magmatic and hydrothermal processes Geodynamic modelling of the Wilson-cycle: investigating the interplay of structural and thermal inheritance 1Helmholtz Centre Potsdam – GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences, Potsdam, Germany; 2RWTH Aachen University, Tectonics and Geodynamics, Aachen, Germany; 3Geological Survey of Norway, Trondheim, Norway Many rifted margins are thought to have formed in areas that have previously experienced subduction and orogenesis. Yet, our understanding of how structural and thermal inheritance from preceding convergence affects rifting is still incomplete. We use 2D thermo-mechanical numerical models to investigate how the size of a collisional orogen affects the style of subsequent continental rifting. Our models build an orogen through subduction and collision before the onset of rifting. We focus on the deformation style of the resulting rifted margins and the degree in which inheritance is utilized. We find that the style of extension changes with the size of the orogen. A narrow orogen produces a narrow margin on the side of the overriding plate with core-complex-style reactivation of the subduction interface while a large amount of oceanic material is preserved in the conjugate margin. In contrast, wide orogens localize rifting away from the subduction interface: the subduction interface is temporarily reactivated, but deformation quickly shifts to the thick orogenic assembly resulting in wide rifted margins. Ductile deformation in the lower crust promotes localization of simultaneously active conjugate shear-zones in the brittle crust above. Rifting in these experiments occurs within the subducting plate. Our results demonstrate a wide range of features that can form in the presence of inherited compressional structures and emphasise the importance of taking the deformation history into account when trying to understand the evolution of continental rifting. 9:00am - 9:15am
Topics: 3.24 Shaping divergent plate boundaries and associated georesources through tectonic, magmatic and hydrothermal processes Inherited structures and their impact on rift evolution: A numerical study of the South China Sea 1The Helmholtz Centre Potsdam GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences, Germany; 2Institute of Geological Sciences, Freie Universität Berlin, Berlin, Germany; 3Institute of Geosciences, University of Potsdam, Potsdam-Golm, Germany; 4Department of Earth Sciences, ETH Zürich, Zurich, Switzerland; 5CY Cergy Paris Université, GEC, 95000 Neuville sur Oise, France The South China Sea experienced Cenozoic rifting in a region that was previously part of a Mesozoic Andean-type orogeny, which presumably had resulted in structural, compositional, and thermal inheritance. Recent studies using seismic profiles, drill cores, and geochronological analysis have revealed evidence for such heterogeneous pre-rift lithosphere in the South China Sea (Fan et al., 2017). Here, we further investigate the impact of orogenic inheritance on rift evolution using a numerical forward model that integrates both geodynamic and landscape evolution software (Neuharth et al., 2022). By varying our velocity boundary conditions over time, the model encompasses first continental collision, followed by post-orogenic collapse, continental rifting, and final lithospheric breakup. The model is constrained by observed crustal thicknesses, cooling history, and lithosphere-asthenosphere boundary depth, and successfully reproduces realistic orogenic topography, thrust fault distribution, and rifted margin of the SCS.We find that during orogeny, crustal thickening leads to the development of inherited weaknesses in the modelled crust. From orogenic collapse to continental rifting, pre-existing thrust faults are reactivated and serve as nucleation sites for normal faults, which interact with later rift-related normal faults to modify the regional stress field. The modeling results demonstrate that pre-existing thrust faults and a ductile lower crust play a crucial role in shaping the wide rifted margin of the SCS. We infer from our results that the location of crustal breakup is often influenced by these inherited structures. These regions have typically undergone thermal weakening, which further facilitates the process of crustal breakup during rifting. 9:15am - 9:30am
Topics: 3.24 Shaping divergent plate boundaries and associated georesources through tectonic, magmatic and hydrothermal processes Geodynamic controls on sediment-hosted metal deposits in continental rifts 1GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences, Potsdam, Germany, Germany; 2University of Potsdam, Potsdam, Germany; 3Freie Universität, Berlin, Germany Many large sediment-hosted clastic-dominated (CD) base metal deposits occur in failed continental rifts and the passive margins of successful rifts, e.g., in the MacArthur Basin, Australia, and in the Selwyn Basin in Canada. Continental rifts and their margins provide a specific mix of higher temperatures and heat flows, fault networks facilitating fluid flow, sediment input from the generated topography, and ocean water contributing pelagic sediments and sulfates. The large-scale geodynamics thus provide the necessary ingredients for metal leaching, with metal deposition then occurring on much smaller spatial and temporal scales. To identify the specific geodynamic conditions conducive to large CD-type deposit formation, we numerically model 2D rift systems from inception to break-up with the geodynamic code ASPECT (Heister et al. 2017) coupled to the landscape evolution model FastScape (Braun and Willett 2013; Neuharth et al. 2022). With high-resolution (~300 m) simulations, we investigate how rift type (e.g., wide versus narrow), the presence of a craton, and the efficiency of erosional and depositional processes affect the formation of potential source and host rock domains. We subsequently analyse the optimal alignment of these regions where metals are leached and deposited, respectively, with faulting events providing fluid pathways between them. For these favorable co-occurrences, we estimate the potential size of metal deposits and identify those conditions that predict the largest deposits. Braun and Willett. 2013. Geomorphology 180–181. 10.1016/j.geomorph.2012.10.008. Heister et al. 2017. Geophys. J. Int. 210 (2): 833–51. 10.1093/gji/ggx195. Neuharth et al. 2022. Tectonics 41 (3): e2021TC007166. 10.1029/2021TC007166. 9:30am - 9:45am
Topics: 3.24 Shaping divergent plate boundaries and associated georesources through tectonic, magmatic and hydrothermal processes Spatio-temporal Dynamics of Hydrothermal Circulation over 10 million years of Ultraslow- Rifting and Spreading MARUM/Bremen Universität, Germany Present spatiotemporal variations of hydrothermal fluxes in the modern and recent ocean provide an observational snapshot of the dynamic interaction between the tectonics of ocean basins and submarine hydrothermal systems. In order to support the understanding of feedbacks between tectonics and the life cycle of hydrothermal systems, we discuss the mechanical, fluid flow and heat flux patterns in a coupled ThermoHydroMechanical model at the ocean basin scale. The case study is an ultra-slow spreading basin, evolving from the initial rifting stages up to the ridge formation. Heat release by plastic deformation at fractures and faults, exothermic serpentinization reactions, sensible and latent crystallization heat from magmatic emplacement and radiogenic heat provide different energy-source signatures promoting hydrothermal activity. The large basin-scale domain allows us to navigate through the evolution of the modelled concurrent hydrothermal systems, emerging and decaying in consonance with the tectonics and the energy-sources. We discuss how the evolving permeability field in crust and sediments exerts a strong control on the hydrothermal circulation, and describe the dynamics of reorganization patterns in fluid flow in response to the mechanical strains and heat sources. 9:45am - 10:00am
Topics: 3.24 Shaping divergent plate boundaries and associated georesources through tectonic, magmatic and hydrothermal processes Quantitative analysis of normal fault network evolution 1Geodynamic Modelling Section, GFZ Potsdam, Germany; 2Institute of Geosciences, University of Potsdam, Germany; 3Department of Earth Sciences, ETH Zürich, Switzerland; 4Department of Earth and Environmental Science, New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology, Socorro, NM, USA Understanding how normal fault networks initiate and evolve is important for quantifying plate boundary deformation, assessing seismic hazard and finding natural resources. State-of-the-art numerical forward models treat faults as finite-width shear zones, not as discrete entities. To better understand fault system dynamics over geological scales, we develop workflows to isolate individual faults and their role in shaping the fault network. We present 3D numerical rift models of moderately oblique extension using the ASPECT software. These models reproduce the thermo-mechanical behavior of Earth's lithosphere and simulate fault system dynamics from inception to breakup accounting for visco-plastic rheology, strain softening and surface processes. We extract surficial fault systems as a hierarchical, time-dependent 2D network of nodes, edges and components representing individual faults. We find that the initial fault network forms through rapid fault growth and linkage, followed by competition between neighboring faults that leads to their coalescence into a stable network. At this point, modelled normal faults continue to accumulate displacement but do not grow any longer. As deformation localizes towards the center of the rift, the initial border faults shrink and disintegrate, being replaced by new faults in the center of the rift. The longevity of faulting is thereby controlled by crustal rheology and surface process efficiency. Quantitative analysis of fault evolution allows us to deduce fault growth and linkage as well as fault tip retreat and disintegration in unprecedented detail. |
8:30am - 10:00am | 4.02-1 Within and Beyond - Research infrastructures that strengthen Open Science Practices in Geosciences Location: Wiwi 107 Session Chair: Andrea Pörsch, Helmholtz Metadata Collaboration (HMC) at GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences, Potsdam, Germany Session Chair: Kirsten Elger, GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences |
8:30am - 9:00am
Invited Session Keynote Topics: 4.02 Within and Beyond - Research infrastructures that strengthen Open Science Practices in Geosciences Data Management for the App UmweltNAVI of the Federal State of Lower Saxony in Germany wemove digital solutions GmbH, Germany The App UmweltNAVI Niedersachsen (see the poster in session "4.10" or https://umwelt-navi.info/) communicates geospatial data to a broad user community of education, individuals or experts. In order to adequately present the data in a mobile context, the data must be harmonized, transformed, and combined with other sources. To achieve this, an infrastructure was created that allows editors to integrate data sources and enrich them with information. For example, Web Feature Services, ESRI Shapefiles, SensorThings APIs (STA) are under the data sources. A GUI-guided transformation process enables the mapping of raw data to the harmonized data schema. For the presentation, complex data is simplified, data reconciliation with additional data sources (i.e. Wikipedia or Observation.org) is performed, and the resulting data is stored in a scalable backend. Currently, the database contains 1.8 million records from 57 regional and national data sources and 178,000 images. 9:15am - 9:30am
Topics: 4.02 Within and Beyond - Research infrastructures that strengthen Open Science Practices in Geosciences Heatflow.world: an online application for disseminating the Global Heat Flow Database to the international heat flow community 1GFZ, German Research Centre for Geosciences, Potsdam, Germany; 2Technical University Dresden, Dresden, Germany The Global Heat Flow Database serves as a valuable resource for researchers studying Earth's thermal regime. However, accessing and analyzing this vast collection of geothermal data is presently challenging and limits its widespread utilization. To address this, we present a new online application to the international heat flow community, facilitating seamless discovery, access and analysis of the data. Developed within the DFG-funded World Heat Flow Database Project, it complements the evaluation of existing data and development of a new, collaborative metadata schema for heat flow data. Our application offers an intuitive interface, allowing researchers to efficiently search, retrieve, and visualize heat flow measurements worldwide. It supports advanced search functionalities that enable users to filter data based on geographical locations, geological parameters, measurement techniques, etc. Integration of powerful data visualization tools allow users to generate maps, plots, and graphs for visual exploration and interpretation. Furthermore, the application incorporates domain relevant statistical analysis functionalities, empowering researchers to perform trend analyses and other statistical assessments directly within the platform. Our application also aims to foster collaboration within the international heat flow community. We incorporate features such as user profiles, discussion forums, and the ability to contribute new data or review existing records. Overall, we hope to bridge the gap between heat flow specialists and valuable geothermal data by providing an innovative and inclusive platform. We believe this tool will significantly enhance scientific investigations into the Earth's thermal regime and serve as a catalyst for further breakthroughs in the understanding of geothermal processes. 9:30am - 9:45am
Topics: 4.02 Within and Beyond - Research infrastructures that strengthen Open Science Practices in Geosciences Seafloor geology and the European EMODnet data infrastructure: The challenge of integrating off-shore data across EEZ boundaries Bundesanstalt für Geowissenschaften und Rohstoffe (BGR), Germany Within the EMODnet Geology project BGR is leading the Workpackage Seafloor geology with the aim to compile and harmonise data of the pre-Quaternary and Quaternary off-shore geology and geomorphology of the European Seas, and finally publish the results according to FAIR data principles. The data are assembled from 36 EMODnet Geology partner organisations and derived mostly from geophysical surveys (e.g. echo soundings) and sampling (e.g. drilling or dredging). Major challenges pose the heterogeneity of the provided data regarding terminology, geometry, level of detail, age of datasets and technical conditions:
In order to ensure data interoperability and create the maps layers in a largely harmonized, unified manner, the project requires common standards e.g.
This presentation will demonstrate the methodological approach to collate and combine data, information and knowledge from over 30 international partners and the challenge to develop, integrate and publish largely harmonized map layers of the off-shore geology of Europe and beyond. 9:45am - 10:00am
Topics: 4.02 Within and Beyond - Research infrastructures that strengthen Open Science Practices in Geosciences Description of scientific metadata at the Federal Waterways Engineering and Research Institute (BAW) Federal Waterways Engineering and Research Institute (BAW), Germany The Federal Waterways Engineering and Research Institute acts as a consultant for and supports the Federal Ministry of Digital and Transport (BMDV) and the Federal Waterways and Shipping Administration (WSV) in navigation-related water engineering tasks. It creates and uses large volumes of scientific data like digital elevation models, simulation results, monitoring data, etc. as part of these activities. The description of this data with metadata is an essential prerequisite for its long-term storage, publication, retrieval and reuse. The requirements for metadata management were implemented with the INGRID software. INGRID offers various interfaces for capturing and processing metadata. It behaves format-agnostic, so different metadata formats can be processed. The requirements for metadata processing at BAW are quite extensive and differ from the possibilities of usual geodata portals. As a result, custom fields and data classes have been defined in the metadata model. The ISO19139 metadata is used for transferring metadata to external geodata portals. A DOI data record can be generated from the metadata, which can in perspective also be registered automatically at datacite.org. To ensure the description of simulation results with metadata, the delivery of metadata together with data is firmly established in the workflows for data archival and publication. The presentation describes the requirements for metadata processing, the basic structure of the application, and discusses the life cycle of metadata. |
10:00am | Ausstellung Geoparke Location: Wiwi 102 |
10:00am - 10:30am | Coffee Break Location: Foyer (Henry Ford Building) |
10:30am - 12:00pm | Plenary Discussion: Wie trifft uns die Klimakrise? Location: Audimax Session Chair: Anne Bernhardt, FU Berlin Die Auswirkungen des Klimawandels sind allgegenwärtig: Gletscherschwund, Meeresspiegelanstieg, häufigere tropische Wirbelstürme, Überschwemmungen, aber auch Dürren und immer höhere Hitzerekorde. Damit verbunden sind massive Folgen für Gesellschaft und Wirtschaft, überall auf der Welt. In dieser Diskussionsrunde sprechen Wissenschaftler*innen und Aktivist*innen über die größten Herausforderungen, vor die uns die Klimakrise stellt. Wie unterscheiden sich kurzfristige und langfristige Folgen?
Welche potenziellen Lösungswege müssen wir nun einschlagen und welche Chancen bringen diese für unsere Gesellschaft mit? |
12:00pm - 1:30pm | Lunch Break | Exhibition Location: Foyer (Henry Ford Building) |
12:00pm - 1:30pm | FS Sedimentologie Treffen Location: Konferenzraum II HFB Session Chair: Thomas Mann, Bundesanstalt für Geowissenschaften und Rohstoffe (BGR) |
1:30pm - 2:00pm | Opening Ceremony Location: Audimax Session Chair: Esther Martina Schwarzenbach, University of Fribourg Session Chair: Dirk Scherler, GFZ Potsdam / Freie Universität Berlin Introduction and opening by the organising committee of GeoBerlin2023, followed by opening speeched by Prof. Günter Ziegler, FU President Prof. Martin Meschede, President DGGV Prof. Ralph Watzel, President BGR |
2:00pm - 3:00pm | Plenary Lecture by Isabel Montanez "Advances in reconstructing paleo-CO2 and ecosystem-climate-CO2 feedbacks through time" Location: Audimax Session Chair: Esther Martina Schwarzenbach, University of Fribourg |
Topics: Plenary Talk
Advances in reconstructing paleo-CO2 and ecosystem-climate-CO2 feedbacks through time University of California, Davis, United States of America Paleo-CO2 reconstructions are integral to understanding the evolution of Earth system processes and their interactions given that atmospheric CO2 concentrations are intrinsically linked to planetary function. Furthermore, past periods of major climate change provide unique insights into the response of land-atmosphere-ocean interactions to warming induced climate change, in particular for times of pCO2 comparable to those projected for our future. How well the past can inform the future, however, depends on how well paleo-CO2 estimates are constrained. In this talk, I will first discuss approaches to reconstructing paleo-CO2 concentrations, the challenges of constraining the uncertainty of these estimates, and the implications for constraining critical issues such as climate sensitivity. I will introduce a new community initiative, CO2PIP, focused on advancing the reconstruction of paleo-CO2 through modernizing of existing records and quantifying the representation of CO2 proxy sensitivities to environmental and ecophysiological conditions and processes that govern the CO2 signals. I will then focus on a deep-time glaciated period (the late Paleozoic Ice Age), characterized by pCO2 fluctuations within the range of Quaternary levels to those projected by socio-economic emission scenarios of this century, as well as defined by CO2-driven abrupt warmings that led to major changes in environmental conditions in the oceans and on land. An integrated multi-proxy data-modeling approach to investigating this deep-time icehouse provides a framework to evaluate the mechanistic linkages between processes and to conceptualize the collective data set. It further reveals the underlying processes linking pCO2 and environmental changes and documents the sensitivity of Earth System modeled atmospheric and oceanic circulation to changing pCO2. Application of paleo-CO2 and fossil plant morphologic and biogeochemical data to process-based ecosystem modeling documents physiological responses to CO2 and suggests ecosystem-scale vegetation-climate-CO2 feedbacks that would have influenced water cycling, surface runoff and weatherability, and led to major changes in organic carbon burial, and in turn atmospheric pCO2. |
3:00pm - 3:30pm | Coffee Break Location: Foyer (Henry Ford Building) |
3:30pm - 4:30pm | 30-Geotope³-Projektes Location: Wiwi 103 Erlebniswelt Geoparks & Geotope Präsentation spannender und beeindruckender geologischer Orte in Deutschland in einer Gemeinschaftsausstellung der Arbeitsgemeinschaft der Geoparks in Deutschland (AdG) und des Projektes 30 Geotope3 der DGGV. Gezeigt werden ganz unterschiedliche Methoden geologischer Erlebniswirkung: moderne fotorealistisch-dreidimensionale Geländeaufnahmen am Beispiel von 30 geologischen Objekten, geotouristische Angebote und Projekte der Geoparks, Ansätze für spielerisch-digitale Geotopwelten, Geoparks als außerschulische Lernorte mit BNE-Schwerpunkt sowie erdgeschichtliche Erlebniswelten im Film oder Podcast. |
3:30pm - 5:00pm | 3.03-2 Advances in paleoclimate proxy development and application Location: Hall A (HFB) Session Chair: Amelia Jane Davies, Goethe University Frankfurt Session Chair: David Bajnai, University of Göttingen |
3:30pm - 4:00pm
Invited Session Keynote Topics: 3.03 Advances in paleoclimate proxy development and application Continental or oceanic weathering processes – What controlled the Late Cretaceous lithium cycle? 1Institute of Geosciences, Goethe University Frankfurt, Altenhöferallee 1, 60438 Frankfurt am Main, Germany; 2Frankfurt Isotope and Element Research Center (FIERCE), Goethe University Frankfurt, 60438 Frankfurt am Main, Germany The lithium isotopic composition (δ7Li) of marine carbonates is known as a proxy for the chemical weathering intensity of silicate rocks. To evaluate the role of weathering as a sink for atmospheric CO2 during the Late Cretaceous, we generated a 20 Ma δ7Li record (86.3–66.0 Ma) using chalk from Northern Germany as an archive. The late Santonian to Maastrichtian record shows an overall increase of ~4.5‰ with superimposed increases in the late Santonian, early Campanian and across the Campanian–Maastrichtian transition. The overall increase in δ7Li fits with the Late Cretaceous increase in seawater 87Sr/86Sr. Further, the δ7Li record strongly resembles both the evolution of deep-sea temperatures based on benthic oxygen isotopes and modeled changes in the rate of seafloor spreading. Thereby, increases of δ7Li in the early Campanian and across the Campanian–Maastrichtian transition correspond to major sea level falls, and the latter with a negative δ13C excursion. These coherences allow three interpretative approaches: (1) Climate cooling controlled the weathering congruency and the magnitude of Li isotope fractionation by clay mineral formation on the continents. (2) Lowland exposure promoted erosion together with enhanced soil and clay formation after sea level falls. (3) A temperature-dependent fractionation during low-temperature basalt alteration affected the seawater δ7Li signal in a time, when more fresh oceanic basalts where available due to higher spreading rates. The best possible interpretation for the Late Cretaceous δ7Li record and the often-neglected aspects of basalt alteration and reverse weathering need to be further assessed and discussed. 4:00pm - 4:15pm
Topics: 3.03 Advances in paleoclimate proxy development and application Lithium isotope compositions of various biogenic carbonates throughout the mid-Cretaceous – Challenges of reconstructing δ7LiSW in deep time 1Goethe University Frankfurt, Institute for Geosciences, Altenhöferallee 1, 60438 Frankfurt (Germany); 2FIERCE - Frankfurt Isotope & Element Research Center, Altenhöferallee 1, 60438 Frankfurt, Germany; 3Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Institute for Geology, Mineralogy and Geophysics, Universitätsstraße 150, 44801 Bochum (Germany); 4Leibniz University Hannover, Institute of Geology, Callinstraße 30, 30167 Hannover (Germany); 5Università degli Studi di Milano, Dipartimento di Scienze della Terra Ardito Desio, Via Mangiagalli 34, 0039 02 Milan (Italy) The evolution of the seawater Lithium isotope composition (δ7LiSW) depends on the prevalent weathering regime. To reconstruct δ7LiSW, and thus, weathering congruency, two main archives are widely used: calcareous fossils and bulk carbonate sediments. Either of these archives has its strong and weak points. While carbonate sediments are prone to diagenesis and clay contamination, biogenic skeletons may exhibit strong vital effects on δ7LiSW. Here, we present δ7LiSW data for the mid-Cretaceous derived from various biogenic carbonates such as bivalves (mainly rudists), cephalopods, and brachiopods from well-known sample sites across Europe. Additionally, we assessed the extent of taxon-specific vital effects on δ7Li for well-preserved Albian molluscs from Madagascar (Mahajanga Basin, age 110.5 +/-0.5Ma) and compared them with data for modern taxonomic groups. Our most complete data set derives from rudist shells (mainly requieniid rudists) from the mid-Barremian to early Aptian sample locations of Sausset (Urgonian Limestone Formation, France), Ericeira (Crismina Formation, Portugal), Kanfanar (Kanfanar unit, Croatia), and Miravete (Villarova de los Pinares Formation, Spain). We compare their δ7Li compositions and trends therein with that of cotemporaneous carbonate-rich sediments. We provide preliminary δ7LiSW for several time intervals which range between 22-25‰ on average with values exceeding 30‰ in the late Barremian. Relative to published bulk carbonate data, we observe a systematic offset for rudist-shell δ7Li values of 3-8‰ towards heavier values. We assign this offset to vital effects similar to those known for modern calcitic molluscs. 4:15pm - 4:30pm
Topics: 3.03 Advances in paleoclimate proxy development and application Temporal and spatial distribution of modern ostracod species of Lago Enriquillo (SW Dominican Republic) 1University Greifswald, Germany; 2Geochemistry & Isotope Biogeochemistry, Leibniz IOW, Germany; 3Interdisciplinary Faculty, University of Rostock, Germany,; 4Servicio Geológico Nacional, Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic Understanding modern species´ ecological preferences and distribution are prerequisites for their application as proxies in paleoenvironmental reconstructions. This knowledge is, however, missing for the majority of tropical species. In order to contribute to close this gap we characterize the ostracod fauna of Lago Enriquillo in the Dominican Republic. Located in the Main Development Region of North Atlantic tropical storms it has experienced rapid water level fluctuations in the past that are assumed to be related to storm activities. This highlights the relevance of the lake for reconstructions of changes in precipitation and storm activity. Living ostracods inhabiting Lago Enriquillo were analyzed in March and September (dry and rainy season) 2022 with the aim to understand their temporal and spatial distribution and changes in morphological characteristics (valve size). Lago Enriquillo is a warm (27.8-33.8°C), mesohaline (43.7-46.3 psu) and generally slightly alkaline lake (pH: 7.5-8.1) with a max. water depth of 25 m. The spatially variable ostracod fauna is composed of Cyprideis similis, Perissocytheridea cribrosa and Thalassocypria sarbui. The three species reflect the lake’s seasonality differently in terms of their morphology and population structure. C. similis occurred continuously but is smaller in spring than in autumn. P. cribrosa inhabits the lake only in autumn and shows a distinct distribution dominating littoral areas with seasonal freshwater inflow. T. sarbui forms larger populations only in spring and forms only tentative size clusters. Their occurrence is restricted to water depths above (temporary) minima of oxygen (below 10 – 14 m). 4:30pm - 4:45pm
Topics: 3.03 Advances in paleoclimate proxy development and application High resolution study of Glycymeris sp. shells from high energy event layers of the Cadiz Bay – a sclerochronological record for the onset of the Dark Ages Period Research Centre for Astronomy and Earth Sciences, Budapest, Hungary Driving factors of shell growth of sub-fossil Glycymeris nummaria shells deposited by high energy events into layers at the Atlantic coast of the Iberian Peninsula were investigated by stable isotope analysis and analysing their growth patterns. High energy events deposited layers of cockles along the coast of Cádiz Bay during the Roman Period (313 ± 114 AD) and the Dark Ages (648 ± 108 AD) (Gutiérrez-Mas, 2011). The climate fluctuation of the region between these two periods was largely investigated by analysing sediment cores from the pro-deltas on the Iberian margin (e.g. Bartels-Jónsdóttir et al., 2015), Glycymeris shells, however can provide seasonal data of temperature change and the seasonality in chemical characteristics of the marine ecosystems. Comparing the paleotemperature data reconstructed from oxygen isotope ratios of seasonally sampled shell carbonate indicates no significant cooling for the ‘Dark Ages Cold Period’ (DACP) for the Cádiz Bay. The seasonality of carbon isotope ratios however showed distinct changes between the Roman Period and the DACP. Seasonal maxima of δ13C values were twice as higher during the DACP which indicates seasonally intensified biological fractionation connected to enhanced primary productivity. This agrees with other studies implying intensified coastal upwelling during the DACP along the Iberian Peninsula, while they observe no significant cooling of the sea surface (Bartels-Jónsdottir et al. 2015). This case study adds to the growing number of evidence that the DACP can not be interpreted as a Europe-wide cooling event as it affected southern regions differently. 4:45pm - 5:00pm
Topics: 3.03 Advances in paleoclimate proxy development and application Triple oxygen isotope measurements of air CO2 around Göttingen University of Göttingen, Germany The triple oxygen isotope composition (δ18O and ∆’17O) of atmospheric CO2 provides valuable information about CO2 sources and carbon exchange fluxes between atmospheric reservoirs [1-2]. For example, stratospheric CO2 has a large positive 17O-anomaly due to photochemical processes. The ∆’17O of tropospheric CO2 is primarily influenced by carbonic anhydrase-catalyzed oxygen isotope exchange between air CO2 and water in vegetation, resulting in an air CO2 ∆’17O mainly governed by the isotope composition of local meteoric water. Additionally, CO2 from fossil fuel combustion processes shows a negative 17O-anomaly inherited from the isotope composition of atmospheric O2 [3]. Starting in April 2023, we conducted automated triple oxygen isotope measurements of air CO2 in Göttingen using tunable infrared laser direct absorption spectroscopy (TILDAS; Aerodyne, USA) coupled with a custom-built inlet system. The internal error of the ∆’17O measurements was < 10 ppm and of the δ18Omeasurements < 0.01‰. In this report, we present our initial results and discuss the contribution of various reservoirs to the ∆’17O of atmospheric CO2 in Göttingen. We also examine daily and seasonal variations observed in our data. [1] G. Koren et al., J. Geophys. Res. Atmos. 124, 8808–8836 (2019). [2] M. E. G. Hofmann et al., Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta. 199, 143–163 (2017). [3] B. Horváth, M. E. G. Hofmann, A. Pack, Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta. 95, 160–168 (2012). |
3:30pm - 5:00pm | 3.20-2 Metamorphism and Deformation across scales Location: Hall B (HFB) Session Chair: Vasiliki Mouslopoulou, National Observatory of Athens Session Chair: Marcel Thielmann, Universität Bayreuth Session Chair: Gareth James Crutchley, GEOMAR Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel |
3:30pm - 4:00pm
Invited Session Keynote Topics: 3.20 Multiscale Investigations of Convergent Margins: Unraveling Subduction Dynamics from Kinematic Transitions to Metamorphic Reactions Subduction and collisional orogenesis: comparison of model predictions and observations with application to the Alpine orogeny and Tibetan plateau University of Lausanne, Switzerland The Alps are one of the best studied orogens, but arguably also one of the most disputed ones. Several major geodynamic processes remain unclear, such as the mechanism of (U)HP rock exhumation, for example exhumation during plate divergence or syn-convergent exhumation, or the mechanism of subduction initiation, for example vertically forced initiation by gravitational sinking or horizontally forced initiation due to plate convergence. The Tibetan plateau is currently the highest continental plateau and its first-order geometry is well constrained. Spatial variations in topography and crustal thickness can be used to estimate horizontal forces per unit length from spatial variations in gravitational potential energy per unit area. Knowledge of forces and stresses is essential to understand geodynamic processes. However, maximal magnitudes of differential stresses occuring locally within the crust remain disputed and range from ca. 10 MPa to several hundreds of MPa. Deterministic mathematical modelling based on the fundamental laws of physics is one method to test different geodynamic hypotheses and quantify potential stress magnitudes. Here, we employ 2D petrological-thermo-mechanical numerical simulations to the Alpine orogeny to test the two hypotheses of horizontally forced subduction initiation and syn-convergent exhumation with a single simulation and with petrological and geochronological data. We use 3D mechanical numerical calculations for the Tibetan plateau, to quantify the impact of (i) a realistic double curvature of the Earth’s crust, (ii) the effective viscosity of the crust, (iii) the stress exponent of a power-law flow law and (iv) the plateau’s corner regions on the 3D crustal stress field. 4:00pm - 4:15pm
Topics: 3.20 Multiscale Investigations of Convergent Margins: Unraveling Subduction Dynamics from Kinematic Transitions to Metamorphic Reactions Rocks under stress: How dramatic the effect of stress on metamorphic reactions really is? Heidelberg university, Germany Recent decades have been connected with an impressively accelerating pace in the development and availability of new analytical techniques to earth scientists. Interestingly, the smaller the scale considered, the more heterogeneous an apparently uniform rock sample is. This heterogeneity is not only characterized by variation in chemical composition but also in mechanical properties. The mechanical effects may influence element transport and mineral assemblage in rocks which can, in turn, significantly control the mechanical-chemical coupling rates and mechanisms of various processes in the Earth’s interior. Considering the interplay of metamorphic reaction and mechanical properties in our quantification approaches is critical for correct interpretation of observations in metamorphic rocks. In my contribution, I will show major applications of the new quantification approaches, the accompanying obstacles and the consequences for our petrological interpretations. New findings from coupled experimental and numerical studies emphasize the necessity of quantifying the stress/pressure distribution before any complex thermodynamic interpretations. In fact, any thermodynamic interpretation of a stressed system must take into account the locally-resolved state of stress during sample deformation. 4:15pm - 4:30pm
Topics: 3.20 Multiscale Investigations of Convergent Margins: Unraveling Subduction Dynamics from Kinematic Transitions to Metamorphic Reactions Combining Observations and Reactive Flow Modeling to Investigate Lower Crustal Hydration - Insights from the Hustad Igneous Complex, Western Norway Freie Universitaet Berlin, Germany The grain-scale mechanisms of hydration of mafic lower crustal rocks are investigated on chemical maps of continuous rock sections (20 x 2 cm) of partially amphibolitized samples from the Hustad Igneous Complex in the Western Gneiss Region, Norway. The Proterozoic pyroxenite body and crosscutting dolerite dike enclosed in felsic gneiss that underwent (U)-HP metamorphism show different responses to the exposure to hydrous fluids along fractures formed during late Caledonian extension and exhumation. While the dolerite reaches full amphibolitization in a cm-scale reaction halo with a dm-scale transition zone, the pyroxenite has experienced previous metamorphism and is less affected by this event. Dissolution-precipitation reactions and slightly faster grain boundary assisted flow are identified as the main mechanisms of fluid flow through the rock. Limited element mobility is documented by grain-scale compositional gradients in forming amphibole from magnesiohornblende (Si6.8, Al1.6, Mg3.0) to tschermakite (Si6.4, Al2.0, Mg2.6) at boundaries with plagioclase. Phase diagram calculations yield a P/T-window between 650 – 730°C and 0.4 – 0.6 GPa for amphibolite formation. To better understand the mechanism of hydration, a numerical model of Darcy flow coupled to amphibolitization reactions was formulated based on mass conservation and local equilibrium. The simulations suggest the observed difference in front propagation distance is controlled by the main lithologies. A simple 2D model is employed to demonstrate that the gradual transition from dolerite to amphibolite can be achieved by implementing higher permeability along grain boundaries, supported by the observation that flow along boundaries continues before individual grains are fully replaced. 4:30pm - 4:45pm
Topics: 3.20 Multiscale Investigations of Convergent Margins: Unraveling Subduction Dynamics from Kinematic Transitions to Metamorphic Reactions Monazite and zircon petrochronology of granulites and migmatites as remnants of a magmatic arc on the West Gondwana margin (Socorro Nappe, south-eastern Brazil) 1TU Bergakademie Freiberg, Germany; 2University of São Paulo, Brazil In the Southern Brasília Orogen (south-eastern Brazil), a nappe system that represents the roots of a magmatic arc records HT-UHT metamorphic conditions in lower to mid-crustal rocks. It is divided into two segments by a major shear zone, of which the northern nappe hosts the most extreme metamorphism and has been targeted for most petrochronological studies. These rocks carry insights into the stages of orogeny, as well as the first direct evidence of the paleo-active margin basement, and time-constraint (1) a metamorphism related to the magmatic arc consolidation on the active margin at 670-640 Ma and (2) an enduring UHT event related to collision and decompression at 630-590 Ma. The southern nappe (Socorro Nappe) hosts felsic and mafic granulites, and migmatites that apparently describe a less extreme pressure-temperature setting and relatively younger ages. We found distinctive patterns pertaining the inner nappe and its outward boundaries (Embu Terrane and São Roque Domain). We present new U-Th-PbC monazite data and LA-ICPMS U-Pb and Lu-Hf systematics in zircon retrieved from granulites, migmatites and paragneisses, and partial results on conventional thermobarometry and thermodynamic modelling. Our data plot within the P-T range of upper amphibolite to granulite facies and describe mostly post-peak retrograde clockwise trajectories, with lesser conditions at the nappe boundaries. Temperature, textural context and anatexis are major controls on the preservation of monazite versus zircon records. The outer nappe tends to host prominent 750 Ma-old monazite, whereas in the inner nappe such ages are scarce and most prevalent in the zircon records. |
3:30pm - 5:00pm | 1.12 Innovative concepts and sustainability with hydrogen: ... Location: Hall C (HFB) Session Chair: Chaojie Cheng, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology Session Chair: Marcel Schulz, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology Session Chair: Christoph Hilgers, Karlsruhe Institut Für Technologie - Kit |
3:30pm - 4:00pm
Invited Session Keynote Topics: 1.12 Innovative concepts and sustainability with hydrogen: from underground hydrogen storage to business concepts Geological storage of Hydrogen for Net Zero The University of Edinburgh, United Kingdom To meet the global commitments for net zero carbon emissions our energy mix must transition from fossil fuels. Hydrogen is gaining increasing recognition as a low carbon energy option to support this energy transition. Hydrogen is considered a low-carbon substitute for fossil fuels to decarbonise domestic and industrial heat, power generation and heavy-duty transport. It can also promote increased renewable energy uptake by acting as an energy store to balance supply and demand. For hydrogen to be deployed at the scales required for net zero, we will need access to large-scale geological storage. This talk will present an overview of the most recent findings from research working to establish the feasibility of storing hydrogen in underground porous reservoirs. The talk will cover the results of research into the key biological and chemical reactions between the reservoir rocks, formation fluids and injected hydrogen that could compromise the storage complex and the key flow processes that influence hydrogen migration and trapping during injection and withdrawal. It will also consider the role of hydrogen storage within an integrated energy system. 4:00pm - 4:15pm
Topics: 1.12 Innovative concepts and sustainability with hydrogen: from underground hydrogen storage to business concepts Subsidence monitoring above the gas storage cavern field Epe (North Rhine-Westphalia) with Interferometric SAR displacement time series Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT), Germany The first Hydrogen storage caverns of Germany are planned to be constructed at the salt cavern field Epe in NRW, where 114 caverns, of which more than 50 are currently used for natural gas storage, are located. Since gas filled caverns experience convergence over time and thus cause subsidence at the surface, it is important to have a monitoring concept with high spatial and temporal resolution, to predict future subsidence and potential damage to infrastructure, but also to detect unexpected subsidence quickly and assist in identifying the cause. Epe displays a complex surface deformation field, consisting of cavern convergence caused linear trends, as well as precipitation dependent seasonal and cavern pressure dependent contributions as shown in previous studies of the area. As part of the SAMUH2-Project, funded by the German Federal Ministry of Economics and Climate Protection, we are working on a monitoring concept to incorporate the already established methods of yearly levelling and GNSS measurements into our approach of using Interferometric SAR (InSAR) time series, which provide not only high spatial, but also good temporal resolution. Here, we use Sentinel-1 SAR data from 2015 to 2022, and process time series by using a joint approach of persistent scatterer (PS) and distributed scatterer (DS) techniques. Our results show good agreement of the InSAR time series with other geodetic measuring methods. We can distinguish the signals of the different source mechanisms well and can even model varying cavern convergence rates, depending on the extent of the yearly cavern depletion and filling. 4:15pm - 4:30pm
Topics: 1.12 Innovative concepts and sustainability with hydrogen: from underground hydrogen storage to business concepts Hydrogen storage in depleted gas fields – THM modelling strategy and preliminary case study results Technische Universität Darmstadt, Germany In the current global race towards achieving self-sufficiency and sustainability in meeting energy demands with net-zero emissions, hydrogen has emerged as a promising solution. However, hydrogen's volumetric energy density is lower compared to conventional energy sources, and the storage conditions (pressure and temperature) for hydrogen on the surface are expensive and technically challenging. To overcome the challenge of large-scale hydrogen storage, researchers around the world have proposed storing hydrogen in subsurface geological structures, such as salt caverns and porous reservoir rocks. While hydrogen storage in salt caverns is a more advanced concept, storing hydrogen in porous rocks such as depleted reservoirs and aquifers requires further research attention. This paper outlines a preliminary workflow for a feasibility study on the use of depleted gas reservoirs for hydrogen storage. Two different fields in Germany are used as examples to illustrate the process. One of the case study fields is still producing from the carbonates of the Zechstein Group, while the other is a decommissioned field that previously produced from unconsolidated Neogene sands. The workflow involves creating a static geological model and populating it with petrophysical parameters, followed by dynamic flow simulation for history matching. Hydrodynamical parameters for hydrogen are then introduced to simulate hypothetical storage cycles. A geomechanical model is then created incorporating the pore pressure data and material properties, to assess storage integrity, fault activity, and surface deflection in response to hydrogen filling. Overall, this workflow provides a comprehensive approach to evaluate the potential for hydrogen storage in depleted reservoirs. 4:30pm - 4:45pm
Topics: 1.12 Innovative concepts and sustainability with hydrogen: from underground hydrogen storage to business concepts Hydrogen storage in geological systems – potential for biological methanation 1Hochschule Merseburg, Germany; 2Uniper Energy, Germany In the frame of the SAMUH2 project water samples were taken at a geological pore gas storage. In the course of the abandonment of a natural gas storage, deep fluids could be recovered from a depth of 500 - 600 meters. A total of eight boreholes were sampled from injection and observation wells. The focus of the investigations was on the analysis of the chemical composition of the fluids as well as the characterization of the microbial biocoenosis and partly also their metabolic activity. Organic acids were detected in varying concentrations and compositions in both the fluid samples taken at the injection and observation wells. Organic acid concentrations ranged from 0.1 to 730 mg/L. Gen copies of Bacteria, sulfate reducers (SRB) and methanogenic archaea were detected in all fluids by qPCR. A detailed characterization of the microbial community was carried out by microbiome analysis. A diverse microbial community was detected on fermenters and methanogenic archea. Sulfate reducers, on the other hand, were identified predominantly in the observation wells. Several laboratory experiments demonstrated that the fluids of injection wells contained an active biocenosis capable of hydrogenotrophic methanogenesis. In contrast, only one observation well fluid demonstrated the activity of hydrogenotrophic methanogenic archaea. The capability of underground storage facilities for producing eco- ("green") methane is a further topic of this study. 4:45pm - 5:00pm
Topics: 1.12 Innovative concepts and sustainability with hydrogen: from underground hydrogen storage to business concepts Pore-scale study of cyclic injection and microbial activity on H2 recovery and loss mechanisms during underground H2 storage 1Department of Physics and Technology, University of Bergen, Bergen, Norway; 2Energy & Technology, NORCE Norwegian Research Centre AS, Bergen, Norway Underground H2 storage (UHS) in salt caverns, deep saline formations, and depleted oil/gas reservoirs has emerged as a reliable and safe technology for storing renewable energy and reducing carbon dioxide emissions. H2 gas, however, is one of the most important electron donors for many subsurface microorganisms. During the multiple cycles of H2 injection and withdrawal operations, a certain amount of H2 is permanently lost due to various physical, chemical, and biological mechanisms. Although research in UHS in porous media is evolving, our understanding of the impacts of cyclic loading and microbial activity on H2 recovery and loss mechanisms remains inadequate. In this study, we present recent findings from a quantitative investigation of H2 reconnection and recovery mechanisms in repeated injection-withdrawal cycles using a microfluidic pore network simulating shallow reservoir storage conditions (30 barg). Our results reveal that H2 storage capacities increase with higher injection rates, ranging between approximately 10% and 60%. Additionally, we observed the growth of a typical halophilic sulfate-reducing bacterium in the hydrogen-saturated pore network for 9 days. Significant H2 loss occurred due to microbial consumption within 2 days following injection into the microfluidic device. These results may have significant implications for hydrogen recovery and gas injectivity. Microvisual experiments provide critical observations of bubble-liquid interfacial area and reaction rate that are essential to the modeling that is needed to make long-term predictions. Our results contribute to improving the selection criteria for future storage sites, ensuring optimized and efficient H2 storage and utilization. |
3:30pm - 5:00pm | 1.28 From research to impact on people – how can geosciences be applied in development cooperation? Location: Hall D (HFB) Session Chair: Manuel Hublitz, BGR |
3:45pm - 4:00pm
Topics: 1.28 From research to impact on people – how can geosciences be applied in development cooperation? A Collaborative Approach to Sustainable Mining Governance in the Andes: Insights from BGR's MinSus Project BGR, Germany The Andean region possess a wealth of mineral resources, such as copper and lithium, which are increasingly in demand by various industries and sectors, including renewable energy, electronics, and transportation. The mining industry has the potential to contribute significantly to its growth and social development, desirably in line with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the UN Agenda 2030. At the same time, the sector also creates complex socio-economic and environmental challenges in the region. 4:00pm - 4:15pm
Topics: 1.28 From research to impact on people – how can geosciences be applied in development cooperation? Well measured environmental interventions Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt (PTB), Germany For 60 years, Germany’s National Metrology Institute Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt (PTB) has been promoting the improvement of metrology systems and quality infrastructure within its partner countries in the Global South. Metrology and quality infrastructure are fundamental for the reliable measurement of all environmental parameters. Thus, geoscientific research heavily relies on them as a basis for comparable and accurate data. Quality infrastructure includes metrology, standardization, testing, quality management, certification, and accreditation. PTB endeavours to strengthen all these components in its technical cooperation projects. For example, PTB works with its partner institutions in the Global South on the adaptation and development of environmental standards. These include, among others, standards concerning soil and water quality. Furthermore, PTB supports the process of accreditation of analytical test laboratories to increase credibility of environmental data on water, air, and soil. In the presentation, the components of quality infrastructure and their importance for geosciences will be introduced. Highlights from PTB projects in India and Guatemala will showcase success stories of improved quality infrastructure in the context of international cooperation for geoscientific applications. 4:15pm - 4:30pm
Topics: 1.28 From research to impact on people – how can geosciences be applied in development cooperation? Chances and challenges of digitization in the mineral resources management in developing countries, examples from Mongolia 1BGR, Germany; 2German-Mongolian Cooperation Project "Advisory Services for Sustainable Mineral Resources in Mongolia"; 3Spehs GbR Mongolia is a sparsely populated, resource-rich country with a wide range of different mineral deposits and mining activities in size and quality of operation, distributed over a vast area of the territory. The wealth of mineral resources already being mined or developed for future exploitation, provide the country with a huge opportunity for its economic progress but also present challenges for a sustainable and effective state management of the mining sector. Since the political change in Germany and Mongolia in the 1990s, the BGR (Federal Institute for Geosciences and Natural Resources) has carried out various projects within the framework of the German-Mongolian development cooperation, together with different Mongolian government institutions responsible for the mineral resources sector. To support a transparent and efficient governance of a responsible and sustainable mining sector, the BGR-projects focused mainly on capacity development and elaboration of professional information and data at the geology and mining authorities. In recent years, the focus has been increasingly on supporting digital transformation processes in connection with more efficient mining inspection and supervision works, digital mining cadastre, the digital management of geological maps, as well as enhancing the digital data exchange between institutions. These digital instruments support a more transparent and efficient state management of the mining sector and, during the Covid-pandemic, enabled the continuation of administrative processes (licensing, permits, reporting). Yet, the continuous need for further refinement and maintenance of these digital systems presents a challenge for human and financial capacities of state authorities in developing countries 4:30pm - 4:45pm
Topics: 1.28 From research to impact on people – how can geosciences be applied in development cooperation? GEOTHERMAL DEVELOPMENT AND SOCIAL VULNERABILITY CASE EXPERIENCE NAMASIGUE, HONDURAS 1EMPRESA NACIONAL DE ENERIGIA ELECTRICA, Honduras; 2SECRETARIA DE ENERGIA Honduras, located in Central America at the convergence of the North American tectonic plate with the Caribbean plate in the northwestern part and the Cocos plate with the Caribbean plate in the southern part, has geothermal potential not only related to power production but also for direct use application. A special strategic approach in the Central America is the geoscientific exploration of the over 1500 hot springs in the region. Only in Honduras, there are over 200 hot springs identified, from which over 40% have a superficial temperature of over 50°C and over 10% have temperatures of even more then 80°C. This abstract presents the case of geochemical investigation in in Namasigüe and El Triunfo districts, located near the border to Nicaragua, in order to proceed in the identification of a deep geothermal reservoir but also identify the opportunity to delineate the potential of geothermal direct use for the community. Important elements of the geoscientific exploration in this socially conflictive area is the preparation of geoscientific information to raise awareness regarding the thermal waters among the local community but also to enhance the acceptance for the geothermal exploration taken out by the National Electric Power Company (ENEE). The activities are part of Yacimientos II project, implemented by the Federal Institute for Geosciences and Natural Resources (BGR) from Germany and are supported by the National Secretary of Energy (SEN), who has an operative involvement with local communication concepts to prepare geoscientific findings for the community. 4:45pm - 5:00pm
Topics: 1.28 From research to impact on people – how can geosciences be applied in development cooperation? Protection of a shallow karst aquifer in Zambia - Approach and challenges Bundesanstalt für Geowissenschaften und Rohstoffe, Germany BGR and the Zambian government jointly develop and protect the groundwater resources in the country’s capital Lusaka. As one of the fastest growing cities in southern Africa, Lusaka has been facing a sharp increase in the demand for water in recent years. Sustainable abstraction of groundwater and the protection of the vulnerable karst aquifer supplying Lusaka are two key elements for future urban planning in the face of population growth, annual outbreaks of waterborne diseases and climate change. Geoscientific experts have to ensure that decisions are based on scientific results and technical recommendations and that the importance of protecting the natural resource is being communicated as a priority to the government, industries and society. Potential new well fields were identified and one objective of the BGR project is the delineation of groundwater protection zones as a case study for Zambia. The development of statutory instruments to make groundwater protection an integral part of the Zambian law secures the resources for the future. The delineation of the zones is based on the approach from Botswana, as the various Western approaches cannot simply be transferred to southern Africa as soil structure, geology, climate and urban areas are often drastically different. Protecting a karst aquifer with a thin soil cover is scientifically challenging. The population growth and limited urban planning structures combined with insufficient data increase the risk of groundwater contamination in Lusaka. A high level of cooperation between geoscientists, decision-makers, environmental regulators and the society is required to face the various challenges. |
3:30pm - 5:00pm | 1.17-2 Marine mineral deposits: Formation, exploration, and environmental impacts of human activities Location: Wiwi 101 Session Chair: Sebastian Fuchs, Bundesanstalt für Geowissenschaften und Rohstoffe |
3:30pm - 3:45pm
Topics: 1.17 Marine mineral deposits: Formation, exploration, and environmental impacts of human activities Passive sampling of labile dissolved trace metals in the deep sea: a suitable monitoring tool for marine mining activities? 1BGR Federal Institute for Geosciences and Natural Resources, Stilleweg 2, 30655 Hannover, Germany; 2GEOMAR Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel, Wischhofstrasse 1-3, 24148 Kiel, Germany Analytical challenges such as low concentrations and a saline matrix, contamination risks during sampling and analysis, and the accessibility of remote ocean areas limit available methodologies for the investigation of trace elements in the open ocean and call for innovative, easy to use and robust investigation tools. Furthermore, the application of methodologies for the monitoring of e.g., deep-sea mining activities as part of environmental impact assessments will become of increasing importance for future marine research. We here evaluate an in situ passive sampling method using the technique of diffusive gradients in thin films (DGT), focussing on Mn, Cu, Ni, V, Cd, As, Sb, and rare earth elements and yttrium. Sampling was performed in bottom seawater above the BGR contract area for polymetallic nodule exploration in the Clarion Clipperton Zone in the NE Pacific. We present data from different passive sampling setups at depths between 0.3 m and 550 m above the seafloor accumulating trace metals for periods of 3 days up to 2 years, and discuss the effects of deployment time and the binding membrane type. Derived concentrations represent the labile fraction of the metals and hence that fraction that is (bio)available for an uptake through cell membranes. Results are compared to point sampling of seawater providing trace metal concentrations for different size fractions, which allows to constrain the degree of lability of dissolved trace metals. We further present results from the monitoring of a collector mining test of polymetallic nodules with respect to trace metal mobilization at the seafloor. |
3:30pm - 5:00pm | 4.06 From Unoccupied Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) to Mixed-Reality Visualizations: Expanding Frontiers in Field Data Acquisition, 3D-Model-Design and Geo-Visualization Location: Wiwi 104 Session Chair: Robert Jackisch, Technische Universität Berlin Session Chair: Gerd Winterleitner, VFG-Lab GmbH Session Chair: Anika Braun, Technische Universität Berlin Session Chair: Felina Schütz, VFG-Lab Session Chair: Christoph Grützner, FSU Jena Session Chair: Gerold Zeilinger, University of Potsdam |
3:30pm - 4:00pm
Invited Session Keynote Topics: 4.06 From Unoccupied Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) to Mixed-Reality Visualizations: Expanding Frontiers in Field Data Acquisition, 3D-Model-Design and Geo-Visualization Celebrating thirty years of virtual outcrops: status and perspectives 1Virtual Outcrop Geology Group, Bergen, Norway; 2University of Aberdeen, UK Thirty years ago, scientists from the Technical University of Denmark and University of Bergen published 3D outcrop acquisition and processing methods for large-scale vertical cliff sections in Greenland (Dueholm & Olsen, 1993), thus laying out a pathway to today’s state-of-the-art in high resolution virtual outcrop modelling. Although the photogrammetric methods employed were based on film cameras and early digital processing, the authors successfully created stereoscopic outcrop models that could be used for accurate measurement of cross sections, channel bodies, and derived parameters such as net-to-gross ratio. Fast forward to today, and virtual outcrop modelling has evolved rapidly, spanning early work using laser scanning, integration with hyperspectral imaging, and the full-circle return to photogrammetry. The latter has brought about a paradigm shift in field geoscience, driven by lightweight digital cameras, drone platforms, and powerful computing hardware combined with automated image matching and point cloud generation algorithms. This has empowered geologists and geoscientists to quickly – and at low cost – acquire and process high resolution, accurate 3D models for detailed analysis. Over the last five years, and particularly through the COVID-19 pandemic, virtual outcrop models have been increasingly used for “soft” purposes, in education and training, for introducing a wide range of different geological features and concepts that may be difficult to access in a single field area, or as the basis for integrating a range of geospatial, field and subsurface data. In this contribution we will explore the status and impact of virtual outcrops and offer thoughts on future perspectives. 4:00pm - 4:15pm
Topics: 4.06 From Unoccupied Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) to Mixed-Reality Visualizations: Expanding Frontiers in Field Data Acquisition, 3D-Model-Design and Geo-Visualization LiquidEarth: Integrating Rapid 3D Geological Modeling in Cross-Platform Mixed Reality 1Terranigma Solutions GmbH, Germany; 2Computational Geoscience, Geothermics and Reservoir Geophysics, RWTH Aachen University, Germany Virtual and mixed reality technologies are reaching maturity for both professional and consumer applications, offering not only stereoscopic 3D visualization environments but also novel user interfaces with more immersive experiences of interacting with 3D content. Geosciences, which inherently deal with 3D complexities, can greatly benefit from these advancements. However, the potential benefits remain largely untapped for professional applications. Recent developments are bringing 3D geodata visualization with collaboration into virtual spaces. Nonetheless, the actual steps of 3D geological model creation and modification remain predominantly limited to workstation computers and 2D displays. Addressing these limitations, we present LiquidEarth, a software solution that integrates rapid geomodeling with immersive mixed-reality environments. Utilizing a cloud-accelerated implicit modeling algorithm, LiquidEarth offers a dynamic experience of creating and updating 3D geological models in virtual spaces with real-time feedback. Cross-platform compatibility makes the solution device-agnostic, facilitating adoption in various geoscience applications and scenarios, including fieldwork. The software combines features such as immersive visualization, real-time collaboration, field connectivity, workflow connectors, and flexible export options to create an integrated and versatile tool, making it ideal for geoscientific work in industry, research, and education. This holistic approach bridges the gap between immersive visualization of geological data and geological modeling, enabling geoscientists to harness the full potential of mixed reality technologies. LiquidEarth signifies a substantial, yet initial, step towards the future of geomodeling by transcending traditional constraints. Its objective is to augment the geoscientific expert's ability to analyze and comprehend intricate geological 3D complexities while promoting the development of insightful conclusions. 4:15pm - 4:30pm
Topics: 4.06 From Unoccupied Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) to Mixed-Reality Visualizations: Expanding Frontiers in Field Data Acquisition, 3D-Model-Design and Geo-Visualization Investigating the impact of differential biogenic carbonate production on carbonate system geometries through stratigraphic forward modelling: The Llucmajor example. 1University of Potsdam; 2Fraunhofer IEG The geometry of carbonate systems reflects the interaction of several factors. Although efforts have been made at investigating the controls on biogenic carbonate system evolution, the impact of the interaction of different carbonate producing biotas is still not fully understood. In this study, we developed a 4D stratigraphic forward models (SFM) of the Miocene Llucmajor platform coupled with sensitivity analysis to examine the effect on platform geometry of changes of the dominant biotic production in the oligophotic and euphotic zones. Our results indicate that the geometry of the platform is impacted by a complex interaction between carbonate production rates, variations in bathymetry, and changes in accommodation. Progradation in the platform model is mainly controlled by oligophotic production of rhodalgal sediments during the lowstands. This study also shows that platform geometry and internal architecture is significantly impacted by the interaction of the predominant carbonate producing biotas. The input parameters for this study are based on well-understood Miocene carbonate biotas with characteristic euphotic, oligophotic and photo-independent carbonate production in which it is essential to explicitly model each carbonate producing class within the simulation run and not averaged with a single carbonate production-depth profile. This distinction is particularly crucial for subsurface exploration studies that rely on stratigraphic forward models, where the overall platform geometry may be approximated through calibration runs and constrained by seismic surveys and wellbores. However, the internal architecture could be over-simplified, without an in-depth understanding of the target carbonate system such as is provided by this study. 4:30pm - 4:45pm
Topics: 4.06 From Unoccupied Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) to Mixed-Reality Visualizations: Expanding Frontiers in Field Data Acquisition, 3D-Model-Design and Geo-Visualization Digital methods for the planning and construction of geothermal plants Bauer AG, Germany Digitalisation helps to improve planning, make processes more transparent, save resources and counteract the staff shortages that will become even greater in the future. BAUER Resources GmbH has been using the BIM methodology for over a decade, and for some years now processes in construction site operations and planning have been digitally supported. With the help of drones, apps on mobile devices and sensors, linked with intelligent systems, execution and planning are being taken to a new level of detail, transparency and speed. The detailed planning and execution of geothermal projects including geologie and hydrologie with digital support will be presented. Implementations in BIM with automation and other digital techniques (including real-time data from the construction site) which leads to a digital twin will be presented. |
3:30pm - 5:00pm | 3.11-2 Triassic Revolution Location: Wiwi 104a Session Chair: Michael J. Benton, University of Bristol |
3:30pm - 3:45pm
Topics: 3.11 Triassic Revolution New insights into the Dinocephalosauridae, a recently recognised clade of Triassic marine archosauromorphs, including the identification of its first European member Naturkunde Museum Stuttgart, Germany The diversification of marine reptiles played a major part in the Triassic Revolution and represented the first large-scale return of tetrapods to an aquatic environment. Recently, a new marine archosauromorph clade, Dinocephalosauridae, was recognised, considerably increasing the known diversity of Triassic marine reptiles, particularly among the generally terrestrial Archosauromorpha. Its best-known member, Dinocephalosaurus orientalis, superficially resembles plesiosaurs, possessing a hyperelongate neck composed of many cervical vertebrae, an elongate torso, and flipper-like limbs. The osteology of Dinocephalosaurus is virtually completely described based on newly discovered specimens. Up to six metres long, it is characterised by its long tail and even longer neck. The appendicular skeleton exhibits a high degree of skeletal paedomorphosis recalling that of many sauropterygians, but the skull and neck are completely inconsistent with sauropterygian affinities. Its cranial morphology, including the presence of narial fossae, is very similar to that seen in another long-necked archosauromorph, Tanystropheus hydroides, which largely represents a convergence related to an aquatic piscivorous lifestyle. Chinese discoveries such as Dinocephalosaurus merit a re-evaluation of historical European collections. Based on such a revision, we also redescribe Trachelosaurus fischeri, known from a single, disarticulated specimen collected in the 1800s from the Solling Formation (Buntsandstein) of Bernburg, Germany. It possesses short, bifurcating cervical ribs, which are unique among archosauromorphs. Trachelosaurus is confidently recognised as the first European dinocephalosaurid based on a wide range of character states, including its highly presacral vertebral count, wide dorsal transverse processes, holocephalous dorsal ribs, an ilium lacking a preacetabular process, and a rod-like femur. 3:45pm - 4:00pm
Topics: 3.11 Triassic Revolution AN ARMORED MARINE REPTILE FROM THE EARLY TRIASSIC OF SOUTH CHINA AND THE PHYLOGENY OF ARCHELOSAURIA Hefei University of Technology Sauropterygia was a taxonomically and ecomorphologically diverse clade of Mesozoic marine reptiles spanning the Early Triassic to the Late Cretaceous. Sauropterygians are traditionally divided into two groups representing two markedly different body plans – the short-necked, durophagous Placodontia and the long-necked Eosauropterygia – whereas Saurosphargidae, a small clade of armoured marine reptiles, is considered as the sauropterygian sister-group. However, the early evolutionary history of sauropterygians and their phylogenetic relationships with other groups within Diapsida are still incompletely understood. Here, we report a new saurosphargid from the Early Triassic of South China, representing the earliest known occurrence of the clade. An updated phylogenetic analysis focussing on the interrelationships within diapsid reptiles recovers saurosphargids as nested within sauropterygians, forming a clade with eosauropterygians to the exclusion of placodonts. Furthermore, a clade comprising Eusaurosphargis and Palatodonta is recovered as the sauropterygian sister-group. The phylogenetic position of several Early and Middle Triassic sauropterygians of previously uncertain phylogenetic affinity, such as Atopodentatus, Hanosaurus, Majiashanosaurus and Corosaurus, is also clarified, elucidating the early evolutionary assembly of the sauropterygian body plan. Finally, our phylogenetic analysis recovers Testudinata and Archosauromorpha within Archelosauria, a result strongly supported by molecular data, but until now rarely recovered by any phylogenetic analysis using a morphology-only data set. Our study provides evidence for the rapid diversification of sauropterygians in the aftermath of the Permo-Triassic mass extinction event and emphasises the importance of broad taxonomic sampling in reconstructing phylogenetic relationships among extinct taxa. 4:15pm - 4:30pm
Topics: 3.11 Triassic Revolution Puberty in a Mesozoic reptile 1Division of Geology, School of Resources and Environmental Engineering, Hefei University of Technology, 230009 Hefei, China; 2Section Paleontology, Institute of Geosciences, University of Bonn, 53115 Bonn, Germany; 3Department of Natural Sciences, Faculty of Science and Engineering, Tokyo City University, 1588557 Tokyo, Japan; 4The Dinosaur Institute, Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County, Los Angeles, 90007 CA, USA The histology of bone can be preserved virtually unaltered for hundreds of millions of years in fossils from all environments and all vertebrate taxa, giving rise to the flourishing field of paleohistology. The shafts of long bones are formed by the apposition of periosteal bone tissue, similar to the growth of wood, and preserve (an often cyclical) record of the growth of the individual and events in its life history. One such event is sexual maturation or puberty, during which hormonal changes transform the juvenile into a sexually mature adult. Puberty has been well studied in humans and some other living vertebrates. Here we describe puberty in Keichousaurus, a small sexually dimorphic and live-bearing marine reptile from Middle Triassic rocks of SW China, about 240 million years old. Using a combination of bone histology and morphology, we detected puberty as one of four life stages (the others being foetus, juvenile, and adult). Adult Keichousaurus males have a more robust humerus than females with pronounced muscle attachment sites and a triangular shaft cross section. Mid-shaft sections of the humeri of the males show the transition from the rounded juvenile cross section to the triangular adult cross section, as reflected in the contour of the growth marks. This shape change is produced by differential bone apposition of the periosteum, presumably triggered by sex hormones, as in humans, and influenced by changes in loading regime during puberty. This is the first report of puberty in a fossil amniote. 4:30pm - 5:00pm
Invited Session Keynote Topics: 3.11 Triassic Revolution Novel insights into the end-Triassic extinction from contemporaneous southern African sedimentary basins University of the Witwatersrand, South Africa The end-Triassic Extinction Event (ETE) lead to the demise of ~76% of species, as well as major biotic transitions in terrestrial vertebrate faunas. These include the shift from a mainly synapsid- and pseudosuchian-dominated ecosystem in the Triassic (e.g. dicynodont and cynodont therapsids) to dinosaur-dominated ecosystem in the Jurassic. Our understanding of this crucial time in Earth’s history is hindered by the lack of sedimentary deposits that record the Triassic–Jurassic boundary and bear informative vertebrate fossils across this interval. Several southern African basins are infilled by uninterrupted Carnian–Pliensbachian sediments. These include the Stormberg Group of the main Karoo Basin of southern Africa, as well as the Mid-Zambezi and Tuli basins of Zimbabwe. Surprisingly, the paucity of the current known fossil record recovered from these southern African deposits limits their use in understanding the ETE. This is in part because, to date, the Late Triassic vertebrates known to pertain from these units are much less abundant and diverse than those from the Early Jurassic units. Over the last decade, increased field work targeting these areas, combining excavations with high-resolution dating and biostratigraphy, has yielded multiple new fossil-bearing localities that add crucial new data to our understanding of ETE faunal change. Here, I present an overview of these novel sites. One notable location includes the late Norian quarries from near the village of Qhemegha in the Eastern Cape of South Africa which preserve a diversity of vertebrates such as: large-bodied late-branching pseudosuchians; large- and small-bodied sauropodomorphs and theropods; non-dinosaurian avemetatarsalians; and synapsids. |
3:30pm - 5:00pm | 1.24 Reclamation and transformation of post-mining landscapes:... Location: Wiwi 105 Session Chair: Irina Engelhardt, TU Berlin Session Chair: Martin Schultze, Helmholtz Cetre for Environmental Research - UFZ |
3:30pm - 4:00pm
Invited Session Keynote Topics: 1.24 Reclamation and transformation of post-mining landscapes: Biogeochemical processes, ecological and geochemical remediation strategies for open-cast mining lakes and sustainable water management (How) does the water management work in connection with the lignite phase-out in the Rhenish mining area? Erftverband, Germany Der Braunkohleausstieg führt zu Veränderungen in allen Bereichen der Wasserwirtschaft. Im Rheinischen Revier werden sich nach dem Ende des Bergbaus einige der größten deutschen Seen bilden. Der Grundwasserspiegel steigt und die Fließrichtung des Grundwassers ändert sich. Einige Oberflächengewässer führen mehr Wasser, andere weniger. Wasser wird ein wichtiger Faktor in der gesamten Region sein, aber es wird auch einen Wettbewerb um Wasser auf lokaler Ebene geben. Die Veränderungen in der Wasserwirtschaft sind wesentliche Randbedingungen im Strukturwandel im Bergbaugebiet. Im Rheinischen Revier verursachten die Entwässerungsmaßnahmen rund um die Tagebaue ein Defizit von mehr als 20 Milliarden Kubikmetern Wasser. Beim Ausgleich dieses Defizits spielt die Nutzung von Wasser aus dem Rhein, das durch große Wasserleitungen gepumpt wird, eine wichtige Rolle. Die Befüllung der Seen wird etwa 40 Jahre dauern. Die Auswirkungen des Klimawandels werden in diese Planung einbezogen. Eine der Kernaufgaben im Rahmen des Braunkohleausstiegs ist die Sicherstellung der Trinkwasserversorgung. Der Zufluss von Grundwasser aus den Abraumdeponien, das aufgrund von Pyritoxidationseffekten etwa 1.500 mg/l Sulfat enthält, wird die Schließung von mindestens vier Wasserwerken erzwingen. Darüber hinaus werden ca. 12 Wasserwerke von infiltriertem Rheinwasser betroffen sein, das verschiedene organische Spurenstoffe enthält. Ein flächendeckendes Wasserversorgungskonzept wird die Trinkwasserversorgung von mehr als 2,5 Millionen Einwohnern sicherstellen. 4:00pm - 4:15pm
Topics: 1.24 Reclamation and transformation of post-mining landscapes: Biogeochemical processes, ecological and geochemical remediation strategies for open-cast mining lakes and sustainable water management A workflow for investigating the subsurface of post-mining landscapes in Lusatia (Germany) Federal Institute for Geosciences and Natural Resources, Germany The largest contiguous former opencast lignite mining district in the EU is located in Lusatia (Germany). Hydrochemical contaminations such as acid mine drainage from opencast mines as well as increased susceptibility to soil instabilities pose major challenges for the reclamation of the Lusatian mining district in the coming decades. Therefore, time- and cost-efficient methods investigating former opencast lignite mines are vital for a sustainable remediation and reclamation. In Lusatia, loose Cenozoic sediments (sands, silts, clays, and glacial tills) form several tens of metres of heterogeneous lithological successions in extensive opencast dumps. However, the effects of newly formed depositional structures, spatial heterogeneities and pore water mineralisation of the opencast dumps on groundwater flow and mass transport remain largely unknown in the post-mining areas of Lusatia. In this study, we developed a workflow that makes use of spatially variable and heterogeneous input data ranging from airborne geophysics, geological maps and drilling logs. In a first step, we created 3D-representations of an exemplary post-mining area in Lusatia by using both classical geological interpretations as well as machine learning approaches. In a second step, the 3D representations are compared to each other and are used as input data for numerical groundwater modelling in order to analyse the effect on the simulated groundwater flow. This approach allows us to optimise the 3D-modelling workflow and to refine our understanding of the flow and mass transport processes between groundwater and pit lakes in the subsurface of post-mining areas. 4:15pm - 4:30pm
Topics: 1.24 Reclamation and transformation of post-mining landscapes: Biogeochemical processes, ecological and geochemical remediation strategies for open-cast mining lakes and sustainable water management Microbially induced iron retention in the Central German coalfield using the example of the Witznitz mine dump: results of a feasibility study Research Institute for Post-Mining Landscapes, Germany As a result of the rearrangement of tertiary sediments and the groundwater lowering during open pit lignite mining, the formerly stable iron sulfide compounds oxidize to iron and sulfate ions and acidity. With the end of mining operations and the resulting rise in groundwater levels, these substances are transported into surface water, causing negative effects on the ecosystem and water management. 4:30pm - 4:45pm
Topics: 1.24 Reclamation and transformation of post-mining landscapes: Biogeochemical processes, ecological and geochemical remediation strategies for open-cast mining lakes and sustainable water management Biogeochemical influence on water quality by efficient phosphorus retention in pH-neutral open-cast mining lakes 1Landeslabor Berlin-Brandenburg; 2BTU Cottbus Senftenberg, Germany; 3Leibniz-Institut für Gewässerökologie und Binnenfischerei (IGB); 4Institut für Wasser und Boden Dr. Uhlmann, Dresden; 5Technische Universität Dresden, Institut für Hydrobiologie; 6BGD ECOSAX GmbH, Dresden Empirical trophic models (Vollenweider-type) are one of the basic "tools of the trade" in management of natural and artificial lakes. They are not applicable to open-cast mining lakes (PML) because they underestimate their resilience to phosphorus (P) inputs. The high iron availability causes an efficient binding for phosphorus (P) in water and sediment of PML. The main objective was use hydrogeochemical modelling to assess the risks of eutrophication in the following way: i) to develop conceptual (empirical) models (Vollenweider type) that can be used to more accurately estimate tolerable P loading to PMLs ii) to represent the transition range from conditions with Fe excess to natural conditions in a model structure iii) to identify specific indicators and tipping points for different P retention. We analysed hydrological data, loads, and sediment properties to derive a closed P balance for 29 neutral mining lakes. The latter cover a range of water retention times and external P inputs. We distinguished three phases of PML development or maturation and the relevance of P-binding processes or binding forms. The Fe:P ratio in sediment was found to be the most important predictor of P retention. By integrating this ratio into conceptual models it is now possible to predict in-lake P-concentration from P inputs for PMLs and even for lakes with decreasing Fe import at the transition to “natural lake” conditions. We conclude that processes such as Fe~P adsorption and vivianite formation under anoxic conditions most likely ensure high P retention in the long term. 4:45pm - 5:00pm
Topics: 1.24 Reclamation and transformation of post-mining landscapes: Biogeochemical processes, ecological and geochemical remediation strategies for open-cast mining lakes and sustainable water management Lake Runstedt – a pit lake for treating polluted water and protecting groundwater 1Helmholtz Cetre for Environmental Research - UFZ, Germany; 2Lausitzer und Mitteldeutsche Bergbau-Verwaltungsgesellschaft mbH, Germany; 3IHU Gesellschaft für Ingenieur-, Hydro- und Umweltgeologie mbH, Germany; 4FCB Fachbüro für Consulting und Bodenmechanik GmbH, Germany Lake Runstedt (near Merseburg, Germany; area 2.3 km², volume 53x106 m³, max. depth 32.8 m) is an artificial lake resulting from lignite mining. The lower part of the former mine void was filled by industrial wastes consisting mainly of ashes but also containing waste from nitrogen fertilizer production rich in ammonium. Ammonium concentrations exceed 300 mgL-1 in the pore water in the deposited wastes and constitute a threat for the regional groundwater resources. For protecting the groundwater, Lake Runstedt was created by filling the remaining space of the mine void above the waste with water from Saale River. The neighbouring pit lakes are managed in a way that groundwater flows into Lake Runstedt from all directions and that there is no outflow except evaporation. Hypolimnetic aerators provide the hypolimnion with oxygen needed for nitrification and reed was established in the littoral as habitat for denitrification. Since completion of the filling in 2003, the system has worked well as documented by monitoring. Usually, limnologists look at lakes as valuable ecosystems that have to be protected. In case of Lake Runstedt, the lake is used as a reactor. This unusual approach should not be a common preference but considered as exceptional option in applied limnology. The presentation will report on the creation of Lake Runstedt, the results of monitoring and research, and discuss the use of lakes as reactors protecting other compartments of the environment. |
3:30pm - 5:00pm | 4.02-2 Within and Beyond - Research infrastructures that strengthen Open Science Practices in Geosciences Location: Wiwi 107 Session Chair: Melanie Lorenz, GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences Session Chair: Andrea Pörsch, Helmholtz Metadata Collaboration (HMC) at GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences, Potsdam, Germany |
3:30pm - 3:45pm
Topics: 4.02 Within and Beyond - Research infrastructures that strengthen Open Science Practices in Geosciences Strengthening Open Science Practices Through re3data, the Global Registry of Research Data Repositories 1Helmholtz Association, Helmholtz Open Science Office, Germany; 2GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences, Germany; 3Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), Germany; 4Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Germany; 5DataCite - International Data Citation Initiative e.V., Germany; 6Purdue University, United States For more than a decade, re3data (https://www.re3data.org/), the global registry of research data repositories, has helped researchers, funding agencies, libraries, and other research data services to find, identify, and reference research data repositories. As the world's largest directory of data repositories, re3data describes over 3100 infrastructures on the basis of its comprehensive metadata schema in May 2023. The service allows searching for research data repositories of any type and from all disciplines, and users can filter results based on a wide range of characteristics. The re3data descriptions are openly accessible via an API and are reused by numerous open science services, including DataCite Commons. re3data is engaged in various initiatives and projects concerning data management and is mentioned in the policies of scientific institutions, funding organizations, and publishers. The presentation will focus on the growth, development, and accomplishments of re3data over more than 10 years that have resulted in re3data becoming the most comprehensive information and metadata resource on research data repositories. Further, the presentation will address how re3data’s activities can support the establishment of best practices, support open science, and facilitate networking within different research communities. With over 850 entries the field of geosciences is one of the most strongly represented subject groups in the registry. 3:45pm - 4:00pm
Topics: 4.02 Within and Beyond - Research infrastructures that strengthen Open Science Practices in Geosciences LabInfrastructure@Geo.X – A Laboratory Infrastructure Search Portal for the Geo.X Network 1Helmholtz Centre Potsdam GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences, Telegrafenberg, 14473 Potsdam, Germany; 2Geo.X - Research Network for Geosciences in Berlin and Potsdam, Telegrafenberg, 14473 Potsdam, Germany; 3Museum für Naturkunde, Leibniz-Institut für Evolutions- und Biodiversitätsforschung, Invalidenstraße 43, 10115 Berlin, Germany; 4Institute of Geological Sciences, Freie Universität Berlin, Malteserstr. 74-100, 12249 Berlin, Germany LI@Geo.X is a search portal for the laboratory infrastructure in the Geo.X network, jointly developed by the network partners. It supports collaborations and joint projects by providing information on instruments, analytical methods, contact persons, location of the laboratories, and links to their websites. LI@Geo.X is undergoing further development as LabInfrastructure@Geo.X in the framework of the Helmholtz DataHub Initiative. We extend the metadata scheme by adding, e.g., access information to the laboratories, user regulations, key and data publications. As technical improvements we implement:
Including over 220 entries, LabInfrastructure@Geo.X cooperates with various Helmholtz initiatives and is embedded into the NFDI4Earth landscape. 4:00pm - 4:15pm
Topics: 4.02 Within and Beyond - Research infrastructures that strengthen Open Science Practices in Geosciences The BGR GeoPortal: Enabling Access and Integration of Geoscientific Data Federal Institute for Geosciences and Natural Resources, Germany The BGR GeoPortal is a comprehensive platform that facilitates seamless access to geoscientific data, fostering data exploration and integration. In this abstract, we highlight several key features of the GeoPortal and discuss our ongoing efforts to address challenges in consolidating data sources and promoting data sharing. To enhance the integration of geoscientific data with existing literature, the GeoPortal incorporates a linkage to the Geological Literature Linked Data (ZSN). This integration allows users to seamlessly connect relevant scientific publications with associated geospatial data, promoting a more holistic understanding of geological phenomena. The inclusion of an RDF interface within the GeoPortal further supports data integration and interlinking. By providing a standard semantic web interface, the GeoPortal enables users to connect and exchange data with other systems, fostering a networked environment for collaborative research and data sharing. 4:15pm - 4:30pm
Topics: 4.02 Within and Beyond - Research infrastructures that strengthen Open Science Practices in Geosciences The Geometadatenplattform METAVER and its application in the state Brandenburg/Germany Ministry of Agriculture, Environment and Climate Protection of the State of Brandenburg, Germany METAVER (https://metaver.de/) is the central platform for recording and publishing (INSPIRE) geospatial metadata from various federal states of Germany. It offers various interfaces for recording and further processing metadata. An editor tailored to the requirements in the institutional area supports standard-compliant recording, according to various aspects of metadata rules in Germany. A web application enables comfortable research and visualization of data sources and providing services. METAVER was implemented with the INGRID software, which is being developed as part of an administrative cooperation of all federal states of Germany. 4:30pm - 4:45pm
Topics: 4.02 Within and Beyond - Research infrastructures that strengthen Open Science Practices in Geosciences Open Data and more in the Geosciences – an introduction to GFZ Data Services GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences, Potsdam, Germany For more than a decade, there is an increasing international demand for free and open access to publicly funded scientific research products. These include “classical” text manuscripts, data and software underlying scholarly publications, raw and curated observational data, and many more. Essential for the long-term preservation and re-use of these scientific datasets is the storage in appropriate, ideally domain specific repositories, accompanied by comprehensive data description and sufficient metadata for data discovery. These should include a licence for data re-use and sharing. Scientific datasets should be published using citable Digital Object Identifier (DOI). GFZ Data Services is a repository for research data and scientific software across the Earth System Sciences, hosted at GFZ. The curated data are archived, persistently accessible and published with DOI. They range from large dynamic datasets from global monitoring networks with real-time acquisition, to international services in geodesy and geophysics, to the full suite of small and highly heterogeneous datasets collected by individual researchers or small teams ("long-tail data"). In addition to the DOI registration and data archiving itself, GFZ Data Services team offers comprehensive consultation by domain scientists and IT specialists. This presentation will introduce to the broad service portfolio of GFZ Data Services, including project-specific DOI landing pages for our national and international partners, data curation practices, supporting tools like the online metadata editor, data description templates and extensive data publication guidelines. It will further show examples of how metadata exchange with other data portals is increasing the visibility of our data publications. |
4:00pm - 6:00pm | DMG Vorstands- und Beiratssitzung Location: Konferenzraum II HFB Session Chair: Friedhelm von Blanckenburg, GFZ Potsdam |
5:30pm - 7:00pm | Poster social - Themes: 1.01 | 1.04 | 1.12 | 1.17 | 1.24 | 1.28 | 3.03 | 3.11 | 3.20 | 3.24 | 4.06 | 4.13 | Others Location: Foyer (Henry Ford Building) |
Mon: 1
Topics: 1.01 Towards 'Net Zero' with negative emissions and sustainable landscapes Capturing CO2 by olivine weathering in facade plaster 1Fraunhofer IEG, Fraunhofer Research Institution for Energy Infrastructures and Geothermal Systems, Bochum, Germany; 2Institute of Geology, Mineralogy, and Geophysics, Ruhr-University Bochum, Bochum, Germany; 3Knauf Gips KG, Iphofen, Germany The building and construction sector accounts for a significant proportion of current anthropogenic CO2 emissions. Reducing the carbon footprint of building materials is difficult because some process-related CO2 emissions cannot be avoided. While the industry is developing methods to reduce its emissions by capturing CO2 from flue gas streams, this study investigates an alternative mechanism to reduce the carbon footprint of building materials, namely the incorporation of olivine into building materials such as façade plaster. Olivine is susceptible to weathering and reacts with CO2 to form magnesium carbonate and silica. In collaboration with the company Knauf Gips KG, an outdoor test facility will be built to monitor the mineralogical changes in olivine façade plaster under natural weathering conditions over a period of 18 months. In parallel, laboratory experiments will be carried out to accelerate the weathering process by continuous artificial weathering of the plaster samples. Fluids will be regularly sampled and analysed to detect potential environmental hazards, such as the release of nickel and chromium into the environment. All plaster samples will be analysed by X-ray diffraction (XRD) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) to identify mineralogical and structural changes during the experiments. The extent of CO2 mineralisation will be assessed based on mass balance calculations with the experimental reactants and their products. A sustainability assessment of the whole value chain will be carried out to determine whether olivine in building materials can effectively contribute to offsetting the CO2 emissions of the construction industry. Mon: 2
Topics: 1.01 Towards 'Net Zero' with negative emissions and sustainable landscapes Benthic sources for dissolved inorganic carbon in the North Sea: A stable isotope perspective 1Leibniz IOW, Germany; 2Institute of Biology, University of Southern Denmark, Odense M, Denmark; 3Hereon, Geesthacht, Germany; 4Max Planck Institute for Marine Microbiology, Bremen, Germany Marine sediments may act as a sink for carbon. Substrate and electron donor availabilities, sedimentology, as well as biological activity may influence the carbon cycling, impacting the release of TA and DIC. The North Sea is a highly dynamic system with shallow tidal areas and fresh water tributaries delivering nutrients and dissolved carbon. For the southern part, benthic DIC sources have been identified [1], with tidal areas being further hot spots [2], some being impacted by submarine fresh water discharge [3]. The Skagerrak provides the unique opportunity of studying benthic DIC production under the impact of different dominant electron acceptors [4]. Potential transformation of carbonates may impact release of TA and DIC. Here, we investigated the role of different sediments from the North Sea, including tidal areas, for their DIC source function and carbon storage capacity. Water column, pore water, and sediment samples were investigated to understand the processes controlling the benthic production and release of TA and DIC. The carbon isotope composition of dissolved and solid phases were investigated to understand the specific biogeochemical processes dominating benthic mineralization and carbonate dissolution. [1] Burt et al. (2016) Limnol. Oceanogr. 61, 666-683. [2] Schwichtenberg et al. (2020) Biogeosciences, 17, 4223-4245. [3] Winde V. et al. (2014) J. Mar. Sys. 129, 394-402. [4] Canfield D.E. et al. (1993) Geochim Cosmochim Acta 57, 3867-2883. The investigations are carried out within the BMBF project COOLSTYLE/CARBOSTORE. The Sylt part also contributes to the DFG project KiSNet, and investigations are further supported by Leibniz IOW. Mon: 3
Topics: 1.01 Towards 'Net Zero' with negative emissions and sustainable landscapes Quantifying and optimising Enhanced Weathering as a CO2 removal tool GFZ Potsdam, Germany The application of finely ground silicate minerals to croplands and forests, with the aim of enhancing the rate of natural CO2 consuming weathering reactions, is receiving attention as a part of climate change mitigation strategies. Yet considerable uncertainty surrounds the quantification of CO2 removal associated with Enhanced Weathering, and its potential efficacy remains undemonstrated outside of the laboratory. Here, I discuss how the geochemical insights garnered from decades of natural weathering studies provide a pathway towards a strategy for ‘Monitoring, Reporting and Verification’ of CO2 sequestration. These natural weathering studies have also produced an understanding of what limits silicate weathering in different settings, which can be used to shed light on how deployment strategies, and specifically application sites, can be optimised. Mon: 4
Topics: 1.01 Towards 'Net Zero' with negative emissions and sustainable landscapes Biogenic processes of methane production and oxidation along thermokarst lake to lagoon transitions 1GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences, Germany; 2University of Potsdam, Institute for Biochemistry and Biology, Potsdam, Germany; 3University of Cologne, Institute of Geology and Mineralogy, Cologne, Germany; 4Landscape Ecology, Faculty of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences, University of Rostock, 18059 Rostock, Germany; 5Universität Hamburg, Institute of Soil Science, Center for Earth System Research and Sustainability, Hamburg, Germany; 6Alfred Wegener Institute Helmholtz Center for Polar and Marine Research, Permafrost Research Unit, Potsdam, Germany, Thermokarst lagoons form at the terrestrial-marine interface when thermokarst lakes, hotspots for Arctic methane emissions, erode onto the Arctic shelf. Thermokarst lagoons are dynamic environments with seasonal ice build-up and potential alternations between freshwater and marine discharge. Aiming to understand how microbial methane cycling changes along thermokarst lake to lagoon transitions we have investigated the sediment geochemistry and microbiota of the Polar Fox lagoon, a thermokarst lagoon in north-eastern Siberia, relative to that of two adjacent thermokarst lakes. In-situ methane concentrations, methane-carbon isotopic signatures, analysis of amplicon sequencing variants (ASVs), metagenomics, and pore-water geochemistry point towards efficient communities of anaerobic methane oxidizers (AOM) in a sulfate-methane transition zone 2-3 meters below the sediment surface of the lagoon. The lagoon’s in-situ methane concentration in the sulfate zone was only 0.4 – 5% that of the deeper sediment and of the two adjacent thermokarst lakes which have no connection to the Arctic Ocean. In the lakes, methane concentrations reached values up to 2.2 µmol per gram pointing towards oversaturation with methane in the sediment. Based on the analysis of general microbiome composition, we suggest that deterministic process triggered a substantial overall shift of microbial assemblages and a loss in spatial dissimilarity and diversity. Our study shows that thermokarst lake to lagoon transitions are associated with the formation of novel sediment microbiomes and that Arctic thermokarst lagoons can host efficient AOM communities with the potential to substantially mitigate methane concentrations in coastal thermokarst sediments. Mon: 5
Topics: 1.01 Towards 'Net Zero' with negative emissions and sustainable landscapes Monitoring alkalinity enhancement in intertidal environments - A field study - 1Centre for Marine and Environmental Research (CIMA) - Infrastructure Network in Aquatic Research (ARNET), Universidade do Algarve, Faro, Portugal; 2Helmoltz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel (GEOMAR), Germany; 3German Centre for Integrative Biodiversity Research Halle-Jena-Leipzig (iDiv), Germany Global warming is the greatest threat for humankind today. Despite all efforts to reduce CO2 emissions, the undertaken measures are not sufficient to stop the temperature rise. One recently proposed and promising approach to actively remove CO2 from the atmosphere is carbon dioxide removal through marine alkalinity enhancement. This technique increase the natural CO2 uptake capacity of seawater through weathering of fine-grained alkaline minerals in marine environments. Even through this method has been extensively tested and verified by numerical models, field experiments scaling the CO2 uptake under natural conditions and assessing the impact on the environment and biota are still lacking. To bridge this gap of knowledge a monitored 2-year in-situ experiment was established in September 2022 at the Ria Formosa Coastal Lagoon, southern Portugal. The experiment was installed in the pioneer vegetation zone of the saltmarsh with three replicate plots. Each plot contain deployments of coarse olivine, fine olivine, coarse basalt and fine basalt and an unchanged area as control. Supernatant and porewater from each treatment are analysed monthly for temperature, salinity, oxygen concentration, pH, total alkalinity, nutrients, and trace metals. Sediment samples are analysed quarterly for faunal and floral composition to evaluate the impact on the biota. The first months of the experiment showed an increase in total alkalinity in the supernatant and porewater of the treatments. Other environmental parameters remained stable among the different treatments and control. The total alkalinity decreased through time although remained on higher levels as compared to the natural background level. Acknowledgment. Research supported by the Portuguese Science Foundation, with the projects PTDC/CTA-CLI/1065/2021, UID/00350/2020CIMA and contracts DL57/2016/CP1361/CT0009. Mon: 6
Topics: 1.01 Towards 'Net Zero' with negative emissions and sustainable landscapes PERBAS: An International Project to Study Potential Sites for the Permanent Offshore Storage of CO2 in Marine Basalts 1GEOMAR Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel, Germany; 2CSIR - National Geophysical Research Institute, Hyderabad, India; 3Colorado School of Mines - CCUS Innovation Center, Golden, USA; 4IFE, Institute for Energy Technology, Kjeller, Norway; 5IISER Bhopal, Bhopal, India; 6Volcanic Basin Petroleum Research AS, Oslo, Norway; 7Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee, India; 8TEEC, Isernhagen, Germany; 9TERRASYS Geophysics, Hamburg, Germany CO2 neutrality by 2045 requires increasing the currently worldwide achieved CO2 storage volume (40 Mt/y) to the order of tens of Gt/y. With current storage techniques, CO2 often remains in the gaseous phase, thus, free to spread underground risking unwanted leakage in the distant future. As an alternative, the mineralization of CO2 in basalts, where the vast majority (>90%) of the carbon is mineralized and fixed in carbonates within two years, offers a permanent safe storage as a solid (e.g. CarbFix, Iceland). Mon: 7
Topics: 1.01 Towards 'Net Zero' with negative emissions and sustainable landscapes Formation of fully carbonated/silicified peridotite (listwaenite) during shallow-crustal extension (Eastern Oman Mountains) 1Sultan Qaboos University, Oman; 2German University of technology in Oman; 3William & Mary, Virginia, USA; 4Stockholm University, Sweden Oman’s listwaenite formed when carbonate-rich fluids reacted with peridotite, reducing the atmosphere’s carbon. Listwaenite provides clues regarding natural global carbon flux and sequestration. Oman contains the world's largest exposure of oceanic lithosphere. Obduction of the peridotite-bearing Semail Ophiolite onto Arabia occurred during the Late Cretaceous. The ophiolite’s hot base exerted contact metamorphism onto tectonically underlying rocks (“metamorphic sole”). Post-obductional doming, extension and E/W-shortening overprinted the rocks. In the Fanja area, (par-)autochthonous platform rocks are in contact with allochthonous rocks, and numerous listwaenite bodies several kilometers long and tens of meters wide are exposed. Mapping of the Fanja area at the scale of 1:10,000, determined the listwaenite’s tectogenesis. Two models exist. Listwaenite formed either during Late Cretaceous convergence and subduction or during shallow post-obductional extension. Mapping confirms: (i) Two listwaenite generations exist: an early gently dipping and a more common late steeply dipping generation. (ii) Listwaenite contacts of both generations with the ambient rocks are always a non-contractional fault. (iii) The listwaenite-metamorphic sole contact of the older listwaenite bodies is discordant and faulted. (iv) Both listwaenite generations are typically tabular, while the metamorphic sole may be intensely folded. (v) Drag folds and Riedel faults indicate extensional and/or WNW-striking sinistral shear of the late listwaenite. (vi) The late-generation bodies cut different sections of the allochthonous. (vii) At the Fanja Half-Graben, listwaenite is in extensional fault contact with post-obductional sediments (uppermost Cretaceous Al-Khod Fm.). No listwaenite clasts are found within this formation. Our observations demonstrate that all listwaenite bodies formed during extension. Mon: 9
Topics: 1.01 Towards 'Net Zero' with negative emissions and sustainable landscapes The Earth Science Box Modeling Toolkit (ESBMTK) University of Toronto, Canada Box modeling is a versatile tool to explore earth systems processes, ranging from transient changes in the marine carbonate system to the long-term evolution of biogeochemical cycles. The Earth Science Box Modeling Toolkit is a python based toolkit that allows for the rapid creation and deployment of box models. It abstracts typical modeling tasks, e.g., air-sea gas exchange, weathering, seafloor carbonate precipitation/dissolution, kinetic isotope fractionation, etc., to python classes. Class instances can then simply be combined to build a model. While there is no graphical interface, this approach significantly reduces coding complexity and model development time. Crucially, the model structure is independent of the numerical implementation. Instead the model is parsed to dynamically create the necessary equation systems that can be passed to ode solver libraries like ODEPACK. Separating model description from numerical implementation results in well-documented model code, and combines the computational efficiency of state-of-the-art numerical libraries with the ease of use of python. The efficiency of this process is demonstrated by a 12-box model with air-sea gas exchange, tracers for carbon isotopes, and water column carbonate chemistry that requires about 1 CPU second to calculate the model evolution over 30 million years. Mon: 10
Topics: 1.04 Hydrogen: energy carrier in nature and for society – from natural hydrogen occurrences to large-scale hydrogen storage Natural hydrogen: What we know about its genesis and its geological occurrences Bundesanstalt für Geowissenschaften und Rohstoffe, Germany Recently, interest in hydrogen as an emission free fuel has increased. So far, hydrogen is produced by steam methane reforming (SMR), water electrolysis or methane pyrolysis. These processes are energy consuming and SMR emits carbon dioxide. Naturally occurring hydrogen might represent an alternative to technologically produced hydrogen. It is therefore worthwhile to explore whether economically viable amounts of hydrogen are present in the earth. Whereas a wealth of hydrogen on earth is considered to be trapped in the earth’s core and lower mantle and mostly inaccessible to humans, natural hydrogen also occurs in the crust and upper mantle where it is formed from biogenic and abiogenic sources. Important processes for the generation of natural hydrogen include: water-rock interactions involving ferrous iron, e.g. serpentinization, equilibrium reactions associated with volcanic activity and hydrothermal vents, water radiolysis, mechanochemical reactions in cataclastic rocks associated with fault zones and thermal decomposition of organic matter to form graphite at high temperatures in deep sedimentary basins or crystalline basement. The presence of hydrogen-rich gas was documented at Mid-Ocean-Ridges, ophiolites, sedimentary basins, and Precambrian cratons. A multitude of studies on natural hydrogen exists, but the relationship between generation, fluid migration and potential occurrence of economic accumulations of natural hydrogen is still a matter of debate. We present an overview of the current published knowledge on natural hydrogen showing selected study locations of previous works and the amount of naturally occurring hydrogen inferred at each site. The methods used to estimate the amount of occurring hydrogen are reviewed. Mon: 12
Topics: 1.12 Innovative concepts and sustainability with hydrogen: from underground hydrogen storage to business concepts Visualisation of microbial growth and distribution in real rock pores during underground hydrogen storage 1Institute of Applied Geosciences, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Karlsruhe, Germany; 2Geo-microbiology, BGR, Hannover, Germany Hydrogen, converted from renewable energy sources, provides a feasible road map to balance the daily up to seasonally fluctuation between renewable energy supply and consumer demand. Underground hydrogen storage (UHS) in porous formations is promising since depleted hydrocarbon reservoirs and aquifers are widespread worldwide, and have a large capacity to meet the G-TWh storage demand. However, unlike underground natural gas (mainly methane) storage, hydrogen is highly susceptible to microbial metabolisms, which can consume and convert hydrogen into other molecules such as methane through methanogenesis. This poses a risk of hydrogen loss and contamination. Another concept is geo-bio-methanation directly in the subsurface, enabling stable long-term storage. Both concepts require a thorough understanding of microbial activities within porous rocks. The key questions, including, 1) does microbial growth reduce reservoir performance? 2) is there any effect of minerals and pore microstructures on microbial activities? 3) how do static and flow conditions affect microbe distribution? need to be better elucidated. To tackle these questions, we develop an unconventional real-rock micromodel configured with a thin rock layer in a transparent microfluidic chip. This innovative setup allows us to visualise microbial growth in rocks under a fluorescence microscope. By employing real-rock micromodels, we can overcome limitations related to mineral homogeneity and artificial pore structures. Consequently, this workflow and platform may hence offer new possibilities for studying microbial metabolism in geo-materials and the potential interactions. Mon: 13
Topics: 1.12 Innovative concepts and sustainability with hydrogen: from underground hydrogen storage to business concepts Hydrogen storage in a saline aquifer in Ketzin (Brandenburg, Germany) – a numerical pre-feasibility study in the context of the regional hydrogen economy 1GFZ Potsdam, Germany; 2TU Darmstadt, Germany Geological hydrogen storage in saline aquifers is necessary due to their large capacities, enabling long-term and short-term storage and providing a secure and cost-effective option for integrating hydrogen into the energy system. Currently, there are no operational saline aquifer storages for hydrogen in Germany. However, there is an urgent need for investigating the desired capacity and performance of hydrogen underground storage facilities in deep saline aquifers as one of the most promising geological environments. In this study, the sedimentary Stuttgart formation at the Ketzin site in Brandenburg, Germany, is assessed for geological hydrogen storage using an open-source reservoir simulator. The site has already been used for town gas and natural gas as well as for pilot CO2 storage in the past decades. The experience from these storage operations can be transferred to a potential hydrogen storage system. The goal of the investigation is to evaluate the influence of geological parameters of the heterogeneous formation such as porosity, permeability, salinity, and capillary pressure on flow rates, quantities as well as on the recovery rate. The range of each parameter agrees with the measured uncertainty of petrophysical data. The results of the pre-feasibility study are then considered in the context of the regional hydrogen economy. Overall, this multidisciplinary approach combines numerical simulations, geological parameters, and regional economic considerations. Future studies will focus on optimizing the operational parameter to minimize well-head pressure difference between charge and discharge cycles, to maximize production rates, and to achieve net-zero cumulative injection of hydrogen over time. Mon: 14
Topics: 1.12 Innovative concepts and sustainability with hydrogen: from underground hydrogen storage to business concepts Experimental large scale salt cavern methanation simulation Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany Despite the high salinity, biological processes could be used in salt caverns for methanation if suitable conditions are created. With suitable backfill materials, growth areas for the formation of biofilms could be created and the availability of sulfate could be reduced. These backfill materials can also be used in the course of cavern containment to reduce convergence. Large scale experiments enable the simulation of cavern filling with suitable porous materials and the testing of growth material to promote biofilm formation. The aim is to develop an underground methanation reactor that also minimizes the convergence of the cavern. Therefore, it has to be tested if methanogenic archaea can survive under the given conditions. We use an autoclave system with a volume of ca. 35 liters. Pressures of up to 100 bar and temperatures of up to 100 °C are possible. The autoclave consists of two chambers and a 2.5 m long casing in between. For safety reasons, the gas will contain 95 % N2, 4 % H2 and 1 % CO2. The bottom of the autoclave will be filled with brine and salt. As filling materials, expanded clay and construction waste are foreseen. Mon: 15
Topics: 1.17 Marine mineral deposits: Formation, exploration, and environmental impacts of human activities Europe’s marine minerals: EMODnet geology and Geological Service for Europe (GSEU) 1Geological Survey Ireland, Ireland; 2Geological Survey of Spain (IGME-CSIC) The European Marine Observation and Data Network (EMODnet) is a long-term marine data initiative funded by the European Maritime, Fisheries and Aquaculture Fund (EMFAF) and supported by the EU’s integrated maritime policy. The EMODnet Geology team released in 2023 a series of pan-European products related to marine themes including Seafloor geology, geological events, submerged landscapes, and Marine Minerals. Data products are available through the integrated EMODnet Central Portal: https://emodnet.ec.europa.eu/en. Collated marine mineral types and energy resources are: aggregates; hydrocarbons; gas hydrates; sapropel, marine placers; phosphorites; evaporites; polymetallic sulphides; polymetallic nodules; cobalt-rich ferromanganese crust; metal-rich sediments; rock, pegmatite and vein hosted mineralisation. The marine minerals theme is also connected to the five-year EU Coordination and Support Action, GSEU, (EuroGeoSurveys) that will deliver a plan for a sustainable Geological Service for Europe to be implemented beyond the 2027 project end, including assessing Europe’s offshore CRM resources improving the knowledge of underexplored areas and their mineral resources harmonizing datasets and cartographic products with a focus on European strategic and CRM for power generation and energy storage. With Earth’s population growth, efforts to meet our needs for resources with indigenous supplies continue. Many minerals and critical raw materials form important components in low-carbon and resource-efficient technologies such as electric car batteries, wind turbines and solar panels. Information on the types of minerals has relevance to engineering disciplines including extractive industries, beach nourishment and reclamation projects, and more general in Marine Spatial Planning. Environmental and marine EU policies are benefiting from the project’s outcomes. Mon: 16
Topics: 1.17 Marine mineral deposits: Formation, exploration, and environmental impacts of human activities New approach to ferromanganese nodules from the Baltic Sea 1University of Warsaw, Poland; 2National Atomic Energy Agency, Poland Polymetallic nodules (including ferromanganese) are one the major metal-bearing sources, those admitted as strategic and critical raw materials (CRMs) by the European Commission. Their widespread on seas’ and oceans’ bottoms entail interests in economic use of them. Ferromanganese (Fe-Mn) nodules occur on the seabedof most areas of the Baltic Sea. Those from the Polish Exclusive Economic Zone (PEEZ) are ones of least explored elements of the marine environment. Since 2020 there have been 3 research cruises on the area of the PEEZ - on 3 selected areas, 25 km2 each (near Baltic Beta oil rig, Slupsk Furrow and Gdansk’s Basin). Almost 100 sediment samples from the seabed were collected by Van Veen sampler and box-corer. So far, more than 2000 samples of nodules have been described and analyzed. The main assumptions of the project are to determine:
The chemical investigation (by using of ICP-MS) performed on the new nodule samples from the Słupsk Furrow and the edge of the Gotland Basin showed the average REE content at the level of 164.33 ppm (from 118.40 ppm to 202.74 ppm). There is a visible small positive Li anomaly (from 60.40 ppm to 444.60 ppm). Further research investigations may redound more data in the context of economic potential. Mon: 17
Topics: 1.24 Reclamation and transformation of post-mining landscapes: Biogeochemical processes, ecological and geochemical remediation strategies for open-cast mining lakes and sustainable water management Airborne geophysical investigation of former opencast lignite mining areas using machine learning and other techniques Bundesanstalt für Geowissenschaften und Rohstoffe (BGR), Germany As part of project D-AERO Finsterwalde, the “Bundesanstalt für Geowissenschaften und Rohstoffe” (BGR) carried out an airborne geophysical study in a former opencast lignite mining area in summer 2021. The area (260 km², 1742 line-km) surveyed using BGR’s helicopter-borne geophysical system (electromagnetics (EM), magnetics and radiometrics) is located about 60 km southwest of the city of Cottbus. The project was conducted in cooperation with “Lausitzer und Mitteldeutsche Bergbau-Verwaltungsgesellschaft” (LMBV) and in consultation with “Landesamt für Bergbau, Geologie und Rohstoffe Brandenburg“ (LBGR). The results (Siemon et al., 2022) include a comparison of the resistivity models derived from EM data with a geological database provided by LMBV and corroborates the validity of the resistivity models. We present here the first results of “FINA”, a new project by BGR´s „Forschungs- und Entwicklungszentrum Bergbaufolgen” (FEZB) that, among several other goals, aims to make use of the collected helicopter-borne EM information to complement the previous analysis. Using machine-learning algorithms, the EM models are analyzed searching for patterns previously not seen. An in-depth analysis is performed based on geological and geophysical databases, now complemented with geophysical logs and further geological borehole information provided by LBGR. These results will be used in the near future to refine a new 3D geological model of Lusatia currently in development, in order to obtain a better understanding of the water distribution and flow patterns in that region. Mon: 18
Topics: 1.24 Reclamation and transformation of post-mining landscapes: Biogeochemical processes, ecological and geochemical remediation strategies for open-cast mining lakes and sustainable water management Application of isotopes to study groundwater surface water interactions in the German Lusatian mining district – a first characterization BGR Bundesanstalt für Geowissenschaften, Germany The hydrology and hydrogeology of the German Lusatian mining district has strongly been impacted by open pit lignite mining. During active mining, mines are dewatered to lower the groundwater tables below the coal-bearing layers (up to 100 m below the surface). Following the phase-out of current mining activities, groundwater levels will rise and groundwater will reconnect with surface water. The groundwater-surface water interactions strongly influence flow patterns and dynamics as well as hydrochemistry and water quality, and are still largely unknown. It is therefore planned to systematically select up to five representative post-mining lakes to conduct detailed measurement of climatological parameters and stable isotopes (deuterium, oxygen-18, and sulphur-34). The overall goal of this work (IsoGon project) is the characterization of surface water-groundwater interactions and the quantification of evaporation losses from the post-mining lakes in Lusatia. In this contribution, we summarize our planned project activities, state of the project, current understanding of the subject and our objectives of further planned work. Mon: 19
Topics: 1.24 Reclamation and transformation of post-mining landscapes: Biogeochemical processes, ecological and geochemical remediation strategies for open-cast mining lakes and sustainable water management Overview of the ecological situation of open pit lakes of the lignite mining in Germany 1Landkreis Cuxhaven - Amt Wasser und Abfallwirtschaft; 2BTU Cottbus Senftenberg, Germany; 3Lanaplan GbR, Landschafts- und Gewässerökologie The EU Water Framework Directive (WFD) demands a good ecological status or ecological potential for natural and artificial lakes larger than 50 ha until 2027. More than 100 artificial mining lakes originate from lignite mining activities in Germany. The specific chemistry of mining lakes with their high phosphorus retention capacity is a chance for the development of clear lakes that are poor in nutrients. For neutral mining lakes, the existing typology for natural lakes which is based on the biological quality elements was adapted. For acidic lakes, the phytoplankton assessment was modified by including the diversity of the phytoplankton. In total, 36 of the largest existing mining lakes in Germany were assessed and description of the limnological lake characteristics were elaborated. Some of the relevant lakes could not be sampled because they are still in filling process and under surveillance of the mining authorities or safety demands for sampling are not given. So far, 53 % of lakes considered in this study reach the good or better ecological potential. Three lakes fail this state because environmental quality standards for river basin-specific chemical pollutants are not complied. Only one lake shows too high trophic conditions. The currently applied assessment tools especially those for macrophytes and microphytobenthos do not meet the requirements for the specific ecological situation in acidic mining lakes. Therefore, these results can only be regarded as an intermediate status of assessment for mining lakes. A revision of the assessment process of macrophytes and microphytobenthos in acidic lakes is recommended. Mon: 20
Topics: 3.03 Advances in paleoclimate proxy development and application A historical record of combustion pollution in lake sediments during medieval and early modern times in Bad Waldsee (southern Germany) 1Institute of Geosciences, Department of Applied Sediment Geology- Technical University of Darmstadt, Darmstadt, Germany; 2Archeobotany Lab, Baden-Wuerttemberg State Office for Cultural Heritage- Regierungspräsidium Stuttgart, Gaienhofen-Hemmenhofen, Germany Laminated sediments of lake Stadtsee, located next to the city Bad Waldsee, provide a unique archive of socio-economic and environmental history since Medieval times. In this study we explored the composition patterns of PAHs and DMP together with the sedimentary charcoal influx records as indicators of variations in natural and anthropogenic fire activity from 1200-1800. Charcoal particles and organic pollutants are emitted from incomplete combustion in the surrounding area as well as in the city and thus deposited in sediments. Pyrogenic Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) can be linked to vegetation types, householdburnings or pre-industrial production. In particular, the co-occurrence of charcoal and PAHs including dimethyl-phenanthrene (DMP) isomers can be used as a proxy to distinguish natural- and human-related historical fire activity. However, this proxy has rarely been applied for the time period before 1800. Macro charcoal results show 15 screened charcoal peaks, which group into two phases of biomass burning. The first phase in the late Medieval period show high proportions of burned grass and monocot leaves, whereas in the second phase in the early Modern Times wood was the main fire fuel. The obtained PAH patterns, in particular the DMP isomers ratio (1.7-DMP/1.2-DMP), support the change in fuel source. High perylene values in late Medieval time indicate biogenic processes under anoxic conditions and suggests delivery of terrestrial organic material by water. Mon: 21
Topics: 3.03 Advances in paleoclimate proxy development and application Mg isotope fractionation in the bivalve Glycymeris 1Georg-August Universität Göttingen, Germany; 2Hessisches Landesmuseum für Kunst und Natur, Wiesbaden, Germany; 3Institute of Oceanography and Fisheries, Split, Croatia The Cenozoic cooling that occurred over the past 50 Ma is accompanied by an increase of Mg/Ca ratio in seawater. How this change in seawater chemistry is linked to climate change is still disputed. Mg isotope ratios of seawater could distinguish several possible causes including dolomitization, authigenic clay formation and changes in rates of silicate- and carbonate weathering. Former reconstructions of Mg isotope ratios of paleo-seawater are based on foraminifera, corals or carbonate muds, which however yield conflicting results. Here we assess the suitability of the bivalve Glycymeris as an archive for paleo-seawater δ26Mg (the standardized 26Mg/24Mg ratio). Their potential as geochemical archive advantage arises from their strong evolutionary conservatism, thick shells and a fossil record dating back to the Early Cretaceous. We report Mg isotope signatures of shells of three recent Glycymeris species from the Adriatic Sea that show an increasing fractionation with increasing ontogenetic age, a property that we use to determine δ26Mg of paleo-seawater from fossil Glycymeris specimens. Mon: 22
Topics: 3.03 Advances in paleoclimate proxy development and application Seasonal changes of ambient environment reflected in Glycymeris shells from the Iberian Shelf Research Centre for Astronomy and Earth Sciences, Budapest, Hungary The aim of our study was to investigate the driving factors for shell growth in G. glycymeris bivalves by analysing the growth patterns and stable oxygen and carbon isotope compositions of shells collected from the Atlantic coast of the Iberian Peninsula. An increment chronology, covering the 1985-2001 period, was established from the shells and was used to explore longevity and growth responses to environmental parameters. The inter-annual fluctuation of increment widths displayed a positive correlation (r=0.49, p < 0.05) with the regional March sea surface temperature (SST), suggesting that at this collection site, late winter SST is limiting the growth of the studied bivalve species. Significant negative correlations were observed with precipitation (r=-0.69 p<0.05) and also with sea surface salinity (r=-0.59 p<0.05) in February associated with complex hydrological processes of the Iberian Shelf. Intensive regional precipitation in June seems to have a positive effect on shell growth. Comparing sub-annually resolved oxygen isotope ratios from three specimens with overlapping lifespans (1984-1993) to satellite-derived temperature data proved that summer SST maxima were recorded within the shell carbonate, whereas annual minima are not reflected. Our results imply that annual growth rates of G. glycymeris shells collected near Aveiro are affected by summer runoff events and late winter SSTs. The latter connection is more difficult to explain as Glycymeris shell growth usually slows down or ceases during this period. Late winter stages of Glycymeris reproduction may affect their sensitivity to late winter SSTs and may have possible consequences for the overall annual shell growth. Mon: 23
Topics: 3.03 Advances in paleoclimate proxy development and application Seasonal variances in the palaeolake of Tayma (Saudi Arabia) seen in microfossils during the Early Holocene Humid Period 1Friedrich Schiller Universität Jena, Germany; 2Department of Archaeology, Max Planck Institute for Geoanthropology, Jena; 3Institute of Geography, Ruprecht Karl University of Heidelberg During the Early Holocene Humid Period (EHHP), a perennial lake was located in the endorheic depression north of the modern settlement of Tayma in Saudi Arabia. While the climate in this area is arid to hyperarid today, it was arid to semiarid during the EHHP. A deep lake phase occurred around the 8.2 ka BP climate deterioration that led to general cooling and drying on the Arabian Peninsula. Foraminifers and ostracods in the sediments of the sabkha basin represent a brackish to hypersaline inland water fauna, which provides valuable information on the past precipitation/evaporation balance. In the lower part of an analysed core section from the deepest part of the basin, they reflect the beginning of the EHHP with a transition to a more humid phase and the development from slightly saline wetlands to a shallow brackish lake, shown by increasing microfossil abundances, a decreasing adult/juvenile-ratio in ostracods, and an increase of δ13C. This culminated in a deep lake phase at ca. 8.3 cal. BP. Varved sediments from two sections contain ostracods and foraminifers which are more abundant in the dark layers, indicating more favorable living conditions during deposition of these layers. This is also indicated by higher frequencies of juvenile carapaces in the light layers, suggesting possibly higher juvenile mortality rates. A sieve pore analysis in ostracods valves proposes distinctly higher salinities during deposition of the light layers. The seasonal variances in the microfossil assemblages may reflect generally dry summers and more humid winters. Mon: 24
Topics: 3.03 Advances in paleoclimate proxy development and application Are molluscs a reliable archive for stable isotope paleo-temperature reconstructions? Implications from dual clumped isotope thermometry 1Institute for Geosciences, Goethe University Frankfurt, Altenhöferallee 1, 60438 Frankfurt, Germany; 2School of Ocean and Earth Science, University of Southampton, Southampton, UK; 3Department of Earth Sciences, Faculty of Geosciences, Utrecht University, the Netherlands Shell carbonates of marine molluscs are a widely used archive for paleo-environmental reconstructions. However, their use for temperature reconstructions may be impeded by species-specific vital effects and/or a lack of knowledge of the chemical and isotopic composition of paleo-seawater. Clumped isotope (∆47) thermometry of marine carbonates enables temperature reconstructions independent of seawater composition provided the carbonate formed in thermodynamic equilibrium. Dual clumped isotope thermometry, i.e. simultaneous analysis of ∆48 alongside ∆47, offers the opportunity to determine if a carbonate formed in isotopic equilibrium and to account for kinetic effects taking place prior to and/or during precipitation. Here, we present dual clumped isotope data for several modern mollusc specimens (including bivalves and gastropods) with average growth temperatures ranging from 5-27°C. We find that most specimens analysed in this study exhibit dual clumped isotope compositions which are indistinguishable from equilibrium. Moreover, their ∆47-derived temperatures agree within errors with their growth temperatures. We interpret the apparent equilibrium calcification of mollusc shell carbonates to be a possible consequence of a relatively low pH at the site of calcification. The absence of any resolvable kinetic isotope effects makes molluscs a reliable archive for highly precise (95CI of <2.2°C) temperature reconstructions via ∆47-analysis. Based on previous ∆47 investigations of molluscs grown at known seawater oxygen isotope compositions (δ18OSW), we also determine the temperature dependencies of the oxygen isotope fractionation between seawater and molluscan aragonite/calcite. ∆47 and δ18O values of fossil molluscs may be used in conjunction with these calibrations to reconstruct both - seawater-δ18O and temperature. Mon: 25
Topics: 3.03 Advances in paleoclimate proxy development and application Isotope hydrogeochemistry and physico-chemistry of Lago Enriquillo (Dominican Republic) and its tributaries 1University Greifswald, Germany; 2Geochemistry & Isotope Biogeochemistry, Leibniz IOW, Germany; 3Interdisciplinary Faculty, University of Rostock, Germany,; 4Servicio Geológico Nacional, Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic Tropical cyclones (TCs) such as hurricanes are amongst the most devastating natural disasters of the modern world causing massive humanitarian, ecological, and economic damage every year. A better understanding of timing and frequency of TCs must, therefore, be a key priority for building resilience of affected countries. Within this project, we investigate a stable isotope-based approach for the reconstruction of paleo-TCs through the integration of ecological and morphological data with isotope geochemical signatures of modern ostracodes in relation to the hydrochemistry from a tropical lake located within the Main Development Region of TCs (Lago Enriquillo, Dominican Republic). Water samples were taken during two seasons in 2022 on different vertical profiles through the lake, associated tributaries and closed-by water bodies. Besides in-situ characterization, samples were taken for major, minor, and trace elements using different analytical approaches, and the stable isotope signatures of water (2H, 18O; CRDS spectroscopy), dissolved inorganic carbon (13C; gas mass spectrometry), and sulfate (34S, 18O; gas mass spectrometry). Hydrochemical data were further evaluated using the speciation model PHREEQC. Substantial changes in the lake composition were observed between the two campaigns. Together with an evaluation of element stoichiometries, the water isotopes allow for an evaluation of sources and evapotranspiration. Carbon and sulfur isotopes allow to deduce the role of microbial activity and solution-atmosphere exchange on the modulation of the dissolved carbon system, in contact with solid phase carbonates, like ostracod shells Mon: 27
Topics: 3.11 Triassic Revolution Testing Triassic S2S models using simple grain-size analysis University of Liverpool, United Kingdom Outcrop and sub-crop evidence from the Lower Triassic Sherwood Sandstone Group (SSG) suggests a northerly flowing braided river deposited pebble-rich red sandstones through several UK basins. Previous workers assume the sole source of this ‘Budleigh Salterton River System’ to be the Armorican Massif, based on dominantly metaquartzite pebble composition, paleoflow orientations and lithostratigraphy trend. However, a proximal to distal facies trend northwards from an Armorican Massif source should mean pebble-sized clasts decrease in abundance northwards, yet pebble-rich sandstones and conglomerates are seen through several basins with slight variations in composition, perhaps indicating that other topographic high areas adjacent to the river system also provide a source for the pebble clasts via tributary drainage systems. This study conducted fieldwork to collect data specifically surrounding clast inclusions pebble clasts, including clast size, abundance, and orientation, to determine if/where possible tributaries occur. Pebble abundance was plotted against distance using Matlab software, with a simple model inversion used to assess the distance from the source. Our results indicate a three source-model is most likely, suggesting local sources are present and significant contributors to the overall sediment budget. Using spatial distributions of pebble abundance, one tributary was likely located from the Welsh Massif and a second from a potential basin margin fault. These results contrast previous models, which suggest the majority of sediment was sourced from the Armorican Massif, and raise several questions about the distribution of Triassic sediment fairways across the UK. Mon: 28
Topics: 3.20 Multiscale Investigations of Convergent Margins: Unraveling Subduction Dynamics from Kinematic Transitions to Metamorphic Reactions Alpine and Variscan peak pressures of different rock types from the Adula Nappe (Central Alps) determined by Raman spectroscopy of quartz inclusions in garnet 1Institute of Geological Sciences, FU Berlin, Germany; 2Geologischer Dienst Nordrhein-Westfalen; 3Department of Lithospheric Research, Vienna University The Adula nappe in the Swiss-Italian Central Alps is a continental basement nappe from the former European margin that was subducted to depths indicating (ultra)-high-pressure conditions. Many studies were performed to understand the pressure-temperature-time evolution of the Adula nappe. The Adula nappe underwent eclogite-facies metamorphism during the Variscan and Alpine orogenic cycles but the Variscan and Alpine parageneses are hard to distinguish. For this study, around fifty samples were collected from different lithologies on a N-S transect through the Adula nappe parallel to the direction of subduction. Raman spectroscopy on quartz inclusions in garnet was used as a geobarometer to measure minimum peak pressures. This method is independent of chemical equilibria and yields reliable pressure constraints even if the high-pressure mineral assemblage has been retrogressed. Variscan and Alpine garnet domains were identified using the Electron Microprobe and Scanning Electron Microscopy. The Variscan peak pressure was at least 2.3 GPa. For the Alpine metamorphism, the Zr-in-rutile temperatures exhibit a gradient increasing from ca. 500-550 oC in the north to around 700 oC in the south. The minimum peak pressures in the northern and central Adula nappe are 2.1-2.2 GPa for metasediments, 1.4-2.0 GPa for metabasites, and 1.5 GPa for an orthogneiss. Lower pressures of 1.1-1.3 GPa in the southern Adula nappe were potentially caused by viscous relaxation of the quartz inclusions during the high-temperature Lepontine metamorphism. Mon: 29
Topics: 3.20 Multiscale Investigations of Convergent Margins: Unraveling Subduction Dynamics from Kinematic Transitions to Metamorphic Reactions Exhumation related crystallographic preferred orientations in Cretaceous high pressure rocks of the Eastern Alps Universität Bonn, Germany The Saualpe-Koralpe high pressure (HP) complex as well as the HP units of the Pohorje mountains formed during the Cretaceous orogenic cycle in the Eastern Alps. Within these units eclogite bodies can be found, which were probably emplaced along the rift zone that led to the opening of the Meliata ocean. After closure of the ocean ongoing convergence led to underplating within the lower plate, which led to the formation of the Austroalpine nappe stack. During subduction, the Saualpe, Koralpe and Pohorje units reached peak pressure conditions of 2.2-2.4 GPa/630-690°C, 1.8-1.9 GPa/670°C and 3.0–3.7 GPa/710–940 °C, respectively. PT-analyses, microstructural investigations and dating predict different contrasting models for the subsequent exhumation of these units. Here, we investigate the deformational history of these units during their exhumation. We sampled sets of pristine eclogites, retrograde amphibolite facies shear zones as well as neighboring gneisses surrounding the eclogite lenses. The samples were analyzed by electron backscatter diffraction (EBSD) to determine their crystallographic preferred orientation (CPO) and deformation mechanisms. Both omphacite in pristine eclogites and hornblende in the amphibolite facies shear zones show a pronounced CPO. Hornblende yields distinct signs of dynamic recrystallization by subgrain rotation within the shear zones. Quartz CPO was analyzed in both the eclogites and the surrounding gneiss matrix. Results indicate a shear sense reversal during the exhumation of the Pohorje eclogites. In this study we show CPO data that recorded the deformational path of these rocks from eclogite facies conditions up to the exhumation to crustal levels. Mon: 30
Topics: 3.20 Multiscale Investigations of Convergent Margins: Unraveling Subduction Dynamics from Kinematic Transitions to Metamorphic Reactions Numerical Thermo-Mechanical Modeling of Collision Zones: Investigating Anisotropy Effects using MDOODZ Software 1Goethe-Universität Frankfurt, Germany; 2Trofimuk Institute of Petroleum Geology and Geophysics of Siberian Branch Russian Academy of Sciences (IPGG SB RAS); 3UNIL | Université de Lausanne Understanding collision zones and their geodynamic processes is crucial for comprehending plate tectonics, mountain building, and seismic activities. This study employs the software MDOODZ for numerical thermo-mechanical modelling, specifically designed to simulate the mechanical behaviour and thermal evolution of rocks in 2D complex geological settings. Focusing on a collision zone, we investigate the influence of anisotropy on geodynamic processes. Anisotropy, resulting from preferred orientations of minerals or rock structures, plays a significant role in the deformation behaviour and mechanical response of stressed rocks. By incorporating anisotropy effects using the director vector and transformation matrix approaches proposed by Mühlhaus (2002) and Fletcher (2005), respectively, we explore its impact on the overall geodynamic evolution of the collision zone. Our 2D thermo-mechanical numerical model captures the essential dynamics of the collision zone, considering the coupling of mechanical and thermal processes, including rock rheology, heat transfer, and their interactions. Accounting for anisotropic properties enables us to investigate the implications of various orientations and strengths of anisotropy on geodynamic processes within the collision zone. Our findings contribute to understanding collision zone dynamics, highlighting the significance of anisotropy effects in shaping geological processes. The utilisation of MDOODZ, in conjunction with anisotropy incorporation, facilitates exploring the intricate interplay between anisotropy and thermo-mechanical interactions in collision zones. Mon: 31
Topics: 3.20 Multiscale Investigations of Convergent Margins: Unraveling Subduction Dynamics from Kinematic Transitions to Metamorphic Reactions Effects of upper mantle drag on slab detachment dynamics: insights from 0D and 3D experiments Bayreuth Universität, BGI, Bayreuth, Germany Slab detachment is a process that has been invoked to explain rapid uplift, deep seismicity, and magmatic activity in several active orogens (e.g., Alps, Himalaya). However, it is not yet clear to which extent slab detachment is the primary cause of these phenomena. Thus, deciphering the physical processes controlling the slab break-off is important to understand its impact on the post-collisional evolution of orogens. Here, we employ numerical models to investigate the nonlinear coupling between mantle flow and slab detachment. Due to the three-dimensional nature of slab detachment and the variety of involved processes, it is daunting to pinpoint the first order controls on the time scale of this process. We, therefore, started to investigate this issue by developing a 0D necking model that describes the temporal evolution of the thickness of a detaching slab. We accounted for the effects of the nonlinear coupling between upper mantle and detaching slab and derived a set of nondimensional numbers that control the slab detachment process. Based on these findings, we, then, used 2D and 3D numerical models to further determine higher dimensional geometrical effects on slab detachment. Results show that the predictions from the 0D experiments predict simple 2D and 3D experiments sufficiently well. For more complex slab geometries, higher dimensional results deviate from the 0D predictions. Nevertheless, the combination of 0D and 2D/3D numerical models allows to determine first order controls on slab detachment and thus also on specific geological observations such as seismicity and surface response. Mon: 33
Topics: 3.20 Multiscale Investigations of Convergent Margins: Unraveling Subduction Dynamics from Kinematic Transitions to Metamorphic Reactions First results of quartz inclusion elastic barometry and insitu U/Pb dating in garnet for Koralpe-Saualpe-Pohorje (KSP) Complex 1Freie Universität, 12249 Berlin, Germany; 2Goethe Universität, 60438 Frankfurt am Main, Germany The KSP Complex in the Eastern Alps is a lithologically heterogenous (U)HP nappe with eclogite lenses embedded in gneisses and metasediments. The formation history of the KSP Complex is still debated. Here, we investigate in detail the pressure and temperature conditions during the formation of the complex along a NW-SE transect following the direction of subduction. This is the first study where quartz inclusions in garnet elastic barometry was conducted to determine the entrapment pressures, which correspond to the minimum pressure conditions present during the entrapment of quartz inside garnet. The eclogites yield pressures of max. 1.9 GPa across the KSP complex, indicating no pressure increase from the NW to SE. The metasediments and gneisses show overall lower pressures with ca. 1.4 GPa. Temperatures based on Zr-in-rutile thermometry do not indicate a temperature increase from NW to SE, with ca. 640 (±30)°C across the whole KSP Complex, based on very similar Zr content of ca. 270 ppm. U/Pb dating on garnets in metasediments provide the following ages for the Koralpe 101.3 ± 6.6 Ma (throughout garnet); Saualpe 224.6 ± 31 Ma (core) and 95.43 ± 5.6 Ma (rim); Pohorje 99.83 ± 5.85 to 104.2 ± 7.1 Ma (throughout garnet). Garnet in eclogite from Koralpe is 112.8 ± 9.9 Ma. Combined with results of previous studies of eclogite ages, we suggest, that the eclogites are former (probably Permian) gabbro intrusions that experienced HP conditions during the Eo-Alpine orogeny. Whereas garnet ages of metasediments from Saualpe provide evidence for a polymetamorphic history. Mon: 34
Topics: 3.20 Multiscale Investigations of Convergent Margins: Unraveling Subduction Dynamics from Kinematic Transitions to Metamorphic Reactions The effect of aqueous fluid on viscous relaxation of garnet and modification of inclusion pressures after entrapment 1Freie Universitat Berlin, Germany; 2Cambridge University, UK The elastic interaction between an inclusion and its host is often employed to study the entrapment conditions during metamorphism on the assumption that the host is not affected by creep. However, it is not well understood how fast creep-induced relaxation may occur and under what conditions the elastic regime holds for each crystalline inclusion-host system. In this study, we performed heating experiments on eclogite and spessartine garnets under 1) graphite, 2) N2+H2 and 3) H2O+Ar fluxed conditions at different temperatures. Raman spectroscopy is used to measure the same quartz and zircon inclusions after different heating times. The Raman-band wavenumber undergoes a time-dependent decrease in quartz inclusions and increase in zircon inclusions under H2O+Ar and H2+N2 conditions, but stabilises after the first heating step under graphite-buffered conditions. EBSD results reveal greater misorientation around the heated inclusions compared to unheated inclusions. Raman mapping reveals that stress heterogeneity in the garnet host develops first and fades away afterward, indicating dispersal of dislocations into the host. A visco-elastic model fit to the measured Raman data provides estimates of flow-law parameters for garnet. These results demonstrate the efficiency of H migration and its weakening effect on garnet. The data also indicate that the garnet can be stronger than previously thought under a dry and reduced environment, which is consistent with the high activation energy of Si diffusion in dry garnet. This study provides a critical temperature and water limit for elastic thermobarometry and criteria of determining whether an inclusion has been reset or not. Mon: 35
Topics: 4.06 From Unoccupied Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) to Mixed-Reality Visualizations: Expanding Frontiers in Field Data Acquisition, 3D-Model-Design and Geo-Visualization The internal structure of the Asse salt diapir – new insights from 3D geological modelling Federal Institute For Geosciences And Natural Resources, Germany As part of the retrieval planning of radioactive waste from the ASSE II salt mine, located in the western part of the Asse-Heesberg salt structure south-east of the city of Braunschweig in northern Germany, a detailed and consistent 3D geological model of the internal structure is required. It’s used as a planning tool for the construction of a recovery mine and includes the Zechstein units from the Staßfurt to the Aller-formations (z2-z4). The data basis consists of a multitude of prospecting data such as drill cores, georadar reflectors, 3D seismic and dip values, for instance. 3D geological modelling of salt rock which has been highly deformed by salt migration and tectonical stress as well, faces some challenges. The various layers within the salt rock are strongly folded and overturned in parts. Lithologically different salt bodies often intertwine. The visualization of such complex structures often cannot be realized using conventional 3D modelling software that bases on fixed mathematical algorithms. Thus, details of the internal structure remain disregarded in many cases. Salt model surfaces can be shaped more precisely considering not only the input data, but also the geologic evolution of the salt structure. Therefore, in this project, we use a software (OpenGeo7) that requests complete manual drawing of the isobaths of the model surfaces. In the present study, we present some challenges and results of this type of 3D geological modelling. Mon: 37
Topics: 4.06 From Unoccupied Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) to Mixed-Reality Visualizations: Expanding Frontiers in Field Data Acquisition, 3D-Model-Design and Geo-Visualization Automatisation of sparse cloud cleaning in Agisoft Metashape Professional (ver. 2.x) Institute of Geology and Mineralogy, University of Cologne, Germany The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) has recently published a guideline for processing coastal imagery acquired by unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) based on the widely used Agisoft Metashape Professional software (USGS Open-File Report 2021-1039; Over et al. 2021). The guideline aims to improve the quality of photogrammetric reconstructions by iteratively removing low-quality tie points based on different cleaning parameters. However, the improvement procedure is iteratively performed and requires permanent attendance of the operator. Furthermore, the different cleaning steps are executed on a trial-and-error basis, adding up to the overall attentiveness required. To minimise the time expenditure necessary for conducting the cleaning procedure and to provide a frame for the reproducibility of photogrammetric product derivations, we have compiled a python script to automate the tie point cloud optimisation as detailed in the USGS report. The graphical user interface of the script allows non-expert users to adjust important cleaning parameters, such as maximum reconstruction uncertainty, minimum projection accuracy and/or maximum reprojection error thresholds, and number of iterations to be performed. Furthermore, main tie point cloud quality measures can be directly assessed. We will demonstrate that the time required to clean tie point clouds (using a computer equipped with a 3.60 GHz processor, 64 GB Ram, and NVIDIA Quadro M4000) can be significantly reduced, such that cleaning of a (unprocessed) ~8 million tie point cloud is achieved unattended in about 30 minutes (default cleaning threshold values used), with ~7 million tie points being automatically removed while significantly increasing point cloud quality measures. Mon: 38
Topics: 4.06 From Unoccupied Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) to Mixed-Reality Visualizations: Expanding Frontiers in Field Data Acquisition, 3D-Model-Design and Geo-Visualization GIS-based geological 3D modeling of the Paleozoic rocks of the Halle-Wittenberg-block in the urban area of Halle (Saale) and surroundings Institute of Geosciences, Martin-Luther-University Halle-Wittenberg, Halle, Germany The Halle Fault in central Germany is a major tectonic fault that separates the lower permian rocks (Rotliegend) in the north from triassic rocks in the south. While geological modeling of the Cenozoic and Mesozoic rocks on both sides of the fault has been carried out frequently in the last two decades, the Paleozoic volcanics and sediments of the Permo-Carboniferous rocks in the Halle-Wittenberg-Scholle that outcrop in the urban area have not been modeled in 3D. This study aims to fill this gap by proposing a 3D GIS-based modeling approach to model the geometric and stratigraphic relationship of the volcanic rocks and host-sediments of the Halle-Wittenberg-Scholle. The approach relies on standard geological data, such as geological maps, boreholes, and digital terrain models, from which geological cross sections are generated and used for further modeling. Existing profiles and seismic data are desired and can bring advantages in the modeling process. While attempts to develop an open-source modeling tool have already been made, they require programming skills, making this GIS-based approach more accessible to a wider audience. For this purpose this research aims to make the proposed method publicly available, enabling anyone to create a 3D geological model without the need for specialized and costly modeling programs. This approach facilitates an ideal exchange between students and scientists, promoting further understanding and exploration of the possibilities of geological 3D modeling, and also advancing the understanding of the geological features of the Halle Fault. Mon: 40
Topics: 4.13 Museen als Fenster in die Forschung Besucher aktiv werden lassen: Angewandte Paläontologie zur Wissenschaftskommunikation 1Leibniz-Institut zur Analyse des Biodiversitätswandels, Germany; 2Universität Hamburg Ökosystem- und Klimaänderungen sind äußerst aktuelle und brisante Themen, die bei einem großen Teil der Bevölkerung auf breites Interesse stoßen. Bei der Unterscheidung zwischen anthropogen beeinflussten und rein natürlichen Änderungen spielen paläoklimatologische Untersuchungen eine wichtige Rolle. Die Ergebnisse solcher Untersuchungen geben populäre Medien jedoch zum Teil missverständlich oder gar verfälscht wieder. Oft veröffentlichen Medien Ökosystem- und Klimadaten und diskutieren diese, doch die Ansätze zur Ermittlung der präsentierten Daten, ihre Verlässlichkeit sowie ihre Anwendbarkeit bleiben NichtwissenschaftlerInnen oft verschlossen. Ein guter Weg, interessierten Laien natürliche Klimaänderungen zu erläutern und generell das Verständnis für wissenschaftliche Forschung zu stärken, sind vereinfachte Fallstudien z. B. anhand von synthetischen Pollenpräparaten. Wir stellen solche Studien vor und diskutieren ihre Umsetzbarkeit in Museen, Schulen und der universitären Lehre anhand des Beispiels eines Kurses zur Pollen-basierten Paläoklimaanalyse mit Grundschulkindern, bei dem theoretische Fragen mit Analysen und haptischen Arbeiten verknüpft wurden. Wir legen weiterhin dar, wie solche Kurse in verkleinertem Umfang auch bei öffentlichen Veranstaltungen umgesetzt werden können. Mon: 41
Topics: 4.13 Museen als Fenster in die Forschung Geoparks – Connecting geology, nature and society for a sustainable future Geopark Ries e.V., Germany Geoparks serve as an important link between science and the public. Through the lens of geotourism, they not only strengthen regional development and sustainable economics but also offer an interesting encounter with geology and the profound story of our planet’s past. Geoparks provide universal access to the habitat Earth and thereby enhance the respect for nature within society. Since last year the Geopark Ries has been labeled UNESCO Global Geopark, highlighting its remarkable geological heritage on the global stage. The concept of the Geopark Ries is designed to captivate, interest and educate individuals from diverse backgrounds. Even from a very young age, visitors are able to dive into Earth’s history via child-firendly educational programs. Numerous geosites, expert-led tours and thematic hiking trails not only deepen the understanding for the environment and geology of interested locals and tourists but also grant researches and students access to the type locality of Suevite and Riesite. Therefore, Geoparks play a significant role in raising public awareness regarding the relationship between geology, nature and humanity, thus laying a solid foundation for a sustainable future. Mon: 42
Topics: Others Das Natürlich Geschlossene System (NGS) eine axiomatische Triade der Geologie Geologie, Germany Neben geologischen besitzen Gesteinsgrenzen auch die mathematische Eigenschaft der Gleichheit oder der Kongruenz. Im Einheitskubus des NGS können durch die Mittelsenkrechte vier kongruente Dreiecke in der lotrechten Ebene und vier kongruente Prismen dargestellt werden. Der geometrische Zusammenhang ist begründet durch das mathematische Axiom der Kongruenz. Die Kongruenz der Gesteinsschichtung ist ein rein geologisch begründetes Faktum der Geologie, die Erklärung desselben Bedarfs keiner weiteren Entität. Der Einheitskubus des NGS erklärt die Verknüpfung des Kongruenzaxioms mit dem Parallelenaxiom in der Geologie. Das Parallelenaxiom ermöglicht den Ansatz der Messtechnik im geologischen Bau, die Einbeziehung des Zahlensystems und somit die axiomatisch begründete Komplexität in der Geologie. Die Veränderung der räumlichen Lage von Gesteinen aus einer ursprünglich horizontalen Lagerung in alle möglichen Schrägstellungen desselben verursachen Schnitte von unterschiedlichsten Flächen und Ebenen im geologischen Bau. In diesen Schnittlinien inzidieren unterschiedliche geologische Flächen und Ebenen miteinander. Die Spuren dieser Schnitte sind Linien der Inzidenz. Auswirkungen geologischer Schrägstellungen der Gesteine können durch das Axiom der Inzidenz erklärt werden. Die Triade ist ein vollständiges, widerspruchsfreies und kategorisches System von Axiomen.Das NGS, ein mathematisches Objekt der Geologie, erklärt die Zusammenhänge der axiomatischen Triade in der Geologie. I.S. des Mathematikers David Hilbert (1862 – 1943) wird die Geologie durch ein System miteinander verknüpfter Axiome erklärt, das aus den Axiomen der Kongruenz, der Parallelität und der Inzidenz besteht. Die axiomatische Triade ermöglicht die Entwicklung einer "Theoretischen Geologie". Mon: 43
Topics: Others Precision, accuracy, and trueness: Bursting myths on portable XRF Bruker Nano GmbH, Germany Handheld and portable X-ray fluorescence (XRF) spectrometers have evolved in recent years from being primarily used as metal sorting tools in scrap yards to becoming instruments of high analytical performance. However, this trend has not been fully embraced by the academic and research community, and there are multiple reasons for this. In this presentation we will provide a comprehensive description of the capabilities of these devices, particularly in the context in geo-analysis and archeometric research. We will cover typical analytical performance indicators, including instrument stability, limits of detection, precision and accuracy, as well as reproducibility in quantification. Furthermore, we will discuss how the hardware concept of the instrument influences its performance, allowing for a better understanding of the instrument's capabilities and limitations. As a practical example, we will focus on the analysis of archaeological ceramics using the TRACER 5g. Ceramic analysis is a common research field in archaeometry that presents additional complexities for accurate elemental characterization. For this application, we will discuss strategies for optimizing measurement time and analytical parameters, tuning existing calibrations for the samples, validating results for publication requirements, and address the challenges of non-invasive analysis of precious artifacts. Additionally, we will explore how the combination of sample characteristics, analytical questions, and XRF physics are directly connected in this context. The presentation will provide a realistic assessment of the analytical performance of portable XRF instruments by offering a robust analytical evaluation that dispels existing myths surrounding this technique. Mon: 46
Topics: 1.01 Towards 'Net Zero' with negative emissions and sustainable landscapes Depositional conditions controlling organic carbon burial in fine-grained sediments of the North Sea – The Helgoland Mud Area as a test field 1Alfred Wegener Institute Helmholtz Centre for Polar and Marine Research, Germany; 2University of Bremen, Faculty of Geosciences, Germany; 3MARUM – Center for Marine Environmental Sciences, University of Bremen, Germany; 4Alfred Wegener Institute Helmholtz Centre for Polar and Marine Research, Wadden Sea Research Station, List/Sylt, Germany Fine-grained marine sediments are the largest permanent carbon sink on our planet. We chose the Helgoland Mud Area (HMA) as it represents the most important depocenter of such sediments in the German Bight and hosts a variety of sedimentary habitats that differ in key depositional factors – including water depth, sedimentation rates, grain size and origin of organic matter (OM). The HMA serves as a natural model area to (1) identify the main depositional drivers controlling the burial of organic carbon and (2) assess the efficiency of different sedimentary habitats as natural long-term carbon sinks. During two expeditions with RV Heincke, we collected a total of 16 MUC-cores from different areas of the HMA. Pore-water and solid-phase sampling and analyses were performed - including 210Pbxs to assess sedimentation rates and bioturbation depths, grain-size distribution, TOC contents and pore-water concentrations and stable carbon isotopic composition of DIC to determine the origin of the degrading OM. Sedimentation rates for the past ~200 years range from <0.5 to 6 mm yr-1 with highest rates in the southern and central part of the HMA. TOC contents typically vary from 1 to 2 wt% with highest values in areas of highest sedimentation rates. The source and reactivity of the degraded OM show large variations, ranging from marine origin in the NW to terrestrial sources in the S of the HMA. The obtained data set will be subject to statistical analysis to determine the key factors controlling the burial of organic carbon in fine-grained North Sea sediments. |
7:00pm | Öffentliche Abend-Diskussion "Das Anthropozän - Wie Menschen geologisch tätig wurden – und in Zukunft handeln sollten" Location: Audimax Session Chair: Georg Feulner, PIK Seit der Industrialisierung sind die Menschen zu einer der wichtigsten Kräfte auf unserem Planeten geworden und haben das Erdklima, Landschaften und Ökosysteme tiefgreifend verändert.
Wie können wir leben, ohne die planetaren Belastbarkeitsgrenzen der Erde zu überschreiten? Welchen Beitrag können die Geowissenschaften dafür leisten? Was können wir aus der Erdgeschichte lernen? Und wie können wir eine nachhaltige Zukunft gestalten? Darüber diskutieren die Klimaforscherin Ricarda Winkelmann und der Geochemiker Friedhelm von Blanckenburg. Moderation: Georg Feulner | Potsdam-Institut für Klimafolgenforschung (PIK) e. V. |
7:00pm | Student and Early Career Researcher EvenT (SECRET) Location: Senatssaal |
Date: Tuesday, 05/Sept/2023 | |
Ausstellung Geoparke Location: Wiwi 102 | |
Exhibition "Life conquers a planet: Example Earth" | Gesteins-Ausstellung: Leben übernimmt die planetare Steuerung: Beispiel Erde Location: Foyer (Henry Ford Building) Session Chair: Christoph Heubeck, Friedrich-Schiller universität Jena | |
8:30am - 9:20am | Plenary Lecture by Constanze Veeh "The EU Critical Raw Materials Act - the vital role of research and knowledge in policy making" Location: Audimax Session Chair: Christoph Hilgers, Karlsruhe Institut Für Technologie - Kit |
Topics: Plenary Talk
The EU Critical Raw Materials Act - the vital role of research and knowledge in policy making European Commission, Belgium In March 2023, the EU Commission proposed a Critical Raw Materials Act. The Act puts a legislative framework in place that addresses security of raw materials supply and provides stability for actors in this field. Its foundation is extensive intelligence gathering and research, allowing for the development of sound a mid- to long-term strategy. This talk will highlight both the provisions of the act as well as the knowledge that underpins them. |
9:20am - 9:40am | Awards: Prof. Dr. Ralf Littke, RWTH Aachen – Gustav-Steinmann-Medaille I Dr. Frank Junge, Taucha – Serge-von-Bubnoff-Medaille | Prof. Dr. Nicole Richter, RWTH Aachen – Distinguished Lecturer 2024 Location: Audimax |
9:40am - 10:00am | Coffee Break Location: Foyer (Henry Ford Building) |
10:00am - 11:15am | 3.28-1 Developments and progress in regional geology Location: Hall A (HFB) Session Chair: Guido Meinhold, TU Bergakademie Freiberg |
10:00am - 10:30am
Invited Session Keynote Topics: 3.28 Developments and progress in regional geology Shaping the northern Gondwana margin before the Variscan orogeny: large-scale geodynamic processes and paleogeography Institute of Geology and Paleontology, Faculty of Science, Charles University, Czech Republic The Cadomian accretionary orogeny at the end of Neproterozoic to early Cambrian was one of the principal crustal growth events in Europe, as indicated by a number and widespread distribution of Cadomian basement units within the Variscan and Alpine orogenic belts. Although the evolution of the Avalonian–Cadomian active-margin of northern Gondwana has been well established, geodynamic causes of its collapse and processes of its transition to a passive margin are significantly less understood. The particularly intriguing issues, which have a significant impact on interpretations of paleogeography and course of the subsequent Variscan orogeny, include: (1) how and when the Cadomian orogeny ended, (2) what was the provenance of the Avalonian, Cadomian, and other terranes, i.e., where they started their journey from Gondwana to Pangea, (3) how was the Cambro–Ordovician rifting phase expressed along the former active margin and what was its exact timing, duration, style, and magnitude, and (4) how far east reached the Rheic Ocean rift system and what was the nature of its eastern termination. Integrated geochronological and tectonic information suggest that (i) the active-to-passive-margin transition was step-wise, protracted over Cambrian and early Ordovician, (ii) strongly controlled by tectonic inheritance whereby an inherited suture in the Avalonian ribbon terrane facilitated complete rifting and rift–drift transition while the Cadomian terranes remained attached to Gondwana, and (iii) magmatism may have been an important geodynamic driver of rifting during at least the initial stages, before being overridden by the slab pull force of the subducting Iapetus Ocean. 10:30am - 10:45am
Topics: 3.28 Developments and progress in regional geology The Harz Mountains (Germany) – Cadomia meets Avalonia and Baltica: U-Pb ages of detrital and magmatic zircon as a key for the decoding of Pangea´s central suture 1Senckenberg Naturhistorische Sammlungen Dresden, Germany; 2Sächsisches Landesamt für Umwelt, Landwirtschaft und Geologie, Germany; 3Nationale Genossenschaft für die Lagerung radioaktiver Abfälle (Nagra) , Switzerland; 4UNESCO Global Geopark Harz, Germany The nature of Pangea´s internal suture in the Central European Variscides is evaluated on the example of the Harz Mountains (Germany). U-Pb ages of detrital (n = 2273) and magmatic zircon grains (n = 170) were obtained by LA ICP-MS for provenance studies and absolute age dating. Provenance studies point to a docking of East Avalonia onto southern Baltica at c. 430 Ma and to a closure of the Rheic Ocean at c. 430-420 Ma. In the aftermath, the re-opening of a narrow Rhenish Seaway happened in mid-Devonian time. Devonian aged sedimentary rocks of the Harz Mountains were formed at the north-western (Rheno-Hercynian) and on the south-eastern (Saxo-Thuringian) margin of the Rhenish seaway. Deposits formed on the Rheno-Hercynian margin display sedimentary supply from southern Baltica, while most East Avalonian sources were buried and not available for erosion. Siliciclastic shelf deposits of Saxo-Thuringia were derived from Cadomia and its West African hinterland. Provenance studies and spatial arrangement of the tectonostratigraphic units in the Harz Mountains allow to reconstruct the style of obduction of the Harz Mountains onto the southeastern margin of East Avalonia (Rheno-Hercynian Zone). As a result of the closure of the Rhenish Seaway and the collision with the Mid-German Crystalline Zone, the Harz Mountains show a building plan strongly dominated by thin skinned tectonics. Our new data favour a two-plate model for the origin of Pangea´s internal suture in the Central European Variscides, but a re-opening of a narrow oceanic seaway is necessary after closure of the Rheic Ocean. 10:45am - 11:00am
Topics: 3.28 Developments and progress in regional geology The Ellesmerian orogeny of Laurussia – A far-field effect of the late Devonian collision of Gondwana with North America 1TU Bergakademie Freiberg, Germany; 2Lakehead University, Canada Convergent tectonics of the Ellesmerian orogeny affected Arctic Canada and Svalbard in late Devonian - early Carboniferous times. The coeval ultra-high pressure metamorphism in NE-Greenland, the formation of the Maritimes Basin in the Canadian Appalachians, and tectonic activity in the Antler orogeny (Nevada, USA), raised a controversy about whether the Ellesmerian orogeny was related to either late Caledonian plate tectonics or renewed, i.e., post-Caledonian convergence of Laurentia with the rest of Laurussia. Here, we argue that the Ellesmerian orogeny represents a far-field effect of the collision of a Gondwanan promontory with the Appalachian segment of Laurussia. This collision caused the decoupling of the North American lithosphere from Laurussia. The northward motion of this lithospheric domain relative to Laurussia explains the tectonic events along its boundaries, namely the Ellesmerian and the Antler orogenies along the frontal and the Panthalassan margins, respectively. Furthermore, it triggered the reactivation of the NE segment of the Greenland Greenland-Scandinavian Caledonides under dextral transpression causing UHP metamorphism. To the southeast, the formation of the Maritimes Basin reflects dextral transtension and associated strike-slip faults parallel to the edge of SE-Greenland. Strain compatibility requires the existence of a dextral lithospheric-scale strike-slip fault that links the tectonic structures and transects the Greenlandian part of the North American Craton. Because this proposed shear zone in SE Greenland follows small-circle trajectories of the motion of Gondwana relative to Laurussia, we interpret the southeastern edge of Greenland as a dextral transform boundary of the decoupled North American lithosphere. |
10:00am - 11:15am | 3.06 Present and past sediment routing systems Location: Hall B (HFB) Session Chair: Laura Stutenbecker, University of Münster Session Chair: Matthias Hinderer, Technical University of Darmstadt |
10:00am - 10:15am
Topics: 3.06 Present and past sediment routing systems Partitioning of organic carbon across submarine slope environments 1Leibniz University Hannover, Germany; 2Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Spain; 3Federal Institute for Geosciences and Natural Resources (BGR), Hannover, Germany Although the burial of organic carbon in submarine fans and its importance for the carbon cycle have recently received growing attention, our understanding of the mechanisms at play is still lacking compared to other organic carbon storing environments. Here, we present insights on the distribution of organic carbon throughout marine slope environments from the Arro System, Aínsa Basin (Spain). Evaluation of TOC content by C/S analysis from 82 samples show that there are distinct partitioning patterns of organic carbon between different depositional slope environments and mass transport complexes (MTC). Channel axes are relatively poor in organic carbon (average 0.1% TOC), while overbank deposits are relative enriched (average 0.49% TOC). Intraslope lobes show high variability between their sub-environments. Lobe axis deposits have an average TOC content of 0.13%, lobe fringe deposits 1.21% and the lobe distal fringe deposits 0.55%. Mass transport complexes have an average TOC content of 0.53 %. Integration of Hydrogen Indeces (HI) and Tmax, established by RockEval analyses, points towards our samples falling within the range between Type III and Type II kerogen (terrestrial and marine matter), while δC13 show a range between 24.5 and 26.5‰, indicating a predominantly terrestrial source. Our study shows the partitioning of organic carbon across slope environments that are dominated by different depositional processes. The understanding of this variability is important as wrong assumptions about carbon content can be made from studies that ignore spatial differences and potentially lead to false interpretations of climatic/tectonic changes and estimations on carbon budgets. 10:15am - 10:30am
Topics: 3.06 Present and past sediment routing systems Ambiguity of provenance studies in complex source-to-sink settings – sediment recycling, basement exhumation and signal mixing in the Schilfsandstein (Central European Basin) 1Geowissenschaftliches Zentrum der Georg-August-Universität Göttingen, Germany; 2Geologischer Dienst, LUNG M-V; 3Institute of Geography and Geology, University of Greifswald; 4Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Institute for Applied Geosciences, Provenance studies in the Central European Basin are challenged by the complex geology of source areas. The Variscan orogen represents a puzzle of Cadomian terranes, Variscan-aged domains and Palaeozoic sediments with Baltica-/Gondwana-derived detritus. The Caledonian-Fennoscandian source area comprises the Caledonian Belt, Archean to Neoproterozoic domains (Baltica), Variscan molasse sediments and Permo-Carboniferous igneous rocks. The low-maturity Schilfsandstein (Stuttgart Formation), composed of first- and second-cycle sands, is an ideal candidate to evaluate provenance tools in a complex setting. Within a basin-scale study, subsurface facies maps, heavy minerals, and U-Pb zircon ages were applied to samples from Germany and onshore UK. Results show that the Schilfsandstein represents variable mixtures of recycled sediments and eroded basement. Heavy minerals are dominated by the Gt-Zr assemblage in North Germany (Fennoscandia), by the Ap-Zr-Ep assemblage in southern NW Germany (Rhenish Massif), and by Gt-Zr, Ap-Zr or Ap-Gt-Zr assemblages in Central and South Germany (Bohemian Massif, Vindelician Land). The clear discrimination of Variscan and Fennoscandian sources based on heavy minerals and subsurface facies maps is less constrained by zircon age spectra. Samples from North Germany either show a mix of Fennoscandian and Variscan spectra or typical Variscan spectra comparable to spectra of samples from Central and South Germany. The statistically identical age spectra of samples from North and South Germany (except UK) suggests mixing of source signals in Schilfsandstein rivers or recycling of Variscan molasse sediments in Fennoscandian catchment areas. The results show that complex source-to-sink settings need integrated approaches, individual provenance tools may lead to ambitious results. 10:30am - 10:45am
Topics: 3.06 Present and past sediment routing systems Variscides everywhere? Multi-stage sedimentary recycling in Central Europe Senckenberg Naturhistorische Sammlungen Dresden, Germany We used original detrital zircon morphology, trace element, and U-Pb age data obtained from Upper Rotliegend II strata (Upper Permian) to reveal sedimentary fluxes within the Central German Basin. Understanding the evolution of such a system is crucial for further studies, given that the North German Basin is storage to vast natural gas resources and may also serve as an intermediary sedimentary repository for younger strata. The detrital zircon dating results revealed the presence of main age clusters from the Permian, Carboniferous, and Cambrian periods. Additionally, several minor clusters from the Neo-, Meso-, and Palaeoproterozoic eras were also identified. These ages are remnants of the Cadomian and Variscan orogenies and the opening and closure of the Rheic Ocean. Zircon grain morphologies varied from completely unrounded to completely rounded grains across the age range. The heterogeneity of the data obtained from the studied mineral grains is vital to understanding the sedimentary history of the Central German Basin. It suggests that the basin fill is most likely a mixture of repeatedly recycled material and directly derived material from bedrock sources. The detrital zircon trace element data support these findings, showing a wide range of values indicating different magma sources. These results underline the complexity of detrital zircon, and shed further light on the sedimentary history of the Central German Basin. We also found that the North German Basin is an integral part of a sedimentary recycling system spanning Central Europe, which is active since the Neoproterozoic. 11:00am - 11:15am
Topics: 3.06 Present and past sediment routing systems Rapid downdip textural and compositional maturation of Moodies Group siliciclastics, Barberton Greenstone Belt, South Africa and Eswatini Friedrich-Schiller-Universität-Jena, Germany The Paleoarchean Moodies Group (ca. 3.22 Ga) of the Barberton Greenstone Belt (BGB) is the oldest known well-preserved, shallow-water siliciclastic sequence on Earth. Proximal-to-distal textural and petrographic examination of selected units across adjacent terrestrial, coastal, and shallow-marine depositional facies of this strongly deformed unit provides the opportunity to constrain Archean weathering conditions by source-to-sink analysis, complementing previous bulk analyses. We examined conglomerate, sandstone, and shale composition by detailed geologic mapping and facies analysis along progressive downdip sediment routing systems, after excluding regions of syndepositional hydrothermal alteration. The majority of quartz and feldspar grains in the central BGB was sourced from intermediate to felsic intrusives and (sub-)volcanics of the Hooggenoeg Formation of the Onverwacht Anticline (OA). Downdip textural and mineralogical maturation from immature, F-, L- and matrix-rich, coarse-grained debris-flow-style units to texturally and compositionally supermature fine-grained sandstone occurs within a few km; facies belts fringe the OA. Chemical weathering and mechanical disaggregation of latite-dominated clast populations in proximal facies accompanied decomposition of F to clay (now partially preserved as sericite grains) and of intermediate volcanic grains to quartz-sericite-mosaic grains within a few km from their source. Energetic reworking in wide coastal-facies belts winnowed the abundant clay from the sediment and generated supermature sand, possibly aided by high tides. We deduce that Moodies Group sediment generation appears to have occurred in an aggressive weathering environment; in the coastal zone, only sediment which was silicified surficially and pre-compaction escaped transformation to a sedimentary “restite”. |
10:00am - 11:15am | 1.03 Exploration of near-surface geological structures using active and passive seismic methods Location: Hall C (HFB) Session Chair: Manuel Hobiger, Bundesanstalt für Geowissenschaften und Rohstoffe Session Chair: Sonja Halina Wadas, Leibniz Institute for Applied Geophysics Session Chair: Ulrich Polom, Leibniz Institute for Applied Geophysics Session Chair: Thomas Spies, Bundesanstalt für Geowissenschaften und Rohstoffe (BGR) |
10:30am - 10:45am
Topics: 1.03 Exploration of near-surface geological structures using active and passive seismic methods The southern Baltic Sea – a geoarchive to investigate Quaternary fault reactivation due to glacial isostatic adjustment 1University of Hamburg, Germany; 2Lantmäteriet, Sweden; 3Federal Insitute for Geosciences and Natural Resources (BGR), Germany The southern Baltic Sea between the German and Polish coast in the south and the Danish and Swedish coast in the north comprises the well-investigated structural-geological situation along the Tornquist Fan area. Different tectonic features tell the story of this polyphase activated weakness zone, like the Paleozoic Tornquist Zone in the NW, Mesozoic NE trending fault zones or salt structures with crestal grabens above, such as various Late Cretaceous to Paleogene inversion structures. Time-migrated reflection seismic sections indicate neotectonic activity and fault reactivation, a fact supported by recent earthquakes and ongoing isostatic movements of up to 1 cm/a. Due to the reduced resolution of this thin Quaternary layer within the seismic sections, the fault activation could not be dated more precisely so far. Stress variations of the existing background stress are assumed to result from glacial isostatic adjustment (GIA) processes within the lithosphere. This study analyses fault reactivation due to GIA, covering the past 200 ka. For the first time, this glacially triggered faulting could be studied and compared on a variety of faults that differ in their strike and dip direction, age, depth, and character. Using finite element simulations, we tested if and when faults were reactivated during ice advances and retreats within the European Saalian and Weichselian glacial phases. 10:45am - 11:00am
Topics: 1.03 Exploration of near-surface geological structures using active and passive seismic methods Visualizing blind faults with shear-wave seismic reflection surveys: a case study from the Sorgenfrei-Tornquist Zone, northern Denmark 1Institut für Geologie, Leibniz Universität Hannover, Callinstr. 30, 30167 Hannover, Germany; 2Leibniz Institut für Angewandte Geophysik, Stilleweg 2, 30655 Hannover, Germany; 3Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland, Department of Near-surface land and marine geology, University City 81, Building 1872, 8000 Århus C, Denmark So-called ‘blind’ faults, which are not visible at the Earth’s surface may be the source of unexpected and potentially disastrous earthquakes and thus represent a major hazard, especially in urban areas. Detecting such hidden faults is highly important for the seismic hazard assessment of a region, but often remains a challenge, because the faults are covered by young sediments. To overcome this limitation, we visualize blind faults in the area of the Sorgenfrei-Tornquist Zone in northern Denmark with shear-wave seismic reflection surveys. The faults on the seismic surveys are interpreted based on systematic reflector offsets, the presence of continuous transparent zones that separate individual fault blocks, abrupt lateral changes in the reflector pattern, and the presence of fault shadows. The seismic surveys give evidence for a near-surface strike-slip fault system, based on the presence of flower structures and the dominance of steep faults. The distribution of the faults on the seismic surveys and the occurrence of fault-related shear-deformations bands that occur in outcrops along the nearby seas-cliff, together with fault-related basins that are developed in the study area, indicate that the northern boundary fault of the Sorgenfrei-Tornquist Zone is not an isolated fault, but a wider fault array. The study demonstrates that the shear-wave reflection seismic method is a powerful tool to image near-surface faults and is very suitable for palaeoseismological studies. The significantly improved resolution of shear-wave seismic surveys compared to those of the common P-wave reflection method is an advantage, especially in the case of small fault displacements. |
10:00am - 11:15am | 1.23-1 Sustainable Groundwater Management to mitigate Water Scarcity:... Location: Hall D (HFB) Session Chair: Irina Engelhardt, TU Berlin Session Chair: Peter Dietrich, Helmholtz-Zentrum für Umweltforschung GmbH - UFZ Session Chair: Martin Sauter, Leibniz-Institut für Angewandte Geophysik |
10:00am - 10:15am
Topics: 1.23 Sustainable Groundwater Management to mitigate Water Scarcity: Innovative monitoring strategies, new modelling tools, and integrative management concepts Can we characterize groundwater reservoirs in central Europe from air pressure induced seismic velocity changes? University of Vienna, Austria Given the increasing challenges posed by climate change, especially more frequent and severe droughts experienced globally, effective exploration and management of groundwater resources is essential to ensure a sustainable and resilient society. As part of this effort, it is necessary to acquire comprehensive knowledge of the distribution of significant and readily accessible freshwater reservoirs on continents. This outlines the critical need for an efficient and cost-effective imaging method to assess this vital resource. In response, we propose a novel imaging method that utilizes observations of air-pressure-induced seismic velocity changes. We utilize findings of our study (Kramer et al., 2023) which shows atmospheric tides and their interaction with the groundwater body are the primary cause of sub-daily seismic velocity changes. Analyzing these velocity changes can reveal valuable information on the hydro-geophysical properties of the underlying groundwater body. Building on this knowledge, we introduce this imaging method and apply it to the seismic data collected across South and Central Europe. For this purpose, we use coda-wave-interferometry to investigate four years of continuous data from AlpArray and other locations throughout Europe. Kramer, R., Lu, Y., & Bokelmann, G. (2023). Interaction of air pressure and groundwater as main cause of sub-daily relative seismic velocity changes. Geophysical Research Letters, 50, e2022GL101298. https://doi.org/10.1029/2022GL101298 10:15am - 10:30am
Topics: 1.23 Sustainable Groundwater Management to mitigate Water Scarcity: Innovative monitoring strategies, new modelling tools, and integrative management concepts From Struggle to Solutions: Understanding the Concerns of People's Groundwater Usage Habits and Environmental Awareness for Sustainable Water Management in Ca Mau Province 1Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), Institute of Applied Geosciences; 2Laboratory for Environmental and Raw Materials Analysis (LERA); 3Potsdam University, Institute of Environmental Sciences and Geography, Soil Sciences and Geoecology The Mekong Delta, including Ca Mau province in the south, faces severe land subsidence, attributed in part to the excessive groundwater extraction. Addressing this issue requires finding alternative water sources while considering technical, environmental and social challenges. This study aims to understand the significance of groundwater to the people of Ca Mau, their water usage habits and awareness with environmental issues. Supported by local Provincial People's Committees, a comprehensive survey and group interviews were conducted across 9 districts of Ca Mau province. The research aimed to identify the spatial distribution of the required water management solutions and acceptance levels of alternative water resources. Water samples were collected and analyzed to establish the connection between water quality and people's water usage habits. Groundwater plays a vital role in people’s life, serving various purposes such as washing, cooking, drinking, and other activities. Groundwater usage depends on people's perceptions of its quality. For activities requiring higher levels of hygiene, additional water treatment or alternative water sources are preferred. The analytical approach from general viewpoints to details in this study investigates deeper into the story behind their water usage habits. It emphasizes the need to inform people about environmental challenges and raise awareness of cause-effect relationships. Evaluating alternative water resources and designing new water utilization concepts is based on local demands and willingness to change water-related habits. This research sheds light on people's awareness and concern while providing valuable insights for sustainable water management strategies in the Mekong Delta, specifically in Ca Mau province. 10:30am - 10:45am
Topics: 1.23 Sustainable Groundwater Management to mitigate Water Scarcity: Innovative monitoring strategies, new modelling tools, and integrative management concepts The Hidden Drought: A Hydrogeochemical Perspective on the Challenges of Sustainable Groundwater Management in the Vietnamese Mekong Delta 1Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), Institute of Applied Geosciences, Adenauerring 20b, 76131 Karlsruhe, Germany; 2Laboratory for Environmental and Raw Materials Analysis (LERA), Adenauerring 20b, 76131 Karlsruhe, Germany; 3Potsdam University, Institute of Environmental Sciences and Geography, Soil Sciences and Geoecology, Campus Golm, Building 12, 14476 Potsdam - Golm, Germany With escalating global freshwater scarcity, the Mekong Delta basin has emerged as one of the most socially and ecologically vulnerable regions, experiencing severe freshwater stress and storage loss. This vulnerability is primarily driven by the progressive "loss of land and freshwater" phenomenon, which encompasses a range of interconnected environmental issues, including land subsidence and seawater intrusion. The exponential growth in population, urbanization, climate change and rapid industrial and agricultural development has significantly increased the demand for freshwater, placing already limited supplies under immense pressure. In the coastal zones of the Mekong Delta, groundwater has become the primary and increasingly overexploited source of freshwater. Consequently, a decline in hydraulic heads and the threat of saline intrusion have become pressing concerns. To gain a comprehensive understanding of the hydrogeochemical processes at play, a meticulous investigation was conducted in the coastal province of Ca Mau, Vietnam. Through extensive sampling campaigns and rigorous hydrogeochemical analysis, this study sheds light on the intricate dynamics of groundwater chemistry in the region. The results reveal that ion-exchange processes and the decomposition of organic matter play dominant roles in shaping the groundwater chemistry. These findings hold significant implications for the sustainable management of water resources in the Mekong Delta. By unraveling the past and current hydrogeochemical groundwater dynamics, stakeholders can develop effective strategies to mitigate freshwater scarcity. The knowledge gained from this research contributes to the scientific understanding of hydrological systems and aids in the formulation of integrated water management policies for the region's long-term sustainability. 10:45am - 11:00am
Topics: 1.23 Sustainable Groundwater Management to mitigate Water Scarcity: Innovative monitoring strategies, new modelling tools, and integrative management concepts The Ohangwena aquifer system in Angola and Namibia – a fresh paleo-groundwater resource in an arid and saline environment Bundesanstalt für Geowissenschaften und Rohstoffe, Germany The transboundary Cuvelai-Etosha Basin (CEB), located in Southern Angola and Northern Namibia, is part of the Kalahari Basin, one of the world´s largest intracontinental basins. It contains mostly unconsolidated sandy sediments, often deposited by so-called megafans. The most prominent one in the CEB is the Cubango Megafan (CM). Megafans can contain large aquifers and thus have huge potential for water supply, especially in semi-arid regions. The CM hosts three aquifers: a locally present, perched aquifer, a regional mostly unconfined and a deep confined aquifer. The regional climate is semi-arid, with very high evapotranspiration (> 2000 mm/yr) that far exceeds the highly seasonal and variable precipitation (400-800 mm/yr). The widespread salinity in the contemporary groundwater of the CM can be attributed to both sub-recent and co-sedimentary evaporative processes. In the lower parts of the CEB, specifically at the southwestern rim of the megafan towards the Etosha Pan, saline groundwater predominates. Hydrochemical data indicate large-scale and long-term ion exchange processes. Together with environmental tracers, this shows that younger groundwater infiltrating to the north of the basin is slowly displacing the originally brackish-saline pore water. 81Kr ages range between 40 to 170 ka indicating the fossil nature of this resource. Analysis of stable isotopes and noble gases reveals that climatic conditions during recharge of the confined aquifer were approximately 3 – 5°C colder than today. Considering the population growth and predicted impact of climate change on water availability, careful management of this vulnerable and only partially replenishable resource is advisable. |
10:00am - 11:15am | 3.16-1 Assessing biosphere geosphere interactions in the subsurface, at leaking wells, and natural vents and seeps Location: Wiwi 101 Session Chair: Sebastian F. A. Jordan, Federal Institute for Geosciences and Natural Resources Session Chair: Oliver Schmale, Leibniz Institute for Baltic Sea Research (IOW) Session Chair: Jens Kallmeyer, GFZ Potsdam |
10:00am - 10:30am
Invited Session Keynote Topics: 3.16 Assessing biosphere geosphere interactions in the subsurface, at leaking wells, and natural vents and seeps Current understanding of sources and quantities of geological and biological methane emissions into the atmosphere Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia, Italy Methane (CH4) is an important greenhouse gas, but our understanding of the magnitude of its sources is fraught with considerable uncertainties. Quite neglected in early atmospheric methane budget studies, Earth’s degassing is today considered a major natural source of methane. Geological (natural fossil) methane emissions, including gas seepage in petroliferous sedimentary basins (macro-seeps, microseepage, marine seepage) and geothermal exhalations, were estimated at the global scale by several research groups, based on bottom-up and top-down procedures, and accounting for ~40-50 Tg CH4 yr-1 (latest review and discussions on conflicting estimates are in Etiope and Schwietzke, 2019, and Thornton et al. 2021). This value is equivalent to roughly one-third of the average emission attributed to wetlands, and it rivals with the high uncertainty of freshwater sources. Global gridded mapping was developed to provide the spatial distribution of the geological methane sources, as well as their isotopic (13C/12C) composition and potential intensity (Etiope et al. 2019), and it has been used to refine fossil fuel industry and microbial CH4 emission budget. Geological emission breakdown at continental scale could be derived (e.g., Petrescu et al. 2023), with the emission values that must be considered only in terms of “order of magnitude”. The geo-CH4 sources are now included in the methane budget of the Global Carbon Project (Saunois et al. 2020), where they are compared to other natural and anthropogenic sources, including an analysis of double-counting with some biological sources. Correct definitions, source attribution, uncertainties and limits define the roadmap strategy for refining emission estimates. 10:30am - 10:45am
Topics: 3.16 Assessing biosphere geosphere interactions in the subsurface, at leaking wells, and natural vents and seeps Methane release from inactive oil and gas wells in Romania - preliminary results Babes-Bolyai University, Romania In spite of the decreasing production, Romania remains one of the most important oil and gas producers in Europe. The European inventories of anthropogenic methane release reveals unexpectedly high emissions related to the oil and gas industry in Romania. The number of drilled wells in Romania is exceeding 60,000, with the majority of them currently being inactive. A first approach to quantify the methane emissions from active wells was conducted within the ROMEO project. The highest emissions were observed at the facilities with poor technical maintenance. As part of the UNEP-funded project Global Analysis of Methane Emissions from Abandoned Oil and Gas Wells, an evaluation of methane release from inactive wells is ongoing. No comprehensive inventory of the inactive wells is available for the moment at a national level. The ENVERUS (DrillingInfo), database provides information on 6348 wells in Romania, out of which 776 wells in the Transylvanian Basin. More than 72% of the reported wells were dry, while different amounts of oil and/or gas have been found in the others. According to the nationally applicable closure procedure, most of the wells are plugged and buried, making their identification and detection of gas leaks difficult. In a few cases, substantial methane emissions have been reported, which may pose a threat to neighboring residents. Acknowledgment: this contribution was supported by the project Global Analysis of Methane Emissions from Abandoned Oil and Gas Wells, funded by UNEP. 10:45am - 11:00am
Topics: 3.16 Assessing biosphere geosphere interactions in the subsurface, at leaking wells, and natural vents and seeps Geochemical detection of minor hydrocarbon seepage in marine subsurface sediments GFZ Potsdam, Germany All hydrocarbon reservoirs leak slightly. At sites with only minor leakage the hydrocarbons (HC) infiltrating the sediment from below are completely metabolized before reaching the sediments surface due to microbial activity, thus not creating any surface manifestations, e.g. seeps. Nevertheless, the HC influx will change geochemistry as well as microbial community composition and activity in the affected area because electron donors are added into the system. The PROSPECTOMIS project wants to detect these changes to develop a minimally invasive and low-cost tool do detect HC reservoirs using omics and geochemistry techniques. In November 2021 we recovered fifty 2-3 m long sediment cores from three minor HC seepage zones and two non-seepage reference zones in the southern Barents Sea and sampled sediment and pore water with high spatial resolution. While Fourier-transform ion cyclotron resonance mass spectrometry and cell abundances did not show any differences between HC seepage zones and reference zones, multiple pore water concentration profiles e.g. for Manganese, Calcium, Silicon, Strontium, Sulfide revealed differences. Also, higher fluxes of sulfate and alkalinity in HC zones indicate that the sink for sulfate and the source of alkalinity must be shallower in HC zones, most probably caused by anaerobic oxidation of methane (AOM) below the sampled depth interval. Linear sulfate pore water profiles indicate no net turnover of sulfate. Nevertheless, we observed low rates of sulfate reduction using radiotracer incubations, mostly in HC zones. Combining these parameters with multi-omics datasets will reveal potential indicators for minimal HC seepage. 11:00am - 11:15am
Topics: 3.16 Assessing biosphere geosphere interactions in the subsurface, at leaking wells, and natural vents and seeps Chasing strong seismic reflections in the basement of a giant gas accumulation - the Norwegian Troll mystery Equinor, Norway The crystalline basement below the giant Norwegian Troll field has been subject to research and publication for many decades. Still no well bore has penetrated the deep crystalline basement. An ever-increasing amount of geophysical information, documents pronounced basement heterogeneity. The seismic reflection patterns suggest the presence of mappable fluid reservoirs within metamorphic basement rocks. High-reflection-low-density geobodies appear to be connected to major detachment zones with varying seismicity, but avoiding younger transform lineaments. The features are considered to have formed during the collapse of the Caledonian mountains, opening the precursor basins of the North Sea and the Northern Atlantic Ocean. The structures are partly inherited from contractional features, formed during the Caledonian continental collision between Baltic and North American plates. Former and present-day fluid migration, using this inherited deformation pattern, is significant for understanding the development of one of the most important energy sources for Europe. While earlier speculations about origin and significance of the strong seismic reflections had to be based on presumed analogues on the Norwegian mainland, we will present evidence from new, high quality seismic, gravity, magnetic and magneto-telluric data and propose new working hypotheses for their geologic origin. Pointing to low density, low magnetism and low resistivity, our mapped „geo-bodies“, could form fluid reservoirs that have influenced the regional development of the Greater Troll area. |
10:00am - 11:15am | 2.03-1 Setting the stage for a habitable planet: Solid earth processes through time Location: Wiwi 104 Session Chair: Sara Vulpius, Freie Universität Berlin Session Chair: Liam Hoare, Ruhr-Universität Bochum |
10:00am - 10:15am
Topics: 2.03 Setting the stage for a habitable planet: Solid Earth processes through time Experimental and isotopic constraints on the formation of Archean continental crust 1Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Germany; 2Freie Universität Berlin, Germany Remnants of Earth’s juvenile continental crust are preserved in the form of Archean Tonalite-Trondhjemite-Granodiorites (TTGs). However, much controversy surrounds the composition of TTG protoliths and whether the geodynamic setting involved convergent-style plate tectonics. Thus, a combination of high-pressure and high-temperature experiments combined with robust geochemical proxies are required to gain insight into TTG petrogenesis. Numerous experimental studies have demonstrated that partial melting of hydrated basalt at 0.8 to 2 GPa is sufficient to produce TTG-like melts. The compositions of starting materials used in these experiments vary significantly between studies and has profound implications for the solidus, melt composition, and the type, composition and modal abundance of solid phases. This is problematic especially given most studies have utilised MORB-like starting compositions, which differ significantly in composition to the least altered Archean metabasalts which posses higher MgO and lower Al2O3. We present the results of partial melting experiments conducted at 1-1.5 GPa and 940 to 1100 °C in a piston cylinder apparatus using synthetic starting materials with varying H2O (4-6 wt.%), based on the compositions of Eoarchean metabasalts from the Isua supracrustal belt in southern West Greenland. The run products of these experiments will be analysed to assess their phase assemblages and melt composition, and to constrain the magnitude of mineral-melt trace element and isotopic (Ti) fractionation during partial melting. Ultimately this experimental campaign will ascertain if partial melting of high-Mg, low-Al metabasalts is a viable mechanism to produce melt compositions resembling those of Archean TTGs. 10:15am - 10:30am
Topics: 2.03 Setting the stage for a habitable planet: Solid Earth processes through time Tectono-magmatic evolution of the Lewisian Gneiss Complex, NW Scotland: constraints from in situ U-Pb, Lu-Hf and trace element analysis of TTG-derived zircon. 1Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Germany; 2ETH Zürich, Siwtzerland; 3Curtin University, Australia; 4Paul Scherrer Institut The mainland Lewisian Gneiss Complex (LGC) in NW Scotland is dominated by Archean tonalite-trondhjemite-granodiorite (TTG) gneisses. It consists of at least three distinct crustal blocks that have different magmatic and metamorphic histories. The LGC is regarded to either represent i) a once-contiguous fragment of Archean crust that was later disaggregated and reassembled along major shear zones into the northern, central and southern regions, or ii) a collage of discrete terranes. To better assess the tectono-magmatic evolution of the LGC, we use in situ U-Pb, Lu-Hf and trace element analysis of zircon grains derived from a representative set of TTG gneiss samples. The crystallization ages of TTGs range between 2778 and 2609 Ma in the northern region (Rhiconich terrane), 3003 and 2731 Ma in the central region (Assynt/Gruinard terranes), and 3110 and 2675 Ma in the southern region (Rona terrane). Zircon εHf(t) values of the oldest samples from the southern region are broadly chondritic. Samples from the southern part of the central region (Gruinard terrane) are more radiogenic, indicating a major period of juvenile magmatism at c. 2900-2800 Ma. Zircon derived from TTGs < 2800 Ma is characterised by chondritic to sub-chondritic Hf isotope signatures, pointing to increased crustal reworking during the late stages of TTG magmatism. Collectively, our data show that TTGs in the different parts of the LGC formed at different conditions and from different sources. We propose that the LGC is composed of at least three terranes that were assembled during the Neoarchean to Paleoproterozoic. 10:30am - 10:45am
Topics: 2.03 Setting the stage for a habitable planet: Solid Earth processes through time Metamorphism and the tectonic evolution of the Archean 1Freie Universität Berlin, Berlin; 2China University of Geosciences, Wuhan; 3University of Louisiana at Lafayette; 4Columbia University The tectonics on the Archean Earth is intricate and contentious, with ongoing debate concerning the dominant surface processes controlled by either a plate tectonics regime or alternative forms of tectonics (stagnant lid, heat pipe, drip tectonics, sluggish plates and other planetary modes of heat loss). In this study, we assess the viability of interpretations of tectonics during the Archean using a newly compiled metamorphic database. We relate Archean cratons and continental history, crustal growth and reworking, and horizontal motion of ancient cratons to infer which tectonic styles and processes operated. Our analysis is synthetized by the highlighting of three distinct Archean periods with different tectonic activity, starting at 3.8 billion years (Ga), from when the first metamorphic data are available. We find that in the interval 3.8-3.5 Ga, tectonics was dominated by short-lived subduction tectonics and non-subduction tectonics, possibly in cohabitation. Between 3.4 and 3.0 Ga, subduction was present and contributed to the lateral growth of the continents. In the 2.8-2.5 Ga period, the assembly of supercontinent/supercratons signals the action of modern-style plate tectonics. In summary Archean metamorphic data allow timing the Earth progression from pre-modern tectonics to modern plate tectonics including the supercontinent cycle. 10:45am - 11:00am
Topics: 2.03 Setting the stage for a habitable planet: Solid Earth processes through time Growth of non-typical garnet textures during amphibolite facies metamorphism: Dwalile Supracrustal Suite, Ancient Gneiss Complex, Eswatini 1Helmholtz Centre Potsdam Deutsches GeoForschungsZentrum GFZ, Germany; 2Geological Survey of Finland, P.O. Box 96, FI-02151 Espoo, Finland; 3Centre for Crustal Petrology, Department of Earth Sciences, Stellenbosch University, Private Bag X1, Matieland 7602, South Africa; 4Institut für Geologische Wissenschaften, Freie Universität Berlin, Malteserstrasse 74-100, 12249 Berlin, Germany; 5Department of Earth Sciences, Utrecht University, Budapestlaan 4, 3584CD Utrecht, The Netherlands The Dwalile Supracrustal Suite of the Ancient Gneiss Complex (Eswatini) represents one of the oldest greenstone belts in the world with a crustal evolution history from Palaeo- to Mesoarchaean times. The main metapelitic rock type is dominated by garnet and staurolite porphyroblasts in a layered matrix of biotite, muscovite, quartz and retrograde sericite. Minor components are andalusite, chlorite and chloritoid with accessory ilmenite and monazite. The age for the amphibolite facies metamorphism is recorded by monazite at ca. 3.15 Ga. The garnet-staurolite bearing metapelites have thus similar mineralogy and bulk rock compositions, but differ due to their unusual garnet microstructures. In some samples the garnet grains are distributed as thin layers consisting of elongated ribbons, with local resorption textures and peninsular features together with coarse recrystallised quartz. The euhedral garnet cores are only visible in compositional maps, which show a typical bell-shaped growth zoning. EBSD maps of the crystallographic orientations of the garnet are created for four samples and two samples were imaged using high-resolution X-ray tomography for the visualization of the garnet morphology in order to test the relationship of the garnet porphyroblasts and consider the implications for the formation mechanism. For example, do the garnets share the same crystallographic orientation or is there evidence for deformation and/or rotation processes during growth. How are the garnets orientated in 3D space and are the ribbon textures build up by subgrains caused by deformation or are they separate grains formed by multiple nucleation events, possibly caused by fluid-rock interaction processes. 11:00am - 11:15am
Topics: 2.03 Setting the stage for a habitable planet: Solid Earth processes through time In-situ analysis of lead and multiple sulfur isotopes in southern West Greenland peridotite sulfide grains reveal evidence for Eoarchean crustal recycling 1Freie Universität Berlin, Germany; 2University of Fribourg, Switzerland; 3Universität zu Köln, Germany; 4Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster, Germany; 5University of Copenhagen, Denmark; 6Naturhistoriska riksmuseet, Stockholm, Sweden Eoarchean peridotites from the area south of the Isua Supracrustal Belt (SOISB) in southern West Greenland have been found by previous studies to contain sulfur subject to mass independent fractionation (MIF-S), with positive Δ33S values indicating that these rocks have incorporated sedimentary sulfur recycled from Earth’s surface [1]. New in-situ secondary ion mass spectrometry measurements of sulfide grains found within these peridotites reveal that this MIF-S is hosted within the sulfide grains. Electron microprobe analyses of the sulfide grains reveal that they are predominantly composed of pentlandite and pyrrhotite, consistent with the typical sulfide mineralogy of mantle rocks. The peridotites displaying the least petrographic evidence for melt overprint (Group 1) were found to contain the highest average in-situ Δ33S values, +0.20±0.02‰, while those bearing more evidence for melt overprint (Group 2) had lower average in-situ Δ33S values, +0.09±0.03‰. These findings are in good agreement with previous bulk rock S isotope results [1]. In-situ Pb isotope measurements of the sulfide grains reveal unradiogenic compositions consistent with an Archean origin. Furthermore, petrographic observations reveal that the sulfide grains are crosscut by amphiboles, indicating that the sulfide grains predate Neoarchean amphibolite-facies metamorphism. Our data support previous interpretations that these rocks are the oldest known mantle peridotites. These findings reinforce previous interpretations that SOISB peridotites preserve evidence of crustal recycling in the Eoarchean. [1] Lewis et al. (2022) EGU 22-5226 |
10:00am - 11:15am | 3.11-3 Triassic Revolution Location: Wiwi 104a Session Chair: Stephan N.F. Spiekman, Naturkunde Museum Stuttgart |
10:00am - 10:15am
Topics: 3.11 Triassic Revolution The Carnian Pluvial Episode in Tethys Realm: Insights from multiproxy paleoclimate data 1Department of Physics and Earth Sciences, University of Ferrara, Via G. Saragat 1, Block B, Ferrara 44100, Italy; 2State Key Laboratory of Biogeology and Environmental Geology, China University of Geosciences, Wuhan 430074, China; 3Institute of Geosciences and Earth Resources - CNR, Via Gradenigo 6, Padova 35131, Italy; 4Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences, Paleontology & Geobiology, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, Richard-Wagner-Straße 10, 80333 München, Germany; 5SNSB-Bayerische Staatssammlung für Paläontologie und Geologie, Richard-Wagner-Straße 10, 80333 München, Germany; 6Department of Earth Sciences, University of Oxford, South Parks Road, Oxford, UK The Carnian Pluvial Episode (CPE, 234–232 Ma) was a major climate change event in the Triassic. The CPE brought substantial changes in ecological community structure and the appearance of many key groups dominating modern marine and terrestrial ecosystems. Here we present an interdisciplinary study of Upper Triassic strata in the Tethys realm to reconstruct the vegetation history and infer environmental changes during the Carnian. Furthermore, we applied Mercury (Hg) concentrations and Total Organic Carbon (TOC) to unwrap the role of volcanic activity as a major driver of this episode of climate warming and environmental perturbations. Palynological and paleobotanical data collected from the Northern Tethys (Kope-Dagh basin, NE Iran) show a shift towards hygrophytic elements reflecting the expansion of wet habitats on the continent during the latest early Carnian to late Carnian. The sedimentological and palynological patterns and plant fossil assemblages in the Northern Tethys closely resemble those observed in Western Tethys during CPE. This record represents the only clear record of the CPE in the Iranian plateau. Our geochemical data from Carnian marine sedimentary sequences of the Western Tethys demonstrate discrete spikes in Hg/TOC ratios during the CPE. The results suggest a direct link between the CPE and repeated pulses of the Wrangellia submarine Large Igneous Province that could have played a major role in the evolution of biota and the environment at that time. However, despite progress in understanding the CPE, significant uncertainty remains in addressing how the volcanic eruptions influenced different ecosystems/biotic communities, which deserves further studies. 10:15am - 10:30am
Topics: 3.11 Triassic Revolution The Lower Keuper (Erfurt Formation, Middle Triassic) fossillagerstätten from SW Germany: flourishing tetrapod ecosystems 1Staatliches Museum für Naturkunde Stuttgart, Germany; 2Universität Hohenheim, Germany; 3Institut Català de Paleontologia Miquel Crusafont, Spain Even if the knowledge of Triassic tetrapod communities and their role in terrestrial ecosystems has increased in the recent decades, the paucity of fossil sites from this time interval has hindered their complete understanding. In order to shed light on how the Triassic tetrapod communities were, evolved and interacted in their habitats, we are carrying out a series of multidisciplinary studies on the Ladinian Lower Keuper successions (Erfurt Formation) of southwestern Germany. These facies were deposited in a vast epicontinental platform of the Central European Basin, influenced by the Tethys Sea. The Lower Keuper in the study areas consists of a 20–25 m thick succession of alternating siliciclastic and carbonate deposits, mostly grey to green mudstones and marlstones, and yellowish to blueish dolostones, as well as occasional sandstones. The succession is divided in more discrete units, some of which forming exceptional fossillagerstätten with thousands of tetrapod remains recovered and tens of new tetrapod taxa (including basal members of different lineages) described to date. Sedimentological, taphonomic and palaeoecological data show that ecosystems were complex, with several levels within the trophic chain and including at least two top predators: a pseudosuchian archosaur and a giant capitosaur temnospondyl. Of note, fish diversity is particularly high, with at least 14 taxa so far known. The occurrence of the same vertebrate taxa, but in different proportions and from different ontogenetic stages throughout the stratigraphic succession and in different localities corresponding to slightly different environmental settings, indicates stability of the ecosystems. 10:30am - 10:45am
Topics: 3.11 Triassic Revolution Reappraisal of the environmental setting and taphonomy of the Trossingen Plateosaurus bonebeds 1Staatliches Museum für Naturkunde Stuttgart, Germany; 2Institut Català de Paleontologia Miquel Crusafont, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Cerdanyola del Vallès, Spain; 3Universität Hohenheim, Stuttgart, Germany The Norian Trossingen Plateosaurus bonebeds have piqued the interest of many researchers over the past 100 years. Several investigations took place in the 1910’s to 1930’s excavating over 80 skeletons, but was then left to rest until 2007. In 2007, 2008 and 2010 small excavations took place, resulting in one and a half skeleton of Plateosaurus trossingensis. The depositional environment of the site has had a controversial history with several theories, ranging from a sandy desert to a catastrophic mudflow, to a watering hole with a muddy bottom. In the summer of 2022 an exploratory investigation was performed at the Trossingen site to prepare for large scale excavation in 2023, which will incorporate stratigraphical, sedimentological and taphonomic investigations to further dive into the evolution of the environment and its relation to the fossil remains. Here we present the first results of both the 2022 and 2023 field campaigns with a revised depositional history. The preliminary investigations in 2022 already showed the section is not as homogenous as previously thought and uncovered several structures, most of which not previously recognised, such as: (1) several small channel–like deposits likely of fluvial origin and (2) a carbonate layer with a possible lacustrine origin in the lower beds, (3) large pedogenetic carbonate nodules in the middle beds, and (4) large mudcracks in the upper beds. All these features, together with preliminary taphonomic data from the bones, suggest a potential upwards aridification trend across the entire section. 10:45am - 11:00am
Topics: 3.11 Triassic Revolution A taxonomic Gordian Knot - the sauropodomorph diversity in the Germanic Basin during the Late Triassic Eberhard-Karls Universität Tübingen, Germany The sauropodomorph-bearing localities from the Norian-Rhaetian of Europe have been traditionally interpreted as monospecific, attributing the morphological disparity in Plateosaurus to intraspecific variability. The Norian and Rhaetian stages are currently not chronostratigraphically defined, making comparisons between the different deposition environments cumbersome. However, from the base of the Norian to the Rhaetian, the sizes of sauropodomorphs increase, with small to medium-sized sauropodomorphs found in the oldest layers of the Löwenstein Formation, to larger and more robust-sized sauropodomorphs from the Tübingen Sandstone (Rhaetian). This contribution presents the results of a basin analysis to reconstruct the environmental changes in the Germanic Basin during the Late Triassic, integrating stratigraphy, fossil record and structural geology. The results of this are that during the Carnian, the opening of Meliata, Pindos and Maliac Oceans in Western Pangaea created rift zones on the carbonate platforms. Towards the Norian, the sea-spreading ceased as these southern oceans started to close just before the new rifting of the Neothetys began. The complex fault systems generated an epicontinental sea that separated portions of Europe as an archipelago that fully developed when the Rhaetian Sea occupied the Germanic Basin. Independently, several iterations of specimen-level phylogenetics of sauropodomorphs found that the three specimens that have been traditionally referred to as Plateosaurus are placed at the base of a comb-like arrangement that includes robust forms, such as Schleitheimia and Tuebingosaurus—two sauropodomorphs that have been previously nested within sauropodiformes. The phylogenetic patterns in a comb-like arrangement suggest a combination of vicariance and migration in the archipelago. 11:00am - 11:15am
Topics: 3.11 Triassic Revolution Climatic controls on the ecological ascendancy of dinosaurs 1Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg, Germany; 2University of Birmingham, Birmingham, UK; 3University of Bristol, Bristol, UK; 4University of Oxford, UK; 5Universidade de Sao Paulo, Sao Paulo, Brazil The rise of dinosaurs during the Late Triassic was a pivotal event in the history of life on Earth, which led to them becoming dominant members of terrestrial ecosystems throughout the remainder of the Mesozoic. However, the drivers of this geographic expansion and explosion in biodiversity have been poorly understood. Early studies have hypothesized that the extinction of co-occurring vertebrate groups such as aetosaurs, rauisuchians, and therapsids at the end-Triassic mass extinction, provided early dinosaurs with the opportunity to diversify into new niches. However, this pattern could instead be a response to climatic changes during this interval, especially given the increasing evidence that climate played a key role in constraining Triassic dinosaur distributions. Our work is the first to quantitatively explore the opportunistic expansion model by examining changes in dinosaur and tetrapod ‘‘climatic niche space’’ across the Triassic-Jurassic boundary. We found that Late Triassic sauropodomorph dinosaurs occupied more restricted climatic niche spaces than other dinosaurs, and were excluded from the hottest climate zones at low latitudes. The geographic expansion of sauropodomorphs after the mass extinction is linked to the expansion of their preferred climatic conditions. Evolutionary model-fitting analyses provide evidence for an important evolutionary shift from cooler to warmer climatic niches during the origin of Sauropoda, the clade that later in the Mesozoic became the iconic long-necked forms. Together, our results provide support for the key role of climate in the ascendancy of dinosaurs. |
10:00am - 11:15am | 3.27-1 Alkaline rock and carbonatite related magmatism Location: Wiwi 107 Session Chair: Benjamin Florian Walter, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology Session Chair: Tomas Magna, Czech Geological Survey |
10:00am - 10:15am
Topics: 3.27 Alkaline rock and carbonatite related magmatism The Chatham Islands: A window into the geochemical evolution of Zealandia 1GEOMAR Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel, Germany; 2Institute of Geosciences, Kiel University, Kiel, Germany; 3GNS Science, Lower Hutt , New Zealand The temporal geochemical record of Zealandian alkaline intraplate volcanism reveals a significant geochemical evolution from Cretaceous HIMU (high time-integrated μ = 238U/204Pb Mantle) end member to Cenozoic HIMU-like volcanism with overall lower 207Pb/204Pb and variable 208Pb/204Pb ratios at a given 206Pb/204Pb ratio. In general, this temporal geochemical evolution has been reconstructed by piecing together volcanism taking place at many different localities covering different but limited age ranges. The Chatham Islands, covering an area of ~800km2, represent the only known locality within Zealandia where volcanic activity has taken place nearly continuously over ~85 Ma and record the geochemical evolution from HIMU end member to HIMU-like volcanism. Therefore, the Chatham Islands are a key locality for reconstructing and understanding the geochemical evolution of Zealandia. Numerous models, such as an asthenospheric heritage (e.g. mantle plume) or metasomatic overprint of the SCLM by: 1) subduction zone fluids or 2) interaction with Hikurangi Plateau, have been proposed, but the style of geochemical change (abrupt or progressive), as well as the origin of the HIMU end member and HIMU-like sources remain enigmatic, as is the unique longevity of intraplate volcanism over ~85 Ma at a single locality. Geochemical analysis (major and trace elements, radiogenic Sr-Nd-Pb-Hf isotope ratios and mineral composition) of alkaline lavas and enclosed mantle xenoliths from the Chatham Islands, will be used to reconstruct their spatio-temporal geochemical evolution of HIMU to HIMU-like volcanism on the Chatham Islands and associated volcanism on Zealandia over the last ~85 Ma. 10:15am - 10:30am
Topics: 3.27 Alkaline rock and carbonatite related magmatism Formation and compositional variation in igneous garnets from the Tezhsar Alkaline Complex (Lesser Caucasus, Armenia) 1School of Geography, Geology and the Environment, Keele University, United Kingdom; 2Department of Earth Sciences, University of Oxford, United Kingdom; 3Institute of Geological Sciences, Armenian National Academy of Sciences, Yerevan, Armenia; 4School of Earth and Environment, University of Leeds, United Kingdom; 5School of Natural Sciences, University of Dublin, Republic of Ireland Garnet in alkaline igneous rocks is of interest due to its compositional and textural variability that provides insights into magmatic and hydrothermal processes. This study investigates textures and mineral chemistry of garnets from the Tezhsar Alkaline Complex (Armenia) to constrain their petrogenetic origin by determining whether the garnets are a primary magmatic liquidus phase or whether they have a secondary, subsolidus origin. Element mobility during garnet formation is evaluated, focusing on rare earth elements (REE), for which alkaline igneous rocks are a globally important resource and which are a valuable geochemical tracer to understand the evolution of rock-melt-fluid systems. In the Tezhsar Alkaline Complex, K-rich plutonic and volcanic rocks occur in concentric units, representing the remnants of a palaeocaldera (Sokół et al., 2018). Garnet occurs in euhedral to subhedral clusters in pegmatitic nepheline syenite and more rarely as phenocrysts in syenites. The calcic garnets have a high Ti content (c. 2-4 wt.% TiO2), which is typical for garnet in alkaline igneous rocks. Garnet in the pegmatitic nepheline syenite is devoid of inclusions and shows only limited chemical variability, interpreted to reflect crystallization from a melt. In the syenite, garnet is rich in mineral inclusions and is interpreted to reflect a metasomatic origin during late/post-magmatic growth. Trace element data is being acquired to constrain the physicochemical conditions of garnet growth and evaluate REE incorporation into garnet. Reference: Sokół, K. et al., 2018. Lithos 320-321, 172-191. 10:30am - 10:45am
Topics: 3.27 Alkaline rock and carbonatite related magmatism The connection between perovskite, magnetite, titanite and schorlomitic garnet in nephelinitic rocks from Burko volcano, Tanzania University of Tübingen, Germany Burko is a nephelinitic volcano in the Gregory Rift of the East African Rift System (EARS), situated in northern Tanzania. The rocks are olivine-free and phonolitic nephelinites, deposited as tuffs, agglomerates and lavas that frequently contain plutonic inclusions. Based on geochemical data, a carbonatite-metasomatized mantle source has been assumed for these rocks (Mana et al., 2015). We present a detailed mineralogical and petrological study of the variably evolved Burko rocks (whole-rock Mg numbers <50), which contain either nepheline + Fe-Ti oxide + perovskite + diopsidic pyroxene or nepheline + Fe-Ti garnet + titanite + hedenbergitic pyroxene ± alkali feldspar assemblages. Such an evolution of relatively oxidized and strongly SiO2-undersaturated alkaline magmas towards peralkaline compositions may be a common process and is probably controlled by T-aSiO2-fO2 changes. Based on a comparison with spatially associated nephelinitic volcanos like Sadiman and Ol Doinyo Lengai, we discuss similarities and differences in their genesis. Mana, S., Furman, T., Turrin, B. D., Feigenson, M. D., and Swisher, C. C., III, 2015, Magmatic activity across the East African North Tanzanian Divergence Zone: Journal of the Geological Society, v. 172, no. 3, p. 368-389. 10:45am - 11:00am
Topics: 3.27 Alkaline rock and carbonatite related magmatism Rare Earth Elements in Alkaline-Silicate Roof Zones: Late-Stage Magmato-Hydrothermal Processes in the Motzfeldt Igneous Centre, South Greenland 1University of St Andrews, United Kingdom; 2Stallion Resources Limited, United Kingdom The Motzfeldt Centre forms part of the Igaliko Complex: one of the major complexes of the Mesoproterozoic Gardar Igneous Province of Southern Greenland. This syenite hosts a Ta-Nb-Rare Earth Element (REE)-Zr alkaline-silicate roof zone, containing several metals classed as “critical” to the economy by the EU. This study carries out detailed mineralogical, geochemical, and microtextural analysis of REE-enriched syenite variants from Motzfeldt using BSE-SEM imaging, EPMA, WDS mapping, and RAMAN spectroscopy. These data provide evidence that an aggressive, magmatically derived, F-rich fluid (F1) altered primary magmatic pyrochlore (P0), replacing it with mineralogically heterogeneous pseudomorphs formed of secondary pyrochlore (P1) and several alteration phases. Also found also encrusted on the surface of P1, these intergrown secondary phases are formed of elements lost from P0 during alteration including Nb, REEs, F, Ca, Zr. In a second hydrothermal event (F2), these crusts are “scrubbed” from the surface of P1, dissolving into and enriching that fluid (F2) in the elements scavenged from those minerals. The escape structures formed by the fluid F2 as it exits the system are breccia pipes, cemented by a rock mineralogically reminiscent of carbonatite. Previously interpretations were that these structures were entirely magmatic, but our findings indicate these structures are late-stage hydrothermal in origin. This may be a novel mechanism by which carbonatite-type rocks are formed. These processes display how early intensive hydrothermal events can prime an ore body for further alteration, through conversion of refractory primary phases into secondary phases more vulnerable to hydrothermal attack. 11:00am - 11:15am
Topics: 3.27 Alkaline rock and carbonatite related magmatism Fluid Evolution in the Iivaara Alkaline Complex (Finland): a Fluid Inclusion Study RWTH Aachen University, Germany Alkaline igneous rocks are known to host a variety of rare metal deposits, including HFSEs and REEs. The Iivaara alkaline complex (Finland) and the surrounding fenite aureole show Ti-dominated enrichment of HFSEs carried by titanite and apatite. Mineralogy and textural observation indicate a shallow intrusion level, fast cooling, and steep temperature gradients, as well as expulsion of different fluids. So far, the roles of different fluids in rare metal enrichment in such systems have not been fully understood. New results of a fluid inclusion (FI) study including FI petrography, microthermometry, phase identification using Raman spectroscopy, and quantification of elements by LA-ICP-MS reveal the fluid evolution in the Iivaara alkaline complex. Three stages can be distinguished: magmatic fluid, post-magmatic fluid, and late aqueous fluid. Magmatic fluid is characterized by relatively high salinity, with a dominance of methane in the vapor phase. This fluid type is responsible for the fenitization process as well as transporting some important elements and metals like HFSEs and REEs. The post-magmatic fluid is characterized by relatively low salinity with very low to no methane concentration in the vapor phase. This fluid is responsible for recrystallization of some minerals, especially apatite and the formation of cancrinite as a replacement mineral and as a vein. And the last fluid is an aqueous fluid which is very low in salinity, interpreted as meteoric water influx at the very late stage. |
10:00am - 11:15am | 1.11-1 Unlocking CO2 storage potentials for Germany Location: Wiwi 108 Session Chair: Gesa Kuhlmann, BGR Session Chair: Sebastian Bauer, Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel |
10:00am - 10:30am
Invited Session Keynote Topics: 1.11 Unlocking CO2 storage potentials for Germany Legal framework for CCS – Overview and first lessons learnt Wintershall Dea AG, Germany The advancement of CCS-techniques is a significant tool to mitigate climate change and achieve net zero emissions. On European Level, the CCS-Directive (2009/31/EG) provides for a legal framework for, i.a., exploration and storage permits for storage sites, monitoring during and after the operational phase, requirements for closure and transfer of responsibility. The member states and associated countries have implemented these rules into national legislation. This contribution aims to, firstly, provide an overview over the regulatory framework in Europe and exemplary member states. It seeks to, secondly, outline first practical experiences from individual approval processes and to, thirdly, draw conclusions for further implementation. In this part, the focus will be on the evolving legal framework in Germany, i.p. the necessary legislative steps and possible accelerating tools. Wintershall Dea is actively involved in developing CCS-solutions: The first Carbon Storage Project “Greensand” marks a milestone, demonstrating how CCS can move across borders through an international infrastructure that connects emissions sources with storage capacities. In the first quarter of 2023, the leading consortium partners INEOS and Wintershall Dea received the storage license from the Danish authorities and concluded the pilot phase with a first injection in the world’s first cross-border, offshore CO2 storage project. Wintershall Dea holds or has a applied for further storage licenses in Norway and the Netherlands. This allows to tackle the procedural law issues targeted in this contribution from a practical angle. 10:30am - 10:45am
Topics: 1.11 Unlocking CO2 storage potentials for Germany Exploring for CCS DGMK e.V., Germany CCS has been identified as a key element for limiting global warming. The adoption of the EU Green Deal and other European regulation have made carbon capture and storage technologies an important part of the EU decarbonisation effort. The technology has been established in a different contexts, but CCS is not yet a routine industry application and it requires upscaling, if subsurface storing of the hard-to-abate emissions and later on Carbon dioxide from DAC and BE are to make a difference in the emerging climate crisis. Several studies assessing storage potential in Europe have been conducted identifying large potential storage volumes, while the decision-making process regarding the application of CCS is still ongoing in many countries. Regardless of the outcome, for CCS to become a valid option in 2030, exploration has to start now, as thorough exploration and compiling nationwide portfolio of potential sites will take several years. In this presentation, a possible route through the site development process is delinated, covering all aspects of safe and permanent CO2 injection from exploration execution to field development. Risk assessment and mitigation play a crucial role in this framework. In addition, project-specific parameters like reservoir parameters, drill sites and well paths and in addition to absolute storage volume, the storage capacity over time are discussed, providing key input for a comprehensive analysis leading to a balanced portfolio. A systematic assessment of potential sites is the basis for selecting the optimal locations, constructing efficiently dimensioned plants and establishing a process of maximum safety. 11:00am - 11:15am
Topics: 1.11 Unlocking CO2 storage potentials for Germany CO2 storage potential of the Middle Buntsandstein in the Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) of the German North Sea Bundesanstalt für Geowissenschaften und Rohstoffe (BGR), Hannover The storage of CO2 in deeply buried geological formations provides an important contribution to mitigate residual emissions from heavy industry in order to limit global warming below 2 °C. Robust geological models and storage capacity estimations are crucial for the successful planning and implementation of long-term storage projects. This study focuses on the CO2 storage potential of the Middle Buntsandstein within the Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) of the German North Sea. We mapped a total of 69 potential storage sites based on existing 3D models, seismic data and 39 exploration wells. Static CO2 volumes are calculated for each structure using a Monte-Carlo-Simulation with 10.000 iterations to account for uncertainties. All potential reservoirs are evaluated based on their volume, burial depth, top seal integrity (thickness, faults) and trap type (salt-pillow and -domes, fault, stratigraphic and combined types). The best storage conditions are associated with salt-controlled anticlines on the “West Schleswig Block” with moderate burial depths, large volumes, and limited lateral flow barriers. Poor conditions are encountered in small, deeply buried (down to 7500 m), and structurally complex parts of the Horn- and Central Grabens. We identified 39 potentially technical feasible storage sites with burial depths above 4500 meters and suitable reservoir volumes (P50 confidence level above 5 Mt CO2). The estimated total static storage capacity ranges between P90 =948 Mt, P50 = 2695 Mt and P10 =5794 Mt. This comprehensive overview about the static CO2 storage capacities highlights the most prolific reservoirs and indicates locations for further exploration. |
10:00am - 11:15am | Earth Learning Ideas Workshop Location: Wiwi 103 Session Chair: Sylke Hlawatsch, Richard Hallmann Schule Session Chair: Martin Meschede, Universität Greifswald Earthlearningideas (ELI) have been devised for schools, colleges or for the general public. They enrich geoscience teaching by offering engaging activities which increase knowledge and understanding, whilst enhancing the interest and enthusiasm of students and developing their critical thinking skills. More than 400 Earthlearningideas are currently published for free use online at: https://www.earthlearningidea.com/. Since 2019 the European Geoscience Union - EGU has instructed Geoscience Education Field Officers (GEFO) from 19 countries in Europe and beyond. They provide short interactive workshops to support school teachers in teaching geoscience using Earth Learning Ideas. All conference participants are welcome to join the workshop. You will get familiar with about 6 - 8 ELI and at the same time experience a conception for a teacher training workshop that has shown impact in the UK, Europe and beyond. |
11:15am - 11:30am | Break Location: Foyer (Henry Ford Building) |
11:30am - 1:00pm | Plenary Discussion: Nachhaltige Energie- & Rohstoffverfügbarkeit, sowie gesellschaftliche Herausforderungen Location: Audimax Session Chair: Britta Bookhagen, BGR Die Plenardiskussion will das Zusammenspiel zwischen grundlegenden Erdprozessen, der Nutzung natürlicher Ressourcen und dessen Auswirkungen auf die Gesellschaft beleuchten. In jüngster Zeit haben die geopolitischen Entwicklungen weltweit den Bedarf an krisensicherer Energie- und Rohstoffversorgung, sowie sicherer und nachhaltiger Lieferketten verdeutlicht. Die Geowissenschaften besetzen in Rohstofffragen naturgemäß eine zentrale Rolle, sollten jedoch in Zukunft vermehrt als Bindeglied zwischen Industrie, Politik und Soziologie wirken. Dies wollen wir mit Vertreterinnen aus genannten Bereichen weiter erörtern. |
1:00pm - 2:00pm | DV-GEO Townhall Meeting mit Mittagsimbiss Location: Wiwi 103 In diesem offenen Format stellt der Vorstand des DVGeo seine Aktivitäten rund um die stärkere Vertretung der Geowissenschaften in Politik und Gesellschaft, den GeoNachwuchs, der Unterstützung von GeoVerbundprojekten, das Projekt GeoDE und die AG "Mehr Geowissenschaften in der Schule" vor.
Wir freuen uns darauf, mit Ihnen ins Gespräch kommen! |
1:00pm - 2:00pm | Lunch Break | Exhibition and CO2-Live Injection Event @ Wintershall Dea Booth Location: Foyer (Henry Ford Building) |
2:00pm - 3:30pm | 3.28-2 Developments and progress in regional geology Location: Hall A (HFB) Session Chair: Jonas Kley, University of Göttingen |
2:00pm - 2:15pm
Topics: 3.28 Developments and progress in regional geology The Namaqua Metamorphic Complex: Geochronology and geochemical signatures of the Aus Crystalline Complex (Southern Namibia) 1Senckenberg Naturhistorische Sammlungen Dresden, Germany; 2Technische Universität Bergakademie Freiberg, Germany The Namaqua Metamorphic Complex (NMC) forms a basement unit of the Grenvillian-Kibaran collisional orogen in southern Namibia and South Africa. The Aus Crystalline Complex is a terrane within the NMC and consists, predominantly, of gneisses, granites, metavolcanites, and metasediments. The objective of our study is to generate new knowledge about crustal evolution during the Kibaran orogeny using age dating and whole rock geochemistry of various basement units of the crystalline complex around Aus. Outcropping basement rocks were Aampled in the Namib Desert, southwestern Namibia, east of the coastal town of Lüderitz, within a 20 km radius around Aus. Rock types encountered included granulites, gneisses, charnockites, granites, and pegmatites. Geochemical and geochronological analyses were performed to gain information on the timing of crystallisation and crust production processes, using U-Pb dating on magmatic zircons with LA-ICP-MS. Analysed zircon grains are often complex, U-Pb ages range from 1700 Ma to c. 700 Ma. The oldest rock is a charnockite showing an age of intrusion of c. 1700 Ma, which represents a Palaeoproterozoic part of the cratonic basement. U-Pb zircon ages of the gneisses point to protolith ages of c. 1155 Ma – 1145 Ma. This coincides with a major tectono-magmatic event in the NMC, which occurred in a time span of c. 1190 - 980 Ma. Such processes led to the amalgamation of the supercontinent Rodinia in late Mesoproterozoic time. A younger suite of granitoids (c. 700 Ma) is most probably related to Rodinia dispersal. 2:15pm - 2:30pm
Topics: 3.28 Developments and progress in regional geology The Early Permian Bromacker paleoenvironment: Preliminary results from scientific drilling in the Tambach Basin (Thuringia, Germany) Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena, Germany The Bromacker Project (https://bromacker.de/) investigates the paleoecology of the Early Permian vertebrate “Ursaurier” lagerstätte of the same name in the red beds of the Tambach Formation, Thuringia. Its geologic-paleontologic subproject aims to contribute key paleoenvironmental parameters such as temperature variation, precipitation estimates, paleoelevation, soil hydrology, detailed paleogeography, and depositional environments, based on sedimentology, paleoichnology, facies analysis, petrography, geochemistry, and precise depositional ages. Two new deep research boreholes will complement information from shallow legacy boreholes and outcrops near the Bromacker excavation site. Forschungsbohrung (Fb) Altenbergen 01/2022, 3 km to the north, cored 250 m of the Tambach Formation and terminated in conglomerates (Bielstein Member) after having cored the topmost Finsterbergen Conglomerate Member and the Tambach Sandstone Member. Contacts between members in core are gradual but differences pronounced: The basal Bielstein Member is dominated by well-rounded intermediate volcanic clasts, in contrast to felsic volcanic clasts described from outcrops. Fossiliferous pelitic-arenaceous redbeds of the overlying Tambach Sandstone Member show all indications of floodplain facies, including mudcracks, variable burrowing, root horizons, calcareous paleosol concretions, climbing ripples, and common laminated siltstones. Conglomerates of the topmost Finsterbergen Member consist of subangular plutonic, metamorphic and (sub-)volcanic clasts. Several newly documented thin felsic tuffs may be datable. Geophysical logs suggest rhythmic deposition suitable for cyclostratigraphic analysis. Fb Gallberg 01/2023, located 2 km south of the Bromacker excavation site, will complement Fb Altenbergen. Information from both boreholes will contribute to a robust sedimentologic-stratigraphic frame for paleogeographic-paleoecologic analyses. A substantial education and outreach program accompanies excavation, drilling and core analysis. 2:30pm - 2:45pm
Topics: 3.28 Developments and progress in regional geology The geology of the South-Eastern Harz Foreland visualized in a 3D-Model Landesamt für Geologie und Bergwesen Sachsen-Anhalt (LAGB), Halle (Saale), Germany The Central European Basin is an intracontinental basin filled with Permian to Quaternary sediments. The southeastern basin rim, an area roughly covering the southern part of Saxony-Anhalt and eastern Thuringia (Central Germany), is characterized by complex facies distributions with a stratigraphic gap of approximately 200 Ma, where Cenozoic sediments unconformably cover the lower Triassic strata. The sedimentary rocks include several hundreds of meters thick evaporites, sandstone, shale, and carbonates of Permian to Late Triassic age, covered by unconsolidated sediments. Various tectonic structures like NW-SE trending uplifted basement e. g. the Harz and Kyffhäuser Mountains and narrow fault zones where some abruptly ending along-strike; subordinated NE-SW trending faults sub-parallel to the Permian basin rim and salt structures characterise the area. These structures evolved during several phases of extension and contraction during Mesozoic to Cenozoic times. Due to the stratigraphic gap of the upper Mesozoic, tectonic and halokinetic processes can be well correlated with the wider Central European Basin and earlier structures. Local halokinetic processes and subrosion of evaporites indicated by the distribution of Tertiary deposits as well as variation of the thickness of evaporites influencing the geomorphology at the South-Eastern Harz Foreland until today. Here, we used 3D modelling techniques and compiled data from drilling, seismic reflection profiles and historic mining surveys to visualize the temporal - spatial distribution and structural configuration of the South-Eastern Harz Foreland. This model will be used to unravel kinematic processes over geologic times, which will be a basis for future underground planning efforts. 2:45pm - 3:00pm
Topics: 3.28 Developments and progress in regional geology The structure of Börnersdorf (Osterzgebirge) - an evidence of a maar volcano 1Dr. Spang GmbH Witten/Freiberg, Germany; 2Sächsisches Landesamt für Umwelt, Landwirtschaft und Geologie Dresden/Freiberg During a mapping-project in 2011, evidence of a sediment occurrence was discovered within a morphological depression of a gneiss area in the Osterzgebirge near the village of Börnersdorf (Saxony). Marls and partly sandstones, presumably Cretaceous in age, were described by means of drill cores from the 1960s. The short wells drilled around 2010 supported this assumption. Results of several geophysical investigations displayed a basin structure with 600 m in diameter and up to 350 m in depth. Paleontological data of the examined marls pointed to a Coniacian age of the sediments that infill the structure. Until recently, the structure was interpreted as either a tectonic pull apart basin or a maar structure. In 2021, first investigations for a new railway track from Dresden to Prague were carried out. In order to realize this project, a tunnel of about 30 km in length crossing the Erzgebirge is planned. Therefore, several new wells were sunk in the area of investigation. One of the cores near Börnersdorf provided a breccia of grey marl and black silt pebbles and cobbles. As there is not a tectonic contact between the breccia and the surrounding gneiss, the sediment is interpreted as a collapse breccia. New paleontological examinations proof a late Turonian to middle Coniacian age of the marls. 3:00pm - 3:15pm
Topics: 3.28 Developments and progress in regional geology The regional significance of the potash deposits in the Danakhil depression, Ethiopia ERCOSPLAN, Germany The Danakhil depression is a regional structure in Ethiopia that extents over about 450 km from the Gulf of Djibouti to the NW approximately parallel to the Red Sea coast. It has a maximum width of about 75 km. On surface the SE part of the depression is dominated by recent volcanic rocks with only local windows to the sedimentary rocks below. The part NW of the Erte Ale volcanic structure at an elevation lower than 100 m below sea level is dominated by recent evaporite rocks and alluvial fan deposits with only few recent volcanic structures and is the focus for this contribution. Although already since the early twentieth century potash and sulphur were mined from the region providing an incentive for investigations, the first regional geologic studies were published only in the 1970’s. These studies were based on interpretation of aerial photographs with minor ground checks. Although recently some further papers about the region have been published, the wealth of information about the regional geology that has been obtained from potash exploration that started in 2008 is hidden in publically accessible technical reports, not usually in focus of geo-scientists. The exploration targeted a neogene or quarternary potash-bearing evaporite sequence within the NW part of the depression. In this contribution we want to present some consequences for the understanding of the regional geology that were developed as a by-product of more than 10 years of potash exploration in the Danakhil depression. |
2:00pm - 3:30pm | 4.08-1 Geological surveying as services for the public delivered by the State Geological Surveys of Germany - Current Issues Location: Hall B (HFB) Session Chair: Birgit Futterer, Landesamt für Bergbau, Geologie und Rohstoffe |
2:00pm - 2:30pm
Invited Session Keynote Topics: 4.08 Geological surveying as services for the public delivered by the State Geological Surveys of Germany - Current Issues Action Plan "Digitalization of the Swiss Geological Subsurface" 2022 - 2029 Federal Office of Topography swisstopo - Swiss Geological Survey A coordinated and effective use of the subsurface requires in-depth knowledge and easily accessible and uniformly described data. The 2022 Action Plan supports the securing of future investments in the subsurface through the provision of structured and harmonized digital geological data. The efficient use of geological data in Switzerland is hindered by these factors: 1) Existing data sets are neither completely available in digital form, nor comprehensive, nor harmonized; 2) Uniform access to federal and cantonal data is lacking; 3) Information systems for 3D visualization and analysis of geological and non-specialist (geo-referenced) data are being developed. In the future, the main benefit of geoinformation will be generated from the improvement of efficiency in the processing of existing data and from increased data quality, not from new products. The action plan starts here and defines these fields of action: Standards, Harmonization, Production and Access. In doing so, it is aligned with various strategies and policy areas. The digitalization called for in the action plan will facilitate the exchange and use of geological data and improve their availability. A coordinated approach with the most important national data owners is in focus, as is the use of new technologies. The success of the action plan will be measured after completion by the state of digitization of analog archives as well as the achieved standardization, harmonization and completion of geological data and models throughout Switzerland. The presentation will highlight the background, scope, ongoing implementation and future of the action plan using practical examples. 2:30pm - 2:45pm
Topics: 4.08 Geological surveying as services for the public delivered by the State Geological Surveys of Germany - Current Issues 150 Jahre Geo-Sammlungen – von der Königlich Preußischen Geologischen Landesanstalt (KPGLA) bis zur Bundesanstalt für Geowissenschaften und Rohstoffe (BGR) BGR, Germany Der Beginn des systematischen, wissenschaftlichen Sammelns von Mineralen und Fossilien in Berlin ist eng verknüpft mit der Gründung der Berliner Bergakademie durch Friedrich II. Ab 1801 erhielt diese Sammlung die Bezeichnung „Königliches Mineralienkabinett“. Mit der Gründung der Königlich Preußischen Geologischen Landesanstalt (KPGLA) 1873, der Integration der Bergakademie in jene wurde der systematische Aufbau des Probenarchivs - insbesondere in Zusammenhang mit der geologischen Kartierung Preußens und der Lagerstättenerkundung im In- und Ausland, inkl. der deutschen Kolonien forciert und es begann der Aufbau eines Geologischen Landesmuseums in Berlin. Ihrer Bestimmung nach dienten die Sammlungen in erster Linie als Archiv für das Belegmaterial aus der geologischen Kartierung und der wissenschaftlichen Erkundungsarbeiten. Der geschätzte Gesamtbestand umfasste 1939 ca. 1200 doppelseitige Schränke. Nach erheblichen Verlusten des Sammlungsbestandes im 2. Weltkrieg, und der Abgabe von großen Teilen der im damaligen Ostteil Berlins befindlichen Sammlungen an das benachbarte Museum für Naturkunde durch die Staatliche Geologische Kommission der DDR hatte sich der Umfang der Sammlungen etwa halbiert. In den Jahren bis 1990 wuchs der Bestand wieder beträchtlich, insbesondere im Rahmen der intensiven und extensiven Rohstofferkundungen im Zentralen Geologischen Institut der DDR (ZGI). Bei der Übernahme der Sammlungen durch die BGR 1990 lag die Anzahl der Schränke bei ca. 800. Seit 1996 sind die historischen geowissenschaftlichen Sammlungen sehr repräsentativ in Dienstbereich Berlin-Spandau in den ehemaligen Stallungen eines preußischen Kasernenkomplexes untergebracht. Die Digitalisierung und virtuelle Nutzbarmachung des umfangreichen Sammlungsbestandes für Wissenschaft und Öffentlichkeit stehen seither im Fokus der Arbeiten. Stand 2023 sind ca. 65 % des Bestandes online recherchierbar. 2:45pm - 3:00pm
Topics: 4.08 Geological surveying as services for the public delivered by the State Geological Surveys of Germany - Current Issues Easy access to geological and geophysical data for the planning of underground spaces or subsurface project management in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania Geologischer Dienst, LUNG Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Germany The search for saline water springs started in the area of Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania several hundreds of years ago. First drillings to find coals seams were reported from the end of the 18th century. Mining for brown coal lasted from 1817 until 1960. Three mines produced between 1900 and 1926 potash and rock salt. First oil exploration wells were drilled in the 1920/30s without success. Numerous deep wells drilled between 1950 and 1990 reaching depths up to 8,009 m and about 3,600 seismic lines enabled the detection of several oil deposits. The huge amount of subsurface data allowed to find geothermal resources in the 1980s and is still the base for new scientific investigations and to develop projects of underground uses. The archive of the Geological Survey of Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania comprises lithology data from 700 deep wells. More than 2,250 well logs exist, most of them are SP and GR logs. 70,000 m of cores from 400 wells document rocks from different eras beginning with the Mesoproterozoic basement of Baltica, covering the Caledonian deformed Ordovician on Rügen and the Devonian to Carboniferous strata of the Variscan foreland as well as the volcanics and sediments filling the North German Basin since the Permian. More than 11,000 rock samples and c. 26,000 thin sections used for petrographic descriptions are preserved. Countless analogue data gained from petrophysical and geochemical analyses still have to be digitized to fulfill the requirements of the Geological Data Act (GeolDG), especially for making geological data available for the public. 3:00pm - 3:15pm
Topics: 4.08 Geological surveying as services for the public delivered by the State Geological Surveys of Germany - Current Issues Geological Archives in space and time – new challenges for vintage data Landesamt für Geologie und Bergwesen Sachsen-Anhalt, Germany The Geological Archives (geoarchives) of State Geological Surveys have an over 150 years old tradition. Since the first geological surveys were funded in the early 1870s State Geological Surveys collected, inventoried and provided samples, maps and reports from geoscientific exploration and analysis. As a result, geoarchives comprise a huge store of knowledge for geologic surveying and further applied questions. Thereby, work tasks in geoarchives have special focusses: (1) In contrast to classical steady-state archives, the inventory must be permanently available and usable for geological surveys and economic companies. (2) All inventory can accurately be georeferenced, i.e. even documents must be assumed to contain geoinformation. (3) Geoarchives contain material, e.g. rock samples, drill cores on the one hand and printed reports, maps and paper rolls on the other hand, with a broad spectrum of requirements on the storage conditions. With the commencement of the Geological Data Act (GeolDG) these tasks were recently expanded to aspects of digitalization and digital provision of geoarchive inventory. Therefore, all material must be completely checked, categorized and indexed with keywords to make the inventory FAIR (findable, accessible, interoperable and reusable). In our contribution we present the historical evolution and relevance of the geoarchive of the Landesamt für Geologie und Bergwesen Sachsen-Anhalt (LAGB) and explain our recent concepts against the background of the GeolDG. 3:15pm - 3:30pm
Topics: 4.08 Geological surveying as services for the public delivered by the State Geological Surveys of Germany - Current Issues Digitalisierung von unüblichen geologischen Informationsträgern - vom Handstück zum 3D-Objekt Hesssiches Landesamt für Naturschutz, Umwelt und Geologie (HLNUG), Germany Im Rahmen der geologischen Landesaufnahme werden in Hessen, wie in allen anderen Bundesländern auch, seit weit über 100 Jahren wertvolle Gesteinsproben (Bohrkerne, Handstücke, Fossilien, Mineralien) gesammelt, beschrieben, analysiert und archiviert. So liegen aktuell alleine für das Gebiet Hessens über 45.000 Handstücke, mehrere 1000 Makrofossilien und ca. 700 Bohrungen vor. Der Öffentlichkeit bzw. interessierten Dritten stehen diese Archivalien zwar grundsätzlich zur Verfügung, jedoch stellen die bisher gegebenen Zugangsmöglichkeiten kein niederschwelliges Angebot dar. Im Zuge der digitalen Transformation sollen deshalb auch diese "unüblichen Informationsträger" digitalisiert und als 3D-Objekte funktional, performant und um weiterführende Informationen "angereichert" über das Internet abrufbar sein. Hierzu wird das Hesssische Landesamt für Naturschutz, Umwelt und Geologie (HLNUG) seit 2022 durch das Hessische Ministerium für Digitale Strategie und Entwicklung gefördert. Die Projektarbeiten adressieren sowohl die Erstellung von geologischen 3D-Objekten wie auch deren Visualisierung bzw. Veröffentlichung im Internet. Im Rahmen des Vortrages werden die bisherigen Bemühungen, der nunmehr präferierte methodische Ansatz und erste serienreife Ergebnisse vorgestellt. Dabei handelt es sich sowohl um Handstücke wie auch Bohrkerne. Auch wird das Konzept zur Veröffentlichung der erarbeiteten 3D-Objekte im Internet unter Berücksichtigung diverser Anwendungsfälle vorgestellt. Mit dem Vortrag möchte das HLNUG potenzielle Mitstreiter erreichen, sei es im Kreise der Staatlichen Geologischen Dienste oder auch Universitäten, wo die Digitalisierung der Lehre im Bereich der Grundlagenvermittlung auch und besonders bei den Geowissenschaften eine große Herausforderung darstellt. |
2:00pm - 3:30pm | 1.04-1 Hydrogen: energy carrier in nature and for society – from natural hydrogen occurrences to large-scale hydrogen storage Location: Hall C (HFB) Session Chair: Maximilian Hasch, Bundesanstalt für Geowissenschaften und Rohstoffe Session Chair: Peter Klitzke, Federal Institute for Geosciences and Natural Resources (BGR, Germany) Session Chair: Philipp Weniger, Bundesanstalt für Geowissenschaften und Rohstoffe (BGR) |
2:00pm - 2:30pm
Invited Session Keynote Topics: 1.04 Hydrogen: energy carrier in nature and for society – from natural hydrogen occurrences to large-scale hydrogen storage Natural Hydrogen – Is it a new game changing energy resource? Friedrich-Alexander University of Erlangen, Germany, Germany The drive towards net-zero emissions as per the Paris 2015 agreement has resulted in significant efforts to develop sustainable energy resources. In order to change the current energy system, alternative resources need to replace wood, coal, oil and gas. One of the recent new findings in the Geo-Energy sector is natural hydrogen which can be found in many places around the globe as seeps. Reasons for the lack of interest in hydrogen exploration so far are multi-fold, like nobody considered natural hydrogen as a viable option, hydrogen cannot be detected easily, other energy resources were available in large quantities and at low cost and more. However, many indications point towards a major clean energy resource of the future considering that in the last few years some 300 seeps have been reported. One of the most famous ones is the eternal fires of Chimaera in Turkey, know to burn since more than 2500 years. In the meantime, the first hydrogen exploration companies have formed and even a first long-term production test is ongoing. Natural (white) hydrogen was until now not considered in the energy transition. If further developments turn out to be successful, this may result in another unexpected game changer in the energy sector similar to coal replacing peat in 1880. However, the question remains, what such a potential new energy opportunity could look like as part of the future energy mix. This talk will highlight the current status and potential ways forward on this new energy resource. 2:30pm - 2:45pm
Topics: 1.04 Hydrogen: energy carrier in nature and for society – from natural hydrogen occurrences to large-scale hydrogen storage DEPTH STRUCTURE FEATURES OF LARGE ZONES OF HYDROGEN DEGASSING IN GERMANY BY RESULTS OF FREQUENCY-RESONANCE PROCESSING OF SATELLITE AND PHOTOS IMAGES 1Institute of Applied Problems of Ecology, Geophysics and Geochemistry, Laboratorny Lane, Kyiv, Ukraine; 2Institute of Geophysics, NAS of Ukraine, 32, Palladin Ave., Kyiv, 03680, Ukraine; 3Micropro GmbH , Germany The results of the application of the mobile direct-prospecting technology of frequency-resonance processing and interpretation of satellite images and photographs in large areas and local areas of hydrogen degassing in German various regions are presented. Experimental reconnaissance studies were carried out to study the features of the deep structure of hydrogen-degassing areas. Instrumental measurements confirmed the presence of large zones of hydrogen degassing in the areas of basalt volcanoes in Bavaria. Signals at the frequencies of hydrogen, basalts and healing water were recorded at the sites performed for the hydrogen migration. Measurements recorded the facts of hydrogen migration into the atmosphere. When scanning the cross-section, responses from hydrogen are recorded from the upper edges of basaltic volcanoes to their roots. Signals at hydrogen frequencies were also recorded from limestones, dolomites, and marls overlying the basalts from above (including at shallow depths). Experimental studies have also shown that siliceous rocks can be a good seal for hydrogen. There is no hydrogen migration into the atmosphere within basalts, overlapped by siliceous rocks. The obtained results of experimental work are also additional evidence in favour of the "volcanic" model of the formation of various structural elements and the external appearance of the Earth, as well as deposits of combustible and ore minerals (including hydrogen and water). The use of mobile and low-cost technology will significantly speed up the exploration process for hydrogen, as well as reduce the financial costs for its implementation. Keywords. Hydrogen,basalts, limestones,healing water, abiogenic genesis,volcano,direct searching,remote sensing data 2:45pm - 3:00pm
Topics: 1.04 Hydrogen: energy carrier in nature and for society – from natural hydrogen occurrences to large-scale hydrogen storage A Proof-of-concept study of microbial activity in water-filled pore space: an experimental investigation of methanogenic conversion of hydrogen to methane in reservoir rocks 1Institute of Geology and Geochemistry of Petroleum and Coal, Energy and Mineral Resources Group (EMR),RWTH Aachen University, Germany; 2Bundesanstalt fuer Geowissenschaften und Rohstoffe (BGR), Germany The activation of methanogenic Archaea in the context of subsurface hydrogen storage may lead to permanent hydrogen conversion to methane. The objective of this proof-of-concept study is to experimentally investigate these activities, and it is focused on reservoir analogues from the Cretaceous and Triassic periods. These analogues have been selected based on their varying porosities, which range from 8% to 24%. Methanothermococcus thermolithotrophicus was used as the model organism due to its relatively high activity and growth rate. The microbial activities in various water-saturated reservoir rocks with either similar bulk or pore volumes, as well as inoculated media containing sand particles and rock fragments, were experimentally studied and compared to values obtained in bulk solutions. Measured activities in the water-saturated rock specimens with identical bulk volumes varied between 0.17 and 1.22 mM H2 /h largely correlating with the pore volume. Furthermore, the results indicated that activities in the water-filled pore space of the respective rocks were higher by a factor of 8-10 compared to activities in bulk solutions. This observation, in conjunction with the measured activities in inoculated media containing sand particles and rock fragments, as well as in rocks with similar pore volume, supported the notion that the surface area available for microbial colonization is another factor in controlling activity when the amount of substance is held constant. Additionally, the study suggests that methanogenic activities used to quantify hydrogen conversion in reservoirs must potentially be revisited because they are typically measured on bulk solution rather than within intact rocks. 3:00pm - 3:15pm
Topics: 1.04 Hydrogen: energy carrier in nature and for society – from natural hydrogen occurrences to large-scale hydrogen storage Rapid microbial consumption of gaseous hydrogen injected into a shallow aquifer 1Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research - UFZ, Germany; 2DECHEMA e.V.; 3University of Kiel, Institute of Geosciences Hydrogen (H2) was injected into a shallow aquifer at the TestUM field site (close to Wittstock, Brandenburg, Germany) in order to simulate a H2 gas leakage scenario. The resulting biogeochemical processes were monitored in space and time by analyses of stables hydrogen isotopes, groundwater microbial community composition and geochemical parameters in two monitoring wells (D04, D06) close to the injection wells, and a reference well (D11) not directly affected by the injected H2. During the injection, initial shifts in the isotope signature of H2 were observed, probably caused by dissolution of H2 in the water phase and the migration of the gas phase through pores and channels in the aquifer. After the injection, H2 concentrations in D04 and D06 decreased within less than 80 days from maximal 850 µmol/L below the detection limit, accompanied by an equilibrium isotope exchange with water leading to a strong isotopic depletion of H2, a reaction typically catalyzed by the H2-cleaving enzyme hydrogenase. Microbial H2 oxidation and subsequent growth of hydrogenotrophic prokaryotes was further indicated by temporally increasing abundances of putative H2-oxidizing sulfate reducers, acetogens, nitrate reducers and aerobes, accompanied by nitrate disappearance and transiently increasing acetate concentrations. In summary, the results confirm our expectation that H2, being an excellent energy source for many microorganisms, is quickly microbiologically consumed in an aquifer after a leakage. |
2:00pm - 3:30pm | 1.23-2 Sustainable Groundwater Management to mitigate Water Scarcity:... Location: Hall D (HFB) Session Chair: Irina Engelhardt, TU Berlin Session Chair: Peter Dietrich, Helmholtz-Zentrum für Umweltforschung GmbH - UFZ Session Chair: Martin Sauter, Leibniz-Institut für Angewandte Geophysik |
2:00pm - 2:30pm
Invited Session Keynote Topics: 1.23 Sustainable Groundwater Management to mitigate Water Scarcity: Innovative monitoring strategies, new modelling tools, and integrative management concepts Challenges in developing a transboundary groundwater model for the water stressed capital region of Berlin-Brandenburg 1Berliner Wasserbetriebe, Germany; 2Senatsverwaltung für Umwelt, Mobilität, Verbraucher- und Klimaschutz; 3GCI GmbH Higher temperatures and increasing droughts are likely to lead to a reduction in available water resources in the Berlin-Brandenburg region. Concurrently, there is an increasing demand for water due to the population and economic development in the region. This results in serious water management challenges. To mitigate this water scarcity, in 2021, work began on setting up a coordinated joint groundwater management system based on a transboundary groundwater flow model for the capital region (approx. 2800 km², from which Berlin covers 892 km²). The central component is the modelling of the reciprocal effects of the groundwater abstraction by the water suppliers in the region with regard to sustainable management of the common groundwater body. In the first step, the hydrogeological structural model (HSM) for the region is created. In doing so, up-to-date geological sections from the Berlin and Brandenburg Geological Surveys as well as stratigraphical settings from existing calibrated groundwater models are brought together. The groundwater models of the Berliner Wasserbetriebe are also incorporated in this process. These models have been developed since approximately 20 years and are regularly updated. They are used both in approval processes and in daily operation. In the second step, the HSM is converted into a flow model. This flow model is calibrated and compared with the existing models. In the end, a model for the entire capital region will be available for the first time. At the conference, the current status of the project will be presented and the challenges will be highlighted. 2:30pm - 2:45pm
Topics: 1.23 Sustainable Groundwater Management to mitigate Water Scarcity: Innovative monitoring strategies, new modelling tools, and integrative management concepts Interaktives Grundwassermodell im Bereich Wassermanagement DHI WASY GmbH, Germany In vielen Regionen zeigt die Auswertung der Grundwasserstandsentwicklung, dass ein Rückgang der Grundwasserstände zu verzeichnen ist (z.B. NLWKN, 2020). Jedoch steigen gleichzeitig der Wasserbedarf und die Anzahl der Wasserrechtsanträge, vor allem in landwirtschaftlich geprägten Regionen. Vor diesem Hintergrund, wird auch in der Forderung des Deutschen Vereins des Gas- und Wasserfaches e.V. (DVGW Wasser-Impuls: Zukunftsbilder 2030 bis 2100) beschrieben, dass bei der Entwicklung und Umsetzung langfristiger Zukunftskonzepte im Bereich Wassermanagement digitale Lösungen eine erhebliche Unterstützung sein sollen. Dazu werden u.a. Prognose- und Managementmodelle für ganze Einzugsgebiete vorgeschlagen. In diesem Sinne wurde für den Landkreis Vechta ein Grundwassermodell in FEFLOW erstellt, um bei der Bearbeitung von Wasserrechtsanträgen zu unterstützen (Flechtner et al., 2022). Grundwassermodelle sind jedoch oft teuer und nur von Experten nutzbar. Das bedeutet, dass die Modellierung von weiteren Szenarien (z.B. erhöhte Pumpraten oder zusätzliche Brunnenstandorte), an denen der Kunde oder die Behörde interessiert ist, sprich die Weiterverwendung des Modells, meist von externen Experten durchgeführt werden muss. Um der Behörde ein wie vom DVGW beschriebenes Prognose- und Managementmodell bereitzustellen, welches von dieser selbstständig im täglichen Geschäft verwendet werden kann, wurde von DHI WASY das Grundwassermodell zu einem interaktiven Modell erweitert. Dieses kann die Behörde in Ihrem täglichen Geschäft über eine Benutzeroberfläche selbst, mit wenigen, einfachen Arbeitsschritten, bedienen, ohne auf externe Experten angewiesen zu sein. Die Modellergebnisse der von der Behörde erstellten Szenarien werden automatisch exportiert und in einem interaktiven HTML-Format angezeigt, so dass der Kunde alle relevanten Daten und Ergebnisse schnell und auf einen Blick für weitere Entscheidungen zur Hand hat. 2:45pm - 3:00pm
Topics: 1.23 Sustainable Groundwater Management to mitigate Water Scarcity: Innovative monitoring strategies, new modelling tools, and integrative management concepts Experimental and numerical investigations to calculate long-term recharge in a water stressed region and to optimize nature-based MAR solutions 1TU Berlin, Germany; 2University Stuttgart; 3Adelphi Climate projections indicate that extreme weather events have increased in frequency and intensity in the past and will affect sensitive Germany in the near future. Our study site, the catchment of the lower Spree, is located in Brandenburg. The region is affected by water stress showing a water deficit of 80 Mio. m3 on an area of 3500 km2 with many competing water users. Our goal is to investigate the impact of shifts in climate, land use and vegetation on recharge and available groundwater resources. In four different catchments with different characteristics we monitor groundwater und lake levels, stream discharge, and depth dependent soil moisture. Isotopic composition of precipitation, groundwater, and surface water is investigated to calculate water fluxes between different compartments. Electrical conductivity down to a depth of 200m below surface is recorded. Measured NaCl concentrations reach up to 10 – 15 g/kg. Employing the hydrological model SWAT evapotranspiration, discharge and soil moisture are calibrated to calculate long-term groundwater ranges pattern, which ranges in average at 77 mm/a. The M-K test shows decreasing recharge from May to August, an increase from December to February, and almost no change from September to November leading to an overall decreasing trend over the last 20 years. We are planning to derive concepts for areas with highest economic or ecological value derived from socio-economic analyses for the implementation of artificial recharge using greywater, treated waste water or storm water to replenish the groundwater deficit and to retain uplift of the saline groundwater water. 3:00pm - 3:15pm
Topics: 1.23 Sustainable Groundwater Management to mitigate Water Scarcity: Innovative monitoring strategies, new modelling tools, and integrative management concepts Modeling the influence of climate on groundwater flow and heat regime in a water-stressed region – a case study of Brandenburg 1GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences; 2RWTH Aachen University We explore the effects of a changing climate on groundwater dynamics based on thermo-hydraulic simulations to reconstruct the temperature and pressure below the State of Brandenburg between 1950 and 2010. In this time period, observations point to ~1°C surface temperature warming, large annual fluctuations in groundwater recharge, and periods of high groundwater abstraction volume — all leading to water stress conditions. Our input structural model integrates Permian to Cenozoic sedimentary units with essential geological features controlling the regional groundwater flow, including salt structures, permeable glacial valleys, and aquitard discontinuities. We use a grid-based hydrologic model to derive inflow and outflow rates across the top boundary of the subsurface model. Simulation outputs are verified against data from available observation wells. The simulation results demonstrate that the regional flow pattern in the deep aquifers (>1 km deep) is mainly controlled by the basin geometry, while shallow groundwater dynamics is heavily influenced by high-frequency climate forcing. Seasonal fluctuations in groundwater level are observed in areas of shallow (<10 m) water table, with the highest levels corresponding to months of greater recharge rates. Where the water table is deeper, it responds to precipitation pulses with a delay of several months. Seasonal groundwater heating and cooling is limited to the first 10–30 meters, except within glacial valleys where high hydraulic gradients and permeabilities lead to a deepening of the advective heat transport. In addition, we identified periods and regions of significant groundwater abstraction and sustained groundwater warming over the entire simulation period within urban areas. 3:15pm - 3:30pm
Topics: 1.23 Sustainable Groundwater Management to mitigate Water Scarcity: Innovative monitoring strategies, new modelling tools, and integrative management concepts Development of a water storage toolbox for surface-induced managed groundwater recharge Leibniz-Zentrum für Agrarlandschaftsforschung (ZALF) e.V., Germany Water stress is increasing in Northeast Germany due to climate change. New approaches for water management are needed to mitigate the impacts on the water system and water users. Therefore, our study deals with the development of a web-based toolbox for subsurface water storage with focus on the lower catchment of the river Spree in the federal state of Brandenburg. Our approach is based on a systematic combination of site selection criteria and spatial data on land use, soil, groundwater and potential water sources. This will provide relevant information for the preliminary planning of managed groundwater recharge measures by authorities and water suppliers. Considering surpluses from runoff and surface waters, also caused by extreme weather events, suitable locations for surface-induced recharge will be identified. Supported by additional modelling-based indications for implementation, efficiency and costs, as well as simplified site selection through a query system, the toolbox will offer an initial knowledge for such planning considerations. |
2:00pm - 3:30pm | 3.16-2 Assessing biosphere geosphere interactions in the subsurface, at leaking wells, and natural vents and seeps Location: Wiwi 101 Session Chair: Sebastian F. A. Jordan, Federal Institute for Geosciences and Natural Resources Session Chair: Oliver Schmale, Leibniz Institute for Baltic Sea Research (IOW) Session Chair: Jens Kallmeyer, GFZ Potsdam |
2:00pm - 2:30pm
Invited Session Keynote Topics: 3.16 Assessing biosphere geosphere interactions in the subsurface, at leaking wells, and natural vents and seeps Fennoscandian Deep biosphere – similarities, differences and functions VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland, Finland The continental subsurface contains approximately 12 – 20% of Earth’s biomass. In deep rock environments this biomass dwells in aqueous spaces, fractures and pores of the rock, either attached in biofilms or free-living in the fluids. Meta-analyses have suggested a core deep biosphere microbiome from pre-collected data but face issues such as difference in sampling procedures, DNA extraction methods, negative control protocols, sequencing primers etc., which may introduce false variation. Addressing this issue and striving for consistent methodology, 7 sites of the Finnish Fennoscandian Shield was studied between 2009 – 2021 ranging in depth from 100 to 2300 m. Some of the sites have deep groundwater with more than 50 Ma residence times, whereas in other places the groundwater is considerably younger. All microbiomes contained bacteria, archaea and fungi, and the microbial community composition differed greatly between sites indicating that rock type and hydrogeochemistry play a great role in moulding the communities. Chemoheterotrophy was the universally dominant predicted metabolic strategy. The bacterial numbers in the groundwater were between < 1 to more than 5 x 106 16S rRNA gene copies mL-1 but did not necessarily reflect sampling depth, but rather the concentration of DOC and DIC. In addition, dormant microbial communities activated within hours after introduction of CO2 or methane. Finally, groundwater monitored at one site for 10 years showed that the microbial communities did dot remain static but varied in size (up to 100-fold) and composition over time in a cyclic manner, interchanging between mainly two distinct community compositions. 2:30pm - 2:45pm
Topics: 3.16 Assessing biosphere geosphere interactions in the subsurface, at leaking wells, and natural vents and seeps Experimental sulfidation of nano-magnetite at hydrothermal conditions – implications for the reconstruction of microbial life in ancient sulfide deposits 1Sedimentology and Organic Geochemistry, Department of Geosciences, University of Tuebingen, Germany; 2Geobiology, Geoscience Center, University of Goettingen, Germany; 3Geomicrobiology, Department of Geosciences, University of Tuebingen, Germany; 4Cluster of Excellence EXC 2124, Controlling Microbes to Fight Infection, Tübingen University, Germany Nano-magnetite is a potential archive for biosignatures of iron-cycling microorganisms in hydrothermal systems, which are widely considered to be among the most ancient microbial habitats on Earth. Sulfidic diagenesis driven by hydrothermal fluids and microbial sulfur cycling potentially causes the rapid transformation of magnetite to iron sulfide minerals. Thus, identifying nano-magnetite and its transformation products in hydrothermal sulfide deposits is crucial for reconstructing iron- and sulfur-cycling microbial life in deep time. However, the identity and characteristics of iron sulfide minerals resulting from nano-magnetite sulfidation at hydrothermal conditions have previously not been constrained. Here we present experimental data on sulfidation reactions of synthetic and biogenic nano-magnetite at physical and chemical conditions relevant to microbial habitats in hydrothermal systems on early Earth (<121°C, anoxic, sulfidic). We characterize the resulting precipitates with analytical imaging techniques, mineralogical methods, and geochemical approaches (e.g., SEM-EDS, µXRD, Raman spectroscopy, sequential Fe extraction). Our results demonstrate a potential taphonomic bias against nano-magnetite in sulfidic hydrothermal habitats and suggest that biosignature records of iron- and sulfur-cycling microorganisms in ancient hydrothermal sulfides are affected by diagenetic fluid-mineral interactions. 2:45pm - 3:00pm
Topics: 3.16 Assessing biosphere geosphere interactions in the subsurface, at leaking wells, and natural vents and seeps BioMetArchive - Subsurface biosphere metagenomics along the 1 Ma sedimentary archive of ferruginous Lake Towuti, Indonesia 1GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences, Section Geomicrobiology, Potsdam, Germany; 2Research Center for Limnology and Water Resources, National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN), Bogor, Indonesia; 3Department of Earth, Environmental, and Planetary Sciences, Brown University, Providence, Rhode Island, 02912 USA Lake Towuti, Indonesia is a stratified ferruginous (iron-rich, sulfate-poor) system whose deep basin experienced dynamic changes in trophic and redox conditions since the Middle Pleistocene. As wet and dry periods alternated and sediment accumulated, microbial life sustained by metals and organic substrates became entombed in the subsurface. A 1 Ma stratigraphic archive retrieved by the International Continental scientific Drilling Program (ICDP) was sampled aseptically on site for microbiology analysis. Through taxonomic and functional analyses (16S rRNA amplicons, metagenomics), the BioMetArchive project aims at the first comprehensive characterization of the lacustrine subsurface biosphere in terms of diversity, abundance and metabolic functions. Metagenomic data combined with high resolution cell counts and pore water geochemistry allowed to characterize the distribution of microorganisms throughout the core and to identify which microbial taxa and metabolic features are involved in the major biogeochemical cycles and organic matter remineralization during sediment burial. Results show a drastic decrease in the cell counts (from 109 to 104) as electron acceptors in the pore water chemistry become depleted within the upper 5 m of the sediment. Results of taxonomic and metagenomic analyses indicate that the sediment ferruginous conditions predominantly select for fermentative Bathyarchaeia. Metabolic features attributed to this entirely uncultivated phylum explaining their selective growth were indicative of sulfur transformations, organic matter fermentation and homoacetogenic dark carbon fixation. Thus, Lake Towuti shelters a deep biosphere displaying similarities to early life’s processes in ferruginous systems, which provides a direct link between cryptic sulfur cycling and redox conservative fermentations. 3:00pm - 3:15pm
Topics: 3.16 Assessing biosphere geosphere interactions in the subsurface, at leaking wells, and natural vents and seeps Assessment of Eger Rift subsurface microbial communities showcases archaeal and bacterial processes driven by mantel derived CO2 degassing and regular seismic events. 1GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences, Germany; 2Institute of Applied Geosciences, Technical University Berlin, Berlin, Germany; 3University of Potsdam, Institute of Geosciences, Potsdam, Germany Seismic activity and consistently high CO2 fluxes make the Eger Rift in Western Bohemia (CZ) a rare subsurface ecosystem and scientifically relevant location to study microbial behavior and assess how geologically derived compound are used in the deep subsurface. Studying microbial life in this ecosystem provides the opportunity to investigate how high CO2 levels and mineralogy influence microbial community composition and metabolic activity. Seismic activity in this region can also release H2, a process which may provide the basis for primary production through methanogenic archaea and should be explored. To assess microbial processes associated with the Eger Rift subsurface we investigated diversity, community structure and metabolic attributes of bacterial and archaeal communities in drill core sediments and groundwater samples. We also analyzed the geochemical conditions in this subsurface system and studied the physiological responses of native Eger microbial communities to high CO2 via enrichments Genomic analysis of sediment and water samples, covering depths between 17m and 230m, provided novel insights into a CO2 adapted microbial community. We detected strong Cyanobacteria and Proteobacteria signatures as well as unexpected archaeal diversity in sediments, and high abundances of acidophiles and sulfate reducers in water samples. Enrichment cultures from the recovered sediments suggested subsurface populations can actively utilize CO2 and H2, while reconstruction and annotation of MAGs provided insights into microbial processes driven by CO2. Going forward our data will be used to further investigate cellular processes under high CO2 conditions and identify pathways and biomolecules which may be of industrial and biotechnological relevance. |
2:00pm - 3:30pm | 2.03-2 Setting the stage for a habitable planet: Solid earth processes through time Location: Wiwi 104 Session Chair: Elis Hoffmann, Free Universität Berlin Session Chair: Josua Pakulla, Universität zu Köln |
2:00pm - 2:30pm
Invited Session Keynote Topics: 2.03 Setting the stage for a habitable planet: Solid Earth processes through time A new tool to trace the redox-state of the upper mantle in the Archaean 1University of Portsmouth, United Kingdom; 2Géosciences Montpellier, Université de Montpellier, CNRS, France The redox state of the upper mantle in the Archaean through to the Proterozoic is a key parameter as it would have buffered atmospheric composition and interacted with the ocean-atmosphere system. There have been multiple approaches using geochemical proxies, such as V-Sc and redox sensitive stable isotopes (e.g. Fe) applied to mantle-derived rocks to investigate this problem. As whole rock samples are prone to overprinting (alteration, metamorphism) and as mafic rocks in particular are difficult to date, a technique using a robust U-bearing accessory mineral might allow better and more trustworthy temporal constraints to be measured. Recent work developing an oxybarometer based on S in apatite using µ-XANES has shown great promise as apatite can seamlessly incorporate reduced and oxidised S species and directly reflect the fugacity of host magmas. Nonetheless, apatite crystals in a matrix rock are prone to alteration and recrystallisation, but apatite inclusions trapped in zircon during magmatic crystallisation are robust, with the advantage that the enclosing zircon can be dated and the mantle source traced via Lu-Hf and O isotopes. To demonstrate that this approach works, we have studied 2.35 Ga TTGs and 2.13 Ga sanukitoids from the Mineiro Belt, Brazil. These rocks temporally straddle the Great Oxidation Event. Apatite inclusions in zircons from this TTG-sanukitoid transitional magmatic record reveal a change from reduced to more oxidised conditions from pre- to post-GOE. We then discuss how this approach has and can be further applied to Archaean rocks as a tracing tool for earlier oxygenation events. 2:30pm - 2:45pm
Topics: 2.03 Setting the stage for a habitable planet: Solid Earth processes through time Early mantle processes inferred from high-precision 182W-142Nd isotope systematics of igneous rocks from the Singhbhum Craton, India 1Institut für Geologie und Mineralogie, Universität zu Köln, Germany; 2Department of Geology, University of Johannesburg, South Africa; 3German University of Technology in Oman, Oman The scarcity of well-preserved exposed Precambrian rocks as well as post-emplacement metamorphism and alteration hamper a detailed understanding of mantle differentiation processes on the early Earth. This issue can be overcome by powerful tools such as the short-lived isotope decay series such as 182Hf-182W and 146Sm-142Nd isotope systems that only record radiogenic ingrowth during the Hadean Eon. This study focuses on high-precision measurements of 182W/184W and142Nd/144Nd isotope compositions using MC-ICP-MS ([1], [2]) of ultramafic, mafic and felsic rocks from the Singhbhum Craton (India) that range in their crystallization age from 3.5 to 1.6 Ga. Due to the susceptibility of W to secondary fluid-rock interactions, the rock samples that were chosen were initially tested for mobility of W by a comparison of W with other equally incompatible elements such as Th, Ta, U [3] that were obtained by ICP-MS with a focus on precise measurements of High Field Strength Element concentrations (<6% uncertainty). Preliminary 182W isotope data that ranges from µ182W= -1.6 to -0.7 (±2-3 ppm; 95% CI) shows a slight tendency to negative values that are unresolvable from the modern mantle value. This data, in combination with robust 142Nd isotope constraints can give fresh insights into early mantle differentiation of the Singhbhum Craton and access the timescales of homogenization of the ambient mantle with late accreted material. [1] Tusch et al. (2022), PNAS 119 [2] Hasenstab-Dübeler et al. (2022), Chem. Geo. 614 [3] König et al. (2011), Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 75 2:45pm - 3:00pm
Topics: 2.03 Setting the stage for a habitable planet: Solid Earth processes through time 142Nd and 182W systematics of Neoarchean rocks from the Yilgarn Craton, W-Australia 1Unversity of Cologne, Germany; 2Vrije Universiteit Brussel; 3Geological Survey of Western Australia; 4University of New South Wales The short-lived isotope systems 146Sm-142Nd and 182Hf-182W were active during the first ca. 500 Ma and 50 Ma after solar system formation. As a result of recent analytical advances, it is now possible to detect small 142Nd-182W variations (≤ 3ppm) within terrestrial samples providing unprecedented information on Earth’s accretion, early differentiation, as well as mantle mixing and homogenization rates. Here, we present high precision 142Nd/144Nd and 182W/184W data for Neoarchean samples from the Yilgarn Craton, W-Australia, using previously published MC ICP-MS protocols [1,2]. We report µ142Nd deficits as low as -4.2 ± 1.4 for 2.7 Ga mafic-ultramafic samples from the Kalgoorlie Terrane. A contemporaneous mafic-ultramafic suite from the Kambalda area displays small µ142Nd values between +0.4 ± 1.2 to -1.5 ± 0.9 that seem to correlate positively with ε143Nd. If interpreted to represent a differentiation model age, this event could not have happened earlier than 4.13 Ga. This suite reveals a correlation of long-lived ε143Nd-ε176Hf isotope systematics, suggestive of a pristine mantle source. We further suggest that µ182W excesses from the Kalgoorlie and Kambalda suites (+5.3 ± 3.6 and +4.5 ± 1.6) demonstrate a missing late veneer component in the mantle source, in line with previously reported ε100Ru excesses found in the same samples [3]. In conclusion, our results demonstrate that mantle-derived rocks from the Yilgarn Craton carry isotope signatures directly referring to Hadean processes. [1] Hasenstab-Dübeler et al. (2022) Chem. Geol. 614, 121-141 [2] Tusch et al. (2019) GCA 257, 284-310 [3] Fischer-Gödde et al. (2021) Goldschmidt Abstract 4362 3:00pm - 3:15pm
Topics: 2.03 Setting the stage for a habitable planet: Solid Earth processes through time A 182W isotope perspective on the sources of Paleoarchean TTGs from the Eastern Kaapvaal Craton, southern Africa 1Freie Universität Berlin, Germany; 2Universität zu Köln 182W deficits in terrestrial rocks are currently strongly debated since their origin can be ascribed to different processes. These include (1) core-mantle interaction, (2) grainy late accretion, and (3) early silicate differentiation. Mantle-derived rocks from the eastern Kaapvaal Craton yield variably negative µ182W values that are systematically correlated with initial values of the long-lived Hf-Nd-Ce isotope systems. These have been interpreted to reflect incorporation of an early Hadean crustal restite either in the deep mantle sources of Archean mantle plumes or within the upper mantle or lower lithosphere of the Kaapvaal Craton. Interestingly, granitoids from the Kaapvaal Craton are either overlapping with the modern 182W isotope composition or carry a strongly negative µ182W of down to -10, overlapping with Mesoarchean diamictites from the Kaapvaal Craton. Deviation of some granitoids from the Kaapvaal 182W-176Hf and 182W-143Nd array are likely caused by disturbance of the whole-rock Hf-Nd data or by fluid mobility of W. Here we will further explore the 182W isotope composition of the Paleoarchean Ngwane Gneiss suite from the Ancient Gneiss Complex (Eswatini) and TTG plutons from the Barberton Mountain Land, that reveal a time-integrated increase of initial epsHf values in magmatic zircon. Our results provide further constraints on the origin of granitoids that plot at the upper end of the µ182W-epsHf array. We will present first 182W data produced on the NEOMA MC-ICPMS in Berlin, which have a high level of accuracy as revealed by replicate measurments from samples previously measured at University of Cologne. |
2:00pm - 3:30pm | 1.27 Young Scientist Session Location: Wiwi 104a Session Chair: Joshua Sawall Session Chair: Moritz Lang Session Chair: Iris Arndt, Goethe University Frankfurt Session Chair: Fiene Matthies |
2:00pm - 2:15pm
Topics: 1.27 Young Scientist Session An ecological assessment of southern Alaska through observations of floristic change, fire regime and volcanism. University of Cambridge, United Kingdom Defining patterns of environmental or ecological change on different spatio-temporal scales is key to tracking and addressing present and future biodiversity changes, which is particularly important considering the rapidly changing climate scenarios. Climate change in the arctic means shrinking glaciers, drying out of peatland and carbon release, more frequent forest and peatland fires, and thawing permafrost. Alaska hosts some of the largest Boreal peatlands and forests; however, little is known about the fine-scale dynamics of these ecosystems particularly over the last millennia, which is key to making effective management decisions into the uncertain future. In this presentation, I will be presenting the results so far from an ongoing work that employs different lines of evidence (pollen, non-pollen palynomorphs, charcoal, and tephra) from two peatland sites in southern Alaska to reveal interactions between vegetation, fire and climate in the area during the last millennia, as well as the potential influence of humans and volcanic eruptions on these interactions. 2:15pm - 2:30pm
Topics: 1.27 Young Scientist Session Salts as proxies for water-soil interaction in the hyperarid Atacama Desert 1Astrobiology Research Group, Zentrum für Astronomie und Astrophysik, Technische Universität Berlin, 10623 Berlin, Germany; 2Museum für Naturkunde, Leibniz-Institut für Evolutions- und Biodiversitätsforschung, 10115 Berlin, Germany; 3Department of Geochemistry, Freie Universität Berlin, 12249 Berlin, Germany; 4Section Geomicrobiology, German Research Centre for Geosciences (GFZ), 14473 Potsdam, Germany; 5Department of Experimental Limnology, Leibniz-Institute of Freshwater Ecology and Inland Fisheries (IGB), 12587 Stechlin, Germany; 6School of the Environment, Washington State University, Pullman, WA 99164, USA The Atacama Desert is the oldest and driest non-polar desert on Earth, where salts have accumulated through atmospheric deposition over millions of years of hyperaridity. These salts can serve as an indicator to provide an understanding of the interaction between water and soil in changing environmental conditions. Therefore, four soil profiles were studied for their mineralogy, abundance of salts, and stable isotopic composition of sulfate. In all soil profiles, sulfates are the predominant salts showing a downward transition from gypsum to anhydrite accompanied by an increase in highly soluble salts and a decrease in δ34S and δ18O values of sulfate. These trends are consistent with downward water infiltration during rare rain events causing salt dissolution and subsequent precipitation in the deeper soil column. This conclusion is also supported by our Rayleigh fractionation model. The presence of anhydrite at >40 cm depth is attributed to their association with nitrate and chloride salts, which reduces water activity during sulfate precipitation and thus stimulates anhydrite formation. Along the elevation transect, the total salt inventories of the individual profiles show a tendency for nitrate and chloride concentrations to decrease with elevation. This observation, together with the stable isotopes of sulfate, suggests a fog-independent source and points to the remobilization of soluble salts by enhanced erosion of the hillslopes. These findings are essential for understanding pedogenetic processes and long-term regional habitability of hyperarid environments. 2:30pm - 2:45pm
Topics: 1.27 Young Scientist Session In-situ hydrolysis rate constants of ATP as a function of p-T-X, exploring the limits of life 1Institut für Geowissenschaften, Universität Potsdam, Germany; 2Helmholtz-Zentrum Potsdam, Deutsches GeoForschungsZentrum GFZ; 3Université Grenoble Alpes, CNRS, Institut Néel; 4IMPMC Muséum National d'Histoire; 5Institut für Mineralogie, Westfälische-Wilhelms-Universität, In recent decades varies extremophiles were found deep in the lithosphere. Experimental studies showed that life is possible at 121 °C (Takai et al. 2008) and the gigapascal range (Sharma et al. 2002), which is beyond the p-T-range of the investigated lithosphere. Knowledge on the kinetic stability of vital molecular compounds, like ATP, can help us constraining the conditions possible for life. All metabolism relies on the exergonic enzymatic hydrolysis of adenosine triphosphate (ATP) to adenosine diphosphate (ADP). At elevated temperatures, the enhanced kinetics of the non-enzymatic hydrolysis counteracts the enzymatic driven reaction; hence, it will limit the bioavailability of ATP. We used an autoclave and a hydrothermal diamond anvil cell attached to a Raman spectrometer for in-situ investigation of the p-T-X-effects on the kinetics of the non-enzymatic ATP hydrolysis. At vapor pressure the half-lives were about 2-5 mins at 120 °C (Moeller et al. 2022). Up to 140 MPa, all results show an Arrhenian relationship in the T-range of 80-120 °C. The pressure effect can be best described by a power law; below 500 MPa the p-effect is vanishingly small, and above the rate constant increases exponentially. Addition of MgCl2 up too 4 wt% slows down the hydrolysis. A distinguished effect of NaCl and CaCl2 was not observed. The proposed limit for ATP-based life of 195 °C by Moeller et al. (2022) is lowered by additional pressure or elevated by MgCl2, respectively. These observations strengthen the idea that life could exist far deeper in the lithosphere as discovered yet. 2:45pm - 3:00pm
Topics: 1.27 Young Scientist Session Geochronology and trace element composition of zircon in granitoids from the Indus Syntaxis, northern Pakistan: new evidence for Palaeoproterozoic A-type magmatism in the north-western part of the Indian plate 1Department of Petrology, Institute of Applied Geosciences, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology; 2Department of Geology, University of Peshawar, Peshawar, Pakistan; 3Department of Earth Sciences, COMSATS University Islamabad, Abbottabad Campus, Abbottabad, Pakistan Two granitic plutons are exposed at Dubair and Shang in the vicinity of Besham, northern Pakistan, in the northwestern part of the Indian plate. Both granitoids mainly consist of perthitic feldspar, plagioclase, and quartz together with minor biotite, amphibole, and accessory ilmenite, apatite, titanite, and zircon. They are peraluminous and alkali-calcic to alkaline in composition, with strong A-type affinity (Ahmad et al., 2021). La-ICP-MS U-Pb dating and trace element analysis of zircon from both plutons were performed to elucidate their emplacement ages and temperatures. Most of the zircons are characterized by oscillatory zoning, depletion in light REE, and enrichment of heavy REE, with pronounced positive Ce and negative Eu anomalies. U–Pb zircon dating of the Shang and Dubair granitoid reveals similar concordant Palaeoproterozoic ages of 1871± 8.1 Ma and 1862 ± 7.5 Ma, respectively. The calculated Ti-in-zircon temperatures mainly range between 800°C and 900°C. The U-Pb ages, zircon compositions, and high magmatic temperatures suggest solidification of the granitoids from a crustal-derived magma emplaced during the Paleoproterozoic. Reference Ahmad, T., Arif, M., Qasim, M., & Sajid, M. (2021). Petrology of granitoids from Indus syntaxis, northern Pakistan: Implications for Paleo-Proterozoic A-type magmatism in north-western Indian Plate. Geochemistry, 81(1), 125693. 3:00pm - 3:15pm
Topics: 1.27 Young Scientist Session Extracting the source characteristics of the April 2022 Guanyuan landslide event from seismic signals recorded in the near-field 1GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences, Potsdam, Germany; 2School of Geosciences, University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, United Kingdom; 3Department of Civil Engineering, National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University, Taipei, Taiwan The seismic signature of landslides preserves information of utmost importance in reconstructing the impact forces induced by landslides and, subsequently, the trajectory of motion and the dynamic properties of the sliding mass. Several studies focusing on large-scale events successfully inverted the source-time function and, therefore, the time-varying force exerted on the surface from the observed low-frequency (<0.1 Hz) seismic waves recorded in the far field. Nonetheless, most landslide events are small in terms of the displaced mass, which is more likely to excite rapidly attenuating seismic waves. With dominant frequencies above 1 Hz, these waves are noticeable only at the stations near the landslide. Analyzing the seismic signal generated by landslides in the near field is challenging. The proposed models would require a thorough description of the ground propagation medium, which is only available for some study cases. Here, we investigate using analytical solutions to Lamb’s problem to simulate the propagation history of the surface waves during the April 2022 Guanyuan landslide, Taiwan. This landslide mobilised more than 100,000 m3 of rock and stopped the traffic on the Taiwanese Central Cross-Island Highway for 43 days. The proximity of the landslide to a broadband station located about 6 km away allows the study of the near-field seismic signals. The duration and amplitude of the force retrieved in this fashion agree with qualitative observations, suggesting the potential of the model to extract source characteristics of landslides from seismic signals recorded in the near field. 3:15pm - 3:30pm
Topics: 1.27 Young Scientist Session Analyzing the susceptibility for coastal and submarine landslides and their potential to trigger tsunami waves Technische Universität Berlin, Germany Tsunamis generated by submarine or coastal landslides are a growing area of scientific interest. Events like the 2018 tsunami in Palu, Indonesia, have highlighted their destructive potential. Landslides can generate extremely high tsunami waves, but typically have a limited propagation range beyond 100 km. Areas close to the landslide are most affected. Unfortunately, early warning systems are not effective for this type of tsunami due to the short warning time interval between wave initiation and coastal impact. This study aims to analyze the coastal and submarine landslide susceptibility for coastal areas. Limited data availability, including high-resolution bathymetric data and historical landslide tsunami catalogs, poses a major challenge. A heuristic model is used, incorporating historical case studies to calibrate and weight the parameters. Geologic, morphologic, and geometric parameters of coastal areas are considered. First results show a high correlation of landslides generated during the Palu earthquake with the size of catchment areas of rivers entering the ocean. This parameter is strongly related with the sediment load that is transported into the ocean. High sedimentation rates might lead to the formation of thick, unconsolidated sediment layers., which are susceptible to landslides. This correlation will be further analyzed. The results of this susceptibility mapping can help raise the awareness of the risks associated with landslide tsunamis. Even minor earthquakes, not expected to trigger tsunamis, could induce submarine or nearshore landslides and generate a tsunami in vulnerable areas. Consequently, adapting tsunami evacuation strategies to account for landslide-induced tsunamis may be required in these areas. |
2:00pm - 3:30pm | 3.27-2 Alkaline rock and carbonatite related magmatism Location: Wiwi 107 Session Chair: Benjamin Florian Walter, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology Session Chair: R. Johannes Giebel, Technische Universität Berlin |
2:00pm - 2:15pm
Topics: 3.27 Alkaline rock and carbonatite related magmatism Carbonates or carbonatites? Examples of alkaline silicate plutonic xenoliths from volcanoclastic rocks in the Eifel, Germany 1BGR, Hannover, Germany; 2RWTH, Aachen, Germany Plutonic xenoliths in volcaniclastic rocks from the Laacher See (LS), East Eifel and the Rockeskyller Kopf Volcanic Complex (RKVC), West Eifel, were studied. They show different ways of magmatic carbonate formation at plutonic levels. Well-preserved original igneous textures of carbonate-bearing syenites were observed in LS plutonic xenoliths. Calcite is often crystallised in “micropegmatitic texture” with sanidine and nosean. These structures argue for syngenetic crystallisation of calcite and main silicate minerals in alkali syenite melts in the case of the LS volcano. Different proportions of euhedral calcite and silicate minerals point to calcite cumulate formation. Occurrence of calcite associated to apatite, magnetite, phlogopite and pyrochlore in nosean syenite from xenoliths of the RKVC is in line with the assumption of magmatic carbonate formation in a highly fractionated undersaturated silicate magma. Next to carbonatite - nosean syenite xenoliths and sanidinite, a series of different mafic xenoliths were found around the RKVC, from amphibolite to pyroxenite and magnetite cumulates, that could indicate one or more magma chambers below the volcano. A comprehensive data set for geochemistry, mineralogy and mineral chemistry of the carbonates of LS and RKVC volcanoes is provided. Characteristic carbonate and whole rock trace element patterns are presented. Different chondrite normalised REE signatures of RKVC and LS argue for different ways of fractionation in these volcanic systems. 2:15pm - 2:30pm
Topics: 3.27 Alkaline rock and carbonatite related magmatism Magmatic vs. metasomatic ijolite petrogenesis – constraints from the type locality Iivaara, Finland RWTH Aachen University, Germany Complex field relationships and association to alkaline ultramafic rocks, textural diversity and locally marked isotopic heterogeneity of ijolites lead to contrasting petrogenetic concepts for these rocks. They may either be formed by magmatic differentiation from nephelinitic magmas or by assimilation of silicate wall rocks in a carbonatite melt formed after metasomatic reaction during its’ ascent from mantle to crustal levels. We show new petrographic and mineral chemical results from the ijolite type locality, Iivaara. It is the aim of this presentation to set constraints to ijolite formation in the Iivaara alkaline complex and to discuss applicability of contrasting petrogenetic concepts. Pegmatitic growth, comb layering or brecciation indicate ijolite crystallization from a low viscosity and volatile rich melt. Small scale textural heterogeneity reveals locally highly variable crystallization conditions characterized by steep temperature gradients and sudden pressure drop. Irregular clinopyroxene zonation points to repeated disturbance of magmatic crystallization at depth prior to emplacement at the actual erosion level. Veins and matrices of breccia are dominated by clinopyroxene next to titanite and apatite attesting to the high Ca-concentration of a fluid that is violently expelled from the magma. The transitional zone between wall rocks and ijolite, too, is dominated by pyroxenitic compositions. Lack of a clearly defined contact between ijolite and wall rock is in line with the observation of migmatitic textures in high grade fenites, which probably obtained plastic behavior with increasing degree of fenitization. Such fenites with syenitic composition or partial melts of them may have been assimilated by ijolite. 2:30pm - 2:45pm
Topics: 3.27 Alkaline rock and carbonatite related magmatism The carbonatite melt – granite wall-rock interaction: A case study on the Bulhoek carbonatites, South Africa 1Technische Universität Berlin, Germany; 2University of the Free State, South Africa; 3Karlsruhe Institute of Technology The study aims to provide valuable insights into the dynamics of the interaction between carbonate melts and silicate wall-rocks during ascent and emplacement of carbonatitic intrusions. A specific focus is given to potential processes leading to rare earth element (REE) enrichment. It can be assumed that the interaction of silicate rocks with carbonate melt is diverse. Therefore, a study of granites interacting with a carbonatite melt was used to carefully assess the effects of a specific lithology. The research centers the Bulhoek carbonatite complex, a bi-partite intrusion (Bulhoek North and South) situated in the eastern central region of the Bushveld Complex, approximately 35km west of Pilanesberg (South Africa), where it intruded the Nebo-granite (an integral part of the Bushveld Complex). The key characteristics of this intrusion are reflected by volcanic breccia, finitized Nebo-granite and beforsite (fine-grained magnesio-carbonatite) containing abundant apatite and strongly disaggregated granite xenoliths. Textural evaluation indicates that the element budget of the granites was resorbed by the carbonate melt. An integrated analytical approach, involving scanning electron microscopy (SEM), X-ray fluorescence (XRF), X-ray diffraction (XRD), and whole-rock analysis, is currently in progress to reveal the intricacies of the carbonate melt – granite interaction. While previous field studies have touched upon the fenitization of the Nebo-granite, a comprehensive understanding of the entire (and mutual) interaction remains a significant research gap. This study bridges this gap and will deepen our knowledge of carbonatite formation. 2:45pm - 3:00pm
Topics: 3.27 Alkaline rock and carbonatite related magmatism Crustal contamination and rare earth element enrichment in the Nooitgedacht Volcano, South Africa 1Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), Institute of Applied Geosciences, Chair of Economic Geology and Geochemistry, Adenauerring 20b, 76131 Karlsruhe, Germany; 2Laboratory of Environmental and Raw Materials Analysis (LERA), Adenauerring 20b, 76131 Karlsruhe, Germany; 3Department of Geology, Bacha Khan University Charsadda, Pakistan; 4Institute of Applied Geosciences, Technische Universität Berlin, Ernst-Reuter-Platz 1, 10587 Berlin, Germany; 5Department of Geology, University of the Free State, 250 Nelson-Mandela-Drive, Bloemfontein 9300, South Africa Carbonatites are igneous rocks with significant concentrations of rare earth elements (REEs) and other important metals. Despite their economic potential, their origin and evolution are poorly understood. Crustal contamination can significantly modify REE abundance in carbonatites. The current study provides new petrographic, geochemical, and stable isotopic insight into the processes that led to the formation of high field strength element (HFSE) bearing carbonatites i.e. pyrochlore-calcite carbonatite, and rare earth element (REE) bearing carbonatite i.e. quartz-ankerite-calcite carbonatite in the Nooitgedacht Volcano. The Nooitgedacht Volcano is an oval-shaped body with approximately a 3 km diameter situated in the Kaapvaal Craton in South Africa. It comprises mostly calcite carbonatite with enclosures of dolomite carbonatite. Petrographically, calcite carbonatite is divided into pyrochlore-calcite carbonatite and quartz-ankerite-calcite carbonatite. The mineral assemblage of pyrochlore, apatite, magnetite, and forsterite indicate an ortho-magmatic origin while the mineral association of monazite, ankerite, and quartz represents a post-magmatic/ hydrothermal origin for the quartz-ankerite calcite carbonatite. Stable isotope data (δ13C = -5 to -4) and (δ18O = +7 to +16) indicate a primary mantle source for the carbonatite with subsequent crustal contamination. In summary, petrographic, mineralogical, geochemical, and isotopic data provide significant insight into the evolution of the Nooitgedacht Volcano, highlighting a complex history of magmatic differentiation, mineral fractionation, and crustal contamination. 3:00pm - 3:15pm
Topics: 3.27 Alkaline rock and carbonatite related magmatism The influence of crustal contamination on REE-enrichment in carbonatites of the Kalkfeld group (Namibia) 1Tübingen University, Department of Geosciences, Schnarrenbergstr. 94-96, D-72076 Tübingen, Germany; 2Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), Institute for Applied Geosciences, Chair of Economic Geology and Geochemistry, Adenauerring 20b, 76131 Karlsruhe, Germany; 3Laboratories of Environmental and Raw Material analyses (LERA), Adenauerring 20b, 76131 Karlsruhe, Germany; 4Technische Universität Berlin, Institute of Applied Geosciences, Ernst-Reuter-Platz 1, 10587 Berlin, Germany; 5University of the Free State, Department of Geology, 250 Nelson-Mandela-Drive, Bloemfontein 9300, South Africa Carbonatites are mantle-derived igneous rocks which may comprise economically important mineralizations of REE and HFSE. Their emplacement into the crust is usually accompanied by fenitization, alkali metasomatism of country rocks caused by fluids expelled during cooling and crystallization. Often, carbonatites are associated with diverse silicate rocks like syenites, nepheline syenites or phonolites. Understanding magmatic differentiation and late-stage processes after emplacement, such as hydrothermal alteration and element remobilization and re-precipitation, is of great importance to understand the formation of HFSE and especially REE deposits. Carbonatites and associated silicate rocks (syenites, phonolites, fenites) of the Kalkfeld group in Northern Namibia show a large range in whole-rock REE contents, heterogeneity and textural variety and are therefore perfectly suited to study the phenomena named above. Detailed petrographic and microtextural analysis of the samples was done and focused on understanding the paragenetic sequence and evolution of the samples. Within the carbonatites, the typical sequence sövite -> beforsite -> ferrocarbonatite is observed, as well as late-stage, hydrothermal mineralization of REE- bearing phases like ancylite and bastnäsite. Currently, the study focuses on mineral chemistry by means of EMPA to further differentiate processes involved in the formation and evolution of the observed assemblages. Furthermore, silicate minerals like pyroxene, biotite and feldspar observed in carbonatites of the Kalkfeld group may indicate wall-rock interaction and crustal contamination of the carbonatitic magma during ascent and emplacement. The importance of silica contamination on REE enrichment in the carbonatites of Kalkfeld group will be discussed. 3:15pm - 3:30pm
Topics: 3.27 Alkaline rock and carbonatite related magmatism Can REE-enriched carbonatites be mapped from space? 1Czech Geological Survey, Czech Republic; 2TU Berlin, 10587 Berlin, Germany Rare Earth elements (REE) belong to the most strategic materials of the 21st century with steadily growing economic importance. PRISMA, the hyperspectral satellite data, is used for the very first time to test its capability of detecting REE contents from space using distinct subtle diagnostic spectral absorption features of REE. The PRISMA hyperspectral sensor acquired 234 spectral bands over VNIR/SWIR optical regions (400–2500 nm) of the electromagnetic spectrum at a spatial resolution of 30 m and a spectral resolution ranging from 11 to 15 nm. The carbonatite occurences within the Ondoto area in North Namibia were selected as the test site. To detect the REE-related diagnostic spectral absorption parameters (absorption wavelength position and depth) the in-house toolbox (QUANTools) developed at the Czech Geological Survey was tested and four absorption features placed within 700–900 nm range were found to correlate with the carbonatites containing high loads of REE. As a result, three perspective carbonatite areas were identified as the most promising, with one site validated using the laboratory geochemical data from collected samples. The results showed a good correlation between the high REE loads mapped using PRISMA data and the ground truth data highlighting the future potential of state-of-the-art satellite hyperspectral data to explore REE deposits using contactless Earth Observation data and methods. Funded by the Czech Science Foundation project 19-29124X. |
2:00pm - 3:30pm | 1.11-2 Unlocking CO2 storage potentials for Germany Location: Wiwi 108 Session Chair: Gesa Kuhlmann, BGR Session Chair: Sebastian Bauer, Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel |
2:00pm - 2:15pm
Topics: 1.11 Unlocking CO2 storage potentials for Germany POTENTIAL CO2 STORAGE SITES IN THE GERMAN NORTH SEA? A RESERVOIR-MODELLING AND PARAMETRIZATION STUDY Bundesanstalt für Geowissenschaften und Rohstoffe, Germany Carbon dioxide removal and storage is required for limiting global warming to the 2 °C goal of the Paris Agreement. One method is the storage of CO2 in deeply buried geological formations. As part of the GEOSTOR project, we created static 3D models for two potential storage sites in the Middle Buntsandstein within the German North Sea Exclusive Economic Zone. One 3D geological model (~1300 km2) located on the "West Schleswig Block" is based on 2D seismic data from various surveys and geophysical logs from four exploration wells. It encompasses a salt controlled anticline with 40-50 m thick Lower Volpriehausen Sandstones forming the primary reservoir target. The top seal consists of Upper Buntsandstein and unconformable Lower Cretaceous mudstones. The other 3D geological model (~560 km2) is located within the “Entenschnabel” area and, in contrast, is based on several high-resolution 3D seismic data and geophysical logs from four exploration wells. The reservoir, which also consists of up to 65 m thick Lower Volpriehausen Sandstones, is located within the Mads Graben with erosional discordances at the top. The upper seal consists of Upper Jurassic clays and partly unconformable Lower Cretaceous mudstones. For both models we conducted petrophysical analyses of all considered well data and calculated reservoir properties to determine the static reservoir capacity for these storage sites. Finally, we parametrized both models in order to provide two complete reservoir models that are capable of further dynamic capacity simulations, geo-risk and infrastructural analyses aiming at an entire feasibility study within the project framework. 2:15pm - 2:30pm
Topics: 1.11 Unlocking CO2 storage potentials for Germany Injection strategy development for CO2 storage in a multi-trap storage site considering hydrodynamic and geomechanical restrictions Institute of Geosciences, Kiel University, Germany Geological storage of CO2 contributes to mitigating climate change, but successful storage depends on many subsurface hydrodynamic and geomechanical factors. This study outlines the development of a CO2 injection strategy for a potential multi-trap storage site in the German North Sea by jointly honouring the geomechanics as well as hydrodynamic and geological constraints. The site comprises three structural closures, each covering an area of tens of km2. Based on site-specific geology and petrophysical data, static storage capacities of the individual closures as well as the closure combinations are estimated. Each closure has a distinct configuration and drainage area, resulting in different CO2 phase dynamics in the subsurface, due to a different interplay of gravity, capillary and viscous forces. A 3D reservoir model is developed and used to simulate CO2 injection with a rate of 10 Mt/a over 30 years, followed by a 100-year post-injection phase, while accounting for the regional hydraulic boundaries. The allowable pressure limit is derived using dedicated geomechanical simulations. The individual settings of each closure result in varying depths and injectivities, which lead to different numbers of injection wells and their placement due to well interaction. Furthermore, pressure accumulation occurs depending on the relative position of the closure to the hydraulic boundaries, reducing achievable capacity. Consequently, injection well planning and optimisation efforts should prioritise settings that demonstrate high injectivity, high achievable storage capacity and a high allowable pressure window. 2:30pm - 2:45pm
Topics: 1.11 Unlocking CO2 storage potentials for Germany Geomechanical analyses of submarine CO2 injection in the geological formations in the German North Sea Institute of Geosciences, Kiel University, Germany CO2 storage potential in sandstone formations in the German North Sea is investigated by GEOSTOR consortium. This contribution discusses some of the results from the investigation of the geotechnical impact of the storage process. We examine the injection pressure window with respect to the hydro-fractural risk of the reservoir layer or caprock in the vicinity of the injection well by performing coupled hydro-mechanical fracture analyses. Different modelling scales, formulations, failure parameters, and in-situ present day stresses are considered. The results show that 2D- or thin 3D-models may underestimate the material integrity and lead to early fracture initiation. Meanwhile, a medium-scale model of the geoformation may be advantageous in reducing computational burden while maintaining high accuracy. The results also show a good correlation with field-derived fracture gradients and formation strength tests data from the Dutch-German border. To assess the geotechnical risk of induced seismicity on the offshore infrastructure, we enhanced our boundary element-finite element method dynamic simulator with the formulation to compute arbitrary layered half-space and double-couple dynamic sources. Verification of the numerical method shows an excellent agreement with the analytical solution. The hybrid method is able to take into account the spatially complex geometry of the geological structure. The results show that the impact of the storage process on the formations’ mechanical integrity or offshore infrastructure remains relatively low or manageable for the considered period. 2:45pm - 3:00pm
Topics: 1.11 Unlocking CO2 storage potentials for Germany A benchmark gallery for hierarchical model verification of TH2M coupled process models: Examples for CO2 sequestration and nuclear waste disposal 1Technische Universität Bergakademie Freiberg, Germany; 2Bundesanstalt für Geowissenschaften und Rohstoffe (BGR), Hannover, Germany; 3Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research GmbH (UFZ), Leipzig, Germany In this study, we introduce an open-source benchmark gallery for a systematic verification of numerical simulations of coupled multi-field processes in geological storage and sequestration. Here, the focus lies on assessing the integrity of a host rock and/or geological barrier, which requires understanding material failure and behavior under different thermal-hydraulic-mechanical-chemical (THMC) conditions. To support quality assurance of the simulation workflows, the gallery provides automated benchmarking and peer-reviewed code development. Since closed-form solutions covering all aspects of non-isothermal two-phase flow in deformable media (TH2M) problems are not available, the verification procedure is subdivided into simpler conceptual models, up to single-variable processes (Grunwald et al., 2022). These reduced complexity problems can be described by semi- or fully analytical solutions. Extensive verification of very basic combinations (T/H/M/HM/TH etc.) was already conducted, therefore, focus lies on the investigation of more complex problems. In the context of TH2M systems, the gallery includes three cases relevant to CCS:
The gallery consists of comprehensive browser-integrated problem descriptions, analytical solutions, and numerical simulations obtained with the open-source simulation tool OpenGeoSys (Bilke et al., 2022). 3:00pm - 3:15pm
Topics: 1.11 Unlocking CO2 storage potentials for Germany Uncertainty Analysis of CO2 Storage Capacity Estimation in Saline Aquifers of the German North Sea Federal Institute for Geosciences and Natural Resources (BGR), Germany The reliable estimation of the dynamic storage capacity for CO2 storage is a significant challenge due to the uncertainty of process parameters. In our study, we consider storage in the Triassic Bunter sandstone underneath the German sector of the North Sea. We investigate CO2 injection into a saline aquifer, such as the Volpriehausen Sandstone by means of numerical simulations, to analyze the impact of parameter uncertainty on storage efficiency. One of the main challenges for capacity estimations is the paucity of measurements regarding storage rock units like the Volpriehausen Sandstone for important process parameters such as relative permeabilities obtained from wells in the German North Sea. This requires the supplementation of measured parameters from the same storage rock units for instance from neighboring countries such as the Netherlands or Denmark. We conduct flow simulations using TOUGH3 ECO2N and a self-developed framework for sensitivity analysis to investigate the parameter uncertainty of process parameters on storage efficiency. Our results indicate that the level of uncertainty can significantly affect the estimation of storage capacity, and the accuracy of simulation results is highly dependent on certain input parameters. This study provides insights into the impact of parameter uncertainty on the efficiency of CO2 storage. These findings are useful for future exploration, characterization, and operation of CO2 storage sites. 3:15pm - 3:30pm
Topics: 1.11 Unlocking CO2 storage potentials for Germany Analysis of fluid migration pathways in the context of CO2 underground storage in the German North Sea using high-resolution 3D and 2D seismic data Bundesanstalt für Geowissenschaften und Rohstoffe, Hannover, Germany For successful and safe underground CO2 storage, a profound knowledge of the subsurface and its geological structures characterizing the selected reservoir is essential. Besides robust geological models and storage capacity estimations, seal integrity analysis and the identification of potential seal-bypass systems is crucial to ensure save long-term storage of CO2 in the deep subsurface. Within the framework of the GEOSTOR project, we assess potential Triassic and Jurassic CO2 reservoirs by analysing the integrity of overlying barrier formations below the German North Sea. For this purpose, we use recently acquired high-resolution 3D seismic data covering an area of 94 km² within the northwestern German North Sea (“Entenschnabel”) and high-resolution 2D seismic data from the central German North Sea (“West Schleswig Block”) covering a total length of about 1500 km. Seismic amplitude anomalies indicate the presence of fluids allowing the investigation of former fluid migration pathways and their connection to faults and salt structures. First results from the “Entenschnabel” show a highly resolved 3D image from the seafloor to the Zechstein covering the salt diapir Belinda. Bright spots indicate fluid migration along the crestal fault system. Direct fluid migration indicators are scarce within the West Schleswig Block. Locally, bright spots indicate fluid migration along crestal faults of salt structures. We compare and discuss the characteristics of identified fluid migration pathways near the salt diapir Belinda with fluid migration and its correlation with faults and salt structures from the central German North Sea in the context of barrier integrity for subsurface CO2 storage. |
3:30pm - 4:00pm | Coffee Break Location: Foyer (Henry Ford Building) |
4:00pm - 5:30pm | 3.28-3 Developments and progress in regional geology Location: Hall A (HFB) Session Chair: Guido Meinhold, TU Bergakademie Freiberg |
4:00pm - 4:15pm
Topics: 3.28 Developments and progress in regional geology New insights into the formation and distribution of Pleistocene tunnel valleys in northern Germany Bundesanstalt für Geowissenschaften und Rohstoffe (BGR), Germany Tunnel valleys are among the deepest erosional structures in formerly glaciated areas. Our project aims to provide a synoptic model of the distribution, dimensions and evolution of Pleistocene tunnel valleys and their infills in northern Germany. The results will be used to assess the potential for future tunnel valley formation, which may pose a threat to the long-term (i.e., the next 1 Ma) safety of a radioactive waste repository. In the first phase of our project, we produced a new overview map of the Pleistocene tunnel-valley network. From this map, we extracted the tunnel-valley thalwegs and classified them into zones of similar maximum depths. Zones of deep erosion (>400m) follow the large-scale geometry of the North German Basin. The map of maximum depth zones can be used as a planning tool for long-term safety assessments. The next phase of our project includes a regional analysis of the tunnel valley network and local case studies. The regional analysis will compare the trends observed in the tunnel-valley network with regional geological features such as faults, salt structures and basin-fill architecture. The correlation between tunnel-valley trends and faults is ambiguous. Parallel trends occur mainly where ice advance directions were parallel to fault trends. As a first case study, we use high-resolution 3D seismic data from the German North Sea that image two intersecting tunnel valleys. Initial results show at least three distinct seismic units correlating with different sediment types and patterns, and possible multiple use of the tunnel valley. 4:15pm - 4:30pm
Topics: 3.28 Developments and progress in regional geology Paleoseismic and -tectonic structures in Hamburg and Peissen (Schleswig-Holstein) Geologisches Landesamt Hamburg, Germany Paleoseismic investigations in Hamburg and Peissen document paleo-earthquake structures, e.g. large clastic dykes, infill structures, complicated folds, fault-systems and vertical injections as larger structures. Smaller structures include special forms of diapirs, seismically induced soft-sediment deformation structures (SSDS), special flame structures, shear bands, among others. Plastic deformation is dominant in Hamburg, brittle deformation dominates in Peissen. The seismic deformations can be attributed to different mechanisms, e.g. compression as a result of seismic shock or sediment intrusion, liquefaction, fluidization, strain, shear stress, volume loss and subsequent collapse as a result of blowout activity. The observed structures show certain properties that allow a distinction from non-seismic forms (e.g. glacitectonic and periglacial deformation). Dyke structures are partly of Holocene age. 4:45pm - 5:00pm
Topics: 3.28 Developments and progress in regional geology A large regional structure from puzzle pieces - Gulf of Mexico structures on the western flank of the Eichsfeld-Altmark-Swell (EAS)? 1Landesamt für Geologie und Bergwesen Sachsen-Anhalt, Germany; 2Georg-August-Universität Göttingen, Germany; 3DGGV e.V., Germany We discuss the structures associated with the Eichsfeld-Altmark-Swell (EAS) in Central Germany, using observations from published cross-sections, outcrops, few boreholes and reflection seismics in a some 200 kilometres long swath in Central Germany. The EAS is well-documented as an approximately NNE-SSW-trending Permo-Triassic intrabasinal high, expressed by reduced thickness, facies changes and unconformities. It was accompanied by depocenters trending parallel to its axis, which changed in position and magnitude during geologic epochs. North of the Harz Mountains an approximately 10 km wide strip of the EAS´s western flank is strongly structured by faults of the Braunschweig-Gifhorn-Fault Zone (BGFZ). There, local thickness reductions of several hundred meters, in places culminating in complete absence of Lower and Middle Buntsandstein and apparently often associated with salt tectonics, are documented by seismics and well data, contrasting with the regional thickness reductions in the range of tens of meters typically attributed to the EAS. In Keuper time areas with large Buntsandstein hiatuses turned into depocenters. The spatial relationships of these depocenters with bordering normal faults and associated salt structures indicate that the western flank of the EAS was influenced by strong extension (up to 5 km) along low-angle normal faults detaching in Zechstein evaporites. No prominent basement offsets are observed, although they become prominent along trend of the BGFZ in the aligned westward terminations of the Flechtingen High, Harz and Thuringian Forest basement blocks. We discuss solutions for the mismatch of strong thin-skinned extension and apparently little deformed basement. 5:00pm - 5:15pm
Topics: 3.28 Developments and progress in regional geology The role of Regional Geology as key aspect in the planning of large subsurface infrastructures 1Geological Institute, RWTH Aachen University, Germany; 2Chair for Engineering Geology and Hydrogeology, RWTH Aachen University, Germany; 3NIKHEF The Einstein-Telescope (ET), a next-generation gravitational wave-detector, is a triangular shape underground facility with 10 kilometres long arms to be constructed at a depth of 200-300 meters below surface. A potential location is the Meuse-Rhine Euroregion. The success of such mega-project requires a comprehensive understanding of regional geology in terms of lithology, lithological variations and dominant structures. A solid regional geology study, combining literature review, reconnaissance study, surface and subsurface mapping, sample collection, geophysical data collection, and remote sensing methods to identify the rock units and structures present, is part of assessing the feasibility of the area. The lithology consists of soft Upper Cretaceous sediments resting unconformable on Silesian, Dinantian and Famennian units. The Dinantian carbonates and the Famennian sandstones are the preferred target units for the cavern construction. A major goal is to understand the spatial distribution of the different rock units that may be encountered during construction of caverns and tunnel. Structurally, the region shows a complex pattern of NE- SW striking Variscan folds and thrusts and (N)NW –(S)SE striking faults linked to the Lower Rhine Embayment. Changes in the lithology due to folds and thrust are important in terms of tunnel planning. The (N)NW – (S)SE structures provide pathways for fluids and are potentially seismic active and hence may affect the construction and the operation of the ET severely. Understanding the regional geology allows for optimization of the location and orientation of the ET infrastructure and identifies the potential impacts during construction and operation of the ET. |
4:00pm - 5:30pm | 4.08-2 Geological surveying as services for the public delivered by the State Geological Surveys of Germany - Current Issues Location: Hall B (HFB) Session Chair: Björn Panteleit, Geologischer Dienst für Bremen |
4:15pm - 4:30pm
Topics: 4.08 Geological surveying as services for the public delivered by the State Geological Surveys of Germany - Current Issues Using artificial intelligence to improve soil maps and geohazard mitigation efforts at state level State Authority for Geology, Resources and Mining, Albertstraße 5, 79104 Freiburg, Germany Both the sustainable use of our resources and the prevention of geohazards requires reliable information about the spatial distribution of soil and geological properties. Since direct measurements are costly, artificial intelligence (AI) methods are used to estimate these attributes, leveraging a machine learning algorithm which relates laboratory measurements or expert class information to environmental covariates derived, e.g. from relief, geology and climate data. This study evaluates random forest (RF) as an AI technique to predict the occurrence of debris on slopes of the entire Black Forest in 10 m resolution. It also examines whether RF models can be applied to measured geogenic radon potential (GRP) for assessing the risk of possibly harmful radon concentrations inside buildings in Baden-Wuerttemberg. A suite of 6770 expert class labels indicating whether hillside debris of at least 1 m thickness occurs or not, were associated with main geological classes and various terrain attributes obtained from a LiDAR-based digital elevation model. RF classification showed very good results with an accuracy rate of 86 %. GRP mapping is currently based on 580 radon measurements in soil gas at 1 m depth and a set of covariates comprising soil attributes, climate variables and geological data such as uranium concentrations. Preliminary results indicate that the GRP map generated by using a state-specific RF model is highly useful in identifying municipalities as vulnerable areas for which action is needed to mitigate this particular threat to human health. 4:30pm - 4:45pm
Topics: 4.08 Geological surveying as services for the public delivered by the State Geological Surveys of Germany - Current Issues Project ConSent: Harmonisation of the Large-Scale Geological Map Series of Baden-Württemberg and Bavaria 1Freiburg Regional Council, Geological Survey; 2Federal Institute for Geosciences and Natural Resources; 3Bavarian Environment Agency, Geological Survey The increasing digital provision of geological maps leads to a growing need for data harmonisation in order to make the data usable across borders. An essential prerequisite for this is the harmonisation of the geological general legends. Therefore, the main objective of the ConSent project was to establish interoperability between the existing large-scale geological map series (GK25/50) for the example of the federal states of Baden-Württemberg and Bavaria. Furthermore, the project is about the automated derivation of small-scale from large-scale geological maps. First, the geological general legends of the GK25/50 of Baden-Württemberg and Bavaria were implemented as hierarchical vocabularies in the thesaurus management system of BGR (RDF-enabled using standardised vocabularies based on semantic web concepts). The next step was to identify the greatest common denominator of the geological legends of the two federal states. This was done by an overarching geological general legend (OGL). Subsequently, the geological general legends of the two map series were linked semantically to the OGL using the SKOS vocabulary. Then, a merged GIS dataset of the GK25/50 was created containing the original geometries of both federal states. The polygons are attributed with both the original terms and the harmonised terms of the OGL. The harmonised map is publicly accessible via the project web application at BGR. Finally, the map was successfully generalised into three superordinate map scales (GK250, GK500, GK1000). The project shall be extended to other geological surveys. 4:45pm - 5:00pm
Topics: 4.08 Geological surveying as services for the public delivered by the State Geological Surveys of Germany - Current Issues A new model of the base of Quaternary deposits in Northwest Germany Landesamt für Bergbau, Energie und Geologie, Germany The high-energy processes during the Elsterian glacial stage have formed a diverse relief of the base Quaternary with buried tunnel valleys, which are cut between a few tens of meters up to 400 m into the Tertiary bedrock sediments (Kuster & Meyer 1979). The Quaternary deposits host large groundwater reservoirs and are an important source for mining sand and gravel. The buried tunnel valleys also help to predict the erosion depth of future glaciations in the context of finding a site for a repository for radioactive waste in Germany. Therefore, it is crucial to provide a comprehensive geological model of the base Quaternary in order to support planning strategies in sustainable resource extraction and land use. Kuster & Meyer (1995) published a contour map of the base Quaternary in Lower Saxony. Since then a vast number of new datasets were obtained. We started modelling a 3D surface based on these new datasets and the original contour map by Kuster & Meyer (1995) using SKUA-GOCAD™ (AspenTech). Here, we are presenting the first completed sub-region of this model, pointing out both the major advances that we achieved by integrating new borehole and seismic data (2D/3D) as well as the challenges of data harmonization. We were able to identify tunnel valleys that were unknown before and to revise the geometry and depth of known subglacial channels. The depth of the base Quaternary was adjusted by up to 150 m in certain areas. 5:00pm - 5:15pm
Topics: 4.08 Geological surveying as services for the public delivered by the State Geological Surveys of Germany - Current Issues Integrating geological data of 100 years to model an area-wide map of the Quaternary base of Brandenburg Landesamt für Bergbau, Geologie und Rohstoffe Brandenburg (LBGR), Germany Mapping the Quaternary base is required for various processes. Accordingly, it serves as a necessary horizon for set-up of 3D geological models of the subsurface, as well as a database for engineering geological processes. The most important field of application in Brandenburg considers hydrogeological questions such as the separation of the freshwater/ saline-water level in aquifers. Reliable and detailed working basis are needed for sophisticated modelling and to ensure the integration of all different data and information leading to area-wide maps. At the geological survey of Brandenburg data of more than 200 000 drillings (from the beginning of 1900 until today), seismic profiles (average profile density of 0.7 km/km2) and gravimetric measurements (average point distance of c. 5 km) are available. In recent years maps of the Quaternary base were constructed independently by specific tasks and requirements. As a consequence, ten different maps were produced in the period from 1970 to 2014. Scaling varies between 1:10 000 to 1:1 000.000, while those with the higher resolution cover only parts of Brandenburg. The aim of this study is to combine all datatypes to create a holistic model, which can be used interdisciplinary. The varying quality and quantity, as well as the large age range of the incoming data pose a challenge being solved with different modelling approaches and geostatistical methods. 5:15pm - 5:30pm
Topics: 4.08 Geological surveying as services for the public delivered by the State Geological Surveys of Germany - Current Issues The Geological Data Act - From the notification of geological investigations to the transmission and provision of geological data 1Landesamt für Bergbau, Geologie und Rohstoffe Brandenburg (LBGR), Germany; 2Landesamt für Bergbau, Energie und Geologie Niedersachsen (LBEG), Germany The Geological Data Act (GeolDG) came into force on June 30, 2020. It has replaced the Mineral Law (LagerstG) and has lead to a comprehensive new legal regulation in the field of recording, archiving and publishing geological data. The primary objectives of the Act are to safeguard geological data and make it available to the public, to ensure the sustainable use of the geological subsurface, and to be able to identify and assess geohazards. Therewith it also affects clients of geological investigations and those commissioned to carry them out, e.g. drilling companies, etc. There is an obligation to notify the competent authority of all geological investigations at least two weeks before they begin. Data transmission and public provision is also regulated by means of deadlines. The term "geological investigation" includes all general geological, raw material geological, engineering geological, geophysical, mineralogical, geochemical, pedological, geothermal, hydrogeological and geotechnical measurements and recordings of earth's surface, geological subsurface, of ground or groundwater, obtained by means of prospecting, drilling, field or borehole measurements and other exploration methods such as remote sensing, as well as the processing of the data obtained in this way, as well as analyses and evaluations of these data, e.g. in the form of expert reports, surveys, and reports. With the contribution here the law is presented fundamentally and for the execution of the law announcement procedures in the countries as well as processes of data transmission and administrative procedures for data supply. |
4:00pm - 5:30pm | 1.04-2 Hydrogen: energy carrier in nature and for society – from natural hydrogen occurrences to large-scale hydrogen storage Location: Hall C (HFB) Session Chair: Rüdiger Lutz, BGR Session Chair: Philipp Weniger, Bundesanstalt für Geowissenschaften und Rohstoffe (BGR) |
4:00pm - 4:30pm
Invited Session Keynote Topics: 1.04 Hydrogen: energy carrier in nature and for society – from natural hydrogen occurrences to large-scale hydrogen storage Seepage of natural hydrogen: geochemical uncertainties and the need of a holistic approach Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia, Italy Natural hydrogen (H2) exploration is particularly focused on surface emissions (seeps) and soil-gas prospections, similar to early petroleum reservoir explorations. However, defining the amount of H2 at the surface that indicates a potentially economic resource is impossible, and identifying its origin is challenging due to the fact that geological H2 concentrations and isotopic composition can overlap with the in-situ biological signature. The potential for H2 generation in surface environments as a result of microorganisms, corrosion of iron particles or minerals, or even drilling (artificial H2) must be extensively evaluated. Despite these limitations, similarities to hydrocarbon systems suggest that certain seeps, which typically occur in correspondence with faults, are an expression of advection (not diffusion), driven by pressure gradients, and thus can disclose the existence of pressurized pools (Etiope, 2023). The fluid dynamics of gas seeps can therefore reveal the nature of the H2 supply system. Comparing seep flux rates with potential H2 generation rates, either via radiolysis or serpentinization, is a fundamental exercise for determining whether the H2 system must include a reservoir, similar to conventional natural gas systems, or if the H2 observed at the surface originates from continuous flow crossing short-term accumulations or directly from the source rock, as some scholars have hypothesized. However, analyses of the gases associated with H2 (such as CO2, CH4, N2 and He) are always advised. Assessing the potential of a geological H2 resource necessitates a holistic approach that integrates multiple geochemical, ecosystem, and geological data. References Etiope G., (2023) https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijhydene.2022.12.025 4:30pm - 4:45pm
Topics: 1.04 Hydrogen: energy carrier in nature and for society – from natural hydrogen occurrences to large-scale hydrogen storage Key role of Fe-carbonates in natural H2 production? Evidence from the spatial link between barren ground depressions, gold deposit and H2 emissions Univ. Grenoble Alpes, USMB, CNRS, IRD, UGE, ISTerre, France Even if measurements of high H2 concentrations in continental rocks have significantly increased in the last decade, the origin of H2 remains enigmatic in this context. Here we show that the localities in continental rocks where H2-rich gases have been reported are mainly located near orogenic gold deposits. Two types of geomorphological features were identified near orogenic gold deposits on satellite images. They consist in both barren ground depressions and high densities of self-organized, small (< 20 m in diameter) circular- and comet-shaped white spots in 32 and 7 localities, respectively. Fe-carbonates commonly occur near gold deposits since gold is transported in CO2-rich fluids. Thermodynamic modelling reveal here that they can further dissolve in the presence of aqueous fluid to produce magnetite and up to ~ 1 mole of H2 per kg of rock. This reaction leads to a volume decrease of ~ 50 %. Based on these findings, we propose that Fe-carbonate dissolution could be the primary source of H2 in orogenic gold deposit areas, and involved in the formation of the geomorphological structures reported here. The association between H2-rich gas and ground depressions was also observed near other formations containing Fe-carbonates such as iron formations and carbonatites. This suggests that H2 production through Fe-carbonate dissolution is not restricted to gold deposits. The global H2 production in crustal rocks associated with Fe-carbonate alteration is estimated to 3 x 105 mol/yr. 4:45pm - 5:00pm
Topics: 1.04 Hydrogen: energy carrier in nature and for society – from natural hydrogen occurrences to large-scale hydrogen storage Mineralogical evidence for Quaternary serpentinization in the New-Caledonian ophiolite: Implication for the low-temperature genesis of H2- and CH4-bearing alkaline fluids 1ISTerre - Univ. Grenoble, France; 2GEOPS, Univ. Paris-Saclay, France; 3GEO-OCEAN, Univ. Bretagne Occidentale, France; 4Service Géologique de Nouvelle-Calédonie, New Caledonia H2-bearing fluids (pH 10 – 12) issued in alkaline springs found in several ophiolitic complexes worldwide are believed to result from the alteration of ultramafic rocks by infiltration of meteoric waters. The mineralogical fingerprint of the reactive percolation of such an alkaline fluid is revealed by veinlet mineralization occurring in the New Caledonian ophiolite (Massif du Sud). In two localities separated by ~ 15 km (Georges Pile and GR2H mines), late veins in a partially serpentinized peridotite contain magnetite crystals younger than 2 Ma as inferred from (U-Th)/He geochronometry. While the serpentinite host at Georges Pile is largely overprinted by lateritic weathering, primary parageneses are preserved at GR2H. There, magnetite occurs along with dolomite and Fe-poor lizardite as filling in millimeter sized veins cross-cutting the mesh texture of the partially serpentinized dunite. Temperature of the aqueous fluid from which the vein material precipitated is estimated to be ~95°C from in situ δ18O data on the magnetite-dolomite pair, indicating a low-temperature alteration process. Thermochemical calculation shows that this aqueous fluid was alkaline and most likely H2-bearing. Chemically, it strongly resembles waters that are issued today in H2 and CH4 – bearing (hyper)alkaline springs of the Massif du Sud. δ13C isotopic composition of dolomite is exceptionally high, between 7.1 and up to 17.3 ‰ and is interpreted as evidence for low-temperature methanogenesis. 5:00pm - 5:15pm
Topics: 1.04 Hydrogen: energy carrier in nature and for society – from natural hydrogen occurrences to large-scale hydrogen storage Experimental alteration of ferroan brucite at temperature below 150°C: new thermodynamic and kinetic constaints on H2 production during ultramafic rock alteration at low temperature 1Univ. Grenoble Alpes, USMB, CNRS, IRD, UGE, ISTerre, France; 2Storengy (ENGIE), France; 3Engie Research, ENGIE, France The alteration of ferroan brucite, a common by-product of serpentinization, has been proposed as a H2 source at low temperature. Here, synthetic ferroan brucite with Fe/(Fe+Mg) = 0.2 was reacted with pure water at temperatures ranging from 348 to 573 K in 29 experiments either conducted in gold capsules or in Ti-based reactors. H2 production monitoring with time and characterization of the reaction products revealed the occurrence of the following reaction: 3 Fe(OH)2brucite = Fe3O4 + H2 + 2 H2O. This reaction proceeded completely in ~ 2 months at 378 K and was thermally activated. The small grain size of the synthetic brucite (40-100 nm) was similar to observations in natural samples, and was probably responsible for the high reaction rate measured. H2 production reached a plateau and Fe-bearing brucite also precipitated as a reaction product, suggesting the achievement of equilibrium. The thermodynamic properties of Fe(OH)2 were refined based on the experimental dataset and differ by less than 5 % from previous estimates. However, ferroan brucite is predicted to be stable at an hydrogen activity one order of magnitude lower than previously calculated. As a result, significant H2 production during ferroan brucite alteration at low temperature requires efficient fluid renewal. Such a mechanism strongly differs from olivine serpentinization which can occur even at high activity in H2 and thus with limited water renewal. |
4:00pm - 5:30pm | 1.21 Distribution, reactivity and behaviour of TCEs in aquatic systems: surface-, ground-, hydrothermal- waters and brines Location: Hall D (HFB) Session Chair: Elisabeth Eiche, KIT Session Chair: Teba Gil-Díaz |
4:00pm - 4:30pm
Invited Session Keynote Topics: 1.21 Distribution, reactivity and behaviour of TCEs in aquatic systems: surface-, ground-, hydrothermal- waters and brines Behind the scenes of the TCEs: what we are talking about and why University of Geneva, Switzerland TCEs stands for technology-critical elements, a group of chemical elements for which imbalances between supply and demand exist or are considered likely to exist. The concept is economic and geopolitical and is not based on any scientific consideration. The term TCE is linked to competition for natural resources, now dramatically intensified by geopolitical instability and the green-energy transition. Since it is a geopolitical concept, the elements that are considered as TCEs depend on the country and change over time; basically, they depend on the "eye of the beholder". For example, in the EU list of 2023, compared to the 30 Critical Raw Materials (CRMs) of 2020, there are six new CRMs (arsenic, feldspar, helium and manganese, plus copper and nickel as Strategic Raw Materials) and two have disappeared (indium and natural rubber). Currently, the European Union considers a large number of materials to be technologically critical (mostly, but not all, chemical elements): 51. Given that the total number of elements in the periodic table is 118, of which 94 occur naturally on Earth and the remaining 24 are synthetic, this means that we are talking about ≈50% of all naturally occurring chemical elements! In this context, what are the reasons for studying the environmental and (eco)toxicological effects of TCEs? Obviously, they will be different in the European Union than in the producer countries. In this communication, the reasons and research needs on both sides of the so-called supply chain (producers and end-users) will be analysed. 4:30pm - 4:45pm
Topics: 1.21 Distribution, reactivity and behaviour of TCEs in aquatic systems: surface-, ground-, hydrothermal- waters and brines The ongoing race between emerging contaminants and analytical chemistry: New approaches in ICP-MS/MS and determination of technology-critical elements in marine biota reference materials 1Helmholtz-Zentrum hereon, Institute of Coastal Environmental Chemistry, Department Inorganic Environmental Chemistry Germany; 2Universität Hamburg, Department of Chemistry, Inorganic and Applied Chemistry; 3Universität Hamburg, Department of Biology, Institute of Marine Ecosystem and Fishery Science Technology-critical elements (TCEs) show a dramatic increase in industrial applications in recent years and decades. Technological applications in our everyday life have come a long way in the number of used elements, with almost every element of the periodic table today. Based on the fact that many TCEs are recycled only to a very small extent or not at all, TCEs may become contaminants of high concern in the future. Yet, important knowledge gaps remain about the environmental behavior of TCEs and their uptake into the food chain. Therefore, tools are needed that enable a sound and reliable determination of TCEs in order to further understand their impact on the environment. We present the advantages of N2O as a reaction gas for inductively coupled plasma tandem mass spectrometry (ICP-MS/MS) for the multi elemental analysis of the majority of TCEs (e.g.: Ga, Ge, In and Ta). Thus, allowing the determination with LODs between 0.00023 µg L-1 (Eu) and 0.13 µg L-1 (Te). In addition, we used a microwave assisted closed vessel digestion to determine non-certified TCE mass fractions within four commonly used reference materials in the field of environmental marine chemistry: NIST 2976 (mussel tissue), NIST 1566a (oyster tissue), BCR 668 (mussel tissue) and NCS ZC73034 (prawn). Presenting mass fractions for Ga (11 µg kg-1 ± 9 µg kg-1 - 63 µg kg-1 ± 8 µg kg-1) and In (0.39 µg kg-1 ± 0.29 µg kg-1 – 0.7 µg kg-1 ± 0.7 µg kg-1) as non-certified elements within all of these CRMs. 4:45pm - 5:00pm
Topics: 1.21 Distribution, reactivity and behaviour of TCEs in aquatic systems: surface-, ground-, hydrothermal- waters and brines From rivers to the sea: determination and tracing of TCEs in natural waters 1Helmholtz-Zentrum Hereon, Germany; 2Universität Hamburg, Germany; 3Montanuniversität Leoben, Austria TCEs have a wide-spread range of applications and are released into the aquatic environment in various ways. For their sound determination in natural waters not only new analytical methods are needed but also reference materials for method validation. Even though a wide variety of certified reference materials (CRMs) of different water matrices are available, certified values of many elements, especially TCEs, do not exist. In this study, an online preconcentration method coupled with ICP-MS/MS was used for the quantification of 34 elements among which are 21 TCEs. The method was applied to 17 water CRMs and measured data is combined with a comprehensive literature review on non-certified values in the CRMs resulting in the suggestion of consensus values for various TCEs. The method is applied to a set field samples from German rivers and from the North Sea in order to trace different inputs of TCEs into the aquatic environment: In and Ga ware analyzed as tracers for offshore wind farms where they are applied in corrosion protection systems. The Gd anomaly was used as a proxy of coastal and riverine inputs into the North Sea in an attempt to differentiate anthropogenic from geogenic signal. The concentrations in seawater ranged between 0.011 ng L-1 ± 0.001 ng L-1 and 0.27 ng L-1 ± 0.15 ng L-1 for In and between 1.37 ng L-1 ± 0.05 ng L-1 and 4.9 ng L-1 ± 0.5 ng L-1 for Ga and Gd anomalies of up to 4 were found in the North Sea. 5:00pm - 5:15pm
Topics: 1.21 Distribution, reactivity and behaviour of TCEs in aquatic systems: surface-, ground-, hydrothermal- waters and brines Distribution of rare earth elements and yttrium in fjord waters: evidence for geogenic and anthropogenic sources in Norwegian fjords 1Constructor University, Germany; 2Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway; 3The University Centre in Svalbard (UNIS), Norway; 4SINTEF Ocean, Norway The picturesque fjords along Norway’s coastline play an important role for the country’s tourism and aquaculture industry. Despite their economic importance for the country, surprisingly little is known about the occurrence and behaviour of rare earths and yttrium (REY) in Norwegian fjords. We will present dissolved (0.2 µm-filtered) REY data for different sites and depths from several Norwegian fjords with focus on the Seaward Basin in the Trondheimfjord. Our sample set is complemented by data for rivers feeding into the fjord (Orkla, Gaula, Nidelva, Stjørdalselva) and for two waste water treatment plants (WWTPs) releasing their effluents into the Seaward Basin. All fjordwaters show REY concentrations in a similar range with decreasing concentrations with increasing water depth. Their shale-normalised (SN) REY patterns share common features with typical seawater patterns, however, light and middle REY are less fractionated compared to open-ocean water. Samples taken close to river mouths have notably higher REY concentrations in surface layers with very flat REYSN patterns, similar to the rivers investigated and characteristic of boreal rivers with a high nanoparticle and colloid load. In contrast, the truly dissolved (< 1 kDa) REY in river water of the Nidelva show patterns similar to those of seawater. The effluents of the WWTPs carry a strong anthropogenic Gd signal into the Trondheimfjord, which results from the application of Gd-based contrast agents in magnetic resonance imaging. However, no anomalous enrichment of Gd is detected in the Seaward Basin itself because the large water volume immediately dilutes and obliterates the anthropogenic signal. 5:15pm - 5:30pm
Topics: 1.21 Distribution, reactivity and behaviour of TCEs in aquatic systems: surface-, ground-, hydrothermal- waters and brines Rare earth element mobility in contrasting sediments Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), Institute of Applied Geosciences, Adenauerring 20b, 76131 Karlsruhe, Germany Contrasting sediments behave radically differently in aquatic systems, releasing elements of concern. Their behavior is a function of mineralogy, geochemical composition, and the conditions of the medium (e.g., ionic composition, pH). One way of understanding the reactivity of contrasting sediments, but also the operationally defined fraction of the associated elements is to use selective extraction protocols. Nevertheless, these are generally used without verifying the adequacy of the extraction times, in accordance with the sediment characteristics, nor the potential impact of element-specific behavior to the extracting reagents, biasing the final interpretation. This study aims at providing such understanding for the rare earth elements (including lanthanides, yttrium, and scandium). The sediments used originate from modern aquatic sedimentary environments of both terrestrial and marine-transitional origin, associated to either natural (beach and riverbank sediments) or anthropogenic (mine tailings) sources. A qualitative mineralogical determination of the sediments was performed via XRD. Element mobility was studied via selective extraction protocols applied in parallel, with a kinetic approach, and sequentially. Quantitative analysis of the total concentrations of major and trace elements was determined via XRF-EDX, ICP-OES and ICP-MS, to obtain elemental correlations and total REY+Sc sediment content for mass balance purposes. For each extraction solution, the elemental concentrations were quantified via ICP-MS. The information gained in this study provides further experimental results on the unknown aquatic behavior of REY+Sc elements, for which there is currently an increasing demand for major technological applications. Acknowledgements: Funded as part of the Excellence Strategy of the German Federal and State Governments. |
4:00pm - 5:30pm | 1.29 Breakthrough technologies and innovations along the mineral raw materials supply chain Location: Wiwi 101 Session Chair: Siyamend Al Barazi, BGR |
4:15pm - 4:30pm
Topics: 1.29 Breakthrough technologies and innovations along the mineral raw materials supply chain - towards a sustainable and secure raw material supply Quantification of greenhouse gas emissions from copper mining to refining 1Federal Institute for Geosciences and Natural Resources, Germany (BGR); 2DMT GmbH & Co. KG Material flow data are generally used to assess the environmental footprint of economic activities, e.g. through life cycle assessments (LCAs). This is particularly relevant for the resource-intensive sector of primary raw material extraction and the associated raw material supply chains. As LCAs are firmly established in industry, research, and governmental organizations to support decision-making, e.g. for comparing the environmental impact between recycling processes and primary raw material extraction, an up-to-date and transparent database is the basis for meaningful results. However, the ecological parameters for primary raw material extraction up to refining in the databases often do not reflect the current status. In addition, the data for many metals are often only aggregated values and not available for individual process steps of mining, processing, smelting and refining. To address this challenge, we conducted a comprehensive survey of emissions data and other project- or deposit-specific data on copper mining, smelting and refining, and correlated the results with currently available general sector data. The data collection was carried out, on the one hand, through a customized questionnaire completed by the companies participating in the studies and, on the other hand, through literature research. The newly acquired project-specific knowledge enables improved calculation of the carbon footprint and greenhouse gas emissions of representative mining projects and smelters/refineries. Furthermore, it serves for a direct analysis of the calculation bases for life cycle assessments and the data on CO2 emissions of other data providers and their evaluation. 4:30pm - 4:45pm
Topics: 1.29 Breakthrough technologies and innovations along the mineral raw materials supply chain - towards a sustainable and secure raw material supply Market power Indonesia – from the largest ore exporter to the leading nickel supplier for the green transition BGR, Germany Because of its specific properties, nickel is set to play a key role in the implementation of new megatrends such as the energy and mobility transition. Nickel is used in many industries, primarily in the manufacture of stainless steel and nickel alloys. In addition to these established areas of application, a considerable increase in global nickel demand for battery production is expected until 2030, particularly due to the rapid global ramp-up of electric mobility. Within this decade the global nickel demand is forcast to double. While the battery production in recent years was based mainly on the dissolution of nickel metal (so-called class 1), things changed in 2022 with intermediates (mainly MHP and nickel matte) representing the by far dominant nickel feed for the batttery production. Currently, Indonesia is the only country to significantly increase the mine production to provide the necessary nickel intermediates to meet the future demand. Indonesia holds the largest nickel reserves and until 2013 was the worldwide leading nickel ore supplier. With the introduction of an nickel ore export ban, the country became the leading producer of refined nickel products within less than ten years. Moreover, Indonesia is already the by far largest exporter of nickel intermediates for the global battery value chain. However, this dramatic change is based mainly on Chinese investments. It raises questions on the secure and sustainable global nickel supply. 4:45pm - 5:00pm
Topics: 1.29 Breakthrough technologies and innovations along the mineral raw materials supply chain - towards a sustainable and secure raw material supply Hyperspectral airborne and satellite data from EnMAP for mineral mapping of raw material at Gamsberg-Aggeneys area, South Africa BGR, Germany Hyperspectral remote sensing already is important in geoscientific research in the fields of geology, soil, exploration and mining. New hyperspectral satellite systems are already in operation (e.g. EnMAP, PRISMA and DESIS) and more systems are planned e.g. the European Copernicus Next Generation Hyperspectral Satellite CHIME. Investigated are the information contents of hyperspectral data for exploration target recognition and their dependency on spatial resolutions of different sensor platforms. Airborne data offer high spatial resolution of 2.5 m with limited areal data acquisition, whereas hyperspectral spaceborne sensors guaranty nearly worldwide data availability with the same spectral characteristics but medium spatial resolution (30 m). The aspects of high spectral resolution and high versus medium spatial resolution targeted mineral mapping is demonstrated. Hyperspectral satellite data are analyzed successfully to map major mineralogy and proxy minerals such as hematite for the ore mineralization at Gamsberg. The results indicate, that hyperspectral satellite data are an important data source for exploration activities despite the moderate spatial resolution. However, for detailed mapping especially within a mineralization zone, hyperspectral high spatial resolution data from airborne or unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) systems are important, to understand and to map the mineralogy of such a zone in their complete complexity. 5:00pm - 5:15pm
Topics: 1.29 Breakthrough technologies and innovations along the mineral raw materials supply chain - towards a sustainable and secure raw material supply The development of a microwave-assisted laboratory hard rock cutting machine 1Hacettepe University, Türkiye; 2Nigde Omer Halisdemir University, Türkiye Mechanical excavators have been widely used for the excavation of rocks in mining and civil engineering projects. The excavation of hard rocks by mechanical machines is difficult due to low advance rate and high tool wear. This difficulty can be overcome by exposing hard rocks to microwave energy just before cutting. This paper presents the newly developed a microwave-assisted laboratory hard rock linear cutting machine. The cutting machine which can be equipped with disc cutter or conical cutter has been integrated with a microwave treatment system. The microwave system is composed of 25 kW-magnetron with a frequency of 915 MHz, wave guide, circulator, water load, stub tuner, and directional coupler. A rock sample is first exposed to microwave energy, then cut by cutter using the test system. During cutting tests, normal and cutting forces are measured, and specific cutting energy values are calculated. A preliminary cutting tests were carried out on some rock types using the cutting machine at different microwave power levels. It was observed that the optimum specific energy values of the samples exposed to microwave energy were considerably lower than those that were not exposed to microwave energy. It was also observed that the optimum specific energy values decreased quite steadily with increasing microwave power. The experiments using the new microwave assisted laboratory hard rock cutting machine showed that microwave treatment of rocks before cutting was an efficient method for the excavation of hard rocks. |
4:00pm - 5:30pm | 2.03-3 Setting the stage for a habitable planet: Solid earth processes through time Location: Wiwi 104 Session Chair: Arathy Ravindran, Universität zu Köln Session Chair: Stephan Homrighausen, GEOMAR Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel |
4:00pm - 4:30pm
Invited Session Keynote Topics: 2.03 Setting the stage for a habitable planet: Solid Earth processes through time The complimentary records of ancient differentiation events preserved by Archean-aged crust and modern ocean island basalts 1Institute of Geochemistry and Petrology, ETH Zürich, 8092 Zürich, Switzerland; 2Institute of Geology and Mineralogy, University of Cologne, 50674 Cologne, Germany; 3Department of Lithospheric Research, University of Vienna, 1090 Vienna, Austria; 4Center for Star and Planet Formation, University of Copenhagen, 1350 Copenhagen, Denmark; 5Department of Geology, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, United States Modern terrestrial mantle-derived rocks display a rich diversity of isotopic compositions that have been key to understanding the assembly of the silicate Earth over the last 2-3 billion years. Parallel to these advancements was an increasing understanding that Archean-aged cratonic rocks provide a window into foundational terrestrial processes that occurred in the first 1-2 billion years of Earth history. The study and application of these distinct records remained mostly independent until statistical and instrumental precision improved enough to measure meaningful heterogeneity in short-lived radiogenic isotopes (especially 142Nd and 182W) among young mantle-derived rocks. Recent developments in the study of ocean island basalts have revealed that some early domains in Earth’s mantle have never been fully homogenized and may also preserve information about foundational Earth processes. The 182W/184W records of Archean and modern rocks are especially complimentary and reflect differing perspectives on core formation and subsequent late accretion processes. On the other hand, the 142Nd/144Nd signatures of some ocean island basalts may reflect the same global differentiation event preserved by many less altered cratonic rocks of Archean age. Continuing advancement in analytical precision will increase the potential to integrate the study of Archean-aged and modern rocks as mutually beneficial tools to understand processes such as core and dynamo formation, crustal differentiation, plate tectonics, and impact events. In turn, a detailed understanding of our planet’s early history in these respects is critical to identify which terrestrial exoplanets have the geological propensity to host life. 4:30pm - 4:45pm
Topics: 2.03 Setting the stage for a habitable planet: Solid Earth processes through time Combined 182W – 142Nd data for the Deccan Large Igneous Province and the role of crustal and lithospheric reservoirs 1Universität zu Köln, Institut für Geologie und Mineralogie; 2Savitribai Phule Pune University, Department of Geology Recently, high precision isotope measurements revealed anomalies of the short-lived 182W and 142Nd system in modern Ocean Island Basalts (OIBs) [1, 2]. These anomalies indicate the presence of an ancient primordial component within OIB sources, however, their origin remains enigmatic. Core-mantle interaction [2] or the involvement of early differentiated and isolated silicate reservoirs [e.g. 3] are the most plausible scenarios to account for the observed isotope anomalies. To better understand the involvement of primordial components within OIBs, comparing plume heads and tails might be key to answering this question since the amount of incorporated material changes during the lifetime of plumes [4]. [1]Peters et al. (2021), G-Cubed. [2]Mundl et al. (2017), Science. [3]Tusch et al. (2022), PNAS. [4] Jones et al. (2019), EPSL. [5]Jansen et al. (2022), EPSL. 4:45pm - 5:00pm
Topics: 2.03 Setting the stage for a habitable planet: Solid Earth processes through time Drilling the Crust – Mantle transition zone in the Oman ophiolite - the formation of massive dunites. Leibniz Universität Hannover, Germany The formation of oceanic crust at mid-ocean ridges is one of the dominant processes in the chemical differentiation of our planet. Oceanic crust formed at fast-spreading ridges exhibits a relatively uniform seismic stratigraphy and is regarded as layered and relatively homogeneous. Because of the lack of in-situ exposures at the base of recent oceanic crust, existing models on the geodynamics of the deep processes during crustal accretion have never been tested directly using natural samples. The ICDP Oman Drilling Project penetrated at two sites the crust/mantle boundary in the Oman ophiolite, the best analogue for fast-spreading crust on land (drill cores CM1, CM2). We started a study investigating a continuing and densely spatial resolved sample set of both drill cores in order to shed light on the nature of this poorly understood zone at the base of the Oman paleocrust. The drill cores CM1 and CM2 cover the upper mantle harzburgites at the bottom, followed by a 90 m thick massive dunite layer with layered gabbros on top. Ni and Mg# in olivine as well as Cr#, Mg# and trace elements in chrome spinel were analyzed by EPMA and fs-LA-ICP-MS. The data reveals a homogeneous harzburgitic upper mantle composition and a dunite section showing decreasing Mg#, implying an increase in differentiation towards the top. We conclude that the zone of massive dunite was formed as a first cumulative crystallization event of a mantle-derived, primitive MORB melt, while the residual melt was fed into the stockwork system of the layered gabbros. |
4:00pm - 5:30pm | - Location: Wiwi 104a |
4:00pm - 5:30pm | 3.27-3 Alkaline rock and carbonatite related magmatism Location: Wiwi 107 Session Chair: Tomas Magna, Czech Geological Survey Session Chair: R. Johannes Giebel, Technische Universität Berlin |
4:00pm - 4:15pm
Topics: 3.27 Alkaline rock and carbonatite related magmatism Stable zirconium isotope constraints on the petrogenesis of carbonatites 1Czech Geological Survey, Czech Republic; 2Max Planck Institute, Germany; 3IPGP Paris, France; 4TU Berlin, Germany Refractory as well as insoluble nature of zirconium (Zr) dictates that its behavior mostly is driven by magmatic fractionation whereby Zr-rich phases, such as zircon or baddeleyite, and to a lesser amount pyroxene, can control stable Zr isotope systematics of silicate systems. In carbonatites, HFSE often are carried by pyrochlore, garnet and/or pyroxene, and scavenging of these phases during magmatic evolution of carbonatite liquids may result in significant depletions, particularly apparent for Ti, Zr and Hf. Therefore, fractional crystallization of HFSE-bearing phases may bear on the understanding of the role of carbonatites for HFSE distribution in the mantle. We have analyzed Zr stable isotope systematics (δ94/90ZrIPGP-Zr) of several carbonatites from various geotectonic positions to further constrain their petrogenesis. The preliminary data shows ~0.4‰ variation which is not easily related to major element chemistry of carbonatites, nor emplacement age. Samples of unmodified carbonatites from continental rifts and hot-spots plot above the mantle value (δ94/90Zr = 0.04 ± 0.04‰), with δ94/90Zr of up to ~0.35‰ whereas carbonatites from shear zones display resolvedly lower δ94/90Zr. Carbonatites overprinted by F-rich fluids carry distinctly low δ94/90Zr, associated with high Nb/Ta, suggesting high mobility of HFSE in F-rich fluids. In contrast, δ94/90Zr of carbonatites carrying sulfide mineralization does not deviate from that of unmodified carbonatites. These cumulative observations indicate stable Zr isotope fractionation between silicate and carbonate melts in the mantle. Besides, they also indicate strong mineralogical control of HFSE-bearing phases on the stable Zr isotope systematics of carbonatites. 4:30pm - 4:45pm
Topics: 3.27 Alkaline rock and carbonatite related magmatism Deep-stuck Ti-rich carbonatites: A link to the composition of primitive carbonatite melts? 1Technische Universität Berlin, Germany; 2University of the Free State, South Africa; 3Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany; 4Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen, Germany Carbonatitic melts are subject to different processes during their ascent (e.g., fractional crystallization and crustal contamination), which may cause a strong change in their composition. Their original composition has not been definitively determined. In order to find indications of the primitive composition, it appears reasonable to investigate the deepest known carbonatite occurrences. One of the deepest known carbonatites is the Palabora complex in South Africa. Most of the complex is represented by varieties of pyroxenite, while the center of the complex comprises a multiple calcite carbonatite intrusion (called Loolekop). A new discovery of a second carbonatite in the southern part of the complex, reveals a head section of a stuck carbonatite intrusion, which is reflected by isolated veins on the surface and a more extensive abundance with depth. This carbonatite shows a strong enrichment in Ti (>10 wt.% TiO2) with up to 20 modal% ilmenite. Fenitising fluids exsolved from the carbonatitic melt have even titanitised the surrounding pyroxenite. Additionally, previous investigations of the Loolekop show that the Ti content of the carbonatite increases systematically from the center of the intrusion to the margin. This could indicate a noticeably higher Ti content in the more primitive melt that crystallized in the marginal areas in comparison to a slightly more evolved melt that formed the center. Could this be an indication that primitive carbonatite melts are rich in titanium and lose the titanium rapidly during their evolution? 4:45pm - 5:00pm
Topics: 3.27 Alkaline rock and carbonatite related magmatism The eruption interface between carbonatitic dykes and diatremes – the Gross Brukkaros volcanic field Namibia 1Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany; 2Technische Universität Berlin, Germany; 3Camborne School of Mines, UK Carbonatites are relatively rare rocks with only about 600 occurrences world-wide. While dominated by intrusive carbonatites the rock record only shows about 50 occurrences of extrusive carbonatites. The geochemical link between intrusive and extrusive equivalents is essentially unstudied. To shed light on this topic the interface between fine-grained dolomite-carbonatite dykes and associated diatremes of the Gross Brukkaros in central Namibia was investigated. Whole rock geochemistry and petrography provide evidence that the carbonatite dykes contain significant amounts of Si and Al, which is assigned to assimilation of crustal xenoliths. At the transition from carbonatite dyke to diatreme formation, the carbonatite melt degassed (release of CO2 and other volatiles to the atmosphere), while the Si, Ca, Mg and Fe load together with a high amount of trace elements became precipitated from a hydrothermal “magmatic-provenance-dominated” fluid during rapid temperature drop in the course of decompression as a mixture of micro- and cryptocrystalline quartz (quartz I) and aegirine-augite (plus minor magnetite). This mineral assemblage forms the matrix of the diatreme breccia. A second quartz generation (quartz II) is formed in the post-eruption environment by precipitation from a fluid resulted by a mixture of remaining fluids and an influx of meteoric waters. All measured trace elements show significantly higher contents in quartz I compared to quartz II (with exception of Li). This study provides the first holistic dataset that show how a carbonatite geochemically behave during eruption. 5:00pm - 5:15pm
Topics: 3.27 Alkaline rock and carbonatite related magmatism Gravitational collapse of a volcano edifice as a trigger for explosive carbonatite eruption? - a lesson from Kaiserstuhl 1Czech Geological Survey, Czech Republic; 2Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany The Miocene Kaiserstuhl Volcanic Complex in the Upper Rhine Graben is known for simultaneously exposing both intrusive and pyroclastic calciocarbonatites. This makes Kaiserstuhl a promising candidate for studying the field and genetic relations between intrusive calciocarbonatite and its eruptive equivalent, and the processes enabling eruption of the calciocarbonatite at the surface in particular. Eruptive calciocarbonatites in Kaiserstuhl are represented by carbonatite tuff and lapilli-stone beds covering a agglomerate fan on the western flank of the volcano. The debrites represent lahar (debris flow) and possibly also debris avalanche deposits. Based on observed textures, the debris flows were most likely derived by water-dilution from debris avalanches resulting from edifice failure, which occurred in the central part of the Kaiserstuhl Volcanic Complex and ultimately exposed the intrusive system. The carbonatite pyroclasts (lapilli and ash) were ejected from narrow vents represented by open framework tuff-breccias aligned along the detachment scarp. Since the Ca-carbonates break down rapidly at high temperatures and low pressures, calciocarbonatites are unlikely to form surface lavas. On the other hand, the presence of the calciocarbonatite pyroclastic deposits suggests that some geological process faster than the high-temperature break-down of Ca-carbonate may facilitate calciocarbonatite eruption. Prompt exposure of a suprasolidus high-level carbonatite intrusion by edifice collapse may be a suitable scenario enabling calciocarbonatite eruption. The absence of edifice failures on alkaline volcanoes, where carbonatite intrusion is either supposed or exposed, may explain overall scarcity of erupted calciocarbonatites. |
4:00pm - 5:30pm | 4.09 3D models in education and outreach - synergy of research, geotourism, conservation and georisk assessment Location: Wiwi 108 Session Chair: Mathias Knaak, Geologischer Dienst NRW Session Chair: Gösta Hoffmann, Deutsche UNESCO Kommission Session Chair: Edouard Grigowski, University of Bonn Session Chair: Valeska Decker, RWTH Aachen University |
4:00pm - 4:15pm
Topics: 4.09 3D models in education and outreach - synergy of research, geotourism, conservation and georisk assessment Mining rock salt – using a 3D model with respect to economic requirements 1ERCOSPLAN Ingenieurgesellschaft Geotechnik und Bergbau mbH; 2Glückauf Sondershausen Entwicklungs- und Sicherungsgesellschaft mbH Intending to improve mining and exploration processes within a rock salt producing mine all available geological information were collected, evaluated and prepared to create a 3D subsurface model. Besides geological information the drifts were visualized in 3D, too. Amongst other data borehole information from above and subsurface were considered to create a block model showing the grade distribution within the deposit and the geological mining boundaries. One challenging aspect was to harmonize the borehole database that grew over several decades. The block sizes of the model were created due to the customers’ needs with respect to dimensioning issues. Based on the results of the geological model drift planning and excavation processes can be optimized. With respect to the geological exploration program the targets can be outlined in a more distinct way using the 3D model. By precising mine design and exploration targets workflows for short and long term mine planning can be improved. Beyond that reserves and resources of the deposit can be described more precisely. By updating the model on a regular basis thickness, depth and distribution maps as well as profiles can be requested easily from the model considering all available information. As the geological model was created with the help of SKUA-GOCAD (AspenTech®) and AutoCAD® data exchange can be realized using for example CAD-based formats as well as column-based files. Furthermore, the geological model can be implemented into a mine planning software to improve daily routine at the mine site. 4:15pm - 4:30pm
Topics: 4.09 3D models in education and outreach - synergy of research, geotourism, conservation and georisk assessment A Technical Approach to 3D Modelling of the Subsurface Geology in the South-Eastern Harz Foreland Landesamt für Geologie und Bergwesen Sachsen-Anhalt, Halle (Saale), Germany The digitization of geological data is becoming increasingly important in the assessment of the subsurface geology, and 3D visualization offers new possibilities. To extend the visualization of the subsurface geology of the State of Saxony-Anhalt, a 3D structural model of Permian to Quaternary stratigraphy of the South-Eastern Harz Foreland has been created. The model is based on pre-existing data consisting of maps from large-scale subsurface exploration, seismic profiles, and c. 5,660 stratigraphic profiles from the extensive borehole database from over 100 years of drilling exploration. Data preparation consisted of extracting borehole data, digitizing and vectorizing maps and seismic profiles, and subsequent processing with ArcGIS. Modelling of the surface mesh of stratigraphic boundaries and faults was performed using SKUA-GOCAD 22 in the 'Structure and Stratigraphy' workflow. In this iterative process, inconsistencies in the topology and geometry of the mesh have to be resolved manually in several steps in order to create a consistent model. Challenges arise from low data density in some areas and conflicting information in data from different sources. The resulting model shows the arrangement and relationship of stratigraphic units and major faults of the area in a refined level of detail. Within the requirements of publication and provision of state geological data by the Geological Survey of Saxony-Anhalt (LAGB), the model was prepared to be published via the GST (Geosciences in Space and Time) framework at the LAGB. 4:30pm - 4:45pm
Topics: 4.09 3D models in education and outreach - synergy of research, geotourism, conservation and georisk assessment 3D geological modelling of the surficial aquitards in the German “Central Oder” sub-catchment. Federal Institute for Geosciences and Natural Resources, Germany The „Central Oder“ sub-catchment in Germany is the first of three areas for which structural models of the surficial aquitards down to the latest Elsterian till are being constructed as part of the Geo3D-Oder project. All other areas are interpreted as undifferentiated aquifers. The data base is taken from the "Lithofacies map of the Quaternary 1 : 50,000" (LKQ 50). The model consists of ten stratigraphic layers, each bounded by a top and base horizon, and the ground surface. The data combines polygons defining the extent of the strata and point data of elevations derived from contour lines and stratigraphic logs. The data was processed and transferred to the SKUA-GOCAD modelling platform. The geological 3D model contains only a concordant sequence of horizons with no faults. The challenge in constructing 3D models of Quaternary glacial sediments lies in the variable and sometimes very small layer thickness. Especially in the case of unavailable information on the elevation of upper horizons, layers below cannot be correctly reproduced. A new method has been developed to avoid this. For each horizon, the uppermost proven elevations of all underlying strata were identified in search quadrants. This data was used to interpolate 'virtual horizons', which are constraints on the maximum depth for each horizon. The resulting horizons were finalised using automated routines and manual post-processing. 4:45pm - 5:00pm
Topics: 4.09 3D models in education and outreach - synergy of research, geotourism, conservation and georisk assessment Digital educational content in geosciences Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Germany Fieldwork represents a highlight for most students in geosciences but is associated with challenges related to diversity. Due to long periods of absence, high costs, remote destinations, and physical and mental stresses, not all students can equally benefit from the offer, for example, people with care obligations, challenges due to sociocultural status, insufficient financial resources, or illnesses. Some outcrops are generally inaccessible. The Engineering Geology and Rock Mass Mechanics Group at Ruhr-University Bochum realizes projects towards a more diversity-friendly education in geosciences. Within Digifit, the geological mapping course in the Bachelor’s curriculum was digitized. With 360° tours and 3D models of outcrops and rock samples, the course can be offered digitally and provides high-quality teaching material for the preparation and postprocessing of fieldwork. DRAGON Ruhr.nrw develops digital teaching material for geosciences and civil engineering. By content relating to climate change and geohazards, such as 3D models of outcrops in the Ahr valley, students are faced with the significance of their future roles. As part of research-based learning projects, students are currently working on a comparison between manual mapping of discontinuity orientations and the derivation of orientations from digital models. We highlight limitations of digital fieldwork and ways to counteract them. The resulting educational material offers a diversity-open access to fieldwork. The media competence of the graduates is strengthened and the attractiveness of geosciences is increased. In addition, digital teaching content offers great potential for interdisciplinary collaborations and can be used by third parties, for example in the context of ESD. 5:00pm - 5:15pm
Topics: 4.09 3D models in education and outreach - synergy of research, geotourism, conservation and georisk assessment Enabling virtual teaching with Unreal Engine 5 (3D/XR): The 30 Geotope³ virtual museum University of Bonn, Germany Fieldwork and outcrops are an essential component of geoscience education, providing students with a hands-on learning experience that enhances their understanding of geological processes. This is reflected by the importance personal field experience has in the teaching of geology. While classic fieldwork remains the best way to grasp the extent and underlying processes of geological structures, 3D and VR teaching applications offer a unique opportunity to explore and visualize geological features that may be difficult to access or too large from a human’s perspective. However, state-of-the-art virtualising technology is sparsely used in geoscientific education. The commonly used toolkits to handle three-dimensional geological data are not able to process large amounts of polygons, as well as their accompanying texture-sets, derived from detailed photogrammetry datasets in real-time or VR. Here we present our current digitising workflow within the 30 Geotope³ project and how we visualise highly detailed, large- and small-scale outcrops with the use of Unreal Engine 5s Nanite and Virtual Texturing technologies. This virtual museum enables students to experience a variety of geological features in an immersive and interactive way, bridging the gap between theory and practice and enabling collaborative and remote learning. We understand the virtual museum as a starting point for interactive educational environments covering outcrops from all around the world, thus making geoscience more accessible and preserving outcrops for future research. 5:15pm - 5:30pm
Topics: 4.09 3D models in education and outreach - synergy of research, geotourism, conservation and georisk assessment Observing a century of volcanic morphodynamics using photogrammetric analysis of recent and archive data GFZ, Germany Volcanoes are the most dynamic landforms, capable of changing their shape and environment in a matter of minutes, posing a significant threat to the environment and populations. While modern monitoring approaches can detect short-term changes, the long-term evolution is not well understood. Through the collection and photogrammetric processing of optical data, we can now reconstruct the precise topographies of volcanic edifices during the last decades to study different stages of volcanic development. By comparing the obtained topographies, we calculate volume flows, including eruptive and eroded materials, and evaluate the resulting geomorphic changes. Recent advances in technology and algorithms have opened unique opportunities for the collection and processing of photogrammetric data, allowing quantitative analysis of aerial photographs from the mid-last century to modern satellite and drone data. Here, we present ultra-high-resolution point clouds and digital elevation models to study long-term morphological and structural changes at volcanoes. In particular, the availability of archive ground and aerial stereo imagery from the last century allows us to look into the past and reconstruct volcanic activity in glaciated regions, and explore the complex interactions and geomorphic changes these regions undergo. We illustrate volcano-cryosphere interactions in Kamchatka and Iceland, highlighting the use of the method by pioneers since the beginning of the last century. We describe the main features of the use of photogrammetry in volcanological research and discuss possible further developments in terms of improved visualization and virtual reality application for educational purposes. |
5:30pm - 7:00pm | Poster social - Themes: 1.03 | 1.07 | 1.09 | 1.21 | 1.22 | 1.23 | 1.27 | 1.29 | 2.06 | 3.06 | 3.16 | 3.27 | 3.28 | 4.08 | 4.09 | 4.10 Location: Foyer (Henry Ford Building) |
Tue: 1
Topics: 1.03 Exploration of near-surface geological structures using active and passive seismic methods Quaternary fault reactivation in Antarctica associated with Glacial Isostatic Adjustment 1Institute of Geophysics, University of Hamburg, Hamburg, Germany; 2Geodetic Infrastructure, Lantmäteriet, Gälve, Sweden; 3Alfred Wegener Institute Helmholtz-Centre for Polar and Marine Research, Bremerhaven, Germany Available research on glacial isostatic adjustment (GIA) in Antarctica is sparse, and there are few records of how the stress field is affected by it compared to Arctic and northern regions. Circum-Antarctic coastal and offshore tectonics reveal the presence of faults and rift systems, particularly in West Antarctica, the Weddell Sea, and Prydz Bay. These areas are characterized by a series of complex faults that displace upper sedimentary sequences to depths of 2.5 km. In this study, we investigate the potential for reactivation of glacially induced faults (GIFs) by altered lithospheric stress conditions during ice advances and retreats in past glacial periods. We compiled available information on the dip and strike directions of Antarctic rift systems from the literature and databases. Using finite element simulations that incorporate fault geometries, various rheological and current stress parameters in solid and ice sheet models, it is possible to analyse the probability of fault reactivation due to GIA for the last 200 ka. Because West Antarctica has been subject to greater changes in its ice sheet in recent recorded years compared to East Antarctica, identifying potential sources of GIFs could help us better understand how seismotectonics in Antarctica have been affected by past glacial phases and what the implications of current global climate trends might be. Tue: 3
Topics: 1.03 Exploration of near-surface geological structures using active and passive seismic methods Combined analysis of H/V and passive seismic array measurements to investigate the shallow underground of the Quaternary Weser terraces south of Hamelin 1Federal Institute for Geosciences and Natural Resources, Federal Seismological Survey, Hanover, Germany; 2Royal Observatory of Belgium, Seismology-Gravimetry, Brussels, Belgium The geology of the Weser river terraces to the south of Hamelin is characterized by Quaternary sediments, consisting of thin alluvium and several meters of sand and gravels, overlying the seismic bedrock. We investigated a study area along the left Weser bank south of the village of Kirchohsen using different ambient seismic vibration techniques. Borehole logs show that the thickness of the Quaternary sediments varies from around 15 m to 33.5 m. The fundamental frequency at a measurement point can be determined with the H/V method, which is based on the ratio between the horizontal and vertical spectra of the ambient seismic vibration signals. In the study area, the resonance frequency varies from 2.6 to 6.3 Hz, where low frequencies coincide with thicker Quaternary sediments and higher frequencies with thinner sedimentary layers. Assuming a continuity of the geological units, we can directly link the H/V frequencies to the sedimentary thickness and map the transition zone between the boreholes by H/V measurements along several profiles and additional individual points. We complement these H/V measurements by a new passive seismic array measurement and the reanalysis of older measurements in order to retrieve the dispersion curves of Rayleigh and Love waves and invert them for the shear-wave velocity profile. The combination of the different data provides a detailed overview of the lateral changes within the shallow underground structure of the sedimentary layers of the study site. Tue: 4
Topics: 1.03 Exploration of near-surface geological structures using active and passive seismic methods Multi-Method Geophysical Investigation of Fault Structures in the Northern Upper Rhine Graben: Insights from the NeoNORG Project 1BfS (German Federal Office for Radiation Protection), UR2, Berlin, Germany; 2Technical University of Darmstadt, Institute of Applied Geosciences, Darmstadt, Germany; 3Leibniz Institute for Applied Geophysics (LIAG), Hannover; 4Hessian Agency for Nature Conservation, Environment and Geology, Wiesbaden, Germany Within the framework of the project Neotectonics in the Northern Upper Rhine Graben (NeoNORG), we used a multi-method geophysical approach to obtain a detailed understanding of the fault structures within the sedimentary basin. Using parts of a 3D seismic data set originally conducted by the petroleum industry we were able to obtain a detailed 3D structural model. It consists of two main faults originating from the basement at a depth of 2 km to about 350 m below the surface. To close the gap between the 3D Seismic data and the surface, we conducted 2D P-wave profiles with geophone spacings of 2.5 m. For the uppermost 200 m, an even higher resolved image of the subsurface was obtained using 2D S-wave seismics with geophone spacings of 1 m. Geoelectrics with varying electrode spacings and georadar using 200Mhz antennas were used to resolve the uppermost 50 m. The combination of these different geophysical investigation methods allowed us to trace the fault zones within the sedimentary basin from the crystalline basement at a depth of 2 km into the quaternary strata, several meters below the earth's surface. We thereby reveal the (neo)-tectonic activity of the investigated area. Overall, the study provides valuable insights into the development of fault zones in the Northern Upper Rhine Graben and demonstrates the importance of using a multi-method geophysical approach to investigate the tectonic development. The obtained fault outcrop at the surface is concurrently used to investigate the relationship of radon in soil gas and fault zones. Tue: 5
Topics: 1.03 Exploration of near-surface geological structures using active and passive seismic methods Full microtremor H/V and phase velocity dispersion curves inversion for S-wave velocity profiles of subaqueous slopes in Lake Lucerne (Switzerland) 1Department of Civil and Architectural Engineering, Faculty of Engineering and Technology, University of Buea, Buea, Cameroon; 2Swiss Seismological Service, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Zurich, Switzerland The assessment of seismic hazard and potential earthquake secondary effects such as tsunamis in offshore environments requires, similar to onshore environments, a good knowledge of the subsurface shear-wave velocity (Vs) distribution with depth. Between 2018 and 2020, a seismological campaign with Ocean Bottom Seismometers (OBS) was performed on selected subaqueous slopes with unconsolidated sediment cover in Lake Lucerne (Switzerland) to measure ambient vibrations and to monitore earthquakes. OBS were deployed in the single station and array configurations. First, we use the single station ambient vibration data to estimate the microtremor horizontal-to-vertical (H/V) spectral ratio. Second, we follow a robust preprocessing workflow to extract the phase velocity dispersion curves (DC) from OBS ambient vibration array measurements. The estimated H/V spectral ratios and the DC are used as targets in an inversion process for the Vs profile determination. The microtremor H/V spectral ratio forward modelling routine uses a new model that is based on the seismic interferometry principles under the diffuse field assumption and considers the presence of the water layer. Keywords: Microtremor H/V spectral ratios, Phase velocity dispersion curves, Ocean Tue: 6
Topics: 1.03 Exploration of near-surface geological structures using active and passive seismic methods Determination of seismic resolution: Some practical aspects from land seismic data BGR, Germany Reflection seismics is the most common geophysical method for obtaining structural images of the subsurface. It can image subsurface structures over large areas and depth ranges at high resolution. In order to make a reliable assessment of seismic imaging results, e.g. to quantify uncertainties, it is important to understand the concepts of seismic resolution. At brief, seismic resolution is the ability to distinguish between two seismic features from one another and resolve them separately. Theoretical considerations to seismic resolution criteria and their implications for seismic imaging are discussed in many textbooks, but the practical use in interpretation is often difficult to achieve. This is, because the underlying parameters, e.g. the bandwidth and the velocity of the seismic signal, are not explicitly visible on the final stacked image, especially if the sections are depth converted. However, the measure for vertical resolution is the dominant wavelength and the resolution criteria is expressed as a fraction of it, e.g. λ/4 criterion, whereas a measure of the lateral resolution is the Fresnel zone. Both of which can be computed by common functions that are available in most interpretation systems. As a result, seismic sections showing the spatial variability of both vertical and horizontal resolution are obtained that can be blended into the stacked seismic section. This gives a tool at hand – just like a seismic attribute – to estimate the limits of seismic resolution and access uncertainties in the final seismic image. Tue: 7
Topics: 1.03 Exploration of near-surface geological structures using active and passive seismic methods The reactivated intraplate Osning Lineament in northern Germany – Near-surface investigations using P- and SH-wave reflection seismics Leibniz Institute for Applied Geophysics, Germany Neotectonic movements can cause severe hazards and are scientifically and socially relevant for seismic hazard assessment and utilisation of the subsurface. In northern Germany, a presumed aseismic region, little is known about these processes and the associated structures, despite proven neotectonic activity, because many faults are hidden beneath sediments. To improve the knowledge of neotectonic activity, investigations of recently-active fault zones, like the Osning Lineament (OL) in North Rhine-Westphalia, are required. To better understand the neotectonic evolution of the OL, we used a combined approach using high-resolution 2D P- and SH-wave reflection seismics to investigate four different sites at the Bielefeld-Segment of the OL. Overall, we acquired three P-wave profiles with which we were able to image the underground down to 700 to 800m depth, and four SH-wave profiles that imaged the subsurface down to 100m depth. The seismic profiles show good results with respect to mapping the fault inventory. In the Cretaceous, Triassic, and Quaternary several, previously unknown, northward-dipping thrust faults are evident, which have upthrusted the formations toward the south. The faults form fault splays that developed due to the propagation of the OL into the footwall. The slow shear-wave velocities, especially in the Quaternary, allow for very high-resolution imaging of the subsurface and the identified faults are evidence for neotectonic activity. More to the south, we also observed some southward-dipping normal faults, which are interpreted as basin faults of the Münsterland Basin dipping towards the basin center. Tue: 8
Topics: 1.03 Exploration of near-surface geological structures using active and passive seismic methods A multi-seismic approach to characterize the shallow subsurface for hosting the Einstein-Telescope infrastructure 1Geological Institute, RWTH Aachen University, Germany; 2Institute for Applied Geophysics and Geothermal Energy, RWTH Aachen University, Germany; 3Royal Netherlands Meteorological Institute (KNMI); 4Gran Sasso Science Institute; 5Geological Institute, RWTH Aachen University, Germany Within the feasibility study regarding the construction of the Einstein – Telescope (ET), at a depth of 200 – 350 m in the Meuse-Rhine Euroregio, various seismic methods are used for subsurface investigation and imaging. The study includes a 40 km long two-dimensional active seismic-reflection survey using vibroseis. The vibroseis data provide a medium-resolution overview of the subsurface architecture including continuous reflection intervals and major discontinuities. Parts of the vibroseis survey were re-investigated using an electric vibrator to evaluate the potential of this environmental friendly seismic source. Extracted refraction data allowed to calculate a velocity model for the shallow subsurface. Additionally, passive seismic data were collected prior and during times of active surveying in the wider study area; linear data was used to optimise the station spacing for the area set-up and for the acquisition of seismic data perpendicular to the active survey. “Passive” area data were used to gather 3D insights. Geological interpretation of the various seismic reflection and refraction data integrated with subsurface knowledge from boreholes documented a major impedance contrast in the shallow subsurface caused by a prominent unconformity between Palaeozoic basement rocks covered by soft, partly consolidated Upper Cretaceous sediments. The soft-sediment cover effectively dampens surface-induced sounds in the target depth. This hampers the quality of subsurface imaging but is considered as beneficial for the operation of the ET in the Palaeozoic basement. With the collected passive seismic data, the main directions of surface generated noise and its denudation with distance from the respective sources can be identified. Tue: 10
Topics: 1.21 Distribution, reactivity and behaviour of TCEs in aquatic systems: surface-, ground-, hydrothermal- waters and brines Colloidal transport and seasonal variations of technology critical elements in aquatic systems 1Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), Institute of Applied Geosciences, Adenauerring 20b, 76131 Karlsruhe; 2Laboratory for Environmental and Raw Materials Analysis, Institute of Applied Geosciences, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Karlsruhe Technology critical elements (TCEs) are widely understudied in aquatic systems. Many unknowns particularly are linked to the mechanistic understanding of TCE transport mechanisms in contrasting river systems. In this work, we aim at characterizing the colloidal vs truly dissolved TCE concentrations in three contrasting rivers in Germany (Rhine, Neckar and Danube) by comparing two filtering meshes (0.45 vs 0.02 µm). The seasonal component of such transport is also investigated based on monthly collections of water samples in 2023. TCEs were analysed via external calibration at the ICP-MS (iCAP series, Thermo®). Results suggest that each river has a different load on TCE concentrations, of which the colloidal transport differs even within the Rare Earth Elements and Yttrium (REEY) list. The seasonal influence is compared to water discharges and temperature ranges. These results provide further understanding of the watershed dynamics and can help identifying relevant processes that determine the unknown aquatic transport and fate of TCEs. This information can be used for developing scenarios for potential risk assessment of anthropogenic discharges from both stable and/or radioactive origin in surface aquatic environments in Germany. Acknowledgements: This work was funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) and the Baden-Württemberg Ministry of Science as part of the Excellence Strategy of the German Federal and State Governments. The authors also acknowledge the extensive contribution of the Landesanstalt für Umwelt Baden-Württemberg (LUBW, Germany) and the Amt für Umwelt und Energie (AUE, Switzerland) for the collection of water samples. Tue: 11
Topics: 1.21 Distribution, reactivity and behaviour of TCEs in aquatic systems: surface-, ground-, hydrothermal- waters and brines Understanding the potential mobility of geogenic metals of concern from heavy mineral sands 1Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), Institute of Applied Geosciences, Adenauerring 20b, 76131 Karlsruhe, Germany; 2Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), Institute for Nuclear Waste Disposal, Hermann-von-Helmholtz-Platz 1, 76344 Eggenstein-Leopoldshafen, Germany Iron oxide and hydroxide minerals are widespread in many aquatic environments and as such, can determine the fate of several metals of concern. Their role on metal mobility is generally studied under controlled conditions using synthetized materials. However, natural systems are complex and present a wide range of conditions, which may release metals differently to laboratory settings. In this study, we aim at understanding the mobility of geogenic, technology critical elements such as vanadium, nickel, cobalt, niobium, and tantalum from black sand sediments. These sediments from the OIB volcanic environment of the Canary Islands are the product of weathering and erosion of relatively geologically recent, ultramafic volcanic rocks composed of basanitic, phonolitic, nephelinitic and, locally, melilitic lavas and tuffs, sources of mafic heavy minerals deposited as a placer. The sediments were extracted through magnetic separation, characterized via XRD and SEM-EDS techniques, and further processed with a series of parallel selective extractions following widely applied protocols. Desorption kinetics during the extraction procedures were also investigated in order to understand the efficiency of the protocol for such sediments. Total element concentrations were quantified via XRF and LA-ICP-MS, whereas dissolved concentrations were determined via ICP-MS. Our results point towards contrasting selectivity during the extractions and different iron oxide mineral fractions in which these metals are bound. This information has a broad application for the potential environmental risk of metal mobility in aquatic systems. Acknowledgements: This work was funded as part of the Excellence Strategy of the German Federal and State Governments. Tue: 13
Topics: 1.22 Contaminants in groundwater – curse and blessing GCI Rohrpassivsammler – An innovation for the integrative monitoring of water quality GCI GmbH, Germany The GCI Rohrpassivsammler (tube-installed passive collector) is an innovative measuring device that uses the accumulation of water contaminants onto collector materials for integrative monitoring of varying concentrations, even for trace substances over long periods of time. The precise and adjustable flow and substance-specific calibration allow for a high level of sensitivity and quantitative evaluation of the collection results. The patented measuring principle can be used with all water sources. The device has been successfully tested at production wells (installed in a bypass) and with treated wastewater, for the detection of explosives, industrial chemicals, and pharmaceuticals. Currently, applications for the detection of PFAS, Monochlorobenzene, and Lead are prepared. In the latest design, concentrations are measured at short time intervals using substance-specific (bio)sensors, e.g. for Valsartan and Valsartanic Acid. A special design for installation in filter sections of groundwater monitoring wells is being developed which measures the concentration in-situ instead of pumping water to the surface. This design was successfully tested for detection of NSO Heterocycles. Future development is aimed at applications for surface water. Quality and operation parameters are recorded digitally and wirelessly transmitted from the field for online access and visualisation. Research and development are the Berliner Wasserbetriebe (BWB), the Fraunhofer Institute (IZI-BB), the Federal Institute for Materials Research and Testing (BAM), the Technical University of Applied Sciences Wildau (TH Wildau) and the Institute for Bioprocessing and Analytical Measurement Techniques (IBA). Development was funded by the German federal government (ZIM) and the state of Brandenburg (BIG ILB). Tue: 14
Topics: 1.22 Contaminants in groundwater – curse and blessing Influence of pH and Na-concentration on facilitated and hampered transport of metoprolol by montmorillonite colloids in water-saturated quartz sand 1Technische Universität Berlin, Institute of Applied Geosciences, Dept. of Applied Geochemistry, 10587 Berlin, Germany; 2Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Institute of Geology, Mineralogy and Geophysics, Dept. of Hydrogeology-and -chemistry, 44801 Bochum The role of clay colloids in facilitating or hampering the transport of cationic contaminants, such as heavy metal cations or radiogenic nuclides, in groundwater is well established. However, it is unclear whether this phenomenon occurs with positively charged organic contaminants to the same extent. Laboratory column studies were conducted on water-saturated quartz sand for investigating the influence of colloids on the transport of metoprolol (MTP), a β-blocker with an acid dissociation constant (pKa) of 9.6, under varying pH and ionic strength conditions. The experiments were carried out at pH 3, 6, and 11, with sodium concentrations of 1 and 100 mmol L–1. Experiments were conducted with and without 0.5 g L–1 Na-montmorillonite colloids (diameter: 100–1000 nm). The results show that the presence of colloids increases the transport velocity of MTP, particularly at pH 6 and low sodium concentrations, indicating colloid-facilitated transport as the primary mechanism. Upon reducing the pH, the magnitude of colloid-facilitated transport decreases, but the bimodal breakthrough curve still suggests some co-transport of MTP. At pH 6 and high sodium concentration (100 mmol L–1) and pH 11, where MTP is predominantly uncharged, the presence of montmorillonite did not significantly impact the transport of MTP. These findings highlight the dependence of MTP transport on the existence of clay colloids, salt concentrations, and the speciation of the contaminant determined by water pH. Thus, considering these variables is crucial for accurately predicting the mobility of positively charged organic contaminants in groundwater. Tue: 16
Topics: 1.23 Sustainable Groundwater Management to mitigate Water Scarcity: Innovative monitoring strategies, new modelling tools, and integrative management concepts Groundwater monitoring in Niamey, Niger: Is groundwater an alternative drinking water supply under the current quality conditions? 1Federal Institute For Geoscience and Natural Resources BGR, Germany; 2Directorate of Niger Basin Authority Groundwater in Niger represents an essential resource for survival in remote areas far from the Niger River and a reserve in areas where access to surface water is secured as in Niamey itself. The monitoring of this resource offered as a part of the technical cooperation with the Niger Basin Authority NBA enabled to obtain data on groundwater quality and observe changes in groundwater levels over the last decade. The monitoring targeted the three main aquifers existing in the area: the alluvial aquifer, the Continental Terminal aquifer and the fractured basement aquifer. Several boreholes in the first and second aquifers show high concentrations of NH4, NO2 and heavy metals. The boreholes belonging to the third aquifer show concentrations of NO3 considerably exceeding the WHO recommendation value between 100-1500 mg/l making this resource unfit for water supply. Reasons behind these excessive levels were mainly explained through the direct discharge of wastewater which is common in the Sahel region into the underground. However, the increased concentrations of NO3 in some wells during the rainy season imply a source in the unsaturated zone which mobilizes the nitrate during the infiltration. In addition to nitrate, elevated concentrations of heavy metals such as arsenic and cadmium were detected in the basement aquifer proving the possible infiltration of contaminants from the top layers. These results show that the monitoring tools offered within the technical cooperation framework enable to detect and trace the contaminants. however, they alarm the authorities to meet measures to protect this resource urgently. Tue: 17
Topics: 1.23 Sustainable Groundwater Management to mitigate Water Scarcity: Innovative monitoring strategies, new modelling tools, and integrative management concepts Assessing and improving the groundwater quality monitoring network of the State of Brandenburg, Germany 1GCI GmbH, Königs Wusterhausen, Germany; 2Landesamt für Umwelt Brandenburg, Potsdam, Germany The project “Groundwater Quality Monitoring Network Improvement 2021/2022” aimed to assess and improve the groundwater quality monitoring network of the Environmental Agency of the State of Brandenburg, Germany. This comprised six major steps:
A total of 936 active monitoring wells have been assessed. These results have been aggregated for 63 groundwater catchment areas as basis for the deficit analysis. 10 focus areas have been identified for researching and testing existing monitoring wells and for suggesting new sites. One major project outcome is a three-page factsheet for each catchment area including detailed information on land use, hydrogeology and available monitoring wells as well as statistical analyses of the monitoring well distributions and their suitability. It also contains a prioritised list of measures (adding existing wells to the network, high and low priority new locations) to implement in the next years. Tue: 18
Topics: 1.23 Sustainable Groundwater Management to mitigate Water Scarcity: Innovative monitoring strategies, new modelling tools, and integrative management concepts Inferring deep soil moisture variations in Central and Southern Europe using seismic method 1University of Vienna, Austria; 2Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA. Soil moisture is a key metric to assess soil health. Water held in the shallow subsurface between soil particles enables various biogeochemical and hydrological processes indispensable to soil functions. Potential soil moisture deficit may rise the irrigation demands, which further exacerbates the stress on the water supply. The changes in soil moisture can impact climate, further amplifying the climatic anomalies and intensifying extreme weather events. Thus, understanding soil moisture and its dynamics over time are of broad scientifical interest and practical implications. Despite the vital importance of soil moisture, it still lacks sufficient means to properly assess the parameter at a regional scale, which is an essential research dimension for addressing practical issues in the agricultural and environmental sectors. Ambient noise seismology provides new possibilities to infer subsurface changes in a real-time, non-intrusive, and cost-effective manner. In this study, we map the temporal variations in soil moisture for the great Alpine region and the Italy peninsular with ambient seismic noise. It is the first time that the seismic method has been applied to map water resources at a regional scale using an ordinary national seismic network set-up. The seismic method helps in bridging the resolution gap between current pointwise (e.g., tensio-, electrical- and neutron-meter) and global (e.g., satellite-based remote sensing) investigations, providing complementary information for both scientific research and public decision-making. Tue: 19
Topics: 1.23 Sustainable Groundwater Management to mitigate Water Scarcity: Innovative monitoring strategies, new modelling tools, and integrative management concepts Model-based impact study of forest restructuring on groundwater recharge and hydrodynamics in a waterworks catchment (Briesen, Brandenburg, Germany) 1GCI GmbH, Germany; 2FWA Frankfurter Wasser- und Abwassergesellschaft mbH, Germany The waterworks Briesen supply drinking water for the city of Frankfurt (Oder). The catchment of the waterworks is dominated by monoculture pine forests (Pinus sylvestris). Several forest-hydrological studies found that groundwater recharge under pine forests is lowest in comparison to other forest types. Hence, the question arose if forest restructuring could contribute to secure the drinking water supply of the region in the context of climate change and decreasing groundwater recharge. Site classes of the forestry mapping were researched for all relevant forest restructuring areas. The Ministry of Environment of the State of Brandenburg published a recommendation of tree species mixtures which are suitable for the local conditions and for resisting climate change. Based on this recommendation, five tree species were selected. The tree mixture was set as percentage of these five tree species for each forest site class in the catchment. The groundwater recharge below five tree species was calculated in a soil-water-balance model separately. Then the groundwater recharge was calculated for the forest site classes based on the percentage tree composition of each site. Finally, several scenarios of forest restructuring were developed, considering complete and partial restructuring as well as climate change. The resulting distributions of groundwater recharge were assigned as boundary conditions in a groundwater model. The simulations with the groundwater model show that forest restructuring can increase groundwater recharge compared to current forests by 20 - 30 % and reduce the groundwater level decline and catchment expansion which is expected in the context of climate change. Tue: 20
Topics: 1.23 Sustainable Groundwater Management to mitigate Water Scarcity: Innovative monitoring strategies, new modelling tools, and integrative management concepts Climate projections for the waterworks Lindau in Saxony-Anhalt as planning basis for proactive and sustainable catchment management GCI GmbH, Germany The waterworks Lindau (Zerbst) are an important part of the interconnected system of drinking water supply in the region of Magdeburg, Saxony-Anhalt, Germany. The pumped water is exclusively fed by groundwater recharge. Measured groundwater heads show a continuous climate-induced decline of more than 3 meters for the last 50 years independent of waterworks management. As basis for strategic planning of future waterworks management and optimization of the monitoring network, groundwater model based studies with climate projections were carried out. For this purpose, an approx. 1,200 km² transient groundwater flow model was set up. The present recoverable groundwater resources and their development in the catchment area until the year 2100 were modelled under changing climatic conditions. The underlying climate scenarios (RCP 2.6, RCP 4.5 and RCP 8.5) are based on the current state of global and regional climate research. Available climate projections were statistically evaluated for the model domain. A bias correction for precipitation and evapotranspiration was applied and groundwater recharge was calculated transiently for each projection up to the year 2100 using a soil water balance model. This revealed a wide range of potential changes in groundwater recharge. The change ranges from about -35% to +50% by 2100 compared to the 1975-2020 period. The wide range results from high uncertainties of projected precipitation and spatial as well as temporal distribution patterns of precipitation. The investigations show that in the long term further considerable changes in groundwater resources and hydrodynamics in the catchment are to be expected. Tue: 21
Topics: 1.23 Sustainable Groundwater Management to mitigate Water Scarcity: Innovative monitoring strategies, new modelling tools, and integrative management concepts Case study at a model site "Green Economy Park" in Bremerhaven, Germany "Luneplate": High resolution 3D subsurface models in flow modeling with a focus on climate resilience GeologicalSurvey Bremen (GDfB), Germany The Luneplate in Bremerhaven consists largely of nature reserves and bird sanctuaries. The soils have a thick alluvial clay horizon. Climate change threatens the region through seasonal heavy rain events, but also through the drying out of clay soils and the spread of saltwater inland due to rising sea levels. The region has traditionally been primarily agricultural, and in the northern part there is an economic area that will be complemented by a carbon-neutral GreenEconomy Park. The planners of the new business park want to take various measures, including the use of excess rainwater, the creation of compensation areas and infiltration basins to drain surface water. This should also prevent the organic-rich alluvial clay from drying out, reducing the risk of higher CO2 release. This pilot project on the Lune Plate will explore, as part of the Interreg Blue Transition project, how the region can be made more climate resilient through targeted groundwater management measures that are already planned, as well as new measures such as infiltration wells. Infiltration wells can reduce saltwater intrusion and dissipate heavy rainfall. A high-resolution 3D groundwater model is used to simulate the effects of these measures and estimate their impact on climate resilience. The aim of the project is to enter into a dialog with investors and project managers in order to realistically assess the impact of measures and make a meaningful contribution to climate resilience. Tue: 22
Topics: 1.23 Sustainable Groundwater Management to mitigate Water Scarcity: Innovative monitoring strategies, new modelling tools, and integrative management concepts Managed Aquifer Recharge for sustainable development in the Northern Coastal Aquifer System of Sinai Peninsula, Egypt 1Geology Department, Faculty of Science, Suez Canal University, Ismailia, Egypt; 2Geology Department, Faculty of Science, Suez Canal University, Ismailia, Egypt; Department; Monitoring and Exploration Technologies, Helmholtz Center for Environmental Research GmbH — UFZ; Geo- and Environmental Sciences, University of Tübingen.; 3Department; Monitoring and Exploration Technologies, Helmholtz Center for Environmental Research GmbH — UFZ; Department of Geosciences, Soil Science and Geomorphology, University of Hannover; Geo- and Environmental Sciences, University of Tübingen. The groundwater is a main issue in sustainable development of the Sinai Peninsula, Egypt. Because of extensive groundwater abstraction, the Quaternary coastal aquifer system in the study area is now facing a serious salt water intrusion problem. Seleem (1996) has developed a saltwater intrusion numerical model by using MOCDENCE software which is developed by Sanford & Kinikow (1985). He found that the saltwater intrusion increases the salinity of groundwater in the wells over time. The isohytal map of Sinai Peninsula also shows that the isohyetal contour lines increase towards the northern direction in the Northern Province of Sinai peninsula where the annual rainfall rate is 104.7 mm/year at El-Arish station and 304.1 mm/year at Rafah station. In the presented study, we suggest a network of rainfall harvesting units to collect the amount of high intensity rainfall water from the cities in the study area. The harvested rainfall water could be injected in the frame of a managed aquifer recharge (MAR) project into the calcareous sandstone (Kurkar) aquifer to attenuate the salinity of this aquifer and to prevent the progress of freshwater-saltwater interface. For the suggested scenario, the SEAWAT software is applied to simulate the three dimensional variable density groundwater flow and solute-transport in the Quaternary aquifer system in the northern Sinai, Egypt. SEAWAT was developed by the USGS based on MODFLOW and MT3DMS packages. The numerical study with the SEAWAT software allows to investigate the potential impact of MAR on the movement of freshwater-saltwater interface in the study area. Tue: 23
Topics: 1.23 Sustainable Groundwater Management to mitigate Water Scarcity: Innovative monitoring strategies, new modelling tools, and integrative management concepts Evaluation of geogenic and anthropogenic impacts on spatio-temporal variation in the quality of the drinking water sources under the impact of land-use and land-cover: A case study of the Erbil Central Sub-Basin, Iraq 1Department of Environmental Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Van Yuzuncu Yil University, Van, Turkey; 2Department of Geology, College of Science, University of Salahaddin, Erbil, Iraq The study area, Erbil Central Sub-Basin, is located within the foothill zone in the stable shelf tectonic unit of Iraq (northern Iraq) on the Arabian plate. Recently, groundwater demand has increased significantly due to insufficient surface water resources for agricultural, industrial, and domestic water uses depending on ever-increasing socio-economic development and population in the study area. Sampling studies were carried out in two different periods, May 2020 (wet season) and September 2020 (dry season), to determine the water quality in water resources located throughout the sub-basin. For this purpose, a total of 30 samples, including 27 groundwater wells, and 3 wastewater samples from channels, were collected and analyzed. The general hydrochemical analysis indicates that overall well water quality is suitable for drinking purposes except where elevated NO3, COD, and BOD5 concentrations are found. Most trace metal analysis results (except for Fe) in wells and wastewater channels show that they are below the permissible limits (0.3 mg/L) from IQWS (2010) and WHO guidelines (2011). The results of the factor analysis for the wet and dry season hydrogeochemical indicate that the first five and six-component extracted have eigenvalues>1 and correspond to approximately 94.844 and 96.26 % of the total variance, respectively. The factor analysis indicated that groundwater quality in the wet and dry season are significantly associated with anthropogenic pollution sources such as leaching from soil layers, cesspools wastes, industrial wastes, and agriculture activities rather than natural, geogenic processes such as reverse ion exchange, the weathering of carbonate minerals from geologic formations outcropping throughout the Erbil Central Sub-Basin. Tue: 24
Topics: 1.27 Young Scientist Session Kinematic analysis of a left step over along the dextral Kallar Kahar Fault, Salt Range, Pakistan. 1Institute of Geosciences, University of Potsdam, Germany; 2Department of Geology, University of Peshawar, Pakistan; 3Department of Geology, Shaheed Benazir Bhutto University, Sheringal Dir Upper, Pakistan The Kallar Kahar area falls in the sub-Himalayas. The structural geometry of the area has been assessed using geological mapping and structural analysis. At the surface the study area comprises of the rock units ranging in age from Precambrian to Pliocene with several major unconformities. The Precambrian Salt Range Formation is exposed in the form of diapiric intrusions. The strike slip Kallar Kahar Fault (KKF) controls the structural fabric of the area. It is a NW-SE trending structure characterized by an overall transpressional tectonics with a right lateral strike slip component. An en echelon pattern of NW-SE trending folds, a back thrust and a couple of fore thrusts occurs in the immediate south of the Kallar Kahar Lake. These thrusts are out of sequence thrusts cutting up section the thrust sheet of the Salt Range Thrust (SRT). The fore-thrusts represents a relatively younger phase of deformation than the back thrust as the former cross cut the later one. These folds and faults formed as a result of transpression associated with a left step over along the KKF. The rigorous compressional structures in the southeastern portion of the mapped area, and a clear discontinuity on the Landsat images are in line with the presence of a left step over along the KKF. The restraining along this stepover during ramping along the SRT, resulted in salt diapirism in the area. The KKF is believed to have formed to accommodate the variable stresses generated during the differential propagation of the SRT’s thrust sheet. Tue: 25
Topics: 1.27 Young Scientist Session Daily growth rate quantification in fossil giant clam shells with Daydacna 1Goethe University Frankfurt, Germany; 2Frankfurt Isotope and Element Research Center (FIERCE), Frankfurt am Main, Germany; 3University of Southampton, Southampton, U.K.; 4Naturalis Biodiversity Center, Leiden, The Netherlands; 5University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam, The Netherlands Tridacna shells feature macroscopically visible bands (at mm scale) as well as microscopically visible daily banding (at µm scale). To evaluate the lifespan of an individual, the presumably seasonal macroscopically visible bands can be counted, or stable oxygen isotope analysis can be used to identify seasonal cycles. However, these approaches may not always be conclusive, especially for Tridacna which at times display irregular seasonal growth patterns and often grow in equatorial areas with low seasonal SST variability and heavy seasonal precipitation, influencing δ18O seawater values. Counting the daily bands (manually or with software-based image analysis) gives a more accurate internal age model with high temporal resolution, but daily banding is not always visually retrievable in fossil specimens, hampering the production of a precise age estimate. We show that daily geochemical cycles can be measured with highly-spatially resolved laser-ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (LA-ICPMS; 3 x 33 µm laser slit) in our Miocene (~10 Ma) specimen, even in areas where daily banding is not visible. We present a python script Daydacna, in which we use wavelet transformation on the measured daily geochemical cycles to quantify varying daily growth rates throughout the shell. This provides a robust alternative to visual band counting. The resulting age model can be used to quantify seasonal growth rate variability over several decades and provide a basis for time resolved sub-seasonal paleoenvironmental proxy evaluation. Tue: 26
Topics: 1.27 Young Scientist Session Mineral material for use in dermocosmetic products based on a modification kaolin from the Jegłowa deposit (Poland) University of Warsaw, Poland The aim of the research was to produce a microbiologically safe, modified mineral material with increased sorption parameters, enabling use in the cosmetics industry as an active substance in the line of dermocosmetic products. Samples of selected kaolin (from the Jegłowa deposit, part of Silesia, Poland) were subjected to thermal (at 600 ℃) and chemical activation (using 2 or 4 M HCl). The modified material was characterized using the XRD, SEM and gas porosimetry methods (the specific surface of the samples was determined based on the assumptions of the BET model). The microbiological purity of the newly manufactured materials has been tested in accordance with the applicable standards ISO 21149:2017-07 (for bacteria) and ISO 16212:2017-08 (for yeasts). The results showed that both modifications affected the structure and properties of the tested samples. The acid activation caused the displacement and increase in the intensity of XRD reflections of kaolinite, which is the result of the removal of poorly crystalline mineral phases from the sample, present in unmodified samples. SEM imaging confirmed the change in the morphology of kaolinite plates. The measured surface properties of the samples (specific surface area, micropore area) were significantly higher in the case of acid activation and increased with the use of a stronger acid (4M HCl). Microbiological tests have shown that both the thermally and acid-activated samples meet the quality requirements for materials used in the dermocosmetics. The conducted research proves that kaolin from Jegłowa can be an attractive raw material for the cosmetics industry. Tue: 27
Topics: 1.27 Young Scientist Session Leaf-wax n-alkane composition of an extinct Middle to Late Jurassic plant assemblage dominated by bennettitaleans 1Fachrichtung Paläontologie, Institut für Geologische Wissenschaften, Department Geowissenschaften, Freie Universität Berlin; 2Fachrichtung Tektonik und Sedimentäre Systeme, Institut für Geologische Wissenschaften, Department Geowissenschaften, Freie Universität Berlin; 3LWL-Museum für Naturkunde, Westfälisches Landesmuseum mit Planetarium, Referat Paläontologie, D-48161 Münster, Germany; 4Center for Research and Education on Biological Evolution and Environments, School of Earth Sciences and Engineering, Nanjing University, Nanjing 210023, China Leaf-wax n-alkane concentrations and average chain lengths (ACL) significantly vary among extant gymnosperm groups. When investigating deep-time archives, further plant groups need to be considered that since went extinct. Also, entirely aquatic plants, as known in the angiosperm clade, are not known to be amongst any fossil or extant gymnosperm group. The Middle to Late Jurassic macroplant assemblage preserved in the volcanic lake deposits of the Haifanggou Formation in Inner Mongolia, China, and attributed to the Yanliao Fossillagerstätte, reflects such a gymnosperm-dominated environment, amongst which the extinct Bennettitales constituted the dominant seed-plant component, with ginkgophytes and cupressoid conifers as additional major components. This fossil environment existed c. 35 million years prior to the rise of the angiosperms. The current study examines the relative n-alkane concentrations preserved in 33 samples from two excavations in the Haifanggou Formation. Despite the high age of the sampled strata, n-alkane preservation is excellent. In addition, the two excavations yield mean ACL25–37 values of 28.2 and 27.8, respectively, and the n-alkane distributions are dominated by n-C27 alkanes and, in some samples, by n-C25 alkanes. Thus, given that Bennettitales were the dominant plant group in the assemblage, we hypothesize that bennettitalean cuticles were composed of n-alkanes with relatively short chain lengths compared to extant gymnosperm groups. To corroborate this hypothesis, further verification through direct analysis of well-preserved fossil cuticles of Bennettitales is warranted. Tue: 28
Topics: 1.27 Young Scientist Session Climatic Impact of the Little Ice Age on Sumatra, Indonesia 1Institute of Geological Sciences, Freie Universität Berlin, Berlin, Germany; 2Renard Centre of Marine Geology (RCMG), Department of Geology, Ghent University, Ghent, Belgium The Little Ice Age was a period of colder climate and extended glaciation mainly observed in Europe and North America between the middle of the 14th and the end of the 19th century. However, the climatic impact of the Little Ice Age on tropical regions is still unclear. In this study, we sampled two short (1m), dated sediment cores (MJ17-01A-G and MJ17-01B-G) that were taken in 2017 within Lake Maninjau for leaf wax compound-specific analysis. Lake Maninjau is a 99.5 km2 caldera lake located at the equator in the Padang Highlands on the Island of Sumatra, Indonesia. Here, we extracted leaf-wax compounds of 34 samples – so called n-alkanes – measured their concentration and calculated the average chain length (ACL) and carbon preference index (CPI) of the individual samples. The ACL is a first-order proxy for overall humidity/precipitation and ranges between carbon numbers of C26 and C31 with a trend to lower values towards the top of the section. We interpret this shift from higher to lower ACL-values to represent a shift from dryer to more humid conditions between 1550 and 1850 AD in the period of the Little Ice Age and into the modern. We interpret that the Little Ice Age in Europe and North America indeed also affected tropical regions like Southeast Asia. Tue: 29
Topics: 1.29 Breakthrough technologies and innovations along the mineral raw materials supply chain - towards a sustainable and secure raw material supply Bioleaching of Rare Earth Elements from Primary Resources using Heterotrophic Organisms 1Universität Potsdam; 2Universität Potsdam; 3Helmholtz-Institut Freiberg für Ressourcentechnologie Rare earth elements (REE) are essential for various modern "green" technologies. However, conventional mining and extraction methods for REEs are energy-intensive, environmentally harmful, and call for the evaluation of alternative extraction procedures for these critical raw materials. Bioleaching processes have been successfully employed in the industrial extraction of metals and offer a promising and eco-friendly approach to enhance the sustainability of REE extraction. This study evaluates the potential of bioleaching REEs from unprocessed carbonatitic and alkaline bulk rocks. Batch and supernatant leaching experiments were conducted on a Carbonatite sample from the Fen-Complex (Norway) and two nepheline syenites (a Grennatite and a pegmatitic Grennaite from Norra Kärr, Sweden), utilizing the heterotrophic organisms Yarrowia lipolytica and Tea fungus Kombucha. The influences of bulk mineralogy on microbial growth and metabolite production, as well as leaching rates and applicability of the different approaches were assessed. The results demonstrate varying recovery rates based on mineralogy and leaching methods, with preferential leaching of light or heavy REEs depending on the selected organisms. Notably, the highest leaching efficiency of 54% REE recovery was achieved with Y. lipolytica supernatant leaching on pegmatitic Grennaite during a 19-day experiment. Carbonatite and Grennaite samples exhibited lower maximum leaching rates of 5% and 8%, respectively. The findings demonstrate the proof-of-concept feasibility of bioleaching REEs from unprocessed bulk rock materials and highlight its strong potential, especially in providing a sustainable solution for utilizing low-grade ores and mine waste. Tue: 30
Topics: 1.29 Breakthrough technologies and innovations along the mineral raw materials supply chain - towards a sustainable and secure raw material supply New advances in particle size and shape measurements using complementary optical technologies based on dynamic image analysis Microtrac Retsch GmbH, Germany Determination of particle size distribution of sediments and soils is a crucial property in several fields of industry and geoscientific research. The consequence of improper analyses can result in poor product quality, high rejection rates, or incorrect research data. Most currently used particle sizing methods such as laser diffraction, sieve analysis or microscopy, are established over decades or even centuries and have been deployed in many different fields. However, their significance is often limited due to low resolution, limited capabilities in terms of quality control requirements or simply the lack of particle shape information. The concept of imaging particle analysis is a relatively new technology, dating back to the late 1970s as CCD sensors for capturing and computers for processing image data began to evolve. Further developments such as Dynamic Image Analysis (DIA) based on one or two high-speed cameras provided enhanced access to morphological particle size and shape information in high-resolution and with statistical robustness by a simple measurement of usually less than three minutes. Here we introduce two new technologies in the context of dynamic image analysis. Designed as a hybrid-laser diffraction particle-analyzer, the Microtrac Sync provides conventional laser-based optics, equipped with a digital camera for precise particle size and shape information. Another ground-breaking technology comes with the new Camsizer3D. It uses particle tracking technology, allowing to follow each particle of a sample in up to 30 different orientations. The resulting high-resolution 3D dataset provides digital size and shape information of real morphological particle geometries. Tue: 31
Topics: 2.06 Interior, surface and atmosphere processes on rocky worlds Redox state and interior structure control on the long-term habitability of stagnant-lid planets 1Institute of Planetary Research, German Aerospace Center (DLR), Germany; 2Department of Astronomy and Astrophysics, Technische Universität Berlin, Germany; 3Department of Earth Sciences, Freie Universität Berlin, Germany A major goal in exoplanet science is the search for planets with the right conditions to support liquid water. The habitability of a planet depends strongly on the composition of its atmosphere. Interiors and atmospheres of rocky planets are linked through feedback processes and evolve as a coupled system. In particular, volcanic outgassing shapes the atmospheric composition, but the exact composition of outgassed species not only depends on the volatile content and redox state of the mantle, but also on the current state of the atmosphere. In an extensive parameter study of rocky exoplanets, we investigated the emergence of habitable surface conditions for a wide range of initial conditions, including the planet mass, interior structure, volatile content and redox state. The model accounts for the main mechanisms controlling the long-term evolution of stagnant-lid rocky planets (i.e. bodies without plate tectonics). It includes a large number of atmosphere-interior feedback processes, such as a CO2 weathering cycle, volcanic outgassing, a water cycle between ocean and atmosphere, greenhouse heating, as well as escape processes of H2. We find that only a narrow range of the mantle redox state around the iron-wüstite buffer allows forming atmospheres that lead to long-term habitable conditions. At more oxidizing conditions, most planets instead end up in a hothouse greenhouse state (akin to Venus) due to strong CO2 outgassing. On the other hand, on planets with more reducing mantles, the amount of outgassed greenhouse gasses is often too low to keep the surface above the freezing point of water. Tue: 33
Topics: 2.06 Interior, surface and atmosphere processes on rocky worlds Modelling thermal evolution of molten and tidally heated Io-Like planetary mantles Freie Universitat, Germany Internal heating in rocky bodies shape their interior and surface characteristics as well as their evolution. Among internal heat sources, tidal dissipation is a key one. The most striking evidence in the Solar System is the case of Io, archetype of tidally-heated world hosting extreme volcanism. Io’s internal dynamics is complex due to the large and tidally-produced heat flux, leading to widespread melting in the interior. For Io-like bodies, the dissipation and heat transport models have thus to incorporate interactions between solid and liquid phases. Io’s mantle is commonly modelled either as a solid convective mantle, adapting models of terrestrial planets, or as a fluid magma ocean, adapting models of fluid water oceans of icy moons. However, neither of these two classifications likely accurately describes Io’s partially molten interior. In that context, we model Io's mantle thermal evolution following the work of Sanchis et al (2022, EPSC), who developed a magma ocean modelling, using the CHIC convective code (e.g. Noack et al. 2013, Infocomp). In addition, we take into account heat generated by tidal dissipation accounting for the effect of melt presence on the viscous and elastic parameters of the mantle following Kervazo et al. (2021). Our study provides valuable insights into the role of a large amount of melt in the thermal evolution of rocky planets and moons, and our modeling approach is applicable to other rocky planets with hot interiors, including the Trappist-1 planets and various known rocky exoplanets. Tue: 34
Topics: 2.06 Interior, surface and atmosphere processes on rocky worlds Kinetic Deflection of an asteroid: Impact Simulations of the DART impact in a heterogeneous target 1Museum für Naturkunde Berlin, Germany; 2Johns Hopkins University - Applied Physics Lab; 3Freie Universität Berlin On 26th of September 2022, NASA’s DART spacecraft impacted the secondary of the Didymos system, Dimorphos [1]. Its impact shortened the orbit of Dimorphos by 33 minutes to 11.37 h [2]. The change of the orbit is caused by a change of Dimorphos’ momentum due to the impact. A fraction of the momentum-change related to the transfer of the spacecraft momentum. The more important fraction of momentum is caused by the ejection of material from Dimorphos. The momentum-enhancement-factor β for vertical impacts is defined as β=1+pEj/pImp, with the ejecta and impactor momentum pEj and pImp, respectively, and was predicted to fall between ~2 and 5, based on impact simulations into homogeneous materials, [3,4,5]. The estimates for β depend on Dimorphos’ properties. For a density of 2400 kg/m³, the estimate is β = (1σ) [6]. Recent studies have shown that heterogeneities in the target (e.g. boulders) affect material ejection and β [7, 8]. In this study, we use impact models to simulate the DART impact with 1-10m-sized boulders, and we test the influence of a potential stronger and denser subsurface layer on β. We find an increase of beta by ~5% for such a subsurface layer in 5m depth, so that we conclude that heterogeneities in >5m depth do not affect β. We acknowledge the computing time provided for our project bek00041on the supercomputer Lise and Emmy, part of the NHR infrastructure. [1]Daly et al.(2023),Nature616,443.[2]Thomas et al.(2023),Nature616,448.[3]Raducan et al.(2019),Icarus329,282-295.[4]Stickle et al.(2022),PSJ 3:248.[5]Luther et al.(2022),PSJ3:227.[6]Cheng et al.(2023),Nature616,457.[7]Ormö et al.(2022),EPSL594,117713.[8]Raducan et al.(2022),A&A 665,L10. Tue: 35
Topics: 2.06 Interior, surface and atmosphere processes on rocky worlds Critical external and internal factors for plate tectonics Freie Universität Berlin, Germany Convective mantle flow in terrestrial planets is governed by a temperature- and pressure-dependent rheology. This results in a stagnant-lid regime observed on most terrestrial planets. Plastic deformation can lead to breaking of the strong upper lithosphere, which resembles plate tectonics on Earth. Most efforts to model mantle convection with self-consistent plate tectonics combine Newtonian diffusion creep with a stress-dependent pseudo-plastic rheology in the form of a yield criterion. However, in the uppermost mantle, where stresses are high, deformation is thought to be driven in large parts by deformation via dislocation creep. As numerical models get more robust and capable of more complexity, viscoplastic models should therefore include non-Newtonian dislocation creep. In our models we employ a composite viscosity, combining both Newtonian and Non-Newtonian power laws in a viscoplastic approach. We study the influence of varying rheologies on plate tectonics simulations, by testing several internal and external parameters, such as grain size and surface temperature. In a 2D-spherical annulus geometry we employ an interior structure model for an Earth-like planet to obtain local information on thermodynamics properties of the main minerals present in Earth’s mantle. We evaluate the models by computing common diagnostic values used to recognize plate-like surface deformation. The goal of this study is to identify key planetary factors for the occurrence or absence of plate tectonics. Tue: 36
Topics: 3.06 Present and past sediment routing systems Provenance changes in NW Borneo and the development of the Miocene Baram Delta: implications from detrital zircon geochronology and heavy mineral analysis 1TU Bergakademie Freiberg, Germany; 2SE Asia Research Group, Royal Holloway University of London, UK; 3Department of Mineral and Geoscience Malaysia, Sarawak The Cenozoic of Borneo consists of thick clastic sedimentary rocks that were deposited in various fluvial-lacustrine, shallow marine and deep-marine settings. From the Eocene onwards, the sedimentary successions play an important economic role. Onshore, Eocene sediments comprise coal seams of commercial interest, while Miocene deposits offshore are important hydrocarbon reservoirs. In principle there are two main sediment sources that have contributed to the successions. The Cretaceous arc-related Schwaner Mountains in the south of the island, and the Triassic tin belt granites from the Malay Peninsula. Characteristic detrital zircon U-Pb ages and heavy mineral signatures reveal a change of these sources through time, related to major tectonic developments, such as the opening of the South China Sea. The Miri Zone in NW Borneo consists of Eocene turbidites of the Rajang Group, unconformably overlain by tidally-influenced delta deposits of the Oligocene Nyalau Formation. The Rajang Group turbidites overall reveal a provenance related to the Schwaner Mountains, while the Nyalau Formation indicates a Malay tin belt source, bypassing southern Borneo. The Miocene deposits of the Baram Delta form the youngest successions of the Miri Zone, and comprise fluvial, tidal, deltaic and shallow marine deposits. They are the analogue for the hydrocarbon reservoir offshore Brunei and northern Sarawak. In contrast to the underlying Nyalau Formation, the Baram successions were sourced directly from uplifted Rajang Group tubidites from the interior of Borneo. Thus, studying compositional variations and provenance characteristics help to understand sources and sedimentary routing pathways. Tue: 37
Topics: 3.06 Present and past sediment routing systems Provenance of Paleozoic diamictites in the southern Black Forest: petrography, geochemistry and detrital U-Pb-zircon chronology 1TU Darmstadt, Germany; 2Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany In the Badenweiler-Lenzkirch Zone (BLZ) of the southern Black Forest, lower Paleozoic metasedimentary rocks of the Sengalenkopfschiefer Formation contain intercalations of diamictites which have been linked to the Hirnantian glaciation. This interpretation is based on lithological arguments and rare palynological remains showing Ordovician to Devonian Acritarch and Chitinozoa associations. This interpretation is challenged by new results of U-Pb dating of detrital zircon grains from four samples of diamictites and associated fine-grained schists. The diamictite layer consists of strongly elongated clasts up to 5 cm in diameter, comprising vein quartz, volcanic detritus, pelites, and minor magmatic pebbles. In total 509 detrital zircon grains were dated by LA-ICP-MS at KIT. These reveal similar age spectra for all four samples, characterized by significant age peaks at ~ 380 Ma, ~ 400 Ma, ~ 480-500 Ma, ~ 600-620 Ma, ~ 700-750 Ma and ~ 1.8-2.2 Ga, and ~ 2.6 Ga, and very small peaks at 0.9-1.1 Ga. The pre-Silurian age populations correspond to the spectra of West Gondwana with minor Mesoproterozoic and very minor Grenville zircons (ca. 1.0 Ga). The two younger age populations fit to a subduction model with an active magmatic arc and published ages for the adjacent Randgranite nappe. The youngest zircon grains reveal maximum depositional ages of ca. 360 Ma, which is close to the Devonian-Carboniferous boundary. This discards the former assumption of Hirnantian glaciation. Instead we hypothesize that the diamictites are linked to the Upper Devonian glaciation which affected North America, South America and West Africa. Tue: 39
Topics: 3.16 Assessing biosphere geosphere interactions in the subsurface, at leaking wells, and natural vents and seeps Methane emission and microbial oxidation at buried abandoned wells in Northern Germany Federal Institute for Geosciences and Natural Resources, Germany As we are risking to exceed the 1.5-degree target in the next decade, effective measures to cut back greenhouse gas emission are necessary. Methane became the focus of attention as the target to mitigate global warming, since the mean atmospheric lifetime of this strong greenhouse gas is at least an order of magnitude shorter than carbon dioxide. Here we will focus on the oil and gas sector, which represents the second largest anthropogenic methane source after agriculture. Abandoned oil and gas wells are seen as important targets, since they can (in some cases) emit up to several tons of methane per day. However, only about a dozen countries have measured data on methane emissions and even less include it in their yearly greenhouse gas inventory. Germany has about 20,000 abandoned wells, which are generally filled and buried, however, it is unclear, whether they are emitting methane or not. Here, we present an overview of methane emission and microbial methane turnover at about 50 onshore oil and gas wells in Northern Germany covering both abandoned exploration and production wells. Using isotopic methane composition we were able to link the methane emissions at three well sites in an active peat-cutting area to methanogenesis. Furthermore, elevated potential methane oxidation rates suggest that the majority of the microbially formed methane was oxidized before reaching the atmosphere. Our data demonstrates the necessity for detailed knowledge on methane cycling and background emissions to assess abandoned wells, particularly in areas where natural methanogenesis is present. Tue: 40
Topics: 3.06 Present and past sediment routing systems Inversion of an open-source forward stratigraphic model: a case study from the Bengal Fan QUEST, Department of Earth, Ocean and Ecological Sciences, University of Liverpool, United Kingdom Inverting forward models to constrain output against data is critical for predicting and understanding sedimentary systems. We present an open-source workflow using SciPy functions to invert a Python Badlands model with spatially variable tectonic and rainfall parameters. Tectonic uplift and rainfall maps are input to model surface uplift, erosion, transport and sediment deposition across the model grid. A SciPy function optimises against an objective function to calculate error and invert the model to find the optimal tectonic and rainfall parameters required to reproduce key aspects of the observed strata. The workflow has four steps:
This approach generates a useful series of best-fit models for the Bengal Fan source-to-sink system. The nature of the objective function reveals important aspects of the model behaviour and indicates that climatic factors increasing erosion and sediment yields were the main forcing of Miocene deep-water sedimentation in the Bengal Fan. Tue: 42
Topics: 3.27 Alkaline rock and carbonatite related magmatism The Kuboos-Bremen Line in Namibia and South Africa: new insights about emplacement and composition 1Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), Chair of Geochemistry and Economic Geology, Adenauerring 20b, 76131 Karlsruhe, Germany; 2Laboratory of Environmental and Raw Material Analyses (LERA), Adenauerring 20b, 76131 Karlsruhe, Germany; 3Technische Universität Berlin, Institute of Applied Geosciences, Ernst-Reuter-Platz 1, 10587 Berlin, Germany; 4University of the Free State, Department of Geology, 250 Nelson-Mandela-Drive, Bloemfontein 9300, South Africa The Kuboos-Bremen Line (KBL) is an alignment of intrusions that extent for 250 km in South Africa and Namibia. Its deepest exposed parts occur near Alexander Bay (RSA) and it continues into the continent trending SW-NE, with the higher intrusion level at the Great Karas Mountains (NAM). The KBL complexes are divided in three sections: Western KBL is predominantly granitic; Central KBL is composed of granites, syenites, foid-syenites and carbonatites; and Eastern KBL is composed of a field of more than a hundred small carbonate-bearing intrusions (carbonatite dykes, sills and breccia pipes, and lamprophyre and alnöite dyke swarms). The project aims to understand the genetic relationship between the variety of lithologies at the KBL by: investigating whether the behavior of HFSE and REE in carbonatitic magmas is influenced by source contamination and silicate wall-rock interaction; investigating the cross-cutting relationships of individual complexes and their age data, to understand the progressive evolution from granitic to foid-syenitic/carbonatitic compositions with time and location; and study the rock associations to establish if different magma suites derived from one or variable sources and also if they used the same zone of weakness for ascent and emplacement. After field work and sample collection from all main complexes the first results from geological mapping and petrography show an even broader variety of lithologies than expected. Individual units from individual complexes share textural and mineralogical similarities and also provide us hints of the role of crustal assimilation in the genesis and magmatic to hydrothermal evolution of these rocks. Tue: 43
Topics: 3.27 Alkaline rock and carbonatite related magmatism Disclosing the magma genesis and storage beneath the Cretaceous Ebersbrunn diatreme, Saxony: Evidence from mineral chemistry and juvenile fragments 1TU Bergakademie Freiberg, Institute for Mineralogy, Brennhausgasse 5, 09599 Freiberg, Germany; 2Saxon State Office for Environment, Agriculture and Geology (LfULG), Department of Geology (Saxon Geological Survey), Halsbrücker Straße 31a, 09599 Freiberg, Germany; 3German Center for Geosciences (GFZ), Telegrafenberg, 14473 Potsdam, Germany The Mesozoic to Cenozoic intraplate to rift-related magmatic activity in central Europe spawned both, intrusive and extrusive carbonatites. Located within the intersection of the Regensburg-Leipzig and Gera-Jachýmov fault zones, the eroded diatreme of Ebersbrunn provides a unique opportunity for mineralogical and petrographic investigations to explore the magma genesis and its lithospheric evolution. Electron microprobe analyses on several mineral phases were acquired to obtain thermobarometric estimations and unravel the internal textures. Moreover, detailed microscopic studies on juvenile fragments are used for the characterization of volcanic facies. Here, the compositional variation in amphibole (with Mg# from 0.804 to 0.932) and mica (Al-rich phlogopite and eastonite) can be linked to the presence of lamproite components in the generation of supplying magma system and show a multi-episodic crystallization history. Thermometric estimations for the carbonatitic magma showed a wide range from 450 to 672°C (obtained on low- and high-Mg calcite and dolomite). The joint presence on high-T amphibole (872 to 965 °C) and mica ( ca. 950 °C) suggests the contemporaneous crystallization from a single magma storage and the presence of mid-crustal magma storage at 15 to 21 km. The petrographical studies on circular/ ellipsoidal juvenile fragments revealed different populations of peletal lapillis, with either dry or wet silicate, Fe-Ti-oxide, and/or carbonate phases in the kernel and a carbonatitic and/or silicic shell composition. This indicates the influence of hybrid magma and emphasizes the multi-stage layering process. The oriented prolate-shaped apatite crystals at the rim of pelletal lapillies are addressed to turbulent motion during magma ascent. Tue: 44
Topics: 3.27 Alkaline rock and carbonatite related magmatism Mineralogy and origin of a silico carbonatite mega xenolith in the alvikites of the Dicker Willem Complex (Namibia) 1Technische Universität Berlin, Ernst-Reuter-Platz 1, 10587 Berlin, Germany; 2University of the Free State, 250 Nelson-Mandela-Drive, Bloemfontein 9300, South Africa; 3Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), Institute for Applied Geosciences, Chair of Economic Geology and Geochemistry, Adenauerring 20b, 76131 Karlsruhe, Germany The Eocene (49 Ma) Dicker Willem carbonatite complex represents an “Inselberg” (5 km2) forming a subvolcanic intrusion in southern Namibia. It consists of several stages of carbonatitic intrusions including, alvikite, sövite, nepheline sövite as well as carbonatite breccia. Associated silicate rocks (ijolite and nepheline syenite) are rare but found as xenoliths of various sizes embedded in carbonatite (sövite and alvikite). To decipher the genetic relation between carbonatites and silicate rocks and the formation of nepheline sövite (which is seen as a transitional lithology), we investigated a center-margin profile within a silicate-rich carbonatite xenolith (Ø 7 m) enclosed in fine-grained calcite-carbonatite (alvikite). Detailed observations show systematic mineralogical and mineral chemical variations depending on the contact proximity. Multiple element diffusions and transformation reactions can be traced. Mineralogically, feldspathoids are increasingly replaced by K-feldspar. Secondary biotite crystallized at the expense of feldspar and clinopyroxene close to the contact. Clinopyroxene compositions develop from a Ca (Mg, Fe) dominated to a Na (Fe) bearing variety. Excess iron (Fe3+) not being incorporated in biotite crystallized as hematite. With closer proximity to the host rock the dominant mineral within the xenolith becomes calcite (up to 95 modal%). These besides other indications suggest that a magmatic replacement of a silicate xenolith resulted in the successive transformation into a carbonatite, that is barely distinguishable from a coarse grained sövite. This process thus reflects the origin of the nepheline sövites rather than the liquid immiscibility that was thought to follow the genetic link between silicate rock and carbonatite at depth. Tue: 45
Topics: 3.27 Alkaline rock and carbonatite related magmatism Global Sr-Nd-Os isotope compositions and highly siderophile elements of carbonatites 1Czech Geological Survey, Prague, Czech Republic; 2Czech Academy of Sciences, Czech Republic The examination of more than 500 samples of worldwide carbonatites on the basis of Sr-Nd isotope systematics allows dividing them into three groups which do not follow conventional grouping. Carbonatites with a mantle signature and variable amounts of incorporated sedimentary material form the first two groups. The carbonatites in the third group have resolvedly lower 143Nd/144Nd signatures at a given eSr(i) value that cannot easily be explained by crustal contamination but rather by derivation of carbonatite parental melts from the mantle source metasomatized by 2-6% of slab-derived melts with low Sm/Nd during the late Archean (~2.7 Ga). As a consequence of high concentrations of Sr and Nd, this system is more resilient to overprint compared to Re-Os elemental and isotope systematics. Overall, 44 carbonatite samples were investigated for Re–Os compositions; of these, 15 samples were excluded due to modification by late-stage hydrothermal alteration. The remaining carbonatites still yield a wide range of gOs from ~4 to 4000. Whether this wide range is a result of the presence of recycled crust or originates from previous carbonatite metasomatism remains unclear. Extremely low concentrations of highly siderophile elements (HSE) in carbonatites and common nugget effects observed are the result of the behavior of sulfur-bearing phases as the main HSE carrier and oxygen fugacity. Carbonated silicate melts are capable to host significant amounts of PGE but during ascent, S-rich magma will separate from carbonatite melts leading to the sequestration of PGE due to higher distribution coefficients, leaving carbonatite melt depleted in PGE. Tue: 46
Topics: 3.27 Alkaline rock and carbonatite related magmatism Magmatic to hydrothermal REE mineralization in Mesoproterozoic ankerite carbonatite, Swartbooisdrift, NW Namibia Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), Germany Strong local REE enrichment is observed in Mesoproterozoic ankerite carbonatite exposed at Swartbooisdrif, NW Namibia (Drüppel et al., 2005). The carbonatite dykes transect older anorthosites of the Kunene Complex and are themselves surrounded by sodalite-rich Na-metasomatic aureoles. The magmatic assemblage of ankerite, magnetite, pyrochlore, burbankite, and apatite indicates that the carbonatite magma was rich in Fe, Nb, P, Na, Sr, and LREE. Primary REE hosts are euhedral burbankite, pyrochlore, and apatite, which can be enriched in irregular layers formed during flow-banding. Along cracks burbankite is altered to secondary burbankite and carbocernaite. With progressive alteration, burbankite and carbocernaite were partially to completely replaced by complex intergrowths of fluorcarbonates (mainly bastnaesite, hydroxylbastnaesite, parisite and synchysite), ancylite, monazite, barite, strontianite, celestine, calcite, fluorapatite, and/or hematite. Similar mineral assemblages also occur as discrete REE-rich pods and schlieren, suggesting fluid-related remobilization of REE and P. These zones are mainly restricted to the ankerite carbonatite, indicating locally restricted REE mobility. The composition of early metasomatic and later hydrothermal fluids was determined by microthermometry and synchrotron-micro-XRF analysis of primary fluid inclusions in sodalite and secondary fluid inclusions in ankerite. Early high-temperature (> 550°C) sodalite-forming fluids were highly saline alkaline brines (19-30 wt% NaCl eq.) containing minor Sr, Ba, LREE, Nb, S, K, and Fe. Secondary fluid inclusions in ankerite, entrapped at lower temperatures of c. 400-500°C, are NaCl-poor (4-6 wt% NaCl eq.) and strongly enriched in Sr and REE. These fluids are presumably related to the late REE remobilization. Drüppel et al. 2005, J. Petrol., 46, 377–406. Tue: 47
Topics: 3.27 Alkaline rock and carbonatite related magmatism The geochemical evolution of the Late Cretaceous intraplate volcanism on the Chatham Islands (NZ) 1GEOMAR Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel, Germany; 2GNS Science, Lower Hutt, New Zealand; 3Institute of Geosciences, Kiel University, Kiel, Germany The Chatham Islands, situated on the eastern Chatham Rise ~800 km east of New Zealand, comprise two main (Chatham and Pitt) and many smaller islands. Collision of the oceanic Hikurangi Plateau with the Chatham Rise jammed the long-lived subduction system, causing Zealandia to separate from Gondwana. The breakup was accompanied by volcanism on the South Island of New Zealand, Hikurangi Plateau (Hikurangi seamounts) and Chatham Rise and islands, many of which were formed by the volcanism. The Late Cretaceous volcanism is characterized by HIMU (high time-integrated μ=238U/204Pb Mantle) endmember composition, which sensu stricto is defined by oceanic islands associated to deep-rooted mantle plumes. Consequently, an heritage of the HIMU source from the lower mantle transferred to the surface by a mantle plume is debated, but numerous alternative models have been proposed to explain the HIMU volcanism in Zealandia, including sub-continental lithospheric mantle modified by subduction or interaction with the partly subducted Hikurangi plateau. Our major and trace element analyses of 52 Cretaceous whole-rock samples from the Chatham Islands display characteristic HIMU trace element compositions, but the major element (MgO vs. CaO) and olivine composition indicate a predominantly pyroxenitic (or phlogopitic) rather than peridotitic source, which is usually associated with HIMU lavas. Further investigation on the composition of primitive melts, melting conditions and source lithologies will be used to evaluate the potential role of a mantle plume causing HIMU end member volcanism and separation of Zealandia from Antarctica in the Late Cretaceous. Tue: 48
Topics: 3.28 Developments and progress in regional geology Triassic to Cretaceous magmatic record in SE Vietnam and southern Borneo: the southern limit of the Paleo-Pacific subduction 1Institute of Geology, TU Bergakademie Freiberg, Germany; 2SE Asia Research Group, Department of Earth Sciences, Royal Holloway University of London, UK The eastern margin of Asia formed an active Andean-type margin from the Triassic until the Cretaceous. SE Vietnam and West Borneo were located at the southern end of this subduction zone. Triassic igneous rocks in Indochina are usually interpreted to be related to the closure of the Paleo-Tethys. However, in West Borneo Triassic I-type granitoids and associated fore-arc volcaniclastic turbidites can be attributed to west-directed subduction of the Paleo-Pacific. The arc can be traced through the South China Sea to SE Vietnam and Hainan with magmatism continuing into the Jurassic, although with a diminished intensity. Thus, West Borneo can be correlated with the Indochina basement. With the beginning of the Cretaceous and docking of the Banda block (which consists of SW Borneo) with West Borneo, large Paleo-Pacific subduction-related magmatic provinces formed in southern Borneo and SE Vietnam. Lower Cretaceous I-type granitoids are thereby dominant in Borneo, while in SE Vietnam Upper Cretaceous I-type rocks are more abundant. At around 80 to 85 Ma magmatism changed from I-type to A-/S-type affinities, suggesting cessation of the Paleo-Pacific subduction and a switch to post-orogenic magmatism that lasted until the end of the Cretaceous. The Mesozoic igneous record of the West Borneo and SE Vietnam provinces is remarkably similar and indicates a common tectonic history associated with the various stages of Paleo-Pacific subduction beneath eastern Asia. Tue: 49
Topics: 3.28 Developments and progress in regional geology The Muskau Arch - a geomorphological and geophysical approach on glacial tectonics Landesamt für Bergbau, Geologie und Rohstoffe Brandenburg, Germany The Muskau Arch (MA) is located in the border area of the federal states of Brandenburg and Saxony and Poland. The Muskau Arch is part of the main Warthian terminal moraine in Germany. With its U-shaped form, it is the southernmost extension of the Warthe glaciation in Germany. The width reaches c. 20 km and the arc depth c. 22 km. The morphology of the Muskau Arch is characterized by compression, folding and overthrusting of Tertiary strata. Including special features, such as a multitude of Gieser structures or folded Pleistocene channel deposits. The so-called Gieser (Wendish Jeser/ jezero: swamp) are terrain furrows with a maximum depth of 20 m, a width of 10 m to 30 m and a length of up to several kilometers. Thus they represent a characteristic geomorphological element. They were formed by weathering and oxidation of the tertiary lignite seams, which were folded by glacial deformations. In addition to these structures, there are further glacial forms in the area of the Muskau Arch, which are partly visible in the morphology and partly can only be mapped as glacial structures by geological exploration. In this Study glacitectonic structures (i.e. diapirs, rupture structures, folding and faulting) are analysed and reconstructed focussing on scales, depth range characteristic shapes. These structural geological investigations were based on geophysical methods (near-seismic, gravimetry, geoelectric soundings and mapping as well as borehole geophysical measurements). Tue: 50
Topics: 3.28 Developments and progress in regional geology Early Permian rhyolite volcanism and Jurassic alteration, Northern Schwarzwald, Germany - new evidence from geochemistry and U-Pb dating of zircon, monazite, uraninite, and xenotime 1KIT Karlsruhe, Germany; 2gbm, Ettlingen, Germany; 3Geological Survey of Austria, Wien, Austria Formation of Early Permian rhyolites in the Schwarzwald postdates the exhumation of Variscan granites and gneisses. Although similar Permian volcanics are recognized across Central Europe, little is known so far about their source(s), precise ages, magmatic evolution, and later alteration. To answer these questions, we investigated 68 rhyolite samples (lavas, tuffs, ignimbrites, diatremes) from five different localities in the Northern Schwarzwald. Most rhyolite samples contain phenocrysts of quartz, K-feldspar, and biotite set in a fine grained groundmass rich in secondary illite and hematite. Igneous zircon, monazite, Fe-Ti oxides, apatite, and uraninite are common accessories. All samples are peraluminous high-SiO2 rhyolites with calc-alkaline compositions. Mantle-normalized trace element patterns show negative Ba, Sr, Eu, and Ti anomalies, indicating plagioclase and Fe-Ti oxide fractionation. REE patterns with LREE enrichment and deep negative Eu anomalies characterize them as hot-dry-reduced rhyolites, typically occurring above areas of mantle upwelling. A likely source are lower crustal dry metasediments. Secondary alteration is correlated with increases in Al2O3, LOI, Li, and As. At one locality, a unique secondary REE-P-As-Th-S assemblage, comprising monazite, gasparite, thorite, xenotime, and galenite, is observed. The As-REE-rich phases presumably originated from alteration of primary monazite, zircon, and apatite by As-rich aqueous fluids. U-Pb La-ICP-MS dating of igneous zircon, monazite, and uraninite from different localities yields consistent crystallization ages of 296.0 ± 1.3, 297.5 ± 2.9 Ma, and 296.2 ± 1.1, respectively. A later Early Jurassic alteration event is evidenced by U-Pb ages of 181.5 ± 2.1 and 173.5 ± 1.6 Ma determined for secondary xenotime. Tue: 51
Topics: 3.28 Developments and progress in regional geology Geophysical signature of the early Carboniferous Saxothuringian Basin, Central European Variscides 1Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg, Germany; 2Institut für Geologie, TU Bergakademie Freiberg The Early Carboniferous Saxothuringian Basin (SXB) is exposed on the northwestern side of the Bohemian Massif in Central Europe. SXB is bordered by the Mid-German Crystalline Zone (MGCZ) to the NW and N, by the Lausitz block and the Elbe Zone to the NE and E and the Tepla-Barrandian to the SE. Basin boundaries are defined based on the structural, metamorphic and stratigraphic observations of the exposed Variscan and pre-Variscan units in the Bohemian Massif. However, to the SW across the Franconian Fault System (FFS), Permian-Mesozoic sedimentary rocks cover the Variscan units including the possible SW extension of the SXB. In this study we integrate geophysical (gravity, magnetic and seismic reflections) and well data to investigate the SW extension of the SXB and discuss implications for the Variscan tectonics. Our observations and forward modeling results show that the remnant of SXB extends about 60 km to the W-SW from the present-day FFS and terminates near the NE part of the Kraichgau Terrane. We also show that SXB units are most likely preserved below the Permo-Mesozoic units farther south, west of the Fichtelgebirge area. Based on our study, we discuss that the SXB developed as a low-strain and isolated area in the Saxothuringian Zone, receiving erosional material from the surrounding high-strain and uplifted areas during the Variscan tectonics in early Carboniferous, before being overfilled by the Middle Mississippian (Visean) time. Tue: 52
Topics: 3.28 Developments and progress in regional geology Early Jurassic K-Ar illite age data of fault gouge from a reverse fault of the Gernsbach-Neuenbürg flexure in crystalline basement rocks of the Nordschwarzwald (SW Germany) 1Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), Germany; 2University of Göttingen, Germany; 3University of Göttingen, Germany; 4University of Göttingen, Germany We investigated a SSE-dipping reverse fault zone of the ENE-striking Gernsbach-Neuenbürg flexure within c. 325 Ma old coarse grained two-mica granite. The fault zone consists of a hematized, cataclastic 15-20 cm thick, damage zone, predominantly developed in the hanging wall, and a c. 1 cm thick greyish-greenish clay-rich fault core. We took two gouge samples, spaced c. 1 m apart from each other. Both samples were fractionated into three grain sizes (<0.2 µm, <2 µm and 2-6 µm), all of which yielded ages between 198 Ma and 171 Ma. The fact that these ages are much younger than the age of the faulted host rock, and that both samples exhibit variations between the different fractions of a few tens of Myr at most, indicates efficient authigenic clay growth. This authigenic crystallization probably occurred between 200 °C and 300 °C, based on the illite “crystallinity” Index and the predominance of the 2M1 illite polytype in the samples. The Gernsbach-Neuenbürg flexure plunges to the ENE beneath deformed Triassic strata of the ENE-striking, c. 100 km long „Neckar-Jagst-Furche“, which is yet kinematically poorly understood. Its large strike length and apparent low bulk displacements are consistent with reactivation of the southern boundary fault zone of the Permocarboniferous Kraichgau basin as suggested by mapping of the Gernsbach-Neuenbürg flexure. The widespread Jurassic radiometric age data in southern Germany indicate major hydrothermal activity and a structurally complex, yet poorly resolved, deformation pattern, most likely associated with oblique rifting that developed into formation of the North Penninic ocean. Tue: 53
Topics: 3.28 Developments and progress in regional geology On the nonexistence of a Saxo-Thuringian Ocean – a review 1TU Bergakademie Freiberg, Germany; 2GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences, Potsdam, Germany As demonstrated by the Saxo-Thuringian Ocean, some regional geological models originated prior the advent of plate tectonics and evolved little since. Despite the abundance of facts that neither prove nor need the existence of such an ocean, this plate tectonic scenario is still widely used. The Saxo-Thuringian and Moldanubian zones represent classical areas of the Central European Variscides. The Saxo-Thuringian Zone originally was defined as a narrow marine basin with Paleozoic lithologies overlying a Precambrian basement. Early mobilistic models proposed an allochthonous origin of the Münchberg Massif, representing remnants of the Moldanubian Zone, thrusted onto a southeastern ramp of the autochthonous Saxo-Thuringian Basin. With the advent of plate tectonics, the Saxo-Thuringian Zone was reinterpreted as an independent microplate that is surrounded by oceanic lithosphere. In such a view, the subduction of a so-called Saxo-Thuringian Ocean beneath a Moldanubian microplate is necessary to transport Moldanubian crust onto the autochthonous Precambrian / Paleozoic units of the Saxo-Thuringian microplate. Over the last decades abundant new geoscientific data, including the results of the continental deep drill hole (KTB), challenged the Saxo-Thuringian Ocean hypothesis. Today there exist ample evidence (i) that the allochthonous units of the Saxon Granulite Massif and the Fichtelgebirge-Erzgebirge nappe pile experienced pervasive and prolonged Variscan tectono-metamorphic overprint and do not represent an older Precambrian ramp and (ii) that early Paleozoic Saxo-Thuringian marine lithologies were deposited on a vast contiguous Peri-Gondwana shelf. Incomplete recycling of extended continental crust during prolonged Gondwana Laurussia collision can explain the geological record of the Saxo-Thuringian Zone. Tue: 54
Topics: 3.28 Developments and progress in regional geology Upper Ediacaran carbonates on the Digermulen Peninsula, Finnmark, Arctic Norway: insights into syn- to post-depositional processes at the edge of Baltica 1TU Bergakademie Freiberg, Germany; 2Área de Paleontología, Universidad de Extremadura, Spain; 3Rennesveien 14, Mandal, Norway; 4Arctic University Museum of Norway, UiT – The Arctic University of Norway, Norway; 5Museum of Evolution, Uppsala University, Sweden; 6Department of Earth Science, Durham University, United Kingdom; 7Department of Geological Sciences, University of Cape Town, South Africa The Digermulen Peninsula in eastern Finnmark has attracted renewed research interest in recent years due to discoveries of new Ediacara-type fossils, marking the rise of macroscopic life on Earth. The entire upper Ediacaran and Cambrian sedimentary succession was considered to be siliciclastic. However, carbonates were discovered within the 2nd cycle of the Manndrapselva Member of the Stáhpogieddi Formation of the Vestertana Group (Meinhold et al., 2019, Precambrian Research, 328, 99-110). These carbonates occur as calcareous siliciclastic beds, lenses, and concretions, some with calcite spherulites and cone-in-cone calcite, in a mudrock to fine-grained sandstone succession approximately 40 m below the Ediacaran–Cambrian boundary. The calcite spherulites were probably formed at the sediment–water interface or a few centimetres below, either in a coastal littoral environment or in situ in the sublittoral zone under high alkaline conditions. In situ calcite U−Pb isotope data from an upper Ediacaran carbonate concretion provide timing constraints for depositional, diagenetic, and potentially metamorphic processes, overlapping and confirming previous estimates based on relative bracketing of events (Meinhold et al., 2020, Geological Magazine, 157, 1367-1372). The cone-in-cone calcite formed during burial diagenesis and clearly before low-grade metamorphism and cleavage formation, the latter being caused by the Scandian Orogeny. Tue: 55
Topics: 3.28 Developments and progress in regional geology Nappe tectonics in the south-eastern Rhenish Massif (Central European Variscides, Germany) – Plate interactions between Gondwana and Laurussia 1Senckenberg Naturhistorische Sammlungen Dresden, Germany; 2Hessisches Landesamt für Naturschutz, Umwelt und Geologie, Germany; 3Senckenberg Gesellschaft für Naturforschung Frankfurt, Germany; 4Goethe-Universität Frankfurt, Germany The Lahn-Dill-Area, the Kellerwald and the Lindener Mark in the southeastern Rhenish Massif (Germany) are part of the Rhenohercynian Zone of the Central European Variscides. They contain various Devonian and Lower Carboniferous sandstones and greywackes, which differ significantly in their facies circumstances and fossil-content from surrounding autochthonous materials. U-Th-Pb- and Lu-Hf-analyses on detrital zircons of these allochthonous siliciclastic sediments indicate a provenance in the Saxothuringian zone and thus a Gondwanan hinterland. They show U-Pb-age clusters of ~530–700 Ma, ~1.8–2.2 Ga, ~2.5–2.7 Ga, and ~3.0–3.4 Ga. In contrast, samples from the autochthonous and par-autochthonous units of these areas show a provenance representative of Laurussia with debris primarily derived from Baltica and Avalonia with age clusters at ~400–450 Ma, 540–650 Ma, 1.0–1.2 Ga, ~1.4–1.5 Ga, ~1.7–2.2 Ga, and 2.3–2.9 Ga. These results, combined with own thin section analyses and geochemical data on volcanic rocks as well as revised biostratigraphy and paleobiogeography of Lower Devonian from the literature, led to the interpretation that the southeastern Rhenisch Massif is a nappe stack of Rhenohercynian and far transported Gondwana-related nappes. They were thrusted onto the autochthonous part of southern Laurussia during the Variscan orogeny by closing a wide Rheic Ocean. Tue: 56
Topics: 3.28 Developments and progress in regional geology Geophysics combined with Petrography – a promising approach for 3D crystalline basement characterization? Landesamt für Geologie und Bergwesen Sachsen-Anhalt, Germany High-grade metamorphic and plutonic rocks in crystalline complexes are of increasing interest as host rock for geothermal plays and for understanding plate tectonics. In this regard the Pretzsch-Prettin Crystalline Complex (PPCC, Saxony-Anhalt) as a part of the Mid German Crystalline Rise is one prominent example of a late-orogenic intrusion in the former Rheic Suture Zone. Former 2D geophysical investigations focussing on the setting and outline of the PPCC remained ambiguous and suggested a combined interpretation with other geoscientific disciplines. Recently, we applied a 3D geophysical and geological modelling to the PPCC incorporating well data, seismic depth maps and gravity data. 3D gravity modelling revealed important information on the general geological setting of the overburden and basement depth, but did not allow detailed interpretation in areas of similar basement density. Limiting the generally ambiguous gravity modelling results required incorporation of petrographic data like rock composition from thin sections and density measurements at rock samples, which were linked to the modelled density zones of the basement. This approach revealed first evidence of a northward extension of the comparable low density monzogranites to granodiorites of the PPCC into the North German Basin. Quartz monzonites and monzodiorites with up to 25 % biotite and amphibole agree with up to 0.15 g/cm³ higher basement densities in the surrounding of the PPCC. Generally, incorporating petrographic data into the gravity modelling process enabled us to better confine zones of different crystalline compositions, which might be applicable to other areas. Tue: 57
Topics: 3.28 Developments and progress in regional geology Regional geology and structural control of copper-bearing vein formation in the Western Anti-Atlas of Morocco 1Structural Geology and Tectonics, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany; 2Faculté des Sciences, Université Ibn Zohr, Agadir, Morocco; 3Akka Gold Mining (Managem Group), Casablanca, Morocco The Ouansimi copper mine is located south of the Kerdous inlier in the Western Anti-Atlas in Morocco. Neoproterozoic and Lower Cambrian sedimentary rocks record recurring transgressive and regression cycles by deposition of limestones, algae matts, or clastic rocks like conglomerates. The rocks are overprinted, likely due to the Variscan orogeny, resulting in an anticline formation showing internal large- and small-scale tectonic elements like folds, shearing, normal and reverse faults, as well as bend and drag folds. The sedimentary rocks host mainly NW/SE striking veins with copper mineralisation, comprising e.g., chalcopyrite, chalcocite, sulfidic minerals, in combination with carbonates or quartz, as well as copper oxides (e.g., malachite) at the present-day surface. Processes, which lead to vein and ore formation and the possible tectonic influence are still not clearly understood. So far, the copper-bearing veins are mainly associated to the Variscan orogeny and hydrothermal influence. Field observations and structural measurements of stratigraphic bedding, fractures, and veins surrounding the Ouansimi mine are complemented with subsurface data, as well as transmitted and reflected light microscopy. Furthermore, microstructural observations are supplemented with cathodoluminescence microscopy. This study will help to understand, if tectonic events beside the Variscan orogeny influenced the formation of veins and faults, as well as folds. Thus, the understanding of the regional geologic and tectonic processes of the Western Anti-Atlas region will be complemented. Tue: 59
Topics: 3.28 Developments and progress in regional geology The Late Paleozoic igneous suite between the Saxon granulite massif and the Altmark, central Germany: Petrogenetic and mineralogical constraints on the post-orogenic magma evolution 1Sächsisches Landesamt für Umwelt, Landwirtschaft und Geologie, Geological Survey and Geophysics, Pillnitzer Platz 3, D-01326 Dresden, Germany.; 2Landesamt für Geologie und Bergwesen Sachsen-Anhalt, Department for Geology, An der Fliederwegkaserne 13, D-06130 Halle (Saale), Germany.; 3University of Wrocław, Institute of Geological Sciences, Ulica Cybulskiego 30, PL-50-205, Wrocław, Poland.; 4TU Bergakademie Freiberg, Institute for Mineralogy, Brennhausgasse 4, D-09596 Freiberg, Germany.; 5Museum für Naturkunde Magdeburg, Otto-von-Guericke Straße 68 -73, D-39104 Magdeburg, Germany. The Late Paleozoic continental rift in the area of central Europe set the stage for intense magmatic activity, apparent in plutonic complexes (e.g. Brocken, Pretzsch-Prettin), large subvolcanic bodies (e.g. Halle laccoliths, Wurzen porphyries), and recorded by voluminous pyroclastic sheets in numerous caldera systems (e.g. Wurzen, Rochlitz, and Flechtingen ignimbrites). Since up to now, their petrogenetic evolution often remains veiled in mystery or is still under debate. Focussing on this post-Variscan magmatic flare-up, the obtained geochemical and mineralogical data set depicts selected magma reservoirs, their evolution, and storage. The different compositions of the Cadomian to Variscan basement and the longevity of magma chambers set within these particular regions have a decisive influence on the geochemical characteristic. In detail, metasedimentary rocks (e.g. metamorphosed graywacke, mica schist) are most often directly responsible for Al2O3-supply and subsequently lead to corundum-normative magmas. The highest amount of normative corundum (up to 3.1 wt%) can be found in the Flechtingen ignimbrite, which magma system was capable of crystallizing almandine garnet (Ca0.03Fe0.84Mg0.13)3Al2Si3O12) in lower crustal levels (>7 kbar ≙ 25 km). A similar picture emerges within the subordinated diopside-normative parts of the Wurzen volcanic rocks (up to 3.28 wt%), where crystallization of calcic clinopyroxene took place at 6 to 10 kbar (≙ 22 to 36 km). Here, it is proposed that parental diopside normative alkaline to tholeiitic and garnet-bearing magmas are fast ascending and mingled into upper crustal magma bodies. Tue: 60
Topics: 3.28 Developments and progress in regional geology The tectonics of the Elbtalschiefergebirge-Osterzgebirge-Zone and the role of the Mid-Saxon-Fault 1TU Bergakademie Freiberg, Germany; 2Sächsisches Landesamt für Umwelt, Landwirtschaft und Geologie, Germany The Elbe zone constitutes a complex fault zone on the northern edge of the Bohemian Massif. As part of this zone, the Elbtalschiefergebirge is juxtaposed with the Lausitz to the northeast and the Osterzgebirge to the southwest. The tectonic boundary with the Osterzgebirge is traditionally defined by the Mid-Saxon-Fault. In the course of a tunnel project for the railroad line Dresden-Prague structural geological investigations were carried out. Here first results are presented. The entire area was overprinted by the Variscan orogeny and can be divided into three principal units. (i) The northeastern section consists of very low-grade metamorphic lithologies representing the remnants of an early Carboniferous synorogenic basin. The adjoining unit (ii) is predominantly made up by phyllites that differs from unit (i) by its stronger tectonic and metamorphic overprint and partly inverted stratigraphy. Mylonites on both sides of the Mid-Saxon-Fault reveal the existence of a ductile shear zone (iii) affecting high- to medium-grade metamorphic units of the Osterzgebirge as well as low-grade units of the Elbtalschiefergebirge. This Elbe-zone parallel, i.e., NW-SE striking shear zone suite is characterized by dextral strike slip tectonics and the transition from ductile to brittle-ductile material behavior. The existence of ESE-WNW to E-W stretching lineations on both sides of the Mid-Saxon-Fault , however, indicates a more complex tectonic evolution. Furthermore, the mylonites adjacent to the “Tourmaline-granite” of the Elbtalschiefergebirge resemble the shear zone rocks of the Erzgebirge. Thus, the traditional view of the Mid-Saxon-Fault as a strict tectonic boundary between both units must be questioned. Tue: 61
Topics: 3.28 Developments and progress in regional geology Distribution of Holstein interglacial deposits in Brandenburg and Berlin (Germany) Landesamt für Bergbau, Geologie und Rohstoffe Brandenburg (LBGR), Germany The Holstein interglacial is classified as the period between the end of the Elster glaciation to the beginning of the Fuhne glaciation. The deposits in Brandenburg are supplied by limnic to fluviatile sedimentary regimes. Thus, the deposits consist of organic mud and silt as well as bituminous peat. Related to higher energetic levels, the fluvial associated deposits are made up of sand. The stratigraphic classification is based on palynostratigraphy and on the occurrence of the index fossil Viviparus diluvianus. In this study, a new map is constructed that focuses on the distribution of limnetic sediments. Contrary to this, the existing maps summarise the limnetic and fluviatile deposits including the sediments of the lower Saale. Two sets of maps have been published since 1971 (Lithofazieskarte Quartär - scale 1:50 000 and Zwirner & Ziermann 2010 - scale 1:1 000 000). Based on more than 400 palynostratigraphically proven locations (via drillings), a map will be published that achieves a significant extension and clarification of the distribution of the limnetic Holstein. The accumulation area of these deposits can be associated with numerous channel systems and paleo-basins initiated during the Elster glaciation. Furthermore, transgressive pathways are revised in this study. These were derived from Holstein Stage sea-level changes that resulted in transgressive and regressive successions with brackish to marine facies in northwest Brandenburg. Zwirner & Ziermann 2010. „Verbreitung und Tiefenlage der Holstein-Warmzeit und frühsaalezeitlicher Ablagerungen“ in Stackebrandt, W. (Hrsg.). Atlas zur Geologie von Brandenburg. Landesamt für Bergbau, Geologie und Rohstoffe Brandenburg, 53. Tue: 62
Topics: 3.28 Developments and progress in regional geology Changes in palynofacies and organic geochemistry as indicator for marine ingressions in the German Wealden 1Leibniz University Hannover, Germany; 2State Authority for Mining, Energy and Geology, Germany; 3Federal Institute for Geosciences and Natural Resources, Germany; 4Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms University Bonn, Germany New palynological and geochemical data from the KB Rehburg-2 core covering the German Wealden (W1-4) illustrate the unique development of this depositional setting. Despite the temporary isolation of the Lower Saxony Basin (LSB) from the open ocean, several marine flooding events into the basin were detected. Marine ingressions are suggested to have entered from the west via the East Netherlands High, supporting the existence of an - at least temporary - seaway to the Boreal Realm. In the central and eastern parts of the LSB, indicators of marine influence are less prominent. In this study, we use a combined approach including palynofacies analysis, sedimentological and geochemical data in order to improve the understanding of the highly variable German Wealden depositional environment. The new data provides evidence for marine ingressions into the isolated LSB, insights into vegetation dynamics and palaeoenvironmental conditions. A total of five different types of palynofacies were distinguished, which indicate changes in the oxygenation state of the water column as well as variations in salinity. Based on changes in continent-derived particle abundance, the proximity to the Deister-Hils Delta can be estimated. The most proximal palynofacies type stems from palaeosols, which are described for the first time in the German Wealden. Marine ingressions were identified using ecological preferences of aquatic palynomorphs (dinoflagellates, acritarchs, prasinophytes, Botryococcus) across the studied sedimentary sequence. Based on changes in palynofacies and geochemical proxies, ingressions already postulated in other studies were identified and a new, previously unknown ingression is observed. Tue: 63
Topics: 3.28 Developments and progress in regional geology Precise Timing of Permian-Carboniferous magmatism in Saxothuringia TU Bergakademie Freiberg, Germany Here we present published and new age data of plutonic and volcanic rocks from Saxothuringia obtained by the high-precision CA-ID-TIMS U-Pb zircon dating method. This method has an uncertainty of ca. 0.1-0.2 % (corresponding to < ± 0.5 Ma) that is ca. 10 times smaller than all other recently established dating methods. Consequently, the application of this method allows better establish the exact sequence of magmatic processes in time and space. We show that magmatism in the Erzgebirge and in the Lausitz mainly occurred during two larger magmatic phases and that volcanic rocks first appeared in the Eastern Erzgebirge. We present also dating results from several volcano-sedimentary basins in Saxothuringia that allows a better comparison of their temporal evolution. Tue: 64
Topics: 4.08 Geological surveying as services for the public delivered by the State Geological Surveys of Germany - Current Issues Problems with geothermal probes in evaporite deposits in Saxony-Anhalt 1Landesamt für Geologie und Bergwesen Sachsen-Anhalt, Germany; 2University of the Free State, South Africa Near-surface geothermal energy as a key technology for the sustainable provision of heating and cooling is increasingly coming into focus as renewable energy and alternative to fossil fuels. In Saxony-Anhalt with an estimated 6,000 geothermal systems operational, several hundreds are being installed annually, incresasingly also in public and commercial buildings. Areas, where water-soluble rocks carry the risk of karstification and sinkhole occurrence, are clustered in places of the Zechstein outcrop on the Harz Mountain rim, on the contours of the Halle Permo-Carboniferous complex and the Flechtinger Höhenzug. Near-surface Upper Buntsandstein, Middle Muschelkalk and Gipskeuper karstable rocks occur in the Weferlingen-Schönebecker Scholle, in the Hakel, Huy, Fallstein, the Oschersleben-Egelner salt axis, and in the Subherzyn. Karst areas often contain particularly concrete-aggressive waters, so that special measures must be taken to protect geothermal probes. In addition, in the often cavernous or fissured rock, mud losses are to be expected, or the proper backfilling of the borehole is problematic. Further aspects can be the reduced thermal conductivity. There is a risk of volume increase due to the transformation of anhydrite into gypsum after contact with water, which can lead to uplift of the terrain above evaporite lithologies. Building ground hazards can occur in the area of salt mining and near-surface salt deposits. Permitting practice shows that for site-specific projects in the karst areas of Saxony-Anhalt sensu lato, heat recovery from the ground via geothermal collectors is recommended in order to avoid scoring, dissolution and hydration of the rock at risk of subrosion. Tue: 65
Topics: 4.08 Geological surveying as services for the public delivered by the State Geological Surveys of Germany - Current Issues Das Geologische Landesamt Hamburg – Ein Zustandsbericht im Jahr 2023 Geologisches Landesamt Hamburg, Germany Das Geologische Landesamt Hamburg wird in diesem Jahr 75 Jahre alt. Die Tätigkeiten der Vorläuferinstitutionen reichen über 100 Jahre zurück. Die heutige Kernaufgabe des GLAHH ist nach GeolDG die Sammlung, Digitalisierung, Interpretation und Veröffentlichung von geowissenschaftlichen Daten. Inzwischen sind ca. 315.000 Bohrungen bis in eine Tiefe von mehr als 3.000 m digital erfasst und zum Großteil veröffentlicht. Das Bohrdatenportal des GLA-HH bietet zusätzlich zahlreiche Kartendarstellungen zu geologischen, geothermischen und hydrogeologischen Themenbereichen, z.B. die Geologische Karte 1:5.000, Präquartär-Karten, ca. 65 Profilschnitte bis in ca. 400 m Tiefe, Wärmleitfähigkeit und Temperaturen für verschiedene Teufenbereiche und hydrogeologische Profiltypen. Ein wichtiger, und von Dritten intensiv angefragter Arbeitsbereich des GLAHH ist die 3D-Modellierung. Während das tiefe 3D-Strukturmodell gemeinsam von den norddeutschen Ländern entwickelt wurde, wird in Hamburg ein „mitteltiefes Modell“ mit Schwerpunkt auf den wasserwirtschaftlich genutzten Bereichen von Quartären und Neogenen Einheiten bis in ca. 400 m Teufe dargestellt. Das dritte Hamburger Modell stellt das Quartär dar, differenziert in Grundwasserleiter und -nichtleiter, wobei bei letzteren Tills und Beckenablagerungen unterschieden werden. Auf Grundlage der gewonnen Erkenntnisse aus Landesaufnahme und der 3D-Strukturmodellierung werden auch wasserwirtschaftliche Grundwasserströmungsmodelle aufgebaut, um aktuelle Fragen der Trinkwasserversorgung im Ballungsraum Hamburg zu beantworten. Zukunftsthemen, wie eine erfolgreiche Umsetzung der Wärmewende mithilfe der oberflächennahen, mitteltiefen und tiefen Geothermie nehmen einen immer größer werdenden Raum ein und werden von den Bürgerinnen und Bürgern sowie von Unternehmen in Hamburg stark nachgefragt. Die Arbeiten zu Geogefahren umfassen die Themenbereiche Verkarstung (Erdfallbildung; Mikroseismik), Massenverlagerungen (Rutschungen am Elbhang) und Bauwerksschäden durch wasserempfindliche Böden (u.a. Sackungen über austrocknendem Lauenburger Ton). Tue: 66
Topics: 4.08 Geological surveying as services for the public delivered by the State Geological Surveys of Germany - Current Issues Updating the depth map of the base Quaternary in Saxony-Anhalt 1Martin Luther University of Halle-Wittenberg, Germany; 2Landesamt für Geologie und Bergwesen Sachsen-Anhalt, Germany Continuously growing demands for exploitation and storage in the near subsurface require up to date information on the setting of the unconsolidated Cenozoic rocks. Of special relevance are depth information on the base Quaternary for mapping Pleistocene tunnel valleys to answer hydrogeological questions and for preparing 3D subsurface models. Current studies in Saxony-Anhalt still incorporate the results of the map series “Lithofazieskarte Quartär” (LKQ), which was prepared between 1968 to 1984. However, newly available evidence from digitized seismic depth maps and drilling results suggest an update of the depth information of the base Quaternary in Saxony-Anhalt. In a first step, wells penetrating the Quaternary were exported from the well database of Saxony-Anhalt and their stratigraphies were simplified. Relevant wells were subsequently selected by unambiguous stratigraphy, similarity of well elevation with DGM height, cross validation and comparison to the well database of the LKQ. The remaining 85.000 relevant wells were combined with newly stratified wells and digitized isobaths of the base Quaternary from seismic data and former studies to a new base map. Subsequent quality control comprised tests of different gridding algorithms and profile drawing. The new depth map of the base Quaternary reveals updated pathways of Pleistocene tunnel valleys of up to 500 m thickness in the Altmark region and in Eastern Saxony-Anhalt. Here, changes to the LKQ are largest. Minor differences are observed in the western and southern parts of Saxony-Anhalt with thicknesses usually less than 50 m. Tue: 67
Topics: 4.09 3D models in education and outreach - synergy of research, geotourism, conservation and georisk assessment Publication and Accessibility of Structural 3D Models of Saxony-Anhalt Landesamt für Geologie und Bergwesen Sachsen-Anhalt, Halle (Saale), Germany The publication and accessibility of geological data is one of the main tasks of geological surveys. Provided data helps to understand the local geology, facilitates exploration of natural resources and thus benefits state services, businesses, and the public alike. The State Geological Survey of Saxony-Anhalt (LAGB) uses its database from decades of geological exploration to provide information of the subsurface geology. Past interpretations existed but provided only simple presentations of the three-dimensional space. More recently, huge datasets were used for the development of largely enhanced 3D models. So far, regional 3D models have been prepared for the deep subsurface comprising the Altmark region in the north, the Subhercynian Basin in the middle, and the South-Eastern Harz Foreland in the south of Saxony-Anhalt. These models are based on existing maps from subsurface exploration, seismic profiles, and borehole information. ArcGIS and SKUA-GOCAD were used as data management and modelling tools. Some challenges consist of low data density in some regions, contradictory or incorrect source data, as well as in achieving a coherent 3D model by smooth integration of modelled layers from different authors. The resulting three-dimensional geological models of Saxony-Anhalt illustrate the structural setting and the geology of the Earth's subsurface and will become subsequently filled with further lithological and petrophysical parameters. To publish the models for a broader audience, we use the GST (Geosciences in Space and Time) framework. This toolkit eventually enables the creation of customized sections, virtual borehole profiles, and the export of parts of the models. Tue: 69
Topics: 4.09 3D models in education and outreach - synergy of research, geotourism, conservation and georisk assessment Geological Mobile Digital Mapping (GeoMoDiM) University of Bonn, Germany Geological mapping represents an important qualification within the framework of geoscientific programmes of study. The GeoMoDiM project, funded by Bonn University, aims to firmly integrate digitally supported geological mapping into the curriculum. In particular, the tablet- and cloud-based data collection in the field is to be prepared, carried out and evaluated with GIS support. This approach saves numerous work steps and avoids sources of error, allowing live communication and data exchange in the field. This new procedure is already in practice, involving the students in the optimizing and streamlining process. Here we show that using tablets with QField the process of mapping can be improved through the ability of gathering all the data in one application compatible with the current workflow of QGIS, saving time and simplifying use. On top we integrate photogrammetry in the didactics, incorporating 3D models of outcrops into the subsequent analysis. A second aim of this digital approach is to integrate students, who cannot participate in the fieldwork, into the process through video communication and live data exchange with partners in the field. Controlling of the fieldwork can be done online from a base station, evaluating, exchanging datasets and interpretative approaches with the participants in the field. Additionally, we focus on participants with disabilities, who are unable to join the field experience, they will benefit from this new didactic approach. The next step of this project is to open this new perspective to other research areas as botany and soil sciences. Tue: 70
Topics: 4.10 Geoscience Education Research - What do we Know About Learning and Teaching geosciences? ACTION RESEARCH AND REFLECTIVE PRACTICE: AN INTERVENTION PROGRAMME WITH PRE-SERVICE TEACHERS 1Interdisciplinary Center of Marine and Environmental Research (CIIMAR), Portugal; 2Department of Science Teaching, Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel; 3Interdisciplinary Center of Marine and Environmental Research (CIIMAR), Portugal; Unit of Science Teaching and Department of Geosciences, Environment and Land Planning, Faculty of Sciences, University of Porto, Portugal Promoting quality education implies that teachers are reflective professionals, agents of innovation and change leaders, able to train students with critical thinking skills, problem-solving, creativity, collaborative work, and communication. In this conscious reflection, it becomes fundamental to shift the focus from teaching to learning, including the teacher himself, leading to developing new skills and attitudes, given the imperative of change. Thus, it is essential to establish teachers' continuous training relevant to initial training, which enhances their professional performance and, consequently, educational improvement. However, the pedagogical practices implemented in training must reflect congruent teaching with what is recommended as desirable in the professional version of future teachers, making the articulation between theory and practice a practical reality. In this action-research process, a pedagogical intervention programme was implemented in the course unit Didactics of Geology II of the master’s degree in biology and geology, according to an inquiry-based methodology focused on the active participation of the students and collaborative work among peers. With a holistic view of the Earth system for understanding the geological phenomena and processes, practical work was done. The laboratory and experimental geosciences activities were adapted from Orion’ previous work and contextualised according to the Portuguese Curriculum of the K7 grade. It was possible to collect evidence showing that pre-service teachers were encouraged to change their visions about how (geo)science can be learned and taught. Results reveal that the practical activities promoted (geo)science reasoning, meaningful learning, and professional development. Tue: 71
Topics: 4.10 Geoscience Education Research - What do we Know About Learning and Teaching geosciences? THE RELEVANCE OF MULTIPLE INTELLIGENCES AND THE LEARNING OF GEOSCIENCES: A CONTENT ANALYSIS OF PRE-SERVICE TEACHERS' REFLECTIONS 1Interdisciplinary Center of Marine and Environmental Research (CIIMAR), Portugal; 2Department of Science Teaching, Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel; 3Interdisciplinary Center of Marine and Environmental Research (CIIMAR), Portugal; Unit of Science Teaching and Department of Geosciences, Environment and Land Planning, Faculty of Sciences, University of Porto, Portugal The concern with teaching centred on the characteristics and students’ needs is one of the reasons why the Multiple Intelligence (MI) theory is emerging and has become a trend in educational settings at the elementary, secondary, and higher education levels. Especial literature considers that intelligence is no longer restricted to cognitive talents but rather the capacity for abstraction, logic, understanding, self-awareness, learning, emotional knowledge, reasoning, planning, creativity, critical thinking, and problem-solving. These characteristics are based on eight types of intelligence Musical, Linguistic, Logical-Mathematical, Spatial, Bodily-Kinesthetic, Interpersonal, Intrapersonal and Naturalist intelligence. Exploring students' learning styles through their MI type allows teachers to identify their strengths and weaknesses and explore these styles in teaching methodologies. Additionally, teachers must understand students’ learning styles and MI to define activities that fit the different bits of intelligence by promoting better educational environment processes. In a pedagogical intervention program implemented in classes of the curricular unit of Didactics of Geology II (that integrates the curriculum of a master to train students to become biology and geology teachers), activities were carried out to teach and consolidate knowledge about Rock Cycle. After the intervention program, students presented the Rock Cycle in accordance with their style of learning. A content analysis was done on twenty-one “snapshot reports” done by the pre-service teachers. As in several studies that refer to the success of using the MI in the teaching process, our study gathered evidence of students' increased motivation to learn and a more active engagement. Tue: 72
Topics: 4.10 Geoscience Education Research - What do we Know About Learning and Teaching geosciences? STORYTELLING AS A MULTIDISCIPLINARY STRATEGY TO PROMOTE CRITICAL THINKING AND STUDENTS´ MEANINGFUL LEARNING 1Interdisciplinary Center of Marine and Environmental Research (CIIMAR), Portugal; 2KU Leuven, Department of Chemistry, B-3001 Leuven, Belgium; 3Interdisciplinary Center of Marine and Environmental Research (CIIMAR), Portugal; Unit of Science Teaching and Department of Geosciences, Environment and Land Planning, Faculty of Sciences, University of Porto, Portugal The Science/Technology/Society perspective in promoting scientific literacy in metal recycling becomes fundamental for adopting good behaviours in our society that contribute to the independence of Europe on critical raw materials and, therefore, to the transition to greener technologies and circular economies. In this regard, researchers must develop recycling routes, manufacturers must design for recycling, and our society needs to become aware and educated about recycling and responsible consumerism. Teaching Natural Sciences to pupils from middle school is an opportunity to awaken and strengthen the student's curiosity about the world around them. Through an appealing and dynamic discussion exercise, the student’s learning process can be promoted by motivating them to understand the importance and impact of scientific problems, relating them to social issues and technological innovations in their daily life. The research reveals that storytelling is an enjoyable, meaningful, effective, and creative way to enhance teaching and promote learning. As a powerful education multidisciplinary strategy, storytelling should be promoted in Geoscience teaching, encouraging environmental sustainability behaviours and students' civic education. The created storytelling "Gil broke his mobile phone! Now what?" is a playful-sensorial animation for K7 students whose setting is a Natural Science class. Faced with the challenge “How can I contribute to sustainable development when my cell phone is no longer useful?” the plot appeals to students' awareness of behaviour change towards sustainable development. At the same time, it also addresses the issue of bullying in the school context. Tue: 73
Topics: 4.10 Geoscience Education Research - What do we Know About Learning and Teaching geosciences? UmweltNAVI Niedersachsen - an app for the presentation of geospatial data not only from the environmental sector. wemove digital solutions GmbH, Germany Governmental and scientific institutions often have a problem communicating their data treasure to people outside their community. Presenting geospatial data in an appealing and accessible way is a challenge, especially when non-scientific people are the target audience. The app "UmweltNAVI Niedersachsen" sets out to do just that and demonstrates it using institutional environmental data. A person can discover the data in the immediate vicinity or in other locations. The data can be displayed either as polygons or as map layers (e.g. geotopes, noise and radiation pollution, flood areas, occurrence of wolf and lynx). When opening a dataset, the person receives various detailed information combined from different sources, like Wikipedia or Observation.org. Tue: 75
Topics: 4.10 Geoscience Education Research - What do we Know About Learning and Teaching geosciences? GEOWiki@LMU – an update 1Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, Germany; 2Technische Universität München, Germany; 3Mineralogical State Collection (SNSB-MSM), Germany; 4Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel, Germany GEOWiki@LMU is a constantly growing open platform for the promotion of practical and research-oriented knowledge acquisition. Its major objective is to provide information on methodologies relevant to geosciences, with focus on fieldwork, sample preparation and analytical methods. It offers students a quick overview including helpful practical tips and references to relevant literature. In addition, there are various new developments which are presented here: OPEN-VHB: The GEOWiki@LMU team developed the course “Geosphere” on the platform of the “Virtuelle Hochschule Bayerns – VHB” to provide non-geoscientists an introduction into geoscience. Interactive tools are used to show how determination of minerals and rocks works, it also gives a short introduction in earth history or applied geology. Moodle: This concept will be expanded to create a moodle based training-platform to provide interactive exercises not only for students but also for pupils and interested people. The most fascinating aspect of GEOWiki@LMU is that it is elaborated by students of earth sciences. The contents are developed by students in courses or on their own initiative in interdisciplinary teams. The activity of the students is essential for the development of GEOWiki. It gives decisive impulses for the selection and structure of the topics, writing the articles and acquisition of funding. All topics are discussed in weekly editorial online-meetings and revised in close collaboration with lecturers and scientists. All graphics, icons and videos are created by the students. The website is also programmed by students, according to the motto: what doesn't fit is made to fit. Tue: 76
Topics: 4.10 Geoscience Education Research - What do we Know About Learning and Teaching geosciences? From planetary sciences, earth sciences, volcanology to robotics and agriculture: Highlights from the 7th Summer School on Vulcano, Sicily, 2023 1Jacobs University Bremen, Germany; 2DLR; 3University of Potsdam The annual Summer School on Vulcano, Sicily will take place at the end of June 2023. This poster gives an impression and an overview of the highlights of this successful field-activity based summer school. This two-week summer school, is being held for the 7th time, and provides an important training ground for students, scientists, researchers, and technicians by exposing them to a variety of disciplines from geology, volcanology, geophysics, astrobiology, to planetary sciences. This year's additional theme is going to be robotics and agriculture - how our advances in robotics, especially from the space sciences, can aid and support agriculture and food production. In addition to lectures, a number of scientific experiments are planned on Vulcano, such as geoelectrics, astrobiology, spectroscopy, robotics, and intelligent drone-based mapping for agriculture. The summer school participants get the opportunity to work in teams on the above topics and are involved in the data acquisition, processing, visualization, and presentation. Lunchtime lectures, evening social events such as poster sessions, astronomy, and GIS classes complement the field-based activities. The interaction and collaboration between researchers is encouraged to foster inter- and transdisciplinary learning and understanding. |
7:00pm | DGGV Member Meeting | DGGV Mitgliederversammlung Location: Audimax Session Chair: Martin Meschede, Universität Greifswald Session Chair: Heinz-Gerd Röhling, German Geological Society (DGGV) |
Date: Wednesday, 06/Sept/2023 | |
Ausstellung Geoparke Location: Wiwi 102 | |
Exhibition "Life conquers a planet: Example Earth" | Gesteins-Ausstellung: Leben übernimmt die planetare Steuerung: Beispiel Erde Location: Foyer (Henry Ford Building) Session Chair: Christoph Heubeck, Friedrich-Schiller universität Jena | |
8:30am - 9:20am | Plenary Lecture by Timothy W. Lyons "How Earth’s early oceans and atmosphere help guide the search for life beyond" Location: Audimax Session Chair: Georg Feulner, PIK |
Topics: Plenary Talk
How Earth’s early oceans and atmosphere help guide the search for life beyond University of California, United States of America Life and life-sustaining environments, including oceans, have existed on a dynamic Earth for more than four billion years despite the multitude of challenges that come with stellar, solar system, and planetary evolution. Each of our many past planetary states, or alternative Earths, was associated with a particular atmospheric composition, and those atmospheres contained gases such as oxygen and methane that were produced by early life. Using ancient Earth to understand when and how these biosignature gases accumulated is allowing us to select targets and techniques for exploring the many Earth-like planets beyond our solar system. Further, Earth scientists and prebiotic chemists are working together in new ways to understand how and where life first emerged. This new perspective could also help guide the search for life elsewhere in the solar system and far beyond. This presentation is about the coevolution of life and its environments on Earth over billions of years, touching on key evolutionary innovations, the steps and dynamics of biospheric oxygenation, potential tectonic controls, and nutrient cycling—among other first-order patterns and drivers. The focus will include biosignatures emphasizing early Earth and its relevance in the search for life on exoplanets. Among the many lessons learned, early Earth has taught us about false negatives—that is, the possible absence of detectable atmospheric biosignatures above an ocean brimming with life. Overall, however, the evolution of life and its ecological impacts are direct reflections, through cause-and-effect relationships, of the chemical and physical evolution of solid and surficial Earth. |
9:20am - 9:40am | Awards: Prof. Dr. John Donald Bruce Dingwell, LMU München – Gustav-Steinmann-Medaille I Prof Dr. Victor Ramos, University of Buenos Aires, Argentina – Leopold-von-Buch-Plakette Location: Audimax |
9:30am - 11:30am | Seminar Geo-Karrierepfade/ career pathways in geosciences (Hold in English.) Location: Wiwi 103 Session Chair: Laura Krone, Helmholtz-Zentrum Potsdam Deutsches GeoForschungsZentrum GFZ |
9:40am - 10:00am | Coffee Break Location: Foyer (Henry Ford Building) |
10:00am - 11:15am | - Location: Hall A (HFB) |
10:00am - 11:15am | 3.14-1 Applied stratigraphy of Central European basins Location: Hall B (HFB) Session Chair: Thomas Mann, Bundesanstalt für Geowissenschaften und Rohstoffe (BGR) Session Chair: Jochen Erbacher |
10:00am - 10:30am
Invited Session Keynote Topics: 3.14 Applied stratigraphy of Central European basins The Cretaceous Period in 2023 - progress and challenges University of Portsmouth, United Kingdom Over the past 30 years, our knowledge of Cretaceous stratigraphy and timescale has expanded exponentially. This has been based partly on the greater refinement of biostratigraphy, including the utilisation of groups of fossils previously poorly known or ignored (microcrinoids, inoceramid bivalves, diverse microfossil groups) and also the development of geochemical and geophysical stratigraphies, most notably stable carbon isotope- and magnetostratigraphy. These two methodologies have enabled previously impossible correlations to be made, independent of facies and sometimes in the absence of biostratigraphical evidence. The identification of orbital cycles in Cretaceous sediments, integrated with new radiometric dates, now provides a high-resolution timescale for intervals of the Cretaceous. Work continues apace to extend and refine the timescale and integrate this with new stratigraphical data. Additionally, data generated primarily for the purpose of correlation, such as stable carbon isotope curves, provide direct evidence of the Cretaceous carbon cycle and allow a better understanding of palaeoenvironmental changes. 10:30am - 10:45am
Topics: 3.14 Applied stratigraphy of Central European basins Integrated stratigraphy, facies patterns and palaeogeography of the lower Elbtal Group: a re-evaluation of the Cenomanian transgression in Saxony, Germany Senckenberg Naturhistorische Sammlungen Dresden, Germany Until very recently, it was generally assumed that the marine flooding of the Saxonian Cretaceous Basin (SCB) was largely related to the naviculare Transgression of the early Late Cenomanian. However, based on the detailed investigation of 39 Cenomanian sites at surface and subsurface, and considering new macrobiostratigraphic data and existing palynological facts, a completely revised integrated stratigraphic framework and palaeogeographic reconstructions of the lower Elbtal Group are presented (Niebuhr & Wilmsen 2023, ZDGG 174, DOI: 10.1127/zdgg/2023/0376). Demonstrably, Cretaceous sedimentation started already in the early Early Cenomanian, indicated by the contemporaneous onlap of non-marine (Niederschöna Formation) and marine strata (Oberhäslich Formation). The Cenomanian transgressions advanced from the north, at first following the course of roughly south–north-discharging palaeovalleys of a fluvial palaeodrainage system. Sequence stratigraphic analyses demonstrate the presence of four complete, unconformity-bounded Cenomanian depositional sequences (DS) and a fifth one, DS Ce-Tu 1, which started in the mid-Late Cenomanian and lasted into the Early Turonian. The depositional sequences comprise five major transgressive phases that overstepped each other, culminating in an earliest Turonian climax of the 2nd-order Cenomanian transgressive hemicycle. The maximum thickness (100–120 m) equates to the accommodation generated by eustasy and regional subsidence during the entire 6-myr-long Cenomanian age (sedimentation rate ≤20 m/myr). Thickness changes within the lower Elbtal Group can quite simply be related to pre-transgression topography and sequence stratigraphic onlap patterns. Thus, the new stratigraphic and palaeogeographic framework of the lower Elbtal Group also demonstrates that tectonic inversion in the SCB was essentially a post-Cenomanian process. 10:45am - 11:00am
Topics: 3.14 Applied stratigraphy of Central European basins New insights into global carbon cycle disturbances: a shallow marine record of the Middle Oxfordian Excursion (MOxE) in the Lower Saxony Basin 1Institute of Geology, Leibniz University Hannover, Germany; 2Federal Institute for Geosciences and Natural Resources, Hannover, Germany The Oxfordian period is characterized by a long-term (ca. 6 Myrs) trend of increasing stable carbon isotope values, punctuated by three short-lived (ca. <1 Myrs) carbon isotope excursions (CIEs) at the Callovian/Oxfordian boundary, in the lower Oxfordian (Quenstedtoceras mariae ammonite zone), and in the middle Oxfordian (Gregoryceras transversarium ammonite zone), also known as the MOxE. This pattern is evident worldwide in both organic and inorganic carbon (δ13Corg and δ13Ccarb) in terrestrial and shallow marine environments, indicating recurrent global carbon cycle disturbances affecting the entire ocean-atmosphere system. However, previous sedimentological and chemostratigraphic studies on Oxfordian strata in the Lower Saxony Basin (LSB) of northern Germany, have failed to identify the three CIEs cited above, hindering their correlation with the global carbon isotope record. In this study, we provide, for the first time, a high-resolution δ13Ccarb record revealing the MOxE expressed in a positive CIE of 3.8‰. We collected data from drilling core samples of the Korallenoolith Formation in the Konrad 101 borehole, located in the southwestern part of the LSB. This exploration drilling is biostratigraphically well constrained, unlike many other sections in the LSB that are characteristic of shallow tropical marine depositional settings. This particularity enables us to compare the Konrad 101 δ13Ccarb pattern with other localities distributed worldwide incl. Europe, western Asia, and the Gulf of Mexico. Our high-resolution δ13Ccarb reflects a major synchronous change in the exogenic carbon cycle, with no satisfying explanation so far for the triggering mechanisms, in the context of already published datasets. 11:00am - 11:15am
Topics: 3.14 Applied stratigraphy of Central European basins Stratigraphy und evolutionary patterns in middle jurassic ammonites Naturkunde-Museum Coburg, Germany The biostratigraphy of the Jurassic system has made many advances in recent years. We can distinguish over 50 successive faunal horizons in the Callovian, which corresponds to a resolution of perhaps 75,000 to 100,000 years. The distribution of the ammonite genus Kepplerites in space and time has been extensively studied. This example illustrates the importance of a precise stratigraphy for paleontological and sequence-stratigraphic questions. The beginnings of the ammonite genus Kepplerites can be traced back to the Subboreal sea of NW Canada in the late Bathonian (Middle Jurassic). Thereafter the evolution can be followed over Greenland, the Russian platform over the Caucasus to Central Europe, up to its abrupt extinction at the beginning of the Callovian. Only a small population survived, probably in what is now the Caucasus. From here, a few specimens reached Central Europe and the Russian platform, where new species emerged (genetic drift). At the beginning of the Koenigi Zone, a species migrated from Russia via the Caucasus to Central Europe, where they mixed again. From this, separate lines developed in England and Central Europe (gradualism), the seas of Greenland were also settled again. At the end of the Koenigi Zone, Russian species immigrated again and replaced the weakened populations in Central Europe and England. By the end of the Early Callovian, all sea straits were open and a unified Subboreal faunal province of NW Europe, Greenland and the Russian Platform was established. This scenario was controlled by sea level rises and falls and short-term climatic changes. |
10:00am - 11:15am | 1.07 Understanding reactions and transport in porous, fractured, and tight media - from field work to rock analytics and predictive modelling Location: Hall C (HFB) Session Chair: Benjamin Busch, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology Session Chair: Michael Kühn, Deutsches GeoForschungsZentrum (GFZ) Session Chair: Sebastian Fischer, Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action |
10:00am - 10:30am
Invited Session Keynote Topics: 1.07 Understanding reactions and transport in porous, fractured, and tight media - from field work to rock analytics and predictive modelling Understanding coupled fluid transport for de-risking geological carbon and hydrogen storage Heriot-Watt University, United Kingdom Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) as well as subsurface energy storage in the form of hydrogen are measures to lower carbon emissions to the atmosphere. Large-scale implementation is underway, especially for CCS, and first hydrogen storage projects have been announced recently. With most CCS projects being planned for offshore locations, public acceptance is less of a determining factor than it used to be 10-20 years ago, where discussions were rather for onshore locations. CO2 leakage has always been a risk highlighted in the public debate, while no or minimal leakage has been reported for current CCS projects worldwide. However, as scientific community, we need to realistically highlight the risk of leakage across sealing units for any fluids stored in the subsurface to inform various stakeholders like regulators, the public and of course also operating companies. Caprock leakage needs to be studied across various length and time scales, considering the undisturbed matrix as well as fracture networks and faults; we need to consider advective and diffusive flow and transport and incorporate mineral alterations, potentially leading to changes in hydraulic or mechanical properties. This talk will highlight the current state of research, advancements and future research required for a realistic evaluation of caprock leakage. It will be based on past research related to matrix transport as well as current research focusing on single and multiphase flow along faults and fractures. 10:30am - 10:45am
Topics: 1.07 Understanding reactions and transport in porous, fractured, and tight media - from field work to rock analytics and predictive modelling Ternary fluid infiltrating with constant composition produces more than twelve reaction sequences controlled by rock composition 1Institute of Geological Sciences, Freie Universität Berlin, Berlin, Germany; 2Institute of Earth Sciences, University of Lausanne, Lausanne, Switzerland In many applications a fluid is injected into rocks for example for CO2 storage, in enhanced geothermal reservoirs, or during oil and gas recovery. The fluid may be out of equilibrium with the rock resulting in chemical reactions at depth. The correct prediction of reaction front velocities depends on a thorough understanding of the theory of chromatography and the changes of density and porosity in reactive transport models. We study the systematics of reaction fronts in multi-component systems. The methodology is based on a finite difference approach for solving the transport problem in combination with precomputed thermodynamic equilibria. These lookup tables are calculated using Gibbs’ minimization and a linear programming approach. They are validated against full analytical solutions of the Gibbs minimization problem. Porosity and density evolution is predicted based on mass conservation. We focus on ternary ideal fluid or melt solutions in equilibrium with pure phases as exact solutions are feasible and here first consider the isothermal case. For a fixed incoming fluid composition, over twelve reaction sequences may form depending on initial rock composition. Within one type of reaction sequence, bulk rock composition still plays are role in determining the speed of the reaction front as well as the fluid compositions that develop along the path. This theoretical understanding allows better predictions of the formation of reaction sequences and the consequences on rock properties upon injection of fluids with dissolved chemical components. 10:45am - 11:00am
Topics: 1.07 Understanding reactions and transport in porous, fractured, and tight media - from field work to rock analytics and predictive modelling Reservoir quality and diagenesis of limestones from the Upper Cretaceous (Beckum-Fm.) of the Münsterland Cretaceous Basin Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany The Upper Cretaceous Campanian limestones from the Ahlen-Fm. (Beckum-Fm. Submember) of the Münsterland Cretaceous Basin in NW Germany are former high porosity limestones, which consist mostly of detrital components. This study focuses on the petrophysical assessment of these limestones in combination with diagenetic studies to understand the potential interaction with rising mine-water as they unconformably overlie Upper Carboniferous coal-bearing strata. Therefore, outcrop analyses were carried out and samples were taken to study the heterogeneity and controlling factors, as well as diagenetic para-sequence in tight limestones. We show that diagenesis, compaction, authigenic cementation and the detrital composition affect petrophysical properties. Mechanical compaction is seen by elliptically deformed calcispheres and foraminifera at the transition to ductile clay laminae, forming compaction bands. Mechanical compaction and early diagenetic precipitation of inter- and intragranular sparry ferroan calcite reduces porosity and permeability. Porosity ranges between 1.0% to 18.7%, permeability between <0.0001 mD to 0.2 mD, and p-wave velocity ranges between 2089 m/s and 5843 m/s. Furthermore, natural fractures are filled by either ferroan calcite and/or strontianite. Thus, the studied lithologies of the Beckum-Fm. can be considered as seals for potential rising mine-water levels. Furthermore, results indicate, that they may not be potential targets for geothermal utilization. However, open fractures formed during exhumation overprinted the rocks which may enhance the reservoir quality by generating potential fluid pathways close to the present day surface. 11:00am - 11:15am
Topics: 1.07 Understanding reactions and transport in porous, fractured, and tight media - from field work to rock analytics and predictive modelling Hydrogeochemical impact of Opalinus Clay system shown in metres migration length of uranium 1GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences, Potsdam, 14473, Germany; 2University of Potsdam, Institute of Geosciences, Potsdam OT Golm, 14476, Germany Models and simulations allow a prognosis of how processes in the geosphere might occur in the future, considering physical and chemical processes. They are the only way to test future scenarios and hypotheses and to evaluate the long-term evolution of a repository site, e.g. by quantifying potential radionuclide migration in the hydrogeological system of the containment providing rock unit. An example is used to demonstrate the extent to which simulated migration lengths can vary for a million years, depending on the model concept as well as on the underlying data and parameters. In the case of uranium in the potential host rock Opalinus Clay (Switzerland), the range extends from 5 m applying experimentally determined transport parameters, over 50 m using process-based approaches and taking hydrogeology into account and up to 80 m depending on the thermodynamic data set used. The degree of reliability of the models is derived from comparison with laboratory tests and data from boreholes and underground laboratories. This is the only way to assess the simulation results. In addition, indications can be provided where new data need to be collected. To reduce the uncertainty related to the migration length of uranium in the Opalinus Clay, the calcite-carbonate ion system as well as the hydrogeological setting at a potential disposal site need to be known, whereas the amount of clay minerals plays a subordinate role as long as it is enough, which is the case in argillaceous formations. |
10:00am - 11:15am | 1.14 Secondary raw materials: Geoscientific approaches to enable a circular economy Location: Hall D (HFB) Session Chair: Katharina Schraut, Bundesanstalt für Materialforschung und –prüfung (BAM) Session Chair: Paul Mählitz, Bundesanstalt für Geowissenschaften und Rohstoffe |
Topics: 1.14 Secondary raw materials: Geoscientific approaches to enable a circular economy
Mine waste: Nuisance or important metal resource for the future? 1Chair of Geochemistry and Economic Geology, Institute of Applied Geosciences, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology. Karlsruhe, Germany; 2Laboratory for Environmental and Raw Materials Analysis, Institute of Applied Geosciences, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Karlsruhe, Germany Germany has a long history in metal ore mining stretching over a period of more than 1000 years. Both small and large heaps or dumps remain in the mining districts typically without any safety measures (coverage, monitoring etc.). Often these sites are still a considerable point source for pollutants like metals, metalloids or processing chemicals. However, extraction technologies have been much less effective in the past and for certain elements (e.g. Ge) no technical application has been known. As such, mine waste including historic waste or ore dumps and tailings may represent a considerable and easily extractable future resource especially for technology critical elements. We investigate the mineralogy, geochemistry and leaching behaviour of different types of mine residues in former mining districts of the Black Forest, Wiesloch and the Donnersberg area. With respect to the critical raw materials Ge, Sb, barite and fluorite, several of the investigated mine waste seem to be of potential economic interest. But elements like Pb, Zn (both in the wt% range) or Ag (>100 mg/kg) are also promising with regard to reprocessing in some of the investigated districts. From an environmental point of view, Pb, Zn, As, Cd, Sb und Tl are of concern regarding their concentration and leachability. Both, the content and potential mobility largely depend on the ore type, the period of extraction and the processing technique applied. We think that extracting raw materials from mine residues has the advantage of gaining metals locally and giving back space to nature and society at the same time. Topics: 1.14 Secondary raw materials: Geoscientific approaches to enable a circular economy
Slags from DRI-EAF steel making – a case study on upcoming by-products from the decarbonized steel industry 1FEhS Institut für Baustoff-Forschung e.V., Germany; 2ArcelorMittal Eisenhüttenstadt Recycling GmbH Due to the Green Deal proposed by the European Union, several industry sectors in Europe are forced to change the production techniques towards a zero-carbon dioxide emission until 2050. For the steel industry the substitution of fossil fuel, used in the blast furnace (BF), by hydrogen as reduction agent relates to the introduction of new technologies and aggregates. Nowadays, only a small amount of shaft furnaces using natural gas for reduction of iron ores to produce direct reduced iron (DRI). However, this combination is one of the favoured future hydrogen operated routes of alternative steel making in the European Union. The crude steel is, thereby, produced from solid DRI together with scrap molten within the electric arc furnace (EAF). Thus, the minor and trace element composition of the produced EAF slags is directly inherited from the input materials because no density driven phases separation takes place in the DRI which is one major difference to the traditional BF route. Here we present the results of mineralogical, chemical as well as construction technological investigations carried out on one exemplary slag from the EAF route were app. 2/3 of the input material was sponge iron. The main emphasis of the presented study lies on the ongoing applicability of the EAF slags produced in the future as secondary product in the context of steel industry feature the planned reduction of carbon dioxide emissions. Topics: 1.14 Secondary raw materials: Geoscientific approaches to enable a circular economy
Production of an alite-rich material from reduced basic oxygen furnace slags 1Bundesanstalt für Materialforschung und –prüfung (BAM); 2Technische Universität Berlin Basic oxygen furnace slag (BOFS) is a by-product of steelmaking of which about 10.4 Mt are produced annually in the EU. BOFS is mostly used in road construction, earthwork and hydraulic engineering. However, in this use, the iron bound in BOFS is lost and the opportunity to produce higher value products from BOFS is forgone. In recent decades, many researchers have investigated the production of both Portland cement clinker and crude iron from BOFS via a thermochemical reductive treatment. The reductive treatment of liquid BOFS causes a reduction of iron oxides to metallic iron, which separates from the mineral phase due to its higher density and can be recovered. An advantage of this process is that simultaneously the chemical composition of the reduced BOFS is adapted to that of Portland cement clinker and the hydraulic reactive mineral alite (Ca3SiO5) is formed. In this study, German BOFS was reduced in a small-scale electric arc furnace and a low-iron mineral product rich in alite was produced. Despite a chemical and mineralogical composition similar to that of Portland cement clinker, the reduced BOFS produced less heat of hydration, and its reaction was delayed compared to Portland cement. However, adding gypsum accelerated the hydration rate of the reduced BOFS. Further research to improve the hydraulic properties of the reduced BOFS is essential. If successful, the production of a hydraulic material and crude iron from BOFS could have economic and ecological benefits for both the cement and steel industry. Topics: 1.14 Secondary raw materials: Geoscientific approaches to enable a circular economy
Pure brick sand from Construction and Demolition Waste (CDW) through magnetic sorting Weimar Institute of Applied Construction Research, Germany In the processing of construction and demolition waste (CDW), the sorting of the delivered mixtures is one of the decisive process steps in order to produce pure recyclates, which can be used, for example, as a cement substitute or as a raw material component for the brick production. A previously unused method for the separation of fine brick particles as sand utilises rare-earth magnets. This method is based on differences in magnetic susceptibility, which have been confirmed by measurements on bricks and concretes. Sorting tests carried out using a roll magnetic separator with a field strength of 1,4 Tesla at a belt thickness of 0,7 mm confirmed the separability of brick-concrete-mixtures and provided insights into the most important influencing variables. In addition to manual sorting the quantification of the contents of concrete or brick in the magnetic and non-magnetic fractions was determined with laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS) and artificial intelligence-based optical quality assurance. Thus, in addition to the proof of seperability, a first step to faster ways for quality control has been accomplished. |
10:00am - 11:15am | 1.10-1 Lithiumresources Location: Wiwi 101 Session Chair: Jochen Kolb, KIT Session Chair: André Stechern, Bundesanstalt für Geowissenschaften und Rohstoffe (BGR) |
10:00am - 10:30am
Invited Session Keynote Topics: 1.10 Lithiumresources Challenges and opportunities for lithium extraction from geothermal systems in Germany Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany The growing lithium demand and the dependence on poorly diversified oversea sources point towards a high strategic importance of domestic resources. Furthermore, potentially lower CO2 emissions and reduced areal use during production favor local co-production of geothermal energy and lithium. Based on a technology comparison for direct lithium extraction from geothermal fluids and the current state of geothermal energy production in Germany, different scenarios for the extractable amount of lithium carbonate were considered. In the most optimistic scenario, taking into account all currently active wells, a maximum production of 4700 t/a of lithium carbonate equivalent is expected. This could cover 2 – 13% of the annual demand of the planned German battery cell production. Uncertainties in the resource assessment regarding its size, and the sustainability of its management, are still considerable. Yet a full-scale Li extraction from geothermal brines is missing and thus long-time behavior is not clear. For this purpose, a generical model, based on Upper Rhine Graben geothermal settings was developed, and a Li extraction over a 30-year operation time was simulated. Despite a significant Li depletion, a mean Li production of 231 t/a (1230 t/a LCE) is achieved, for a current state-of-the-art geothermal power plant. This could significantly increase the economics of a geothermal power plant as well as, if transferred to several plants, a partly independency from global imports. The strongest influence on productivity is the achievable flow rate, which provides access to the raw material, highlighting the importance of good geological reservoir exploration and development. 10:45am - 11:00am
Topics: 1.10 Lithiumresources The highly saline lithium-rich brines in the Muschelkalk aquifer of the Molasse basin in SW-Germany: a future geothermal lithium play? 1Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), Germany; 2University of Freiburg, Germany; 3Vulcan Energy Subsurface Solutions GmbH, Germany Highly saline lithium-rich hydrothermal fluids occur in the deep calcareous Muschelkalk aquifer of the northern Alpine foreland basin. We have combined geologic, hydraulic, hydrochemical, and stress field data of the Triassic Muschelkalk aquifer beneath sediments of the Molasse basin of SW-Germany for a synthesis to constrain the origin and development of these brines. In contrast to the regional southeast plunge of Mesozoic and Cenozoic strata, low gradient groundwater flow in the Upper Muschelkalk aquifer is to the north, induced by regional recharge from west, south, and east. North trending maximum horizontal stress axes might provide development of fracture permeability in the competent carbonates of the Upper Muschelkalk aquifer for northward flow. The highest lithium concentrations and total dissolved solids (TDS) can be found in the southeastern parts of the Muschelkalk aquifer, close to the Vindelician High, whereas during northward transport TDS and lithium concentrations are increasingly diluted. We argue that the highly saline lithium-rich fluids originate from fluid-rock interaction of meteoric water with Variscan crystalline basement rocks and entered the Muschelkalk aquifer by permeable faults and fractures. The marginal calcareous sand-rich facies of the Muschelkalk enables the inflow of brines from crystalline basement faults and fractures into the aquifer. We thus argue for an external origin of these brines into the aquifer. Potentials are considered as 100±25 t Li/yr per well. 11:00am - 11:15am
Topics: 1.10 Lithiumresources Interactive web-based platform for efficient water management in the lithium mining industry based on FEFLOW and MIKE Operations DHI WASY GmbH, Germany Lithium mining operations based on direct lithium extraction from brines often use groundwater models such as FEFLOW or MODFLOW for their resource estimation, especially as the amount of extractable lithium (or LCE) depends on how much water can be extracted by pumping wells. At the same time the environmental impact of the pumping (e.g., drawdown) and in some cases the injection (e.g., dilution) needs to be assessed, also using groundwater models. To effectively use the groundwater models for the mining operation, they should directly be connected to measured data, such as water level data, pumping rates, lithium concentration, to constantly reconcile the measured data with the predictive models. Furthermore, the groundwater model should not be a “black box” that can only be used by specialists, but be interactive and accessible by the mine operators, to run and analyze different mine plan scenarios themselves. Therefore, an interactive web-based platform was developed based on FEFLOW and MIKE Operations. With the platform the user can, in a simple way, create new groundwater model scenarios by changing pumping rates or adding additional pumping wells, without having to open the software GUI. The model will then run automatically in the Cloud and the results are shown in an interactive map view and dashboard. At the same time the system includes all relevant monitoring and operational data, to easily compare the model data with the monitoring data. This way the lithium mining operator has the necessary tools and data in one place to make effective decisions. |
10:00am - 11:15am | - Location: Wiwi 104 |
10:00am - 11:15am | - Location: Wiwi 104a |
10:00am - 11:15am | 3.30 Recent advances in geoscientific investigations of the ocean floor Location: Wiwi 105 Session Chair: Gerhard Bohrmann, University of Bremen |
10:00am - 10:30am
Invited Session Keynote Topics: 3.30 Recent advances in geoscientific investigations of the ocean floor The impacts and legacy of the 2022 eruption of Hunga Volcano, Kingdom of Tonga 1National Oceanography Centre, United Kingdom; 2NIWA, Aotearoa New Zealand; 3Durham University, UK; 4University of Auckland, Aotearoa New Zealand; 5Auckland University of Technology, Aotearoa New Zealand; 6Ministry of Lands and Natural Resources, Kingdom of Tonga; 7British Geological Survey, UK; 8GNS Science, Aotearoa New Zealand; 9GEOMAR Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel, Germany The climax of the 2021-2022 eruption of Hunga Volcano (also called Hunga Tonga – Hunga Ha’apai) on the 15th January 2022 was the most explosive volcanic eruption this century. The eruption generated pressure waves that travelled around the planet multiple times, ash clouds that reached the mesosphere, tsunamis with run-ups over 10 m and severed the subsea telecommunication cables that connected the Kingdom of Tonga to the rest of the world. Hunga Volcano, 70 km offshore from Tongatapu, is an almost entirely submerged caldera volcano. The 2023 eruption was the most explosive in recent history, and resulted in substantial modification to the seafloor. By comparing bathymetric datasets from before the eruption with datasets acquired by this team and autonomous vehicles in the months immediately after the event, we are able to identify the impacts of the eruption on the seafloor and the processes that caused the damage to the cables and, by combining this with auxiliary datasets, provide new constraints on the speed and dynamics of volcanic triggered submarine flows. The eruption deepened the caldera floor by 800 m, with a loss of > 6 km3 of material, while high energy submarine density flows, focussed into gullies, caused upwards of 90 m of erosion higher up the flanks and deposited large lobes of material at the bases of them. These flows travelled hundreds of kilometres from the volcano at some of the fastest speeds ever measured for submarine density flows and were responsible for the damage to the subsea cables. 10:30am - 10:45am
Topics: 3.30 Recent advances in geoscientific investigations of the ocean floor Venting induced by magma-sediment interaction at Jøtul field – first discovery of hydrothermal seafloor venting along the 500-km-long Knipovich spreading ridge 1Faculty of Geosciences, University of Bremen, Germany; 2MARUM - Center for Marine Environmental Sciences, University of Bremen, Germany; 3Norwegian Petroleum Directorate, Stavanger, Norway During expedition MSM109 in July 2022, a new hydrothermal vent field was discovered, which is the first active field found along the 500-km-long ultra-slow spreading Knipovich Ridge. The so-called Jøtul hydrothermal field is not located on an axial volcanic ridge (AVR) but is associated with the eastern bounding fault of the rift valley. A hydrothermal plume with methane concentrations between 100-1000 nmol/L emits hot fluids into the water column above the hydrothermal field, and is being drifted north with the bottom current. These high methane emissions are likely related to interactions between magmatic intrusions and sediments of the Svalbard continental slope produce unusually high release of thermogenic methane. Further investigations during MSM109 using ROV Quest show a wide variety of fluid escape sites such as diffusive venting from sediments, as well as seepage from joints and cracks within igneous rocks. Additionally, new inactive and active mounds with abundant hydrothermal precipitates and chemosynthetic organisms were discovered. Fluids were sampled from an active black smoker emitting fluids with temperatures > 316°C, and from three other sites with venting temperatures between 8°C and 272°C. The fluids are characterized by high methane, carbon dioxide, and ammonium concentrations, as well as high 87Sr/86Sr isotope ratios, indicating a strong interaction of the fluids with sediments from the continental margin of Svalbard. Locations with such intense magma/sediment interactions are of particular importance for the carbon cycle, and a focus of the Bremen Cluster of Excellence "The Ocean Floor – Earth’s Uncharted Interface". 10:45am - 11:00am
Topics: 3.30 Recent advances in geoscientific investigations of the ocean floor Similarities of the Scotia and Caribbean Plates: Implications for a common plate tectonic history?! 1University of Greifswald, Germany; 2University of Bremen, MARUM/Geoscience department, Germany The active volcanic arcs of the Scotia- and Caribbean Plate are two prominent features along the otherwise passive margins of the Atlantic Ocean, where subduction of oceanic crust is verifiable. Both arcs have been important oceanic gateways during their formation. Trapped between the large continental plates of North- and South America, as well as Antarctica, the significantly smaller oceanic plates show striking similarities in size, shape, plate margins and morphology, although formed at different times and locations during Earth’s history. Structural analyses of the seafloor are based on bathymetric datasets by multibeam-echosounders, including data of GMRT, AWI, BAS, MARUM/Uni-Bremen, Geomar/Uni-Kiel and Uni-Hamburg. Bathymetric data were processed to create maps of ocean floor morphology with resolution of 150-250 meters in accuracy. The Benthic Terrain Modeler 3.0, amongst other GIS based tools, was utilized to analyse the geomorphometry of both plates. Furthermore, we used bathymetric datasets for three-dimensional modelling of the seafloor to examine large-scale-structures in more detail. The modelling of ship-based bathymetric datasets, in combination with the GEBCO 2014 global 30 arc-second grid, included in the GMRT bathymetric database, delivered detailed bathymetric maps of both areas. With the help of the fine- and broad-scale bathymetric position index, we present the first detailed interpretation of combined bathymetric datasets of the entire Caribbean, the Scotia Sea and adjacent areas, such as the South Sandwich Plate. We identified typical morphological features of the abyss, based on determination of steep and broad slopes, ridges, boulders, flat plains, flat ridge tops and depressions in various scales. 11:00am - 11:15am
Topics: 3.30 Recent advances in geoscientific investigations of the ocean floor Hidden periodic states in gas hydrate systems causing spontaneous gas release without external triggers 1MARUM, University of Bremen, Germany; 2University of Malta, Msida, Malta Natural marine gas hydrate deposits are one of the largest solid carbon-sequestrated reservoirs on Earth. Here we show that, remarkably, over 80 percent of all natural hydrate-bearing systems exhibit stable periodicity (i.e. periodic growth and dissolution of massive gas hydrate layers) without any external forcing such as the bottom water warming or sea level fluctuations. This stable periodicity is the manifest of the intrinsic gas hydrate system dynamics related to a complex, kinetically controlled interplay between three phases, e.g. the free gas, solid gas hydrate, and methane-saturated pore fluids. Our results state that, globally, periodic (cyclic) states are present for wide range of marine sediment type and sedimentation regimes and the length of each cycle can last from tens to hundreds of thousands of years with cyclic variations in gas hydrate concentration from 20 vol. % to 60 vol. %. Each cycle is also associated with periodic release of the free methane gas in large quantities without the presence of any external forcing. The apparent existence of the periodic states has profound implications setting hard limits on hydrate predictability and implies a systematic source of uncertainty embedded within hydrate dynamics. Moreover, the anthropogenic climate perturbations may overprint the natural gas hydrate cycle and push formerly stable hydrate reservoirs to new periodic states with large p-T-s fluctuations, thereby significantly increasing the risks of uncontrolled gas escape and geomechanical failures, or formerly periodic states towards chaotic states, making long-term predictions extremely challenging. |
10:00am - 11:15am | 4.10-1 Geoscience Education Research - What do we Know About Learning and Teaching geosciences? Location: Wiwi 107 Session Chair: Sylke Hlawatsch, Richard Hallmann Schule Session Chair: Dirk Felzmann, Rheinland-Pfälzische Technische Universität Kaiserslautern-Landau |
10:00am - 10:30am
Invited Session Keynote Topics: 4.10 Geoscience Education Research - What do we Know About Learning and Teaching geosciences? Earth systems education - Four decades of Research-Development-Implementation Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel This presentation describes the milestones of four decades of Earth Science Education (ESE) research. It will describe the evolution of the ESE Group in the Department of Science Teaching at the Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel. This evolution is derived from dozens of quantitative and qualitative studies and channeled into the holistic earth systems educational approach that incorporates integration of the outdoor learning environment as a central component of the learning sequence, a model for the integration of learning environments, the development of environmental insight through a holistic earth systems approach; development of a layered systems thinking model; and the notion of learning as an instinct. Integration of these components led to the development of the learning instinct theory, which contradicts the essentialist–reductionist paradigm, which still dominates universities and schools worldwide. The holistic Earth systems approach is an effective platform for developing environmental insight. However, the low status of ESE in schools worldwide prevents the educational treatment needed to reduce environmental crises. Thus, climate change is an educational crisis. It results from the continuing failure of the environmental education paradigm that ignores the Earth systems and environmental insight approach. The climate crisis should have been a turning point in raising the awareness of Earth Sciences as a scientific discipline and the importance of raising the profile of Earth science teaching in schools. The academic geoscience community is a keystone for bridging the disturbing gap between the importance of Earth science to humanity and its low profile in schools worldwide. 10:30am - 10:45am
Topics: 4.10 Geoscience Education Research - What do we Know About Learning and Teaching geosciences? State of the Art: Summary of the geoscientific content in German curricula 1EIfER European Institute for Energy Research, Germany; 2Dachverband der Geowissenschaften; 3Richard Hallmann Schule We analyzed the curricula of the natural science teaching subjects of all federal states in Germany regarding their geoscientific content. With this information we can better address the demand of teacher trainings and provide the corresponding geoscientific topics. We can also approach the ministries of education to develop geoscience curricula for all 16 federal states as well as the national Kultusministerkonferenz (KMK) in order to include geoscience education in standards for education and teacher training. To provide a quantitative evaluation, we compared the German curricula with the International Geoscience Syllabus (IGS) and developed a classification scheme. The higher the ranking, the larger is the combability with the IGS which can be regarded as a good standard. Classification criteria are geoscientific content, education time, interdisciplinary relation to other subjects, application examples, experiments, level of guidance and grade. The curricula in Germany are highly heterogeneous, both in their content and their level of description. Geoscience school syllabuses are available for upper secondary schools (SEKII) in Baden-Württemberg and Bayern. In these states also the teacher education and trainings have been organized during the past years. Need of improvement is especially seen for Hamburg and Niedersachsen where we found hardly any geoscientific references and also the description of the curricula is very poor. 10:45am - 11:00am
Topics: 4.10 Geoscience Education Research - What do we Know About Learning and Teaching geosciences? Strategies for Developing Student Geoscience Identity Southern Illinois University Edwardsville, United States of America Countries around the world are reporting a decline in student interest in geoscience careers, even as the need for trained geoscientists who can help solve global challenges in sustainability is becoming more urgent. This “geoscience crisis” is attributed to learners’ insufficient exposure to geosciences in the school curriculum, resulting from both lack of content and low teacher confidence in geoscience topics. Our team developed and studied an extracurricular programme of field excursions and mentored research to increase geoscience career interest among students who were in their first or second year of university but had not yet chosen their degree programme. Using the conceptual framework of social influence, the research team employed longitudinal surveys and interviews to examine geoscience identity and sense of belonging in the geosciences. The results showed that the programme had positive outcomes, with student geoscience identity emerging or increasing as students progressed. Field excursions led by an interdisciplinary faculty team were the pivotal component for increasing students’ belief that they could become a geoscientist and for enhancing student awareness of the importance of geosciences to society. The project affirms the critical need to increase teacher knowledge and skills to teach earth system science in field settings at primary and secondary level, well in advance of students choosing their university major. Field trip design should include activities that ask students to apply geoscience understandings to future Earth scenarios. This teaching approach reinforces for students that the geoscience profession has a role in our sustainable future. |
10:00am - 11:15am | 4.07 Data-driven digital twins of the subsurface and their applications Location: Wiwi 108 Session Chair: Mikhail Tsypin, GFZ Session Chair: Judith Bott, GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences Session Chair: Ajay Kumar, GFZ Potsdam Session Chair: Magdalena Scheck-Wenderoth, GFZ Potsdam |
10:00am - 10:30am
Invited Session Keynote Topics: 4.07 Data-driven digital twins of the subsurface and their applications The LOOP Project: towards multi-scale digital twins of geology? 1Monash University, Australia; 2University of Western Australia, Australia To support a socially-licensed greener future, one of the biggest challenges of the next decade is to improve our ability to predict subsurface geology. For example, the mine of the future must have a reduced footprint and economic, socially-accepted mineral resource discoveries will depend on how well we are able to characterise the subsurface geology. This requires the ability to probabilistically forecast sub-surface geology, allowing for rapid model updates. We present the current state of the Loop project, an open-source interoperable, integrative, probabilistic 3D geological modelling platform. Map2loop is a library that automatically extracts geological information from maps and generates parameters for the modelling library. In LoopStructural, we have defined a parameterisation of 3D geological models in a forward modelling sense. LoopStructural is based on the concept of the structural frame: a coordinate system defined for each object (faults, intrusions) or geological events (folding). These coordinate systems consist of 3 perpendicular scalar fields that are interpolated and fitted to data in 3D and then combined according to the geological history. The structural frames are conformable conformable to layering throughout the models. We present the concept for LoopResources, our proposed property modelling library. Using this deformed cartesian coordinate system, we propose to adapt geostatistical and interpolation methods to curvilinear coordinate systems using classical XYZ-UVW transformations. This will ensure that lithological anisotropies are enforced during resource estimation and property modelling to provide better digital twins of the subsurface and characterise geological uncertainty throughout the entire workflow. 10:30am - 10:45am
Topics: 4.07 Data-driven digital twins of the subsurface and their applications Using structural frames to build complex 3D geological models in LoopStructural 1Monash University, Australia; 2University of Orleans In order to transition to more sustainable technologies, we as society need to improve our ability to find and manage natural resources. One of the biggest challenges for managing natural resources is our ability to characterise the subsurface distribution of geological objects including mineralisation, structures and stratigraphy. Standard approaches for quantifying the geometries of these objects interpolate these geometries using mathematical interpolation techniques which generally cannot incorporate geological rules and knowledge. Here we use a time aware modelling approach where the most recent geological feature is modelled first. The geometry of the first feature is then used to build a structural frame, a curvilinear coordinate system aligned the geometry of the feature for example capturing the fault surface and slip direction or fold axis and axial surface. The structural frame can then be used as a reference frame and combined with a conceptual model conditioned to geological observations to model the geometry of the older geological features. Using appropriate overprinting relationships and geological rules it is possible to combine multiple structural frames to characterise complicated geological objects for example refolded folds, overprinting fault networks and duplex faults. We demonstrate the application of structural frame to modelling folds, faults and intrusions with different case studies demonstrating how incorporating the structural frames allow for geologists to use models to test geological hypotheses to further understand subsurface geometries. 10:45am - 11:00am
Topics: 4.07 Data-driven digital twins of the subsurface and their applications Linking Coseismic Groundwater Elevation Changes to Stress and Pore Pressure Evolution through 2D Hydro-Mechanical Coupled Dynamic Distinct Element Modelling 1DynaFrax UG haftungsbeschränkt, Germany; 2Beijing University of Technology, China; 3Korea Radioactive Waste Agency, South Korea Coseismic responses in groundwater level have often been observed following earthquakes worldwide. These responses have often been attributed to coseismic static and dynamic changes in volumetric strain and pore pressure, caused by slip on the ruptured fault. On 12. September 2016, the ML 5.8 Gyeongju earthquake ruptured a branch of the Yangsan fault network in southeastern Korea, triggering hydrological responses near the mainshock epicenter. To better understand the connection between volumetric strain, pore pressure and groundwater level (GWT) levels, we developed a hydro-mechanical coupled dynamic distinct element model (dyn-DEM) to simulate the Gyeongju earthquake rupture process and subsequent fluid pressure response, using 2D Particle Flow Code v7. The rock mass was modeled using an assembly of circular particles, bonded to each other by contacts with the potential to break, collectively simulating the hydro-mechanical effects of a seismic event upon application of an in-situ stress field. The hydraulic fracture process was represented by a pipe network model, where fluid flow was simulated through a network of flow channels which connected pore spaces storing fluid volume and pressure. During the simulation, the finite volume method was used to solve for the pore pressure evolution due to poroelastic effect. Overall, we observed a positive correlation between coseismic GWT level changes near the Gyeongju earthquake epicenter and modeled stress and pore pressure changes. This result supports the use of hydro-mechanical coupled dyn-DEM in reliably quantifying changes in the stress and pore pressure fields throughout the dynamic rupture process of a simulated seismic event. |
11:15am - 11:30am | Break Location: Foyer (Henry Ford Building) |
11:30am - 1:00pm | Plenary Discussion: Should we colonize Mars (or the Moon)? Location: Audimax Session Chair: Lena Noack, Freie Universität Berlin Session Chair: Georg Feulner, PIK No other planet seems to be in such demand as Mars - but why, actually? Out of curiosity if there is or once was life there? As a "plan b" for humanity? What plans do actually currently exist on how to use Mars? And can the Moon serve as a new gateway to the Solar System? Where can we specifically mine raw materials or even establish colonies? And should we? Which scientific, political or ethical restrictions need to be considered when talking about "using" or colonizing Mars or the Moon?
This panel discussion brings together experts from different disciplines that will add arguments both pro and con these various aspects of going to Mars or the Moon. |
1:00pm - 2:00pm | FS Geodidaktik Treffen Location: Wiwi 103 Session Chair: Sylke Hlawatsch, Richard Hallmann Schule Session Chair: Dirk Felzmann, Rheinland-Pfälzische Technische Universität Kaiserslautern-Landau |
1:00pm - 2:00pm | Lunch Break | Exhibition and CO2-Live Injection Event @ Wintershall Dea Booth Location: Foyer (Henry Ford Building) |
2:00pm - 3:30pm | 3.21-1 Tectonic Systems - TSK Open Session Location: Hall A (HFB) Session Chair: Armin Dielforder, Leibniz Universität Hannover Session Chair: Michael Stipp, Martin-Luther-Universität |
2:00pm - 2:30pm
Invited Session Keynote Topics: 3.21 Tectonic Systems - TSK Open Session Sedimentary basins: Fingerprinting the lithospheric-scale processes Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Institute of Applied Geosciences, Karlsruhe, Germany This talk focuses on disentangling the signatures of the lithospheric scale processes such as slab break-off and/or tearing within the sedimentary basin architecture. Sedimentary basins are sensitive recorders of the interplay between dynamic processes controlling the deformation of the lithosphere, climate and sea-level variations. Variations in sedimentary succession, recorded as variable grading, thickening and/or depositional trends across the basin or series of basins, are often attributed to a wide range of lithospheric-scale processes. This cause-and-effect relationship is based on deductive reasoning and so far, a direct link and quantitative assessment of the effect of these processes on the basin(s) architecture are missing. The inversion of basin fill data to derive the dominant mechanism responsible for the observed basin architecture is complicated by incomplete preservation in the geological record or sparseness in data coverage. Furthermore, many processes may have operated coevally or at different spatiotemporal scales or at different amplitudes, making retrieving the information challenging. Therefore, to distinguish slab break-off and/or tearing-induced signals within sedimentary basins from other signals (e.g., climate, sea level variations) an interdisciplinary approach is needed. In this talk, field observations and results of 3D geodynamic and stratigraphic numerical models inspired by the Molasse Basin and Dinaridic Lake System are combined to understand the set of parameters leading to the preservation of these signals in sedimentary records. 2:30pm - 2:45pm
Topics: 3.21 Tectonic Systems - TSK Open Session The Importance of Rift Inheritance in Understanding the Early Collisional Evolution of the Western Alps 1University of Strasbourg, CNRS, ITES UMR 7063, F-67084 Strasbourg, France; 2Institute of Earth Sciences and Georesources, National Research Council (IGG-CNR), 56124 Torino, Italy We reassess the architecture and tectonic history of the Western Alps based on recent knowledge developed at rifted margins. First, we replace the main Alpine units of our study area into a synthetic rifted margin template based on diagnostic petrologic, stratigraphic, and structural criteria. We find that some units previously attributed to the internal part of the thick-crusted Briançonnais domain may rather derive from the thin-crusted Prepiemonte hyperextended domain. We assert that the Briançonnais and Prepiemonte domains were separated by a mega-fault scarp. Second, we revisit the Paleogeography of the Alpine Tethys, suggesting that the Briançonnais was a ribbon of little thinned continental crust between two overstepping en-échelon rift basins, namely the Valais domain to the northwest and the Piemonte domain to the southeast. We affirm that this uneven-margin architecture can explain most of the Western Alps’ complexity. In our kinematic model, convergence between Adria and Europe was mainly accommodated by strike-slip movements in the Western Alps until the late Eocene. Orogeny began with the reactivation of the mega-fault scarp between the Briançonnais and Prepiemonte domains, which we name Prepiemonte Basal Thrust. Once hard collision started, the main shortening stepped inboard into the Valais/Subbriançonnais domain along the Penninic Basal Thrust. 2:45pm - 3:00pm
Topics: 3.21 Tectonic Systems - TSK Open Session The Cadomian Orogeny in the northern Bohemian Massif – geochronology, basin development, crustal growth, and geotectonic setting 1Senckenberg Naturhistorische Sammlungen Dresden, Germany; 2Institut für Geowissenschaften, Goethe-Universität Frankfurt, Germany During Ediacaran to earliest Cambrian times, the Cadomian Orogen formed a system of magmatic arcs and marginal basins at the northern periphery of the Gondwana supercontinent. The orogenic belt was structured in the geotectonic style of the recent western Pacific. The Saxo-Thuringian Zone forms part of the northern Bohemian Massif and contains a number of good preserved fragments derived from the peri-Gondwanan Cadomian Orogen (e.g. the Schwarzburg Antiform, the Lausitz Block, the Eastern Sudetes). Here, we present a massive dataset of LA ICP-MS U-Pb ages and Hf-isotopes from detrital and magmatic zircon of sedimentary and igneous rocks from these areas. Sedimentary rocks are represented by arc-derived greywacke and mudstone turbidites in a back-arc and retro-arc setting. Further, glacio-marine diamictites and high-mature quartzites display passive margin deposits situated more proximate to the cratonic hinterland. U-Pb ages of detrital zircon form populations, which point to a West African hinterland during the time of deposition. The stratigraphic age of the basin fillings is bracketed between the maximum depositional age of the sedimentary rocks at c. 560 Ma and the age of intrusion of c. 539 Ma old granodiorite plutons, which intruded the isoclinal deformed greywacke-mudstone deposits of the marginal basins in the Cadomian orogenic system. The Cadomian crustal evolution is dominated by the recycling of continental crust from the West African hinterland as suggested by the dominance of zircons with negative εHf values. Juvenile arc magmas became contaminated by the recycling of Eburnian and Archaean crust during long Cadomian magmatic arc activity. 3:00pm - 3:15pm
Topics: 3.21 Tectonic Systems - TSK Open Session Zircon U-Pb-Hf isotope systematics of southern Black Forest gneiss units (Germany) – implications for the Pre-Variscan evolution of Central Europe 1KIT, Germany; 2FIERCE, Frankfurt, Germany We present the first systematic U-Pb-Hf isotope data of detrital zircon grains from gneiss units of the southern Black Forest, preserving different stages of the pre-, syn- and post-Cadomian evolution. Protoliths of Murgtal metagreywackes were deposited during the Ediacarian at <550 Ma and sourced from the Avalonian-Cadomian Belt (550-700 Ma; ~70%) and Sahara Metacraton (760-1045 Ma, 1850-2250 Ma, 2720-3230 Ma; ~30%). In contrast, metasedimentary rocks of the Wiese-Wehra and Todtmoos gneiss units reveal late Devonian depositional ages at <370 Ma, but in different geotectonic settings. Wiese-Wehra metagreywackes provide evidence for the existence of pre-Cadomian oceanic crust formed at 610 Ma (εHft = +5 to +8), accreted to the Cadomian Belt at ca. 540 Ma, and successively reworked between 490 and 430 Ma (εHft = +1 to +6). Finally, these rocks became part of an early Variscan arc-back arc system with juvenile input at 370 Ma (εHft = 0 to +10). Todtmoos metaarkoses mainly reflect subduction-related magmatism at 490-420 Ma (~88%), and at 380 Ma (~10%) in an evolved continental arc setting (εHft = -2 to -8). In combination, existing data from the Black Forest and other basement units throughout Europe provide evidence for the amalgamation of pre-Cadomian juvenile terranes along the northern margin of Gondwana until 540 Ma, followed by a complex rift history, accompanied by subduction between 500 and 400 Ma. They further point to the existence of an oceanic arc-back arc system, which has been located south of the Armorican terrane assemblage at 380-365 Ma. 3:15pm - 3:30pm
Topics: 3.21 Tectonic Systems - TSK Open Session Microstructures and absolute ages of brittle structures in the Weschnitz Pluton (Southern Odenwald, Germany) 1BGR Hannover, Germany; 2FIERCE-Lab, Goethe University Frankfurt, Germany; 3Institute for Geosciences, Goethe University Frankfurt, Germany We present new microstructural evidence and geochronological data from brittle structures sampled in an active quarry located in the Weschnitz Pluton in the southern Odenwald Crystalline Complex (OCC). Open joints and fractures are the primary pathway for fluids in crystalline rock and thus crucial in the utilization of crystalline formations for geothermal energy and long term nuclear storage. |
2:00pm - 3:30pm | 3.14-2 Applied stratigraphy of Central European basins Location: Hall B (HFB) Session Chair: Markus Wilmsen, Senckenberg Naturhistorische Sammlungen Dresden |
2:00pm - 2:15pm
Topics: 3.14 Applied stratigraphy of Central European basins Sedimentology and sequence stratigraphy of the lower Aalenian Opalinuston Formation from southern Germany 1Bundesanstalt für Geowissenschaften und Rohstoffe (BGR), Hannover, Germany; 2Landesamt für Bergbau, Energie und Geologie (LBEG), Hannover, Germany Aalenian sedimentary deposits in southern Germany have accumulated in a shallow-marine, epicontinental shelf environment. These accumulations are dominated by thick claystones and argillaceous siltstones, with increasing percentages of sandstones towards the top. Aalenian sediments are likely to represent a relatively complete stratigraphic record, however, the sedimentary evolution and paleoclimatic significance of these typically poorly exposed deposits remain largely unexplored. Here we present a suite of high-resolution x-ray fluorescence (XRF) core scanning data from southern Germany to identify Transgressive-Regressive cycles during the Aalenian stage. Results are based on three scientific drill cores of 200 – 250 m length that have been analyzed with an Avaatech XRF Core Scanner at a 10 mm sampling interval (10 keV, 500 µA). Resulting trends in elemental Si/Al ratios, which are indicative for subtle grain-size variations, combined with sedimentological observations on ichnofacies and bedform development were used to reconstruct shoreline trajectories and establish a sequence stratigraphic framework for the thick and largely homogenous lower Aalenian Opalinuston Formation. 2:15pm - 2:30pm
Topics: 3.14 Applied stratigraphy of Central European basins Detailed multi-stratigraphic correlation of the continental latest Permian to Middle Triassic across Central Europe BGR, Germany In Central Europe, the about 1 km thick Buntsandstein was deposited in the large intracratonic Central European Basin (CEB). The Buntsandstein sedimentary succession displays a striking cyclicity of varying magnitude. The most obvious cycle is the 10 to 20 m thick small-scale cycle (wet-dry cycle) that is ascribed to changes in lake level (base-level) and assumed to be controlled by astronomical forcing of climate. Combined with wireline logs, these cycles can be mapped over large parts of the Central European Basin providing a high-resolution cyclostratigraphic framework. Hence, the cycles represent basin-wide events. The isochronous character of this framework has been proven by magneto- and biostratigraphic means. The detailed magnetostratigraphy spans the upper Zechstein to lowermost Muschelkalk. Compared with available radioisotopic ages for the base and top of the marine Early Triassic, a Buntsandstein duration of about 6 Ma is derived. Within the more central part of the CEB, the synchronous character of the cyclostratigraphic framework has been proven by magnetostratigraphic and biostratigraphic means. Based on an integrated comparison, radioisotopic ages obtained from Tethyan sections, have been referred successfully to the Buntsandstein cyclostratigraphy, substantiating the hypothesis that the pronounced small-scale cycles correspond to solar-induced ~100 ka eccentricity cycles. Hence, the duration of the Buntsandstein has been calculated to span some 6 Ma. The Buntsandstein cyclostratigraphy offers good potential to constructing a reliable astronomically calibrated Early Triassic geomagnetic polarity timescale. 2:30pm - 2:45pm
Topics: 3.14 Applied stratigraphy of Central European basins Time indications in the Rotliegend and the Permian ‘Pangaea Gap’ Helmholtz-Zentrum Potsdam, Deutsches GeoForschungsZentrum GFZ Time indications in the Rotliegend Group of Germany are integrated and presented in a new way (Menning et al. 2022, ZDDG 173: 3–139). (1) U-Pb CA-ID-TIMS radio-isotopic age determinations from the Thüringer Wald (Lützner et al. 2021, Int. J. Earth Sci.), (2) the recalculated Rb-Sr age for the Donnersberg-Formation of the Saar-Nahe Basin (Menning et al. 2022) utilizing the recently revised 87Rb decay constant (Villa et al. 2016, Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta), (3) the newly calculated mean age for the U-Pb SHRIMP data of Breitkreuz & Kennedy (1999, Tectonophysics) of 298.6 ± 1.9 Ma for the Central European Basin (CEB), which reduces the time span for the Altmark Subgroup volcanic succession from 302–290 Ma to ≈ 300.5–296.5 Ma, (4) the Re-Os age of 257.3 ± 1.1 Ma for the Kupferschiefer (base Zechstein Group), (5) the age of ≈ 265 Ma of the Illawarra Reversal of the Earth´ magnetic field, and (6) highly different palaeomagnetic properties of the sediments of the underlying Müritz Subgroup and the hanging Havel Subgroup are significant evidence for an extensive stratigraphic gap or a very gap-rich time span (≈ 295/293.5–266 Ma = Middle Rotliegend). In Central Europe, this gap forms part of the longest Phanerozoic time span without significant marine layers (≈ 311 Ma to ≈ 257.3 Ma = ≈ 54 Ma). The gap is most probably related to the amalgamation and the associated immense uplift of Pangaea in Central and Western Europe and thus termed the ‘Pangaea Gap’. 2:45pm - 3:00pm
Topics: 3.14 Applied stratigraphy of Central European basins Givetian to Tournaisian substages – significance, multi-disciplinary approaches, and GSSP potential in the Rhenish Massif (Germany) 1Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität, Germany; 2Geologischer Dienst NRW The Global Time Scale of the International Commission on Stratigraphy includes subdivisions of systems down to stages but substages can be recognized once all stages are ratified. Devonian substage progress slowed down since the inevitable Pragian/Emsian boundary revision has not yet been achieved. Formal substage definitions are urgent since variable versions are used widely, in different regions, and by different authors. This hampers the precise correlation of climatic changes, sea-level fluctuations, geochemical cycles, rates of evolution, and extinction/radiation events. Precise and unequivocal time-scales are the pre-condition for advances in multidisciplinary Earth System research and geological mapping. Our recent studies led to progress in the case of Givetian to Tournaisian substages, which all shall be placed close to 2nd/3rd order global events, which importance is often hidden by their timing within stages. The future Upper Givetian base shall be placed at the top of the global Taghanic Crises (base of hermanni Zone) while the Lower/Middle Frasnian boundary should coincide with the anoxic Middlesex Event. The best boundary marker, Ancyrodella nodosa, provides correlation with the Alamo Impact of Nevada. Revision of the controversial conodont scale at Martenberg, a potential GSSP, confirmed the semichatovae Transgression (nasuta Subzone) as the best Upper Frasnian base. Other Rhenish sections are suitable for the definitions of the Middle (base marginifera Zone, Beringhauser Tunnel), Upper (Lower Annulata Event, Effenberg), and Uppermost Famennian (e.g. Oese, base ultimus ultimus Zone). The anoxic Lower Alum Shale (base crenulata Zone) should re-define a Middle Tournaisian substage following the classical Belgium chronostratigraphic scale. 3:00pm - 3:15pm
Topics: 3.14 Applied stratigraphy of Central European basins Blocks of fault-bounded imbricate stacks of Devonian limestones, a diagnostic field-criterion for a predominantly tectonic origin of chaotic rock fabrics in the Harz Mountains (Eastern Rhenohercynian Belt, Germany). 1Karl-Marx-Str. 56, 04158 Leipzig; 2Baugrunduntersuchung Naumburg GmbH, Wilhelm-Franke-Str. 11, 06618 Naumburg; 3Smart Asphalt Solutions GmbH, Goethestraße 2, 37120 Bovenden; 4Geowissenschaftliches Zentrum der Universität Göttingen, Strukturgeologie und Geodynamik, Goldschmidtstr. 3, 37077 Göttingen; 5Institut für Geowissenschaften und Geographie, Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg, Von‑Seckendorff‑Platz 3, 06120 Halle The distinction between sedimentary and tectonic processes in the formation of chaotic rock units is especially difficult in orogenic belts, where sedimentary structures are usually strongly overprinted by tectonic deformation (e.g. Fiesta et al. 2019). This also applies to the chaotic rock units, which are widespread in the allochthonous domain of the Harz Mountains. For these units, it has been assumed that their chaotic rock fabric was initially sedimentary in origin and was merely tectonically overprinted by subsequent Variscan deformation (e.g. Schwab & Ehling 2008). In contrast, it could be shown, that tectonic processes were crucial for the formation of the chaotic rock fabric (Friedel et al. 2019). This is particularly evident in the structural characteristics of Devonian limestone blocks. In chaotic units, blocks of (hemi)pelagic condensed limestone of different Devonian age are widely incorporated in a slaty-clayey matrix. So far, the blocks were mostly regarded as olistoliths and thus considered as clear evidence for a sedimentary origin of the chaotic rock units (olistostromes). However, our investigations show that the limestone blocks are fault-bounded, folded and internally imbricated stacks of limestone strata, whose final fragmentation and isolation occurred subsequently to tectonic folding. Such blocks of fault-bounded imbricate stacks of rock strata are a diagnostic field-criterion to identify a strong tectonic overprint or even a tectonic origin of chaotic rock fabrics. Since such blocks are regionally distributed, they support, together with other structural features, a predominantly tectonic origin of these units and argue against widespread submarine mass-flow deposits. References: 3:15pm - 3:30pm
Topics: 3.14 Applied stratigraphy of Central European basins Lithostratigraphic mapping of Palaeozoic units in the northern Rhenish Slate Mountains and the contribution of LithoLex Geological Survey of North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany The Rhenish Slate Mountains are one of the classical outcrop areas for stratigraphic research in Devonian and Carboniferous strata. Lithostratigraphic mapping of German parts of the Rhenish Slate Mountains has been performed systematically for over 100 years starting with a mapping campaign implemented by the Prussian Geological Survey in the 1920s. Today, geological mapping is performed by the Geological Survey of North Rhine-Westphalia and published in an output scale of 1 : 50 000. Results are made available via a modern geodata infrastructure for the use by digital map display. We present sedimentological facies models for the time spans of the Middle to Upper Devonian and the Mississippian. On the one hand the lithostratigraphic lexicon LithoLex is the data source of definitions of lithostratigraphic units and on the other hand results of field mapping are needed to classify lithostratigraphic units that are not yet implemented in the lexicon. Our models can work as links between results of field mapping of the northern Rhenish Slate Mountains east of the river Rhine and help to classify lithostratigraphic units, where it is still needful. |
2:00pm - 3:30pm | 1.05-1 Aquifer thermal energy storage (ATES): Potential, technologies and geoscientific challenges for a sustainable energy transition Location: Hall C (HFB) Session Chair: Sebastian Bauer, Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel Session Chair: Thomas Neumann, TU Berlin Session Chair: Traugott Scheytt, TU Bergakademie Freiberg Session Chair: Lioba Virchow, GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences |
2:00pm - 2:15pm
Topics: 1.05 Aquifer thermal energy storage (ATES): Potential, technologies and geoscientific challenges for a sustainable energy transition DemoStorage – planning and monitoring of an ATES demonstrator site in an urban environment 1EIfER Europäisches Institut für Energieforschung; 2KIT Karlsruher Institut für Technologie; 3eZeit Ingenieure GmbH Berlin; 4tewag GmbH; 5RPTU Rheinland-Pfälzische Technische Universität Kaiserslautern-Landau; 6IGÖ Institut für Grundwasserökologie GmbH Aquifer thermal energy storage (ATES) is comparatively rarely used in Germany. Since there is a lack of demonstration plants nationally, the goal of our BMBF-funded joint project “DemoSpeicher” (Development and Monitoring of Seasonal Heat and Cold Storage for the Demonstration of Aquifer Storage) is to implement and scientifically accompany a near-surface LT-ATES. Within the scope of the project, the entire construction cycle of an LT-ATES is to be covered, which ranges from design and planning to grid integration and commissioning to thermal energy supply. Legal admission requirements are developed in the process. An urban site in Germanys capital Berlin-Mitte was selected for the implementation of the demonstration plant. An extensive monitoring program is planned for the thermal-hydraulic underground processes. Another focus of the project will be possible changes in groundwater chemistry and temperature-sensitive groundwater ecology because of thermal loading. Monitoring of energy flows is also planned to estimate the thermal energy exchange between the aquifer reservoir and the building's systems engineering. This will include a heating and cooling demand analysis, as well as an assessment of potential synergistic use effects with other technologies that could be used, for example, for thermal loading of aquifer storage. All results will be presented in a coupled thermal-hydraulic modeling. The project and the first results of the implementation of an LT-ATES in a densely populated urban area will be presented and discussed in this presentation. 2:15pm - 2:30pm
Topics: 1.05 Aquifer thermal energy storage (ATES): Potential, technologies and geoscientific challenges for a sustainable energy transition Integration aspects of ATES in urban district heating networks HIR Hamburg Institut Research gGmbH, Germany In progressively decarbonized district heating systems with high shares of renewable energies, seasonal large-scale heat storage systems are a central component for overcoming the seasonal offset between heat generation and demand. In addition to Pit Thermal Energy Storages (PTES), which often encounter high spatial resistance in urban contexts, Aquifer Thermal Energy Storages (ATES) in the three geothermal regions in Germany offer a suitable solution for large-scale and cost-effective thermal energy storage with high surface area efficiency. Currently, however, there is no operating high-temperature ATES in Germany that is integrated into an urban heating network. The focus of this presentation is on aspects of interaction between aquifer storage, large-scale heat pumps and district heating networks in Germany. The framework conditions for the technical integration of heat from aquifer storage are subject to constant change. On the one hand, district heating systems are usually operated with sliding supply and return temperatures, on the other hand, the temperature continuously decreases during discharging period. This requires different solutions for the integration of aquifer storage, which are to be systematized and classified. Central integration possibilities are the direct use in supply line, the increase of the return temperature as well as the use of large heat pumps. The lecture will present the findings from the research project "OptInAquiFer" on reasonable integration possibilities of aquifer storage in German district heating networks. In addition, current research on large-scale HP configurations will be highlighted to identify suitable and efficient HP capacities, refrigerants and HP configurations for ATES applications. 2:30pm - 2:45pm
Topics: 1.05 Aquifer thermal energy storage (ATES): Potential, technologies and geoscientific challenges for a sustainable energy transition City-scale residential heating and cooling with Aquifer Thermal Energy Storage (ATES) Karlsruhe Institue of Technology, Germany Achieving sustainable and climate-friendly space heating and cooling is essential to the energy transition. Aquifer Thermal Energy Storage (ATES) is a promising technology to significantly reduce greenhouse gas emissions compared to conventional heating and cooling technologies. Therefore, in this study the technical potential of shallow low-temperature ATES systems is quantified for the city of Freiburg im Breisgau, Germany in terms of reclaimable energy. Using 3D heat transport models, heating and cooling power densities are determined accounting for several different ATES configurations in various hydrogeological subsurface conditions. High groundwater flow velocities of up to 13 m d-1 lead to a significant loss of stored energy limiting power densities to a maximum of 3.2 W m-2. Nevertheless, comparing these power densities to the existing demands of heating and cooling energy reveals that substantial heating and cooling supply rates are possible with ATES. While heating energy supply rates of larger than 60 % are determined for about 50 % of all residential buildings, the cooling energy demand could be supplied entirely by ATES systems for 92 % of the buildings. For ATES heating alone, this results in greenhouse gas emission savings of up to 70,000 tCO2eq a-1. This equals about 40 % of the current greenhouse gas emissions caused by space and water heating in the study area’s residential building stock. In the future, the application of the modeling approach proposed in this study for other regions with similar hydrogeological conditions could obtain estimations of local ATES supply rates supporting city-scale energy planning. 2:45pm - 3:00pm
Topics: 1.05 Aquifer thermal energy storage (ATES): Potential, technologies and geoscientific challenges for a sustainable energy transition Experimental results of a high-temperature aquifer thermal energy storage test site - storage efficiency and thermal impact on the environment CAU Kiel, Germany High-temperature aquifer thermal energy storage (HT-ATES) in the geological subsurface can help bridge the temporal mismatch between production and demand of energy from renewable sources. Despite great importance for energy system transformation in the heat supply sector, HT-ATES faces some challenges and risks such as regulatory challenges. The heat input experiments at the TestUM –Aquifer test site provide a basis for characterization and verification of hydraulic, thermal, geophysical, microbiological, and geochemical process understanding. A HT-ATES system was experimentally simulated at the field site, representing three phases with varying loading and unloading cycles at injection temperatures of 80°C. More than 500 thermocouples were used to record temperature data over a 579-day period between July 2021 and February 2023. A total of eleven operating cycles divided into three phases were performed, representing a total heat input of 155 MWh. The temperature records are highly resolved spatially, especially in the vicinity of the injection well, with intervals as low as 0.5 m in the vertical and horizontal directions, and a temporal resolution of 10 min. Thus, the temperature distribution in the subsurface and the position of the heat plume is well characterized at any time. Results show, that the temperature distribution is affected by density driven convection, caused by the temperature differences, as well as heat loss to the confining unit. The storage efficiency was determined by measuring return flow rates and temperatures, showing that storage efficiency decreases with cycle length and with downtimes between charging and discharging. 3:00pm - 3:15pm
Topics: 1.05 Aquifer thermal energy storage (ATES): Potential, technologies and geoscientific challenges for a sustainable energy transition From baseline to post operation: two year monitoring of thermo-hydraulic induced geochemical effects of a cyclic HT-ATES field test at the “TestUM” test site Kiel University - Institute of Geosciences, Germany Seasonal ATES systems enable the efficient integration of climate-neutral heat sources into urban heat-supply systems. However, secure and efficient operation presupposes the detection as well as realistic evaluation and prediction of induced hydraulic, thermal, geochemical and microbial effects and their impacts on operation and environment. To provide the database for extending field-scale process understanding and deriving suitable monitoring strategies, a cyclic HT-ATES field test was conducted. In six fortnight-long charging periods ~300 m³ of water were infiltrated (~15 L/min; ~80 °C) into the storage aquifer (6-15 bgs) and recovered directly or after 21 storage days. Induced hydrogeochemical effects and their reversibility were tracked with a temporal and spatially high-resolute monitoring of ~90 measurement points. Within ~7 m around the „hot well“, superimposition of formerly stratified calcium and sulphate concentrations in combination with the spatial spreading-patterns of elevated silica concentrations point towards the build-up of a density-driven convection cell, which was also predicted by accompanying numerical thermo-hydraulic simulations. In storage periods, but more so in post operation, decreases in temperature go along with a decline of previously elevated concentrations of e.g. silica, potassium, selenium and vanadium. Moreover, potassium and selenium concentration-peaks drop after the first cycles, indicating depletion of their releasable pools. Although simulated tracers indicate passage of infiltrated water, no induced temperature or concentration changes were monitored 30 m downstream so far. Overall, highly dynamic flow conditions dominate the hot well’s vicinity and despite scale dependent low heat recovery rates, reversibility of induced effects keeps the wider surrounding geochemically unaffected. 3:15pm - 3:30pm
Topics: 1.05 Aquifer thermal energy storage (ATES): Potential, technologies and geoscientific challenges for a sustainable energy transition Carbonate aquifers for thermal energy storage: A critical analysis of clogging and scaling using temperature-controlled batch and column experiments 1Technische Universität Bergakademie Freiberg, Institute of Geology, Chair of Hydrogeology and Hydrochemistry, Gustav-Zeuner-Str. 12, 09599 Freiberg (Saxony), Germany; 2University of Basel, Department of Environmental Sciences, Hydrogeology / Applied and Environmental Geology, Bernoullistrasse 32, 4056 Basel, Switzerland Throughout the past two decades, aquifer thermal energy storage (ATES) has grown increasingly into focus as a suitable geo-energy storage method. In this context, many carbonate aquifers are useable for storing and later retrieval of thermal energy due to their potential natural porosity and adequate permeability. However, numerous ATES projects suffer from operational and maintenance issues or failures. For instance, a reduction in reservoir permeability and clogging (caused by scaling, sintering, flocculation, and microbial growth) belong to the main threats to sustainable and reliable functioning. In the BMBF-funded research project “UnClog-ATES”, both the aforementioned threats and their practical countermeasures (e.g., adding scaling inhibitors, acids, CO2) are thoroughly investigated using a combination of flow-through column and batch experiments. These experiments are temperature-controlled to simulate realistic ATES cycles of alternating heating and cooling while monitoring them continuously. A critical point when assessing ATES systems specifically for carbonate aquifers is that significant inconsistencies exist regarding the kinetics and intensities of mineral dissolution/precipitation processes observed in the laboratory (using pure/synthetic minerals) and those observed in reality. This is because factors such as specific surface, dislodgement from equilibrium, presence of inhibitors as well as the rock’s chemical purity play important roles. For that reason, i.e., to represent natural ATES materials and to gain realistic reaction data, limestone from the Malm (Upper Jurassic), Germany (“Treuchtlinger Marmor”), is used for our experiments. The overall project results aim towards gaining a variety of insights that are essential for planning, effective implementation, and sustainable operation of ATES in carbonate aquifers. |
2:00pm - 3:30pm | 3.29 Latest achievements in scientific drilling and ocean-continental feedbacks Location: Hall D (HFB) Session Chair: Arne Ulfers, Bundesanstalt für Geowissenschaften und Rohstoffe (BGR) Session Chair: Rasmus C. Thiede, Christian Albrecht Universität zu Kiel Session Chair: Cindy Kunkel, GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences Session Chair: Henrik Grob, Kiel University |
2:00pm - 2:30pm
Invited Session Keynote Topics: 3.29 Latest achievements in scientific drilling and ocean-continental feedbacks The marine sediment archives of Himalayan erosion 1Lancaster University, United Kingdom; 2University of Colorado Boulder, USA; 3University of Kansas, Lawrence, USA; 4Swedish Museum of Natural History, Stockholm, Sweden; 5Dept of Geology and Geophysics, Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, USA Marine sediment archives provide invaluable records of continental erosion and dynamics, important for understanding both crustal deformation and climatic processes. Yet these archives are influenced by autogenic and allogenic processes. Rigorous interpretation of these records therefore requires unravelling of these various intertwined factors, and a good understanding of source-to-sink. The Bengal Fan is the largest marine sedimentary fan in the world. It, and its smaller “sister” the Indus Fan, as well as the Nicobar Fan, archive the erosional history of the Himalayas, the largest mountain belt in the world. Various IODP, and previously DSDP expeditions have cored the fans, and the material extensively studied to elucidate the history of the fans’ hinterland tectonics, source to sink dispersal patterns, and climatic variations through time, with an emphasis on the response to the Asian monsoons. Yet unravelling the competing influences on the sediment archives in this tectonically active region is challenging. In this talk I will provide an overview on the use of isotopic provenance studies to discuss aspects of the progress made in using the archives to determine Himalayan tectonics, as well as in deconvolving autogenic versus allogenic influences and in our understanding of source-to-sink. 2:30pm - 2:45pm
Topics: 3.29 Latest achievements in scientific drilling and ocean-continental feedbacks Microbial life in an ultra-deep sulfate-methane transition zone on the Antarctic continental margin 1Heidelberg University, Heidelberg, Germany; 2GFZ Potsdam, Section Geomicrobiology, Potsdam, Germany; 3GEOMAR Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel, Research Division 2Marine Biogeochemistry, Kiel, Germany; 4Christian-Albrechts-University, Institute of Geosciences, Kiel, Germany Ocean sediments are considered to contain microbial biomass that equals the stock of organic matter on all the continents combined. Knowledge on the spatiotemporal distribution and abundance of microbial life in marine subsurface sediments, however, is still sparse. A region particularly understudied in this respect is the Antarctic continental margin, in which the deep biosphere is largely terra incognita. A 794 m-long sediment sequence (Site U1532), recovered during IODP Expedition 379: “Amundsen Sea West Antarctic Ice Sheet History” provides the unique opportunity to study the composition and abundance of the deep biosphere in polar regions of the Southern Hemisphere. Porewater profiles of sulfate and methane concentrations indicate that the sulfate-methane transition zone (SMTZ) is located at a depth of ~660 mbsf, making it one of the deepest SMTZ ever encountered. Stable carbon isotope measurements attest to the biological origin of the methane and provide direct evidence for an active deep-dwelling microbial community. Cell abundances decline with depth by three orders of magnitudes but increase again within the SMTZ. Complementary biomarker analysis indicates that this change in cell abundances is associated with a shift in the microbial community to predominantly methanogens throughout the SMTZ. Our data thus provides first insights into the microbial diversity and abundance of the deep biosphere in the yet largely unstudied marine subsurface sediments surrounding Antarctica. Combining our results with previous data of cell abundances in marine sediments suggests that current projections of microbial biomass appears to be overestimated and need to be downsized. 2:45pm - 3:00pm
Topics: 3.29 Latest achievements in scientific drilling and ocean-continental feedbacks The role of basalts in the Earth’s carbon-cycle: lessons learnt from continental and ocean drilling investigations to tackle anthropogenic warming 1University of Bremen, Germany; 2University of Pretoria; 3University of Hamburg; 4MARUM; 5MAPEX - Center for Materials and Processes; 6Georg-August-University Göttingen Permanent carbonate mineralisation in basalt is a promising solution for Carbon Capture and Storage of anthropogenic greenhouse gases without the risk of leakage. While this process is known to occur at relatively low temperatures below 100°C, new research on Large Igneous Provinces (LIPs) and young rift basins suggests that much of the thermogenic gases mobilised during contact metamorphism can remain trapped and mineralised in the sills that mobilised them. This discovery is the result of two distinct drilling investigations on land (KARIN) and at sea (IODP Exp 385). It shows that basalts may not only trigger the sudden release of thermogenic gas, but also represent an important carbon sink. The two examples of carbonate trapping in sills presented here are from the Karoo and Guaymas basins. Results indicate that a large fraction of epimagmatic fluids charged with thermogenic gas systematically penetrated inside the sills during cooling. Our numerical solutions suggest that in both cases the higher permeability of the sill acquired during cooling and crystallisation compared to that of its host, ultimately dictates the fate of the thermogenic gas that accumulates in the igneous body. On this basis, we conclude on the role of basalts in the Earth’s carbon cycle from a geological and anthropogenic perspective. 3:00pm - 3:15pm
Topics: 3.29 Latest achievements in scientific drilling and ocean-continental feedbacks Comparing lacustrine sedimentation rates and their response to climatic and environmental change 1LIAG, Leibniz Institute for Applied Geophysics, Stilleweg 2, 30655 Hannover, Germany; 2Helmholtz-Centre Potsdam, German Research Centre for Geosciences – GFZ, Telegrafenberg, 14473, Potsdam, Germany Continuous limnic archives may record millions of years of climatic and environmental change at their locality. Typically, such archives reflect environmental conditions in the lakes’ catchments, but also the imprint of large-scale atmospheric systems e.g. related to insolation and/or global ice-sheet dynamics. These parameters may vary considerably in space and time, and our understanding on patterns across continents that relate to this forcing is still incomplete. Comparing sedimentation rates from limnic archives covering fundamental changes in the Earth’s system like the Mid-Pleistocene transition (change from 41kyr to 100kyr cycle world) has potential to shed light into spatial differences in Earth’s climate response, if applied carefully. To better understand the sedimentation history of lakes, and especially their reaction to climate transitions, we compare sedimentation rates from lakes. In a second step, we systematically align several records to facilitate best comparability. We focus on limnic records that have been investigated during ICDP projects, and specifically assess the influence of the Mid-Pleistocene transition and the Mid-Brunhes transition on sedimentation rates. 3:15pm - 3:30pm
Topics: 3.29 Latest achievements in scientific drilling and ocean-continental feedbacks Drilling in a World Heritage Site 1University of Johannesburg, South Africa; 2Friedrich-Schiller Universität Jena, Germany; 3Barberton Community Tourism, South Africa The ICDP-Project BASE investigated Archean Surface Environments by coring the ca. 3220 Ma Moodies Group of the Barberton Greenstone Belt, South Africa, Oct. 2021 – August 2022. This unit represents some of the oldest shallow-water and terrestrial siliciclastic strata worldwide; it contains fossil microbial life. Because the BGB had repeatedly seen intensive gold exploration and features several active gold mines along its northern margin, the eight BASE drill sites, largely located within the 2018 declared Barberton-Makhonjwa Mountains WHS, had to counter initial suspicion that they masked a gold exploration project, largely controlled by foreign interests. We obtained goodwill, interest, and permits from the local population and from local, regional, and national government, respectively, and ensured safe and incident-free drilling operations by designing and executing a multi-faceted approach: Prior to project start, we contributed regularly to local and regional newspapers, had the planning workshop extensively covered by media, and cultivated contacts with stakeholders and local property owners. The Education/Outreach/Publication program employed a Barbertonian geologist full time to work with traditional government, radio stations, TV, schools, and institutions of higher learning. We set aside half of our core processing space in downtown Barberton as an exhibition area, trained all staff as tour guides, maintained an open-door policy, and encouraged visitors to observe us as we processed core. Delegations, school classes, and associations could inform themselves first-hand on the core retrieval process on field trips to drill sites. After operations, BASE added a room to the local museum dedicated to WHS geoscience research. |
2:00pm - 3:30pm | 1.10-2 Lithiumresources Location: Wiwi 101 Session Chair: Jochen Kolb, KIT Session Chair: André Stechern, Bundesanstalt für Geowissenschaften und Rohstoffe (BGR) |
2:15pm - 2:30pm
Topics: 1.10 Lithiumresources Lithium (Li) mineral characterization of drill cores and hand specimens: supporting exploration with rapid mineralogy mapping 1Bruker Nano Analytics GmbH, Germany; 2Laboratório Nacional de Energia e Geologia, Porto, Portugal; 3Bruker Nano Analytics, Denver, CO, USA Batteries are a key part of the energy transition. Lithium(Li)-ion batteries are currently the main source of energy storage in the market and will likely remain so for the foreseeable future. Lithium is currently regarded as a “critical mineral” both for central role in rapidly developing electric technologies and a predicted shortfall in production versus expected demand. Therefore, identification of new resources is both economically and strategically important, driving a boom in Li exploration. Like other metals, exploration for hard-rock lithium resources faces the challenge of how to bridge scales and dimensions of observations, from field-scale (in 3D-4D) down to laboratory-based imaging and analysis (3D-2D). Moreover, the ability to identify and characterize Li mineralogy present in a sample is important in understanding potential economics of a deposit, including the required mineral processing to extract the Li resource. Combined micro-XRF and Automated Mineralogy (AMICS) is capable of high-speed analysis at the micrometer scale that can identify a wide range of Li mineralogy non-destructively in minimally prepared drill core samples, thus providing valuable information early in exploration. This case study will present mineral characterization from a number of potential lithium resources in Portugal. Preliminary results suggest significant added value of the micro-XRF approach, where a much-improved mineral-textural understanding aids exploration and ongoing evaluation of deposit potential. |
2:00pm - 3:30pm | 3.25 The links between deep-seated mechanisms, surface processes and landscape evolution Location: Wiwi 104 Session Chair: Lorenzo Gemignani, Freie Universität Berlin Session Chair: Riccardo Reitano, Univeristy of Rome "Roma Tre" Session Chair: Silvia Crosetto, GFZ Potsdam Session Chair: Alexander Rohrmann, Freie Universität Berlin Session Chair: Richard F Ott, GFZ Potsdam Session Chair: Romano Clementucci, ETH Zurich |
2:00pm - 2:30pm
Invited Session Keynote Topics: 3.25 The links between deep-seated mechanisms, surface processes and landscape evolution Divide migration and escarpment retreat in Madagascar and the Western Ghats of India 1ETH Zurich, Department of Earth Sciences; 2China Geological Survey, Shenyang Center; 3ETH Zurich, Department of Physics A great escarpment is characterized with extremely asymmetrical topography with a steep and high-relief mountain range rimming a low-relief high plateau. Measured erosion rates contradict the observed high relief of the escarpments of Madagascar and India. We used cosmogenic nuclide (CN) 10Be concentrations to infer horizontal retreat rates of escarpments. Million-year scale retreat rates of Madagascar and India escarpments are ~1 km/Ma. CN 10Be-inferred retreat rates and escarpment morphology are consistent with steady retreating escarpment from modern coastlines since rifting for both margins. The edge of the escarpment usually acts as the water divide. Previous studies conceptualize an escarpment as a migrating water divide. We studied the morphological features the escarpment and continental water divide of Madagascar and India, demonstrating that the continental water divide does not universally correspond to the steep rift escarpment due to river captures. We hypothesized that the heavily weathered plateau encourages frequent river capture and affects the morphology and rates of escarpment retreat. We used 2D landscape evolution models to explore factors in controlling escarpment retreat. Model observations support the hypothesis that divide migration patterns control escarpment retreat patterns through the control of captured drainage area from the plateau. Through frequent river capture or divide advance into an erosional weak layer, rivers increase area and thereby increase the retreat rate. Measured escarpment retreat rates of eastern Madagascar and Western Ghats, India support this model and quantify the effect of captured area on escarpment retreat rate. 2:30pm - 2:45pm
Topics: 3.25 The links between deep-seated mechanisms, surface processes and landscape evolution Rock-uplift history of the Central Pontides from river-profile inversions and implications for the evolution of the North Anatolian Fault 1University of Potsdam, Potsdam, Germany; 2GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences, Potsdam, Germany; 3University of Roma Tre, Rome, Italy; 4Istanbul Technical University, Istanbul, Turkey Major strike-slip fault systems on Earth, like the North Anatolian Fault (NAF), play an important role in accommodating plate motion, but little is known about their spatiotemporal evolution. In the Central Pontides, north of the central segment of the NAF, data from thermochronology suggest an exhumation phase occurred after 11 Myr. However, the precise onset of this uplift phase is poorly constrained. In this study, we define the spatiotemporal rock-uplift pattern within the Central Pontides over the last ~10 Myr by performing linear inversions of 19 river profiles draining the northern margin of the Central Pontides, from the Sinop Range to the Black Sea. We use 21 new 10Be-derived basin-average denudation rates to calibrate an erodibility parameter, necessary to infer rock-uplift histories from χ-transformed river profiles. Our results document an increase in rock-uplift rates after 10 Ma, with peaks of 0.15–0.25 km/Myr occurring between 4 and 2 Ma. Moreover, the spatiotemporal uplift variations suggest that rock uplift migrated westward over a period of 2–2.5 Myr. Linking the uplift to the transpression produced along the NAF central segment, we used the faster uplift onset to calculate the NAF propagation rate, estimated to be ~74±13 km/Myr. Combining our results with those from previous studies on the NAF age, we found differences in fault-propagation rates that coincide with differences in the orientation of the NAF relative to plate-convergence vectors. Fault segments with higher obliquity appear to have propagated at rates up to 2-fold slower than those oriented parallel to the plate-convergence vector. 2:45pm - 3:00pm
Topics: 3.25 The links between deep-seated mechanisms, surface processes and landscape evolution Landscape processes and erosion in the Ordos Loess Plateau, central China: topographic response to the Cenozoic uplift of the Tibetan Plateau and climate change 1Department of Environment and Biodiversity, Geology Division, Paris-Lodron-University of Salzburg, Hellbrunner Street 34, Salzburg 5020, Austria; 2State Key Laboratory of Continental Dynamics, Department of Geology, Northwest University, Northern Taibai Street 229, Xi'an 710069, China The Cenozoic uplift of the Tibetan Plateau leads to eastward lateral extrusion of fault-bounded blocks, which caused large surface uplift. To the northeast of the Tibetan Plateau, the development of the particular fluvial incision landscape on the internally stable Ordos Loess Plateau reflects the lateral extrusion and thrust loading by the adjacent Liupanshan Mts. in the west. In this study, we investigated the climate-mediated temporal evolution of surface uplift and the effect of activity along confining faults on the morphological evolution of the Ordos Loess Plateau by fieldwork, morphological analysis and integration of results from numerous previous studies. Field surveys show that the boundaries of the Ordos Loess Plateau are still tectonically active and fluvial channels are in a state of morphological disequilibrium, with steep channel segments towards the Weihe Graben and meandering low-gradient rivers in the central Ordos Loess Plateau. Morphological analysis shows that the shape of the longitudinal channel profile is straight and deviates from typical longitudinal channel profiles and the degree of erosion and plateau incision is more pronounced in the southeastern Ordos Loess Plateau. We conclude that the northeastern expansion of the Tibetan Plateau activated the boundary faults around the tectonically stable, craton-like Ordos Loess Plateau, which caused the drainage basins to tilt towards the overthrusting Liupanshan Mts in the southwest. The drainage systems reorganized to a principal southern flow direction towards the Weihe Graben caused by the ongoing E-W shortening and ca. N-S extension and thereby progressively incising in the Ordos Loess Plateau. 3:00pm - 3:15pm
Topics: 3.25 The links between deep-seated mechanisms, surface processes and landscape evolution Controls on Island morphologic evolution 1Helmholtz Centre Potsdam, GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences, Potsdam, Germany; 2Institut Polytechnique UniLaSalle, Beauvais, France; 3Institute of Earth and Environmental Sciences, University of Potsdam, Potsdam, Germany Islands are interesting geomorphic features because they possess a well defined base level. Non-volcanic islands, in particular, are the product of rifting of a small continental fragment such that they start their geomorphic evolution as a more or less elevated flat plateau. After tens of millions of years of evolution, some islands, such as Madagascar, still present a Pi-shaped form composed of large watersheds on top of a central plateau surrounded by smaller ones that connect the plateau to the coastline. Other islands, such as Sri Lanka have a more conical or Lambda-shape composed of a radial distribution of basins connecting the island summit to the coastline. Here we investigate the conditions that lead to the transformation of an initially plateau-shape island to either a Pi- or Lambda-shape by using a Landscape Evolution Model solving the Stream Power Law and talking into account flexural isostasy. We find that to maintain a Pi-shape, an island must fulfil two criteria: firstly, its extent must be sufficiently large in comparison with the underlying effective elastic thickness (EET), and, secondly, it must be subjected to limited erosion. We introduce a morphometric index that allows to discriminate between the two types of morphologies and show how it evolves through time as a function of both EET and erodibility. Constraining the time evolution of the morphology of an island is important to study the evolution of its bio-diversity. Our finding implies that the micro-endemism that characterises Madagascar is linked to the strength of the underlying lithosphere. 3:15pm - 3:30pm
Topics: 3.25 The links between deep-seated mechanisms, surface processes and landscape evolution A Deeper Look Into the 2021 Tyrnavos Earthquake Sequence (TES) Reveals Coseismic Breaching of an Unrecognized Large-Scale Fault Relay Zone in Continental Greece 1National Observatory of Athens, Greece; 2Institute of Geosciences, Christian-Albrechts- University, Kiel, Germany; 3Department of Earth Sciences, National Central University, Jhongli, Taiwan; 4J Begg Geo Ltd, Masterton, New Zealand; 5GFZ Helmholtz Centre Potsdam, German Research Centre for Geosciences, Potsdam, Germany Large magnitude (Mw ∼ ≥6) earthquakes in extensional settings are often associated with simultaneous rupture of multiple normal faults as a result of static and/or dynamic stress transfer. |
2:00pm - 3:30pm | 3.12-1 Past climates and environments inform our future Location: Wiwi 104a Session Chair: Cécile Blanchet, GFZ Potsdam Session Chair: Stefanie Kaboth-Bahr, Free University Berlin |
2:00pm - 2:30pm
Invited Session Keynote Topics: 3.12 Past climates and environments inform our future Sclerochronology: Reconstructing short-term climate variability from mollusk shells 1Department of Earth Sciences, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, the Netherlands; 2Estuarine and Delta Systems group, Royal Netherlands Institute for Marine Research, the Netherlands; 3Department of Earth Sciences, Utrecht University, the Netherlands; 4Institut für Geologie und Paläontologie, WWU Münster, Germany; 5College of Science and Engineering, University of Derby, United Kingdom; 6Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences, Brussels, Belgium; 7Naturalis Biodiversity Center, Leiden, the Netherlands; 8Ocean Sciences group, Royal Netherlands Institute for Marine Research, the Netherlands; 9Deptartment of Earth Sciences, KU Leuven, Belgium; 10Analytical, Environmental and GeoChemistry group, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium In the ongoing anthropogenic climate crisis, successful adaptation to future climate requires a detailed understanding of the response of Earth’s climate system to warming. Past warm climates constitute a valuable natural laboratory for studying this response, but reconstructions of past climate variability on human timescales (days to decades) remains challenging. Biogenic carbonates such as mollusk shells are uniquely suitable for these high-resolution climate reconstructions for three reasons: Firstly, mollusk shells grow incrementally, depositing annual, daily, or even tidal laminae of carbonate marking time at unique detail. Secondly, mollusks are diverse, abundant, and highly evolutionarily successful: Their fossil record spans the entire Phanerozoic and they produce shells of various shapes, sizes, mineral structures and compositions, making them versatile climate archives. Thirdly, carbonate shells have a high preservation potential, retaining their original chemical composition, and the climate information locked therein, also on long geological timescales. I will present some of the latest developments in sclerochronology, the study of reading the skeletal diaries of these fascinating invertebrates, and highlight how the information they reveal changes our understanding of past climate. A few case studies will showcase the full potential of fossil shells as climate archives. Finally, I will discuss some open questions in the field and the ongoing and future projects in which we hope to answer them. The goal is to demonstrate how collaborations between biology, marine science and (geo)chemistry enable us to unlock the full potential of these unique archives and contribute to understanding shallow marine ecosystems and climate. 2:30pm - 2:45pm
Topics: 3.12 Past climates and environments inform our future Seasonal geochemical and growth rate variabilities in a Miocene giant clam 1Goethe University Frankfurt, Germany; 2Frankfurt Isotope and Element Research Center (FIERCE), Frankfurt, Germany; 3University of Southampton, Southampton, U.K.; 4Naturalis Biodiversity Center, Leiden, The Netherlands; 5University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam, The Netherlands Tridacna are important archives for (sub)tropical marine palaeoenvironmental conditions. Their longevity (up to 100 years), large aragonitic shells (up to 1m) and rapid shell accretion (mm-cm/year) make them ideal to give insights into region specific climate and environmental variability. Highly spatially-resolved analytical techniques such as LA-ICPMS mean that geochemical data can be retrieved at a high temporal resolution (subdaily). Tridacna, with their daily banding and growth rates of tens of µm/day, are ideal candidates for applying this methodology evaluating seasonality and extreme weather events in (sub-)tropical reefs since their appearance in the early Miocene. Studies of seasonal records and information on extreme weather events from past climate settings can help inform model assessment exercises regarding how seasonality might change in future climate scenarios. In this study we present a multiproxy record from a 250 mm large late Miocene Tridacna from East Borneo spanning several decades, with subseasonally resolved stable δ18O and δ13C data and sub-daily resolved elemental ratio data (B, Na, Mg, Sr, Ba to Ca). By applying Daydacna, a recently developed python script that enables daily cycle based internal age modelling, we can create an age model of the shell, which forms the basis for the temporal reassignment of the geochemical data. Displaying geochemical data against time rather than shell distance improves multi-annual as well as inter-organism comparisons for palaeoseasonality reconstructions. We reconstruct seasonal growth rate variability and compare it to the corresponding elemental and isotopic ratios to evaluate the relationships between geochemical signals, shell growth and environmental parameters. 2:45pm - 3:00pm
Topics: 3.12 Past climates and environments inform our future Tropical Climate Variability and Coral Reefs - A Past to Future Perspective on Current Rates of Change at Ultra-High Resolution (SPP 2299) 1MARUM, University of Bremen, Germany; 2Kiel University (CAU), Germany; 3GEOMAR, Kiel, Germany; 4ZMT Bremen, Germany; 5Leipzig University, Germany; 6Goethe University Frankfurt, Germany; 7FU Berlin, Germany; 8AWI Potsdam, Germany; 9MPI for Chemistry, Mainz, Germany; 10Heidelberg University, Germany; 11University of Bristol, UK; 12GFZ Potsdam, Germany; 13Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz, Germany; 14Justus Liebig University Giessen, Germany; 15University of Potsdam, Germany; 16Ca' Foscari University of Venice, Italy; 17University of Konstanz, Germany; 18University of Bremen, Germany Climate change, in particular the rise in tropical sea surface temperatures, is the greatest threat to coral reef ecosystems today and causes climatic extremes affecting the livelihood of tropical societies. Assessing how future warming will change coral reef ecosystems and tropical climate variability is therefore of extreme urgency. Ultra-high resolution (monthly, weekly) coral geochemistry provides a tool (1) to understand the temporal response of corals and coral reefs to ongoing climate and environmental change, (2) to reconstruct past tropical climate and environmental variability, and (3) to use these data in conjunction with advanced statistical methods, earth system modelling and observed ecosystem responses for improved projections of future changes in tropical climate and coral reef ecosystems. The DFG Priority Programme “Tropical Climate Variability and Coral Reefs” (SPP 2299, https://www.spp2299.tropicalclimatecorals.de/) aims to enhance our current understanding of tropical marine climate variability and its impact on coral reef ecosystems in a warming world, by quantifying climatic and environmental changes during both the ongoing warming and past warm periods on timescales relevant for society. The programme aims to provide an ultra-high resolution past to future perspective on current rates of change to project how tropical marine climate variability and coral reef ecosystems will change in a warming world. Information on the organisational structure, research topics and preliminary results of this collaborative programme, which involves more than 40 scientists from ten universities, three Helmholtz Centres, one Max-Planck Institute and one Leibniz Centre from all over Germany, will be provided. 3:00pm - 3:15pm
Topics: 3.12 Past climates and environments inform our future Molecular records of the Triassic-Jurassic and the early Toarcian climate events at the land-sea interface University Kiel, Germany The Triassic-Jurassic boundary (TJB) and the early Toarcian are characterized by greenhouse warming, caused by the emplacement of large volcanic provinces. Despite similar trigger mechanisms, the two events differ in their character. Most significantly, the early Toarcian records the genesis of an Oceanic Anoxic Event (T-OAE), while the TJB event lacks robust evidence for widespread marine anoxia and organic matter (OM) accumulation. Here, we present bulk, isotope, and molecular geochemical data from a continuous drill core, taken in the northeastern part of the North-German Basin that spans upmost Triassic and Lower Jurassic strata (Rhaetian-Toarcian). The sediment archive represents a near-shore environment, proximal to an estuary. This setting at the land-sea-interface was particularly susceptible to sealevel, climate, and environmental change and records the response of a shallow marine environment to major Late Triassic-Early Jurassic climate events. In contrast to the predominantly OM-lean Triassic-Jurassic strata, the TJB interval and the T-OAE are characterized by increased OM contents, but their compositions differ significantly. At the TJB, increased abundances of soil and land plant OM accumulated under semi-arid conditions in mesosaline and well-oxygenated shallow marine setting. By contrast, during the T-OAE, OM-rich sediments accumulated under short-lived anoxic-euxinic conditions. Development of oxygen-deficient conditions was favored by a high sea level and persistent freshwater stratification caused by enhanced riverine discharge under humid climate conditions. Land plant wax lipid, algal molecular fossils, and wildfire combustion residues further revealed that the TJB and the T-OAE were accompanied by substantial changes in both the continental and marine ecosystems. 3:15pm - 3:30pm
Topics: 3.10 Constraining the rate of change in the Earth System through integrated stratigraphic approaches Serravallian-Tortonian hydrological isolation of the Eastern Paratethys from the perspective of the Caspian Basin: Sarmatian s.l. integrated stratigraphy and biotic record of Karagiye, Kazakhstan. 1Department of Geosciences, University of Fribourg, Switzerland; 2JURASSICA Museum, Switzerland; 3Geological-Paleontological Department, Natural History Museum Vienna, Austria; 4Faculty of Geology and Geophysics, University of Bucharest, Romania; 5Schmalhausen Institute of Zoology, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Ukraine; 6Department of Earth Sciences, Utrecht University, the Netherlands The Eastern Paratethys (EP) is a former epicontinental basin that unified the Black Sea, Caspian Sea and the Dacian Basin and played a crucial role in shaping of the west Eurasian paleoecosystems. In the late Middle-Late Miocene, during Sarmatian sensu lato Stage, the EP underwent a gradual hydrological isolation from the global ocean. This process was accompanied by adaptation and radiation of endemic faunas in the early and middle Sarmatian s.l. (Volhynian and Bessarabian) and by the near complete extinction of marine life forms in the late Sarmatian s.l. (Khersonian). The drivers of this ecological crisis still remain ununderstood. We present our integrated stratigraphic study of 130-m-thick outcrop Karagiye, Caspian Basin. The preliminary data demonstrate:
Our ongoing study for the first time provides well-dated mollusc and microfauna zonations of the Sarmatian s.l. substages in the Caspian Basin. |
2:00pm - 3:30pm | 2.06-1 Interior, surface and atmosphere processes on rocky worlds Location: Wiwi 105 Session Chair: Lena Noack, Freie Universität Berlin Session Chair: Solmaz Adeli, DLR |
2:00pm - 2:30pm
Invited Session Keynote Topics: 2.06 Interior, surface and atmosphere processes on rocky worlds Atmospheric Dynamics of a Near Tidally Locked Earth-Size Planet University of California, Riverside, United States of America The discovery and characterization of Earth-sized planets that are in, or near, a tidally-locked state are of crucial importance to understanding terrestrial planet evolution, and for which Venus is a clear analog. Exoplanetary science lies at the threshold of characterizing hundreds of terrestrial planetary atmospheres, thereby providing a statistical sample far greater than the limited inventory of terrestrial planetary atmospheres within the Solar System. However, the model-based approach for characterizing exoplanet atmospheres relies on Solar System data, resulting in our limited inventory being both foundational and critical atmospheric laboratories. Present terrestrial exoplanet demographics are heavily biased toward short-period planets, many of which are expected to be tidally locked, and also potentially runaway greenhouse candidates, similar to Venus. Here we describe the rise in the terrestrial exoplanet population and the study of tidal locking on climate simulations. These exoplanet studies are placed within the context of Venus, a local example of an Earth-sized, asynchronous rotator that is near the tidal locking limit. We describe the recent lessons learned regarding the dynamics of the Venusian atmosphere and how those lessons pertain to the evolution of our sibling planet. We discuss the implications of these lessons for exoplanet atmospheres and their detection with observations using JWST and other future facilities. We outline the need for a full characterization of the Venusian climate in order to achieve a full and robust interpretation of terrestrial planetary atmospheres. 2:30pm - 2:45pm
Topics: 2.06 Interior, surface and atmosphere processes on rocky worlds A first look into the gallium-aluminium systematics of Early Earth's seawater: Evidence from banded iron formations 1Constructor University Bremen, Germany; 2Christian-Albrechts University Kiel, Germany; 3Federal Institute for Geosciences and Natural Resources Hannover, Germany We conducted the first study on Ga-Al systematics in Archaean and Palaeoproterozoic banded iron formations (BIFs). Adjacent Fe oxide, metachert and mixed-type bands were analysed comparatively with solution-based SF-ICP-MS and ICP-MS/MS and laser-ablation SF-ICP-MS on nano-particulate pressed powder tablets and polished sections. Furthermore, we conducted a matrix-matched two-component mixing experiment with the BIF reference material IF-G and pure synthetic quartz sand. Results of the three comparative analytical procedures and the two-component mixing experiment assure a high quality of our analytical data even in the trace metal-poorest (meta)chert samples. Furthermore, the results suggest that finely dispersed Fe oxide particles dominate the Ga and Al content in BIF (meta)chert bands. Regardless of the samples' mineralogy, the Ga/Al ratios of BIFs range between 2×10-4 and 1×10-3. A compilation of Ga/Al ratios in the investigated samples throughout time shows that during Precambrian global marine Ga/Al ratios were most likely rather constant. The BIF Ga/Al ratios are above those of potential detritus but below those of modern seawater. Two conclusions are conceivable: (i) Precambrian seawaters had lower Ga/Al ratios than modern seawater, possibly due to the reduced importance of organisms and organic compounds during weathering, riverine and estuarine processes. (ii) Ga and Al were fractionated during BIF formation, and BIFs did not preserve the original seawater Ga/Al ratios. 2:45pm - 3:00pm
Topics: 2.06 Interior, surface and atmosphere processes on rocky worlds ExoMDN: Rapid characterization of exoplanet interiors with Mixture Density Networks 1DLR Berlin, Germany; 2Technische Universität Berlin, Germany Characterizing the interior structure of exoplanets is an essential part in understanding the diversity of observed exoplanets, their formation processes and their evolution. As the interior of an exoplanet is inaccessible to observations, an inverse problem must be solved, where numerical structure models need to conform to observed parameters such as mass and radius. Since the relative proportions of iron, silicates, water ice, and volatile elements are not known, this is a highly degenerate problem whose solution often relies on computationally-expensive and time-consuming inference methods such as Markov Chain Monte Carlo. We present here ExoMDN, a new machine-learning-based approach to the interior characterization of observed exoplanets using Mixture Density Networks that improves upon our previous work (Baumeister et al., ApJ, 2020). This improved model, trained on a large database of 5.6 million synthetic interior structures, can make a complete probabilistic inference about possible planetary interior structures within a fraction of a second, without the need for extensive modeling of each exoplanet's interior. We can demonstrate how the model, trained on different sets of (potentially) observable parameters including the received irradiation at the planet’s orbit and the fluid Love number, can help to further constrain the interior of a large number of exoplanets. In particular, we can show how precisely these parameters need to be measured to well constrain the interior. 3:00pm - 3:15pm
Topics: 2.06 Interior, surface and atmosphere processes on rocky worlds Redistribution of trace elements from mantle to crust is controlled by planet size Freie Universität Berlin, Germany Inside the upper mantle, incompatible trace elements are redistributed from solid mantle rocks into partial melt. The melt that accumulated the trace elements and that is less dense than the surrounding material rises towards the surface and as a result enriches the crust and depletes the upper mantle. In the case of heat producing elements, this process can affect the thermal evolution and crust production of a planet, whereas in the case of volatiles, the outgassing and atmosphere evolution can be influenced. With mineral/melt partition coefficients, we can quantify the amount of redistributed elements. Due to a lack of high-pressure models and experimental results, partition coefficients were generally taken as constant in mantel evolution models, however, they dependent heavily on pressure, temperature and composition. In this study, we inserted a P,T,X-dependent clinopyroxene/melt partition coefficient model that is applicable for higher pressure [1] into a mantle evolution code and investigated the effects. Due to their implications for the thermal and atmosphere evolution, we focused both on heat producing elements (Uranium, Thorium, Potassium) and volatiles (H2O). As a result, we found that the planet size influences partitioning behavior due to differences in depth and temperature inside the melt zones in the upper mantle. With these results, we can infer the impact on various planetary processes, such as the outgassing of water, crust production, and thermal evolution. [1] Schmidt, J.M. and Noack, L. (2021): Clinopyroxene/Melt Partitioning: Models for Higher Upper Mantle Pressures Applied to Sodium and Potassium, SysMea, 13(3&4), 125-136. 3:15pm - 3:30pm
Topics: 2.06 Interior, surface and atmosphere processes on rocky worlds Core formation efficiency for rocky super-Earths Freie Universität Berlin, Germany For rocky planets it is typically assumed that they are able to differentiate into a silicate mantle and a metal core, due to the fact that metals are denser than silicates and should sink towards the gravitational center, i.e. the core of the planet. However, more massive planets experience a higher pressure and compressibility in their interior, which can strongly impact the differentiation of the planet, potentially leading to inefficient core formation and even to coreless planets (Elkins-Tanton and Seager, 2008; Lichtenberg, 2021). By using a mantle convection code, we show that even over geological timescales, and depending on the size and distribution of iron droplets forming during the magma ocean crystallisation or later on due to phase transition disproportionation in the silicate mantle, the iron may indeed never be able to sink to the centre of the planet to form a metal core. Since the ability to form a (large) core should decrease with increasing planetary mass, this study suggests that the mantle of super-Earths may be more iron-rich and therefore more reducing than for Earth, which would be reflected in their atmospheric composition and could potentially be confirmed by future observations of exoplanetary atmospheres. References: |
2:00pm - 3:30pm | 4.10-2 Geoscience Education Research - What do we Know About Learning and Teaching geosciences? Location: Wiwi 107 Session Chair: Sylke Hlawatsch, Richard Hallmann Schule Session Chair: Dirk Felzmann, Rheinland-Pfälzische Technische Universität Kaiserslautern-Landau |
2:00pm - 2:15pm
Topics: 4.10 Geoscience Education Research - What do we Know About Learning and Teaching geosciences? Students’ Interest in Climate Change – Results of a Quantitative Questionnaire-Based Study in Germany Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg, Germany In addressing climate change as one of the key problems of humanity (IPCC 2014), the school subject of geography is of particular importance, as it is a leading subject for Education for Sustainable Development with a pronounced systemic character (DGfG 2020). In this highly relevant area, on the one hand, the interest of students is considered a decisive prerequisite for the success of learning processes. On the other hand, students’ interest is also regarded as an important goal of (geography) lessons (Krapp 1998) - yet there are hardly any differentiated findings on its characteristics regarding climate change. Against this background, in a quantitative, questionnaire-based study N = 4627 students in the federal state of Bavaria were surveyed about their topic-specific interest in climate change, and the data were analyzed both descriptively and interference-statistically. Overall, the students show a high level of interest in climate change. However, there are remarkable differences regarding different aspects of climate change, as well as between genders and between students attending different types of schools. Aspects related to actions against climate change as well as to the global level are considered more interesting than aspects concerning spatial proximity and climate change measurement/methodology, and girls show an overall higher interest in climate change than boys do. Furthermore, students attending grammar school (“Gymnasium”) show a higher interest than students attending secondary school (“Realschule”), and these in turn than students attending lower-level secondary school (“Mittelschule”). These and the results of further analyses of the survey will be presented. 2:15pm - 2:30pm
Topics: 4.10 Geoscience Education Research - What do we Know About Learning and Teaching geosciences? Conceptual Change Research in Geosience Education Rheinland-Pfälzische Technische Universität Kaiserslautern-Landau, Germany Conceptual change research is an important field of science education research. This also applies to geoscience education (e.g. Guffey & Slater 2020). Despite the high importance of student conceptions for successful learning processes (Hattie 2017), a decline in conceptual change research can be observed in recent years (Potvin et al. 2020). This presentation aims to provide an overview of conceptual change research in geoscience education. Building on the reviews by Cheek 2010, Francek 2013, Guffey & Slater 2020, the current state of reconstructing geoscience student conceptions will be outlined. Emphasis is placed on the specific challenges of learning geoscience content: the enormous temporal and spatial dimensions and the high complexity. Finally, current approaches of conceptual change research (e.g. “embodied cognition”, cf. Amin 2015, “conceptual prevalence”, cf. Potvin & Cyr 2017) are discussed in their potential for further research in geoscience education. The lecture is aimed at interested geoscientists who are only partially familiar with didactic theories. Examples from my own research on student conceptions (glaciers: Felzmann 2017, climate zoning) serve as illustration. 2:30pm - 2:45pm
Topics: 4.10 Geoscience Education Research - What do we Know About Learning and Teaching geosciences? Development of new formats of Citizen Science with micrometeorites for multidisciplinary school education 1Museum für Naturkunde Berlin - Leibniz-Institut für Evolutions- und Biodiversitätsforschung; 2Institut für Geowissenschaften, Freie Universität Berlin In addition to its importance for basic scientific research, Citizen Science involving micrometeorites collected from the roofs of Berlin has a special potential for promoting scientific literacy and the understanding of science in general (Hecht et al. 2021). Yet, Citizen Science still occurs too rarely in schools and requires further development (GEWISS 2016). Moreover, earth sciences are only briefly addressed in school curricula. The Citizen Science approach can be applied very well to the Berlin framework curriculum due to its many links to geography, physics and chemistry lessons. Citizen Science can be an important part of geoscience or natural science education and even contribute to strengthening democratic participation and research (Burger 2016). This project aims to develop and test a Citizen Science approach in a school setting. In cooperation with grade 9 students in a Berlin high school, we are conducting sampling and scientific processing of micrometeorites from a Berlin roof using almost all essential research steps. The project’s main setting is at school. In order to enable active participation in the use of large-scale equipment, we will test the remote control of such equipment by students in the classroom. Burger, D. (2016): GW-Unterricht, 2(142), 18–27. https://doi.org/10.1553/gw-unterricht142/143s18 GEWISS (2016): Grünbuch. Citizen Science Strategie 2020 für Deutschland. Leipzig: FRITSCH Druck. Hecht, L., Milke, R. & Greshake, A. (2021): GMIT 84, 7-21, https://doi.org/10.23689/fidgeo-4328. 2:45pm - 3:00pm
Topics: 4.10 Geoscience Education Research - What do we Know About Learning and Teaching geosciences? Earth sciences for schoolchildren in the Museum Mineralogia Munich Mineralogical State Collection Munich, Germany The Museum Mineralogia München is the public part of the Mineralogische Staatssammlung München (MSM). The aim of the MSM is to provide knowledge transfer in natural science subjects, i.e. especially in the field of geosciences. The MSM has been trying to fulfill this task for over 16 years and has thus also gained a great deal of experience in the teaching-learning field. Since the geosciences are unfortunately not a school subject, but geoscientific topics are becoming more and more relevant for socio-political concerns, it is important to sensitize and inspire children and young people for the geosciences at an early age. 3:00pm - 3:15pm
Topics: 4.10 Geoscience Education Research - What do we Know About Learning and Teaching geosciences? Introducing the Disaster Risk Platform 1Department of Civil Engineering, Khayyam University, Mashhad, Iran; 2Mining engineering system of Sistan and Baluchistan province Department: Expert affairs of mines and minerals Country: Iran, Islamic Republic of E-Mail: jrahnama2003@gmail.com / jrahnama2003@yahoo.com, Iran, Islamic Republic of The Disaster Risk Platform project is a humanitarian program aimed at digital disaster education based on articles published in scientific journals. The DRP project is a user-centered program and the information services provided are fully, open and free of charge to its users. The target group of this project is educational centers, managers and communities at risk. We are trying to bridge the large gap between advances in disaster science and public education. The Disaster Platform is designed in line with the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction with a focus on educating at-risk communities. Five DRP services digitize data published in scientific products. This information is converted into the following training courses. 1- Flood risk assessment services 2- Earthquake damage estimation services 3- Tsunami hazard and risk assessment services 4- Landslide risk assessment and management services 5- Land subsidence vulnerability assessment services |
2:00pm - 3:30pm | 4.03-1 Open Science and Data – challenges, opportunities and best practices Location: Wiwi 108 Session Chair: Kirsten Elger, GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences Session Chair: Daniel Nüst, Technische Universität Dresden |
2:00pm - 2:30pm
Invited Session Keynote Topics: 4.03 Open Science and Data – challenges, opportunities and best practices OneGeochemistry: Global Cooperation for FAIR Geoanalytical Data Policy and Practice 1Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory, Columbia University, USA; 2Australian National University, Australia; 3Georg-August-Universität Göttingen, Germany; 4AuScope Ltd. Australia; 5Goethe Universität Frankfurt, Germany; 6Helmholtz Centre Potsdam GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences, Germany; 7AuScope Geochemistry Network, Australia Geochemical data are pervasively acquired in the Earth, environmental, and planetary sciences, as they offer unique evidence for past and present processes in the natural world that advance scientific knowledge and enable solutions of societal relevance. But geochemical data today are difficult to reuse because of the heterogeneous and fragmented nature of the geochemical data landscape with incompatible data structures, inconsistent metadata, and disconnected databases. As new, data-driven and often interdisciplinary research approaches are rapidly expanding that promise to empower the next generation of scientific discoveries, the urgency for a new ecosystem of interoperable, machine-readable geochemical data is eminent. OneGeochemistry is an international initiative to promote data standards in geochemistry and advance a global network of geochemical data resources. OneGeochemistry has been pursuing a diverse array of strategic activities: engagement with data repositories, professional societies, science unions and associations, publishers and editors, funding agencies, government agencies, instrument manufacturers, and researchers; participation in the WorldFAIR project (https://worldfair-project.eu); providing open access to existing standards or best practices; and establishing an international governance for the initiative. The geochemical databases GEOROC, EarthChem, the Astromaterials Data System, and MetBase that participate in the OneGeochemistry initiative, are actively cooperating to harmonize their data models and create FAIR vocabularies for metadata that will enable interoperability between the systems and can be adopted more broadly. This presentation will provide an update on the status of activities and outcomes that pertain to technical and policy aspects of geochemical data standards. 2:30pm - 2:45pm
Topics: 4.03 Open Science and Data – challenges, opportunities and best practices Data-driven Energy Transition: Why is subsurface data so critical for success? Friedrich-Alexander University of Erlangen, Germany The amount of digital subsurface and geoscience data has grown exponentially over the past few decades with many companies, researchers and government organizations dealing with rapidly growing Petabyte-scales of data. On the other hand, hardware, storage solutions, technical applications and data management utilities have not kept up with these developments. This has resulted in a big gap and hampers the use of AI and data-driven workflows in complex subsurface projects, be it in hydrocarbon exploration and development, geothermal energy projects, CCS, H2-exploration & storage and the search for nuclear waste sites, but also integrated scientific research programs. The Open Subsurface Data Universe (OSDUTM) project aims to address these critical challenges and has already resulted in fundamental changes to the way data is managed. OSDUTM is a consortium of over 230 companies and organizations that pool their expertise in geoscience, software development, data center management and associated services to address the challenges via an open-source and cloud-agnostic data platform. Government organizations, geological surveys and universities are also participating in the project. The main drivers behind geoscience data standardization and separating data from applications are the expected benefits for integration, simplification and automation of complex subsurface modelling and project workflows as well as the facilitation of AI/ML opportunities enabled via the data platform. This talk will demonstrate why subsurface data and the OSDUTM data platform will play a critical role in the energy transition towards net zero emissions with the subsurface as a key component - even after the era of hydrocarbons. 2:45pm - 3:00pm
Topics: 4.03 Open Science and Data – challenges, opportunities and best practices Why should researchers bother to use domain-specific data repositories? GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences, Germany Domain-specific research data repositories are digital archives that manage and preserve research data (and/or software) from specific scientific disciplines. These repositories are designed to meet the unique needs of researchers in that particular domain. They foster new scientific innovations and ideas by means of sharing, storing, and reusing research data. Furthermore, domain-specific repositories have a special emphasis on:
The metadata curation processes and workflows implemented by domain-specific repositories ensure quality and metadata enrichment. As a consequence, scientists can rely on well-structured, high-quality data publications that have been verified by domain experts resulting in enhanced reproducibility and reliability of research results. Domain-specific repositories support sharing and knowledge transfer among scientists within their particular field of research. This promotes transparency, collaboration, and the potential for interdisciplinary research. Scientists can also discover and explore datasets contributed by their peers, enabling new insights and discoveries. Here we present the role of domain-specific data repositories, their role for Open Science. Introducing GFZ Data Services, a research data repository for the Earth System Sciences, we also highlight our metadata tools. In place since 2006, GFZ Data Services is embedded at the intersection between researchers and the modern digital data curation world. We consult researchers and make sure that data and metadata are ready to use for data-driven research. By publishing throughout us, scientists benefit from improved data accessibility, collaborative opportunities, long-term storage and subsequently an increased impact. 3:00pm - 3:15pm
Topics: 4.03 Open Science and Data – challenges, opportunities and best practices QuARUm – Quality assessment of analytical data in the field of resource and environmental sciences 1TU Dortmund, Germany; 2Constructor University, Germany QuARUm is a BMBF- and EU-funded research project that aims to develop a prototype for a low-code environment enabling the researchers to construct pipelines that objectively and automatically assesses the quality of analytical data. In geochemistry, increasing amounts of data become available via journal publications and in numerous data repositories. While current efforts are focused on improving the availability of data, verifying the quality of the published data is equally important. The latter one, however, is in most cases rather complicated or just impossible because important information is missing in the publication (e.g., limits of quantification, measurements of reference materials or precision and accuracy). The tool developed during QuARUm will assess data quality using available metadata, statistical methods, and sample-specific criteria. The prototype can be applied in-lab on self-produced data, data published in journal articles or directly to data repositories. Furthermore, the tool will be designed in a low-code environment as an open box, fully visible and modifiable by computer science laypeople. We will present key aspects, application fields, a road map and the first results of our QuARUm project. 3:15pm - 3:30pm
Topics: 4.03 Open Science and Data – challenges, opportunities and best practices Improving Sample Metadata Descriptions in Earth and Environmental Sciences by using the FAIR SAMPLES Template 1GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences, Potsdam, Germany; 2Alfred Wegener Institute Helmholtz Centre for Polar and Marine Research, Potsdam, Germany; 3Helmholtz-Zentrum Hereon, Geesthacht, Germany Physical samples are key elements in the geosciences, providing tangible evidence of geologic and environmental phenomena and often represent the source for scientific findings. The International Generic Sample Number (IGSN) is a globally unique and resolvable persistent identifier (PID) for physical samples. It links the sample with its online description and enables the unambiguous identification, location, and citation of samples in digital research infrastructures. The FAIR WISH project, funded by the Helmholtz Metadata Collaboration HMC, aims to further standardise IGSN metadata and support scientists in describing their samples for IGSN registration via standardised metadata that are human- and machine actionable. The FAIR SAMPLES template enables the provision of rich sample descriptions for different Geo-Bio-Samples. The template is built as a modular Microsoft Excel spreadsheet to meet the practices of the broader research community. It includes controlled vocabularies to describe sample types, sampling methodology, material, etc., and integrates persistent identifiers (ORCID, ROR) to acknowledge the persons and organisations involved in the sampling process as well as links to text or data publications relevant for the samples. The template further represents the basis for semi-automated creation of metadata XML files that are required for IGSN registration. Currently, the template is being tested by several heterogeneous projects in the field of Earth and environmental sciences. The data processing workflows and software developed in this project will be completed by the end of 2023 and may serve as a blueprint for other organisations aiming to implement standardised procedures for registering physical samples. |
3:30pm - 4:00pm | Coffee Break Location: Foyer (Henry Ford Building) |
3:30pm - 4:00pm | Book Launch Event at Springer Booth "Didaktik der Geowissenschaften" Location: Foyer (Henry Ford Building) |
4:00pm - 5:30pm | 3.21-2 Tectonic Systems - TSK Open Session Location: Hall A (HFB) Session Chair: Ruth Keppler, Universität Bonn Session Chair: Kamil Ustaszewski, Universität Jena |
4:00pm - 4:15pm
Topics: 3.21 Tectonic Systems - TSK Open Session Do thermomechanical heterogeneities in the upper mantle control crustal deformation? 1GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences, Germany; 2RWTH Aachen, Faculty of Georesources and Materials Engineering, Aachen, Germany; 3ETH Zürich, Department of Earth Sciences, Zürich, Switzerland; 4University of Oslo, Department of Geosciences, Oslo, Norway The architecture of the crust in intracontinental Western and Central Europe is well constrained by multidisciplinary geoscientific data. This low-strain intraplate setting is known for its widely distributed seismicity with earthquake localization, however, being difficult to explain by the observed crustal configuration. Also, observed variations in crustal thickness do not provide clear evidence to explain lateral shifts in depositional and erosional centers over geological time. This raises questions regarding the underlying forces controlling crustal tectonics in this region, located far from active plate boundaries. Shear-wave velocity models obtained from seismic full waveform inversion methods show that the upper mantle is strongly heterogeneous pointing to thermomechanical contrasts that potentially could impact crustal tectonics. Therefore, we convert mantle shear-wave velocities to thermodynamically consistent temperature and density configurations by following a Gibbs's free energy minimization approach. We find spatial correlations between lithospheric thickness, respectively shallow lithospheric temperature and density variations, and crustal deformation patterns (including seismicity). This indicates that thermomechanical instabilities in the mantle could be the origin of relative vertical movements which would (i) cause laterally variable surface uplift and/or subsidence and (ii) facilitate strain localization in the mantle (ductile shear movements) above which the overlying crust would locally respond by brittle deformation. 4:30pm - 4:45pm
Topics: 3.21 Tectonic Systems - TSK Open Session Detailed investigation of the Asse salt structure (Subhercynian Basin) based on new 3D seismic data 1BGE Bundesgesellschaft für Endlagerung, Germany; 2Falcon Geo-Consulting, Germany; 3Notting Hill Geoconsulting Limited The Asse salt structure is a salt-cored anticline with steep, locally overthrusted flanks located in the Subhercynian Basin. It is an excellent example of salt structures in the North German Basin containing a wedge-shaped intrusion of Upper Permian into Upper Triassic salt (‘salt wedge’). The Asse is also known as a location for the disposal of low- and intermediate-level radioactive waste emplaced in the former salt mine Asse II during the 1970s. Detailed knowledge of the tectonic structures is indispensable for planning new retrieval infrastructure and for long-term safety analysis. The Asse salt structure has been thoroughly explored for over 100 years by surface geological mapping, 2D seismic and drilling. Ongoing exploration provides further insights into the salt structures and strengthens our understanding of its evolution. A new 3D seismic data set (2019-2020) provides new insights into the details of this salt structure. Here we present first results of the seismic interpretation revealing substantial changes in the structural style opposing previous geological models. It can be shown that the sub-horizontal northern flank terminates at the base of the southern flank implying a north-ward instead of a south-ward directed overthrusting. Small-scale faults crossing the crest were previously interpreted as transpressional faults developed during the Late Cretaceous inversion. Ongoing kinematic modeling suggests that these faults originated as steeply dipping pre-Cretaceous normal faults that were overprinted during flank-rotation. These implications as well as observations of thickness variations and unconformities in Mesozoic layers will help to reconstruct the evolution of the Asse salt structure. 4:45pm - 5:00pm
Topics: 3.21 Tectonic Systems - TSK Open Session Response of salt structures to loading and unloading by ice-sheets – insights from numerical modelling 1Bundesanstalt für Geowissenschaften und Rohstoffe (BGR), Germany; 2Institut für Geologie, Leibniz Universität Hannover, Germany Salt rocks are mechanically weak and behave like viscous fluids when deforming at geological time scales and strain rates. The weight of an ice sheet advancing into a salt-bearing basin may cause sufficient differential load to induce salt flow. Ice loading has been postulated as a trigger for Pleistocene deformation at a number of salt structures in the Central European Basin System. We conducted 2D-finite-element models (ABAQUS) with a setup representing a simplified salt diapir to test existing conceptual models and evaluate the controlling factors. Different parameter sets for the rheology of salt and overburden rocks, including linear versus non-linear viscosity of the salt, were tested. Model results show lateral salt flow into the diapir and diapiric rise during the ice advance, while a transgression of the diapir by the ice sheet leads to overall downwards displacement. During unloading, displacements are largely restored due to the dominance of the elastic response. Displacements never exceed few metres and are always larger in models with linear viscosity than in those with non-linear viscosity. Linear viscous salt behaviour seems reasonable, considering the low differential stresses caused by the load of a few hundred-metres-thick ice sheet and the time-scale of several thousand years. The elastic parameters also have a strong impact, with lower Young's moduli leading to larger displacements. Our findings demonstrate that both the viscosity and the elasticity exert a fundamental control on ice-load driven salt movement during glacial-interglacial cycles and highlight the importance of a careful parameter choice in numerical modelling. 5:00pm - 5:15pm
Topics: 3.21 Tectonic Systems - TSK Open Session Insights Into the Edifice Stability of Anak-Krakatau (Sunda Strait, Indonesia) Before the Lateral Collapse in December 2018 from Direct Shear Experiments and Finite-Element Models 1GEOMAR Helmholtz-Zentrum für Ozeanforschung Kiel; 2MARUM Zentrum für Marine Umweltwissenschaften The lateral collapse of oceanic volcanoes poses a high risk for the population living in coastal areas since the sudden displacement of large amount of material can trigger tsunami waves impacting the surrounding coastlines. One recent example is the lateral collapse of the SW-flank of Anak-Krakatau (Sunda Strait, Indonesia) in December 2018 that generated a tsunami wave impacting the Sunda Strait coastlines and causing several hundred fatalities. Even though, the lateral collapse of oceanic volcanoes are hazardous events, the precursors of such events are poorly understood. It is suggested that external triggers such as the movement of a décollement, the rise of magma during enhanced activity, or earthquakes can cause a lateral collapse. Yet, the internal state of stability of a volcano needs to be known to evaluate the impact of external triggers. We carry out direct shear tests on samples from Anak-Krakatau and implement the results into finite-element models to evaluate the influence of the volcano’s geometry and the rock mechanical properties on the stability of Anak-Krakatau’s flank before the collapse in 2018. The preliminary results suggest that the volcanic edifice of Anak-Krakatau was unstable before the collapse in 2018 solely due to the geometry of the volcano and the rock mechanical properties. Whether the instability of the volcanic edifice is enough to cause the lateral collapse of Anak-Krakatau in 2018 or whether an external trigger is needed, needs further testing. 5:15pm - 5:30pm
Topics: 3.21 Tectonic Systems - TSK Open Session High-stress crystal-plasticity versus creep of rock-forming minerals – the importance of stress-loading rates indicated by deformation microfabrics Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences, Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich, Germany There is ample evidence of transient high stresses of several hundred MPa at the base of the seismogenic zone in the continental crust, i.e. at greenschist-facies conditions. The microstructural evidence from these depths includes twinning and kinking of jadeite and amphibole, as well as quasi-instantaneous cataclastic deformation of garnet and quartz. At interseismic strain rates, known flow laws for dislocation creep of the rheological dominant mineral, quartz, and/or dissolution precipitation creep of crustal rocks predict lower stresses at the given pressure-temperature conditions. Thus, fast stress-loading rates are required to explain the inferred high-stress crystal-plasticity at greenschist-facies conditions, i.e. loading rates from few tens of MPa to several hundred of MPa within minutes, corresponding to the rupture times for major earthquakes in the seismogenic zone. Although high-stress crystal-plasticity is not allowing to accumulate a high amount of strain, as high stresses prevail only transiently, it provides a driving force for accelerated but rapidly decaying creep, where higher amounts of strain can be accumulated. The strength of both, fault rocks and their host rocks, is strongly depending on the stress conditions that control whether they behave by high-stress crystal-plasticity or creep at given pressure-temperature conditions. Thus, the rheology of crustal rocks is dependent on the stress-loading rates during the seismic cycle controlled by the distance to the tip of the seismic active fault. |
4:00pm - 5:30pm | 3.10 Constraining the rate of change in the Earth System through integrated stratigraphic approaches Location: Hall B (HFB) Session Chair: Christian Zeeden Session Chair: Nina Maria Annegret Wichern, Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster Session Chair: Stefanie Kaboth-Bahr, Free University Berlin |
4:00pm - 4:30pm
Invited Session Keynote Topics: 3.10 Constraining the rate of change in the Earth System through integrated stratigraphic approaches Milankovitch cycles in 2.5-Ga iron formations as archive of the early Earth and Earth-Moon system 1University of Wisconsis-Madison, United States of America; 2Utrecht University, the Netherlands; 3Université du Québec à Montréal, Canada; 4University of Geneva, Switzerland; 5Royal Netherlands Institute of Sea Research (NIOZ), the Netherlands; 6Geological Survey of Western Australia, Australia; 7Radboud University, the Netherlands Regular stratigraphic alternations in lower Paleoproterozoic iron formations (IFs) from South-Africa and Western Australia were recently linked to Milankovitch forcing (1, 2). Hence, valuable information may potentially be obtained from these ancient marine deposits about early Solar System dynamics and astronomical-forced climate change when Earth System was operating in fundamentally different ways compared to present-day and the Phanerozoic. In particular, the dominant imprint of long-period eccentricity observed in the Kuruman IF from South-Africa (2) implied a primary influence of climatic precession, while clear precession-scale variations were unfortunately not encountered in this unit. A clear and consistent expression of precession and eccentricity, however, is essential to investigate the climatic-environmental response to the precessional forcing directly, and to determine the precession frequency as to potentially constrain past Earth-Moon dynamics. Here we report results of cyclostratigraphic analysis and high-precision U-Pb dating of the 2.46-Ga Joffre Member of the Brockman IF, Western Australia, revealing exceptionally regular precession- and eccentricity-scale alternations identified in both outcrop and core. Based on the thickness ratio between the precession- and short eccentricity-related alternations seen in outcrop, we estimate a significantly shorter precession period at the time of deposition of the Joffre Member, translating to a shorter Earth-Moon distance and length-of-day (3). In addition, based on detailed geochemical analysis and modelling of the precession-related cycles identified from core, we present a first-order climate interpretation with possible implications for the redox evolution of the ocean-atmosphere (4). (1) de Oliveira Rodriguez et al. 2019; (2-4) Lantink et al. 2019; 2022; 2023. 4:30pm - 4:45pm
Topics: 3.10 Constraining the rate of change in the Earth System through integrated stratigraphic approaches Correlation of Neoproterozoic glacial diamictites in southern Namibia 1Senckenberg Naturhistorische Sammlungen Dresden, Germany; 2Goethe Universität Frankfurt am Main, Germany; 3Frankfurt Isotope and Element Research Center (FIERCE), Goethe Universität Frankfurt am Main, Germany; 4Geological Survey of Namibia, Ministry of Mines and Energy, Windhoek, Namibia This talk presents a multi-method approach to construct a conclusive new correlation model for Neoproterozoic glacial units of southern Namibia. Therefore, ten different sections and a variety of samples were studied and analysed with respect to field relationships, whole-rock geochemistry, zircon U-Pb dating and Th-U ratios, Hf isotope measurements and zircon grain size analyses, combined with LA-ICP-MS U-Pb dating of cap carbonates. Our analyses show that (1) sediments deposited during four Neoproterozoic glacial events in southern Namibia all have very similar detrital zircon characteristics, allowing the interpretation of continuous recycling of the same material over the most part of the Neoproterozoic, which is also supported by the whole-rock geochemical analyses, (2) cap carbonates can be analysed for their U-Pb isotope ratios and provide valuable age determinations, if reset and overprinted areas are recognised and avoided for laser ablation, (3) proving the Sturtian and the Marinoan age for the Numees Fm and the Namaskluft Mbr by U-Pb dating their overlying carbonate sequences was finally possible, (4) the Witvlei Grp sedimentation ends at 579 ± 52 Ma, which is the age of the stromatolites of the Okambara Mbr, representing the uppermost deposits of the Witvlei Grp, and this leads to (5) the onset of the Nama Grp sedimentation for southern Namibia is no earlier than 579 ± 52 Ma. 4:45pm - 5:00pm
Topics: 3.10 Constraining the rate of change in the Earth System through integrated stratigraphic approaches Ordovician-Devonian black slates from the Rhenohercynian and Truchas basins – deposition and diagenesis University of Bonn, Germany Mud-rich successions can be challenging to interpret accurately, since sedimentary structures such as cross-bedding and ripple marks are often scarce or absent. This makes it difficult to determine the exact environmental and depositional parameters. In order to gain a better understanding of the conditions of such environments, this study aims to compare two of the most important roofing slate deposits in Europe: The Devonian-age “Mosel Slates” and the Ordovician-Silurian-age Truchas Domain. Until 2019, Rathscheck Schiefer mined the “Mosel Slates” from the Katzenberg mine in the SE Eifel, while companies such as Samaca actively exploit roofing slates near Valdeorras, making Spain one of the largest exporters of roofing slate. These slate mines provide a unique opportunity to gather new insights into the geology of the areas of Mayen (Rhenohercynian Basin) and Valdeorras (Truchas Basin). Both of these areas contain sediments which were deposited in marine shelf settings, although the precise mechanisms of deposition and the precise depositional environment are poorly understood. This study presents the results of high-resolution facies analyses, both above and below ground, geochemical analyses, including XRD, XRF and CNS measurements, and micro-CT measurements of framboid populations. In both settings, deposition occurred in a low-energy regime on a passive continental margin. Sediments were derived and reworked from the Laurussian and Avalonian continents, respectively. Background sedimentation and density flows were the main mode of deposition. The water column was oxygenated and anoxia was restricted to the sediment in the “Mosel Slates” and to dysoxic episodes in the Spanish slates. 5:00pm - 5:15pm
Topics: 3.10 Constraining the rate of change in the Earth System through integrated stratigraphic approaches Milankovitch climate control of hyperpycnal flow sedimentation in an Early Cretaceous succession (Ri Qing Wei Basin, China) 1China University of Petroleum (East China), Qingdao, People's Republic of China; 2Leibniz Institute for Applied Geophysics, Hannover, Germany; 3George Mason University, Fairfax, VA, USA Milankovitch forcing exerts a major control on climate that is recorded in the sedimentary rock record. However, its influence on hyperpycnal flow sedimentation is largely unknown. Hyperpycnites, sediments resulting from hyperpycnal flows, which are related to climate through flood frequency and magnitude, may be valuable tools for understanding aspects of Earth’s paleoclimate. Their origin and distinctive layering have been explained by various mechanisms, including frequency of river breaches, sudden increase in the global hydrological cycle, sea-level fluctuations, and variations in sediment supply. Their potential link to paleoclimate variations commonly remains unexplored in detail. Here we use cyclostratigraphic analysis combined with published high precision U-Pb dating to investigate the influence of Milankovitch forcing on their deposition. A continuous drill core of the ~125-million-year-old Early Cretaceous Laiyang Formation (eastern China) reveals well-defined cyclic hyperpycnal flow patterns. The radioisotopic dating and magnetostratigraphy constrains the formation’s average sedimentation rate, and links the observed cycles to precession, obliquity and mainly orbital eccentricity cycles. Orbital parameters most likely paced the delivery of the hyperpycnal flow sediments mainly by river- and delta-supplied currents from non-marine basin immediately; we conclude that Milankovitch cycles exerted a primary control on hyperpycnal flow sedimentation. Sediment accumulation rates determined from 400 kyr cycle age model show a trend of decreasing and then increasing throughout the Laiyang Formation, which was synchronized with the evolution of sedimentary environment controlled by tectonic activity. This study shows that orbitally-induced climate change can also acted as principle driver on deep-marine terrigenous sediment accumulation within a tectonically active basin. |
4:00pm - 5:30pm | 1.05-2 Aquifer thermal energy storage (ATES): Potential, technologies and geoscientific challenges for a sustainable energy transition Location: Hall C (HFB) Session Chair: Sebastian Bauer, Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel Session Chair: Thomas Neumann, TU Berlin Session Chair: Traugott Scheytt, TU Bergakademie Freiberg Session Chair: Lioba Virchow, GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences |
4:00pm - 4:15pm
Topics: 1.05 Aquifer thermal energy storage (ATES): Potential, technologies and geoscientific challenges for a sustainable energy transition Characteristics and inhibition of microbial induced corrosion and biofilm formation by thermal shocks under in-situ conditions in a geothermal heat-storage plant in Neubrandenburg (Germany) 1Hochschule Merseburg, Germany; 2Teitz Laboranlagen, Sensorik, Automation, Dettmansdorf, Germany; 3Bundesinstitut für Risikobewertung, Berlin, Germany; 4Kompetenzzentrum Wasser Berlin, Germany Geothermal facilities in the North German Basin are frequently affected by corrosion and scaling due to high salinity as well as microbial induced corrosion. To study biofilm formation, corrosion processes and countermeasures, a mobile bypass system was installed at the Neubrandenburg geothermal heat storage plant. The reservoir was located in a depth of 1300m in a saline aquifer (~130g/L NaCl). Operation was conducted in two different seasonal modes. In the warm months, heat was stored, while in the winter months the direction of flow was reversed and heat was recovered. At temperatures lower than 60°C, at the cold side of the aquifer, corrosion was promoted by microbial activity, which led to the formation of biofilms on plant components and pipes. Biofilms consisted mainly of various genera of fermentative, sulfate reducing and hydrogen consuming bacteria. Longer incubation time as well as inoculation with fresh biofilm showed an independency of seasonal mode and enrichment of highly adapted community composition with the dominating sulfate-reducing genus Desulfallas. As a countermeasure to corrosion, heat shocks were evaluated in the bypass system and tested also two times at the large scale plant. Heat shocks led to significantly reduced biofilm formation on corrosion coupons and correspondingly reduced iron sulfide precipitates and corrosion rates from 0.538mm/a to 0.170mm/a over an observation period of 48 days. The impact of one heat shock lasted for more than four weeks. Overall the use of periodic heat shocks showed its preventative measure against microbial induced corrosion and scaling in geothermal plants. 4:15pm - 4:30pm
Topics: 1.05 Aquifer thermal energy storage (ATES): Potential, technologies and geoscientific challenges for a sustainable energy transition Exothermic adsorption of oxo-anions by goethite Johannes Gutenberg-University Mainz, Germany Column and field tests related to ATES found significantly elevated Mo, V, and other oxo-anions that could not be explained by reductive dissolution of Fe oxyhydroxides. A common hypothesis levied was that the oxo-anion mobilization appears to be related to a thermal desorption process. However, for an accurate prediction of the concentration changes, there is a lack of thermodynamic parameters to prove that hypothesis which was the aim of this study. Batch equilibrium adsorption experiments with oxo-anions such as molybdate and vanadate were performed using goethite suspensions with different concentrations, ionic strengths, pH values, and at four temperatures between 10 and 75 °C. The results of this large number (>500) of individual batch equilibrium experiments showed that the amount of an oxo-anion adsorbed decreased with increasing temperature. The experimental data were fitted using the CD-MUSIC surface complexation model framework. Temperature variations in the complexation constants were in turn fitted using the two-term van’t Hoff equation to obtain molar enthalpies and entropies. The enthalpies were negative, indicating that the adsorption of the oxo-anions is exothermic and therefore the adsorption affinity decreases with increasing temperature. The entropies could be correlated to the adsorbate molecule volumes together with those previously determined for other oxo-anions, which can be used to extrapolate the adsorption entropies of many other oxo-anions for which EXAFS-based adsorbate structures are available, but for which such data are not yet available. Hydration differences across the bivalent oxo-anion molecule series apparently affect the derived enthalpies and hence the adsorption energies for oxo-anions. 4:30pm - 4:45pm
Topics: 1.05 Aquifer thermal energy storage (ATES): Potential, technologies and geoscientific challenges for a sustainable energy transition Push pull tests for evaluating the sustainability of ATES systems: lessons learned from sensitivity acknowledging parameter optimization GFZ-Potsdam, Germany A thorough characterization of aquifer parameters is crucial for long-term predictions of the ATES system's functioning. Single well tests, also known as push-pull tests, have been widely used to identify effective porosity, flow velocity, decay constants, sorption coefficients, and heat storage capacity of the aquifer. For more than fifty years, multiple analytical and numerical approaches have been developed to validate push-pull test data and to identify model sensitivity. Despite the relatively straightforward approach, the main bottleneck of the push-pull test calibration is the non-uniqueness of the inverse problem solution. Especially in a deep ATES system data scarcity induces the parametric uncertainty and thus calls for the stochastic parameter optimization. To address this issue, a sensitivity-acknowledging surrogate modeling-based optimization technique for stochastic parameter optimization has been developed. Based on the analytical solution for heat and conservative tracer, a surrogate modeling-based optimization approach was developed to identify the heat storage from the push-pull test data. The optimization procedure has been validated against a synthetic dataset with parameter ranges from one of the ATES sites in Berlin. Results confirm that doing a push-pull test with heat and conservative tracer together enables uncertainty reduction. At the same time, sensitivity acknowledging optimization results in a much narrower posterior parameter distribution than the instant fusion of all available data. The modeling procedure highlights that objective function selection, as well as measurement accuracy, define the confidence interval and calibration precision. 4:45pm - 5:00pm
Topics: 1.05 Aquifer thermal energy storage (ATES): Potential, technologies and geoscientific challenges for a sustainable energy transition Analysis of the spatial distribution of low permeability layers on high-temperature aquifer thermal energy storage Christian-Albrecht-University Kiel, Germany High-temperature aquifer thermal energy storage (HT-ATES) is a heat storage technology utilising the subsurface, which can reduce greenhouse gas emissions in renewable-dominated heating sectors. Since the temperature difference between the surrounding groundwater and the injected water (> 50 °C) leads to density differences, HT-ATES can induce buoyancy flow. This process results in uneven heat distribution across the aquifer thickness, lower storage efficiency, and increased thermal impacts. The occurrence and intensity of buoyancy flow depends on, among others, vertical and horizontal permeability. The proposed HT-ATES storage site in Hamburg, Germany, utilizes the Miocene Lower Braunkohlensande (brown coal sands) as the storage aquifer. This geological formation was formed in a coastal transition regime between terrestrial and shallow marine settings and is primarily composed of sands. Layers of brown coal, silt, and clay, embedded in the main storage aquifer, as identified from borehole information, were formed from peat swamps and lagoons and may impede convection due to their low permeability. The influence of these low permeability layers, also considering their lateral extension and position relative to the warm well, on induced convection and on HT-ATES efficiency and thermal impacts is examined in this work by employing a site-specific numerical HT-ATES model representing the coupled thermo-hydraulic processes. Results show, that including even thin low permeability layers can effectively hinder temperature induced thermal convection, thus increasing thermal efficiency of a HT-ATES. The scenario simulations also show, that convection is already significantly dampened if the layers extend only up to the thermal radius. 5:00pm - 5:15pm
Topics: 1.05 Aquifer thermal energy storage (ATES): Potential, technologies and geoscientific challenges for a sustainable energy transition Mine water for thermal energy storage – An analysis of hydrogeochemical factors based on in-situ real laboratory stations 1Technische Universität Bergakademie Freiberg, Institute of Geology, Chair of Hydrogeology and Hydrochemistry, Gustav-Zeuner-Str. 12, 09599 Freiberg (Saxony), Germany; 2University of Basel, Department of Environmental Sciences, Hydrogeology / Applied and Environmental Geology, Bernoullistrasse 32, 4056 Basel, Switzerland Aquifer thermal energy storage (ATES) is a promising technique for the short- to long-term storage of reusable thermal energy in the subsurface. Many ATES projects suffer from operational issues or failures. Main causes are clogging, mineral precipitation and corrosion affecting both the aquifer matrix and technical infrastructure (e.g., pipes, heat exchangers), as well as unfavourable recovery rates due to convective and conductive heat energy losses across natural system boundaries. While most systems address natural porous aquifers, a range of formerly active underground mines has been considered for ATES as well. The ongoing research project “MineATES” focuses on chances and limitations of such man-made systems. Specifically, an in-situ real laboratory has been set up at the former silver mine “Reiche Zeche” in Freiberg, Germany, to simulate periodical heat exchange between mine water and surrounding rock. Hydro-/geochemistry changes will be logged simultaneously to the monitoring of heat propagation in both water and rock. In parallel, laboratory-scale flow-through column and batch experiments with multiple combinations of rock types and mine water compositions will be carried out at defined temperatures (~ 5°C to 50°C) to identify scales, types and locations of possible mineralization and further chemical alteration. Reference materials (rocks and mining waters) from the “Reiche Zeche” will be compared to materials from the Saxonian mines “Ehrenfriedersdorf” (former tin ore mine) and “Lugau/Oelsnitz” (former hard coal mine). The project results are to be compiled into a criteria catalogue, providing guidelines for assessing if and how a mine could be used as an ATES system. 5:15pm - 5:30pm
Topics: 1.05 Aquifer thermal energy storage (ATES): Potential, technologies and geoscientific challenges for a sustainable energy transition Thermal heat storage in abandoned coal mines in the Ruhr area 1Fraunhofer IEG, Germany, Am Hochschulcampus 1, 44801 Bochum; 2Ruhr Universität Bochum, Germany, Universitätsstraße 150, 44801 Bochum; 3Technische Universität Bergakademie Freiberg, Germany, Akademiestraße 6, 09599 Freiberg; 4delta h Ingenieurgesellschaft, Germany, Parkweg 67, 58453 Witten The Winzer project investigates the opportunities and challenges of implementing ATES systems in old groundwater-filled coal mines. For this purpose, a near-surface (<80 m) small coal mine in Bochum, Germany at the Fraunhofer IEG is used as the pilot site. The mine was tapped by three boreholes through which the groundwater is lifted and reinjected. The implementation of geothermal reuse in the old mine building in combination with a concentrated solar power system (CSP) is unique in the world. This allows seasonal storage of fluids with temperatures up to 60°C. In addition, a comprehensive condition monitoring was implemented. The measurement data and findings obtained will be used to make qualitative and quantitative statements on the hydrochemical, microbiological, geo-mechanical and ecological conditions during cyclic operations. The newly developed concepts and technologies will enhance the efficiency of the existing ATES system with regard to scalings and biofoulings at the heat exchangers as well as the safety, i.e. with regard to the mobilization potential of contaminants. Within the project the upscaling from the pilot site at the IEG through the planned development of the site of the former Dannenbaum mine is evaluated. There the hydraulic and geomechanical properties and changes in the ATES system can also be examined during the seasonal heat storage. By including numerical simulations, an optimization of the operation management concepts for the overall system is achieved and potentials for transferability to many other cities and networks in former coal mining regions in Europe will be shown. |
4:00pm - 5:30pm | 3.22 From the ocean floor to the deep mantle and the arc: Element cycling through subduction zones and in orogens Location: Hall D (HFB) Session Chair: Esther Martina Schwarzenbach, University of Fribourg Session Chair: Ralf Halama, Keele University |
4:00pm - 4:15pm
Topics: 3.22 From the ocean floor to the deep mantle and the arc: Element cycling through subduction zones and in orogens Boron isotopic fractionation in subducted oceanic crust FIERCE (Frankfurt Isotope & Element Research Center), Goethe University, Frankfurt am Main, Germany Subducted oceanic crust plays an important role in controlling the chemical budget of the crust and mantle and in the composition of arc lavas. Oceanic eclogites represent fragments of oceanic crust that have been through a subduction zone and were subsequently exhumed and exposed. A range of geochemical signatures in oceanic eclogites have been studied to unravel the fluid-rock interaction processes. A key tracer is the trace-element boron and its isotope ratio (11B/10B) in oceanic eclogites with its great potential for quantifying mass transfer processes at convergent margins. Current models predict a strong decrease of δ11B values in the subducting crust with progressive dehydration to values much below that of the depleted mantle (appr. -7 ‰). We have analyzed elemental abundances and boron isotopic compositions of oceanic metamorphic rocks, from Zambezi Belt, Cabo Ortegal complex, Raspas Complex, Syros Island, and Tian Shan. Whole-rock B/Pr ratios were used to quantify the progress of dehydration. The boron isotopic composition of almost all samples (approximately -10 to +5 ‰) ranges from δ11B values close to that of fresh MORB to that of typical altered oceanic crust. Also, the sample set shows no correlation between δ11B values and B/Pr, as would be expected from current theoretical models. Our results, thus, demonstrate that B isotopic fractionation in subducted oceanic crust is much smaller than predicted. We suggest that this discrepancy can be resolved by accepting high pH values in high-pressure hydrous fluids, which show a much smaller boron isotope fractionation in equilibrium with B-bearing silicates. 4:15pm - 4:30pm
Topics: 3.22 From the ocean floor to the deep mantle and the arc: Element cycling through subduction zones and in orogens Fluid Release from a Dehydrating Serpentinite by Reactive Porosity Waves 1Freie Universität Berlin, Germany; 2Université de Lausanne, Switzerland Dehydration of oceanic lithosphere during subduction is a key process in the Earth's deep volatile cycle. Field observations and studies of obducted meta-serpentinites that underwent dehydration at depth often show an interconnected, channelized vein network that formed during dehydration and served as pathway for fluid release from the dehydrating rock. Previous studies show that chemical heterogeneities in the bulk-rock composition lead to channelization of fluid flow from the onset of the dehydration process and how subsequent reactive fluid flow in the porous network causes further dehydration and channelization. On larger scales, fluid release from the rock is governed by mechanical processes such as porosity waves. While the micro- and meso-scale have been studied so far, this large-scale fluid release mechanism has not yet been explored for dehydrating serpentinite. Here, we present a model for reactive porosity waves that investigates the large-scale fluid release from a dehydrating serpentinite. The model combines viscous rheology with the transport of dissolved silica in the fluid which has been shown to be a key metasomatic agent in the dehydration process. As input for our model, we use a multi-scale dataset of fully hydrated serpentinite from an ophiolite taken as representative for serpentinized oceanic lithosphere entering a subduction zone. We use the data to explore the formation of the vein network during dehydration and the behavior during large-scale fluid escape by reactive porosity waves. 4:30pm - 4:45pm
Topics: 3.22 From the ocean floor to the deep mantle and the arc: Element cycling through subduction zones and in orogens From dry to drenched: variability of H2O contents in rutile from subducted rocks using quantitative in-situ FTIR spectroscopy and mapping Institute for Geology, University of Bern, Switzerland Rutile is potentially very important for the transport of water during subduction metamorphism after the breakdown of hydrous phases, as it is one of the most hydrous nominally anhydrous minerals (up to several 1000 μg/g H2O) and commonly occurs in a variety of lithologies and P-T conditions across subduction zones. We present results from quantitative in-situ Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy of rutile from different subduction settings (P-T, lithology, geothermal gradients) and high-resolution FTIR mapping to evaluate the variability of H2O contents in rutile and retention of H+. Observed H2O contents are highly variable. Granulite facies rutile have low H2O contents (<150 μg/g) with high-P granulites showing up to ~400 μg/g H2O. The highest average H2O contents were observed in low-T eclogite facies rutile (500–1700 μg/g). Amphibolite- and high-T – high-P eclogite facies rutile has intermediate H2O contents (~200–400 μg/g). Rutile from UHP shows greatly varying H2O contents (<10–700 μg/g). FTIR maps of high-P granulite-, high-T – high-P eclogite facies and UHP rutile show evidence for diffusive H+ loss, while low-T eclogite- and amphibolite facies rutile are homogeneous or show growth zoning and thus retain their original H2O contents. Therefore, the typically variable and lower H2O contents at higher P-T conditions result from H+ loss at temperatures above ~650–700 °C. Generally, H2O contents are distinctive for specific subduction zone conditions, especially when coupled with Zr-in-rutile thermometry and trace-element geochemistry, e.g. high H2O contents above 500 μg/g coupled with Zr contents below 200 μg/g indicate cold subduction geotherms. 4:45pm - 5:00pm
Topics: 3.22 From the ocean floor to the deep mantle and the arc: Element cycling through subduction zones and in orogens Efficiency and depth of H2O recycling from a modelling perspective Freie Universität Berlin, Germany The recycling of volatiles like H2O from the surface into the interior is critical as it influences the physical and chemical properties of the mantle. One of the essential effects H2O has on the mantle is the reduction of the solidus temperature, as this can trigger partial melting. On the one hand, the process of partial melting is vital for arc and ore deposit formation. On the other hand, it is thought to be a requirement for the generation of the continental crust. Even though intensive work has been done on investigating the stability fields of hydrous phases experimentally and thermodynamically depending on pressure, temperature, and composition, it is still debated to which depths and in which quantities H2O can be recycled. However, the parameters influencing the mineral stability and break-down (e.g., pressure, temperature, composition, oxygen fugacity) change constantly during the recycling process. To include these changes, global convection models are required which take the varying conditions over time into account. While numerous studies exist, that model the subduction process itself, the recycling of H2O is not considered to date in most of the simulations, or strongly simplified models are applied. We model the quantity of H2O that can be recycled as well as the depth to which the recycling is possible. For this purpose, we test individual parameters affecting the H2O recycling and dehydration from the subducting slab. To benchmark our simulations, we compare our results with seismological observations of the Pacific plate subducting beneath northeast Japan. |
4:00pm - 5:30pm | 3.13 Identifying tectonics and climatic signals in deep-time: challenges and opportunities Location: Wiwi 101 Session Chair: Guido Meinhold, TU Bergakademie Freiberg Session Chair: Luca Caracciolo, Friedrich-Alexander Universität |
4:00pm - 4:30pm
Invited Session Keynote Topics: 3.13 Identifying tectonics and climatic signals in deep-time: challenges and opportunities Pre-Cenozoic paleoclimate responses to astronomical forcing 1Institute of Geology and Palaeontology, Corrensstr. 24, 48149 Münster, University of Münster, Germany; 2Analytical, environmental and Geochemistry, Pleinlaan 2, 1050 Brussels, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium; 3Faculty of Earth Sciences, Martí I Franqués, 08028 Barcelona, University of Barcelona, Spain Astronomical insolation forcing is now well-established as the underlying metronome of Quaternary ice ages and Cenozoic climate carbon-cycle feedback mechanisms. However, its effects on earlier Eras (Mesozoic, Paleozoic, and pre-Cambrian) are less understood. In this presentation, I will evaluate various pre-Cenozoic modes of response to astronomical forcing, and provide an overview of the Earth System components that were particularly sensitive to astronomical forcing under evolving boundary conditions. Subsequently, the role of astronomical forcing in pacing the global carbon cycle in the Devonian warmhouse and Cretaceous hothouse worlds is discussed. Both periods are characterized by recurrent ocean anoxia and remarkably similar hypotheses exist regarding how astronomical forcing could have amplified a nutrient surplus (from chemical weathering and volcanism, respectively) to tip the ocean system into anoxia. The Triassic-Jurassic boundary cyclostratigraphy illustrates the importance of precession-scale time-control to understand feedback mechanisms and cause-and-effect chains at a resolution that is relevant for making analogies with the present-day. Finally, this presentation provides an outlook on the need for a coordinated approach, using so-called astrochronozones, to establish a fully astronomically-calibrated timescale for the Phanerozoic. Overall, I will highlight the need for a more comprehensive understanding of the role of astronomical insolation forcing in shaping Earth's climate over geologic time. 4:30pm - 4:45pm
Topics: 3.13 Identifying tectonics and climatic signals in deep-time: challenges and opportunities A hot, hydrothermally-fed microbial tidal flat in the Paleoarchean Moodies Group, Barberton Greenstone Belt, South Africa? Friedrich-Schiller Universität Jena, Germany Sandy alluvial-, deltaic-, and tidal-facies sediments of the Paleoarchean Moodies Group (ca. 3,220 Ma) are preserved several km thick in the central Barberton Greenstone Belt, interspersed with diverse units representing substantial mafic to intermediate (sub-)volcanism. Densely biolaminated sandstones feature common, up to 6 m high fluid-escape structures which fed small sand volcanoes during prolonged and/or recurring discharge of gases, liquids, and solids. The to-date highest documented concentration of fluid-escape structures occurs in a single, largely silicified unit of tidal-facies sandstones ca. 150 m thick, traceable along strike for ca. 14 km and located stratigraphically ca. 1 km above the Lomati River Sill, a 15 km long mafic sill of Moodies intrusive age. Fluid-escape conduits are filled by sand, sericitic clay and fine-grained organic matter. Semiquantitative XRF scanning of several slabbed fluid-escape structures indicates that conduits are enriched in Fe, Cr, Ti, and Mg in comparison to the mean composition of adjacent beds, suggesting that fluid-escape structures may not only have formed due to overpressure build-up from decaying microbial mats in the shallow subsurface but also resulting from release of hydrothermal fluids generated in a thermal aureole above the cooling sill. This inference is also supported by sediment textures characteristic of argillaceous and sericitic alteration, Raman temperatures ca. 50 - 100°C above the regional maximum metamorphic temperature of 320 - 370°C, and associated peperites nearby. Surficial hydrothermal activity in the tidal zone would have likely boosted microbial growth. Surficial pre-compaction carbonation and silicification greatly facilitated the preservation of delicate microbial mats. 4:45pm - 5:00pm
Topics: 3.13 Identifying tectonics and climatic signals in deep-time: challenges and opportunities Expressions of Early Silurian climate changes in the stratigraphic record of Baltica and South China 1GeoZentrum Nordbayern, Friedrich-Alexander Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg (FAU), Schloßgarten 5, D-91054 Erlangen, Germany; 2TU Bergakademie Freiberg, Institut für Geologie, Bernhard-von-Cotta-Straße 2, D-09599 Freiberg, Germany; 3State Key Laboratory of Palaeobiology and Stratigraphy, Nanjing Institute of Geology & Palaeontology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Nanjing 210008, China; 4Center for Excellence in Life & Palaeoenvironment, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Nanjing 210008, China; 5Department of Geology, Lund University, Sölvegatan 12, SE-223 62 Lund, Sweden; 6Tallinn University of Technology, Institute of Geology, Ehitajate tee 5, 19086 Tallinn, Estonia; 7Faculty of Environmental Sciences, Czech University of Life Sciences Prague, Kamýcká 129, 165 21, Praha 6 – Suchdol, Czech Republic The Silurian record in the Siljan crater, Europe’s largest impact structure, in the succession at Baizitian (Sichuan Province) in South China, in other Swedish and Estonian sections, together with records from Laurentia and high latitude peri-Gondwana imply a series of glacial events during the Early Silurian. The associated climate shifts are expressed in stratigraphic sections as δ18Oapatite anomalies and subaerially exposed sequence boundaries with associated palaeokarst in the tropics and subtropics. During the continuing icehouse after the Hirnantian glacial maximum several stratigraphic gaps developed in the basal Silurian in many parts of the world due to extremely low sea levels, erosion, and first onlaps during deglaciations much later in Silurian times. Our Telychian to Sheinwoodian chemostratigraphic data include several prominent excursions, such as the pronounced Manitowoc Carbon Isotope Excursion (Manitowoc CIE, ‘Manitowoc Excursion’), spanning the upper Pterospathodus eopennatus Zone and the lower Pterospathodus amorphognathoides amorphognathoides Superzone. Well-bracketed by conodont biostratigraphy, the Manitowoc CIE is an essential tie-point for a detailed correlation between the Baizitian succession in South China and the Telychian strata of Baltica and Laurentia. Here we focus on the Early Silurian climate development spanning the Telychian Valgu glaciation (more widely recognized than older glacials during the Aeronian), the Manitowoc Icehouse including two short-term glacial events and the late Telychian Glaciation (LTG), , and the Sheinwoodian glaciation reflected by the Sheinwoodian Oxygen Isotope Excursion (SOIE) following directly after the maximum δ13C values of the widely known Early Sheinwoodian Carbon Isotope Excursion (ESCIE). 5:15pm - 5:30pm
Topics: 3.13 Identifying tectonics and climatic signals in deep-time: challenges and opportunities Detrital garnet petrology challenges Paleoproterozoic ultrahigh-pressure metamorphism in western Greenland 1Georg-August-University Göttingen, Germany; 2TU Bergakademie Freiberg, Germany Modern-style plate tectonics is characterized by the global operation of deep and cold subduction involving ultrahigh-pressure and blueschist-facies metamorphism. This is a common process since the Neoproterozoic, but a couple of studies indicate similar processes have been active in the Paleoproterozoic, at least on the local scale. Particularly conspicuous are extreme ultrahigh-pressure conditions of ~7 GPa at thermal gradients <150°C/GPa proposed for metamorphic rocks of the Nordre Strømfjord shear zone in the western part of the Paleoproterozoic Nagssugtoqidian Orogen of Greenland (Glassley et al., 2014). By acquiring a large dataset of heavy minerals (n = 52,130) and garnet major-element composition integrated with mineral inclusion analysis (n = 2,669) from modern sands representing fresh and naturally mixed erosional material from the metamorphic rocks, we here intensely screened the area for potential occurrences of ultrahigh-pressure rocks and put constraints on the metamorphic evolution. Apart from the absence of any indications pointing to ultrahigh-pressure and low-temperature/high-pressure metamorphism, the results are well in accordance with a common Paleoproterozoic subduction−collision metamorphic evolution along a Barrovian-type intermediate temperature/pressure gradient with a pressure peak at the amphibolite−granulite−eclogite-facies transition and a temperature peak at medium- to high-pressure granulite-facies conditions. This is in strong contrast to the proposed ultrahigh-pressure conditions and low geothermal gradients, and challenges the existence of a Paleoproterozoic modern-style plate-tectonic regime in western Greenland. 5:30pm - 5:45pm
Topics: 3.13 Identifying tectonics and climatic signals in deep-time: challenges and opportunities Collecting ‘Big’-data in sedimentary provenance analysis: An optimized workflow from sample preparation to analysis 1Georg-August University Göttingen, Geoscience Centre, Department of Sedimentology and Environmental Geology, Göttingen, Germany; 2Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt e.V. (DLR), Institute of Networked Energy Systems, Oldenburg, Germany; 3Centre for Astronomy and Earth Sciences, Institute for Geological and Geochemical Research, Eötvös Loránd Research Network, Budapest, Hungary; 4Georg-August University Göttingen, Central Workshop of the Geoscience Centre, Göttingen, Germany For a robust interpretation in sedimentary provenance analysis studies (SPA) a combination of multiple methods is usually applied to a selected number of samples. To circumvent effects that perturb the provenance signal (e.g. hydraulic sorting) information on radiometric age, chemical composition and mineralogy is collected for mineral varieties usually by means of laser ablation inductively coupled mass spectrometry (LA-ICPMS), electron probe microanalyzer (EPMA), Raman micro-spectroscopy and polarized optical microscopy. These methods have become increasingly efficient and allow for rapid analysis of statistically relevant numbers of samples which is fundamental to SPA. However, routine combination of these methods on the same grains is rarely realized and sample preparation quickly becomes a bottleneck when sample numbers are significantly increased. The latter is especially important to detect subtle variations in deposits due to processes operating on centennial to millennial time scales such as rapid climatic variability. Here we present a workflow that is optimized for high throughput of silt to sand-sized sedimentary samples, which allows routine combination of optical microscopy, Raman micro-spectroscopy, EPMA and LA-ICPMS by means of machine learning methods. Due to the high degree of automatization our workflow enables to access sedimentary archives at high spatial and/or temporal resolution and will provide, depending on combined methods, single-grain datasets that contain information on grain-size, shape, roundness, color, mineralogy, degree of metamictization, chemical composition, trace element composition and radiometric age. We demonstrate innovative approaches in the relevant sample preparation steps and showcase data of several loess profiles highlighting the feasibility of our workflow. |
4:00pm - 5:30pm | 1.20 Resource management tools – as a knowledge base for the availability of raw materials and for decision-making Location: Wiwi 104 Session Chair: Antje Wittenberg, Federal Institute for Geosciences and Natural Resources (BGR) Session Chair: Soraya Heuss-Aßbichler, University of Munich (LMU) |
4:00pm - 4:30pm
Invited Session Keynote Topics: 1.20 Resource management tools – as a knowledge base for the availability of raw materials and for decision-making From boring needs to cool instruments. – Can codes and standards assist to ensure fair, responsible and legal mining? ECTerra GEO Consult GBR, Germany Worldwide 80-100 million people are involved in small-scale mining, another 4 million people in "normal" mining in order to survive and to gain income for their families. Many strategic minerals, such as Coltan, Cobalt, etc., are shipped to Europe from small-scale mining. Materials from legal mining mix with illegal operations and disappear undetected in refineries. Responsible, legal, and fair mining can only emerge if we progress with transformation in this sector. A rethinking of ethical and moral principles. But is that even possible? Yes, it is achievable! When governments, mine owners, small-scale miners and social communities come together and are more interested in long-term profits than in "quick & dirty money". The standards for responsible mining already exist. OECD, IFC, UNFC and others have already developed and framed these standards. Only their practice in the field and the implementation of these standards in the real world remains difficult. Our supply chains often start right in the bush in the hinterland of many developing countries. This is where people want to earn money through honest and fair work. Communities want to profit from the "exploitation" of their natural resources. Governments must be able to participate in the sales & exports and monitor them. Environmental protection and human rights are the highest good and must be introduced and always respected. This can only be achieved through a very lengthy process of training and further education of all those involved. Mining standards help us to monitor and evaluate progresses. Based on a feasibility study in Ni mining in South America, fluorspar mining in Germany and small-scale mining for tantalum in Liberia, we discuss the necessary transformations in the raw materials sector. 4:30pm - 4:45pm
Topics: 1.20 Resource management tools – as a knowledge base for the availability of raw materials and for decision-making Promoting Sustainability through Inclusive Resource Management: The Role of UNFC and Intergenerational Action UNECE Resource Management Young Member Group (RMYMG), Germany The promotion of accessible knowledge and better understanding of raw materials extraction and management is a crucial step towards ensuring sustainable resource management across industries and nations. Intergenerational equity can only be achieved through the inclusion of public stakeholders, including the youth, in decision-making processes and implementation of standards and practices in the industry. Resource classification tools like CRIRSCO dominated the minerals industry in the past, providing information mainly accessible to geoscientists trained to interpret the assessments and investors. But as the public is an important stakeholder of the global environment, it is important to create an all-inclusive system that can be used by everyone. Thus, standards that cater to investors only do not serve the broader purpose of promoting sustainable resource management. The UNFC classification and UNRM provide easily digestible information that allows non-experts to compare national resources, their implications on the economy, society, and the environment, that, unlike other standards, don’t vary from industry to industry and country to country. However, many questions about the implementation of UNFC are still to be answered. How do we strengthen the UNFC to equitably involve non-experts and future generations from various sectors and industries? And how can a policy implementation, that ensures environmental, social and intergenerational equity be ensured? This proposed talk combines perspectives of industry, government, academia, and NGOs, and provides a rounded discussion on how we demystify, heighten social awareness, and encourage intergenerational action around the UNFC and towards sustainable resource management by and for all. 4:45pm - 5:00pm
Topics: 1.20 Resource management tools – as a knowledge base for the availability of raw materials and for decision-making Developing an EU International Centre of Excellence on Sustainable Resource Management to support UNRMS 1Geological Survey of Slovenia, Slovenia; 2Supervisory Authority of Regulatory Affairs Sustainable use of mineral resources that we need for energy storage, power generation and the transition to climate neutrality, and which is at the same time more efficient and integrated, can be achieved by orchestrated activities to harmonise and careful manage data on reserves and resources. This makes an opportunity to build on EU level mineral intelligence by developing a capacity building and knowledge centre in support to the United Nations Resource Management System (UNRMS). UNRMS is represented by the principles and requirements on sustainable resource management, set by the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE). On that purpose the Horizon Europe´s Coordination and Support Action acronymed GSEU is establishing the Geological Service for Europe, which will include an EU International Centre of Excellence on Sustainable Resource Management (EU ICE SRM). The objective of the EU ICE SRM will be promotion and capacity building on the United Nations Framework Classification for Resources (UNFC) - an international scheme for the classification and management of energy, mineral and raw material resources (UNECE, 2023) that takes into account the degree of confidence, technical feasibility and social-economic-environmental aspects of a project. The EU ICE SRM will thus support UNRMS by capacity building and promotion of the resources needed to accomplish the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development (UNECE, 2020). It will operate as a network of partners and experts to assist the decision makers and key stakeholders in resource management. References: UNECE, 2020: Criteria for ICE-SRM Designation https://unece.org/fileadmin/DAM/energy/se/pdfs/UNFC/ICE-SRM/20200925_EGRM-11-2020-INF3_ICE.SRM_Criteria___ToR_Final.pdf UNECE, 2023: What is UNFC? https://unece.org/sites/default/files/2023-02/What-is-UNFC_E.pdf 5:00pm - 5:15pm
Topics: 1.20 Resource management tools – as a knowledge base for the availability of raw materials and for decision-making A Novel Web-tool for the Assessment of Materials Recovery and Recycling Projects Aligned with UNFC Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München (LMU), Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences, Germany The current challenges in our society regarding digital, energy, and circular economy transition have made the recycling and recovery of materials from waste streams a hot topic since they have the potential to provide part of the materials required to meet the challenges. Evaluating the sustainability of a project is also crucial, which usually involves a number of requirements for the project. In this regard, the classification of projects is key to the development of secondary raw materials (SRMs) recovery and recycling projects, including their proper management. The United Nations Framework Classification for Resources (UNFC) is a unique tool to assess all types of resources on the same principle notably projects related to the supply of Critical Raw Materials and SRMs from primary and anthropogenic resources. It considers the level of confidence in the quantity of products obtained, their technical feasibility, and their environmental-social-economic viability. Hence, it can be used as a decision-support tool on company, regional, and national levels. This paper presents a web-based tool developed for the assessment of SRMs to determine, among other things, the maturity level of SRM recovery projects in accordance with the UNFC. The development process of the web-based tool will be discussed, including its design, features, and functionalities. An example is provided to show how the tool can be used to assess different types of secondary raw materials, highlighting its potential benefits for the circular economy. 5:15pm - 5:30pm
Topics: 1.20 Resource management tools – as a knowledge base for the availability of raw materials and for decision-making UNFC – a tool the scientific community should be aware of 1Federal Institute for Geosciences and Natural Resources (BGR), Germany; 2Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), Germany Fieldwork, sampling and analysis are tasks that most geoscientists enjoy, whether they are aspiring young scientists or experienced field geologists. Some of the activities arouse curious interest others are viewed with scepticism. Yet, what they all have in common is that good communication is part of successful work. Hence, an open and transparent discourse with non-scientists, is of importance as it is for mutual communication among fellow scientists, among and across disciplines. Natural resources are a valuable asset, so the possibilities, risks, opportunities and challenges associated with projects to explore and use them should be made equally known to all interested parties. The United Nations has developed a tool (UNFC) that can help with communication in order to achieve mutual understanding in the context of resource management. Furthermore, in its draft legislation on critical raw materials (CRM), the European Commission has proposed to use the UNFC as a mandatory tool in reporting on mineral resources in the EU and in European and national research programmes. EIT Raw Materials - as one of Europes´ largest project promoters - is already encouraged to assess the proposals against the UNFC concept. Due to the worldwide high demand for CRM, increased exploration activities currently also stepped up in Germany. These projects are at different stages of exploration and development maturity. A unified classification via UNFC could help to support the regional sustainable raw material supply. This contribution aims to raise awareness of the UNFC concept and improve understanding of its application. |
4:00pm - 5:30pm | 3.12-2 Past climates and environments inform our future Location: Wiwi 104a Session Chair: Cécile Blanchet, GFZ Potsdam Session Chair: Stefanie Kaboth-Bahr, Free University Berlin |
4:00pm - 4:15pm
Topics: 3.12 Past climates and environments inform our future New insights into Early Cretaceous continental environments and climate based on lignite-bearing strata from central Mongolia 1Leibniz University Hannover, Germany; 2RWTH Aachen University, Germany; 3Kochi University, Japan; 4Mongolian Academy of Sciences, Mongolia The late Early Cretaceous (121.4 to 100.5 Ma) was characterized by a gradual warming trend superimposed on an already warm greenhouse climate. Whereas the evolution of ocean temperatures during this time interval is relatively well constrained, information on the response of continental interiors to such climatic extremes is limited. Here we report new data from the continental Choir-Nyalga Basin of central Mongolia, which contains thick, lignite-rich successions (Khukhteeg Fm.) bearing an exceptionally well-preserved fossil flora of various pine and redwood species as well as representatives of extinct seed plant lineages. The continuous and often long-lasting accumulation of plant remains results in continental high-resolution archives documenting the palaeoecological conditions prevailing during bog growth. In order to reconstruct the palaeoenvironmental conditions, a combined approach including brGDGT-based palaeothermometry, coal petrology and palynology is applied, complemented by geochemical measurements (TOC, TS, δ13Corg). Due to the limited biostratigraphic resolution of the continental Khukhteeg Fm., stratigraphic trends in δ13Corg will be applied for local and super-regional chemostratigraphic correlation. The carbon isotopic composition of the land plant-derived organic matter shows pronounced stratigraphic fluctuations and varies between -20.8 ‰ to -24.4 ‰ (average: -22.4 ‰). The brGDGT data represent the oldest analyses obtained from lignites so far. The new data indicate that the climatic conditions in central paleo-Asia (paleolatitude of ~38°N) during the late Early Cretaceous were characterised by high mean annual air temperatures (ranging between 8 ± 3°C and 10 ± 4°C). 4:15pm - 4:30pm
Topics: 3.12 Past climates and environments inform our future New insights into hyperthermal events during the late Paleocene to early Eocene 1MARUM - Center for Marine Environmental Sciences, University of Bremen, Germany; 2University of Tokyo; 3Kochi University; 4Chiba Institute of Technology; 5Dipartimento di Ingegneria e Geologia, Universita’ degli Studi “G. d’Annunzio” di Chieti-Pescara The late Paleocene and early Eocene climate was punctuated by several warming events known as hyperthermals. These events reflect perturbations in the carbon cycle, identified by the negative carbon isotope excursions, including the prominent Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum. Under the high carbon emission scenario of RCP8.5, the climate is predicted to most closely resemble early Eocene conditions within the next hundred years, making it a promising analog to study the possible long-term environmental changes that we have to face in the near future. High-resolution geochemical records from the Atlantic and Pacific provide astronomically calibrated age models of the early Paleogene. However, these sites are located in the equatorial- to subequatorial regions, so the high-latitude climate changes of the early Paleogene still remain elusive. IODP Expedition 378 recovered new Paleogene sediments at Site U1553 in the high-latitude Southwest Pacific. Here, we present a novel late Paleocene to early Eocene age model spanning ~7 million years, which will be essential for future paleoceanographic studies of this site. To construct the age model, we used a combined chemostratigraphic and biostratigraphic approach. Our results show that the shape and pattern of the U1553 bulk sediment δ13C record generally match the orbitally-tuned records, which is reflective of a global trend. However, the nannofossil events at site U1553 exhibit a striking delay compared to lower latitude sites, suggesting that these commonly-used datums are not applicable at the high latitudes. 4:30pm - 4:45pm
Topics: 3.12 Past climates and environments inform our future Environmental change at the Mid-Eocene Climate Optimum in Central Asia and potential relations with Eurasian paleoecological dispersals 1CNRS - université de rennes, France; 2GFZ Potsdam; 3Frankfurt university; 4Tuebingen university; 5Saptayev institute of geology, Kazakhstan limatic optima and hyperthermals of the Paleogene period (66-34 Ma) open windows into the past to explore the Earth System under extreme conditions, beyond several tipping points. During this period Central Asia was intensely hot and arid and offered only a few corridors between Asian and European ecosystems that enabled significant dispersal events such as the "Grande Coupure". These events may have beentriggered by climatic and/or paleogeographical events including the fluctuations of the proto-Paratethysepicontinental sea and its progressive retreat. To date, it has been difficult to disentangle these various forcing factors.Sedimentary sections and associated climate tracers in this region and period are notoriously rare, and existing records suffer from poor age control that precludes robust correlations. We present here a high-resolution magnetostratigraphic dating of integrated environmental proxies from deposits of the Ili Basin, Kazakhstan, bearing rare Eocene mammal fossils. Preliminary results suggest the section encompasses a significantly wetter phase that can be precisely correlated to the Middle Eocene Climate Optimum, a globally recognized hyperthermal expressed by various extreme climate events from 40.5 to 40.1 Ma. In the studied Ili Basin record, Mammal fossils are reported to come precisely from this wet interval. This singular concentration of evidence suggests the MECO may have promoted Eurasian dispersal, however, further climate modelling and proxy data are required to identify potential controlling mechanisms. 4:45pm - 5:00pm
Topics: 3.12 Past climates and environments inform our future Post-glacial climate amelioration recorded in the early Permian Aramac Coal Measures (Galilee Basin, Australia) 1Institute for Geology, Leibniz University Hannover, Callinstraße 30, D-30167 Hannover, Germany; 2School of Earth and Environmental Sciences, The University of Queensland, QLD 4072, Australia; 3Energy and Mineral Resources Group (EMR), Institute of Geology and Geochemistry of Petroleum and Coal, Lochnerstr. 4-20, RWTH Aachen University, 52056 Aachen, Germany The end of the Late Palaeozoic Ice Age (LPIA) was characterized by the development of widespread peat-forming mires across Gondwana concurrently with the evolution of the Glossopteris-flora. The Aramac Coal Measures in the Galilee Basin of Australia represent some of the early phase of humic peat formation following the deglaciation in an ameliorating climate. This work aims to examine two boreholes using a multidisciplinary approach involving palynology, coal petrology, carbon isotope geochemistry and biomarkers to reconstruct the climate, environment and floras of this post-glacial period. Palynostratigraphy suggests a late Artinskian to early Kungurian age for the Aramac Coal Measures separated from the overlying JK seams by an unconformity. Small-scale sedimentary dykes and cryostructured palaeosols suggest the peats would have formed under permafrost conditions. Palynological assemblages display a typical mix of early Permian elements and remnants of the Carboniferous floras with striate bisaccate pollen representing glossopterids, monosaccate pollen representing cordaitaleans, and spores representing herbaceous ferns, lycopsids and horsetails. Maceral analysis of the coals show high inertinite values, which, along with pristane/phytane ratios indicate an oxidative environment in which the peats were influenced by fire and/or fungi and bacteria. Stable carbon isotope values are typical for terrestrial environments (-22‰ to -26‰) but show an apparent cyclicity that may be related to climatic fluctuations following the end of the glaciation. This indicates the rise of the Glossopteris-flora was a gradual process which may have been influenced by warm and cool climatic phases well into the Permian. |
4:00pm - 5:30pm | 2.06-2 Interior, surface and atmosphere processes on rocky worlds Location: Wiwi 105 Session Chair: Solmaz Adeli, DLR |
4:00pm - 4:30pm
Invited Session Keynote Topics: 2.06 Interior, surface and atmosphere processes on rocky worlds Surface processes on the Moon, Mars and the Earth Natural History Museum, London, United Kingdom Planetary surfaces hold evidence of past geological processes through the geomorphological record of landforms. Fast erosion rates, active tectonics, and a thick atmosphere contribute to partial or total loss of the terrestrial record, therefore leading to the misinterpretation and underestimation of the geological processes that formed it. Well-preserved extraterrestrial landforms, coupled with high resolution imagery, can compensate for the terrestrial missing geomorphological information. On the other hand, on Earth, we have direct access to landforms. Field observations are vital to gain insights into the mechanisms involved and into the environmental and climatic conditions in which landforms form. Therefore, the combination of terrestrial and planetary observations can be very effective in better understanding geological processes across the Solar System. This talk will focus on long runout landslides and impact craters. I will discuss: a) the importance of comparative planetary geology in studying long runout landslides on Mars and Earth, in the attempt to understand their emplacement mechanisms and the link with climatic conditions; b) present day impact events on the Moon and the implications for Solar System chronology and impact flux rate. 4:30pm - 4:45pm
Topics: 2.06 Interior, surface and atmosphere processes on rocky worlds Formation and development of polygonal soils in the hyper-arid Atacama Desert and their relevance for Mars. 1Museum für Naturkunde, Leibniz-Institut für Evolutions- und Biodiversitätsforschung, 10115 Berlin, Germany; 2Astrobiology Research Group, Zentrum für Astronomie und Astrophysik, Technische Universität Berlin, 10623 Berlin, Germany; 3Section Geomicrobiology, German Research Centre for Geosciences (GFZ), 14473 Potsdam, Germany; 4Department of Experimental Limnology, Leibniz-Institute of Freshwater Ecology and Inland Fisheries (IGB), 12587 Stechlin, Germany; 5School of the Environment, Washington State University, Pullman, WA 99164, USA Polygonal networks occur on various terrestrial and extraterrestrial surfaces holding valuable information on the pedological and climatological conditions under which they develop. However, in contrast to their periglacial counterparts, the information that polygons in the hyper-arid Atacama Desert can provide is little understood. To gain insights into their geometrical and geochemical build-up, we performed a morphometric terrain characterization in combination with geochemical and sedimentological analysis on four polygonal networks in the Yungay area of the Atacama Desert. The polygons are composed of siliciclastic sediment that is mainly cemented by sulfates in ~0–50 cm depth and by nitrates and chlorides in ~50–100 cm depth while being separated by about 1 m deep, salt-poor and V-shaped sand wedges. The high salt content (>60 wt%) and high surface temperature variations make a thermal contraction origin likely. The low clay content (~2 wt%) makes an exclusive desiccation origin less relevant but a formation based on dehydration of sulfates remains conceivable. Morphometric data indicate a link between topography and polygon geometry, as the flat-centered polygons (mean size ~4 m) are aligned either in slope direction or perpendicular to it, while being more elongated on steeper slopes. Erosion of these networks is mainly eolian-driven, but we also find signs for aqueous resurfacing of microtopography by fog and minimal rainwater infiltration. Our findings provide a basis for future polygon research in hyper-arid environments, such as Mars, while allowing for the use of polygons as environmental proxies in the Atacama Desert that indicating saline soils and hyper-arid conditions. 4:45pm - 5:00pm
Topics: 2.06 Interior, surface and atmosphere processes on rocky worlds Climate dynamics plays a key role in determining the Snowball bifurcation point on Earth 1PIK, Germany; 2ETH Zurich, Switzerland One of the limits of planetary habitability of Earth and other water-rich planets relates to the instability with respect to global glaciation, a fundamental property of the climate system caused by the positive ice-albedo feedback. Due to the steady increase in solar luminosity, the atmospheric concentration of carbon dioxide (CO2) at which this Snowball bifurcation occurs evolves over time. Earlier studies on the limit of global glaciation are based on investigations with very simple climate models for Earth’s entire history or studies of individual time slices carried out with a variety of more complex models and for different boundary conditions, making comparisons difficult. Here we use a relatively fast coupled climate model of intermediate complexity to trace the Snowball bifurcation of an aquaplanet through Earth’s history in one consistent modelling framework. We find that the critical CO2 concentration decreases more or less logarithmically with increasing solar luminosity until about 1 billion years ago, but drops faster in more recent times. Furthermore, there is a fundamental shift in the dynamics of the critical state about 1.8 billion years ago, driven by the interplay of wind-driven sea-ice dynamics and the surface energy balance. These results highlight once again the importance of climate dynamics for investigations of planetary habitability. 5:00pm - 5:15pm
Topics: 2.06 Interior, surface and atmosphere processes on rocky worlds Long-term changes of Earth's internal magnetic field and their effects on the shielding and cosmogenic nuclides 1GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences, Helmholtz Centre Potsdam, Germany; 2Space Physics and Astronomy Research Unit, University of Oulu, Finland; 3Sodankylä Geophysical Observatory, University of Oulu, Finland The Earth’s magnetic field shields our planet against highly energetic particles from the Sun and outer space. Over geological times, the time-varying geomagnetic field exhibited periods of dramatic changes, both in intensity and direction. Recent data compilations of paleomagnetic records enable us to model the long-term, global evolution of the geomagnetic field and better understand the internal dynamics and underlying phenomena. On the other hand, the spatial and temporal changes influence the shielding and cosmogenic nuclide production rates. In general, the higher the field intensity, the larger the shielding and the fewer cosmogenic nuclides are produced in the atmosphere. We cover the evolution of the geomagnetic field over the past 100 000 years by presenting characteristics found to be robust in available global models. The period includes a few geomagnetic excursions, including the Laschamps excursion 41 000 years ago – when the intensity was globally very low, and the field had a complex, multipolar structure. Several properties of and estimates based on the models will be discussed, including the field morphology at the core-mantle boundary and Earth’s surface, global cutoff rigidity variations, impact area, global cosmic ray flux, and production rates of different cosmogenic nuclides. The latter results from the models are validated through comparison with actual measurements from ice and marine cores. |
4:00pm - 5:30pm | 4.10-3 Geoscience Education Research - What do we Know About Learning and Teaching geosciences? Location: Wiwi 107 Session Chair: Sylke Hlawatsch, Richard Hallmann Schule Session Chair: Dirk Felzmann, Rheinland-Pfälzische Technische Universität Kaiserslautern-Landau |
4:00pm - 4:15pm
Topics: 4.10 Geoscience Education Research - What do we Know About Learning and Teaching geosciences? EGU Geosciences Education Field Officers: the assessment of the programme 1Centre for Earth and Space Research of the University of Coimbra (CITEUC), Coimbra, Portugal.; 2European Geoscience Union - Education Committee (EGU-EC); 3Richard-Hallmann-Schule, Trappenkamp, Germany; 4Spanish Earth Science Teachers Association (AEPECT), Spain.; 5Escola Secundária de Loulé, Loulé, Portugal; 6GEOAZUR Education & Outreach, Université Côte d'Azur, France With the main goal of supporting geosciences education in Europe and beyond, the European Geosciences Union (EGU) Education Committee (EC) launched and support the Geoscience Education Field Officers (GEFO) programme. A GEFO is a teacher trainer that promotes hands-on workshops to geoscience teachers and pre-service teachers, from primary to secondary school, in his own country. Since 2019, a network of 11 EGU GEFO are working, initially with members from France, Italy, Portugal, and Spain, later reinforced, in May 2022, with GEFO from Albania, Estonia, Germany, Greece, Romania, Turkey, and the United Kingdom. Beyond Europe GEFO programme is established in eight countries (Burkina Faso, Chile, Colombia India, Malaysia, Morocco, Togo) and is supported by the International Union of Geological Sciences Commission on Geoscience Education (IUGS-COGE). Indicators as: a) number of workshops held, attending participants, and locations; b) workshop contents; c) teachers’ conferences attended and abstracts/papers published by GEFO about their activity; d) and an evaluation form provided to attending participants that allows to make a sample characterisation (teacher education establishments involved, gender, role, teaching years, professional position, school level, taught subjects) and appreciation of the interest of the workshops, have been used to assess the progress of the programme. The evaluation form was adapted from one used by the Earth Science Education Unit (University of Keele, UK). The assessment has brought some challenges particularly related to the application of the same evaluation form in different national educational systems/curricula, and with the encouragement of attends to fill in the form. 4:15pm - 4:30pm
Topics: 4.10 Geoscience Education Research - What do we Know About Learning and Teaching geosciences? EGU Geoscience Education Field Officer (GEFO) initiative in Germany – results of the first year of activity Richard-Hallmann-Schule Trappenkamp, Germany Geoscientists know that their scientific understanding of the Earth as a system is important for the sustainable development of planet Earth. In Germany they expressed their concern about the state of geoscience education in 1996 (Leipziger Erklärung) and in 2023 (Positionspapier der GEOUNION und des Dachverbandes der Geowissenschaften). Explicit geoscience education expertise is still lacking at all levels of the educational system: education research at the universities, teacher training, professional development of teachers, syllabus commissions. In 2019 the European Geoscience Union - Education Commission (EGU-EC) launched an initiative by appointing Geoscience Education Field Officers (GEFO) to support science and geography teachers that are interested in teaching geosciences. The GEFO are trained to offer in service and pre service teacher training according the teacher training method developed by the Earth Science Education Unit originally based at Keele University (UK). It provides interactive hands-on workshops and access to a wealth of teaching resources that are freely available through a website. The workshops are evaluated by an online questionnaire. (Correia et al. 2020). In 2022 the EGU-EC appointed a GEFO for Germany. Measures of cooperation have been established and first workshops conducted. Cooperation partners as well as German teachers show a high level of interest in the workshops. The workshop schedule will be explained and first evaluation results presented. Source: Correia, G. P. et al. (2020) Geoscience Education Field Officer international programme – the first year of activity (May 2019 – April 2020). ASE International. 10. 11-21. 4:30pm - 4:45pm
Topics: 4.10 Geoscience Education Research - What do we Know About Learning and Teaching geosciences? Earth system science in schools: Teaching geoscientific content with the help of instructional videos Universität Greifswald, Germany There is an urgent need to include Earth systems sciences (ESS) in the school curricula in order to enable the next generation to understand that the Earth is a dynamic system and its global problems such as climate change or the sustainable use of georesources as discussed by the 2022 report of the Leopoldina, the German National Academy of Sciences. Right now, geosciences are not explicit part of the German school curriculum. Basic knowledge of the earth sciences is currently only taught in geography classes and occasionally in physics, chemistry and biology classes. But geography and all science teachers do not receive qualified training in Earth system sciences as part of their studies. While they rely on textbooks for their teaching, geoscientific texts and illustrations in many textbooks currently used in schools contain errors, especially concerning the dynamic of the solid Earth. The German Geological Society (DGGV) currently develops a series of about 10 minutes long educational videos with text and figures on the Earth system on its website, in which basic geoscientific knowledge is conveyed. The videos are aimed specifically at teachers in schools, but also at students and interested laypeople. First tests in school education settings by individual teachers have revealed that they are a useful and welcome aid for teachers in their classrooms. 4:45pm - 5:00pm
Topics: 4.10 Geoscience Education Research - What do we Know About Learning and Teaching geosciences? GEOWiki@LMU - behind the scenes 1Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, Germany; 2Technische Universität München, Germany; 3Mineralogical State Collection (SNSB-MSM), Germany; 4Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel, Germany GEOWiki@LMU is more than just a visible website on the Internet. Various different activities are going on behind the scenes. All students, from the first semester up to advanced classes, independent from their thematic specialization have the opportunity to enhance their knowledge in research areas of their choice and even to conduct their own research as part of the GEOWiki-Team. One outstanding example is the StudForschung program of the LMU, where contents for the new branch GEOWiki@Schule were developed. We are happy to announce that also student teachers work together with their colleagues from geoscience to develop the course. Together they gain insights into geoscientific topics and methods and get prepared for their future teaching activities. In addition, the content developed together with the instructions can be applied by the teachers and pupils promoting the knowledge in geosciences in different school subjects. We work with a variety of tools to realize our own ideas and bring them into practice. The website of the GEOWiki@LMU is meanwhile very broad: in addition to the classic webpages we offer an OPEN-VHB course to teach geoscientific content. The interdisciplinary team developed a wide variety of content, which are always interlinked. Our didactic goal is to learn with fun and motivation independent whether you are a user of the website or active developer of the content. We invested an immeasurable amount of heart and soul in this project and we are excited to continue the journey of education. |
4:00pm - 5:30pm | 4.03-2 Open Science and Data – challenges, opportunities and best practices Location: Wiwi 108 Session Chair: Jürgen Grötsch, Friedrich-Alexander University of Erlangen, Germany Session Chair: Kirsten Elger, GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences |
4:00pm - 4:15pm
Topics: 4.03 Open Science and Data – challenges, opportunities and best practices FID GEO: library-based services that help establish Open Science practices. 1GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences, Germany; 2Göttingen State and University Library In the context of Open Science, data are just one, albeit important, part of the chain of scientific outputs, ranging from samples, to data, software, and research articles. The Specialized Information Service for Geosciences FID GEO has adopted this holistic view and considers the areas of text and data publications as two complementary components of Open Science. Since 2016, FID GEO is offering information and publication services for the geoscientific community and is increasingly acknowledged as a competence center for the transformation of the publication culture in the geosciences. FID GEO’s services focus on electronic publishing of texts and research data, as well as digitization through the participating repositories GEO-LEOe-docs, hosted at the Göttingen State and University library (SUB), and GFZ Data Services, hosted at the GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences, but also a comprehensive consulting portfolio. FID GEO’s services were developed with the active participation of the geoscience community. The website, social media accounts and our newsletter are tools for actively connecting with the community. Informations on practical aspects of Open Science practices are regularly published in the journal “GMIT – Geowissenschaftliche Mitteilungen”, on the website and partner websites (e.g. forschungsdaten.info). Workshops and talks are successful tools to enable discussions, to address questions or uncertainties directly and to provide the appropriate framework to address specific requirements of individual research groups. FID GEO collaborates with strategic (inter)national initiatives (like NFDI4Earth), with several German Geosciences societies and other library-related projects to ensure the ongoing successful shift towards Open Science practices. 4:15pm - 4:30pm
Topics: 4.03 Open Science and Data – challenges, opportunities and best practices Promoting FAIR and open data publication at the Department of Earth Sciences, Freie Universität Berlin Freie Universität Berlin, Germany The Department of Earth Sciences at Freie Universität Berlin has recently established a concept and workflow for the promotion of research data and its publishing. The project, funded with seed money from central university administration, was developed in close cooperation with the research data management (RDM) team of the university library. A key element in the project is the RDM-team proactively advertising support for data publishing to researchers of the department. This offer is very well received by the researchers, as they are often willing to publish data, but lack time as well as knowledge of best practice in data publication. Several data publishing projects have been kicked-off this way. Another thrust of the project is to feature data publications on the department´s website. This fosters the recognition of data publications as important resarch output of the scientists of the Department of Earth Sciences. The data are presented on the website in an easily accessible and understandable context, to makes them available to potenially new user groups like lay persons, citizen scientists, or pupils. Before published on the website, researchers are asked by the RDM-team to proof-read short descriptive drafts about their data publications, and this opens up a great opportunity for researchers to engage with data publication specialists about best practices and standards of „FAIR and open“ data practices. This project facilitates cultural change towards FAIR and open data publication at an university department and may be used as a blueprint for departments in other universities and research institutions. 4:30pm - 4:45pm
Topics: 4.03 Open Science and Data – challenges, opportunities and best practices GEOTHERMAL FAVORABILITY MAPS FOR THE MEMBER COUNTRIES OF THE SICA REGION: A MAP OF OPPORTUNITIES Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) The Geothermal Heat Utilization in Industrial Processes in SICA Member Countries (GEO II) project, implemented by the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH on behalf of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) for SICA, proposes a methodology for the elaboration of geothermal favorability maps for the member countries of the Central American Integration System (SICA). The methodology is a spatial analysis tool, based on a simple weighted overlay model that assigns a favorability index in the range of 0 to 10, with the objective of locating suitable sites to initiate the geothermal exploration stage. It considers geoscientific evidence defined as input criteria of the model, assuming that they indicate the probable presence of volcanic geothermal systems typical of the region. It is performed in Geographic Information Systems (GIS): QGIS and ArcGIS, through the stages: definition, derivation, transformation, and superposition. The model combines the transformed data, applying a weighted overlay to the geological, geochemical, and geophysical criteria, resulting in a raster surface that represents the suitability index, indicating the geothermal favorability for each country, allowing a comparison between them according to their variation in the input criteria. Finally, an analysis stage, based on the comparison of the favorability map with the location of geothermal projects in the region to ensure that the result is a starting point for the identification of favorable areas in the exploration stage for the development of geothermal projects through a platform and database accessible at the regional scale of SICA. 4:45pm - 5:00pm
Topics: 4.03 Open Science and Data – challenges, opportunities and best practices Automatic classification of benthic foraminifera for biomonitoring studies 1Institute of Geosciences, University of Bonn, Bonn, Germany; 2Université d'Angers, Nantes Université, Le Mans Université, CNRS, Laboratoire de Planétologie et Géosciences, LPG UMR 6112, 49000 Angers, France; 3CEREGE, Aix-Marseille Université, CNRS, IRD, INRAe, Technopôle de l'Arbois BP80, 13545 Aix-en-Provence, France Living benthic foraminifera are used as environmental proxies to evaluate the quality of marine ecosystems. This evaluation is usually based on diversity indices and/or on a group of indicative species with specific ecological requirements (tolerant to sensitive species). For this purpose, sorting and identification of living benthic foraminifera are needed which is time-consuming and requires taxonomical expert knowledge. In this study, we present an approach to automatically identify living (Rose Bengal stained) benthic foraminifera using the "ParticleTrieur" software (Marchant et al. 2020) and test its applicability for biomonitoring purposes. Samples from the intertidal mudflat of the Atlantic coast and the French Mediterranean coast were photographed by an automated machine consisting of a 3D printer moving in X, Y, and Z space and a camera connected to an objective with a ring light. Focus stacked images were always taken with the same exposure, stack height, and stack step. Through initial manual segmentation in the "Computer Vision Annotation Tool" (CVAT) and later training in the segmentation by artificial intelligence, living benthic foraminifera are cropped as individual images from full-field images. Using "ParticleTrieur", foraminifera images are manually labelled at the species level and a model is trained to automatically classify future images of interest. Convolutional Neural Network training is performed using Tensorflow libraries. The trained models will be applied to unclassified datasets to compare human and artificial intelligence classification concerning different ecological indices in both contrasted study areas. 5:00pm - 5:15pm
Topics: 4.03 Open Science and Data – challenges, opportunities and best practices Applied Metadata - The Helmholtz Metadata Collaboration HMC 1Helmholtz Metadata Collaboration (HMC) at GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences, Potsdam, Germany; 2Helmholtz Metadata Collaboration (HMC) at GEOMAR Helmholtz Zentrum für Ozeanforschung, Kiel, Germany; 3GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences, Potsdam, Germany Metadata, i.e. 'data about data', are fundamental for making research data findable, usable and understandable by researchers and all interested parties now and in the future. Moreover, with the advent of new, data-driven technologies and instrumentation leading to constantly increasing data volumes, and scientific research becoming increasingly interdisciplinary, research data has to be inseparably linked to standardized, machine readable and complete metadata in order to foster data reuse and reproducibility of research results, e.g. by provenance metadata. Only by supporting standards and tools for metadata handling, interoperability with national and international research data infrastructures can be ensured. The mission of the Helmholtz Metadata Collaboration (HMC, https://helmholtz-metadaten.de/en) is to facilitate the discovery, access, machine readability, and reuse of research data of the Helmholtz Association. Concepts and services are developed and established, allowing the enrichment of research data with standardized metadata in the various phases of their creation. The aim of HMC is to co-ordinate these services with the national and international scientific community in order to establish widely accepted practices in the handling of research data. In this presentation we will introduce to the current HMC activities and outcome: working groups, recommendations on specific metadata elements (e.g. different persistent identifiers), and standards for sharing metadata and tools to do so. Both activities, our discussion and jointly agreed recommendations take place on a "Community Platform" website that is currently being developed. 5:15pm - 5:30pm
Topics: 4.03 Open Science and Data – challenges, opportunities and best practices Harmonizing the use of PIDs in data repositories - What do we need to consider? 1GEOMAR Helmholtz Zentrum für Ozeanforschung, Germany; 2Deutsches GeoForschungsZentrum GFZ Persistent identifiers (PIDs) are an integral element of the FAIR principles (Wilkinson et al. 2016) as they are recommended to refer to data sets and metadata. They are, however, also considered to be used to refer to other data entities, like people, organizations, projects, laboratories, repositories, publications, vocabularies, samples, instruments, licenses, methods and others. Consistently integrating these PIDs into data infrastructures can create a high level of interoperability allowing to build connections between data sets from different repositories according to common meta information. For developers and maintainers of repositories it is very difficult to decide, which PID systems to integrate, and how to implement the PIDs into the repositories metadata schema. Many decisions have to be made, e.g. where is the reference information, in my repositories metadata or the PID metadata? Who is responsible for a PID record, who registers is and who maintains it, in case the meta-information changes? In this presentation we will shed some light on selected PID systems we recommend to use within the Helmholtz Association, and how we envision to solve some of the mentioned challenges. We develop and outline procedures to implement PIDs in a harmonized way, in order to achieve a level of interoperability across data infrastructures, based on metadata of commonly referenced PIDs. |
5:30pm - 6:30pm | Poster social - Themes: 1.05 | 1.06 | 1.10 | 1.13 | 1.14 | 1.15 | 1.20 | 1.31 | 3.05 | 3.10 | 3.12 | 3.13 | 3.14 | 3.21 | 3.22 | 3.23 | 3.25 | 3.29 | 4.03 | 4.07 | 4.11 Location: Foyer (Henry Ford Building) |
Wed: 1
Topics: 1.05 Aquifer thermal energy storage (ATES): Potential, technologies and geoscientific challenges for a sustainable energy transition KONATES - Design and pilot plant operation for the use of contaminated aquifers for energy management with ATES plants 1Helmholtz-Zentrum für Umweltforschung - UFZ Leipzig, Germany; 2Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel, Germany A pilot plant for an aquifer thermal energy storage (ATES) system in a contaminated aquifer is under construction at the scientific park of Leipzig. The research at this pilot plant is focused on developing and testing technologies to simultaneously store energy from shallow aquifers through an ATES system and remediate the contaminated aquifer. For this purpose, investigations will be conducted in an approximately 10-meter-deep sandy/gravelly aquifer which is contaminated with chlorinated volatile organic compounds (Cl-VOCs). The main contaminants are trichloroethene (TCE, up to 6.0 mg/l) and cis-dichloroethene (cis-DCE, up to 0.4 mg/l). With a two-well system that runs cyclically, the proposed ATES system will inject up to 80 °C heated water. This has a greater impact on the chemical composition of the groundwater than ATES systems that operate at lower temperatures. A previous field project revealed a considerable change in hydrogeochemistry and the microbiological community at temperatures of 45 °C and 60 °C. As a result, this study investigates the hydrochemical and biological interactions that occur in the extraction and injection wells, the thermally affected aquifer as well as in the aboveground system. Cl-VOCs will be removed from groundwater using an on-site regenerable zeolite absorber (Fe-zeolite) and in situ degradation with persulphate. Furthermore, these investigations will be supported by stable isotope biochemical and abiotic migration investigations of Cl-VOCs as well as microbiological and geochemical analyses including trace elements. It is anticipated to enhance the carbon footprint of urban energy management by the ATES operation, including groundwater remediation. Wed: 2
Topics: 1.05 Aquifer thermal energy storage (ATES): Potential, technologies and geoscientific challenges for a sustainable energy transition Applying coupled numerical model in the design of ATES facility in a contaminated urban environment 1Helmholtz-Zentrum für Umweltforschung GmbH - UFZ; 2Technische Universität Bergakademie Freiberg Within the KONATES project, an Aquifer Thermal Energy Storage (ATES) system is planned in the scientific park of Leipzig, where the groundwater is contaminated with chlorinated volatile organic compounds (Cl-VOCs). Supported by the SpeicherCity project, corresponding numerical model is being further developed and applied to study the environmental impact of ATES operation. From the regulatory perspective, the operation of ATES system in the urban area should not induce temperature changes beyond a few degrees Celsius at the boundary of the properties. The challenge faced in the KONATES project is that this temperature limit will be quickly exceeded, as the injection temperature is planned to be ca. 80°C. This requires a careful planning on the timing, duration, and location of the injection, as well as the pumping rate. To satisfy the regulatory requirements and facilitate the understanding of such impacts, a 3D numerical model has been constructed, simulating both hydraulic and heat transport process in the aquifer. The model is capable of predicting the propagation of the thermal plume in response to different design of injection temperature and flow rate. Due to the high groundwater velocity, it shows that at a pumping rate of 600 l/h, injection can only be carried out for 12 days continuously without increasing the groundwater temperature more than 2°C at the boundary. The next step of model development is to include feature that reflects the elevated mobility of the Cl-VOCs, which is relevant to the quantification of extracted contamination in the surface treatment facility. Wed: 3
Topics: 1.05 Aquifer thermal energy storage (ATES): Potential, technologies and geoscientific challenges for a sustainable energy transition Biogeochemical processes in saline siliciclastic aquifers due to Aquifer thermal energy storage 11) Technische Universität Berlin, Department of Applied Geosciences, Applied Geochemistry, 10587 Berlin, Germany; 22) GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences, Section Geomicrobiology, 14473 Potsdam, Germany Aquifer Thermal Energy Storage (ATES) is a highly promising technology for storing excess energy due to its high storage capacity and small surface footprint. Despite its numerous advantages, planning, approval, and application are not yet widespread in Germany. Mineral precipitation and biofilm formation can lead to clogging of wells and aquifers. In addition, changes in the physico-chemical conditions may trigger the mobilization of toxic trace elements such as arsenic. The BMBF-funded joint project UnClog-ATES aims to investigate biogeochemical processes in the subsurface that may reduce the efficiency and long-term performance of ATES systems. Sterile and non-sterile flow-through experiments are conducted under anoxic conditions, using both siliciclastic sediments and groundwater from a potentially ATES-suitable saline aquifer in Berlin. Through laboratory studies, the project investigates the effects of temperature changes, variations, and temporary oxygen input, and analyzes changes in the chemistry, mineralogy, and microbial community of both the groundwater and aquifer. Numerical models, including reactive transport and batch models, are developed using PHREEQC. Sensitivity analyses aid in the calibration and validation of models. They provide valuable insights into the geochemical behavior of the aquifer system and its response to different scenarios or conditions, by identifying the most influential parameters. Another key objective is to determine biogeochemical indicators that can be used to forecast clogging and define practical countermeasures to prevent or mitigate adverse effects in the aquifer. Here we present our experimental setup and first modeling results for an ATES-suitable formation located in Berlin, Germany. Wed: 4
Topics: 1.05 Aquifer thermal energy storage (ATES): Potential, technologies and geoscientific challenges for a sustainable energy transition Microbial diversity and metabolic potential in siliciclastic ATES horizons 1GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences, Section Geomicrobiology, 14473 Potsdam, Germany; 2GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences, Section Geoenergy, 14473 Potsdam, Germany; 3Technische Universität Berlin, Department of Applied Geosciences, Applied Geochemistry, 10587 Berlin, Germany; 4University of Potsdam, Institute for Geosciences, 14476 Potsdam, Germany Microbial processes such as biofilm formation (clogging) and mineral precipitation (scaling) can affect the effectiveness of ATES systems. They can reduce the permeability of potential reservoirs and compromise the efficiency of ATES facilities on the long term. In addition, microbial processes can influence dynamics of toxic trace elements in the subsurface e.g. by releasing arsenic through iron mineral dissolution. Hence, it is crucial to identify microbial key players and metabolic processes to estimate the microbial impact on ATES and the clogging potential. Here, we analyze the microbial abundance, community composition and their functional potential in relation to the thermo-hydrogeochemical conditions of bulk sediment and formation water of a Mesozoic sandstone aquifer of the North German Basin. The study focusses on the application of DNA-based approaches such as qPCR, high throughput sequencing and metagenomics. Bulk sediments and fluids were obtained from Jurassic sandstone in Berlin, Adlershof from a depth of 200-450 m. The aquifer is characterized by an in-situ temperature of 17-22°C, Na and Cl dominated fluids (TDS ~20 g L-1) and DOC including acetate (~3.5 mg L-1), propionate and valerate. First results show that the fluid microbial community is adapted to saline and alkaline conditions. The community is highly dominated by the two taxa Alkaliflexus and Defluviitaleaceae UCG-011, but also contains sulfate reducing bacteria. Results of this study together with a flow-through experiment analyzing geochemical, hydrochemical, mineralogical and microbiological processes under different conditions typical for ATES, will help to develop prediction tools for potential system operational failures and appropriate countermeasures. Wed: 5
Topics: 1.05 Aquifer thermal energy storage (ATES): Potential, technologies and geoscientific challenges for a sustainable energy transition Renaissance of a ground foundation absorber: Efficient building climate control using model-based operational optimization 1FG Ingenieurgeologie, Technische Universität Berlin, Germany; 2Hermann-Rietschel-Institut, Technische Universität Berlin, Germany The energy concept for the VW library in Berlin, which was built in 2004, centers on a ground foundation absorber (GFA) that uses concrete core temperature control to freely cool the building in the summer and cover the building's base heating load in the winter via a heat pump. Due to unexpectedly high subsurface temperatures beneath the building, as well as difficulties in controlling the concrete core temperature control system, the GFA has been largely decommissioned in recent years. The goal of this research is to work with building engineers and engineering geologists to determine the cause of the elevated temperatures and to transition the GFA to optimized seasonal operation. To this end, detailed thermal models were created for the building and the subsurface, validated with measured data, and coupling approaches between the models were investigated. This should ensure a better evaluation of the interaction between the subsurface and the building during operation. Model-based parameter studies will then be used to determine an optimally adjusted operation of the GFA. In addition, the temperature development of the subsurface of the study area will be investigated to ensure sustainable operation. Optimized reactivation of the GFA shows significant ecological and economic potential with annual savings of 15% of the building's CO2 emissions and €23,000 in energy costs compared to the current building operation. The developed adjustments to the operating and control parameters will be tested and monitored in the building during the coming heating periods. Wed: 6
Topics: 1.05 Aquifer thermal energy storage (ATES): Potential, technologies and geoscientific challenges for a sustainable energy transition Geothermal energy as a stepstone for a zero-emission university campus 1FG Ingenieurgeologie, Technische Universität Berlin, Germany; 2Hermann-Rietschel-Institut, Technische Universität Berlin, Germany; 3Geoforschungszentrum Potsdam; 4FG Reservoir Engineering Technische Universität Berlin, Germany; 5TU Berlin Institut f. Angewandte Geowissenschaften The University Campus Charlottenburg/Berlin will be used as an example to show how geothermal energy can make a decisive contribution to a climate-neutral university campus. In combination with heat pumps, geothermal energy offers the possibility of a secure heat supply for the campus, which is in the process of transformation. The investigation addresses the geological horizons Muschelkalk and Buntsandstein at depths of 900 - 1250 m. Temperatures of 45 - 63°C and an extraction capacity of 1.2 to 4.7 MW are expected. Depending on the outside temperatures, direct use for heat supply can take place. The ongoing renovation process on campus significantly increases the direct use potential of geothermal energy. In the retrofitted state, the maximum supply temperature drops to 60°C with an outside temperature of -10°C. This demonstrates that the geothermal use of the underground can provide a reliable heat source for the transformation process on campus or in city quarters in general. An essential aspect of this utilization is the redesign of the heating network to allow a differentiated supply of buildings with different temperature levels. The example of the location's south campus shows that the use of geothermal energy enables a CO2 savings potential of up to 64%. In addition, the use of geothermal energy for cooling supply via ad- and absorption chillers is investigated. This approach opens up new perspectives for the holistic use of geothermal energy and helps to increase efficiency and conserve resources in campus operations. Wed: 7
Topics: 1.05 Aquifer thermal energy storage (ATES): Potential, technologies and geoscientific challenges for a sustainable energy transition Assessment of hydrogeochemical processes in two potential HT-ATES reservoirs in Berlin using core analysis, laboratory experiments and geochemical modelling Helmholtz Centre Potsdam GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences, Germany While the share of renewable energy in the electricity sector is steadily increasing, it has stagnated in the heat supply, despite the fact that in Berlin, for example, more than 40 % of the CO2 emissions are caused by the heating sector. Due to its ability to store large volumes in the underground while at the same time taking up little space on the surface, HT-ATES is particularly well suited for use in urban areas and can therefore contribute to the reduction of CO2 emissions. However, clogging of aquifer pores thus reducing the permeability, corrosion and mobilization of trace elements may be undesirable effects of HT-ATES. Wed: 8
Topics: 1.06 Deep geothermal resources and projects Decimeter-scale hydraulic testing of pre-existing fractures (HTPF) under anisotropic stress conditions. Part 1: Experimental setup 1Chair of Geotechnical Engineering and Institute of Geomechanics and Underground Technology, RWTH Aachen University, Germany; 2Lehrstuhl für Ingenieurgeologie und Hydrogeologie, RWTH Aachen University, Germany; 3Fraunhofer Research Institution for Energy Infrastructures and Geothermal Systems IEG, Aachen, Germany Sustainable development of enhanced geothermal systems (EGS) requires a comprehensive understanding of the in-situ stress conditions. Among several techniques developed in the last decades, Hydraulic Testing of Pre-existing Fractures (HTPF) is a common practice to quantify the normal stress acting on hydraulically isolated fractures. To better understand the hydromechanical coupled mechanisms involved during HTPF as well as validation of HTPF analysis methods, a decimeter-scale true triaxial testing (TTT) apparatus was utilized that allows HTPF measurements on fracture planes under anisotropic stress conditions. This work is primarily focusing on the experimental setup, calibration, and boundary conditions of the TTT apparatus. The apparatus contains three sets of oil-filled flat-jacks, which independently control the stress boundary conditions in the (horizontal) x, y, and (vertical) z directions. Contained within a steel frame, the flat-jacks exert pressures onto loading plates, which transfer and distribute pressure onto the sample’s surfaces. The 30*30*45cm cuboidal granite sample contains a vertical saw cut fracture, oriented 45° in respect to the x and y axis. Boreholes, drilled through the sample to the fracture surface, allow high-pressure fluid injection and monitoring of the fracture fluid pressure. Thirty-two acoustic emission sensors, mounted in the loading plates, allow for active and passive seismic measurement. The deformation of the rock sample is captured by 16 linear variable differential transformer (LVDT) displacement sensors mounted externally to the loading plates. The test procedure and preliminary results of the HTPF tests can be found in Osten et al. (2023; this conference). Wed: 9
Topics: 1.06 Deep geothermal resources and projects Analysis of surface karst phenomena in Devonian carbonates in North Rhine-Westphalia – context to geothermal exploration 1Fraunhofer IEG, Germany; 2Ruhr-University Bochum The deep geothermal reservoir potential in North Rhine-Westphalia was assessed in Devonian carbonates (Massenkalk) in the Steltenberg Quarry in Western Germany. The karstification phenomena of the carbonates were recorded utilising drone images in the quarry. Rocks at the karst chutes were examined by polarisation- and cathodoluminescence microscopy regarding karstification phenomena and carbonate cements. X-ray diffraction and inductively coupled plasma analyses were carried out to gain mineralogical information about different carbonate phases in various samples. Carbon and oxygen isotopes were analysed to understand the formation conditions of the carbonates. The examined rocks at the karstification structures show that the host rock (Massenkalk) has average marine δ13Cmean values of 3.7 ‰ VPDB and -4.7 ‰ VPDB for δ18Omean. At the karstification surfaces and leaching zones, the isotope analyses revealed values of meteoric overprinting in the form of increasingly more negative δ13C values down to -8.5 ‰ VPDB and -5.9 ‰ VPDB for δ18O. These changes in the formation conditions are strengthened by cathodoluminescence results. The narrowing of karstification observed by drone with increasing depth in the quarry walls and the siliciclastic sediments in these structures indicate near-surface karstification. These dissolution structures have presumably developed in cracks caused by tectonism. It can be assumed that karstification at greater depths is also possible due to fault associations, which could be caused not only by meteoric waters but deep hydrothermal CO2-bearing fluids Wed: 10
Topics: 1.06 Deep geothermal resources and projects Analogue studies for potential geothermal reservoirs in the Ruhr district, Germany: What can we expect? 1Fraunhofer IEG, Germany; 2Ruhr-University Bochum, Germany Deep geothermal power plants are baseload-capable and can serve as substitutes for fossil fuel power plants. In the Ruhr region of Germany, a densely populated area with high energy demand, potential deep geothermal reservoirs have been limited to a few sedimentary layers, specifically Carboniferous and Devonian strata. These reservoirs have not been explored with hydraulic field studies for geothermal purposes so far. Deep boreholes for geothermal research are non-existent, so shallow boreholes provide an analogue for evaluating the potential of deep reservoirs. For this study, a naturally-fractured Carboniferous sandstone and a karstic dolomitic limestone reservoir of the Devonian were investigated using geophysical borehole measurements, hydraulic and hydrochemical experiments, and acoustic/optical televiewer recordings. The sandstone formation (investigated depth: 20 – 305 m) showed a low hydraulic conductivity, and it is probably necessary to drill into fault zones or to enhance the permeability via stimulation in future geothermal projects. Chemical enhancement of permeability was attempted using CO2 to dissolve carbonate fillings in fractures, but further research is needed to evaluate the effectiveness of this method. The dolomitic limestone formation (investigated depth: 10 – 224 m) exhibits exceptional permeability due to enlarged fractures, cavities and vuggy porosity resulting from karstic processes, making it a promising reservoir overall. However, further confirmation is required at reservoir depths (e.g. 2500 – 4000 m). In summary, deeper geothermal reservoirs in the Ruhr region have not been explored enough so far, and further field studies are necessary to evaluate their potential for geothermal energy production. Wed: 11
Topics: 1.06 Deep geothermal resources and projects Estimation of shallow groundwater temperatures in Saxony-Anhalt, Germany Martin Luther University of Halle-Wittenberg, Applied Geology, Halle, Germany Groundwater temperatures (GWTs) vary based on the local geothermal heat flux, the energy budget at the surface, and land cover. With subsurface temperature data being scarce, standard techniques for the spatial interpolation often produce unrealistic representation of shallow GWT. It has been shown that utilizing remote sensing data can reproduce shallow GWT at an error of roughly 1 K. In our contribution, we apply such a technique to the state of Saxony-Anhalt, Germany. The estimation is trained and validated with a set of over 600 observation wells. The data used comprises data from the Landesbetrieb für Hochwasserschutz und Wasserwirtschaft Sachsen-Anhalt (LHW) as well as own monitoring campaigns for the cities of Magdeburg, Halle (Saale), and Dessau. Together with different satellite datasets, such as land surface temperature and building density, we use this measured GWT data to derive spatially resolved estimated GWTs (eGWT) for Saxony-Anhalt. The measured and estimated GWTs are then correlated to the land cover at the location. Thus, this study aims to (1) present measured GWT and eGWT distribution for Saxony-Anhalt, (2) assess the application of satellite data for estimating shallow GWT, and (3) research the correlation between GWT/eGWT and land cover. Wed: 12
Topics: 1.06 Deep geothermal resources and projects Decimeter-scale hydraulic testing of pre-existing Fractures (HTPF) under anisotropic stress conditions. Part 2: Test procedure and results 1Chair of Engineering Geology and Hydrogeology, RWTH Aachen University, Germany; 2Chair of Geotechnical Engineering and Institute of Geomechanics and Underground Technology, RWTH Aachen University, Germany; 3Fraunhofer Research Institution for Energy Infrastructures and Geothermal Systems IEG, Aachen, Germany To extract heat from tight deep subsurface formations, hydraulic stimulation is used to create efficient heat exchangers in the context of enhanced geothermal systems (EGS). Successful geothermal reservoir initiation requires detailed characterization of the regional in-situ stress field and local stress field variations of heterogeneous, i.e. fractured and faulted rock masses, which is often achieved by hydraulic fracturing (HT) and hydraulic testing of pre-existing fractures (HTPF). To further develop and validate these field-scale in-situ stress determination techniques, decimeter laboratory scale HTPF tests into saw-cut and polished fracture planes are performed in a true triaxial testing apparatus (see Cadmus et al. 2023, this conference for details). Tests are carried out under various anisotropic stress boundary conditions to analyze normal opening and shear behavior. Results of two rock samples with different fracture roughness are analyzed and compared in terms of the injection pressure and flow rate evolution, shear displacement and acoustic emissions. The results indicate that both shear displacement and hydraulic jacking initiate as the injection pressure exceeds the fracture normal stress, which is attributed to heterogeneous fluid pressure distribution in the fracture plane. Future experiments on a fracture surface of intermediate roughness with additional observation boreholes aim to further assess the effects of fluid pressure distribution and fracture plane roughness in the context of stress measurement and induced seismicity. Wed: 13
Topics: 1.06 Deep geothermal resources and projects Machine learning aided 3D modeling of Buntsandstein Formations for potential analysis of hydrothermal systems Landesamt für Bergbau, Geologie und Rohstoffe Brandenburg, Germany Hydrothermal systems offer significant potential for green energy and heat production. The Buntsandstein Formations provide aquifers that are applicable for hydrothermal heat (or power) production. The Geological Survey of Brandenburg (LBGR) will improve its data base on Middle Buntsandstein aquifers using machine learning algorithms on archived exploration data. Data stored in the archive of the LBGR contains drilling information for some 200 boreholes penetrating the Buntsandstein Subgroup. The LBGR has access to some thousand 2D seismic profiles from exploration surveys, typically reaching the Zechstein Group or the deeper-lying sandstone aquifers in the Upper Rotliegend Subgroups. Drilling logs such as gamma ray or density logs provide valuable information for stratification and petrophysical rock property analysis. Available drilling logs will be digitized, and machine learning algorithms will be trained on exemplary data sets such as drilling E Hr 1/68. Machine learning algorithms will help to stratify the Buntsandstein sections of the available drillings. The stratification based on machine learning is further validated on newly interpreted seismic and drilling results, such as the cores stored at the drilling core and sample archive of the LBGR. The base will be in consideration of depositional gaps and tectonics. Also, a well-to-seismic-tie is performed at selected locations, and synthetic seismic profiles are generated. If possible, seismic lines are (semi-)automatically evaluated to identify Hardegsen, Detfurth, and Volpriehausen Formations. Interpretation results are integrated in a 3D-geological model to build a regional-scaled Buntsandstein model of Brandenburg, allowing parameterization and calculation of reservoir temperature or heat in place. Wed: 14
Topics: 1.06 Deep geothermal resources and projects Green-field exploration strategy for de-risking geothermal projects in the Aachen-Weisweiler area, Germany – The “Field Scale Laboratory for Deep Geothermal Energy Rhineland” Project 1Fraunhofer IEG, Fraunhofer Research Institution for Energy Infrastructures and Geothermal Systems IEG, Kockerellstraße 17, 52062 Aachen, Germany; 2Institute for Computational Geoscience, Geothermics and Reservoir Geophysics, RWTH Aachen University, Mathieustraße 30, 52074 Aachen, Germany; 3Geological Institute, RWTH Aachen University, Wüllnerstraße 2, 52072 Aachen, Germany; 4Chair of Geothermal Energy Systems, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Ruhr University Bochum, 44801 Bochum, Germany The subsurface of the Aachen-Weisweiler area with its Carboniferous and Devonian carbonates is a green-field target location for testing and developing deep geothermal energy systems in North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany. Despite subsurface mining, surface mapping and isolated deep exploration wells and crustal seismic data, only sparse information on the deeper structures (down to 4,000 m), the spatial distribution of the reservoirs and reservoir properties has so far been recorded and/or published. Therefore, the complex structures of the faulted and folded Paleozoic layers remain unknown requiring further investigations. With the “Field Scale Laboratory for Deep Geothermal Energy Rhineland”, we aim to characterize the subsurface of the Aachen-Weisweiler area including its structural uncertainties, to quantify the reservoir properties of the carbonates and their associated parametric uncertainties to better describe the geological risk in exploring the reservoirs. Firstly, we constrain a geological model based on the publicly available surface and subsurface data and quantify its structural uncertainties. The model and the uncertainties are revised after the integration of vintage and newly acquired seismic data. Planned deep exploration wells will provide further constraints for the structural model but also deliver in-situ measurements of reservoir properties and geomechanical properties for subsequent thermo-hydraulic-mechanical modeling. The investigations contribute to the characterization of the potential geothermal reservoirs in this region, aid in the exploitation of the reservoirs, finding drilling locations for wells, and expand geological knowledge of the carbonates from other regions into Germany, hence, de-risking the geothermal plays in the Aachen-Weisweiler area. Wed: 15
Topics: 1.07 Understanding reactions and transport in porous, fractured, and tight media - from field work to rock analytics and predictive modelling Mineralogical and geochemical alterations in the Opalinus Clay and surrounding formations provide information about the long-term stability of this hydrogeochemical system 1GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences, Germany; 2University of Potsdam, Germany; 3Federal Office of Topography swisstopo, Switzerland The Opalinus Clay is the chosen host rock for the Swiss deep geological disposal of nuclear waste, and it is also investigated in Germany. For the long-term integrity of the disposal site, temporal and spatial stable geochemical conditions are essential. The identification of mineralogical and geochemical alterations in the Opalinus Clay and surrounding formations gives insights on their stability in the past, and thus enables an assessment for the future. To detect the mobility of chemical elements and associated mineralogical changes, a 58 m long borehole was drilled at the Mont Terri Rock Laboratory (Switzerland). Drilling was conducted from the Opalinus Clay through the entire underlying Staffelegg Formation, which includes two water-bearing sections. The rock members and their transitions were characterised with a variety of analytical methods. The results show that many trace elements are particularly enriched at the upper transitions of the water-bearing sections. At the top of the Rietheim Member (Posidonia Shale), this enrichment is accompanied by an increase in pyrite, which can be interpreted differently. On the one hand, the depositional conditions may have led to enhanced pyrite formation and the associated pyritization of trace metals. On the other hand, the overlying rock layers could have acted as cap rock for mobile elements in the pore water, leading to the observed accumulations. Consequently, to distinguish between depositional or diagenetic and alteration or mobilisation features is crucial for the interpretation of the analytical results in order to assess the long-term stability of Opalinus Clay and surrounding formations. Wed: 16
Topics: 1.07 Understanding reactions and transport in porous, fractured, and tight media - from field work to rock analytics and predictive modelling Fracture permeability evolution as a result of long-term geochemical granite alteration in geothermal systems: A combined experiment and modelling approach 1Heriot-Watt-University, United Kingdom; 2Nuclear Waste Services, United Kingdom Geothermal systems in crystalline basement rocks require fractures and faults to allow economic heat production. Sufficient permeability of these flow paths is vital and affects the lifetime of such systems. As fluids are produced and reinjected, the resulting flow, fluid mixing as well as related pressure and temperature changes affect the geochemical equilibria between fluids and host rock. Disequilibria of fluids and rock then potentially drive geochemical alteration (e.g., dissolution, precipitation, illitisation). Such changes can affect the hydraulic properties of the major flow paths of the fault zones. Cornwall in SW England hosts several granitic plutons that are subject of current geothermal projects (United Downs Deep Geothermal Power and Eden Projects). These projects target fault zones in crystalline rock as pathways for fluid flow. To study the effects of geochemical alterations on fracture permeability in granites, we conducted a series of long-term reactive transport experiments in our unique flow-through reactor setup. Carnmenellis granite samples from central Cornwall have been collected of which small, artificially fractured plugs (15 mm length, 10 mm width) and powders (< 125 μm grain size) were prepared. We injected water with different fluid composition, representing brines encountered around geothermal systems, into the fractured granite plugs and pulverized gouges at 80 °C and 20 MPa confining pressure. The development of sample permeability and effluent composition are analysed. CT-scans are used to analyse changes in fracture and gouge structure. To complement the experiments, we model our system with GeoChemFoam [Maes and Menke, 2021], an OpenFOAM-based reactive-transport modelling code. Wed: 17
Topics: 1.07 Understanding reactions and transport in porous, fractured, and tight media - from field work to rock analytics and predictive modelling Simulation of neptunium migration as a function of redox conditions and clay mineralogy 1GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences, Fluid Systems Modelling, Potsdam, Germany; 2University of Potsdam, Institute of Geosciences, Potsdam, Germany; 3Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf e.V., Institute of Resource Ecology, Dresden, Germany Migration of neptunium, i.e. 237Np, a minor component of high-level nuclear waste, is in focus regarding the safety of nuclear waste disposal sites due to its long half-life and radiotoxicity. Opalinus Clay, the preferred host rock in Switzerland and also an option in Germany, is regarded as a reference formation with diffusion as the dominant transport process additionally retarded by sorption. One-dimensional diffusion simulations are conducted with PHREEQC to quantify neptunium migration. Sorption on clay minerals is integrated using surface complexation models. Numerical simulations are based on two diffusion experiments with the same setup, but one order of magnitude difference in transport parameters attributed to the core samples which stem from different rock facies. In the laboratory experiments, Np(V) was applied via a synthetic oxygen free pore water with neutral pH. The redox conditions are controlled by pyrite, while the pH of the system is buffered by calcite. The experiment of Fröhlich et al. (Radiochimca Acta, 2013, 101, 553-560) defined the numerical setup applied to the experiment of Wu et al. (Environmental Science & Technology, 2009, 43, 6567-6571). Our results indicate that neptunium migration is mainly controlled by pyrite oxidation and the associated reduction of Np(V) to Np(IV), while clay mineral quantities have only a minor impact. Since neptunium speciation and hence migration is very sensitive to oxidation and reduction reactions, redox conditions need to be accurately controlled and monitored in the laboratory if transport parameters are determined to be applied in the context of safety assessments. Wed: 18
Topics: 1.10 Lithiumresources PHREEQC modeling approaches for characterizing lithium release from rock during geothermal plant operation 1Fraunhofer IEG, Germany; 2Ruhr-University Bochum (RUB) The poster presents the framework of the modeling part of the BMWi-funded project "Li-Fluids" (grant number: 03EE4034A). It introduces PHREEQC modeling approaches for simulating lithium-bearing minerals in geothermal reservoirs. By integrating lithium sources into PHREEQC, the release of lithium can be simulated. Additionally, a 1D dual-porosity approach is used to define reservoirs and calculate time-dependent depletion. However, there are challenges. The accurate calculation of brines requires the Pitzer approach, which is limited in the number of minerals considered and does not include aluminum. Li-Mica, a modified form of K-Mica, appears to be an important primary source of lithium in the host rock. To address these limitations, other databases like the SIT database can be extended to include lithium-bearing aluminum silicates. Saturation experiments were conducted up to 200°C using pure H2O, approximating the observed Li+ concentrations from gold capsule experiments conducted by the project partner BGR. These concentrations ranged from a few mg/l Li+. Since Al3+ is necessary for calculating the saturation indices of Li+-bearing aluminum silicates, the use of pure H2O was necessary to combine the BGR's laboratory experiments with PHREEQC's capabilities. The next step involves implementing reservoir properties and developing an approach for modeling transport using concentrated saline waters frequently encountered in deep sedimentary basins in Germany. Van Genuchten's (1985) approach, which incorporates dual porosity similar to sedimentary rocks, will be utilized in PHREEQC. This hydraulic extension, combined with deep saline waters (e.g., the North German Basin), facilitates the extrapolation of findings from pure water experiments to a quasi-reservoir. Wed: 19
Topics: 1.10 Lithiumresources Upper Rhine Graben: Deciphering a geothermal fluid system and its raw material potential 1Chair of Geochemistry and Economic Geology, Institute of Applied Geosciences, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Karlsruhe, Germany; 2Laboratory for Environmental and Raw Materials Analysis, Institute of Applied Geosciences, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Karlsruhe, Germany In the context of the energy and mobility transition, operators of geothermal power plants and associated industries spotlight the potential to combine the production of sustainable energy with the extraction of strategic raw materials (SRM) (e.g., lithium) from geothermal fluids. Brine mining of SRM requires a comprehensive understanding of the related geothermal fluid system. In southwest Germany, the Upper Rhine Graben (URG) represents a reservoir with great geothermal and SRM potential (thermal gradient up to 120°C/km; Li ~170mg/L). Data about the reservoir rocks and the thermal fluid at different depths is provided by ~1300 oil and geothermal wells as well as thermal water wells. Chemical data of sampled fluids indicate variations in the trace element distribution that are related to the Cl/Br-ratio, and trends of stable isotope systematics of the water. The results show that in the northern URG evaporites are dissolved (Cl/Br>1200), while in the central URG the thermal waters have almost seawater composition (Cl/Br=290). Independent of the Cl/Br ratio, Li concentrations in the thermal waters vary between 3-43 mg/L. At nearly the same Cl/Br ratio of ~300 the geothermal fluids have ~170 mg/L Li. Stable isotope systematics imply that all thermal fluids have a meteoric component. The results indicate a modification of the fluid chemistry through time and depth, resulting from fluid mixing and water-rock interaction with various reservoir rocks. To investigate the fluid evolution, additional element tracers to determine the origin and raw material potential of Li and other trace elements, are established. Wed: 20
Topics: 1.10 Lithiumresources Petalite – The Underdog in the Lithium Business? 1Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg, Germany; 2ITEL-Deutsches Lithiuminstitut GmbH, Germany Petalite was the first mineral in which lithium was detected, but its economic importance is less than that of the lithium-rich spodumene. Both minerals occur in pegmatitic deposits (LCT pegmatites), which were explored in the past mainly for tin and tantalum. Nowadays, lithium-bearing minerals are the focus of mining. Although both minerals are similar in the processing and extraction of lithium, their mineralogical properties differ. Through roasting, petalite undergoes a phase transformation to β-spodumene, producing quartz as an excess. Subsequently, the roasted material can be fed into the established converter process to produce lithium hydroxide or lithium carbonate. In order to cover the increasing demand for lithium for use in lithium-ion batteries as a contribution to the energy transition and the associated turn away from fossil fuels, investments in mining projects away from the particularly lucrative spodumene pegmatites are necessary. Petalite is one such alternative. Using petalite deposits in Namibia as an example, we will show whether it is possible to determine the mine of origin based on mineralogical and geochemical properties to contribute to possible lithium fingerprinting as proof of origin. The approach is based on the combination of different analytical methods, such as EDX, electron microprobe and trace element distribution using ICP-MS. Lithium fingerprinting can then be used as a tool for material-based control of ESG criteria upstream in the lithium value chain. Wed: 21
Topics: 1.10 Lithiumresources Maximizing Geothermal Resources: Innovative Lithium Extraction for Energy Transition and Reduced Dependency in the EU. EIfER Europäisches Institut für Energieforschung, Germany Lithium is a critical raw material for the EU, being strategic for the energy transition, especially for battery production. Solutions are needed to reduce the EU dependency on the whole value chain and the geopolitical risks associated with the growing Li demand in a concentrated market. The deep geothermal reservoir in the Upper Rhine Graben (URG) along the German-French border not only show good conditions for direct energetic use but also high Li contents (160-200 mg/L). In this context, the deep geothermal reservoir has generally very similar geothermal and hydrochemical characteristics. An innovative lithium extraction process developed on Argentine brines by ERAMET and IFPEN was therefore installed directly on an extraction unit at the reinjection branch of an existing geothermal plant in the ORG. In the course of pilot-scale tests, the possibility of extracting lithium from geothermal brine was demonstrated in early 2021 in collaboration with Electricité de Strasbourg in the frame of the EUGELI project. Wed: 22
Topics: 1.13 Site selection for a nuclear waste repository – Data acquisition, host rock characterisation and analogue studies 3D basin modeling of the Hils Syncline, Germany: reconstruction of burial and thermal history and evaluation of their influence on the present-day petrophysical properties of potential host rocks for nuclear waste storage 1Energy and Mineral Resources Group (EMR), Institute of Geology and Geochemistry of Petroleum and Coal, RWTH Aachen University; 2Grupo de investigación en Ciencias de la Tierra y Energía, Amonite SAS The Hils Syncline is located in the south of the Lower Saxony Basin, Lower Cretaceous and Jurassic rocks crop out in its center. The Cretaceous and Jurassic sedimentary sequences in northern and southern Germany are known to be largely composed of clay-rich shales suitable for nuclear waste storage. Highly variable thermal maturity increasing towards the northwest characterizes the Hils Syncline, which makes it a natural laboratory to study the effects of burial and thermal maturation on petrophysical properties of shales at different levels of thermal maturation, which is our focus. We reconstructed the burial and thermal history of the Hils Syncline resulting from a 3D-thermally-calibrated numerical model to better understand its geodynamic evolution, constrain maximum paleo-depths, –temperatures and erosion amounts, and evaluate their influence on the present-day petrophysical properties of Cretaceous and Jurassic units. The basin experienced continuous subsidence interrupted by the Upper Cretaceous major phase of erosion. During the latest Early Cretaceous, deepest burial and maximum temperatures of Jurassic and Cretaceous rocks occurred showing an increasing northward trend. These units' porosity and vertical permeability decreased while the vertical thermal conductivity increased during burial. The Late Cretaceous inversion caused severe uplift and erosion that was stronger towards the northwest where up to 3,200 m of sediment was eroded compared to only about 1,200 m in the south. The petrophysical properties were not affected by the inversion according to the model. Calibration is currently performed based on new cores of Pliensbachian shales; thus, model results and experimental data will be compared. Wed: 23
Topics: 1.13 Site selection for a nuclear waste repository – Data acquisition, host rock characterisation and analogue studies NMR-Relaxometry – a new, reliable and non-destructive method to estimate the fluid content in rock salt Federal Institute for Geosciences and Natural Resources, Germany In the context of the site selection procedure for a high-level radioactive waste repository in Germany, the fluid content in salt rocks is an important parameter to evaluate their barrier properties (i.e. gas formation potential and fluid pathways). Moreover, it can affect hydraulic conductivity, heat resistance, rock mechanical properties and it can be used for the spatial characterisation of the host rock. Fluids in rock salt (halite) are typically present in small, unconnected inclusions located within crystals or arranged along crystal boundaries and fissures, and can consist of brine, minor amounts of gases and hydrocarbons. When estimating the fluid content of rock salt, the main challenges are the low fluid content, the low permeability of the bulk rock preventing fluid extraction and the spatial heterogeneous fluid distribution. In summary, the measurements are time intensive and the results are highly dependent on the sample selection and preparation. Nuclear magnetic relaxation (NMR) relaxometry is an established petrophysical method for a non-invasive characterisation of hydrocarbon host rocks and its fluids but it has not been used for rock salt so far. We present first results obtained from steeply inclined Zechstein rock salt (z2HS2) and compare them with a water content estimated by an extensive grinding of the salt samples in dried acetone and a subsequent analysis of the extracted fluids using infrared-spectroscopy. First results show, that NMR has promising features including a low limit of detection, non-destructive and quick measurements, no need for extensive sample preparations, and averaging over a large sample volume. Wed: 24
Topics: 1.13 Site selection for a nuclear waste repository – Data acquisition, host rock characterisation and analogue studies Experimental investigation of gas diffusion in claystones: The potential of gas uptake measurements as a means to assess diffusivity in water saturated porous media Institute of Geology and Geochemistry of Petroleum and Coal, Energy and Mineral Resources Group (EMR),RWTH Aachen University, Germany This study investigates sealing properties of Jurassic claystones, specifically Lias and Dogger mudstones of the Lower Saxony Basin, in the context of the disposal of high-level radioactive waste. Within the repository, the occurrence of various mechanisms such as corrosion, radiolysis, and microbial degradation may lead to generation of gases including hydrogen, methane and carbon dioxide. It has been reported through experimental studies that claystones possess hydraulic conductivities ranging from 10-12 to 10-15 m/s, indicating that the primary mechanism to dissipate the generated gases away from the repository is diffusive transport. Excessively high diffusion coefficients may compromise seal integrity, while overly low diffusion coefficients could result in localized overpressure zones, free gas formation, and interconnected gas transport pathways. Therefore, it is imperative to conduct a comprehensive investigation of gas diffusion in the context of nuclear waste disposal. In the present study we assess the use of the pressure decay technique to measure gas diffusivity through water-saturated claystones. The experimental approach involved conducting radial gas diffusion into the pore space of core plugs that were sealed at both ends. Gas diffusivity was determined using a mathematical model that couples the analytical solution of the diffusion equation with the real gas law. Experiments were conducted on deionized water and water-saturated Boom Clay to determine hydrogen and methane diffusion coefficients, and the results are highly consistent with literature data obtained from other techniques. Currently, the measurement of hydrogen, carbon dioxide, and methane diffusion coefficients through water-saturated Lias and Dogger rock specimens is underway. Wed: 25
Topics: 1.13 Site selection for a nuclear waste repository – Data acquisition, host rock characterisation and analogue studies Compositional-structural characterization of the Opalinus Clay: New data from core samples from the Mont Terri URL, Switzerland 1Federal Institute for Geosciences and Natural Resources (BGR), 30655 Hannover, Germany; 2Federal Office of Topography (swisstopo), 3084 Wabern, Switzerland Middle Jurassic Opalinus Clay (OPA) is considered as host rock for the disposal of heat-generating high-level radioactive waste. For the present study, samples from the Mont Terri rock laboratory (Switzerland) were analyzed using sedimentological, mineralogical and geochemical methods. Thereby, the ordering of irregular illite-smectite interstratified clay minerals (I-S) was of particular interest as it is responsible for sorption of radionuclides and swelling properties. Results support the classification of OPA into five main facies instead of the well-established threefold division, and further into six subfacies. The clay fraction present in the samples varies according to these facies, consistent with variations in cation exchange capacity. X-ray diffraction analyses of this < 2 µm fraction revealed a homogenous composition of the main constituents, namely R1-ordered I-S, illite and kaolinite. Crystal-structure based Rietveld refinement indicates strong similarities in the nature of disorder of the interstratified illite-smectite minerals. In all facies and subfacies the amount of illitic layers in the I-S varies from 73 - 85 % for all refinements and ordering types. Collectively, results point to (1) a homogenous overprint of the clay assemblage during burial and/or (2) a uniform siliciclastic sedimentary supply throughout the sedimentation period of the OPA. This uniformity will facilitate the calibration of mineralogical models and the extrapolation of geophysical logging data where no data is available. However, the transferability of these calibrations to both other OPA locations and claystone formations should be critically examined. Wed: 26
Topics: 1.13 Site selection for a nuclear waste repository – Data acquisition, host rock characterisation and analogue studies Geoscientific Characterisation of Sub-areas as Part of the German ‘Repository Site Selection Act‘ Bundesgesellschaft für Endlagerung mbH, Germany According to the ‘Repository Site Selection Act’ (Standortauswahlgesetz – StandAG), the German site selection procedure is an iterative process and consists of three phases with increasing levels of detail in which the assessed area is continuously reduced during the process. Starting with an empty, so-called ‘white map of Germany’, BGE (implementer of the German site selection procedure) completed Step 1 of Phase I in September 2020 with the submission of the Sub-areas Interim Report (BGE 2020). In the report, BGE identified 90 individual sub-areas (in claystone, rock salt and crystalline rock), where favourable geological conditions for the safe disposal of high-level radioactive waste can be expected. In Step 2 of Phase I, BGE aims to localise siting regions within the 90 sub-areas by applying preliminary safety assessments and other scientific criteria. Within the preliminary safety assessments, subsurface data are interpreted and the results documented. The workflow comprises the detailed characterisation and interpretation with focus on the host rock formation that acts as the main geological barrier, but also considers the surrounding rock formations. This contribution describes some of the compulsory geoscientific interpretation steps (e.g. well log interpretation, subsurface modelling) that are required during the preliminary safety assessments, focusing on sub-areas with flat bedded rock salt. The assessment of the spatial geometry of potential barrier rocks as well as the interpretation of their internal configuration (e.g. facies) and the understanding of relevant geological processes affecting the safety of a potential repository site are important characteristics. Wed: 27
Topics: 1.13 Site selection for a nuclear waste repository – Data acquisition, host rock characterisation and analogue studies Identifying the composition of hydrocarbon inclusions in rock salt Federal Institute for Geosciences and Natural Resources, Germany Rock salt is one of the three potential host rocks for the final repository for high-level radioactive waste in Germany. For the site selection procedure and for safety assessments, the content and composition of trapped fluids can be crucial to evaluate the potential of gas formation. Certain salt formations in northern Germany are known to contain gases and hydrocarbons as fluid inclusions. Fluid inclusion studies can provide information on their composition or temperature- and pressure conditions of fluid migration. Investigating individual fluid inclusion assemblages has certain advantages compared to bulk analyses: (1) the possibility to differentiate between different fluid sources and/or (2) the reconstruction of a complex fluid history. Among the suitable methods for the analyses of the fluid inclusion composition is Raman spectroscopy. Here we used a Renishaw inVia QONTOR Raman spectrometer attached to a Leica microscope (DM3000) equipped with a 100x objective and a 532 nm laser. Raman spectra were obtained with a 2400 grating, at ~5 mW, 180–240 s acquisition time and 2 accumulations in the spectral range of 300–4000 cm-1. The analyses of the hydrocarbon phase show peaks at ~940, at 2500–2700 and 2900–3100 cm-1 indicating C-H stretching modes, potentially of alkanes and their derivatives (Dollish et al., 1974; Orange et al. 1996). Wed: 28
Topics: 1.13 Site selection for a nuclear waste repository – Data acquisition, host rock characterisation and analogue studies A promising sequence stratigraphic approach to identify potential siting regions in claystone formations 1Federal Institute for Geosciences and Natural Resources (BGR), Hannover, 30655, Germany; 2Department of Geosciences, University of Fribourg, 1700 Fribourg, Switzerland The selection procedure to identify the site “best possible” to host Germany’s repository for the final disposal of its high activity nuclear waste considers claystone, rock salt and crystalline rock as potential host rocks. Preliminary considerations estimate the area required for a claystone-hosted repository to be 10 km2. There are nine “sub-areas” (i. e. areas with conditions expected to be favourable for the safe final disposal of high activity nuclear waste) having claystone formations as potential host rock. Their sizes range between 943 and 62,885 km2, which is roughly 90 to 6000 times the size considered necessary for a claystone-hosted repository. Consequently, reducing sub-area size sophisticatedly constitutes a major challenge to the site selection procedure. The project SEPIA aims to apply a sequence stratigraphic approach to characterize and correlate barrier properties of Aalenian rock formations, namely the Opalinus Clay (OPA), in Southern Germany. Therefore, four drillcores constituting an approx. 330 km long transect have been acquired to derive the spatial distribution of clay-rich and -poor horizons across the sedimentary basin, eventually leading to a paleofacies map. In addition, correlation with results from similar investigations in Switzerland adds another 100 km to the transect. This will allow assessing to which degree results from the OPA characterization carried out in the Swiss site selection procedure can be transferred to Southern Germany. Overall, the approach used in SEPIA appears to be a promising one to identify potential siting regions of reasonable size out of the large sub-areas for detailed exploration. Wed: 29
Topics: 1.13 Site selection for a nuclear waste repository – Data acquisition, host rock characterisation and analogue studies The influence of burial and temperature history on hydraulic and hydro-mechanical properties of a Lower Jurassic (Pliensbachian) clay rock formation – First results of the MATURITY project 1Department of Engineering Geology, RWTH Aachen, Germany; 2Fraunhofer Research Institution for Energy Infrastructures and Geothermal Systems, Aachen; 3Federal Institute for Geosciences and Natural Resources (BGR), Hanover; 4Institute of Geology and Geochemistry of Petroleum and Coal, RWTH Aachen University The characterization of potential host rocks for the final disposal of high-level radioactive waste is of great importance in the site selection procedure. For clay-rich host rocks, hydraulic and geomechanical characteristics often depend on the burial history determining the maximum effective stress and temperature (i.e., maturity), and the associated compaction as well as transformations during diagenesis. Therefore, the direct transferability of host rock properties between different regional-geological sites is challenging and requires detailed quantitative knowledge about host rock property variations at different maturity levels. We present the first results of the “Maturity” research project that deals with a Lower Jurassic clay rock via field and laboratory investigations. The target formation of Pliensbachian age (182–190 Ma) is located in the Lower Saxony Hils Syncline and the neighboring Sack Syncline. Whereas the mineralogical composition can be considered similar, the clay rock is characterized by a large thermal maturation gradient over a relatively short lateral distance. The project involves shallow core drillings at five locations along the sequence of changing maturities and an extensive testing program. We explore the influence of thermal maturity on the i) hydraulic rock mass properties using in-situ single-hole and cross-hole hydraulic tests within fixed packer intervals, and ii) petrophysical and hydromechanical properties by conducting a variety of laboratory tests on core material. In this contribution, we present preliminary results of our field and lab testing campaigns including thermal maturity-dependent hydraulic rock mass and geochemical characteristics as well as porosity and mechanical strength determinations of the clay rock. Wed: 30
Topics: 1.13 Site selection for a nuclear waste repository – Data acquisition, host rock characterisation and analogue studies Finding opportunities in the uncertainties of geomechanical-numerical models 1Helmholtz Zentrum Potsdam, Deutsches GeoForschungsZentrum GFZ, 14473 Potsdam, Germany; 2Institute of Applied Geosciences, TU Berlin, 10587 Berlin, Germany; 3Institute of Applied Geosciences, TU Darmstadt, 64287 Darmstadt, Germany; 4School of Earth and Environmental Sciences, The University of Queensland, St Lucia, QLD, 4072, Australia The numerical modelling of the in-situ stress state is commonly performed for reservoir management or subsurface applications such as nuclear waste repositories. Modelling is required due to the sparsity of available stress magnitude data records in addition to the uncertain underground structures and heterogeneous material properties. Even though, geomechanical models provide an increase in confidence and allow an interpretation of the in-situ stress state, the associated uncertainties are very high. We present an approach where, instead of just one model scenario that is a best fit to all available data (but necessarily has a poor fit to some data records), a wide range of model scenarios that each satisfies at least one data record perfectly is estimated. Then, additional indirect data on the stress state or other manifestations are added in order to assess the predictive quality of each model scenario. These can be for example Formation Integrity Tests or Borehole Breakouts. While model scenarios that have a good agreement with indirect data are preferred, those that are largely in contradiction are neglected. Eventually, this approach can be used to increase the knowledge on the subsurface. Of all things, remaining contradictions help to identify anomalies or geographical and lithological areas where the model is not representative (yet). This allows to improve and evolve the model in a data-based way not only based on geomechanics. Thus, adding uncertainties and further indirect data to the standard toolbox empowers the significance of a model. Wed: 31
Topics: 1.14 Secondary raw materials: Geoscientific approaches to enable a circular economy Towards a geochemical approach to guide hydrothermal REE recovery from NdFeB magnets 1ISTerre - Univ. Grenoble Alpes, CNRS, France; 2Cristal Innov, Parc d’activités Alpespace, France; 3Institut Néel, Univ. Grenoble Alpes, CNRS, France The NdFeB magnet world demand has doubled since 2005 to reach above 120 kton in 2020 [1]. The growing demand for REEs prompts their recycling. Sintered NdFeB permanent magnets are usually composed of above 20 wt.% Nd and a few wt.% of Pr and Dy. There are two main recycling ways for REE-based magnets. In the “short-loop process”, the main alloy is maintained in the valorized magnets, meaning that the microstructure and magnetic properties directly arise from the end-of-life product. In the “long loop” recycling process, one tries to extract the REEs from the alloy, which is the purpose of the present work. The chemical separation of REEs from each other is difficult due to the similarity of their chemical properties. Following the encouraging results obtained by [2] in recovering REEs from NdFeB by hydrothermal treatment, we developed a geochemical approach of aqueous fluid – REE-compounds interactions based on the use PHREEQC software with the implementation of relevant REE-phases in the database. The database is tested against hydrothermal experiments on NdFeB powders with in-situ solution sampling. When reacted at 250°C and 100 bar, NdFeB powders transform into Nd(OH)2, magnetite and Nd-borates along with large amounts of H2. The low Nd solubility measured in the experiment is likely controlled by Nd-borates. The database will allow to investigate the effect of chlorine or CO2 on the REE behaviour. [1] Yang, Y. et al. (2017). J. Sustain. Metall., 3, 122-149. [2] Maât, N. et al. ACS Sustain. Chem. Eng., 4, 6455-6462. Wed: 32
Topics: 1.14 Secondary raw materials: Geoscientific approaches to enable a circular economy Development of a routine method for the chemical and mineralogical characterization of Li- and Mn-containing slags from the recycling of NMC-type lithium-ion batteries (LIBs) Federal Institute for Geosciences and Natural Resources (BGR), Germany In the BMBF-funded project PyroLith, a methodical approach for the recovery of Li from NMC type LIB via a combined pyro- and hydrometallurgical process route is being developed. For this purpose, the cooling conditions and the chemical composition of the battery slags are optimized in the pyrometallurgical process step so that the whole Li content of the melt is enriched in the artificial, Li-rich compound lithium aluminate (γ-LiAlO2). After comminution of the slags, the γ-LiAlO2 is separated from the largely silicate slag matrix by flotation. The lithium is then leached out by hydrometallurgical processes and recovered as Li2CO3. In order to achieve the project goal, extensive chemical and mineralogical analyses of the process samples are required, which are carried out as part of a method development at BGR. Because Li cannot be directly measured by conventional wavelength- and energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopic investigation procedures, and amorphous components are only given as a sum in X-ray diffraction analysis, the use of several complementary analytical methods for sample characterization is necessary. In the work presented here, it is briefly outlined how a Li- and Mn-rich slag from the simplified battery slag system Al2O3-SiO2-CaO-MnO-Li2O can be fully characterized chemically and mineralogically using QXRD, SEM-MLA, EPMA, XRF and ICP-MS. Furthermore, a rapid analytical tool based on UVC radiation or alternatively on µEDXRF is presented to determine distribution, crystal size, crystal morphology and relative content of the target phase γ-LiAlO2 in the slags within a few seconds (UVC radiation) or within 3 hours (µEDXRF). Wed: 33
Topics: 1.15 Mineralogy of complex ore deposits – from exploration to ore processing Mechanisms of Paleoproterozoic critical metal (Ge, Bi, Te) mobilisation in the Black Angel district, West Greenland Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany Zn-Pb deposits are host to a large proportion of worldwide resources of Ge and other critical metals. The Black Angel district in central West Greenland hosts several Zn-Pb occurrences, including the historic Black Angel mine, South Lakes and Kangerluarsuk, that show a previously unrecognized endowment of Ge and Bi (± Te) respectively. The carbonate-hosted MVT deposits at Black Angel and South Lakes show strong deformation and associated ore remobilisation at Upper Greenschist facies conditions (ca. 470°C), as indicated by graphite thermometry. Germanium occurs in tectonised and remobilised ore in the form of briartite, which is hosted in sphalerite and galena matrix. We studied how rock deformation and related remobilisation processes in these ore bodies lead to the redistribution of Ge and formation of briartite. Germanium was most likely exsolved from sphalerite as nanoinclusions of briartite during recrystallisation. Subsequent solid-state and fluid-assisted processes lead to formation of micrometre sized grains of briartite in sphalerite matrix, as well as up to millimetre-sized briartite aggregates. However, the nearby clastic-hosted SEDEX deposit at Kangerluarsuk shows native bismuth and tellurides hosted with galena, and no briartite or other Ge enrichment. Thus, two contrasting Zn-Pb systems with a different critical metal endowment are in close proximity to one another. Wed: 34
Topics: 1.15 Mineralogy of complex ore deposits – from exploration to ore processing Biohydrometallurgy for Cobalt and Nickel recovery from laterites: project BioProLat 1Federal Institute for Geosciences and Natural Resources (BGR), Germany; 2G.E.O.S. Ingenieurgesellschaft mbH, Schwarze Kiefern 2, 09633 Halsbrücke, Germany; 3Centro de Tecnologia Mineral, Avenida Pedro Calmon, 900, 21941-908 Rio de Janeiro, Brazil; 4Companhia de Pesquisa de Recursos Minerais, Rua Banco de Província 105, Santa Tereza 90840-030 Porto Alegre, Brazil Laterite ore deposits in Brazil and other tropical countries contain approximately 70% of the world’s Ni and Co resources. High energy and/or reagent costs, accompanied by expensive equipment costs, are generally incurred when recovering Ni and Co via pyrometallurgy or high pressure acid leaching. Considering economic efficiency, the development of an integrated low-energy and environmentally benign biohydrometallurgical process for the recovery of these metals from laterite ores in Brazil is the aim of the German-Brazilian project BioProLat. Several acidophilic bacteria are able to use sulfur (S) as electron donor and couple the oxidation of S to the reduction of ferric iron, and are thereby capable of reducing the insoluble metal compounds to a water-soluble form. During this process sulfuric acid is generated, providing the acidic conditions that are needed to keep iron and other metals soluble. Stirred-tank bioreactor and percolation column laboratory experiments were used to optimize parameters including pH, temperature, aeration and a most suitable bacterial consortium for the bioleaching of Ni and Co. Stirred-tank laterite bioleaching at a start pH 1.5 under aerobic conditions with a consortium of different Acidithiobacillus thiooxidans strains resulted after 15 days in maximal 83 % extraction for both, Co and Ni, for 10 % (w/v) pulp density of a laterite sample from Barro Alto mine, Brazil. Eventually, the optimized process will be upscaled and reach pilot scale, transforming unexploited ores and limonite stockpiles into valuable resources, unlocking new reserves of raw materials through increasing recovery of metals from existing mines. Wed: 35
Topics: 1.15 Mineralogy of complex ore deposits – from exploration to ore processing Impact of erratic and constant fluid flow on epithermal ore formation via numerical modelling 1University of Potsdam, Germany; 2GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences Epithermal ore deposits are important resources for various precious (e.g. Au, Ag) and base (e.g. Cu, Pb, Zn) metals. They form within the uppermost 1.5 km of Earth's crust by circulation of hydrothermal fluids through fractured and porous rocks in geothermal and volcanic systems. Many hydrothermal veins in epithermal deposits show evidence for pulsed ore formation events with high metal contents limited to distinct growth zones. As a particularly efficient mechanism for metal enrichment to economic grades, transport and precipitation of precious metals has been proposed to occur by isochemical contraction of a magmatic vapor phase from an underlying magmatic-hydrothermal system, where fluids can phase separate, followed by a second phase-separation event of near-surface boiling. Numerical models can provide unique insights into the temporal and spatial relationships of ore-forming processes. We use a model for magma reservoir growth to investigate the impact of sill injection rates on the hydrothermal system. The simulations with more episodic, low injection rates (<1.3 x10-3 km³/y) result in a highly variable fluid plume which allows almost pure magmatic fluids to migrate to shallower and cooler regions, where they can phase separate and potentially form epithermal ore deposits. The modelling results point towards a relatively short time span of potential ore formation of a few thousands of years until the magmatic fluid plume retreats. Long-lived magma reservoirs which are forming at higher injection rates hamper the formation of high-grade epithermal deposits, but are more favourable for high-grade porphyry Cu deposits. Wed: 36
Topics: 1.15 Mineralogy of complex ore deposits – from exploration to ore processing Mineralogical and geochemical investigations on lamprophyric intrusions of the Gottesberg Sn-(W) greisen deposit, Vogtland, Germany 1TU Bergakademie Freiberg, Germany; 2Saxore Bergbau GmbH, Germany The Erzgebirge-Vogtland metallogenic province covers a wide variety of tin mineralization (greisen-, vein- and skarn-type) and represents one of the classic Sn regions in the world. The Gottesberg Sn(-W) greisen deposit is located on the western rim of the Eibenstock granite pluton. The multistage Sn mineralization of Gottesberg is closely spatial and temporal related to multiphase intrusions of subvolcanics and brecciation, controlled by a crosscutting area of major deep fault zones. For this work, lamprophyric dikes from latest drill core of Saxore Bergbau GmbH were sampled. Microscopic investigations were supplemented by the method of MLA (Mineral Liberation Analysis). Geochemical analyses of major and trace elements were performed. Previous work focused primarily on the Gottesberg Subvolcanic Suite (rhyolites and microgranites) whereby this work provides the first modern study of lamprophyres from the deposit and their age relationship to other magmatic events and the Sn(-W) mineralization. The porphyritic lamprophyres occur in dikes up to 3.5 m thick, carry xenocrysts of the granite, microgranite and rhyolite, and are partly strongly altered. Amphiboles were replaced by biotite. In the contact with the granite, the dikes form a chilled margin consisting mainly of biotite. Alteration phenomena on the groundmass and xenocrysts were studied. Cassiterite-quartz-sulfide veinlets and enclaves of granite and rhyolite in lamprophyric dikes provide information on the age position of the rocks. Overprinted lamprophyres show Sn and Rb contents >1,000 ppm and F contents up to 1.10 wt.%. Lamprophyre samples with high Zn contents (2.090-3640 ppm) show relatively high In contents (5-15 ppm). Wed: 37
Topics: 1.15 Mineralogy of complex ore deposits – from exploration to ore processing Experimental determination of boron isotope fractionation between silicate melts and hydrous fluids, with application to understanding magmatic-hydrothermal ore genesis 1GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences, Telegrafenberg, 14473 Germany; 2University of Potsdam, Karl-Liebknecht-Str.24-25, 14476 Potsdam-Golm; 3University of Cologne, Zülpicher Str. 49b, 50674 Köln; 4University of Hannover, Callinstraße 3, 30167 Hannover; 5University of Bochum, Universitätsstraße 150, 44780 Bochum The magmatic-hydrothermal transition is an important but poorly-understood process in the formation of Sn-W, Nb-Ta and Li deposits associated with evolved granites and pegmatites. Theory predicts that boron isotopes will fractionate between magma and fluid, so the magmatic-hydrothermal transition may be recorded in the borosilicate mineral tourmaline, which is widespread and common in these kinds of deposits. The key information needed to interpret the tourmaline record is the B-isotope fractionation between granitic melts and the fluids derived from them but former experimental studies on B-isotope fractionation between the relevant phases are not in agreement (e.g. Kowalski and Wunder, 2018, Maner and London, 2018). This study fills this gap by an experimental, multivariant approach. We synthesized a glass of haplogranitic composition (Ab40Or25Qtz35) and produced variants of water content (0, 4 and 6 wt%), aluminum saturation (ASI 0.7, 1, 1.3) and boron concentration (2 and 5 wt%). For each composition we determined the coordination environment of B in the glass and the fractionation of B isotopes between the respective melt and aqueous fluid at near-solidus temperature. The first part of the study was the chemical characterization and analysis of B coordination in the glasses. The NMR analysis of 11B indicates that the coordination of 11B is dominantly trigonal in all glasses, but there is an increase of tetrahedral coordination with increasing boron concentration and water content. Fluid-melt fractionation experiments are ongoing and first results will be presented. Wed: 38
Topics: 1.20 Resource management tools – as a knowledge base for the availability of raw materials and for decision-making Ohmgebirge Potash Deposit – Confirmation Drilling & Mineral Resource Update Südharz Kali GmbH, Germany South Harz Potash Limited (SHP) is a publicly listed company on the Australian Securities Exchange (ASX). Through its wholly-owned subsidiary Südharz Kali GmbH, the Company holds the Ohmgebirge mining licence in the north-western part of the Thuringian Basin, a region with more than 100 years of history of mining Permian potash deposits. Based on the available historical exploration data, the potash resource at the Ohmgebirge was categorised by Micon International Co Limited in 2019 as an Inferred Mineral Resource in accordance with the guidelines of the Australasian JORC Code (2012). In order to increase the level of geological knowledge and the confidence in the existing drill hole and assay database and to advance the project, two confirmation holes were drilled in 2022. The successful drilling demonstrated a good comparability of lithostratigraphic, mineralogical and geochemical data with the historic exploration data. Combining the existing and new data sets, the geological model has been updated, allowing an upgrade of a substantial proportion of the Ohmgebirge Mineral Resource estimate from the Inferred to the Indicated classification. Currently, SHP is collaborating with experienced consultants to prepare a feasibility study which will consider all relevant technical, economic, social and environmental aspects of the project in order to transform the Mineral Resource to a Mineral Reserve according to JORC (2012). To increase awareness of the importance of mining local raw materials, we communicate transparently and regularly with the regional public and all stakeholders on our project advancements. Wed: 39
Topics: 1.20 Resource management tools – as a knowledge base for the availability of raw materials and for decision-making Aluminium is Now Critical – Enabling UNFC-Compliant Classification for a German Aluminium Scrap Recovery Project 1Technische Universität Berlin, Chair of Circular Economy and Recycling Technology, Berlin, Germany; 2ALBA Europe Holding plc & Co. KG, Berlin, Germany The United Nations Framework Classification for Resources (UNFC) is an assessment tool for mineral resource endowments, originally developed for side-projects concerning geogenic resources, such as mines. Given the integration of UNFC into the Critical Raw Material Act, it is crucial to develop a standardized classification method for secondary raw materials. However, the current framework lacks concrete guidance and primarily relies on mining sector definitions. This leads to the inconsistent use of various factors and methods in case studies, resulting in diminished comparability. To understand the requirements and challenges of the application on secondary raw material projects and address the recent assessment of aluminium as critical, a pioneering case study is conducted on a novel aluminium sorting plant using laser-induced-breakdown-spectroscopy to enable alloy specific sorting of old scrap. The UNFC assessment bases on three criteria: "Environmental-Socio-Economic Viability," "Technical Feasibility," and "Degree of Confidence in the Estimate”. In this study the criteria are evaluated with newly developed and existing factors such as quantity, quality, supply continuity, technology, infrastructure, and socio-economic, legal and environmental aspects, using assessment methods like technology readiness level and material flow analysis. This results in a concrete guidance covering data demand, data sources and assessment tools. The study's results will highlight the distinct requirements that differ from those of the mining sector and contribute to the development of a modified methodology. These advancements aim to enhance the applicability of UNFC, enabling comprehensive evaluations of different types of resources and projects and promoting informed decision-making towards a circular economy. Wed: 40
Topics: 1.31 Bergbau in Deutschland The Working Group on Mining Consequences of the DGGV e. V. 1TU Bergakademie Freiberg, Germany; 2Oberschöna With its long mining history, Germany is a country with an important tradition in the field of mining science. The "Working Group on Geoscientific Aspects in Mining Areas" has been dealing with the remnants of mining and the resulting subsequent uses since it was founded in 1995. The task of the working group is to bring together geoscientists and other experts from the mining industry, from mining and geology-related administrative departments and research institutions for an interdisciplinary exchange of ideas and experience. The first meeting of the Working Group on Mining Consequences took place in Upper Lusatia on the landscapes resulting from lignite mining. The thematic range of further events expanded to include ore, salt, uranium, hard coal and earths and stone mining, oil and natural gas extraction, and the search for a final repository for radioactive waste. The meetings of the working group combine theory and application in a very practical and illustrative way. Thematically diverse technical presentations and a full-day excursion to geological outcrops, historical or operating mining facilities and post-montane landscapes are the basis for intensive exchange among the participants. In 2023, the Working Group on Mining Consequences looks back on 51 successful meetings in different mining regions of Germany, attended by about 5,000 professional colleagues from the geo- and mining sector, nature and geotope conservation, geoparks and many other disciplines. A conference volume with excursion guide is published for each meeting in the EDGG series. Wed: 41
Topics: 1.31 Bergbau in Deutschland Slope Stability Challenges in Repurposing Abandoned Coal Mine Pit for Hybrid Pump Hydropower Storage Technische Universität Berlin, Germany The transition towards renewable energy sources has led to a growing need for effective energy storage systems to ensure a stable and reliable power supply. Solar and wind power, although abundant, are intermittent, causing fluctuations in electricity generation. To mitigate this issue, energy storage solutions are required to store surplus energy during periods of low demand and release it during times of high demand. This research focuses on repurposing abandoned open pit coal mines as Hybrid Pump Hydropower Storage (HPHS) systems, where the mine pit functions as the lower reservoir. The stability of the slopes in these repurposed mines is a critical factor for the successful implementation of HPHS. The presence of water in the lower reservoir and the potential inflow of groundwater play significant roles in determining slope stability. An analytical and numerical model has been developed to assess the slope stability in the selected mines for HPHS operations. Various factors, including fluctuating groundwater levels, reservoir filling levels, and different loading conditions, have been considered in the analysis. The findings of this study contribute to a better understanding of the impact of these factors on slope stability in HPHS applications. Wed: 42
Topics: 1.31 Bergbau in Deutschland Der Sprung über den Harz - Ersterkundung auf Kalisalze im Südharz-Revier vor 135 Jahren ERCOSPLAN Ingenieurgesellschaft Geotechnik und Bergbau mbH, Germany Nachdem die Kalidüngemittelproduktion in den 1860er Jahren in Staßfurt, im nördlichen Harzvorland, ihre weltweite Premiere erlebte, sich zunächst auf das sogenannte Nordharz-Kalirevier beschränkte, begann auf Betreiben des preußischen Bergbeamten Pinno - und entgegen der damaligen akademischen Lehrmeinung Ochsenius’ - schon in den 1880er Jahren die Erkundung der südlich des Harzes gelegenen Kalivorkommen. Die erste Bohrung Hochstedt wurde westlich Nordhausen bei Günzerode platziert und im November 1888 eingestellt ohne Kalisalze erreicht zu haben. Die zweite Bohrung bei Kehmstedt traf im Juli 1889 ein 63m mächtiges Kalisalzlager an. Bis November 1897 folgten weitere 64 Erkundungsbohrungen in über 50 Gemarkungen bis das erste - vom Preußischen Staat finanzierte - Bohrprogramm im November 1897 mit dem Nachweis der großflächigen Verbreitung bauwürdiger Hartsalz- und Carnallitit-Vorräte erfolgreich abgeschlossen wurde. Bereits kurze Zeit nach der ersten fündigen Kalibohrung im preußischen Hoheitsgebiet des Südharz-Revieres startete auch die erste privatrechtliche Kapitalgesellschaft die Bohrerkundung auf Kalisalze im August 1891 bei Jecha, Fürstentum Schwarzburg-Sondershausen. Die Bohrung erreichte in 626,20m Teufe ein über 12m mächtiges Carnallitit-Lager, was für den Markscheider, Bergbauunternehmer und Brauereibesitzer Brügmann aus Dortmund als hinreichender Bauwürdigkeitsnachweis genügte, so dass bereits im Mai 1893 mit dem Teufen des ersten Kalischachtes im Südharz-Revier begonnen wurde. Die bergmännische Gewinnung der Kalisalze begann ab 1896 auf dem nach ihm benannten Brügmann-Schacht der Gewerkschaft "Glückauf" in Sondershausen, worauf rasch weitere Bergwerke folgten. Bereits 1914 verfügte das Südharz-Revier über 33 Schächte, zum Jahreswechsel 1924/25 waren es bereits 50 vollendete Schachtanlagen mehrerer Kaligesellschaften, die in der Folgezeit verschiedene, auch staatlich gelenkte Konsolidationen und Stilllegungen erfuhren. Wed: 43
Topics: 1.31 Bergbau in Deutschland Das jüngste Kapitel in der Erkundungsgeschichte auf Kalisalze im Südharz-Revier: Bergwerkseigentum Ohmgebirge der Südharz Kali GmbH 1Südharz Kali GmbH, Germany; 2Ercosplan Ingenieurgesellschaft Geotechnik und Bergbau mbH; 3Micon International Co Limited Die Südharz Kali GmbH, eine 100%ige Tochtergesellschaft der South Harz Potash Ltd., eine in Australien gelistete Aktiengesellschaft, hat 2017 das Bergwerkseigentum (BWE) Ohmgebirge erworben und beabsichtigt dort die Gewinnung von Kalisalzen. Das BWE Ohmgebirge grenzt im SW bzw. W an die Grubenfelder der ehemaligen Kalibergwerke Bischofferode und Sollstedt. Dort wurden bereits Ende des 19./Anfang des 20. Jahrhunderts, zwischen 1956 und 1965 und in den 1980er Jahren in mehreren staatlich finanzierten Erkundungskampagnen wirtschaftlich interessante Kalisalzvorräte nachgewiesen. In den Jahren 2017 und 2019 erfolgte zunächst die Neubewertung dieser historischen Erkundungsdaten. 2022 wurden zwei neue Tiefbohrungen abgeteuft, durch die die Resultate unmittelbar benachbarter historischer Bohrungen aus den Jahren 1906 und 1983 bestätigt wurden. Wed: 45
Topics: 3.05 „Geomorphology and Sedimentology Beyond Boundaries“ - towards integrating geomorphology and sedimentary system science A Quaternary fluvial sequence tells the story of a drainage reorganization 1Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Beer-Sheva 84105, Israel.; 2Geology and Environmental Science, University of Pittsburgh, 4107 O'Hara Street, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15260- 3332, United States; 3Geological Survey of Israel, Yesha'yahu Leibowitz 32, Jerusalem 9692100, Israel.; 4The Dead-Sea and Arava Science Center, Tamar Regional council Dead-Sea mobile post 86910, Tamar Regional council, Israel. Field observations across the globe show that drainage reversal toward a cliff is a common type of drainage reorganization. Drainage reversal occurs when a channel reverses its flow direction by 180 degrees while exploiting its antecedent valley. In these settings, fluvial deposits of the antecedent, pre-reversal drainage potentially record valuable information about the process of drainage reorganization. However, such fluvial deposits are rare because they are typically eroded by the reversed channels. We present a spectacular case of a reversed channel in the Negev desert, Israel, that forms a narrow canyon with several-meters high vertical walls exposing a sequence of fluvial deposits that reflect the reversal process. At the base of the sequence, a <1 m thick conglomerate layer is characterized by clast imbrication consistent with the westward flow direction of the antecedent drainage. Overlying the conglomerate, reddish fine-grained sediments (~1-2 m thick) indicate a decrease in flow energy, reflecting the reversal of the flow toward the current eastward flow direction. Paleosols and scattered calcite nodules within the sediment imply phases of soil development, most likely during a more humid climate than today. The uppermost layer (<1 m thick) consists of sediments of alluvial fans fed from the neighboring hillslopes, that play a key role in the development of the reversed channel through their avulsion cycling. Using geomorphic mapping based on high-resolution DEMs and preliminary dating results, we propose a holistic approach for better understanding the relationships between sedimentary systems, climate changes, and erosional processes in landscapes experiencing drainage reorganization. Wed: 46
Topics: 3.05 „Geomorphology and Sedimentology Beyond Boundaries“ - towards integrating geomorphology and sedimentary system science Modeling in Landlab: Long-Profile Evolution of Transport-Limited Gravel- and Sand-Bed Rivers 1Department of Earth & Environmental Sciences, University of Minnesota Twin Cities, Minneapolis, MN, USA; 2Saint Anthony Falls Laboratory, University of Minnesota Twin Cities, Minneapolis, MN, USA; 3The GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences, Potsdam, Germany Alluvial river adjustment occurs in response to altered sediment and water inputs, driven by both natural and anthropogenic climate change, changes in land use and/or land cover, and/or imposed by tectonic boundary conditions. This river response is ultimately reflected in the geometry of the bankfull channel, the planform characteristics of the river, and the longitudinal profiles of the mainstem river and its tributaries. This study utilizes analyses of river longitudinal profiles and provides a powerful tool to detect the change and extend it to long-term landscape evolution. Wickert and Schildgen (2019) developed the model, GRLP, to compute transient and steady-state solutions for the long-profile evolution of transport-limited gravel-bed rivers with self-forming channel-width adjustments. Following an analogous approach to that taken by Wickert and Schildgen (2019) and linking sediment transport and river morphodynamics, we developed a model describing the long-profile evolution of a transport-limited sand-bed river. This sand-bed model allows for planform adjustments as a function of excess shear stress (following Parker, 1978, and Dunne et al., 2018) thereby linearizing the sediment-transport response to changing river discharge. Ultimately, the resultant equations suggest a diffusive form for sand-bed river long-profile form and evolution. Both models were further built to work with the Landlab component library. Here, with these Landlab compatible models, we further present examples of sand- and gravel-bed river long-profiles under a variety of water- and sediment-supply boundary conditions, and present the transition into models of linked tributaries reproducing river-network evolution over both human and geological time scales. Wed: 47
Topics: 3.05 „Geomorphology and Sedimentology Beyond Boundaries“ - towards integrating geomorphology and sedimentary system science A process-based model for fluvial valley width 1GFZ German Research Center for Geosciences, Germany; 2Ludwig Maximilian University Munich, Germany; 3University of Potsdam, Germany The width of fluvial valley-floors is a key parameter to quantifying the morphology of mountain regions. Valley-floor width is relevant to diverse fields including sedimentology, fluvial geomorphology, and archaeology. The width of valleys has been argued to depend on climatic and tectonic conditions, on the hydraulics and hydrology of the river channel that forms the valley, and on sediment supply from valley walls. Yet, so far, a physically-based model that can be used to predict valley width is lacking. Here, we derive such a model and test it against three different datasets. The model applies to valleys that are carved by a river migrating across the valley floor, and includes the effects of uplift and lateral hillslope sediment supply. Valley width is controlled mainly by the mobility-uplift number, which is the ratio between lateral channel mobility and uplift rate. At high values of the mobility-uplift number, the valley evolves to the channel-belt width, which is the width of the area actively reworked by the river in an unconfined setting. At low values of the mobility-uplift number, valley width corresponds to channel width. Between these limits, valley width is linked to the mobility-uplift number by a logarithmic function. We compare the model to independent data sets of valleys in experimental and natural uplifting landscapes and show that it closely predicts the first-order relationship between valley width and the mobility-uplift number. Wed: 48
Topics: 3.05 „Geomorphology and Sedimentology Beyond Boundaries“ - towards integrating geomorphology and sedimentary system science Control of valley width on the flank erosion rate: measure of erosion rates of Andean and French fluvial valleys by using 10-Be and 26-Al 1Géosciences Environnement Toulouse, France; 2Centre Européen de Recherche et d'Enseignement en Géosciences de l'Environnement, France; 3Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, Peru Any keen observer has noticed that valleys show a large variability in their shapes, explained by the incision and widening processes. However, valley widening processes and rate are still poorly documented while valley evolution has a key role in geomorphological processes (contribution to the formation of abrasion terraces and establishment of ecosystems) and global geochemical cycles (increase of carbon storage in wide valley and buffering sediment fluxes transported to the oceans). Given these issues, it is becoming truly necessary to better understand valley widening rate and its controls. For that, we focused on several river valleys (in the Arequipa Province, Peru, and in the plateau of Valensole, France) and we have used and further developed the approach tested in northern Chile by Zavala et al. (2021). We collected samples from valley flanks to measure the millennial erosion rates, by using in-situ produced Beryllium-10 and Aluminium-26, and analysed 10-Be and 26-Al concentrations to estimate the local valley flank erosion rate. We also extracted different factors that may control widening rate (valley width, slope of flanks and valley floors, incision and drainage area, etc) in order to compare these factors to 10-Be and 26-Al concentrations. Our preliminary results show comparable 10-Be concentrations along a single stretch of valley, except for several outliers, for different valleys in the Andes and France, indicating some robustness in the sampling method. These results are promising and will provide new answers, by integrating more metadata, about what controls the widening rate of valleys and how. Wed: 49
Topics: 3.05 „Geomorphology and Sedimentology Beyond Boundaries“ - towards integrating geomorphology and sedimentary system science Morphology and depositional architecture of supercritical alluvial fans: control by autogenic processes or high-frequency climatic oscillations? 1Leibniz Universität Hannover, Germany; 2Universität Tübingen, Germany The depositional architecture and geomorphology of alluvial fans that have evolved in response to similar regional environmental conditions can differ strongly, implying that autogenic processes may play an important role and lead to similar cycles of fan aggradation and incision that may be difficult to be distinguished from the effects of tectonics or climate change. Here we present new data from two different Late Pleistocene (33-18 ka) alluvial fan systems in northern Germany. These fans formed under similar climatic and tectonic conditions, but differ in size, type, and drainage area allowing to estimate the role of climate and autogenic controls on flow processes, facies architecture, and fan-stacking patterns. Sand-rich, sheetflood-dominated fans are related to larger, low-gradient fan catchments. Steep depositional fan slopes (5°-17°) favored supercritical flow conditions. Steep, dip-slope catchments enhanced stream gradients and promoted the transport of coarser-grained sediments. These fans have lower gradient slopes (2-6°) and are dominated by channelized flows, alternating with periods of unconfined sheetfloods. Fan onset and aggradation occurred in response to climate change at the end of MIS 3. Meter-scale coarsening-upward successions are characterized by sandy sheetflood deposits at the base and overlain by multilateral or smaller single-story gravelly channel fills are related to high-frequency climatic fluctuations or seasonal fluctuations in water and sediment supply. In contrast, the recurrent pattern of multistorey, multilateral, and single-storey channel bodies with a lateral offset to vertical stacking pattern most probably was controlled by autogenic switch in an avulsion-dominated system. Wed: 51
Topics: 3.12 Past climates and environments inform our future Identifying the seasonal variability of the isotopic composition of seawater by combined stable oxygen and dual clumped isotopes in marine bivalves 1Goethe-University, Frankfurt a.M., Germany; 2The Natural History Museum, London, UK Reconstructing sea water temperatures from carbonate derived δ18OC is a widely used approach in paleo-environmental studies. However, converting δ18OC to water temperatures requires information about the isotopic composition of the sea water (δ18OSW), which usually can only be estimated for paleo-environments. Especially in shallow marine settings δ18OSW can potentially be altered by a strong seasonal variability of fresh water supply. Dual clumped isotopes (Δ47+Δ48) can be employed to determine seawater temperatures independent of δ18OSW, as isotopic clumping is independent of the bulk isotopic composition of seawater. In the current study we aim to resolve the seasonal variability of δ18OSW by the combined measurement of δ18OC and dual clumped isotopes (Δ47+Δ48) in Eocene bivalve shells (Venericor planicosta) from the Paris Basin. To determine seasonal variations and to detect annual extrema, δ18OC was measured along the shell. Based on the δ18OC record, annual extrema were resampled for dual clumped analysis. The analysed bivalve revealed a pronounced seven-year seasonal cycle in δ18OC, yielding an average annual amplitude of 2.5‰. Translating this seasonal range to sea water temperatures, applying a constant δ18OSW, results in an annual temperature amplitude of ~11°C. The dual clumped isotope measurements, however, point to a more damped seasonal temperature range (~4°C) and a variable δ18OSW with a seasonal difference of ~1‰. The Δ47+Δ48-based seasonal temperature amplitude agrees with an Eocene warm-house climate and a considered weaker latitudinal thermal gradient. Reconstructed δ18OSW exhibits high seasonal variability, indicating the periodic influx of isotopically lighter fresh water into the Paris Basin. Wed: 53
Topics: 3.12 Past climates and environments inform our future Great Blue Hole: a sedimentological archive of tropical cyclone frequency covering the Holocene at annual resolution 1Institut für Geowissenschaften, Johann Wolfgang Goethe-Universität, Frankfurt, Germany; 2Institut für Geologie und Mineralogie, Universität zu Köln, Germany; 3Albrecht-von-Haller-Institut für Pflanzenwissenschaften, Abteilung Palynologie und Klimadynamik, Georg-August-Universität Göttingen, Germany; 4Institut für Geologie & Oeschger Centre for Climate Change Research, Universität Bern, Switzerland; 5Institut für Geologie, Zentrum für Erdsystemforschung und Nachhaltigkeit, Universität Hamburg, Germany Sedimentary archives from marine sinkholes enable long-term reconstructions of past storm activity. In the last years, numerous cyclone-frequency reconstructions have been obtained from sediment cores collected in blue holes located in the circum-Caribbean region. Such structures work as sediment traps for allochthonous particles, mobilized through storm waves and surges from adjacent areas by passing cyclones. The 320 m wide and 125 m deep Great Blue Hole (Lighthouse Reef, Belize) is an outstanding cyclone-frequency archive worth exploring due to anoxic bottom-water conditions and the opportunity to recover annual deposits spanning the Holocene interglacial and even parts of the late Pleistocene. In June 2022, a 30-m-long sediment core (BH8) was extracted from the sinkhole and dated to 12.5 ka BP at its base. Sedimentological and palynological analyses point to an initial cenote-like setting that experienced a rising marine influence starting around 7.2 ka BP, which led to brackish and restricted marine conditions until 5.7 ka BP. Afterwards, full marine conditions have persisted in the Great Blue Hole to present day. Our sediment-core analysis resulted in a 12000-years-long paleoenvironmental reconstruction at annual resolution. Several warm climate periods of this timeline represent past equivalents for the current situation of rising ocean temperatures. In the SW Caribbean, cyclone frequency changed from a rather variable and less active stage (12.5-3.5 ka BP) to a more stable and active state (3,5-0 ka BP). This bipartite pattern is surprisingly best explained by latitudinal changes of the Intertropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ) from a northern towards a southern location. Wed: 54
Topics: 3.12 Past climates and environments inform our future Geology of the Layla Lakes: An exceptional lake formation history in Central Saudi Arabia 1Technical University of Darmstadt, Germany; 2Curt-Engelhorn-Centre Archaeometry, Mannheim, Germany The Layla Lakes (300 km S Riyadh) had been fed by fossil groundwater until they dried up in the 1990s due to agricultural water abstraction, revealing a series of 22 sinkholes. At their walls, well stratified to laminated sediments became exposed, unlocking a hitherto unexplored paleoenvironmental and paleoclimatic archive in the center of the Arabian Peninsula. In November 2022, sedimentary logs were recorded, including on-site spectral gamma-ray and magnetic susceptibility measurements. From four sinkholes, >600 samples were taken to unravel the geochronological, mineralogical, geochemical, and palynological evolution of the lakes at high resolution. Lithofacies analysis shows changes between laminated lake sediments and weakly stratified sebkha deposits composed of sulfates (gypsum, anhydrite), carbonates, siliciclastic components, and bioclastic remains (shells, chironomidae tubes). Initial radiocarbon dating indicates that the laminated lake sediments comprise a time interval from recent to 300 a A.D., suggesting at least partly varve-type sediments. The sebkha facies with short lacustrine intervals covers the entire Holocene. Different sections can be stacked together by high-resolution 3D-models, generated from a drone survey (cooperation with KAUST, Saudi Arabia). Based on field observations and first data analysis, a multi-stage paleolake model is suggested: Triggered by faults in the underlying Lower Jurassic Hith, anhydrite converts into gypsum, forming a topographic bulge and a sebkha environment. During fall of the groundwater level, sinkholes collapsed in its center due to phreatic dissolution, forming the groundwater-fed lakes. All sections show a pronounced cyclicity which will be further analyzed by high-resolution multi-proxy analyses. Wed: 55
Topics: 3.12 Past climates and environments inform our future Effect of global warming on the frequency and intensity of tropical cyclones: an Early Jurassic perspective 1Institute of Geology, Leibniz University Hannover, Germany; 2Leibniz Institute of Applied Geophysiccs (LIAG), Hannover, Germany Anthropogenic warming is predicted to increase the frequency and intensity of tropical cyclones, leading to severe damage and loss of life. However, projections based on historical observations are limited due to the lack of longer-term and spatially-resolved data. Here, we use the Toarcian Oceanic Anoxic Event (T-OAE) as a case study to investigate the link between tropical cyclone patterns and climate change. The T-OAE is a well-studied example of intense global warming and environmental change in Earth's history, characterized by a 7°C increase in sea-surface temperature and the common occurrence of tropical cyclones recorded in sedimentary deposits. We collected sedimentary outcrop data along a 60 km-long transect, comprising 10 detailed sections along the paleo continental shelf in the central High Atlas in Morocco. We used sedimentary characteristics such as grainsize, texture, sedimentary features, and ichnofossils to identify storm-generated strata in offshore to lower shoreface settings, and extract paleo-tropical cyclone parameters. To constrain the age model, we used a cyclostratigraphic approach based on magnetic susceptibility datasets. By comparing the results to pre- and post-T-OAE time intervals, we gained insights into the frequency and intensity of tropical cyclones during this event and how they may have been affected by climate warming. Our study highlights the potential of outcrop data to extract past storminess characteristics and test current model predictions on tropical cyclone patterns. By improving our understanding of how climate change affects tropical cyclones, we can better prepare for and mitigate the damage caused by these extreme weather events. Wed: 56
Topics: 3.12 Past climates and environments inform our future The 8.2 ka event in the Dead Sea: tracking a high-latitude disturbance in the Mediterranean 1GFZ Potsdam, Germany; 2University of Potsdam; 3University of St Andrews; 4University of Bristol The last deglaciation is an ideal time interval to investigate the effect of climatic and oceanic disturbances occurring at high latitude on the hydrological regimes of the Mediterranean Sea. In particular, a series of disruptions of the Atlantic Meridional Oceanic Circulation (AMOC) has punctuated the transition from glacial to interglacial conditions, with the so-called 8.2 ka event being the youngest one. After the publication of recent results showing the existence of instable climatic conditions in the Dead Sea during the Younger Dryas (Müller et al., 2022), we examine here the environmental record during the 8.2 ka event to illuminate the effects of the background climate (colder to warmer) on hydrological distrubances linked to AMOC disruptions. We performed a coupled limnological and geochemical analysis of sediments deposited in the deeper part of the Dead Sea (ICDP site 5017A), which showed the occurrence of repeated mass wasting deposits related to intense erosive activity in the watershed of the Dead Sea. Newly-acquired neodymium and strontium isotopes also show a rapid change in sediment provenance and a hiatus in outcrop sequences from western lake shores suggests a drop in lake level at that time (Migowski et al., 2006). Ongoing classification of mass wasting events and the integration of other well-dated regional records and paleoclimatic simulations will provide additional insights on the erosional processes operating at that time, as well as the climatic regimes associated. Wed: 57
Topics: 3.13 Identifying tectonics and climatic signals in deep-time: challenges and opportunities The DeepStor-1 exploration well 1Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), Germany; 2Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), Germany; 3Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), Germany; 4Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), Germany; 5Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), Germany DeepStor-1 is the exploration well to the Helmholtz research infrastructure “DeepStor”. DeepStor focuses on the investigation of high-temperature heat storage marginal to the former oil-field “Leopoldshafen“. It is located about 10 km north of the city of Karlsruhe (Germany). The DeepStor-1 well will probe marine to continental syn-rift sedimentary successions. It is planned to reach the Pechelbronn Group at 1‘460 m. Seismic investigation reveal a structurally undisturbed section that below 200 m depth covers the Landau, Bruchsal, Niederrödern and Froidefontaine Formations. Cores will be taken from the entire section below 820 m resolving about 6 Myr (about 26-32 Ma) of the Oligocene (about 23-34 Ma) and revealing an important geoarchive on regional and global signals, evolutionary trends of plate tectonics, paleolife, and paleoclimate. In addition to coring, the logging program is planned to include besides technical logging, a caliper-, self-potential-, temperature-, dual latero-, natural gamma spectrometry-, neutron-gamma porosity-, sonic-, elemental capture spectroscopy-, as well as image-logs in the sections 215-820 m as well as in the cored 820-1460 m section. Drilling of DeepStor-1 is planned between 2023 and 2024. Besides the interest of the Helmholtz Association in
the well offers opportunities for more fundamental investigations on the climatic and geological conditions during deposition of the reservoir rocks. Wed: 58
Topics: 3.13 Identifying tectonics and climatic signals in deep-time: challenges and opportunities Stromatolite-like structures within microbially laminated sandstones of the Paleoarchean Moodies Group, Barberton Greenstone Belt, South Africa 1Friedrich-Schiller Universität Jena, Germany; 2University College London, London, UK We report abundant small calcareous mounds associated with fossilized kerogenous microbial mats in tidal-facies sandstones of the predominantly siliciclastic Moodies Group (ca. 3.22 Ga) of the Barberton Greenstone Belt (BGB), South Africa and Eswatini. Most of the bulbous, internally microlaminated mounds are several cm in diameter and formed at the sediment-water interface contemporaneous with sedimentation. They originally consisted of Fe-Mg-Mn carbonate which is now largely silicified; subtle internal compositional laminations are composed of organic matter and sericite. Their presence for >6 km along strike, their restriction to the inferred photic zone, and the internal structure suggest that mineral precipitation was induced by photosynthetic microorganisms. Similar calcareous mounds in this unit also occur within and on top of fluid-escape conduits, suggesting that carbonate precipitation may either have occurred abiogenically or involved chemotrophic metabolism(s) utilizing the oxidation of organic matter, methane, or hydrogen, the latter possibly generated by serpentinization of underlying ultramafic rocks. Alternatively or additionally, carbonate may have precipitated abiotically where heated subsurface fluids, sourced by the intrusion of a major Moodies-age sill, reached the tidal flats. In summary, precipitation mechanisms may have been variable; the calcareous mounds may represent “hybrid carbonates” that may have originated from the small-scale overlap of bioinduced and abiotic processes in space and time. Significantly, the widespread occurrence of these stromatolite-like structures in a fully siliciclastic, high-energy tidal setting broadens search criteria in the search for life on Mars while their possible hybrid origin challenges our ability to unambiguously identify a biogenic component. Wed: 59
Topics: 3.13 Identifying tectonics and climatic signals in deep-time: challenges and opportunities Genesis of thick, fine-grained calcite hardgrounds in the upper part of the Early to Late Cretaceous Natih Formation (Wadi Muaydin, Oman Mountains) 1Sultan Qaboos University, Oman; 22 Badley-Ashton, Winceby House, Winceby, Horncastle, Lincolnshire, LN9 6PB, United Kingdom; 33 University of Oxford, United Kingdom; 4University of Ferrara, Italy We studied two fine-grained calcite hardgrounds (Hg1, Hg2) from the upper part of the Early to Late Cretaceous Natih Formation. Both hardgrounds occur in a 60-m-thick succession of limestones, comprising the Natih members C, B and the basal part of A. The hardgrounds of interest are positioned in the members C (Hg1) and B (Hg2) and typified by abundant borings of homogenous distribution, filled with dolomite. They occupy the upper part of a mudstone to wackestone bed (Hg1) and a wackestone bed (Hg2), respectively, above which the grain size increases. Field work, petrographic, microfacies and cathodoluminescence analyses, allowed us to shed light on the their unusual great thickness (75 and 100-120 cm, respectively) as the thicknesses of such fine-grained horizons may generally represent barriers for calcite-precipitating fluids. The logged section represents a protected/lagoonal environment with a relatively low sedimentation rate as indicated by the hardgrounds, peloidal limestones and bioturbation-related nodular bedding. The hardgrounds contain sponge spicules, which we did not encounter elsewhere. The two hardgrounds formed by minor sediment aggradation of locally produced mud-rich sediment, in which near-surface cementation was able to keep pace with aggradation. These conditions were met due to the Cretaceous calcite sea water composition, tropical climate, relatively low relative sedimentation rate and relative sea-level rise shifting the depocenter landward. Episodic sea-level rise was caused by regional plate convergence. Slab-pull and pulsed thrust-loading caused down-bending of the platform twice and formation of the two hardgrounds. Temporary down-bending events were followed by isostatic rebound. Wed: 60
Topics: 3.13 Identifying tectonics and climatic signals in deep-time: challenges and opportunities The mirror of a Late Ordovician post-glacial flooding - a conglomerate beachrock from the Tarim Basin 1State Key Laboratory of Palaeobiology and Stratigraphy, Nanjing Institute of Geology and Palaeontology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, East Beijing Road 39, 210008 Nanjing, China; 2School of Geography and Tourism, Qufu Normal University, Rizhao 276826, China; 3GeoZentrum Nordbayern, Krustendynamik, Department of Geography and Geosciences, FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg, Schlossgarten 5, D-91054 Erlangen, Germany; 4GeoZentrum Nordbayern, Paläoumwelt, Department of Geography and Geosciences, FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg, Löwenichstraße 28, D-91054 Erlangen, Germany Understanding ancient climate changes is hampered by the inability to disentangle trends in continental ice volume from records of relative sea-level change. As a unique coastal deposit in tropical and subtropical regions, beachrock has been proved to be reliable for constraining the glacial meltwater signal and, thus, the total volume of land-based ice in the Quaternary. However, beachrock is rarely recognized in the fossil record due to (a) the 2-dimensional distribution of beach deposits, as opposed, for example, to extended platform sediments, and (b) the fact that specific environmental conditions are required in order to lithify sediments directly at the beach. By combing the stratigraphic architecture with petrography of characteristic cements, we show the first Ordovician beachrock from the Tarim Block, northwestern China. According to biostratigraphic data, a middle Katian (Upper Ordovician) palaeokarst surface is capped by a carbonate conglomerate beachrock, indicating a significant late Katian relative sea-level rise. These beachrocks can be correlated with the onlap on the widespread subaerial exposure surfaces during deglaciation and post-glacial sea level rise. They formed in northwestern Tarim Basin after a pronounced stratigraphical gap reflecting the expression of a Katian glacial. We suggest that the beachrock ‘fingerprinted’ a strong melt-water pulse in high latitudes after this short-lived glaciation, which until now did not receive much attention in the scientific literature. Wed: 61
Topics: 3.14 Applied stratigraphy of Central European basins News on the World’s Largest Ammonite, Parapuzosia (P.) Seppenradensis (Landois, 1895) together with a New Associated Stratotype Section and Point for the Base of the Campanian Staatliche Naturwissenschaftliche Sammlungen Bayerns, Germany The world’s largest ammonite, Parapuzosia (P.) seppenradensis (Landois, 1895), has fascinated the world ever since the discovery in 1895 of a specimen measuring 1.74 metres (m) in diameter near Seppenrade in Westfalia, Germany. Subsequent findings of this taxon have been exceedingly rare and its systematic position has remained enigmatic. We have revised the historical specimens and documented abundant new material from England and Mexico. Our study (Ifrim et al., 2021) comprises 154 specimens of large (< 1 m diameter) to giant (> 1m diameter) Parapuzosia from the Santonian and lower Campanian, mostly with stratigraphical information. High-resolution integrated stratigraphy allows for precise trans-Atlantic correlation of these occurrences, and the Tepeyac section has become Associated Stratotype Section and Point for the base of the Campanian (Gale et al. 2023). It yields a rich macrofossil assemblage (Ifrim and Stinnesbeck, 2021) which is correlated to other parts of the world by the stable carbon isotope curve, and also to the successin of the German Münsterland Basin where the World's largest ammonite originates. The high- resolution correlation allows for further insight into the palaeobiology, evolution and dispersal of worlds largest ammonite. Wed: 62
Topics: 3.14 Applied stratigraphy of Central European basins Borehole Gressenich BK1: new insights into the early Mississippian Kohlenkalk Platform of the Aachen region, Germany Geological Survey of North Rhine-Westphalia GD NRW, Germany The early Mississippian of the Aachen region is characterized by a tropical shallow-water carbonate succession, the so-called Kohlenkalk Platform. Establishing a second phase of intensive carbonate production, it follows on the Givetian to Frasnian biostromal buildups around the southeastern edge of the London-Brabant Massif. The timing and patterns of the development of these Carboniferous carbonates were studied, based on drill core Gressenich BK1. It was sunk by the Geological Survey of North Rhine-Westphalia in the core of the Burgholz Syncline and reached a depth of 100 metres. The borehole is located in the Vygen/Gressenich Quarry, which exposed and strongly tectonized Devonian strata were previously investigated by Reißner (1990). In contrast to the nearby active Hastenrath Quarry, the Palaeozoic part of the succession shows an inverted stratification. As Holocene sediments comprise a thickness of 7.30 m within the drill core, subsequent Devonian sedimentary rocks (mostly reefal limestones) occur up to a depth of 27.00 m. Followed by 12.40 m of black shale of unclear stratigraphic age, possibly the Frasnian Matagne Shale, all formations and subformations of the drilled Kohlenkalk succession can be easily subdivided by lithostratigraphy. Considering the regional stratigraphic schemes in the Vesdre Massif of eastern Belgium and referring to the formal lithostratigraphic concept of Amler & Herbig (2006), these are the Vesdre and Terwagne formations. The latter contains the Hastenrath (= Vaughanites Oolith), Bärenstein, and Bernardshammer subformations. Unfortunately, conodonts are rare or absent. In the case of the Vaughanites Oolith, reworking processes cannot be ruled out. Wed: 63
Topics: 3.14 Applied stratigraphy of Central European basins Geochemical characterization of upper Berriasian to lower Turonian lithostratigraphic units from the Hanover area 1Bundesanstalt für Geowissenschaften und Rohstoffe, Germany; 2Landesamt für Bergbau, Energie und Geologie, Hannover, Germany In northern Germany, Lower Cretaceous sediments are predominantly represented by CaCO3-poor mud- and siltstones of up to 2000 m thickness, which become more carbonate-rich during the Albian-Cenomanian transition and even chalkier in the upper Cenomanian. The sedimentary system can be simplified considered as bimodally controlled by carbonate and fine-grained siliciclastics; in addition, some lithostratigraphic units are characterized by a high organic carbon content (Hoheneggelsen Formation, Barremian-Lower Aptian; Hesseltal Formation, Cenomanian-Turonian). Wed: 64
Topics: 3.14 Applied stratigraphy of Central European basins Integrated stratigraphy of the lower Danubian Cretaceous Group (lower Upper Cretaceous, southern Germany) 1Senckenberg Naturhsitorische Sammlungen Dresden, Germany; 2Bayerisches Landesamt für Umwelt, Abt. 10 Geologischer Dienst, Marktredwitz, Germany The Danubian Cretaceous Group (DCG; Bavaria, SE-Germany) represents the deposits of one of the most pronounced sea-level rises in the Phanerozoic. Integrated stratigraphy (litho-, sequence-, and chemostratigraphy) and (micro-) facies analysis of the Lower Cenomanian–Middle Turonian strata of the DCG based on new drill cores from the north of Regensburg and the Grub section in the Bodenwöhrer Senke provides new insights in the process linked to the early Late Cretaceous sea-level rise. Unconformably overlying Jurassic carbonates or Variscan granites, the Cretaceous succession includes the Regensburg (Lower Cenomanian–Upper Cenomanian), Eibrunn (uppermost Cenomanian–lowermost Turonian), Winzerberg (Lower Turonian) and partly Kagerhöh and Roding (Middle Turonian) formations. All lithofacies is of marine origin and consists of glauconitic sandstones, argillaceous marlstones, silty-spiculitic wackestones to marlstones, fine-grained (marly) sandstones, glauconitites and bioclastic wackestones. Five Cenomanian–Turonian sequence boundaries and their corresponding depositional sequences have been identified. Their correlative nature on an intra-basinal scale and beyond suggests a eustatic control of the depositional processes. High-resolution carbon stable isotope-based chemostratigraphy through the Cenomanian to Lower Turonian considerably improves correlation to nearby sections and European reference sections in southern England and France. A nearly complete record of the Oceanic Anoxic Event 2 (OAE 2) allows a detailed stratigraphic calibration of the Cenomanian–Turonian boundary interval and provides new insides into the environmental processes associated with OAE 2 in the Danubian Cretaceous Basin, including the first proof of the Plenus Cold Event from the region. Wed: 65
Topics: 3.14 Applied stratigraphy of Central European basins Organo- and lithofacies variations of the Pliensbachian-Toarcian (Early Jurassic) sedimentary succession in the Hils Synline, Lower Saxony Basin: Implication on paleoenvironmental reconstruction 1Institute of Geology and Geochemistry of Petroleum and Coal, Energy and Mineral Resources Group (EMR), RWTH Aachen University, Aachen, Germany; 2Bundesanstalt für Geowissenschaften und Rohstoffe (BGR), Hanover, Germany; 3Institut für Geologie und Paläontologie, Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster, Münster, Germany The widespread deposition of Lower Toarcian (Early Jurassic) black shales throughout NW Europe has often been associated with a global oceanic anoxia event, the Toarcian Oceanic Anoxic Event (T-OAE). However, sedimentary variations within the European sub-basins suggest a significant influence of regional effects, arousing interest in investigating regional variations in the NW European basin system. At the Hils syncline (Lower Saxony Basin), black shales of the Posdionienschiefer Formation have been studied extensively in recent decades, mainly focusing on the effect of thermal maturation on organic-rich sediments. However, under- and overlaying organic-lean clay- and mudstones are sparsely studied in this region. This study investigates a continuous profile of Upper Pliensbachian to Upper Toarcian/Lower Aalenian deposits by combining samples from two boreholes from the Hils syncline, Wickensen and BO2.0, to establish a regional model for the deposition of Lower Toarcian black shales in this region. Nearly 200 samples were analyzed using a multi-disciplinary approach, including X-Ray fluorescence, Corg isotopic composition, Rock-Eval pyrolysis, and biomarker analysis. The geochemical results suggest that the development of anoxia was closely linked to sea level and associated water circulation variations. Upper Pliensbachian and lowermost Toarcian sediments were deposited under oxic conditions associated with increased terrestrial influx and a low sea level. The overlying black shales (falciferum zone) are characterized by prevailing anoxia and photic zone anoxia and decreased terrestrial input, indicating a sea level rise. For the overlying Upper Toarcian Jurensismergel shales, ongoing sea-level rise is suggested, promoting less restricted water circulation and dysoxic conditions. Wed: 66
Topics: 3.14 Applied stratigraphy of Central European basins The core section of HG 7025 Struppen-Siedlung: a new standard section for the facies transition zone of the Saxonian Cretaceous Basin (Lower Cenomanian–Upper Turonian, eastern Germany) 1Senckenberg Naturhistorische Sammlungen Dresden, Germany; 2Senckenberg Naturhistorische Sammlungen Dresden, Germany The sequence stratigraphic and facies analyses of the Lower Cenomanian to Upper Turonian core section HG 7025 provide a new standard section of the regional facies development and stratigraphic architecture in the so-called “Faziesübergangszone” (facies transition zone) of the Saxonian Cretaceous Basin. The section covers eight depositional sequences, divided by nine sequence-bounding sedimentary unconformities (SBs). The Lower Cenomanian depositional sequences DS Ce 1+2 and DS Ce 3 comprise the lower and upper fluvial Niederschöna Formation, separated by sequence boundary SB Ce 2. Above SB Ce 3, the Middle Cenomanian Wurmsandstein (DS Ce 4) displays the first marine influence in the succession. Intensifying this trend, the marine onlap continues during the early Late Cenomanian DS Ce 5, almost completely levelling the pre-existing paleo-topography. DS Ce 5 ends at SB Ce 5, representing a subaerial unconformity. Cenomanian marine onlap is completed by the plenus transgression during DS Ce-Tu 1, culminating in the lowermost Turonian Lohmgrund Horizon. The transition from Lower to Middle Turonian is marked by the regionally correlatable Bielatal Horizon of the Schmilka Formation (SB Tu 1). Both early Middle Turonian DS Tu 2 and Middle to early Late Turonian DS Tu 3 are defined by rapid sea-level rises and subsequent pronounced progradation phases. Separated by a subaerial unconformity (SB Tu 3), DS Tu 4 comprises a trans-/regressive cycle capped by SB Tu 4, marked by a sharp grain-size increase at the base of Sandstein c3. The Late Turonian DS Tu 5 is only represented by lowstand and early transgressive deposits. Wed: 67
Topics: 3.14 Applied stratigraphy of Central European basins The continental Hessenreuth Formation: syntectonic deposition during Late Cretaceous inversion (Danubian Cretaceous Group, Bavaria, Germany) 1Senckenberg Naturhistorische Sammlungen Dresden, Germany; 2Bayerisches Landesamt für Umwelt, Marktredwitz, Germany; 3Geozentrum Hannover, Germany; 4GEO-Zentrum an der KTB, Windischeschenbach, Germany The strata of the Danubian Cretaceous Group reflect dynamic depositional conditions in a peri-continental setting at the northern margin of the Alpine Tethys. From the Middle Turonian onwards, tectonic inversion along the Franconian Lineament started, reflected by the deposition of coarse-grained and extremely immature siliciclastics of the continental, more than 466 m thick Hessenreuth Formation, comprising the mid-Middle Turonian–Middle Coniacian depositional sequences DS Tu 3–Co 2. The composite section studied consists of successions cored by the deep Friedersreuth 10/1990 borehole as well as several shallow boreholes and outcrops. The >63 m thick Glashütte Member below 312 m ASL is characterized by beige-pink, conglomeratic sandstones alternating with thin brick-red, argillaceous-silty soil horizons. The Parkstein Member (312–390 m ASL) is dominated by several-meters-thick, partly inversely graded sandstone packages, interbedded by a few thin carbonaceous silt and clay beds with plant debris. The tripartite Friedersreuth Member (390–562 m ASL) starts with a cyclic conglomeratic-brecciform debris-flow unit, followed by a chaotic mud-flow unit, and is capped by predominantly fine-grained, plant-rich siliciclastics. The uppermost ca. 153 m constitutes the Hesserberg Member, i.e., mica-rich, coarse conglomerates that include meter-scale boulders. These alluvial subunits can be correlated to the mixed marginal marine / continental succession of the Bodenwöhrer Senke, ca. 60 km in the south, and the neritic deposits around Regensburg–Kelheim. Palynoassemblages are dominated by angiosperm pollen of the Normapolles group. Below 515 m ASL, the Turonian marker Complexiopollis christae occurs, while above 555 m ASL, Minorpollis minimus characterizes the Coniacian. Wed: 68
Topics: 3.14 Applied stratigraphy of Central European basins Lithostratigraphy in high-grade terrains – An approach for the classification of metamorphic rocks? Landesamt für Umwelt, Landwirtschaft und Geologie, Germany A lithostratigraphic unit is a stratum or body of strata that conforms to the law of superposition and is defined based on lithic characteristics and stratigraphic position. The stratigraphic concept relies on the assumption that younger rocks are deposited on pre-existing rocks during earth's history, and that individual sedimentary layers of rather constant thickness expand laterally. This working hypothesis has been successfully applied in many sediment studies and the results have been presented on numerous geological maps. A stratigraphic approach is problematic in regional metamorphic series, since the primary stratigraphy is converted into tectonic layering during metamorphic overprint. Using the Saxon Granulite Massif as a case study, this contribution aims to demonstrate the difficulty in applying lithostratigraphic methods to high-grade metamorphic rocks. We provide a critical discussion of the arguments that favour a lithostratigraphic model for the Saxon Granulite Massif in the light of the state of the art literature. High-grade metamorphic rocks should be primarily characterized based on their macroscopic appearance and further investigated using geochronological, petrological and structural methods. Absolute age constraints can be derived from radiometric dating methods, however, it should be critically evaluated if these results reflect a protolith age, a metamorphic crystallisation age or an inherited age. Many metamorphic terrains are dominated by rocks of different ages and thus conventional principles of stratigraphy cannot be applied. Wed: 69
Topics: 3.14 Applied stratigraphy of Central European basins Late Triassic to Early Jurassic carbon isotope stratigraphy and organo-facies evolution in a basin-margin transect of the North German Basin 1University Kiel, Germany; 2Geowissenschaftliches Zentrum der Georg-August-Universität Göttingen; 3Landesamt für Umwelt, Naturschutz und Geologie (LUNG), Mecklenburg-Vorpommern; 4Institute of Geography and Geology, University of Greifswald Profound climatic and environmental changes at variable timescales are documented throughout the Late Triassic to Early Jurassic (c. 210-170 Ma) and were linked to the emplacement of large igneous provinces, tectonic processes, as well as transient climate fluctuations. Climate and environmental change triggered bio- and geosphere evolution, and impacted on sedimentary archives of marine and terrestrial basins. Most severe environmental change events, involving global carbon cycle and ecosystem perturbations, occurred at Triassic-Jurassic boundary (TJB; c. 201 Ma) and during the early Toarcian Oceanic Anoxic Event (T-OAE, c. 182 Ma). We here discuss the differential response of depositional settings and organo-facies towards secular and transient environmental change along a basin-margin transect of the NW European Epicontinental Seaway (North German Basin), an expanded and intensively structured shallow shelf sea. Stable carbon isotope values (d13Corg) revealed diagnostic trends that allow the precise intercorrelation along the transect, as well as correlation with far-apart sites. The TJB and the T-OAE are indicated by prominent negative carbon isotope excursions. Programmed pyrolysis data indicate spatio-temporal organo-facies trends that on a temporal scale occurred in response to changes in deposition, such as climate and sea level evolution, while spatial pattern reflect basin morphology and paleobathymetry. Marine organic matter is best preserved at anoxic basinal sites, while marginal settings received increased land plant contributions and/or experienced more intense oxic degradation of marine organic matter. Substantial TOC accumulations occurred only in association with the T-OAE during high sea level and were most continuous at basinal sites. Wed: 71
Topics: 3.21 Tectonic Systems - TSK Open Session An example of continuous plutonism during orogenesis - The emplacement of the Bassiès pluton in the central Pyrenees (SW-France) 1Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg, Germany; 2Senckenberg Naturhistorische Sammlungen Dresden, Abteilung Geochronologie, Germany The Axial Zone of the Pyrenees represents a window into the Variscan evolution of the northern Gondwana margin. One enigma of this evolution is the origin of the many and large granitoid intrusions and gneiss domes as well as the timing of their emplacement and deformation. New zircon U-Pb data using laser ablation ICP MS indicate that granitoid plutonism is an almost continuous process over the entire Variscan orogenesis between 360 and 285 Ma that can be statistically constrained and shown for a number of these intrusions and domes. The Bassiés pluton is a key example which shows the oldest Carboniferous intrusive units with ages of 350 - 340 Ma, followed by the main intrusion phase between 330 and 320 Ma including the magmatic peak of 321 Ma. Two further age clusters occur around 314 to 300 Ma and around 285 Ma in the early Permian. The polyphase development and in-situ melt recycling of the granitoids can also be inferred from core-rim relationships of zircon grains. There are zircons with core and rim ages of 346 and 326 Ma or 330 and 305 Ma, respectively. According to these results, it is required to revisit the mechanisms of pluton emplacement over such a long time span as well as the definition of the emplacement age. The youngest age is clearly not the crystallization age of the pluton, but plutonism is a long-lasting process that affects the Variscan crust over tens of millions or years, i.e. during the entire orogeny. Wed: 72
Topics: 3.21 Tectonic Systems - TSK Open Session Late Mesozoic to Palaeogene cooling history of the Thuringian Forest basement high and its southern periphery (Central Germany) revealed by fission-track dating 1Universität Jena, Germany; 2Bundesanstalt für Geowissenschaften und Rohstoffe (BGR), Hannover, Germany We present new results from a fission track (FT) dating approach on zircon and apatite from the Thuringian Forest, a prominent fault-bounded basement high in central Germany, and its southwestern periphery exposing Mesozoic strata. Samples were collected from exposures of igneous rocks as well as from lower to upper Permian (Rotliegend) continental red beds and volcanics recovered from a borehole southwest of the Thuringian Forest. Apatite FT ages range between 86 and 70 Ma, suggesting rock uplift associated with a well-documented and regionally important phase of NNE–SSW-directed intraplate contraction, resulting in spatially homogeneous removal of c. 3 km of Upper Palaeozoic to Mesozoic rocks. No change in apatite FT ages was detected across the regional-scale Franconian Fault system at the southwestern margin of the Thuringian Forest. Additionally, apatite FT ages of borehole samples southwest of the Thuringian Forest from depths between 9.6 and 2.7 km range from 57 to 18 Ma, suggesting post-Late Cretaceous cooling of this peripheral region. Our data hence support recent models of a continued large-scale domal uplift of Central Germany without verifiable or detectable involvement of individual faults. Wed: 73
Topics: 3.21 Tectonic Systems - TSK Open Session Artificial clay mineral alignment during sedimentation and early compaction Martin-Luther-University Halle, Germany The formation of crystallographic preferred orientations (CPO/texture) in sediments is often attributed to rigid grain rotation of minerals and aggregates, plastic-brittle deformation and dissolution-precipitation processes. Especially, clay minerals have a large shape anisotropy due to their platy habit. Here, we present an experimental approach in order to quantitatively explore the influence of particle settling and subsequent compaction in an undisturbed, ideal environment. A powder of idiomorphic kaolinite grains was mixed with a fine-ground, illite aggregates in mass proportions of 0, 30, 50, 70 and 100 % in artificial seawater. The sludges settled in 80 cm high tubes. For each composition three samples were produced: Sedimentation-only and two drained compaction experiments (30 and 60 vol-%), which were carried out in a mechanical press with uniaxial load up to 0.4 MPa and 4 - 8 MPa. The CPO of clay minerals was measured using high energy X-ray diffraction at beamline P07b at Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DESY) and pole figure data was directly extracted using single peak evaluation. The results indicate that sedimentation alone, can yield a strong texture of the clay minerals. The increase in texture strength (TS) is decreased at higher applied loads. TS is linearly related to shortening and porosity reduction. The kaolinite TS is inversely correlated with texture-inhibiting illite aggregate content which hampers further particle rotation. It is interpreted that the initial stages of settling and early rigid body rotation during compaction are thus the most important processes in the formation of a CPO in clay rich sediments. Wed: 74
Topics: 3.21 Tectonic Systems - TSK Open Session Asymmetric river incision records the Quaternary uplift of the Rhenish Massif Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena, Germany The topography of the Rhenish Massif is known to be affected by Late Cenozoic uplift. Recent GNSS studies imply surface uplift rates of up to 1 mm/a, likely controlled by a mantle plume beneath the Eifel. Studies on Rhine River terraces show that central parts of the Rhenish Massif have been uplifted by 140 to 250 m since 700-800 ka. These figures correspond to a very low long-term average uplift rate of 0.1-0.3 mm/a, which decrease to even lower rates towards the margins of the Rhenish Massif. There, conventional geomorphic analyses, such as KSN values, Chi-maps and basin asymmetries, show no evidence of vertical motions. Field observations in several valleys of the Diemel river catchment in the northeastern Rhenish Massif show steeper west-facing topographic slopes compared with flatter east-facing slopes, suggesting asymmetric bedrock incision due to ongoing surface uplift. We analysed topographic river profiles on a regional scale in five catchments (Möhne, Alme, Ruhr, Diemel and Eder) using 1 m-resolution Lidar data to see whether they are affected by asymmetric river incision Our results show that only the S-N oriented streams cutting into lithologically heterogeneous rock formations show asymmetric incision. This pattern resulted from uplift and tilting of the Rhenish Massif towards the NE, causing differential erosion. These preliminary results will be substantiated by a more regional study comprising the entire margin of the Rhenish Massif. We aim to investigate whether the slow vertical surface movements around the Eifel Plume could have led to asymmetric bedrock incision elsewhere, too. Wed: 75
Topics: 3.21 Tectonic Systems - TSK Open Session Fabric development in felsic granulites during multistage exhumation of the Saxonian Granulite Massive Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg, Germany Fabrics in the granulites of the Saxonian Granulite Massive (SGM) are interpreted to result from deformation related to early exhumation at deep crustal conditions, followed by subsequent shearing of the granulite roof against lower grade country rocks at retrograde conditions by top-SE shearing (e.g Reinhardt & Kleemann, 1994). For structural evidence and establishment of the rheological implications of such a multiphase deformation within the felsic granulites, detailed structural fieldwork and thin section scale microstructural analyses were carried out. In the central SGM we observed a mylonitic foliation defined by interlayered quartz ribbons (20 vol.-%) and a homogeneous Qtz-Kfs-Pl-matrix that is transposed by a second mylonitic foliation towards the SE-rim, simultaneous with boudinage and proportion reduction of quartz ribbon (6 vol-%), and growth of biotite in the polyphase matrix. A NE-trending stretching lineation progressively rotates towards a SSE-trend. Quartz in the Qtz-Kfs-Pl-(Bt)-matrix generally has no CPO. Quartz ribbon’s (0001) CPOs change from two orthogonal, peripheral maxima to a central maximum. Transposition of the foliation and lineation results from a change in the kinematics of flow at progressively lower temperature conditions, supported by a change from <0001> to <11-20> easy slip in the ribbons. Nevertheless, due to the generally high volume percentage of the Qtz-Kfs-Pl-(Bt)-matrix we assume diffusion creep s.l. involving grain boundary sliding to be the dominant deformation mechanism in all felsic granulites, suggesting a dominant linear-viscous rheology during the exhumation path.
References Reinhardt, J., & Kleemann, U. (1994). Tectonophysics 238, 71–94, https://doi.org/10.1016/0040-1951(94)90050-7 Wed: 76
Topics: 3.21 Tectonic Systems - TSK Open Session Magmatic and geodynamic evolution of the King’s Trough Complex – the “Grand Canyon” of the North Atlantic 1GEOMAR Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel, Germany; 2Institute of Geosciences, Kiel University; 3Institute of Geosciences and Geography, Martin-Luther-University Halle-Wittenberg The King’s Trough Complex (KTC) is a major canyon-like structure in the eastern North Atlantic and consists of several deep basins: The huge King’s Trough in the west is flanked by elongated ridges, while at its eastern opening the smaller Peake and Freen Deeps are separated by the Palmer Ridge. The King’s Trough is located in an area of elevated seafloor covered with numerous seamounts, which transitions to the Mid-Atlantic Ridge (MAR) flank toward the west. Here we present major and trace element and Sr-Nd-Hf-Pb isotope data from submarine volcanic rock samples obtained during RV METEOR cruise M168. Whereas lavas from the eastern deeps show N- and E-MORB signatures and moderately depleted isotope compositions, samples from the western King’s Trough and surrounding seamounts display predominantly enriched OIB-like compositions. This geographic transition would be consistent with involvement of a mantle plume that was located beneath or near the MAR resulting in elevated seafloor of relatively enriched geochemical composition. The troughs probably formed subsequently by rifting and/or transtension when (36 to 42 Ma) the KTC area represented a temporary plate boundary between the Iberian and Eurasian plates. In the east, the KTC cuts into older (not elevated) crust, presumably formed prior to plume-ridge interaction, explaining why samples obtained from there possesses normal to transitional MORB compositions. Age and further isotope data are pending and will reveal if the ridges on the King’s Trough flanks represent younger, plume-related excess volcanism or simply the tops of tilted graben shoulders along the former plate boundary. Wed: 77
Topics: 3.21 Tectonic Systems - TSK Open Session Pseudotachylites along the Pustertal-Gailtal-Line, eastern Periadriatic Fault system, Austria Friedrich-Schiller-University Jena, Germany The Pustertal-Gailtal Line (PGL) belongs to the dextrally transpressive Periadriatic Fault system and forms the border between Southern and Eastern Alps. Although part of the ongoing convergence between Adria and Europe appears to be accommodated by this fault system, it reveals little instrumental and historical seismicity. In our study, we attempted to find evidence for past seismic activity along the PGL by investigating pseudotachylite occurrences. We investigated an area of c. 19 km2 to either sides of the PGL around Maria Luggau (Austria). We identified cataclasites and fault gouges along the fault core zone, from which we investigated only the cohesive rocks. Cataclastic, foliated Oligocene granitoids as well as garnet-mica schists of the Austroalpine basement are crosscut by cm- to dm-scale veins containing black fault rocks, which were sampled for further analyses. Polarisation microscopy reveals that the vein-forming black fault rocks are often optically isotropic, testifying to their origin as quenched melts. Sharp margins of mm- to cm-sized injection veins against the surrounding host rock, well-rounded quartz and feldspar clasts, the absence of hydrous minerals in the matrix, as well as spherulites are further hints at a seismogenic origin of the studied fabrics. Some of the optically isotropic veins are internally foliated; their in-situ µ-XRF analysis of major element concentrations revealed chemical composition variations in the foliation. Even if this foliation might suggest overprinting by aseismic creep, our observations indicate a seismogenic origin of the studied fabrics as pseudotachylites. Wed: 78
Topics: 3.21 Tectonic Systems - TSK Open Session The Bathymetrists Seamounts – intraplate volcanic province meets Riedel Shears (eastern Equatorial Atlantic Segment) 1University of Hamburg, Germany; 2KAUST - King Abdullah University of Science and Technology, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia; 3GEOMAR Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel, Germany The Bathymetrists Seamounts (BSM) form a 900 km long and 200 km wide volcanic chain of about 40 volcanic edifices within the eastern Equatorial Segment of the Atlantic. They are located between the Vema Fracture Zone in the north and the 4°N Fracture zone in the south (both transcurrent faults). Like other submarine chains east of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge, the BSM trend NE-SW. Many of those volcanic chains are intensively studied and attributed to hot spot tracks above mantle plumes. However, the BSM is much broader and strongly associated with faults. Still, it remains unclear if a mantle plume, decompression melting along fracture zones, or small-scale upper mantle convection caused these seamounts. We present new insights to the BSM based on about 80,000 km² high-resolution bathymetric data with 50 m spatial resolution, and 4,000 km of 2D seismic reflection data, collected during expeditions RV Merian MSM70 in 2018 and RV Meteor M152/2 in 2019. Seismic sections across the volcanic edifices allow a simple estimation of their relative age distribution, as it is inferred by the stacking pattern of the volcanic successions. Moreover, the structural pattern includes flower structures and indicates transtension. The single seamounts are arranged along E-W to NE-SW lineaments that can be explained by large-scaling Riedel shears. This Riedel shear pattern reveals a NW-SE orientated extensional local stress field during its generation in the Paleogene. Therefore, deep mantle plumes and shallower tectonics on a lithospheric scale could play an important role in the emplacement of the volcanoes. Wed: 79
Topics: 3.21 Tectonic Systems - TSK Open Session Normal faulting around Kolumbo Volcano - exploring relationships between stress fields and volcanism 1GEOMAR Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel, Germany; 2University of Hamburg, Germany; 3University of Bergen, Norway The Christiana-Santorini-Kolumbo volcanic field, in the Aegean Sea, has hosted more than 200 explosive eruptions in the past 360,000 years, including the 1650 eruption of Kolumbo Volcano. In this contribution, we use the first 3D seismic reflection data collected over the submarine Kolumbo Volcano to explore active faulting and its relationship to volcanism. The 3D data enable us to extract useful fault attributes (strike, dip, dip direction) which can be used to decipher local stress fields. Our results reveal clear NW-SE directed extension around the volcano, consistent with published focal mechanisms from microseismicity. The data also provide exceptional 3D imaging of the Kolumbo Fault Zone, which lies ~6 km northwest of Kolumbo Volcano. Interpreted horizons through the Kolumbo Fault Zone reveal distinct relay ramps between overstepping normal faults. We suggest that magma ascent within the fault zone likely exploits enhanced vertical permeability associated with distributed deformation within relay ramps. Further research is required to understand the range of scales over which relay ramps could affect crustal permeability, and by inference magma ascent, in the greater rift zone. Wed: 80
Topics: 3.21 Tectonic Systems - TSK Open Session High-Stress Crystal Plasticity of Calcite – Evidence from Ries Impact Breccias 1Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences, Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich, Germany; 2RiesKraterMuseum Nördlingen, Bavarian Natural History Collections; 3Institute of Geoscience, Friedrich Schiller University Jena; 4Mineralogical State Collection, Bavarian Natural History Collections Abstract: Twinned calcite occurs in calcite-bearing metagranite cataclasites within crystalline megablocks of the Ries impact structure, Germany, as well as in cores from the FBN1973 research drilling. The calcite likely originates from pre-impact veins within the Variscan metagranites and gneisses, while the cataclasis is due to the Miocene impact. Quartz in the metagranite components does not contain planar deformation features, indicating low shock pressures (< 7 GPa). Calcite, however, shows a high density (> 1/µm) of twins with widths < 100 nm. Different types of twins (e-, f- and r-twins) crosscutting each other can occur in one grain. Interaction of r- and f-twins results in a-type domains characterized by a misorientation angle of 35-40° and a misorientation axis parallel to an a-axis relative to the host. Such a-type domains have not been recorded from deformed rocks in nature before. The high twin density and activation of different twin systems in one grain require high differential stresses (on the order of 1 GPa). Twinning of calcite at high differential stresses is consistent with deformation during impact cratering at relatively low shock pressure conditions. The twinned calcite microstructure can serve as a valuable indicator of high differential stresses and sufficient confining pressure to prevent brittle deformation. The stress conditions at relatively low shock pressures (< 7 GPa) during impact-cratering are comparable to those at hypocentral depths during seismic rupturing in the continental crust. Therefore, comparable high-stress crystal plasticity of calcite might likewise be expected from fault rocks deformed at hypocentral depths. Wed: 81
Topics: 3.21 Tectonic Systems - TSK Open Session Structural study of a shear zone in the Koralm Complex at Hirschegg-Pack (Austroalpine Nappes, Austria) University of Bonn, Germany The Koralm Complex in eastern Austria comprises various gneisses and eclogite lenses which record high-pressure metamorphism of Late Cretaceous age, acquired in an intracontinental subduction zone. The mechanism of exhumation of the Koralm Complex is either slab extraction or wedge extrusion. The present study aims at adding structural evidence to this problem. We studied an WSW-ESE-striking shear zone with SSE-dipping foliation and subhorizontal stretching lineation in the central part of the Koralm Complex. Based on quartz crystallographic preferred orientations (CPO) in gneiss, Krohe (1987) demonstrated sinistral shearing in this shear zone. We investigate microstructure and CPO of samples from the same shear zone using electron backscatter diffraction and photometry. Microstructures indicate grain-boundary migration, subgrain rotation, and static annealing. We find sinistral as well as dextral shear sense. This may either reflect flattening in the shear zone or two phases of deformation with contrasting kinematics. These two possibilities are discussed based on the textural data. References Krohe, A., 1987. Kinematics of Cretaceous nappe tectonics in the Austroalpine basement of the Koralpe region (eastern Austria). Tectonophysics 136, 171–196. https://doi.org/10.1016/0040-1951(87)90024-2. Wed: 82
Topics: 3.22 From the ocean floor to the deep mantle and the arc: Element cycling through subduction zones and in orogens Insights into multi-stage fluid-rock-interaction processes in HP metamorphic ocean floor basalts from the Tianshan, NW China 1Department of Geosciences, University of Fribourg, Fribourg, Switzerland; 2Institute of Geological Sciences, Freie Universität Berlin, Berlin, Germany; 3German Research Centre for Geosciences (GFZ), Potsdam, Germany; 4School of the Earth, Ocean and Environment, University of South Carolina, Columbia, SC, USA; 5Institute of Geological Sciences, University of Bern, Bern, Switzerland Slab fluids, which are released by the subducting oceanic lithosphere through compaction and dehydration processes, are an essential mechanism for the transfer of volatiles from the slab to the mantle wedge. However, migration processes of slab dehydration fluids are not well understood yet, particularly with regards to transport mechanisms of redox sensitive elements such as sulfur. In this study we investigated an eclogite-facies metabasalt from the South Tianshan Orogen, NW China, which contains several omphacite-dominated HP veins. Using mineral chemical analyses combined with in situ δ34S measurements of pyrite, as well as isotope analyses of C, O, Sr and Pb in mineral and vein separates, we determined the metamorphic evolution of the studied sample and the speciation of sulfur during fluid infiltration and transfer. Mineral chemical and isotopic compositions reveal seafloor alteration, affecting the protolith pillow basalt prior to subduction. This was followed by a two stage intra-slab fluid-flow under peak to prograde metamorphic conditions, forming the omphacite-dominated HP-veins. The first HP fluid originated from dehydrating ocean floor basalts, as documented by MORB-like pyrite δ34S signatures. The second HP fluid composition suggests, instead, an origin from the basalt-sediment transition with negative pyrite δ34S values of about -10‰. Pathways formed by the first fluid were reused and enlarged by the second fluid, which however also formed new pathways. This sample provides detailed insights into intra-slab fluid flow and fluid-rock-interaction processes at HP/LT metamorphic conditions and allows a better understanding of fluid transfer and sulfur speciation in subduction zones. Wed: 84
Topics: 3.23 Mountain Building in the Alpine-Mediterranean domain – from mantle imaging to crustal and surface processes back in time - AlpArray and AdriaArray Kinematics and rifting processes of the Liguro-Provençal Basin, Western Mediterranean 1Freie Universität Berlin, Berlin, Germany; 2GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences, Potsdam, Germany; 3GEOMAR Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel, Kiel, Germany The Liguro-Provençal Basin, situated at the junction of the Northern Apennines and the Western Alps, formed due to the rollback subduction of the Adriatic-African plate underneath Europe and the subsequent upper plate extension in the Oligocene to early Miocene time. The opening of this basin was accompanied by the counter-clockwise rotation of the Corsica-Sardinia block relative to Europe until 16 Ma, with the basin widening towards southwest. It is yet unclear if the extension ever reached seafloor spreading with the production of oceanic crust, or whether it led to anomalously thin continental crust and/or to mantle exhumation. Although considered as tectonically inactive today, the Liguro-Provençal Basin shows active seismicity, indicating compression and potential basin inversion. Thus, it is crucial to better understand the opening of the basin and the tectonic inheritance due to rifting in order to better interpret the present-day seismicity. To this end, we compile existing geological and geophysical data, including recent data from the 4DMB project (“Mountain Building Processes in Four Dimensions”), to constrain the crustal and sedimentary thicknesses throughout the basin. We also focus specifically on two profiles in the NE (Corsica-Provence) and SW (Sardinia-Gulf of Lion) parts of the basin and compare these with the results of coupled thermo-mechanical and surface process modelling using Aspect and Fastscape codes. Finally, we discuss the effect of differences in various parameters, such as pre-rift crustal thickness, rift velocities and sediment supply, on rifting processes in the Liguro-Provençal Basin. Wed: 85
Topics: 3.23 Mountain Building in the Alpine-Mediterranean domain – from mantle imaging to crustal and surface processes back in time - AlpArray and AdriaArray Influences of slab breakoff on foreland basin architecture: inferences from stratigraphic forward modelling 1Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Institute of Applied Geosciences, Germany; 2Bayreuth Universität, BGI, Germany; 3SLB UK, SLB Abingdon Technology Centre, UK; 4SLB Norway, SLB Norway Technology Center, Norway One of the major tectonostratigraphic characteristics of foreland basins is the transition from deep marine (i.e. flysch) to terrestrial (i.e. molasse) depositional settings. Several mechanisms have been proposed to influence this flysch-to-molasse transition, including slab breakoff beneath the adjacent mountain range. However, this coupling has not yet been assessed quantitatively. We hypothesize that isostatic rebound following slab breakoff can lead to a spike in tectonic uplift of the orogen, resulting in increased sediment supply as well as uplift of the foreland basin, thereby causing shallowing. This study aims at investigating whether slab breakoff leaves a stratigraphic fingerprint foreland basin stratigraphic architecture. To this end, we combine 2D geodynamic modelling of slab breakoff with Alpine-inspired rheologies with forward stratigraphic modelling using GPM (Geological Process Modelling) software. In this context, we extract subsidence and uplift velocities along 2D profiles during slab necking- breakoff to account for (1) fast/slow breakoff and (2) different slab bending angles. Second, the extracted velocity fields are used as input for creating forward stratigraphic models (FSM), in which eustatic sea level changes are introduced to test whether slab break-off has a first-order control on foreland basin sedimentation. Erosion, transport and deposition of sediments are modelled as diffusional processes (i.e. gravity driven). Preliminary results indicate that a pulse in sediment supply corresponds to onset of slab necking whereas breakoff yields a small pulse instead. This could imply that already during necking the orogen is isostatically uplifted to such a degree that sediment supply towards to foreland basin increases significantly. Wed: 87
Topics: 3.23 Mountain Building in the Alpine-Mediterranean domain – from mantle imaging to crustal and surface processes back in time - AlpArray and AdriaArray SHmax orientation in the Alpine region from stress-induced anisotropy in nonlinear elasticity derived from ambient noise correlations 1University of Vienna, Austria; 2Los Alamos National Laboratory, USA Major faults such as the Periadriatic Fault and the Giudicarie Fault have been active in the past, and they have even been central features of the larger-scale deformation in the Alps. It seems that these faults are not active anymore though and we investigate why this is so by inspecting the orientation of the regional stress field which loads the faults mechanically. The orientation of maximum horizontal compressive stress (SHmax) is commonly estimated from in-situ borehole breakouts and earthquake focal mechanisms. Borehole measurements are expensive, and therefore sparse, and earthquake measurements can only be made in regions with many well-characterized earthquakes. Here we derive the stress-field orientation using stress-induced anisotropy in nonlinear elasticity. We measure the strain derivative of velocity as a function of azimuth. We use a natural pump-probe approach which consists of measuring elastic wave speed using empirical Green’s functions (probe) at different points of the earth tidal strain cycle (pump). The approach is validated using a larger data set in the Northern Alpine Foreland region where the orientation of SHmax is known from borehole breakouts. The technique is then applied to the Southern Alps to understand the contemporary stress pattern associated with the ongoing deformation due to the counterclockwise rotation of the Adriatic plate with respect to the European plate. Our results explain why the two major faults in Northeastern Italy, the Giudicarie Fault and the Periadriatic Line (Pustertal-Gailtal Fault) are currently inactive, while the currently acting stress field allows faults in Slovenia to deform actively. Wed: 88
Topics: 3.23 Mountain Building in the Alpine-Mediterranean domain – from mantle imaging to crustal and surface processes back in time - AlpArray and AdriaArray Anisotropy of the mica rich lithologies in the north-western Tauern Window (Eastern alps, Austria) Martin-Luther-University Halle, Germany Anatomy and internal structure of the Alpine orogen are difficult to decipher as structural information is usually limited to surface and seismic data. Seismic results very much depend on the elastic wave velocity model of the rocks. Simple velocity models depend strongly on the rock composition. In the investigated rock samples, phyllosilicates are by far most decisive for the elastic anisotropy. We present here the first results of fabric analysis in a N-S profile of the Innsbruck quartzphyllite and the Bündner schist from the northern part of the Brenner Base Tunnel Project in order to obtain a refined anisotropy and velocity model. Phyllosilicate-rich sections were selected from borehole and tunnel samples, from which 1.5 – 3.5 mm wide columns were drilled out from layers of different composition and structure. The CPO of phyllosilicates and graphite was measured using high energy X-ray diffraction at German Electron Synchrotron (DESY) and European Synchrotron Radiation Facility (ESRF). Pole figure data were directly extracted using single peak evaluation and compared to the optical microstructure and compositional distributions using µXRF measurements. Texture strength is variable along the section with peak values at the transition from the Innsbruck quartzphyllite to the upper Bündner schist. The texture strength correlates positively with the content and distribution of phyllosilicates and graphite. By measuring the smallest representative volume element, we estimate the upper bound of expected intrinsic velocity anisotropies. The effect of (micro)structure-based upscaling on these anisotropies will be discussed. Wed: 89
Topics: 3.23 Mountain Building in the Alpine-Mediterranean domain – from mantle imaging to crustal and surface processes back in time - AlpArray and AdriaArray 3D gravity modelling of the crust in the Eastern and eastern-Southern Alps using density data derived from compressional-wave velocities obtained by Local Earthquake Tomography 1Institute of Geological Sciences, Department of Earth Sciences, Freie Universität Berlin, Berlin, Germany; 2The Helmholtz Centre Potsdam - GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences, Potsdam, Germany; 3Faculty of Georesources and Materials Engineering, RWTH Aachen University, Aachen, Germany Detailed crustal structures and causative kinematic processes in the Alps continue to be a matter of ongoing research. Of particular interest is the crustal structure of the Adriatic indenter, the northern tip of the Adriatic plate that collided with and significantly deformed the Eastern Alpine Orogen in the Oligo-Miocene. As part of the “Mountain Building in 4D” (4DMB/AlpArray) project, a high-density network of seismic stations was previously used to produce 3-D models of compressional wave velocity (Vp) of the crust and upper mantle in the Eastern and eastern Southern Alps using Local Earthquake Tomography (LET). This LET model shows a thickened high velocity zone within the lower crust beneath the Periadriatic fault, which is expected to relate to the local gravity field variations. Here, we present results of gravity modelling using the IGMAS+ software and densities derived from the P-wave velocities of the LET model. Different possible empirical relationships between Vp and density are explored and compared to previous models as well as the AlpArray Gravity measurements to further constrain the present lithological and tectonic structures in the Eastern and eastern-Southern Alps. Strengths and weaknesses of the LET model and the gravity response of the derived densities, in particular regarding uncertainties of structures at greater depths, will be discussed. Wed: 91
Topics: 3.25 The links between deep-seated mechanisms, surface processes and landscape evolution Impact of Quaternary glaciations on denudation rates in the Kyrgyz Tian Shan inferred from cosmogenic 10Be and low-temperature thermochronology 1Institute of Geosciences, University of Potsdam, Germany; 2School of Earth, Atmospheric and Life Sciences, University of Wollongong, Australia; 3ARC Centre of Excellence for Australian Biodiversity and Heritage (CABAH), University of Wollongong, Australia; 4NAGRA, Switzerland; 5Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation (ANSTO), Australia; 6Institute of Seismology, National Academy of Science of Kyrgyzstan, Kyrgyzstan; 7GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences, Germany; 8Centro Nacional de Investigación sobre la Evolución Humana (CENIEH), Spain; 9Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf, Helmholtz Institute Freiberg for Resource Technology, Germany We present 10Be-derived denudation rates from modern (n = 54) and buried sediment dated to 2.0–2.7 Ma (n = 3), and exhumation rates derived from published apatite fission track (AFT; n = 296) and apatite (U-Th-Sm)/He (AHe; n = 125) thermochronology from the Kyrgyz Tian Shan. Modern 10Be denudation rates are generally higher than the long-term AFT and AHe exhumation rates. On average, the highest 10Be denudation rates are recorded in the Terskey range, south of Lake Issyk-Kul. Here, 10Be-derived denudation rates from 2.0–2.7 Ma are comparable in magnitude with the AFT- and AHe-derived long-term exhumation rates, but modern 10Be-derived denudation rates are higher. We propose that denudation in the Kyrgyz Tian Shan, particularly in the Terskey range, remained relatively steady during the Neogene and early Pleistocene and increased after the onset and intensification of the Northern Hemisphere glaciations at 2.7 Ma due to glacial-interglacial cycles. Comparison with published data from the Pamir–Tian Shan region shows a spatial trend of decreasing modern denudation rates from west to east and an increase in the difference in magnitude between long-term exhumation rates and modern 10Be-derived denudation rates, suggesting that deformation controls denudation in the Pamir and Western Tian Shan, while farther east, the denudational response of the landscape to Quaternary glaciations becomes detectable by 10Be. We also find moderate correlations between modern denudation rates and topographic metrics and weak correlation between denudation rate and annual rainfall, highlighting complex linkages among tectonics, climate, and surface processes that vary locally. Wed: 92
Topics: 3.25 The links between deep-seated mechanisms, surface processes and landscape evolution Frontal fault growth and megafan construction control drainage development in the western Himalaya 1Institute of Geosciences, Kiel University, Kiel, Germany; 2Earth Sciences, Indian Institute of Technology Gandhinagar, Gandhinagar, India; 3Institute of Geosciences, University of Potsdam, Potsdam, Germany; 4Institute of Ion Beam Physics and Materials Research, Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf, Dresden, Germany; 5Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics Division, Physical Research Laboratory, Ahmedabad, India The evolution and course of Himalayan rivers when exiting the orogen is controlled by the interplay between tectonics, climate, and associated sediment flux. We investigate these interactions by studying a Late Pleistocene deflection of the Sutlej River at the southern margin of the western Himalayan. This part of the Himalaya is also referred to as Kangra Recess. Late Quaternary faulting and folding along the Main Frontal Thrust and related back thrusts has created anticlinal structures in the south and piggyback basins in the north. Combined field observations and chronological constraints have shown that the anticline evolved as multiple fault segments, which grew through lateral propagation and led to the permanent deflection of the Sutlej River by ~ 50 km to the southeast. In this work, we present new luminescence and cosmogenic nuclide chronologies combined with previously published data to better identify the sedimentation history. Most importantly, we focus on the cause and final timing of the permanent river deflection. We show evidence for widespread aggradation and sediment deposition by the Sutlej River megafan and its tributaries starting before 47 ka and continuing until ~ 26 ka. Our 10Be and 26Al results in combination with available OSL data document the last widespread throughflow of the Sutlej at ~ 30-25 ka. We argue that a combination of climate and tectonic factors, especially Wed: 93
Topics: 3.25 The links between deep-seated mechanisms, surface processes and landscape evolution Does the Middle Miocene rise of the Greater Himalaya cause the slow down of Southern Tibet exhumation? 1Institut für Geowissenschaften, Christian Albrecht Universität zu Kiel, Germany; 2Institut für Geographische Wissenschaften, Freie Universität Berlin, Germany; 3Helmholtz Zentrum Potsdam, Deutsches GeoForschungs Zentrum GFZ, Germany; 4Institut für Geowissenschaften, Universität Tübingen, Germany The Himalaya is the highest and steepest mountain range on Earth and forms today efficient north-south barrier for moisture-bearing winds. 1D-thermokinematic modeling of new zircon (U-Th)/He bedrock-cooling ages and >100 previously published mica 40Ar/39Ar, zircon and apatite fission track ages from the Sutlej Valley document a consistent rapid decrease in exhumation rates that initiated at ~17-15 Ma across the entire Greater and Tethyan Himalaya and the north-Himalayan Leo Pargil dome. We observe a rapid decrease from >1 km/Myr to <0.5 km/Myr. We explain the middle Miocene deceleration of exhumation with major tectonic reorganization of the Himalayan orogen, probably coincident with the onset of basal accretion, which resulted in accelerated uplift of the Greater and Tethyan Himalaya. The period of slow exhumation in the upper Sutlej Valley coincides with a period of internal drainage in the south-Tibetan Zada Basin farther upstream, which we interpret to be a consequence of tectonic damming. Comparison with other data from the Himalaya and Southern Tibet along strike suggests that by ~15 Ma, southern Tibet was high, located in the rain shadow of the High Himalaya and eroding slowly for at least 10 Ma, before erosion accelerated again by ~5-3 Ma, most likely due to climatic changes. Our new finding document that the location of tectonic deformation processes controls the first order spatial pattern of both climatic zones and erosion across the orogen. Therefore, we think that the rise of Greater Himalaya is linked to the deceleration of exhumation in Southern Tibet. Wed: 94
Topics: 3.25 The links between deep-seated mechanisms, surface processes and landscape evolution Links between Island morphology and endemism 1Helmholtz Centre Potsdam, GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences, Potsdam, Germany; 2Institut Polytechnique UniLaSalle, Beauvais, France; 3Institute of Earth and Environmental Sciences, University of Potsdam, Potsdam, Germany Most islands host an endemic biota, i.e., present nowhere else on Earth. This is the case, for instance, of Madagascar. It has been shown that different populations of lemurs, endemic to the island, are mostly distributed along the watersheds surrounding Madagascar, creating a so-called micro-endemism, while the populations living on the high-elevated watersheds, on the central plateau, are not showing this micro-endemism. Here we wish to address the question whether there exists a correlation between the evolution of the landforms (i.e., the geometry of the watersheds) of Madagascar and the hybrid evolution of lemur populations? More broadly, can the tectono-geomorphic evolution of an island be advantageous or disadvantageous to the flourishing of micro-biodiversity? To answer these questions in a quantitative manner, we combined a Landscape Evolution Model based on the Stream Power Law and taking into account flexural isostasy, with a speciation model. We first developed a morphometric index to differentiate between islands with a central plateau surrounded by smaller basins, like Madagascar, from conical islands, like Sri Lanka. We then predicted patterns of biodiversity as a function of the index value and its time evolution. We show that for the tectono-geomorphic evolution to influence patterns of biodiversity requires a specific range of model parameter values, in particular the parameters characterising dispersal and mutation. We finally used phylogenetic observations to constrain some of these parameters. Wed: 95
Topics: 3.25 The links between deep-seated mechanisms, surface processes and landscape evolution Morphological dating of fluvial terraces using high resolution GNSS profiles and satellite derived DEMs with application to Patagonia, Argentina 1Section 4.6 Geomorphology, GFZ Potsdam, Germany; 2Institute of Geosciences, University of Potsdam, Germany Changing climatic conditions cause alluvial rivers to aggrade and incise, which can result in the formation of multi-generational fluvial terrace sequences. Such records can be used to investigate past interactions between climatic conditions and the fluvial system and to predict channel responses to future climatic change. To accurately assess such interactions, precise dating of terrace sequences is vital. However, established methods such as 10Be exposure dating are costly and time intensive. Thus, they are impractical for application to spatially extensive areas and for establishing patterns of along-stream aggradation or incision. An alternative approach of dating fluvial terraces is based on the degradation of the slope (riser) between successive terraces by down-slope sediment transport. Here we present a tool for analyzing high-resolution elevation profiles across alluvial terrace risers and inferring their age since abandonment, based on linear and nonlinear hillslope diffusion models. We extend this workflow to the analysis of DEM-derived riser profiles that can provide a greater spatial extent and resolution than GNSS profiles or exposure ages. A set of 10Be exposure ages dating back to ca. 1 Myr from terraces around the Río Santa Cruz, Patagonia is used for calibration and to test the method’s viability. Preliminary results highlight the importance of post-abandonment riser disturbances and variability in hillslope sediment-transport rates. This technique provides a low-cost, spatially extendable way of dating fluvial terraces and analyzing landscape dynamics in fluvial systems. We are currently preparing to release an open-source Python package for performing these analyses. Wed: 96
Topics: 3.25 The links between deep-seated mechanisms, surface processes and landscape evolution On the impact of the bedrock erodibility on the depositional response time to a slab break-off using stratigraphic forward modelling 1Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (AGW), 76131 Karlsruhe, Germany; 2Bayerisches Geoinstitut, University Bayreuth, 95440 Bayreuth, Germany Slab break-off is a geodynamic process in which the lower portion of a subducting plate detaches from its uppermost one. This process changes the force balance acting on the lithosphere causing tectonic uplift that can affect the sedimentary basin architecture by reducing the accommodation space and increasing the sediment supply due to source rejuvenation. While sediment supply intensity is commonly attributed to tectonic and/or climatic factors, recent studies have highlighted that the erodibility of the source area can have a significant effect on the timing of these signals. Wed: 97
Topics: 3.25 The links between deep-seated mechanisms, surface processes and landscape evolution Pleistocene landscape evolution of Southern Patagonia: Insights from 10Be Dating of Fluvial Terraces GFZ Potsdam, Germany Southern Patagonia hosts uniquely well-preserved fluvial cut-and-fill terraces, formed along rivers fed by glacial meltwater, recording the onset of a regional phase of net incision. However, the timing and driving mechanism of incision remain debated. Published thermochronometric dating and modelling suggest increased exhumation in the last 1–3 Myr. Radiometrically dated basalt flows establish the existence of a eastward-draining paleo-valley with flows going existing terraces by 3.2 Ma. To better constrain the timing of Pleistocene river incision and landscape evolution in southern Patagonia, we present new cosmogenic 10Be exposure ages of terraces near Tres Lagos and the upstream reaches of the Río Santa Cruz (50ºS). Preliminary terrace surface exposure ages at Tres Lagos are between 70 ka–1.02 Ma, whereas upstream Río Santa Cruz terraces are between 390 ka and 1.04 Ma. The terrace age sequence shows that a phase of net incision started ~1 Myr after the widespread emplacement of basalts, concomitant with enhanced climatic forcing following the Mid-Pleistocene Transition. Our new exposure ages are in agreement with dated fluvial terraces of other Patagonian rivers, where ages range from 400 ka–1 Ma (47ºS; Tobal et al., 2021). Moreover, our record of Pleistocene landscape evolution is similar to other records throughout the Andes, where the timing of fluvial incision has been linked to enhanced climatic forcing after ~1 Ma. Our results point to a strong influence of the Mid-Pleistocene Transition on landscape evolution at a continental scale, notably including southernmost South America. Wed: 98
Topics: 3.25 The links between deep-seated mechanisms, surface processes and landscape evolution Quantification of plutonium in environmental samples at the University of Cologne, Germany: progress update 1Insitute of Geology and Mineralogy, University of Cologne, Germany; 2Division of Nuclear Chemistry, University of Cologne, Germany; 3CologneAMS, Institute of Nuclear Physics, University of Cologne, Germany The measurement of 239,240Pu in environmental samples can play a key role in investigating Anthropocene Earth (sub-)surface processes. As a consequence of atmospheric nuclear weapon tests conducted in the 1950s and 1960s, Earth’s outermost skin was supplied with fallout radionuclides (FRNs), providing distinct geochronological markers. The application of FRNs is well established, with 137Cs being most commonly measured. However, 239+240Pu activities are more decay-insensitive (t1/2 239Pu: ~24.1 ka; 240Pu: ~6.6 ka), there is less soil inventory contamination arising from nuclear power plant accidents than reported for 137Cs, and only a few grams of sample material can be sufficient for a measurement. Ultimately, the (separate) quantification of 239,240Pu inventories measured by Accelerator Mass Spectrometry (AMS) represents a further evolution step towards more precise measurements than achieved by other mass spectrometry or decay counting techniques. The development of 239,240Pu measurement capabilities at the Centre for Accelerator Mass Spectrometry (CologneAMS), University of Cologne (UoC), has given the go-ahead to exploit the wealth of possible 239+240Pu applications to decipher modern Earth (sub-)surface processes in different settings. Based on tailored sample processing protocols applied at the Institute of Geology and Mineralogy and the Division of Nuclear Chemistry (both UoC), we present first results from a selection of ongoing projects. The sample processing workflow applied together with the AMS measurement precision achieved allows for resolving specific activities below ~5 mBq kg-1. Accordingly, a spatial focus is laid on study sites where ultra-high precision of measurements is required (e.g., the Atacama Desert in northern Chile). . Wed: 100
Topics: 3.29 Latest achievements in scientific drilling and ocean-continental feedbacks Decoupled radiogenic Nd and Hf isotopes of clays reveal South Asian Monsoon control of silicate weathering intensity 1GEOMAR Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel, Germany; 2University of Kiel, Germany The weathering of silicate rocks removes CO2 from the atmosphere-ocean system on geological timescales but the time required for weathering intensity to respond to changes in climate is poorly constrained. The radiogenic isotopes of hafnium and neodymium are decoupled during silicate weathering with the isotopic composition of river clays being offset from bulk rocks. Here we examine the decoupled Nd-Hf isotopes of clays deposited in marine sediments from the northern Bay of Bengal near the mouth of the Ganga-Brahmaputra rivers. The sediment core (SO188 17286-1) covers the last 130 kyrs and has been used to study the past intensity of the South Asian Monsoon (SAM). The deviation of the Hf isotope compositions from the array defined by global river clays (ΔεHf clay), has a pattern of variability similar to the record of SAM intensity inferred from the reconstructed δ18O of seawater and δD of leaf waxes. These variations in silicate weathering intensity occur on timescales near 20 kyrs and appear to be paced by orbital precession. This suggests a strong, and rapid (on geological timescales), link between SAM hydroclimate and silicate weathering in this region. In contrast, changes in the source provenance of the clays as recorded by their Nd isotope signatures follow a glacial-interglacial pattern indicating either a sea level or global climate influence on changes in sediment transport to the shelf. This contrast demonstrates the great utility of ΔεHf clay to record changes in weathering intensity while directly accounting for shifts in sediment source provenance. Wed: 101
Topics: 3.29 Latest achievements in scientific drilling and ocean-continental feedbacks 1 Ma of water mass provenance in the South Atlantic Ocean revealed by authigenic neodymium isotopes in ODP 1093 1Institute of Environmental Physics, Heidelberg University; 2GEOMAR, Kiel The deep Southern Ocean (SO) circulation is of major significance for understanding of the ocean´s impact on Earth’s climate as uptake and release of CO2 strongly depend on the redistribution of differently ventilated water masses. Here, we present new authigenic neodymium isotope data (εNd) of the deep-sea sediment ODP1093 in the Southern Atlantic that reveals several systematic temporal glacial-interglacial changes in a range of 6.3 e-units. Assuming Nd-isotopes as mostly conservative tracer and neglecting possible reginal influences, the observed radiogenic εNd values of up to -2.5 during peak glacial periods suggest a predominance of glacial PDW at depths of >3 km. This results in a volume increase of carbon-rich water, aiding in atmospheric CO2 drawdown during glacials. The ability of εNd to trace water mass changes relies on the sensitivity of water masses to conservative Nd-isotope mixing. The εNd gradient ΔεNd is here defined as the North-South difference in εNd/10° latitude and is a measure for the sensitivity to changes in εNd signature over a given distance. Compared to further existing εNd records across the Atlantic Ocean the calculated mean εNd gradient for the Atlantic Ocean is approximately 0.89 ε-units/10° latitude and the εNd values of ODP1093 are constantly the most radiogenic. This suggests, that changes in ocean circulation during glacial-interglacial transitions are not purely induced by the Northern Hemisphere deep convection and southward flow but rather strongly influenced by equally strong changes of the SO circulation. This reinforces the importance of the SO in past and future climate changes. Wed: 102
Topics: 3.29 Latest achievements in scientific drilling and ocean-continental feedbacks Factors influencing the long-term interseismic behavior of the Main Marmara Fault, NW Turkey: a data-driven modelling approach 1GFZ - German Research Center for Geosciences, Potsdam, Germany; 2RWTH Aachen University, Aachen, Germany In this contribution, we discuss our latest results from the project “Deformation Mechanisms along the Main Marmara Fault (DEMMAF)”, funded by the ICDP priority program of the German Science Foundation. The Main Marmara Fault (MMF), is the northern branch of the North Anatolian Fault along the Marmara Sea (NW Turkey). The MMF has produced several major earthquakes (M7+) in the past with a recurrence of about 250 years, and has not ruptured since 1766. The goal of the DEMMAF project is to investigate what controls the deformation mechanisms along the MMF, using data collected at the ICDP GONAF observatory (Geophysical Observatory at the North Anatolian Fault) and a combined work flow of data integration and process modelling approach. Here, we use a forward numerical approach that implements frictional faults and visco-elastic off-fault materials to investigate the space- and time-scales of the long-term seismic behavior of the Main Marmara Faults and its main controlling factors. The MMF is modelled following a Coulomb frictional constitutive law and the spatially variable off-fault rock properties are derived from a data-integrative lithospheric-scale 3D structural model of the region around the MMF. The forward model is used to test the effect of varying boundary conditions (i.e. kinematic) and fault strength properties (i.e. coefficient of friction). Our modelling approach highlights the first order role of crustal rheology and fault-strength in the long-term behavior of the MMF (spatial distribution and recurrence of seismic events), as well as their potential to explain the along fault locking degree variability. Wed: 103
Topics: 3.29 Latest achievements in scientific drilling and ocean-continental feedbacks Triaxial experiments on marine sediments from the Middle America Trench of Costa Rica (IODP Expeditions 334 & 344) Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg, Germany The erosive convergent plate margin offshore Costa Rica represents a seismic zone that produces high-magnitude earthquakes and tsunamis. The overriding Caribbean Plate is tectonically eroded by the subducting Cocos Plate, resulting in strong and widespread deformation of the upper plate. Differences in composition, compaction or deformation of the clay-rich marine sediments can have a significant impact on the strength of the continental plate, as well as the frictional behavior of the rocks entering the subduction channel. Core samples from IODP Expeditions 334 and 344 of the Costa Rica Seismogenesis Project (CRISP) recovered from a depth range of 5–125 mbsf were experimentally deformed in triaxial tests under isotropic consolidated and undrained conditions at confining pressures of 400–900 kPa, room temperature, axial displacement rates of 0.0025–0.01 mm/min and up to ~50% axial compressive strain. Deviatoric stresses range between 127 and 418 kPa, pore pressure between 615 and 822 kPa. The samples exhibit internal friction angles of 8-42° and cohesion values of about 29-34 kPa. The stress-strain records show exclusively structurally weak behavior and a higher consolidation of the upper plate compared to the incoming plate sediments. The sediments from prism toe and middle slope of the Caribbean Plate display systematically higher peak stresses despite a similar overburden. This together with the consolidation state indicate a loss of overburden, for example due to slumping at the continental slope. The mechanical properties might be crucial for fracturing and localized brittle deformation of the continental forearc during tectonic erosion. Wed: 104
Topics: 3.29 Latest achievements in scientific drilling and ocean-continental feedbacks A proposal for drilling “Geiseltal” – a near complete terrestrial section of the Eocene in Central Europe 1Free University Berlin, Germany; 2Heidelberg university, Germany; 3Leibiz Institute for Applied Geophysics, Germany As the world warms due to rising greenhouse gas concentrations, the Earth system moves toward climate sthistoricalhout historic precedent, challenging societal adaptation. One way to investigate these unprecedented conditions is to study past climates and ecosystems that share similarities to our current and future ones. One such period is the Eocene (~56 – 33 Ma), during which the climate changed from a hot-house to a greenhouse state, comprising a wide range of atmospheric CO2 concentrations. However, our knowledge of the Eocene climate evolution is incomplete because of a lack of terrestrial records covering the entire period. To address this gap in our understanding, we propose to obtain drill cores at Geiseltal in Eastern Germany. This former lignite quarry is famous for its exceptionally well-preserved Eocene m. Still, itssils, but its potential as a climate archive has not yet been explored due to the lack of existing drill cores. By drilling a maximum of three cores, we aim to create a spliced 100-120 m long record comprising the entire Eocene archived in Geiseltal as an alteration of lignite seems intercalated with fluvial strata. High-resolution, multi-proxy analyses of the obtained sediments will allow the generation of a unique record of (sub)orbital climate variability under various atmospheric greenhouse gas concentrations. To advance this project, we welcome scientific input from a wide range of disciplines (e.g., stratigraphy, sedimentology, paleolimnology, paleobotany, paleontology, and organic/inorganic geochemistry) as well as are actively seeking interested groups and individuals to collaborate with us on this project. Wed: 105
Topics: 3.29 Latest achievements in scientific drilling and ocean-continental feedbacks Extending the age model for Lake Bosumtwi (Ghana) for climate- and environmental reconstructions in West Africa during the last million years 1LIAG, Leibniz Institute for Applied Geophysics, Germany; 2Continental Scientific Drilling Facility, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, USA; 3University of Potsdam, Institute for Geosciences, Potsdam-Golm, Germany; 4University of Amsterdam, Netherlands; 5GFZ, Geoforschungszentrum Potsdam, Germany Lake Bosumtwi, formed after a meteorite impact at ~1.07 Ma, contains a sedimentary archive that yields an excellent high-resolution record of climate- and environmental change in Sub-Saharan West Africa. The region is highly susceptible to climate changes due to shifts of the tropical rain belt and variation in dust dynamics in the tension field between the North African Monsoon (humid, wet) and the Harmattan (dry and dusty winds from the Sahara). Consequently, Lake Bosumtwi has been intensively studied and in 2004, supported by the International Continental Scientific Drilling Program (ICDP), sediment cores were recovered and downhole logs were performed that allow for the analysis of the complete ~300 m lacustrine sequence. However, detailed climatic and environmental reconstructions for the record are incomplete, mostly due to the absence of a robust age model prior to 500 ka. In 2022, we conducted core scanning natural gamma ray measurements for the ~300 m lacustrine sedimentary sequence. Based on the resulting data, we are generating a correlative age model that is tested by cyclostratigraphic tools and that can be directly compared to the available independently dated sections, but extends farther back in time. Our age model will provide critical chronologic context for the numerous existing and new proxy data that facilitate a study of changes in climate, environment, and ecosystems. This will allow a robust framework to analyse climatic interferences with archaeological findings that might shed new light on habitat availability for our ancestors in tropical Western Africa. Wed: 106
Topics: 3.29 Latest achievements in scientific drilling and ocean-continental feedbacks Mineral biosignatures record pore water geochemistry during microbial diagenesis - modern Lake Towuti as a ferruginous case study 1GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences, Section 3.7. Geomicrobiology, Potsdam, Germany; 2GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences, Section 3.5. Interface Geochemistry, Potsdam, Germany; 3Department of Earth Sciences, Free University of Berlin, 12249 Berlin, Germany; 4Research Center for Limnology and Water Resources, National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN), Bogor, Indonesia; 5Department of Ecology and Environmental Science, Umeå University, Umeå, Sweden; 6Institute of Geological Sciences & Oeschger Centre for Climate Change Research, University of Bern, Bern, Switzerland Ferruginous conditions prevailed in the oceans through much of Earth’s history. However, past biogeochemical cycling inferred from mineral components identified in ancient iron formations remain poorly understood in terms of microbial processes prior to lithification. In Lake Towuti, Indonesia, ferruginous sediments sink through a stratified water column and are deposited under anoxic conditions that mimic the Earth’s early oceans, thereby allowing the study of both geochemical conditions in pore waters and long-term diagenetic evolution of its 1 Ma stratigraphic record. We combined detailed pore water geochemistry and stratigraphic proxies with scanning electron microscopy imaging of authigenic phases. Although variability in elemental profiles attests to climate- and tectonic-driven processes along the 100-m-long sediment sequence, deposition of ferruginous minerals appears transient as particulate iron, reworked from surrounding lateritic soils, undergoes partial dissolution-precipitation during sinking and after burial. Minerals found to form in situ included magnetite (Fe3O4), millerite (NiS), siderite (FeCO3) and vivianite (Fe3[PO4]2 ∙ 8H2O). Acicular millerite aggregates overgrown by siderite and vivianite indicate that they directly precipitated from saturated pore waters (Ostwald ripening). This also suggests that these mineral phases may constitute a diagenetic sequence stemming from the progressive consumption of terminal electron acceptors with sediment organic matter remineralization during shallow burial. Thus, we consider that these minerals act as biosignatures of redox processes driven by autochthonous sedimentary microbial populations that actively control pore water geochemistry after deposition, thereby differentially imprinting the stratigraphy of bulk sediment during burial. Wed: 107
Topics: 4.03 Open Science and Data – challenges, opportunities and best practices Accessibility of Geodynamic Models – Teaching Materials Developed Alongside the Open Source Software CHIC Freie Universität Berlin, Germany To investigate the interior structure, dynamics and evolution of terrestrial planets, numerical models of varying complexity have become an essential tool for many researchers. Modelers often struggle with outreach and accessibility, especially when the demographic includes students and scientists who are less versed in programming and modeling. To provide easily available teaching material, we have compiled a collection of several codes developed at our institution. Firstly, we present an updated Version of the code CHIC, which is a collection of applications, spanning 1D parameterized interior structure and thermal-evolution models to 3D thermo-chemical convection models. The code will now be published under an open-source software license. The release will include an updated documentation of the code. Once released, we plan to update the codebases, if sufficiently impactful changes have been implemented. Furthermore, we will release multiple Python codes, mainly as teaching material. These will include models of: - Tidal heat dissipation, for variable planetary systems. - Interior structure in 1D, based on the planet’s properties. - Thermal evolution in 1D, based on interior structure and tectonic regime. - Simplified 2D thermal convection with temperature- and pressure-dependent viscosity. Instructions on installation, application and evaluation, are presented in short tutorials. We also provide several educational examples and showcases of common benchmarks. The goal is to create a framework for our institute to publish software related to modeling of planetary interiors. The demographic includes students, teachers and scientists, as the codes range from educational material to advanced scientific models. Wed: 108
Topics: 4.03 Open Science and Data – challenges, opportunities and best practices Global Findability of FAIR Research Datasets Freie Universität Berlin, Germany Currently, no search engine is available for specific and easy searches of published research datasets stored in institutional repositories. Most commonly, primary research data in institutional repositories are accessed via its Digital Object Identifier (DOI), which must be known. The global findability of research data can be increased by mapping its metadata to a search tool that allows finding and accessing information from a single search point. For this purpose, we mapped the TRR170-DB planetary data repository (https://planetary-data-portal.org/) with its XML metadata to the search engine PRIMO via the OAI-PMH method. PRIMO is the central search interface of Freie Universität Berlin for searching and accessing local and external resources. Metadata mapped to PRIMO can be found by global search engines such as Google. Data in the TRR170-DB repository reflect the different methods and approaches applied to investigate planet formation in the collaborative research center ‘Late Accretion onto Terrestrial Planets’ (TRR 170). Datasets are stored in open electronic formats such as csv (tables), pdf (text), and jpeg and tiff (images). Once a dataset is published, the repository guarantees archival and long-term access to the dataset with a DOI persistent identifier. At present, most datasets are in the public domain and represent replication data of peer-reviewed articles which appeared in international journals since 2016. PRIMO’s harvesting of TRR170-DB metadata ensures that the datasets remain easily accessible to the global community in the long term while providing a setting that amplifies the use of best practices and collaborative and interdisciplinary research. Wed: 109
Topics: 4.03 Open Science and Data – challenges, opportunities and best practices The Transparent Virtual Round Table Of The Helmholtz Metadata Collaboration (HMC) Earth and Environment Hub 1Helmholtz Metadata Collaboration (HMC) at GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences, Potsdam, Germany; 2Helmholtz Metadata Collaboration (HMC) at GEOMAR Helmholtz Zentrum für Ozeanforschung, Kiel, Germany The mission of the Helmholtz Metadata Collaboration (HMC, https://helmholtz-metadaten.de/en) is to facilitate the discovery, access, machine readability, and reuse of research data of the Helmholtz Association. Concepts and services are developed and established, allowing the enrichment of research data with standardized metadata in the various phases of their creation. The aim of HMC is to co-ordinate these services with the national and international scientific community in order to establish widely accepted practices in the handling of research data. In the Earth and Environment Hub, we are in the process of setting up a transparent virtual round table where all communities can come together to decide which guidelines are recommended for the Helmholtz Association. Jointly agreed principles are discussed and agreed in a moderated co-design process. Primary stakeholder profile
In this presentation we will introduce to the current HMC activities and outcome: Our process for developing a guideline is planned as a coordinated procedure. For every single implementation guide, we go through the same questions, up to tests - based on use cases and definition of abstract test classes, in order to be able to validate the implementation. Our planned results are recommendations and detailed implementation instructions that enable interoperability - not only in the Helmholtz Association, but also in national and international communities. Wed: 110
Topics: 4.07 Data-driven digital twins of the subsurface and their applications Thermal and gravity field implications of converting a mantle shear-wave velocity tomography of the South China Sea region to temperature and density 1GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences, Germany; 2Nanjing University, China; 3Second Institute of Oceanography, Ministry of Natural Resources, China The seismic wave velocity configuration of the mantle provides constraints on its thermal and hence density structure, although the proposed methods of wave velocity conversion differ significantly. The V2RhoT_gibbs is a Python tool that allows converting mantle seismic velocities to temperature and density using a Gibbs free energy minimization algorithm applied to a defined mantle chemical composition to guarantee thermodynamic stability of the correspondingpressure (P) and temperature (T) dependent phase and mineral assemblages. Alternative methods, in contrast, start the conversion process with a pre-defined, P and T independent mineralogical composition, while yet other conversion methods involve a set of empirical equations. To better understand the differences between these conversion approaches, we have applied different methods to a shear-wave velocity tomographic model of the mantle below the South China Sea region. The resulting thermal fields are compared regarding the depth of the 1300 °C-isotherm which is a proxy of the lithosphere-asthenosphere boundary. In addition, we present the conversion results in terms of their respective gravity responses. This sensitivity analysis has important implications for better understanding the thermomechanical state of the lithosphere in the region. Wed: 111
Topics: 4.07 Data-driven digital twins of the subsurface and their applications Deep thermal fingerprints of different tectonic environments in continental areas from data-integrated process models 1GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences, Potsdam Germany; 2Faculty of Georesources and Materials Engineering, RWTH Aachen University, Aachen, Germany The deep thermal field in the continental lithosphere varies significantly depending on the age of the lithosphere, its tectonic setting and the time since the last tectonic event. Accordingly, orogens with a thickened radiogenic crust will be hotter in their crust than cratonic areas that had billions of years time to equilibrate after the last tectonic event. Areas affected by continental rifting and passive margins also may be characterized by specific lithospheric configurations and a distinct geothermal fingerprint. Using data-integrated models of different continental areas we evaluate the first-order controlling factors of the related threedimensional temperature distributions. We find that the resolution of subsurface heterogeneities and the consideration of the appropriate heat transport mechanisms are key in predicting the characteristics of the deep thermal field. Accordingly, the superposed effects of varying thermal conductivities, contributions of radiogenic heat and variations of the thermal lithosphere thickness together result in setting-specific background 3D thermal fields. These effects are superposed by the effects of coupled fluid and heat transport in the the upper few km of the crust. Knowing the first-order characteristics of the local thermal fingerprint is key for geothermal exploration but also for estimating the expected mechanical thickness as well as the nature and magnitude of seismicity. Wed: 112
Topics: 4.07 Data-driven digital twins of the subsurface and their applications A 3D gravity-consistent model of the southern San Andreas Fault system 1Geosciences Barcelona (GEO3BCN), CSIC, Lluís Solé i Sabarís s/n. 08028, Barcelona, Spain; 2Delft University of Technology, Department of Space Engineering, Delft, the Netherlands; 3GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences. Telegrafenberg, 14473, Potsdam, Germany. Earthquakes are a direct response to the Earth’s state of stress, which is one of the key ingredients controlling the lithosphere rheological behavior. To first order, the total in-situ stress is a function of two main co-players: the long-term tectonic stress, and the short-term (seismic cycle) stress transfer. Despite their diversity in temporal and spatial scales, these components are not mutually independent, but they do interact in the final rheological configuration of the lithosphere Understanding the relative importance of different tectonic loads and how the stress is transferred is of high relevance for robust earthquake simulators. As the stress transferred to a fault affects its mechanical behavior, it has a direct control on its potential to generate earthquakes. Recent studies suggest that the regional tectonic environment surrounding the faults (e.g., off-fault lithology, lithospheric structure, and degree of coupling between crustal and mantle domains) can influence fault behavior. However, the importance of such heterogeneities in modulating background seismicity needs to be properly evaluated to unveil the behavior of these complex systems. 3D data-integrative and gravity-consistent models are useful tools for characterizing such lithospheric-scale heterogeneities, and ultimately, to analyze their potential relationship with background seismicity. In this contribution, we present the preliminary results of a 3D lithospheric model of the southern San Andreas Fault system, where the wealth of available data was considered. We demonstrate that this is an important step towards the calculation of the background off fault stresses due to local loadings, which likely influence background seismicity. Wed: 113
Topics: 4.07 Data-driven digital twins of the subsurface and their applications V2RhoT_gibbs: a tool for conversion of seismic velocity to temperature and density in a self-consistent thermodynamic manner 1GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences, Potsdam Germany; 2Faculty of Georesources and Materials Engineering, RWTH Aachen University, Aachen, Germany Seismic tomography provides important data to understand the physical properties (temperature, density) of the lithosphere and upper mantle. These physical properties are crucial for understanding e.g., strain localization, geothermal potential. However, interpreting tomography models in terms of composition and temperature conditions is highly complex and non-unique. There are mainly two approaches to interpreting seismic tomography models: empirical and thermodynamics-based. In the empirical approach, the tomography models are calibrated with respect to known temperature distributions, such as those derived from age-dependent oceanic lithospheric thickness or heat flow models or temperatures derived from mantle xenoliths in the continental regions. In contrast, the thermodynamics-based approach involves taking into account the composition of the minerals or deriving it from bulk-rock chemical composition using Gibbs-free energy minimization. Recently, a new approach has emerged that combines the second approach with geophysical (potential fields, topography) and seismological data (surface wave dispersion curves). However, this method assumes a steady-state temperature distribution, limiting its ability to infer the second-order temperature and density distribution. To address these challenges, a new thermodynamics-based conversion tool called V2RhoT_gibbs has been developed. This tool is based on open-source Python libraries and coupled with the Gibbs-free energy minimization algorithm Perple_X. It does not assume any thermal state and, using bulk-average chemical composition, derives the temperature and density distribution. Output from this tool could be easily used to incorporate e.g., as voxel in gravity field interpretations, or as lower temperature boundary condition to compute the thermal field. Wed: 114
Topics: 4.11 Geo-scientific methods in Archaeology, Archaeometry and Experimental Archaeology Erosion rate response to mining and deforestation, Elba Island 1Institut für Geologische Wissenschaften, Freie Universität Berlin, Germany; 2Institut für Geographische Wissenschaften, Freie Universität Berlin, Germany; 3German Research Centre for Geosciences GFZ, Potsdam, Germany; 4Institut für Geologie und Mineralogie, Universität zu Köln Cologne, Germany Throughout history, humans have modified the landscape by farming, extracting natural resources, and deforestation. However, it is not fully understood to what extent such activities have changed vegetation structures and potentially caused accelerated soil erosion. In this study, we investigate the effects of human activities on vegetation and erosion rate changes on the island of Elba, Italy. Previous geoarchaeological studies succeeded in reconstructing human-environmental interaction in the past and providing an independent reference frame for the current study. Hence, we hypothesize that intense iron production on Elba since the 6th century BCE, first by Etruscans, and later by Romans, was accompanied by deforestation and thereby caused increased soil erosion. To test our hypothesis, we collected sediment samples from modern streams and from existing floodplain sediment cores to reconstruct the millennial-scale and more recent changes in landscape-scale erosion rates, and in vegetation and hydrology by means of leaf wax isotopes (d2H, d13C). We use in situ cosmogenic 10Be and 14C produced in quartz to obtain erosion rates. The different half-life of these two nuclides (~1.4 Myr for 10Be and ~5.7 kyr for 14C) makes them sensitive to changes in erosion rates that occur on human time scales. 10Be results indicate relatively uniform millennial-scale erosion rates on the order of 0.04 mm/yr across the eastern part of the island, where we collected most of the samples. We expect that the combination of these methods will reveal the impact and patterns of human-induced soil erosion in Elba. Wed: 115
Topics: 4.11 Geo-scientific methods in Archaeology, Archaeometry and Experimental Archaeology Geoscientific Approach to Diagnosis of Weathering Damage on Prehispanic Sandstone Monument Piedra Pintada de Aipe, Colombia 1Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Bogota, Colombia; 2Auburn University, Auburn, USA Rock art is a common cultural manifestation throughout Colombia. Here the Painted Stone of Aipe represents a striking archaeological evidence as an outstanding masterpiece of pre-Hispanic rock art. Several pectorals of different shapes are observed as a central motif used by the pre-Hispanic communities of Quimbaya, Tairona and the southern tribes. In addition to the pectorals, the stylized devil or monkey is seen in various combinations along with nose rings, fishhooks, bead necklaces, pendants, and rattles, among others. The substrate of the Aipe Painted Stone is a yellowish sandstone of oval shape and the low-relieve carvings are mainly on the longer SE-side of the stone block. This study aims to assess the different decay phenomena affecting the ~500-year old pre-Hispanic rock art carved on the sandstone block which is at an altitude of 370m on a main road near the Magdalena River. The artwork has important conservation problems mainly due to weathering creating a complex set of mechanical, chemical and biological processes on the rock. In the sandstone, the ~0,1 mm quartz-grains (45%) and foraminifers (15%) are mainly cemented by cryptocrystalline SiO2; also phases like phosphates, clays, micas, opaques and a high open porosity of 15 % occur, enhancing chemical dissolution and precipitation of Fe-oxides. Among the main identified deterioration agents are water flows and humidity changes, solar radiation, abrasion caused by dust and sand carried by the often strong wind, internal pressure variations due to temperature variations and salt migration, plants and microorganisms, but also anthropic interventions. Wed: 116
Topics: 3.10 Constraining the rate of change in the Earth System through integrated stratigraphic approaches Astronomical calibration of the Early Jurassic Sinemurian Stage based on cyclostratigraphic studies of downhole logging data of the Prees-2 borehole, England (ICDP JET Project) 1Leibniz Institute for Applied Geophysics, Germany; 2Federal Institute for Geosciences and Natural Resources, Germany; 3Trinity College Dublin, Ireland; 4University of Exeter, United Kngdom In late 2020, an approximately 650 m long core was drilled at Prees within the Cheshire Basin, England, as part of the ICDP project JET (Integrated Understanding of the Early Jurassic Earth System and Timescale). The main objective of this project is to obtain a complete and continuous sedimentary archive of the Early Jurassic. The Early Jurassic (~200-175 million years) was a period of extreme environmental changes, which will serve as an analogue for present and future environmental change. The project aims to provide a reference record for an integrated stratigraphy (bio-, cyclo-, chemo- and magnetostratigraphy) of this period. Analysis of geophysical borehole logs will allow the description of sedimentary cycles related to orbital parameters and paleoclimatic history if depositional environment and sedimentation rate permits. Here, downhole logging data from the Prees-2 borehole are used to construct a floating astronomical timescale for the Sinemurian stage, contributing to an integrated timescale for the Early Jurassic. Cyclostratigraphic methods, including a statistical and a visual approach, lead to preliminary durations for the Sinemurian stage of ~6.2 and 6.8 million years, respectively. Wed: 117
Topics: 3.10 Constraining the rate of change in the Earth System through integrated stratigraphic approaches Exploring the Plio/Pleistocene stratigraphy of a core from Riedstadt/Hesse (Upper Rhine Graben) 1LIAG - Leibniz Institute for Applied Geophysics, Hannover, Germany; 2Institute of Geology and Mineralogy, University of Cologne, Cologne, Germany; 3Institute of Geological Sciences, Freie Universität Berlin , Berlin, Germany; 4Hessisches Landesamt für Naturschutz, Umwelt und Geologie, Wiesbaden, Germany The last of a total of three main subsidence episodes of the northern Upper Rhine Graben took place during the Pliocene to Quaternary and allowed the accumulation of thick sedimentary sequences that can function as excellent data source for paleoclimate reconstructions. A 323 m long sediment core drilled in 2020-2021 near Riedstadt-Erfelden (~14 km WSW of Darmstadt) is therefore likely a high-resolution geoarchive documenting climate dynamics during the Plio-Pleistocene epochs. However, so far, the chronostratigraphic framework is based only on lithostratigraphic assignments. This study presents inclination values and magnetic susceptibility obtained from whole-core measurements and discusses initial stratigraphic ideas based on the resulting preliminary magnetic polarity stratigraphy and cyclostratigraphic assessments of the ‘Riedstadt-Erfelden’ core. Our results will be used to study the completeness of the geological record and will enable comparisons to be made with the cores investigated through the Heidelberg Drilling Project. Our aim is to verify the suitability and significance of the ‘Riedstadt-Erfelden’ core as geoarchive for Plio-Pleistocene climate dynamics in Central Europe. |
7:00pm | Conference Dinner at Luise |
Date: Thursday, 07/Sept/2023 | |
Ausstellung Geoparke Location: Wiwi 102 | |
Exhibition "Life conquers a planet: Example Earth" | Gesteins-Ausstellung: Leben übernimmt die planetare Steuerung: Beispiel Erde Location: Foyer (Henry Ford Building) Session Chair: Christoph Heubeck, Friedrich-Schiller universität Jena | |
8:30am - 9:20am | Plenary Lecture by Lesley Wyborn "OneGeoscience: Providing FAIR global access to all geoscience data - are we there yet?" Location: Audimax Session Chair: Kirsten Elger, GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences |
Topics: Plenary Talk
OneGeoscience: Providing FAIR global access to all geoscience data - are we there yet? Australian National University, Australia Geoscience deals with all fields of natural science related to understanding past, current and future states of the Earth and the terrestrial bodies. Geoscience has many sub-disciplines that have strong roots in other sciences such as chemistry, physics, geography, biology and mathematics. Each sub-discipline generally works in isolation and is governed by different science unions, societies and associations. Datasets generated by each are diverse, complex and heterogeneous: few fully comply with the FAIR principles. Hence it is hard to integrate datasets both within and across each sub-discipline. To enable efficient integration of geoscience data to effectively contribute to societal grand challenges will require conformance to agreed international standards and compliance with FAIR. The first attempt at international digital integration of data within one of these sub-disciplines was OneGeology, which in 2008 harmonised geological map data globally. More recently, OneGeochemistry is emerging as a fledgling effort to unify geochemical data across multiple sample types and analytical techniques in the geochemical domain. Geophysicists have not yet taken up the call for OneGeophysics but the potential is there. Rather than developing standards completely within each sub-discipline, a more holistic approach is to leverage the Observation, Measurement and Samples (OMS) Standard (IS0 19156: 2003) and break down the standards and vocabularies required into modules based around the feature of interest, instrument, procedures, event, place, properties value, result, etc. This presentation will highlight potential ways to use OMS to accelerate development and convergence of standards and vocabularies required to enable OneGeoscience to become a reality. |
9:20am - 9:40am | Awards: Hermann-Credner-Preis: Stefanie Tofelde, Uni. Potsdam | Hans-Cloos-Preis: Michaela Falkenroth, TU Darmstadt | 2x Rendel-Awards DFG: Felix Augustin, Tübingen & Jonas Preine, Hamburg Location: Audimax |
9:40am - 10:00am | Coffee Break Location: Foyer (Henry Ford Building) |
10:00am - 11:15am | 3.05-1 „Geomorphology and Sedimentology Beyond Boundaries“ - towards integrating geomorphology and sedimentary system science Location: Hall A (HFB) Session Chair: Anne Bernhardt, FU Berlin |
10:00am - 10:30am
Invited Session Keynote Topics: 3.05 „Geomorphology and Sedimentology Beyond Boundaries“ - towards integrating geomorphology and sedimentary system science Linking source to sink in active rifts: Insights from the Gulf of Corinth, Greece Imperial College, United Kingdom The volume and grain-size of sediment supplied from catchments fundamentally control basin stratigraphy. Despite this, few studies have constrained sediment budgets and grain-size exported into an active rift and compared this to the characteristics of depositional stratigraphy. Here, we use the Gulf of Corinth as a natural laboratory to quantify the controls on sediment export within an active rift. We measured the hydraulic geometries, surface grain-sizes of channel bars and full-weighted grain-size distributions of river sediment at the mouths of multiple catchments draining the rift, which constitute 83% the Gulf’s drainage area. Results show that grain-size increases westward along the southern coast of the Gulf and that median and coarse-fraction of the sieved grain-size distribution are primarily controlled by bedrock lithology, with late Quaternary uplift rates exerting a secondary control. We also demonstrate that the median and coarse-fraction of the grain-size distribution are predominantly transported in bedload; however, typical sand-grade particles are transported as suspended load at bankfull conditions, suggesting disparate source-to-sink transit timescales for sand and gravel. Using this data, we derive both a Holocene sediment budget and a grain-size specific bedload discharged into the Gulf of Corinth using the grain-size measurements and previously published estimates of sediment fluxes and volumes. Finally, we demonstrate that at the scale of individual fault blocks, these sedimentary signals fundamentally control the nature of basin deposition, including the characteristics and architectures of hangingwall Gilbert deltas. Our results therefore highlight the importance of linking geomorphic and stratigraphic approaches in areas of active extension. 10:30am - 10:45am
Topics: 3.05 „Geomorphology and Sedimentology Beyond Boundaries“ - towards integrating geomorphology and sedimentary system science Sediment transfer and recycling in segmented sedimentary systems: An example from the Aare river (Switzerland) 1University of Münster, Germany; 2Technical University of Darmstadt, Germany; 3University of Bern, Switzerland; 4Bayerisches Landesamt für Umwelt, Germany Environmental signals produced by changes in climate or tectonic regime are transferred and modified through sedimentary systems from source to sink. Sediment (and therefore signal) transfer in segmented systems is interrupted through sediment storage in e.g. lacustrine sinks. The Alpine orogen is a mountain chain characterized by high denudation rates that sources important rivers such as the Rhine river. This study focuses on the Aare river, a tributary to the Rhine, that originates in the Swiss High Alps. The course of the present-day Aare river is controlled by an overdeepened valley carved during the Pleistocene glaciations, and segmented by several lakes. We present a provenance dataset based on detrital garnet geochemistry from modern river sands, Pleistocene deposits from drill core samples and river terraces, a Pliocene river terrace, and the Miocene Molasse bedrock. We show that before the Pleistocene, i.e. before valley incision, detritus was transferred directly from the High Alps to the Rhine river plain. After the incision in the Pleistocene, the Aare river recycled the incised local Molasse bedrock. Today, the Aare river is in turn recycling those Pleistocene river terraces as well as the local bedrock. First-cycle detritus from the High Alps is instead stored in man-made and natural lakes. Our data shows that the “erosional engine” of sedimentary systems changes drastically in response to geomorphic reorganizations, and that provenance analysis is a prerequisite to locate the sediment source, as well as the origin of any environmental signal produced in that source. 10:45am - 11:00am
Topics: 3.05 „Geomorphology and Sedimentology Beyond Boundaries“ - towards integrating geomorphology and sedimentary system science Sedimentological record of a river mouth in Northern Lebanon during the Holocene 1Catholic University Eichstaett-Ingolstadt, Germany; 2Austrian Archaeological Institute Vienna, Austria; 3American University of Beirut, Lebanon Within the framework of a geoarchaeological project to reconstruct the environmental conditions in the hinterland of an archaeological excavation in Northern Lebanon a drilling core near to the Nahr-El-Jaouz river mouth was taken in 2022. The core exhibits a 10,50m thick succession of Holocene fluvial deposits. Sampling comprised more than 100 samples. Sedimentological techniques using grain size distributions and textural parameters were applied for the assessment of facies type and the conditions of sediment transport and deposition. At a drilled depth of 10,00-10,50m gravelly sediments occurred representing the deltaic foreset followed by an alternating sequence of muds and sandy muds deposited directly at the river mouth or somewhat upstream (deltaic topset). The section above consisting of sandy to muddy sediments was formed by temporarily floods or stagnant water showing mainly suspension transport of the particles. The facial interpretation indicates a transition between a lagoonal environment of the topset and a distal floodplain far from the main river. Most of the upper core (9,35m to the surface) shows sediments formed within a wetland environment. Frequent facial changes from distal to proximate floodplain positions with muddy and sandy deposits can be observed. Gravelly layers occur as occasional intercalations deposited by more turbulent floods of different reach and force. The drill core indicates a former sea arm of several kilometres in length for the Nahr-El-Jaouz river mouth. Unfortunately, at present no age data from 14C analyses of taken charcoals or from OSL dating are available. These analyses are still in progress. 11:00am - 11:15am
Topics: 3.05 „Geomorphology and Sedimentology Beyond Boundaries“ - towards integrating geomorphology and sedimentary system science Using Laser-Diffraction Grain-Size Analysis and End-Member Modelling Analysis (EMMA) to understand laminar to turbulent flow transitions in deep-water systems 1RWTH Aachen, Germany; 2Leibniz University Hannover, Germany; 3Queen's University, Ontario, Canada Hybrid beds or linked debrites are deposits that form under bi- or tri-partite flow conditions, involving transitions from turbulent to laminar flow conditions. Often, hybrid beds occur with distal or lateral flow transformation following significant entrainment of a muddy substrate and/or declining turbulent energy. Hybrid beds have been noted to make up significant proportions of deposits within basin-floor setting worldwide, most commonly within the distal fringes of lobe systems. The stratigraphic distribution of hybrid beds has been linked to the character of the supply slope and seafloor relief, where hybrid beds are invoked to develop during periods of disequilibrium in out-of-grade slopes. The mechanisms of formation and evolution of flows that deposit hybrid beds have been significantly studied and debated over the past decades. The aim of this study is to utilize techniques not commonly used in this area, namely Laser-Diffraction Grain-Size Analysis and End-Member Modelling Analysis (EMMA) to undertake a detailed study of lateral and down-dip changes within targeted deposits, to interpret more accurately how and when turbulent to laminar fluctuations occur, as well as adding quantitative analysis to previously established qualitative models. Samples were taken from the Marnoso-Arenacea Formation, the Castagnola Formation, and the Gottero Formation. Initial findings show significant correlation between grain-size distribution from similar facies across different formations. Despite variability in the median grain-size between formations, similar end members can be extracted from each, indicating deposition under similar flow conditions. |
10:00am - 11:15am | 3.02-1 Mineralogical, Geochemical and Biogenic Transformations in the Critical Zone: what, where, when and how? Location: Hall B (HFB) Session Chair: Georg H Grathoff, University of Greifswald Session Chair: Friedhelm von Blanckenburg, GFZ Potsdam |
10:00am - 10:30am
Invited Session Keynote Topics: 3.02 Mineralogical, Geochemical and Biogenic Transformations in the Critical Zone: what, where, when and how? Clay Mineral Reactions and Transport in the Critical Zone University of Georgia, United States of America The expression “Rock+Acid+Water -> Clays+Ions+Bicarbonate” may seem simple, but it encompasses many complex processes working in the Earth’s Critical Zone (CZ). The SE United States Calhoun CZ Observatory (O) has been observing the CZ for decades, leading to new understanding of how geological and human factors impact landscape evolution and management. The distribution of clays in the CZO is linked to the response of land to various factors that influence soil formation. These factors include vegetative cover (such as crops, regenerative pines, and old-growth hardwoods), interfluve order (old ridge-crests versus young legacy sediments), underlying geology (felsic versus mafic rocks), climate change (wetter versus dryer seasons), and denudation rates (erosion rates ranging from 1 to 1000 m/Ma). Through observations, we have found that plant cover and rooting depth affect soil gas (CO2 and O2) distributions, which in turn affect clay mineral hydrolysis and redox reactions. We have also found that clay mineral signatures show increasing indices of chemical alteration along increasing interfluve orders. Additionally, felsic rocks weather more deeply into the CZ than mafic rocks under similar biota, climate, relief, and time conditions. Furthermore, we have found that the chemical signatures captured in clays may not reflect average conditions, but rather specific points in soil moisture states. Finally, we have observed that rates of material transport within the CZ vary greatly depending on the chronometer used. The CZ constitutes a small volume of the Earth’s clay budget however it is an important clay factory in exogenic cycles. 10:30am - 10:45am
Topics: 3.02 Mineralogical, Geochemical and Biogenic Transformations in the Critical Zone: what, where, when and how? Do pseudo-sands' internal structures determine biogeochemistry of tropicals' critical zone? 1iES Landau, RPTU Kaiserslautern-Landau, Germany; 2Department of Geology, University of Georgia, Athens, GA, USA; 3Institute of Soil Science, Leibniz Universität Hannover, Germany Deeply weathered soils are iconic components of the tropical critical zone. Being short of exchangeable nutrients, physical features beyond sheer depth determine more than elsewhere the provision of life-sustaining resources. Biogeochemical models can hardly capture tropical fluxes, due to them being mainly developed and validated for temperate zones, focusing more on topsoil processes. To overcome this systematic bias, pedotransfer functions are regionally adapted for modeling soil water movements and then used for tropical biogeochemical modeling. However, soil texture based on single grain size distribution neglects the impact of actual soil structures in the field and leads to pronounced discrepancies between field measurements and model predictions for tropical soils. A prominent example of this mismatch is overestimated N2O emissions. Now, scientific efforts are being made to correct this systematic bias in predicting soil functioning. A well-known characteristic of tropical soils, potentially responsible for the systematic error, are water-stable aggregates called pseudo-sands. In the field, they are perceived as sand, but in the lab measured as clay and silt. The simple assumption that pseudo-sands act just like sands in the field seems to work satisfactorily for certain hydrological predictions. We pursue the hypothesis that, biogeochemically, pseudo-sands do not simply act like sands. We provide evidences why pseudo-sands cannot be simply treated neither like “regular sand” nor like the sum of its units. The long-term goal is to develop tropical biogeochemical model versions related to the properties of pseudo-sands that will lead to improved models of the critical zone of the tropics. 10:45am - 11:00am
Topics: 3.02 Mineralogical, Geochemical and Biogenic Transformations in the Critical Zone: what, where, when and how? Clay minerals in the critical zone and links to climate change University of Greifswald, Germany This contribution uses a recently published global clay mineral inventory of the critical zone to assess how well clay mineral assemblages reflect climate. The relative abundance of the main clay mineral groups (the 1:1, 2:1 and 2:1:1 hydrous phyllosilicates are used to evaluate a Clay Mineral Alteration Index (CMAI), which is compared with current latitudes and the Köppen-Geiger climatic zones. This CMAI relationship is defined as: CMAI = (2:1LE + 2:1:1LE) – (1:1LE + 2:1HE) (physically weathered – newly formed) where, LE = Low to no expandability, HE = high expandability and CMAI values range between -100 (warm tropical) and +100 (cold polar). For selected soil types, such as the alfisols, some general correlations exist between CMAI values and distance from the equator. However, the database indicates that lithological controls on clay mineral assemblages introduce a large degree of heterogeneity to the system. This makes a direct interpretation based on numerical indices difficult to implement. Improved correlations can be achieved by selecting consistent soil types developed on the same host lithologies (e.g. soils on Silurian shales). Following this procedure, very good correlations can be attained as long as the climatic parameters of temperatures and rainfall are both considered. A refined correlation between the CMAI and current climatic conditions is put to the test on palaeosols and shales from the geological record. 11:00am - 11:15am
Topics: 3.02 Mineralogical, Geochemical and Biogenic Transformations in the Critical Zone: what, where, when and how? How deep is the critical zone? 1Helmholtz-Zentrum Potsdam Deutsches GeoForschungsZentrum GFZ, Germany; 2Freie Universität Berlin, Germany The depth of the critical zone, the zone that spans from the canopy to the weathering front in the subsurface, is mostly unknown due to its inaccessible nature. To identify the depth of the critical zone and infer its assumed control by water flow we conducted four drilling campaigns in granitoid rock along a climate gradient in the Chilean Coastal Cordillera. The drilled cores differ in the depth of the weathering front between arid, semi-arid, mediterranean, and humid climate. The arid study site is located at the southern end of the Atacama Desert and the drill core is hydrothermally overprinted. No chemical top-down weathering or physical disintegration of the granitic rock is found. The semi-arid drill core reveals multiple weathering fronts along fractures and shows top-down chemical weathering in the uppermost 10 m. In the mediterranean study site, we found the deepest weathering front with saprolite to a depth of ~45 m, followed by bedrock with wide fractures. The physical disintegration is stronger than chemical mass losses due to weathering. The humid study site is characterised by a shallow weathering front at ~10 m depth. Even though sufficient water is available to form a deep weathering zone, the formation of clay and other secondary minerals inhibits further advance of the weathering front by clogging pore space thus preventing water flow. We conclude while the of degree of (chemical) weathering is set by climate, the depth of the weathering front depends on the abundance and width of tectonic fractures. |
10:00am - 11:15am | 1.15-1 Mineralogy of complex ore deposits – from exploration to ore processing Location: Hall C (HFB) Session Chair: Maximilian Korges, University of Potsdam Session Chair: Benjamin Florian Walter, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology |
10:00am - 10:15am
Topics: 1.15 Mineralogy of complex ore deposits – from exploration to ore processing Carbonate replacement sulfide mineralization in the Kupferschiefer district (Saale subbasin, Eastern Germany) 1GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences, 14473 Potsdam, Germany; 2Institute of Geological Sciences, Freie Universität Berlin, Malteserstrasse, 74-100, Berlin 12249, Germany; 3Landesamt für Geologie und Bergwesen, Sachsen-Anhalt, Köthener Straße 38, D-06118 Halle, Germany The Kupferschiefer districts in Central Europe contain some of the world’s largest sediment-hosted stratiform Cu deposits. The fine-grained sulfides are hosted by the Rotliegend sandstone (S1), organic matter-rich Kupferschiefer (T1) mudstones and Zechstein Limestone (Ca1). In this study, standard and high-resolution microscopy techniques (reflected-transmitted light, SEM, FIB-TEM) are combined with quantitative mineralogical data (X-ray diffraction, QXRD) to characterize the key mineral assemblages and styles of sulfide mineralization in drill core samples from different localities (Sangerhausen, Allstedt, Wallendorf) of the Saale subbasin, Eastern Germany. Our QXRD data show a progressive decrease in calcite abundance from the underlying S1 into the T1 in the Sangerhausen and Allstedt drill cores and an upward increase in calcite in the Wallendorf drill core. Petrographic data show extensive in situ alteration of rock fragments and detrital feldspar in the S1. Diagenetic calcite has formed intergranular pore-filling cement that occludes primary porosity in the S1 and T1. The ore-stage sulfides (bornite, sphalerite, galena, ± pyrite) in the S1 and T1 are mostly formed as a replacement of calcite cement and, to a lesser extent, feldspar. High-resolution TEM data has helped to identify hematite and magnetite within particular calcite growth zones in the S1, which likely corresponds with the “Rote Fäule” alteration associated with the Cu sulfide mineralization. Nanoscale Cu-chloride complexes have also been identified, intergrown with pore-filling illite in the T1. In summary, the distribution and dissolution of calcite cement were critical to the secondary porosity development and migration of the mineralizing fluids in the Saale subbasin. 10:15am - 10:30am
Topics: 1.15 Mineralogy of complex ore deposits – from exploration to ore processing Quantitative mineralogical analysis for the development of new exploration vectors at the Spremberg-Graustein-Schleife Cu-Ag Kupferschiefer deposit, Lusatia, Germany Helmholtz Institute Freiberg for Resource Technology, Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf, Germany. The Spremberg-Graustein-Schleife deposit is part of the Kupferschiefer district in the southern Permian Basin and comprises copper and silver mineralized rocks hosted by pre-Zechstein sandstones, Kupferschiefer, and Zechstein carbonates. As there is still significant exploration potential across the southern Permian basin, the goal of the present study is to identify mineralogical signatures, which may be usable as exploration vectors. The specific focus in this study is on the gangue mineralogy, since it is more likely to provide a larger detectable footprint in the mineralizing system. Multiple analytical methods were combined to investigate samples from three mineralized and non-mineralized drill-cores. Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) based image analysis (MLA) was carried out to obtain quantitative data on mineralogy as well as major-element carbonate chemistry of each stratigraphic unit. Quantitative bulk-powder XRD was performed as an external validation. In addition, the SEM-MLA data are being integrated with hyperspectral core-scans for upscaling observations. Zechstein carbonate rocks in the well-mineralized drill-hole are dominantly composed of dolomite, in contrast to the weakly-mineralized drill-hole that contains more calcite. In the mineralized sandstones, three successive generations of carbonate cement have been identified from backscatter electron imaging and semi-quantitative EDX measurements, comprising i) dolomite to ii) Mn-Fe dolomite, and finally the deposition of iii) ankerite rims. Kaolinite, one of the main cement minerals in the sandstones, appears more abundantly in the mineralized than in the barren sandstones. The occurrence of ankerite and kaolinite may indicate overprinting by the mineralizing fluids and may thus be useable vectors towards mineralization. 10:30am - 10:45am
Topics: 1.15 Mineralogy of complex ore deposits – from exploration to ore processing Minor and trace elements in the Spremberg-Graustein-Schleife Kupferschiefer deposit: A deportment study Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden Rossendorf, Helmholtz Institute Freiberg for Resource Technology, Chemnitzer Str. 40, 09599 Freiberg, Germany The sediment-hosted Spremberg-Graustein-Schleife deposit is located in Lusatia, eastern Germany. Mineralization occurs in the lower Zechstein units, extending from the Grauliegend conglomerates and sandstones into the overlying organic-rich Kupferschiefer black shales and Zechstein carbonates. Around 100 Mt of Cu-Ag ore is present within the deposit. The ore is also enriched in Pb, Zn, Co, Ni, Au, Bi, Se, Re, and Ge (in addition to Cu and Ag). Despite the metal endowment, detailed quantitative metal deportment studies have not been carried out for this deposit, or indeed any other Kupferschiefer deposit. This study aims to bridge the gap. Core samples representing the complete mineralization interval (31 m in total) at three different sites within the deposit were mineralogically and geochemically analyzed. To ensure a comprehensive, high-quality and internally consistent dataset, various analytical methods including X-ray fluorescence (XRF), ICP-OES, ICP-MS, X-ray diffraction (XRD), Mineral Liberation Analysis (MLA), electron probe micro-analysis (EPMA) and laser ablation ICP-MS (LA-ICP-MS) were performed. The results reveal that the concentration and main hosts of copper and potential by-products vary vertically between the stratigraphical units, and spatially at different locations of the deposit. Such information will eventually help to predict deportments across the deposit, track each element within the minerals processing plants and also to get an idea of expected recoveries and thus optimizing the procedure. 10:45am - 11:00am
Topics: 1.15 Mineralogy of complex ore deposits – from exploration to ore processing Fluid and chemical constraints on sphalerite precipitation in the Boundary Zone Zn-Pb prospect, Yukon, Canada 1GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences, Potsdam, Germany, Germany; 2Institute of Geological Sciences, Freie Universität Berlin, Germany; 3Fireweed Metals, British Columbia, Canada; 4Paul Scherrer Institut, Villigen, Switzerland Sphalerite (ZnS) is the main ore mineral in clastic-dominant (CD-type) massive sulfide deposits. However, the precise physicochemical conditions of ore formation are often poorly constrained. This study uses sphalerite mineral chemistry and fluid inclusion microthermometry to constrain conditions of Zn mineralization at the Boundary Zone prospect of Macmillan Pass district, Canada. The sulfide mineralization comprises pyrite, sphalerite, galena, and minor chalcopyrite. Sphalerite with contrasting trace element compositions is hosted in Late Ordovician-Early Silurian (Duo Lake Formation) and Late Devonian (Portrait Lake Formation) black mudstones. Different paragenetic stages of sphalerite formation preserve distinct trace element patterns within and between host rock intervals, and overall, Ge, Ga, Cu, and Cd, are relatively enriched compared to In. Trace element incorporation mechanisms vary, with both direct and coupled substitution (e.g., 3Zn2+ ↔ (Ge)4+ + 2Cu+) pathways suggestive of compositional and fluid temperature differences during sphalerite precipitation. Homogenization temperatures (Th) of CO2-N2-bearing, 2-phase primary aqueous fluid inclusions in Portrait Lake sphalerite range between 154 – 249°C (median= 179°C). The Th values of quartz-hosted CO2-N2-H2S-CH4-bearing aqueous inclusions from late veins are in the range of 207 – 236°C (median= 223°C). These temperatures are consistent with sphalerite trace element geothermometry (GGIMFis; 163 – 279°C) and are comparable to nearby Tom and Jason CD-type deposits in the Macmillan Pass district. 11:15am - 11:30am
Topics: 1.15 Mineralogy of complex ore deposits – from exploration to ore processing Numerical modeling unravels differences in greisenization processes Freie Universität Berlin, Germany The Zinnwald/Cinovec Sn-W-Li greisen deposit on the border between Germany and Czech Republic in the eastern part of Krušné Hory/Erzgebirge represents a fluorine-rich hydrothermal alteration of a granite-rhyolite association. We investigated the effects of fluid-rock interaction on distal rhyolites of the deposit, using petrological and mineralogical data to constrain the process of greisenization in detail. The samples were selected from the contact between granite and rhyolite. Three distinct zones of high- and low-degree topaz-greisenization and albitization developed with different textures, mineral assemblages and mineral compositions. Beyond the albitization zone, a continuous transition to the least altered rhyolite was observed. In the greisen part, the predominant minerals are quartz (~80 vol%) and topaz (~10 vol%) with minor mica (~5 vol%). We employed a reactive transport model based on mass conservation and local equilibrium to unravel the detailed process of greisenization. We integrated solution models and endmember thermodynamic data for topaz in recent thermodynamic datasets. The model accounts for fluid flow, porosity and density evolution. The model is used to emulated the sequence of observed petrological zones as obtained with automated mineralogy to constrain the original fluid chemistry and reconstruct elements redistribution during greisenization. By comparing fluid-rock interaction models producing topaz greisen and topaz-free mica greisen, we quantify the F-content necessary to form the greisen at Zinnwald/Cínovec. The comparison implies that F content has a great influence on the greisenization types, which may be related to different metallogenic processes and give insights into W-Sn ore deposits. |
10:00am - 11:15am | 1.13-1 Site selection for a nuclear waste repository – Data acquisition, host rock characterisation and analogue studies Location: Hall D (HFB) Session Chair: Lisa Richter, Federal Institute for Geosciences and Natural Resources Session Chair: Lisa Winhausen, RWTH Aachen |
10:00am - 10:30am
Invited Session Keynote Topics: 1.13 Site selection for a nuclear waste repository – Data acquisition, host rock characterisation and analogue studies Geological Reasoning for the Site of the Swiss Nuclear Waste Repository Nagra, Switzerland The site selection process for the deep geological repository for Swiss radioactive waste is in its final phase. Using 3D-seismics and deep boreholes, Nagra has collected the data for selecting the most suitable site. In autumn 2022, Nagra announced that a general license application would be prepared for a combined repository for high- and low-/intermediate-level waste in the Nördlich Lägern region. The 13 technical criteria used for site comparison comprise safety-related aspects including barrier properties and their long-term stability, as well as the constructability of the repository and access facilities. Phases 1 and 2 of the process resulted in the selection of three potential sites in the external Alpine Foreland of Northern Switzerland, all with the ~100 m thick Jurassic Opalinus Clay as host rock. The sites fulfill the requirements for repositories for low- and intermediate-level waste as well as for high-level waste and spent fuel. In the final Phase 3 of site selection, the remaining sites were investigated by means of 3D-seismics and 9 deep boreholes. The boreholes aimed at assessing the barrier properties of the clay-mineral rich rock sequence, including the bounding aquifers. To address the long-term stability of the geological barrier, the Quaternary erosion history was investigated with 11 cored boreholes. In our contribution, we provide an overview of key results from the seismic surveying and the boreholes in the three siting regions. Based on these investigations, we present and discuss the geological differences between the regions that have led to the proposed site. 10:30am - 10:45am
Topics: 1.13 Site selection for a nuclear waste repository – Data acquisition, host rock characterisation and analogue studies Site selection process for the deep geological repository in the Czech Republic SÚRAO, Czech Republic The main criterion concerning the planned deep geological repository comprises its long-term safety, which must be ensured for a period of hundreds of thousands of years. Therefore, particular attention is being devoted to the selection of a suitable site for the facility. As far as the Czech Republic is concerned, it is planned that the DGR will be constructed in a suitable crystalline rock mass. Nine potential sites were originally selected for consideration, all of which were subjected to detailed geological survey assessment. The DGR site selection process was preceded by the extensive collection and evaluation of the relevant data covering the detailed site description and assessment of local conditions. Recently, SÚRAO has conducted a huge amount of research at the sites via e.g. field research, terrain reconnaissance, geological mapping, hydrogeological mapping and sampling, geophysical surveys, the measurement of seismic phenomena, etc. As a result of the research, 3D geoscientific models of the rock conditions were created, which allowed for the assessment of the sites. The nine sites were compared based on safety, feasibility and environmental impact studies following which, on 21 December 2020, the government approved the selection of the four sites recommended by SÚRAO – Březový potok, Horka, Hrádek and Janoch. Further research and exploration work aimed at the eventual selection of the final and backup sites will be conducted up to 2028. The result of this complex characterization will be compiled into a set of site descriptive models describing both – geological setting and long-term evolution of the sites. 10:45am - 11:00am
Topics: 1.13 Site selection for a nuclear waste repository – Data acquisition, host rock characterisation and analogue studies Geological characterisation for deep geological repository site selection: an example of Hrádek site, Czech Republic Czech Geological Survey, Czech Republic The site selection process for deep geological repository is a long-term project based on numerous disciplines. In the Czech Republic the geological characterisation was performed on nine selected sites in crystalline rocks, from which four were taken into account for ongoing geological survey and detailed site description. This contribution will present the approach to the geological characterisation, which was, is and will be used for selection of final deep geological repository site on an example of Hrádek locality. The Hrádek locality is based in Moldanubian granitoid and metamorphic rocks of Bohemian massif in the central part of Czech Republic. In the previous phase, mostly archive data were used in combination with local field studies, in order to present a 3D geological model as an input for other models (e.g. hydraulic, transport, discrete fracture network model). The ongoing phase of geological characterisation includes mainly field studies, geological and hydrogeological mapping in combination with geophysical research and future borehole research, geophysical profiling and hydrogeological monitoring. All the data collected will be included in 3D geological model with uncertainty assessment with the aim to compare and evaluate the best site for future deep geological repository. 11:00am - 11:15am
Topics: 1.13 Site selection for a nuclear waste repository – Data acquisition, host rock characterisation and analogue studies Stress state estimation – variability assessment of model results 1TU Darmstadt, Institute of Applied Geosciences, Schnittspahnstraße 9, 64287 Darmstadt, Germany; 2Helmholtz Centre Potsdam GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences, Telegrafenberg, 14473 Potsdam, Germany; 3TU Berlin, Ernst-Reuter-Platz 1, 10587 Berlin, Germany; 4Nationale Genossenschaft für die Lagerung radioaktiver Abfälle, Hardstraße 73, 5430 Wettingen, Switzerland; 5Rocks Expert SARL, 244 chemin de Bertine, 04300 St. Maime, France; 6SINTEF Industry, S.P. Andersens veg 15b, 7031 Trondheim, Norway The upper crust of the Earth is used more and more to transport and extract raw materials and energy. It is also used for the final disposal of radioactive waste in deep geological repositories. An accurate knowledge of the hosting rock and surrounding formation coupled to comprehensive modelling are fundamental to demonstrate the geological site has the required properties for safe and long-term underground storage. Besides other criteria, geomechanics plays an important role. Especially, the estimation of the contemporary stress state in the upper crust is a challenge. In-situ data of maximum and minimum horizontal stress magnitudes (SHmax and Shmin) are required to calibrate 3-D geomechanical models. During the recent exploration phase for a deep geological repository for radioactive waste in Switzerland, a unique dataset of stress magnitude data has been acquired from eight cored boreholes. Rock mechanical properties were constrained from geophysical logging and laboratory testing. The empirically correlated rock properties were not simply averaged, but a probability distribution was provided. The stress field was explored by conducting more than 120 tests in different stratigraphic units, to estimate the magnitudes of SHmax and Shmin. We present the results of a 3‑D geomechanical-numerical model that shows the best-fit with respect to the measured stress magnitudes. Considering the uncertainties of the tests and the ones resulting from rock property variability, the model can reproduce most of the measurements. However, we do show not only the best-fit result, but a bandwidth of individual stress components within a P05-P95 probability range. |
10:00am - 11:15am | 1.06-1 Deep geothermal resources and projects Location: Wiwi 101 Session Chair: Jasmaria Wojatschke, Bundesanstalt für Geowissenschaften und Rohstoffe (BGR) Session Chair: Nora Koltzer, Fraunhofer IEG |
10:00am - 10:15am
Topics: 1.06 Deep geothermal resources and projects Geothermal Project Potsdam 1UGS GmbH, Germany; 2EWP Potsdam Potsdam the provincial capital of the German state Brandenburg started with an ambitious program to reduce its climate impact about 10 years ago. The program includes the substitution of fossil energy sources for district heating by renewable energy. The investigation of the geothermal potential of the urban area forms an important component of this strategy. Several deep saline aquifers in the closer surrounding of Potsdam show a potential for a geothermal utilization. They are used for different purposes like natural gas storage (Buntsandstein), underground heat storage (Jurassic), balneology (Rhaetian) or injection of process water (Muschelkalk, Jurassic). The exploration campaign started with 2D seismic measurements which were focused on the investigation of the Mesozoic succession up to a depth of about 2,500 m bgl. Based on the seismic results a drill site was determined where a vertical borehole was drilled into a depth of 2,157 m bgl. The exploration well encountered the succession down to the Muschelkalk formation with partly surprising results. The investigation of the encountered aquifers favoured the further exploitation of the Middle Jurassic Aalenian sandstone as a geothermal reservoir. Accordingly, the second well was deviated to reach this horizon in a deeper situated part of the structure. Hydraulic tests of the aquifer show promising results with respect to a future use in a local heating system of the surrounding residential buildings. The overrun could be feed into the nearby district heating network. Besides, the results will be used for the development of further locations for a geothermal utilization. 10:15am - 10:30am
Topics: 1.06 Deep geothermal resources and projects Opportunities for hydrogeothermal uses in NE Germany: from site evaluation to project realization 1Geologischer Dienst, LUNG Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Germany; 2Geowissenschaftliches Zentrum der Georg-August-Universität Göttingen, Abteilung Angewandte Geologie, Germany; 3Ministerium für Klimaschutz, Landwirtschaft, ländliche Räume und Natur Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Germany Low enthalpy geothermal systems are well established in north-eastern Germany. The first German hydrothermal doublet started heat production in Waren/Müritz in 1984. Since then other sites in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania and Brandenburg were explored and realized. Very recently the geothermal heating plant of Schwerin-Lankow has officially started operations and will substitute about 20 percent of fossil energy use in this town. In most of these projects deep saline aquifers of Mesozoic age were used, which formed in the eastern part of the North German Basin. The well suited reservoir sandstones were often deposited in fluvial and deltaic systems within up to 15 km wide distributary channel belts. The porosity and permeability of channel facies sandstones reach very high values up to 30 % and >6 Darcy, respectively. On basis of integrated sedimentological-palaeontological investigation and facies analyses using cores and wire logs of numerous deep wells, 15 different stratigraphic channel systems could be detected and mapped (www.sandsteinfazies.de). The results can be used together with temperature distribution data for a first site evaluation. Estimations of productivity and temperature have to be combined with numbers of potential users and existing or planned heat distribution infrastructure in larger communities. The Geological Survey and ministries of Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania will encourage politicians and decision makers to think about geothermal energy use in their field of responsibility but also support investors to claim for financial support to realize renewable energy projects. This includes open access to available geological and geophysical data according to the Geological Data Act (GeolDG). 10:30am - 10:45am
Topics: 1.06 Deep geothermal resources and projects Remaining opportunities in medium-deep reservoirs of the North German Basin – lessons learned from the new development in Schwerin 1Geowissenschaftliches Zentrum Georg-August-Universität Göttingen, Germany; 2Schwerin The North German Basin yields enormous resources of heat in place bound to the Palaeozoic–Mesozoic succession and to fault systems. Early exploration campaigns have identified highly permeable Mesozoic sandstones at depth of <2,300 m with temperatures of <100°C. Despite the fundamental knowledge established by these campaigns, the development of hydrothermal reservoirs remained limited due to considerable pre-drilling risks resulting from uncertainties in reservoir predictions at individual localities. To minimise risks associated to subsurface uncertainties, an interdisciplinary work flow integrating sedimentological, geophysical, and petrophysical methods was designed to re-evaluate the six Mesozoic reservoir complexes of the North German Basin. Within the projects Sandsteinfazies, GeoPoNDD and mesoTherm this work flow was applied to an extensive database of cores and wireline logs leading to high-resolution maps depicting facies, thickness and quality of individual hydrothermal reservoirs. These maps enable reliable predictions of key parameters, i.e. net-thickness and permeability, on regional to local scales and, thus, make a significant contribution to the reduction of subsurface uncertainties. The potential of these subsurface reservoir maps to increase the utilisation of geothermal energy is demonstrated on the example of the reservoir development at Schwerin, a previously underexplored locality. There, reservoir predictions enabled targeting a highly productive sandstone at 1,250 m depth. The operation combines a conventional doublet system with industrial heat pumps to supply 7 MWth to the local heating grid. The lessons learned from Schwerin demonstrate significant opportunities in medium-deep reservoirs enabling a sustained increase of developments for heat supply in North Germany. 10:45am - 11:00am
Topics: 1.06 Deep geothermal resources and projects Lower Cretaceous Sandstones in the Lower Saxony Basin – a potential geothermal play Landesamt für Bergbau, Energie und Geologie, Germany This study focusses on Lower Cretaceous sandstone units of Valanginian and Berriasian age in Lower Saxony. The understanding of the distribution and the hydraulic properties of these aquifers is essential to identify suitable areas for geothermal applications. Relevant aquifer units were defined in this study by a significant regional distribution, a thickness of more than 5 m and suitable hydraulic properties. Three sandstone units can be mapped for the Valanginian stage: The Bentheim Sandstone, the Dichotomiten Sandstone and the so called Hauptsandstein. For the Berriasian stage, the most important sandstone units are the so-called Kopf-Sandstein (Fuhse Formation) and the sandstones of the Basinghausen Subformation. All of these sandstones are located in depths between several hundreds of meters up to 1500 m with a resulting temperature between 30°C to around 50°C. Aquifers of Valanginian age have the best transmissivities and could be a target for geothermal application. Sandstone units of Berriasian age barely meet the minimum requirements for geothermal use on a regional scale. Nevertheless, suitable aquifer conditions may be developed locally. All maps of the Lower Cretaceous sandstones can be found at the NIBIS mapserver and the data compilation is free to download. A base map with the relevant sandstone units and all analyzed data points such as well logs, cores and outcrops are available for each geological unit. Parameters for geothermal applications (e.g. depths of the formation, total thickness, sandstone thickness, porosity, permeability and transmissivity) are available as individual layers. 11:00am - 11:15am
Topics: 1.06 Deep geothermal resources and projects Geothermal potential of Mesozoic carbonates on the example of the Rüdersdorf Formation (North German Basin): opportunity or not? University of Göttingen, Germany The Mesozoic succession of the North German Basin (NGB) yields enormous resources of heat in place bound to Mesozoic sandstone reservoirs located at depths of up to 2.500 m. Compared to highly-permeable sandstone reservoirs, which are exploited for heat production since the 1980s, carbonate reservoirs are underexplored so far. This study evaluates the potential of Mesozoic carbonates on the example of the Rüdersdorf Formation (“Schaumkalk”) in the subsurface of Berlin/Brandenburg. The data are based on an extensive bed-by-bed outcrop study in the Rüdersdorf open-pit mine to the East of Berlin, and examination of well cores from Berlin-Spandau and Potsdam. The vertical succession exposed in outcrop and well cores shows gradual transitions from marly limestone background facies (“Wellenkalk”) to thick cross-bedded oolitic grain- to packstone reservoir facies (“Schaumkalk”). Based on analyses of carbonate microfacies and reservoir properties, oolitic reservoir facies exhibit high secondary porosities but low permeabilities. The late-diagenetic dissolution of oolites contributed to oomoldic porosity volumes of up to 27,4 % resulting in the typical foamy texture. But due to matrix-supported grain fabrics, the pore connectivity remained low as emphasized by the permeability range of 0.004–7.7 mD. The potential of the reservoir facies is further limited as fluid circulation along open fractures and faults did obviously not contribute to an enhanced matrix permeability. Accounting for this and the limited lateral extent of thick oomoldic reservoir facies, proven in regional well-to-well correlations, the opportunities for reservoir developments in the Rüdersdorf Formation seem to be very limited. |
10:00am - 11:15am | 2.01-1 Late accretion processes from impacts to planetary differentiation - a multidisciplinary approach Location: Wiwi 104 Session Chair: Laetitia Allibert, Natural History Museum, Berlin Session Chair: Sabrina Schwinger, German Aerospace Center (DLR) |
10:00am - 10:30am
Invited Session Keynote Topics: 2.01 Late accretion processes from impacts to planetary differentiation - a multidisciplinary approach Late veneer on the terrestrial planets: dynamics perspective 1CNRS, France; 2SWRI, Co., USA; 3University of Macao, China The origin of the late veneer of the terrestrial planets and of the lunar bombardment has been the subject of numerous studies in the field of cosmochemistry and in the field of planet formation and dynamical evolution of the early solar system. In the last years, we have studied [1,..,5] the dynamical and collisional evolution of the population of planetesimals originally in the terrestrial planet region and still “alive” at the time of the Moon-forming event. We have shown that this population of leftover planetesimals can explain the late veneer of Earth, Mars and Vesta as constrained by the amount of highly siderophile elements (HSE) in their mantles as well as the number of late impact basins on the Moon. The low concentration of HSE in the lunar mantle can be explained by a late sequestration of lunar mantle HSEs into the core at the time of the lunar mantle overturn. The origin of the late veneer carrier from the terrestrial planet region is consistent with the isotopic constraints on the source of the late veneer, indicating a non-carbonaceous source. This suggests that the carbonaceous projectiles that delivered part of the terrestrial volatile elements had already decayed by the time the late veneer started. [5]Nesvorný, D., et al. 2023, Icarus, 399, 115545. [4]Nesvorný, D., et al. 2022, ApJL, 941, L9. [3]Zhu, M.-H. et al. 2021, Nature Astronomy, 5, 1286. [2]Zhu, M.-H. et al. 2019, Nature Astronomy, 571, 226. [1]Morbidelli, A., et al. 2018, Icarus, 305, 262. 10:30am - 10:45am
Topics: 2.01 Late accretion processes from impacts to planetary differentiation - a multidisciplinary approach Giant impacts onto magma ocean: metal-silicate mixing constrained by coupling analogue laboratory experiments and numerical modelling 1Natural History Museum, Berlin, Germany; 2Institut de physique du Globe de Paris, Paris, France; 3University of Rochester, Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences, Rochester, NY, United States Planetary formation models suggest that Earth experienced multiple high-energy impacts. Among those, the Moon-forming event is thought to be responsible for melting a large fraction of proto-Earth’s silicate mantle. Mixing of the impactor’s metallic core into Earth's silicate mantle controlled the chemical equilibration between metal and silicates, and hence the respective compositions of Earth's core and mantle. The extent of this mixing is, however, still debated. Previous studies explore mixing upon large impacts either with numerical modelling or with analog laboratory experiments. Numerical simulations are efficient in that they reproduce the shock physics of hypervelocity impacts. However, their spatial resolution is too limited to produce the turbulent features responsible for metal-silicate mixing in a magma ocean. Liquid impact experiments on the other hand are subsonic and hence neglect compressibility effects. However, they produce small-scale mixing and turbulence, which is crucial in estimating metal-silicate equilibration. Recent simulations and experiments disagree on the degree of mixing between the impactor and target materials. The origin of these differences is still unclear and requires further investigation. We present a scaling-law developed to extend the laboratory experiments results to hypervelocity cases and its further application the the metal-silicate mixing upon impact. We find that the Mach number (impact velocity to sound speed ratio) affects the metal-silicate mixing upon impacts, but that its effect depends on the other impact parameters such as the impactor size. 10:45am - 11:00am
Topics: 2.01 Late accretion processes from impacts to planetary differentiation - a multidisciplinary approach Impactor Core Fragmentation During Impacts in the Late Accretion Phase 1Museum für Naturkunde Berlin, Germany; 2Freie Universität Berlin, Institute for Geological Science, Germany; 3Institut für Geophysik, Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster, Germany The influence of asteroid impacts during the late accretion phase on Earth’s present day composition is still not fully understood. One important question here is if the mixing of metal cores from differentiated impactors into an existing magma ocean could explain the relatively high concentrations of highly siderophile elements observed in Earth’s mantle. For this it is essential to know how much the impactor cores break apart during the impact process, since a more fragmented body will allow more mixing with the surrounding material. We simulate the impacts of differentiated impactors into magma oceans using the grid-based Eulerian shock physics code iSALE. We developed and implemented a new method to improve the fragmentation behavior in such Eulerian codes and used it to study the fragmentation and dispersion of the metal core of the differentiated impactor. We vary the size and velocity of the impactor as well as target properties like the depth of the magma ocean and its viscosity. We see significant fragmentation of the impactor core under most tested parameters. Higher impact velocity and greater magma ocean depth show an especially pronounced increase in core fragmentation. Acknowledgments: We gratefully acknowledge the developers of iSALE-2D, including Gareth Collins, Kai Wünnemann, Dirk Elbeshausen, Tom Davison, Boris Ivanov and Jay Melosh. This work was funded by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (SFB-TRR170, subproject C2 and C4). 11:00am - 11:15am
Topics: 2.01 Late accretion processes from impacts to planetary differentiation - a multidisciplinary approach The ongoing homogenization of primordial and late-accreted components in ocean island basalt mantle sources 1Institute of Geochemistry and Petrology, ETH Zürich, 8092 Zürich, Switzerland; 2Department of Lithospheric Research, University of Vienna, 1090 Vienna, Austria; 3Department of Geology, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, United States The formation of a segregated metallic core is viewed as an inevitable consequence of the growth of larger protoplanets. However, the effect of this process on the distribution of siderophile elements is hugely variable depending on the physiochemical nature of the protoplanet and the pressure and temperature at which metal-silicate equilibration occurs. On Earth, study of this process can be complicated by the overprinting effect of late accretion, which delivered additional siderophile element mass to the Earth. Along with Precambrian-aged mantle-derived rocks, ocean island basalts (OIB) are now recognized as an important source of information about the early siderophile evolution of the deep Earth. We demonstrate that the combined W isotopic and highly siderophile element (HSE) characteristics of major global hotspots (Hawaiʻi, Iceland, Réunion) preserve geochemical signatures secondary to Hadean metal-silicate equilibration that have not been overprinted by late accretion. Further, some OIB preserve Ru/Ir ratios that are higher than expected, either for chondritic material delivered by late accretion or for the more highly processed primitive mantle. These elevated Ru/Ir signatures are not always easily explained by partial melting and/or magma differentiation processes and must in part reflect elevated Ru/Ir ratios in the deep mantle sources of OIB. Ruthenium has previously been investigated for its unique behavior among HSE during metal-silicate equilibration and heterogeneous, pre-late accretion Ru isotopic signatures have been recognized in some Archean-aged mantle-derived rocks. This implies that OIB may be an untapped source of information about the state of Earth’s interior during and after core formation. |
10:00am - 11:15am | 3.12-3 Past climates and environments inform our future Location: Wiwi 104a Session Chair: Cécile Blanchet, GFZ Potsdam Session Chair: Stefanie Kaboth-Bahr, Free University Berlin |
10:00am - 10:15am
Topics: 3.12 Past climates and environments inform our future Effects of CO2 and Ocean Mixing on Miocene and Pliocene Temperature Gradients: Strongly reduced seasonality Alfred Wegener Institute, Germany Cenozoic climate changes have been linked to tectonic activity and variations in atmospheric CO2 concentrations. Here, we present Miocene and Pliocene sensitivity experiments performed with the climate model COSMOS. The experiments contain changes with respect to paleogeography, ocean gateway configuration, and atmospheric CO2 concentrations, as well as a range of vertical mixing coefficients in the ocean. For the mid-Miocene, we show that the impact of ocean mixing on surface temperature is comparable to the effect of the possible range in reconstructed CO2 concentrations. In combination with stronger vertical mixing, relatively moderate CO2 concentrations of 450 ppmv enable global-mean surface, deep-water, and meridional temperature characteristics representative of mid-Miocene Climatic Optimum (MMCO) reconstructions. The Miocene climate shows a reduced meridional temperature gradient and reduced seasonality. In the case of enhanced mixing, surface and deep ocean temperatures show significant warming of up to 5–10°C and an Arctic temperature anomaly of >12°C. In the Pliocene simulations, the impact of vertical mixing and CO2 is less important for the deep ocean, which we interpret as a different sensitivity dependence on the background state and mixed layer dynamics. We find a significant reduction in surface albedo and effective emissivity for either a high level of atmospheric CO2 or increased vertical mixing. Our mixing sensitivity experiments provide a warm deep ocean via ocean heat uptake. We propose that the mixing hypothesis can be tested by reconstructions of the thermocline and seasonal paleoclimate data indicating a lower seasonality relative to today. 10:15am - 10:30am
Topics: 3.12 Past climates and environments inform our future Aquatic biomonitors and biomarkers reveal temperature and environmental changes during the Thirty Years' War: A case study from Bad Waldsee, Germany 1Institute of Geosystems and Bioindication, Technische Universität Braunschweig, Braunschweig, Germany; 2lnstitute of Earth Sciences, Ruprecht-Karls-University Heidelberg, Heidelberg, Germany; 3Institute of Applied Geosciences, Technische Universität Darmstadt, Darmstadt, Germany The Thirty Years' War (1618-1648) had significant consequences for both human populations and natural ecosystems in Europe. To gain a better understanding of its impact on the local aquatic environment, we analyzed a sediment core from Stadtsee, a lake located in the city of Bad Waldsee, Upper Swabia, using a variety of aquatic biotic and abiotic proxies, including bioindicators, biomarkers, and sedimentological data. Through this multi-proxy approach, we infer changes in aquatic communities and their environment during this tumultuous period. Our findings indicate that this war had a marked impact on the lake ecosystem, as evidenced by changes in diatom assemblages, with declining diatom concentrations and progressively decreasing contributions of hypereutrophic species. These changes suggest a lowering in nutrient supply, possibly due to a reduced load of human and animal waste. This is supported by decreasing productivity (low Si/Ti) and declining δ13Corg values. It appears that the war led to a lake recovery and an improvement in water quality, as suggested by the presence of three bryozoans Plumatella species and the absence of Cristatella mucedo, indicating reduced nutrient levels and a well-oxygenated environment, in agreement with high Mn/Fe ratios. Additionally, the presence of chironomids, such as Corynoneura arctica-type and C. intersectus-type, point to a concomitant decline in temperature. This is consistent with preliminary results obtained by the lipid paleothermometer HDI26. Our study thus highlights the valuable insights provided by bioindicators, biomarkers and sediment geochemistry in a concerted approach about water quality and the health of the Stadtsee ecosystem during the Thirty Years' War. 10:45am - 11:00am
Topics: 3.12 Past climates and environments inform our future Changes in precipitation during the last 420 kyr in northern Central America as recorded by Lake Petén Itzá, Guatemala 1Institut für Geosysteme und Bioindikation, Technische Universität Braunschweig, Germany; 2Institute of Earth Sciences, Organic Environmental Geochemistry Group, Heidelberg University, Germany; 3Centro de Geociencias Juriquilla, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Mexico; 4GEOMAR Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel, Germany; 5Department of Geological Sciences and Bolin Centre for Climate Research, Stockholm University, Sweden Lake Petén Itzá, Guatemala, is one of the oldest lakes in northern Central America. Its sedimentary record contains the signal in precipitation variability of the last four interglacial-glacial cycles (420-14 cal ka BP). Changes in rainfall during the last 80 kyr have been widely described in the lake’s record and associated with shifts in the Intertropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ) and the Atlantic Meridional Oceanic Circulation (AMOC). However, there is limited knowledge regarding the hydrological responses of Petén Itzá prior to this time interval due to a poorly constrained chronology. Here, we provide a significantly improved chronology allowing a more detailed analysis of changes in runoff, evaporation, and vegetation throughout the last 420 kyr. Magnetic susceptibility, bulk density, elemental geochemistry and pollen data indicate that glacial periods were characterized by dry conditions, generally associated with low runoff, high evaporation and temperate environments. On the contrary, interglacial periods suggest wetter conditions with high runoff, low evaporation and dominance of tropical vegetation. Our results are consistent with other paleo-precipitation records in the region, such as the marine records ODP 1239 from the eastern equatorial Pacific and the ODP 1002 from Cariaco Basin, suggesting that the runoff variability at Petén Itzá may be associated with the long-term latitudinal migration of the ITCZ. Frequency analyses of our data show the presence of 100, 40 and 21 kyr periodicities and thus an orbital control. Our study serves as a first reference point in the transregional study of the late Quaternary climate in northern Central America. |
10:00am - 11:15am | 3.23-1 Mountain Building in the Alpine-Mediterranean domain – from mantle imaging to crustal and surface processes back in time - AlpArray and AdriaArray Location: Wiwi 105 Session Chair: Sabrina Metzger, GFZ Potsdam Session Chair: Mark R. Handy, Freie Universität |
10:00am - 10:30am
Invited Session Keynote Topics: 3.23 Mountain Building in the Alpine-Mediterranean domain – from mantle imaging to crustal and surface processes back in time - AlpArray and AdriaArray How AlpArray is guiding us to a new model of Alpine orogenesis and status report of the AdriaArray initiative Freie Universität, Germany AlpArray is changing notions of lithospheric subduction along the Alps and its effects on orogeninc lithosphere. Teleseismic Vp tomography reveals a slab of European lithosphere that is largely detached at and below 150 km in the Western Alps. Only in part of the Central Alps is the slab still attached, possibly reaching down to the mantle transition zone, where it appears connected to subducted remains of Alpine Tethys. SKS directions beneath the Alps suggest that asthenosphere not only flowed passively around the sinking slab, but may have induced the anomalous northward dip of the detached slab segment beneath the Eastern Alps. The structure of the orogenic lithosphere differs profoundly along strike of the Alps, as revealed by local earthquake tomography, ambient-noise studies, as well as S-to-P receiver-functions and gravity studies: In the Central Alps where the slab is still attached, the exhumed retro-wedge of the orogen overrides a wedge of Adriatic lower crust. In the Eastern Alps where the slab has detached, exhumation is focused in the orogenic core (Tauern Window) north of and above bulged lower crust of presumed Adriatic origin. This indicates decoupling at the base of qtz-rich, presumably hydrous intermediate crust to accommodate coeval Miocene N-S shortening, orogen-parallel thinning and eastward extrusion of orogenic lithosphere. We propose a new model for Alpine orogenesis that invokes changing wedge stability and migrating subduction singularities above the delaminating and detaching Alpine slab in the east to explain east-west differences in Oligo-Miocene structure, magmatism, erosion and sedimentation in peripheral Alpine basins. 10:30am - 10:45am
Topics: 3.23 Mountain Building in the Alpine-Mediterranean domain – from mantle imaging to crustal and surface processes back in time - AlpArray and AdriaArray Role of lithospheric-scale geological inheritance in the continental lithosphere dynamics 1GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences, Potsdam Germany; 2Faculty of Georesources and Materials Engineering, RWTH Aachen University, Aachen, Germany Orogens in the Alpine-Himalayan collision zone (AHCZ) exhibit characteristic diffused seismicity compared to the stable continental interiors. Interestingly, they also have a thicker-than-average silica-rich upper crust and total crustal thickness, while their lithosphere thickness is similar to that of stable continental interiors (e.g., Tibet, Zagros). These observations provide a metric for the lithospheric-scale geological inheritance, the role of which we aim to understand in continental lithosphere dynamics over seismic and geologic timescales. To achieve this understanding, we use data-driven modelling to compute the present-day thermomechanical state of the AHCZ lithosphere. Our results indicate the existence of a critical crustal thickness, which is thermodynamically controlled by the internal energy and chemical composition of the crust and is similar to the global average of continental crust thickness. Orogenic lithospheres with thicknesses above this critical value possess higher potential energy and are weakened by the internal energy from heat-producing elements, whereas continental interior lithospheres with thicknesses close to the critical crustal thickness are stronger. Weaker orogenic lithospheres respond via dissipating this energy in a diffused deformation mode, leading to zones of deformation in contrast to focused deformation at the plate-boundaries. The observed crustal differentiation in the AHCZ could be understood as perturbations to the critical crustal thickness caused by plate-boundary forces. The dynamic evolution of these perturbations indicates that the critical crustal thickness is a stable fixed-point attractor in the evolutionary phase-space. 10:45am - 11:00am
Topics: 3.23 Mountain Building in the Alpine-Mediterranean domain – from mantle imaging to crustal and surface processes back in time - AlpArray and AdriaArray Shallow Asthenospheric Volumes Beneath Cenozoic Volcanic Provinces in the Circum-Mediterranean: Evidence from Seismic Tomography, Magmatic Geochemistry and Integrated Geophysical-Petrological Thermochemical Modelling 1Kiel Univeristy, Germany; 2GEOMAR Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel, Kiel, Germany; 3Departamento de Física de la Tierra y Astrofísica, Universidad Complutense de Madrid (UCM) Spain; 4Department of Earth Sciences, University of Cambridge, Cambridge, United Kingdom To relate Intraplate volcanism to upper mantle structure, we investigate small-scale structural-variations of the lithosphere-asthenosphere beneath the Circum-Mediterranean using regional high-resolution 3-D surface-wave tomography. The imaged low shear-wave velocities (Vs<4.2 km/s) between depths of ~70-300 km indicate the presence of nine shallow asthenospheric volumes (SAVs) across the Circum-Mediterranean upper mantle forming a partly interconnected belt and separated only by high velocity slabs and thickened lithosphere. Integrated geophysical-petrological modelling for 14 representative locations, yields estimates of the lithospheric thickness and the upper mantle geotherm and confirms the presence of thin lithosphere (<80 km) above areas of anomalously warm SAVs (>1300°C). We distinguish between Intraplate, Mixed-origin and Subduction-related volcanism in the Circum-Mediterranean during the last 70 Ma and find a remarkable colocation between the SAVs and Cenozoic Intraplate and Mixed-origin volcanic provinces (IMVPs). Moreover, the lateral distance from any shallow asthenosphere to the closest neighboring volcanic province is, on average, as low as 100 km, with a maximum distance of 350 km, indicating a dense network of IMVPs above SAVs. By contrast, IMVPs are completely absent in areas of thick mantle lithosphere. We relate origin of the SAVs either to asthenospheric upwelling caused by slab-rollback and back-arc extension (Aegean-Anatolian, Pannonian, Moesian, Western Mediterranean SAVs) or to thermal erosion of the lithosphere partly coupled with continental rifting (Adriatic, Central European, North African, Middle East SAVs), respectively. The oldest ages of the IMVPs in the Circum-Mediterranean indicate that the development of the current SAVs started at about ~60-70 Ma ago and accelerated in Neogene. 11:00am - 11:15am
Topics: 3.23 Mountain Building in the Alpine-Mediterranean domain – from mantle imaging to crustal and surface processes back in time - AlpArray and AdriaArray Mapping the mantle transition zone discontinuities across South-Central Europe using body waves from seismic noise 1University of Vienna, Austria; 2ETH-Zürich, Switzerland; 3Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA. Imaging the deep Earth structures is conventionally carried out using earthquake recordings. However, the resolving capability of such techniques (e.g., SS precursors and receiver function analysis) is often limited by the uneven spatial distribution of earthquake events and the high complexity of earthquake rupture processes. Recent advances in passive noise interferometry demonstrated the possibilities of recovering body waves from noise correlations, opening up new prospects for imaging the deep earth. In this study, we map the mantle transition zone (MTZ) discontinuities beneath South- Central Europe using P-wave reflection phases recovered from noise correlations. We analyze up to four years of seismic noise recordings from 900 broadband stations in the study area. By stacking noise correlations in selected summer months, we significantly improved the retrieval of typically low-amplitude body-wave reflection phases in the light of a quiet surface-wave environment and sufficient noise body-wave illumination from deep paths. We obtain reliable P-wave reflections associated with the 410-km and 660-km discontinuities in the period band of 4-10 s. These short-period reflections reveal clear lateral depth variations of the two discontinuities, indicating a complex MTZ arrangement in the greater Alpine region that is related to both present and past tectonic regimes. Our imaging method shows its potential for general applications in studying deep-earth discontinuities. |
10:00am - 11:15am | CANCELED: 1.31 Bergbau in Deutschland Location: Wiwi 108 |
11:15am - 11:30am | Break Location: Foyer (Henry Ford Building) |
11:30am - 1:00pm | Plenary Discussion: Mehr Erdsystemwissen in die Schule Location: Audimax Session Chair: Martin Meschede, Universität Greifswald Session Chair: Kirsten Elger, GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences Session Chair: Tamara Fahry-Seelig, DVGeo Der Globale Klimawandel und die Ausrottung vieler Tierarten zeigen uns heute ganz deutlich wie der Mensch das System Erde beeinflusst. Die Gesellschaft wünscht sich einen Übergang zu umweltfreundlichen und klimaneutralen Technologien und die Jugend setzt sich engagiert dafür ein. Doch gleichzeitig werden geowissenschaftliche Themen im Lehrplan marginalisiert und vielerorts wird Erdkunde mit anderen Schulfächern, wie z.B. Geschichte, zusammengelegt. |
1:00pm - 1:30pm | Lunch Break | Exhibition Location: Foyer (Henry Ford Building) |
1:30pm - 3:00pm | 3.05-2 „Geomorphology and Sedimentology Beyond Boundaries“ - towards integrating geomorphology and sedimentary system science Location: Hall A (HFB) |
1:30pm - 1:45pm
Topics: 3.05 „Geomorphology and Sedimentology Beyond Boundaries“ - towards integrating geomorphology and sedimentary system science Responses of alluvial river networks to environmental change: Integrating geomorphic and stratigraphic archives 1Helmholtz Centre Potsdam, GFZ German Centre for Geoscience Research, Germany; 2Institute for Geosciences, University of Potsdam, Germany; 3Saint Anthony Falls Laboratory, University of Minnesota, USA; 4Department of Earth & Environmental Sciences, University of Minnesota, USA Alluvial river networks are key components of sedimentary systems. They transport sediment, supplied from eroding source regions, to downstream depositional sinks. Their slopes and the rates at which they transport sediment are controlled by their water and sediment supplies, which are sensitive to environmental conditions: temperature and precipitation rates influence erosion rates, and hence sediment supply; precipitation rates are also a first order control on water supply. Changes in sediment and water supply therefore drive changes in channel slope, which may be preserved in fluvial terrace sequences, and sediment-transport rates, which may be preserved in downstream stratigraphic records. Consequently, if we can understand this behaviour, we may be able to use geomorphic and stratigraphic archives to reconstruct past environmental change and its influence on landscapes. Here, we apply a physically based model describing the coupled evolution of sediment transport and slope along alluvial rivers. We show that aggradation, incision, and variation in sediment-transport rates can be damped and lag significantly behind environmental change, depending on the forcing timescale, and on network geometry and hydrology. When water supply is varied, variation in sediment output can in some cases be amplified and appear to lead the imposed forcing. These effects should be taken into account when interpreting fluvial terrace and sedimentary records. Contrasting patterns of aggradation and incision compared with sediment-transport rates implies that integrating information from geomorphic and stratigraphic archives will provide deeper paleo-climatic insights and a powerful test of our understanding of sedimentary systems. 1:45pm - 2:00pm
Topics: 3.05 „Geomorphology and Sedimentology Beyond Boundaries“ - towards integrating geomorphology and sedimentary system science Headward drainage basin expansion drives Miocene incision along the Yangtze River, China 1Freie Universität Berlin, Berlin, Germany; 2University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, NC, USA; 3Universität Potsdam, Potsdam, Germany Along the southeastern margin of the Tibetan Plateau, the onset of rapid fluvial incision during the Miocene is commonly attributed to growth of high topography. Recent recognition of lacustrine strata preserved atop interfluves, however, suggest that headward expansion of river networks drove migration of the topographic divide. Here, we explore the impact of this process on fluvial incision and sediment transport along the Yangtze River. Landscape evolution simulations using TopoToolbox (TTLEM and TVD-FVM) demonstrate that expansion of the Yangtze watershed into previously internally-drained basins since the Late Miocene could be responsible for 1-2 km of fluvial incision. The distribution of modern knickpoints and river profiles are consistent with this hypothesis. We suggest that increased erosive power associated with capture and basin integration drove accelerated incision and sediment transport during the Late Miocene. Progressive captures and integration of sub-basins could have driven punctuated episodes of rapid incision as drainage divides were progressively breached. Our results support the notion that the low-relief landscape atop the eastern Tibetan Plateau was elevated prior to Miocene time, and that basin integration and headward incision into this high-standing plateau drive rapid incision downstream of this former topographic divide. 2:00pm - 2:15pm
Topics: 3.05 „Geomorphology and Sedimentology Beyond Boundaries“ - towards integrating geomorphology and sedimentary system science Modelling the detrital signals of cosmogenic nuclides concentrations coupled with landscape evolution Geosciences Environnement Toulouse, GET, CNRS, IRD, CNES, Universite de Toulouse, 14 avenue E. Belin, F-31400, Toulouse, France The measurement of cosmogenic nuclide (CN) concentrations in riverine sediment has provided breakthroughs in our understanding of landscape evolution. Yet, the link between this detrital CN signal and landscape evolution is based on hypotheses that are not easy to verify in the field. New applications could arise from a better understanding of the statistics of CN concentrations in sediment grains. In this work, we present the coupling between the landscape evolution model Cidre and a model of the CN concentration in distinct grains. These grains are exhumed and detached from the bedrock and then transported in the sediment to the catchment outlet with temporary burials and travels according to the erosion-deposition rates calculated spatially in Cidre. The concentration in the various CN can be monitored in these grains. Because the CN concentrations are calculated in a limited number of grains, they provide an approximation of the whole CN flux. Thus, this approach is limited by the number of grains that can be handled in a reasonable computing time. On the other hand, part of the variability in the erosion-deposition processes can be recorded in the grain-by-grain distribution of the CN concentrations by monitoring the CN concentrations in distinct grains using a Lagrangian approach. We illustrate the robustness, the perspective and the limits of this approach by deriving the catchment-mean erosion from the 10Be mean concentration of the grains leaving a synthetic catchment uplifting at different rates and by comparing this derived erosion rate to the actual one calculated by Cidre. 2:15pm - 2:30pm
Topics: 3.05 „Geomorphology and Sedimentology Beyond Boundaries“ - towards integrating geomorphology and sedimentary system science Late Quaternary deformation, strain partitioning, and growth of the fold and thrust belt of The Western Himalaya 1IIT Gandhinagar, Gandhinagar, Gujarat, India; 2Christian Albrecht Universität zu Kiel, Germany; 3Universität Potsdam, Germany; 4Arizona State University, Tempe, U.S.A.; 5Physical Research Laboratory, Ahmedabad, India Constraining millennial-scale fault slip rates and understanding the related structural architecture in active orogenic wedges might provide important assessment of future seismic risk evaluations. An increasing number of Holocene and Late Pleistocene deformation rates have been reported throughout the Western Himalayan frontal fold-and-thrust belt (FTB), which have illustrated that the deformation is divided along several arc-parallel fault splays rooted to the Main Himalayan Thrust décollement. Studies also report complex pattern of out of sequence faulting, as well as spatiotemporal variations in fault growth and lateral heterogeneity of the FTB. However, what drives this lateral heterogeneity is debated until now. Late Pleistocene – Holocene deformed fluvial strath terraces across active faults in western Himalayan provide a measure of time-averaged fault slip rates along the Himalayan Frontal Thrust (HFT) and the Medlicott Wadia Thrust (MWT). While the Quaternary slip rates along the HFT varies from 3 – 12 mm/y, the slip rates from the ~700 km- long MWT is steadily high (7 – 9 mm/y).In contrast, previously published balanced cross-sections proposed slip rates of ~1 – 2 mm/y along the MWT. So from million-year to millennial timescale, there exists a significant temporal variation in fault activity. Single fault system like the MWT accommodate up to 50 - 60% of the total measured geodetic rates on Holocene/Late Quaternary timescales. These results document significant strain partitioning within the Sub-Himalaya and steady - high slip on the MWT which, beside the HFT could host the next big seismic event and damage the human-infested north India. 2:30pm - 2:45pm
Topics: 3.05 „Geomorphology and Sedimentology Beyond Boundaries“ - towards integrating geomorphology and sedimentary system science Middle to Late Pleistocene alluvial surface ages recorded by their spectral reflectance in Patagonia. 1German Research Centre for Geosciences (GFZ) Helmholtz Centre, Potsdam, Germany; 2Institute for Geosciences, Potsdam University, Potsdam, Germany; 3Department of Earth, Ocean and Atmospheric Sciences, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada The age of alluvial surfaces can play a key role in deciphering surface processes and landscape evolution. However, the most common dating methods (e.g. with cosmogenic nuclides like 10Be) are expensive and time-consuming. We propose an approach that utilizes a limited number of 10Be samples in combination with hyperspectral data to estimate surface ages. Specifically, we make use of known alterations of the spectral reflectance of geochemical surfaces caused by weathering processes, e.g., clay mineral and iron oxide formation. Changes consist of an overall increase in reflection, but mainly the development of characteristic absorption features. Our aim is to detect these weathering features via hyperspectral satellite imagery to build a ground-truthed spectral-age model for estimating alluvial surface ages over large regions. To test this approach along the Río Santa Cruz in southern Patagonia, we dated 7 out of 13 fluvial terrace levels that yielded exposure ages up to 1.5 My, and we conducted in situ spectral measurements using a field spectrometer. By comparing these observations to satellite data (Landsat 8 and EnMAP), we can estimate ages and make better correlations of undated surfaces along the 250-km length of the river. Surprisingly, the age range of the model indicates slower than expected weathering rates and a major methodological advance in the detection of weathering processes via hyperspectral satellite. 2:45pm - 3:00pm
Topics: 3.05 „Geomorphology and Sedimentology Beyond Boundaries“ - towards integrating geomorphology and sedimentary system science The temperature control on the intensity of silicate weathering 1GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences, Earth Surface Geochemistry, Telegrafenberg, 14473 Potsdam, Germany; 2State Key Laboratory of Marine Geology, Tongji University, 200092 Shanghai, China; 3Institute of Geochemistry and Petrology, Department of Earth Sciences, ETH Zürich, Clausiusstrasse 25, 8092 Zürich, Switzerland Chemical weathering of silicate minerals plays a vital role in maintaining the long-term habitability of Earth’s climate over geological timescales via a negative feedback mechanism. But much debate concerns the response strength of silicate weathering to each climatic factor and its evolution with land surface reorganisation. Such discrepancy arises from lacking weathering proxy validation and scarce quantitative paleo-constraints on individual forcing factors. Here we examine the catchment-scale link of silicate weathering intensity with various environmental parameters using a global compilation of modern sediment dataset for calculation of weathering intensity proxies, including chemical index of alteration (CIA) and weathering index of Parker (WIP). We show the primary control of temperature on silicate weathering given the monotonic increase of feldspar dissolution (constrained by CIA) with it at 0-30 oC, while controls of precipitation or topographic-lithological factors are regional and subordinate1. We interpret the non-linear forcing of temperature on feldspar dissolution as depletion of more reactive plagioclase (relative to orthoclase) at higher temperature. Accordingly, the surface temperature decrease could be accompanied with a higher proportion of more reactive plagioclase available for weathering, supporting the hypothesis that land surface reactivity has increased during the late Cenozoic cooling2. We also propose a first-order quantitative relationship between surface temperature, feldspar dissolution and CO2 consumption that will be of great potential for deep-time temperature reconstruction and carbon cycle modeling. References 1. Deng, K., Yang, S. & Guo, Y. (2022) Nat Commun 13, 1781. 2. Caves Rugenstein, J.K., Ibarra, D.E. & von Blanckenburg, F. (2019) Nature 571, 99–102. |
1:30pm - 3:00pm | 3.02-2 Mineralogical, Geochemical and Biogenic Transformations in the Critical Zone: what, where, when and how? Location: Hall B (HFB) Session Chair: Friedhelm von Blanckenburg, GFZ Potsdam Session Chair: Georg H Grathoff, University of Greifswald |
1:30pm - 2:00pm
Invited Session Keynote Topics: 3.02 Mineralogical, Geochemical and Biogenic Transformations in the Critical Zone: what, where, when and how? Ecohydrological partitioning through the critical zone drives groundwater recharge: an isotopic approach 1HU Berlin, Germany; 2IGB Leibniz-Institute of Freshwater Ecology and Inland Fisheries Berlin, Germany; 3School of Geosciences, -- University of Aberdeen, Scotland, UK In times of accelerated global change, integrated tools are urgently needed that allow process-based, quantitative assessment of how climatic drivers interact with land cover, soil water conditions and hydrogeology to control the inter-relationships between water fluxes and storage in the Critical Zone (CZ). These dynamic relationships determine the availability and quality of water resources during droughts at multiple spatial and temporal scales. This talk will present approaches to investigate the relationships between water fluxes through and storage in the CZ, together with the associated water ages and residence times. The focus will be on groundwater recharge, as groundwater levels have been dramatically affected by the recent extreme droughts in large parts of Central Europe. Multiple ecohydrological processes and transformations within the CZ are influencing groundwater recharge by partitioning incoming precipitation into green (i.e. evaporation and transpiration) and blue (i.e. groundwater recharge and streamflow generation) water fluxes. Water stable isotopes help to constrain ecohydrological process understanding in the CZ. Incorporating isotopes into tracer-aided ecohydrological models allows water flux, storage and age dynamics to be quantified in both plot und catchment scale modelling. Using such novel analysis of the spatio-temporal interactions of water flux-storage-ages in the CZ improves understanding of the sensitivity and resilience of catchment functionality to hydroclimatic perturbations, and provides science-based evidence on which land management techniques have the potential to modify green water fluxes and to conserve soil water storage, to guide decision-making and build resilience to future droughts. 2:00pm - 2:15pm
Topics: 3.02 Mineralogical, Geochemical and Biogenic Transformations in the Critical Zone: what, where, when and how? Imbalances in dissolved elemental export fluxes disclose “hidden” Critical Zone pathways 1GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences, Section Earth Surface Geochemistry, Telegrafenberg, 14473 Potsdam, Germany; 2Freie Universität Berlin, Institute of Geological Sciences, Malteserstr. 74-100, 12249 Berlin, Germany; 3Chair of Hydrology, Albert Ludwigs University of Freiburg, Friedrichstraße 39, 79098 Freiburg, Germany Streams are integrators over all biogeochemical reactions taking place in the Critical Zone. The resulting export of dissolved elements from a watershed is commonly used to infer chemical weathering fluxes. Yet, this approach rests on the assumption that the mass of a given element released from primary minerals that was not incorporated into secondary solids is quantitatively transferred into the stream in the dissolved form. The comparison of element-specific solute stream fluxes with chemical weathering fluxes determined in the residual solids shows that this is often not the case. An imbalance persists even after correcting for a bias potentially introduced by changes in water flow over these entirely different timescales. To explore causes for imbalances between short-term and long-term weathering fluxes, described by their ratio in form of a “Dissolved Export Efficiency” (DEE), we sampled six Critical Zone water compartments for one year in the Conventwald (Black Forest, Germany). We found deficits in the dissolved load, which emerged in the deep saprolite. For Si, Al, and Fe the deficit can be attributed to an export pathway that includes a “hidden” Critical Zone compartment or pool of unsampled colloids that are exported preferentially during flushing events. In contrast, deficits found for nutritive elements (Ca, K, Mg, P) can be explained by deep nutrient uptake followed by nutrient retainment in re-growing forest biomass or export in form of biogenic particulates. Given the collective evidence for these imbalances the deep Critical Zone warrants attention towards a complete budget of element cycles. 2:15pm - 2:30pm
Topics: 3.02 Mineralogical, Geochemical and Biogenic Transformations in the Critical Zone: what, where, when and how? Non-linear sensitivity of mineral weathering to erosion implies a maximum of CO2 drawdown at moderate erosion rates 1Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich, Germany; 2Department of Geosciences, Colorado State University, Fort Collins, USA; 3GFZ German Research Center for Geosciences, Potsdam, Germany Silicate weathering sequesters CO2 from the atmosphere and stabilizes Earth’s climate over geologic timescales. In turn, weathering of accessory carbonate and sulfide minerals is a geologically relevant CO2 source. Rock-uplift and -erosion is the primary mechanism by which fresh minerals are exposed to weathering at Earth’s surface. Therefore, the global inorganic carbon cycle is sensitive to mountain uplift and erosion. However, quantifying this sensitivity is complex, because existing data do not consider weathering of all relevant mineral phases, and because co-variation of multiple environmental factors obscures the role of erosion. Here, we analyze the sensitivity of silicate, carbonate, and sulfide weathering fluxes to erosion in solute chemistry from four small mountain streams that span well-defined erosion-rate gradients in relatively uniform metasedimentary lithologies. Across all datasets and 2-3 orders of magnitude of erosion rate, we find that silicate weathering fluxes are almost insensitive to erosion at rates >10-2 mm yr-1. In contrast, weathering fluxes from sulfide and carbonate minerals increase sub-linearly with erosion. By fitting a weathering model to these data, we show that the contrasting sensitivities of silicate, carbonate, and sulfide weathering produce a distinct CO2-drawdown maximum at moderate erosion rates of ~0.1 mm/y. Below this maximum, mineral supply limits silicate weathering. Above the maximum, silicate weathering fluxes plateau and CO2 emissions from coupled sulfide oxidation and carbonate weathering increasingly dominate the carbon budget. Overall, uplift of metasedimentary lithologies to moderate relief can substantially bolster Earth’s CO2 sink whereas further uplift may decrease, or even reverse, CO2 sequestration rates. 2:30pm - 2:45pm
Topics: 3.02 Mineralogical, Geochemical and Biogenic Transformations in the Critical Zone: what, where, when and how? A Numerical Laterisation Formation Model for Ferricretes 1Helmholtz-Zentrum GFZ Potsdam; 2Université Rennes 1 Géosciences Rennes Ferricretes are hard iron layers forming in semi-arid to subtropical environments. We can observe them in i.e. Africa, Australia or Brazil. They are an important part of regional geomorphology, capping hills and protecting landscapes. Climatic dependance is very high. Ferricrete formation occurs under strongly seasonally contrasting climates with precipitation and dry cycles. During wet seasons, transport and accumulation of elements happens while during dry seasons, precipitation and hardening dominate. It is also known that ferricretes form in tectonically “quiet” environments, and approximately need 1 Myr to form meter thick layers. There are two ferricrete formation hypotheses, the hydrological hypothesis and the laterite hypothesis. Recently, we developed a numerical model for ferricrete formation based on the laterisation hypothesis. 33% of land surfaces are covered by laterites today. The thickest lateritic profiles evolved for millions of years and are found in the centre of tectonically inactive areas. Weathering is the main process responsible for laterisation, transforming bedrock into regolith. A typical lateritic profile is divided into multiple stages from the weathering front to the surface, starting with a coarse grained and then fine grained saprolite, a mottled zone and at the top, a ferricrete. In our model, we assume that as the regolith ages, it undergoes a process of transformation that leads to hardening and compaction. Material is constantly eroded away from the regolith, thus making the model dependant on a constant material input for example through uplift. This is necessary to reach sufficient laterisation levels for ferricrete formation. 2:45pm - 3:00pm
Topics: 3.02 Mineralogical, Geochemical and Biogenic Transformations in the Critical Zone: what, where, when and how? Storms cause peatland flooding and paint it black: Sulfur biogeochemistry of a rewetting temperate coastal area 1Leibniz IOW, Germany; 2AUF, University of Rostock Land-ocean interactions in the coastal zone are of particular interest regarding the exchange of substances, like nutrients, carbon, sulfur, metals, and water. The rising sea level is and will enhance the pressure of salty solutions on previously fresh water ecosystems. Currently coastal areas in the North Eastern part of Germany under increasingly rewetted by the connection with the brackish Baltic Sea. We present results on the isotope biogeochemistry of a modern rewetted wetland, at the southern Baltic Sea, the Huetelmoor, that is under impact by event-type flooding by brackish seawater. These events lead to an enhancement of sulfate availability for microbial carbon transformations. Sediment cores on transects within the wetland were investigated for the pore water and soil composition, together with selected ground water wells and surface waters from the channeling system. Different fractions of the soils were analyzed for the elemental composition, mineral micro-textures, and the stable sulfur (and oxygen) isotope composition of different sulfur fractions to understand the water and biogeochemical carbon-sulfur-metal cycles and the geochemical signatures in authigenic mineral phases and organic matter. Adding sulfate creates space for mineral authigenesis and organic matter sulfurization. The soils are impacted by different intensities in sulfur cycling as reflected by isotope and textural signals. Further mechanistic investigations consider the role of DOS upon changing sulfur substrate availability. Results allow for a transfer of proxy information to other modern and past coastal organic-rich peatlands. Acknowledgement for support by DFG Research Training Group BALTIC TRANSCOAST, ERASMUS, and DAAD |
1:30pm - 3:00pm | 1.15-2 Mineralogy of complex ore deposits – from exploration to ore processing Location: Hall C (HFB) Session Chair: Max Frenzel, Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf e.V. Session Chair: Jochen Kolb, KIT |
1:30pm - 1:45pm
Topics: 1.15 Mineralogy of complex ore deposits – from exploration to ore processing Constraining the interplay of magmatic and hydrothermal processes during ore formation with numerical models 1GFZ, Germany; 2University of Potsdam Future exploration for mineral resources will target greater depths and submarine settings, which is costly and technically challenging. For this development, numerical modeling can be used to identify the governing processes within entire ore-forming systems. Capturing the dynamics of magmatic-hydrothermal interface processes requires to resolve mass and energy fluxes as a continuum that extends beyond the roots of hydrothermal systems and bridges the gaps between fluid flow and magma dynamics. Magma is mobile during intrusion events and can convect until it reaches a crystal lockup due to cooling and crystallization. During this process, the magma reservoir reaches fluid saturation and exsolves metal-bearing magmatic volatiles to the host rock. We developed a consistent formulation for fluid generation and transport in a coupled model for viscous flow according to the Navier-Stokes-Equations and porous flow with Darcy’s Law, using an up-scaled description of volatile release from reservoir to host rock and realistic magma properties from published experimental and modelling works. We explore the consequences of exsolved volatile phases on magma dynamics and its implications on fluid release and ore formation within the host rock. We distinguish three distinct stages during the evolution of magmatic bodies and their associated porphyry copper deposits with a preparation, a brecciation-stockwork-veining and an ore-formation stage. 1:45pm - 2:00pm
Topics: 1.15 Mineralogy of complex ore deposits – from exploration to ore processing Pedras: Modal mineralogy approximations from assay data using Bayesian inference 1Monash University, Australia; 2Mineral Mapping Pty; 3University of Tasmania Mineralogy evaluation is critical to understand a deposit’s mineralogical variability, and inform decisions associated with ore beneficiation. Elemental-to-mineral conversion techniques (EMC) are a popular method to rapidly estimate a sample’s modal mineralogy from an assay dataset. EMC techniques are based in the principle that the bulk chemistry of a sample is proportional to the product of its modal mineralogy and the mineral’s elemental composition. In this work, we present a Baeysian framework to infer modal mineralogy from compositional data, Pedras. It builds upon the works of Escolme et al. (2019) and Berry et al. (2011), an EMC method that uses linear programming to minimize coefficients representing the energy required to generate a given mineral assemblage. The minimization process implies thermodynamic equilibrium, which is rarely the case for hydrothermal environments. Instead, the thermodynamic coefficients are defined as a logistic probability distribution function, centred at the mineral assemblage’s equilibrium, which relaxes the thermodynamic coefficient’s minimization. The framework is tested on synthetic alteration assemblages within a porphyry copper deposit and applied to a geochemical dataset from the Wainaulo porphyry copper deposit (Fiji). The results show that by relaxing thermodynamic minimization constraint, accurate modal mineralogy can be approximated at different stages of hydrothermal alteration in porphyry copper deposit systems. Major mineralogical domains are obtained from mineral approximations, reflecting different lithotypes, alteration and mineralization patterns. The modal mineralogy outputs also provide invaluable insights of mineral associations that vector towards mineralization, The method’s accuracy is enhanced when prior knowledge is objectively included in the modelling stage. 2:00pm - 2:15pm
Topics: 1.15 Mineralogy of complex ore deposits – from exploration to ore processing Deportment study of critical elements – The Ruwai Pb-Zn-Ag skarn deposit in Central Kalimantan, Indonesia, as a case study 1Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf, Helmholtz Institute Freiberg for Resource Technology, Germany; 2School of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences, Queensland University of Technology, Brisbane, Australia; 3Department of Geology and Geological Engineering, Colorado School of Mines, USA; 4Gadjah Mada University, Yogyakarta, Indonesia The Ruwai Pb-Zn-Ag skarn deposit is located within the Schwaner Mountain Complex in Central Kalimantan, Indonesia. It is the largest polymetallic skarn deposit in Kalimantan with the resources is estimated up to 14.43 Mt. at 4.94 wt.% Zn, 3.28 wt.% Pb, 108.11 g/t Ag which hosted by Jurassic limestones of the Ketapang Complex and Cretaceous granitoids of Sukadana Complex. In order to study the complex mineralogy and deportment of critical-elements (Ag, Bi, Sb, In, Te, Cd) pulp samples from the main stages of the processing plant (Ball mill/feed, Pb concentrate, Zn concentrate, Pb scavenger, Zn scavenger, Fe screw, and tailings) as well as 66 core samples of Pb-Zn-Ag mineralization were obtained. Preliminary results on the pulp samples from X-ray diffraction (XRD), X-ray fluorescence (XRF) and mineral liberation analysis (MLA) agree within analytical uncertainties. The data allows a preliminary assessment of the deportment and distribution of Ag and Bi in the skarn ores and processing products. Particularly, acanthite (Ag2S) and freibergite ((Ag,Cu,Fe)12(Sb,As)4S13) are likely to be important hosts of Ag, while Bi occurs within bismuthinite (Bi2S3) and native bismuth (Bi). For the core samples, µ-XRF measurements of slabs have so far provided a broad overview of elemental distribution within the samples, while XRD results indicate more complex mineralogical compositions than the pulp samples. Further analytical work including electron probe microanalysis (EPMA) and laser ablation ICP-MS are planned for all samples to be also able to evaluate the resource potential of other critical elements of interest such as Sb, In, Te, Cd. 2:15pm - 2:30pm
Topics: 1.15 Mineralogy of complex ore deposits – from exploration to ore processing Ore mineralogy and metal deportment of Fe-Ni-Co laterite deposits from Sebuku Island, SE Kalimantan, Indonesia 1Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf, Helmholtz Institute Freiberg for Resource Technology, Freiberg, Germany; 2School of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences, Queensland University of Technology, Brisbane, QLD, Australia; 3National Research and Innovation Agency, Banten, Indonesia; 4Sebuku Iron Lateritic Ore, Sebuku, Indonesia Indonesian laterite deposits are a major source of Ni and Co. Here, we present new geological data on the Sebuku laterites (SE Kalimantan, Indonesia), with a resource of ~390 Mt at 42.5 wt.% Fe, 0.9 wt.% Ni, and 0.15 wt.% Co. The deposits are mostly limonitic, oxide-dominated Fe-Ni-Co-rich horizons, which formed by weathering of Jurassic-Cretaceous ophiolitic units. Although the Fe ore has been mined since 2006, little mineralogical and geochemical data are available, which would allow optimizing beneficiation and recovery of Ni and Co. Typical laterite profiles at Sebuku consist of: 1) weathered bedrock composed of serpentinized dunites and harzburgites overlain by 2) a 0.2-7 m-thick saprolite zone, 3) a 2-8.5 m-thick yellow limonite zone, and 4) a 1-3.5 m-thick red-limonite zone. Preliminary XRF, XRD, and mineral liberation analysis (MLA) data show a decrease in Mg and Si and an increase in Fe moving upwards through the laterite profile, corresponding to a transition from silicate- to oxide-rich mineralogy. Oxides and (oxy)-hydroxides comprise goethite, maghemite, hematite, magnetite, chromium spinel, gibbsite/bayerite, and various Mn-minerals, whereas silicates consist of serpentine, chlorite, talc, quartz, pyroxene, olivine, and clay minerals. Ni is hosted by various minerals, which include goethite, Mn-oxides, serpentine, and clays, whereas Co is mainly hosted by Mn-oxides. Mineral chemical analyses (EPMA) are planned to further understand critical metal variability and distribution within the host minerals and throughout the deposits. Our ultimate goal is to characterize and quantify the distribution of Ni and Co in order to develop more efficient beneficiation processes. 2:30pm - 2:45pm
Topics: 1.15 Mineralogy of complex ore deposits – from exploration to ore processing Economic challenges of Fe, Co, Ni, Sc processing from complex ore deposits on the example of Sebuku Fe-(Ni)-Laterite (Indonesia) UIT GmbH, Germany Securing a predictable and affordable supply of critical metals for the high-tech industry, coupled with tightening supplies and augmented competition for available resources, leads to increasing exploration of complex and/or unconventional deposits. Complex ores often require extensive metallurgical processing and thus suffer from high capital and/or operational expenditures (CAPEX and OPEX). The Fe, Co, Ni, and Sc extraction from Sebuku Fe-(Ni)-Laterite was studied. The study compares conventional and alternative extraction methods, considering both the metal value of the deposit and the operational expenditures involved. Conventional methods, such as roasting, stirred leaching, and pressure leaching, showed high extraction efficiencies for the target elements but also a significant demand in energy and chemicals. Alternative reducing agents in combination with conventional methods benefit faster leaching times and reduced energy demand at similar extraction efficiencies and might result in a more cost-effective and environmentally friendly process chain. Unconventional approaches, such as ionic liquids and deep eutectic solvents, report lower recovery rates necessitating further basic investigations to optimize the leaching agents and/or to develop efficient process designs with respect to the specific requirements. Independent on the approach used, a basic process design including the implementation of potential recycling processes and waste/wastewater streams is mandatory for a first economic assessment of the individual routes. Based on this evaluation, the study highlights the need for further optimization to make beneficiation approaches feasible and attractive for potential investors especially viewing the current market prices for metals and chemicals. This study is part of the StratOre Project (Client II). |
1:30pm - 3:00pm | 1.13-2 Site selection for a nuclear waste repository – Data acquisition, host rock characterisation and analogue studies Location: Hall D (HFB) Session Chair: Michael Kühn, Deutsches GeoForschungsZentrum (GFZ) Session Chair: Bernhard Schuck, Bundesanstalt für Geowissenschaften und Rohstoffe |
1:30pm - 1:45pm
Topics: 1.13 Site selection for a nuclear waste repository – Data acquisition, host rock characterisation and analogue studies Geochemical, Petrophysical and Rock Mechanical Characterization of Crystalline Rocks in Germany for High-level Radioactive Waste Disposal – First Results of the AMPEDEK Project TU Darmstadt, Germany The safe disposal of radioactive waste is a critical and frequently discussed topic in society. The Bundesgesellschaft für Endlagerung (BGE) was assigned with the selection of a suitable site for the disposal of high-level radioactive waste in Germany and, in the first phase of the selection procedure, has defined various selection criteria and sub-areas, seven of which cover the crystalline basement in Germany. For most of these sub-areas, little or no information is available on the crystalline host rocks and their properties, which would allow a narrowing of the site selection and identification of a suitable repository. Therefore, the AMPEDEK project establishes a reference database for the characterization of crystalline rocks in Germany. For this purpose, the database will contain information on the mineralogical, geochemical, petrophysical, and rock mechanical properties of predominantly igneous and metamorphic rocks of the Variscan basement. In the first phase, existing data from the literature or state geological offices were compiled and the structure of the database was established. In the second phase, ~500 drill cores and rock samples from quarries were analyzed in the laboratory to close existing data gaps. The goal was to sample as many different lithologies as possible to create a database that covers the majority of the relevant areas. The database currently contains ~8600 data points from 8 states and will be used to select smaller areas for Phase 2 of the site selection process and thus for detailed surface geological exploration campaigns. 1:45pm - 2:00pm
Topics: 1.13 Site selection for a nuclear waste repository – Data acquisition, host rock characterisation and analogue studies The anisotropy of granites - First results of a systematic study of German felsic plutonites 1Technische Universität Bergakademie Freiberg, Institut für Geologie, Bernhard-von-Cotta Str. 2, 09599 Freiberg, Germany; 2Thüringer Landesamt für Umwelt, Bergbau und Naturschutz, Außenstelle Weimar, Dienstgebäude 2, Carl-August-Allee 8 – 10, 99423 Weimar, Germany Granites represent suitable crystalline host rocks for nuclear waste repositories because of their mechanical strength and apparent isotropy. However, all granites have a primary structural and petrophysical anisotropy that developed during the emplacement and crystallization of the melt. The primary anisotropy likely controls the orientation of post-magmatic structural features such as extensional fractures. This secondary anisotropy controls potential fluid pathways. Thus, a causal relationship between primary and secondary anisotropies could be an important constraint in terms of the site selection process. We present the first results of a systematic study of German felsic plutonites. We focus on samples of syn-variscan peraluminous granite plutons from two localities, namely the Fichtelgebirge and the Erzgebirge. These areas represent different tectonic settings during intrusion, i.e., compression and transtension, respectively. To estimate their primary anisotropy, we analyzed the crystallographic preferred orientation (CPO) of the rock-forming minerals. CPOs were measured using the neutron time-of-flight (ToF) texture diffractometer “SKAT” and electron backscatter diffraction (EBSD). Based on this data intrinsic bulk rock elastic properties are modeled. All granites show weak but distinct preferred orientations of the rock-forming minerals, which are coherent on a local scale. The quartz textures, for example, show similar CPOs, with point maxima of the positive rhombs combined with small-circle to crossed-girdle c-axis distributions. However, the orientation with respect to the geographic reference system strongly varies on a regional scale. We will discuss the CPOs regarding their tectonic setting and correlate the primary anisotropy with the post-magmatic fracture patterns of the particular granites. 2:00pm - 2:15pm
Topics: 1.13 Site selection for a nuclear waste repository – Data acquisition, host rock characterisation and analogue studies 3D-architecture of a high-grade metamorphic gneiss terrain – How suitable are these rocks for of a deep geological repository site in Germany? BGE Bundesgesellschaft für Endlagerung mbH Most high-grade metamorphic gneiss units in Germany exhibit a strong late-Variscan thermal imprint recorded by the presence of migmatites and granitic intrusions. A nuclear waste repository in this setting is challenging because the amalgamation of various gneisses and magmatic rocks must be predicted and assessed to a search depth of 1500 m. Understanding the 3D-architecture of such basement units relies on better exposed regions than found in Germany. In this contribution, we use selected field areas to show the difficulty to predict the variability of high-grade metamorphic rock types at depth. The Argentera Massif in the western Alps represents an ideal field analogue as it displays a variety of para- and orthogneisses and their equivalent migmatites along continuous surface outcrops. Detailed field observations from this area help to constrain the structural and lithological anisotropy of a typical Moldanubian crustal segment. Except for the occurrence of large amphibolite lenses, gneisses and migmatites exhibit textural gradients at various scales rather than distinct lithological boundaries. Sharp boundaries on the other hand result from cross-cutting shear-zones that developed under retrograde greenshist facies conditions and discordant intrusions. Whereas the overall 3D-geometry and anisotropy of the gneiss terrane may be described with the help of 3D models it is generally not possible to predict the spatial distribution of lithotypes and dominant textures for a given rock volume. This contribution indicates why foliated gneisses and migmatites are less suitable as host rocks for a high-level radioactive waste repository compared with late granitoid intrusions that are more homogeneous. 2:15pm - 2:30pm
Topics: 1.13 Site selection for a nuclear waste repository – Data acquisition, host rock characterisation and analogue studies Trace element mobility in hydrothermal calcite during low temperature alteration - implications for radionuclide retention Technische Universität Berlin, Germany The recent exploration for nuclear waste repositories includes the evaluation of safety mechanisms in case of a leakage of radiotoxic material. Possible retention mechanisms like the uptake of these elements from the conducting aquifer into ubiquitous fracture minerals like calcite have drawn much attention. In laboratory experiments, it has been shown that especially actinides are efficiently scavenged by (re)crystallization of calcite1. To assess the long-term immobilization potential of calcite and the effect of low temperature alteration, element mobility in natural analogues needs to be studied. A suitable study site is the Wenzel ore mine in the Black Forest (S-Germany), which was actively mined until 1823. Here, hydrothermal calcite veins are exposed at the tunnel wall. After it´s shut down the mine was naturally flooded and calcite remained in contact to groundwater for approx. 175 years until the mine was drained and reopened to the public in 1999. Elemental distributions of La and Sr, which are considered as analogue elements for actinides and Ra are revealed by µXRF and LA-ICP-MS maps at high spatial resolution of 2 µm. First results show a complex pattern of Sr-enriched and depleted layers at the calcite-groundwater interface, which alternate at the 10 – 200 µm scale. In addition, localized enrichments of La appear, exceeding the pristine calcite concentrations by a factor of 4. Both features are interpreted as a result of secondary element mobility and discussed with respect of the retention potential of calcite during low temperature alteration. 1Curti E. (1999) Applied Geochemistry 14: 433-445 |
1:30pm - 3:00pm | 1.06-2 Deep geothermal resources and projects Location: Wiwi 101 Session Chair: Nora Koltzer, Fraunhofer IEG Session Chair: Torsten Tischner, Federal Institute for Geosciences and Natural Resources |
1:30pm - 1:45pm
Topics: 1.06 Deep geothermal resources and projects Finding the geothermal sweet spots of Germany by integrating the subsurface geological heterogeneity with process simulations 1GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences, Potsdam Germany; 2Faculty of Georesources and Materials Engineering, RWTH Aachen University, Aachen, Germany In Germany the heat demand distribution and operational geothermal production show limited spatial overlap and this is related to the geology in the subsurface. Most of the geothermal energy projects are located in the sedimentary areas of the Molasse Basin, the Upper Rhine Graben and the North German Basin. All these areas have in common that a thermal blanketing effect of young shallow sediments with high porosity keep the heat trapped beneath the insulating porous layer. The North German Basin has an additional heat controlling element - the mobilized Zechstein salt. Salt is thermally twice as conductive as clastic sediments and acts as a chimney for heat transport. The third controlling factor is the basal heat input that depends on the depth to the thermal LAB and the thickness of the upper crystalline crust producing ragiogenic heat, thus adding up to a half to the heat budget in the basins. Finally, the coupled transport of heat and fluid and the composition of the moving fluids add a last layer of complexity in defining geothermal sweet spots. As the fluids can move fast, they can take along their heat/cold, but also may transport solved material that can precipitate and destroy permeability if the PT-regime of the solution changes. The meanwhile increasing resolution of data and structural models of the subsurface open new opposrtunities to simulate heat transport considering the heterogenous physical property distribution as well as physical processes , thus enabling predictions far beyond the interpolation of a few temperatures measurements. 1:45pm - 2:00pm
Topics: 1.06 Deep geothermal resources and projects The World Heat Flow Database project: a new research data infrastructure for a community-driven Global Heat Flow Database 1Helmholtz Zentrum Potsdam Deutsches GeoForschungsZentrum GFZ; 2Technische Universität Dresden, FB Geowissenschaften, Geoinformatik The Global Heat Flow Database (GHFDB) is fostered and maintained by the International Heat Flow Commission (IHFC) for nearly 60 years. During these decades, the technological database concepts and storing capabilities evolved, allowing to add entries in the heat-flow database and underlying scientific methods according to the state of the art and database technology. In 2019, a collaborative database revision process started to provide a quality-assured and authenticated database. The community-driven approach, called the Global Heat Flow Data Assessment Project, started with a discussion of a new database structure to substitute the former database structure from 1976. It was designed to scrutinize and reassess the stored heat flow data according to the new structure. In parallel, the DFG-funded World Heat Flow Database project is developing a modern research data infrastructure for the new global compilation of heat flow data. It will offer comprehensive information on heat-flow related data, publications, projects, and researchers. It is designed to reflect the criteria of FAIR and OPEN data policy and to support the interoperability with other geoscientific data services 2:00pm - 2:15pm
Topics: 1.06 Deep geothermal resources and projects Roll-out of Deep Geothermal Energy in North-West Europe (DGE-ROLLOUT): Geothermal Energy Potential of Lower Carboniferous Carbonate Rocks 1Geological Survey of North Rhine-Westphalia, De-Greiff-Straße 195, 47803 Krefeld, Germany; 2Royal Belgian Institute for Natural Sciences, Geological Survey of Belgium, Rue Jenner, 13, 1000-Brussels, Belgium; 3Energie Beheer Nederland B.V., Daalsesingel 1, 3511 SV Utrecht, The Netherlands; 4Flemish Institute for Technological Research, Boeretang 200, 2400 Mol, Belgium; 5Fraunhofer Institution for Energy Infrastructures and Geothermal Systems IEG, Lennershofstrasse 140, 44801 Bochum, Germany Deep geothermal energy (DGE) may play a crucial role in the future energy production considering its base load capacity and ubiquitous availability. The EU Interreg North-West Europe (NWE) funded project DGE-ROLLOUT aims to promote the hydrothermal potential of Lower Carboniferous carbonate rocks, which is investigated following a multi-disciplinary geoscientific approach. Besides the Geological Survey of North Rhine-Westphalia as lead partner, project partners include the national geological surveys of Belgium, France and the Netherlands, as well as industry partners (DMT GmbH & Co. KG; Energie Beheer Nederland B.V.; RWE Power AG) and research institutions (Fraunhofer Institution for Energy Infrastructures and Geothermal Systems; Technical University Darmstadt; Flemish Institute for Technological Research). Sub- and associated partners include the national geological surveys of Great Britain and Ireland and the European Geothermal Energy Council, amongst others. DGE-ROLLOUT comprises three administrative, one investment and three implementation work packages (WP T1-T3): T1 provides a reconciled knowledge baseline for the DGE market development in NWE, including a transnationally harmonised depth and thickness map of the Lower Carboniferous. T2 fills information gaps through the acquisition of 2D seismic surveys, drillings, reprocessing vintage seismic data, and developing 3D subsurface models. T3 increases the efficiency of existing geothermal systems, implementing new or improved production techniques regarding reservoir behaviour, cascading systems and thermal energy storage. As DGE-ROLLOUT comes to an end in October 2023, we are keen on presenting our final results and evaluating the extent to which we succeeded in promoting the DGE potential of Lower Carboniferous carbonate rocks in NWE. 2:15pm - 2:30pm
Topics: 1.06 Deep geothermal resources and projects Geological and geophysical data integration and modeling approach for subsurface characterization; Northern Bavaria case study Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg, Germany Characterizing the subsurface structural and stratigraphic configuration is critical to address current global environmental challenges such as green energy transition and underground storage. Northern Bavaria, as our case study, is mainly covered by Permo-Mesozoic sedimentary units. Local and regional thickness changes are mainly attributed to the partly exposed structural complexity. To the east, the exposed crystalline rocks consist mainly of metamorphic rocks of Variscan affinity and late to post- orogenic intrusions. The presence and extent of granitic intrusions as a source of heat production and the estimation of the depth to the base of Permo-Mesozoic sedimentary cover are the main objectives of this study. In this study, we integrate the information from wells and exposed basement geology with reprocessed DEKORP seismic reflection, recently acquired 230 km 2D seismic reflection, Bouguer gravity anomaly and magnetic data to improve our understanding of the structural and stratigraphic configuration of the subsurface in northern Bavaria. Our first results confirm the presence of a granitic body (Hassfurt Granite) as the main source of thermal anomaly observed in northern Bavaria. We also show Permian (Rotliegend) grabens and half grabens storing 1-1.5 km thick sedimentary units. Rotliegend units are covered by relatively tabular Mesozoic cover. In structural point of view, we show that some of the Permian basin bounding normal faults are reactivated as reverse faults during the Cretaceous inversion event. Our observations and models contribute to reservoir characterization (buried fault zones and associated brittle deformation) and reduce exploration and potential future development risks. |
1:30pm - 3:00pm | 2.01-2 Late accretion processes from impacts to planetary differentiation - a multidisciplinary approach Location: Wiwi 104 Session Chair: Laetitia Allibert, Natural History Museum, Berlin Session Chair: Sabrina Schwinger, German Aerospace Center (DLR) |
1:30pm - 1:45pm
Topics: 2.01 Late accretion processes from impacts to planetary differentiation - a multidisciplinary approach The origin of the lunar volatile depletion inferred from zinc and copper isotopic compositions of mare basalts Freie Universität, Germany Although the giant impact hypothesis is the most accepted model for the formation of the Moon the origin of its volatile depletion is still matter of debate. The heavy isotopic composition of moderately volatile elements like K, Rb or Zn is often interpreted as supporting evidence for a large-scale volatile depletion event. On the other hand, elevated abundances of water and other volatile elements in some lunar rocks are interpreted in favour for a less volatile depleted interior and more local volatile-loss processes like magmatic degassing. In the latter model, the heavy stable isotope composition of lunar rocks would be a result of late stage magmatic degassing into vacuum. Here we explore the processes affecting volatile elements in mare basalts through the scope of copper and zinc isotopes. We report new data for mass-dependent stable isotopes of copper and zinc determined from the same rock aliquot of low- and high-Ti mare basalts. Thanks to the combine data set and the high quality of double spike Zn isotopic data, we resolve the effects of fractional crystallization and late magmatic degassing. Based on these results, fractional crystallization and late-stage magmatic degassing cannot explain volatile depletion and the heavy isotopic composition of most mare basalts and their mantle sources. The homogeneous Zn isotopic composition of low and high-Ti basalt mantle sources suggest that volatile loss and mass-dependent isotope fractionation occurred before the formation of these lunar mantle reservoirs, likely during or briefly after the giant impact. 1:45pm - 2:00pm
Topics: 2.01 Late accretion processes from impacts to planetary differentiation - a multidisciplinary approach Siderophile volatile element inventory of lunar mare basalts: Constraints on magmatic processes and mantle sources Freie Universität Berlin, Germany Elevated contents of water and moderately volatile elements in some lunar materials have invigorated the discussion on the volatile content of the lunar interior and on the extent to which the volatile element inventory of lunar magmatic rocks is controlled by element volatility and degassing. In order to constrain magmatic processes and mantle source compositions, we obtained a comprehensive data set for mass fractions of the moderately to highly volatile elements Cu, Se, Ag, S, Te, Cd, In, and Tl in various low- and high-Ti mare basalts. Mass fractions of Cu, S, Se, and Ag in each suite are mainly controlled by fractional crystallization. In contrast, Te, Cd, In, and Tl display disturbed fractional crystallization trends, most likely due to late magmatic degassing and recondensation of volatile species of these elements. Low-Ti mare basalt suites display constant ratios of specific siderophile volatile elements (e.g. Cu/Ag, Cu/S, S/Se), which we interpret as characteristics of their mantle sources. High-Ti mare basalt suites differ from low-Ti mare basalts by their significantly lower Cu/S, but higher S/Se ratios. Fractional crystallization modeling reveals that these differences are inherited mainly from their source regions in the lunar mantle. Despite the systematically different element ratios, low- and high-Ti mare basalt source compositions are characterized by consistently low mass fractions of siderophile volatile elements. Our new data support the hypothesis of volatile loss prior to formation of the lunar mantle sources and reveal element ratios in the lunar mantle that are significantly different from the terrestrial mantle. 2:00pm - 2:15pm
Topics: 2.01 Late accretion processes from impacts to planetary differentiation - a multidisciplinary approach Precise Pb-Pb ages derived from lunar impact breccias: the key to dating large lunar basins 1Freie Universität Berlin, Germany; 2Universität Münster; 3Museum für Naturkunde Berlin; 4Universität Heidelberg; 5Swedish Museum of Natural History Understanding the early lunar bombardment history hinges on reliable formation ages of the large lunar basins. Recent studies have shown that Zr minerals and Ca phosphates in petrographically, chemically, and microstructurally well-characterized lunar impactites can yield easily reproducible U-Pb ages that can be related to impacts. Geological, textural, and chemical arguments, plus impact melt distribution models, suggest that the widespread 3.92 Ga and 4.21 ages in breccias at the Apollo 14-17 landing sites likely reflect the Imbrium and Serenitatis impacts, respectively. However, the ages of other basins are more uncertain. Lunar granulites – impactites that were thermally metamorphosed by impact melt sheets – also should record basin-forming events. We have combined precise in situ Pb-Pb dates with Pb-Pb isochron dating to constrain the early history of the Apollo 17 granulite 77017. The rock contains annealed anorthositic gabbro clasts with relict igneous textures and a finer, thermally annealed matrix. High Ir abundances and the presence of metal indicate that the gabbro crystallized from impact melt. Baddeleyites define a homogeneous Pb-Pb age distribution (4175±3 Ma, n = 5), which is interpreted to date the crystallization of this impact melt. The phosphate Pb-Pb ages range between 4.18 and 4.13 Ga and are consistent with variable resetting by the metamorphic heating event. A Pb-Pb isochron yields a precise date for the granulite facies metamorphism (4143±1 Ma). The heating event may either relate to the impact that formed the Crisium basin or to another nearby basin-forming impact on the feldspathic highland terrane (Nectaris or Smythii). |
1:30pm - 3:00pm | 4.11 Geo-scientific methods in Archaeology, Archaeometry and Experimental Archaeology Location: Wiwi 104a Session Chair: Rafael Ferreiro Mählmann, Technische Universität Darmstadt |
1:30pm - 2:00pm
Invited Session Keynote Topics: 4.11 Geo-scientific methods in Archaeology, Archaeometry and Experimental Archaeology Investigating material culture (dis)continuities of Iron Age insular communities of Eastern Adriatic at the time of Greek settlement 1Texas Tech University, Department of Geosciences, Lubbock TX 79409, United States of America; 2Institute of Archaeology, 10000 Zagreb, Croatia The Adriatic seascape, as the Mediterranean’s northernmost extension, has long been an important crossroad of cultural exchanges between the East and the West. Here, connectivity and insularity served to link diverse peoples and cultures, with regional connectivity reaching its peak during the Iron Age. Concurrently, the Greeks embarked on extensive overseas journeys and established numerous settlements across the Mediterranean. One fascinating example to explore the dynamics between the locals and Greek colonists is the island of Hvar in central Dalmatia, which offers valuable insights through the examination of ceramic material culture. Using a range of traditional and state-of-the-art microscopic and spectroscopic analyses, a wide range of Greek and local Iron Age coarseware from the Greek colony of Pharos and local indigenous settlements was examined, with a particular emphasis on the practices involved in raw materials selection. A novel method for collecting elemental concentration data was implemented, which concentrates exclusively on the clayey substrate. This approach effectively mitigates any potential bias arising from the tempering of clay paste. Additionally, we conducted a geological survey of the island to identify plausible raw material deposits, considering that coarseware was predominantly produced locally. The findings of our study provide fresh perspectives on the lives of protohistoric local communities and their interactions with Greek settlers for whom the island of Hvar served as a hub from which Hellenistic culture spread throughout the insular and coastal Adriatic regions and beyond. 2:00pm - 2:15pm
Topics: 4.11 Geo-scientific methods in Archaeology, Archaeometry and Experimental Archaeology Which tools did stonemasons from the Late Bronze Age use to carve stelae of hard rocks from the Iberian Peninsula? 1Technische Universität Darmstadt, Germany; 2University of Freiburg , Germany; 3Labor für Archäometallurgie, Kenzingen, Germany; 4Instituto de Arqueología, Mérida; Universidad Autónoma, Madrid, Spain; 5Fragua Fuirio, Sevilla, Spain; 6University of Coimbra, Portugal This research will put emphasis on a multidisciplinary approach to examine the Iberian stelae of the Late Bronze Age (c. 1200-800 BC) involving petrographic, geochemical, and metallurgic analyses, complemented by experimental archaeology. The petrographic determination of the rock composition of 16 stelae provided evidence that hard magmatic, sedimentary, and meta-sedimentary rocks were used. The rocks were classified as quartz rich granite, leucocratic syenogranite-aplite, meta-arkose, quarzitic wacke, and silicate quartz-sandstone. Regarding the magmatic rocks, the finest available grain size was preferred. The sedimentary and meta-sedimentary rocks were carved on surfaces with a hard ground, a silicate – ferruginous cemented bed or on a joint wall. For the archaeological experiment, a variety of lithic tools and bronze chisels with various alloys were replicated, based on original Late Bronze Age tools from Portugal and Spain. Some lithic tools were completely inapplicable, while others, for example an amoeboid diablastic and equigranular quartzite (99 % quartz), provided acceptable results. The carving results with bronze chisels were disillusioning, regardless of the alloy composition. A long-ignored iron chisel from the Late Bronze Age site of Rocha do Vigio (Portugal) was studied with metallography. It revealed a medium-high carbon content steel and the replication of this chisel resulted as the only effective tool, provided the edge was hardened. This would establish the introduction of iron technology as a terminus post quem for the group of silicate quartz-sandstone stelae in Extremadura. Indeed, many of Europe´s earliest irons were found in nearby Portugal. *(DFG-project AR 1305/2-1), https://www.experimentalarchaeology.uni-freiburg.de/ 2:15pm - 2:30pm
Topics: 4.11 Geo-scientific methods in Archaeology, Archaeometry and Experimental Archaeology Petrographic, mineralogic, geochemical and geo-morphological provenience study on granite stelae from the Beira Alta (Beira Interior, Portugal) 1Technische Universität Darmstadt, Germany; 2University of Freiburg, Germany; 3University of Coimbra, Portugal; 4Museum of Sabugal, Portugal Of twelve stelae from the Late Bronze Age (c. 1200-800 BC) that are exhibited in five museums in the Beira Interior (Portugal), ten are carved in granitoid rocks of mainly leucocratic composition. Between the Serra da Estrela and the river Tejo, 70 % of the area is covered by granitoid intrusions of pre-, syn- and post-orogenic Variscan age. Plutons intruded in metamorphic and meta-sedimentary rocks older than Late-Carboniferous. Only one stele each was extracted from the largest intrusions of the area, from the Guarda biotite-monzogranite, and one from the pre-orogenic Fundão hornblende bearing biotite-granodiorite to monzogranite. A precise provenience study is thus not possible. Eight stelae where isotropic fine to medium grained granitoids with predominantly muscovite and rarely containing biotite. Microstructures, mineralogy, textural characteristics and geochemical analyses points to highly differentiated micro-plutonic rocks or dykes. Having realized that all twelve large granitoid intrusions in the Beira are less differentiated and porphyry, 16 aplite dykes and apophyses could be detected in a field study. Some aplite dykes in the northern part of the study area show the same composition variations as the Malhada Sorda pluton and its apophyses. But some dykes cannot be related with a late or post-orogenic intrusion. Seven syenogranite aplite rocks and apophyses could be related with a stelae rock type. Remarkably, all potential extraction sites are close to the place of stelae discovery, at the border of old communication routes, or near Late Bronze Age sites. *(DFG-project AR 1305/2-1), https://www.experimentalarchaeology.uni-freiburg.de/ 2:30pm - 2:45pm
Topics: 4.11 Geo-scientific methods in Archaeology, Archaeometry and Experimental Archaeology Metamorphic mapping and geo-morphologic considerations to locate the extraction sites of meta-psammite Late Bronze Age stelae from the Beira Interior (Portugal) 1Technische Universität Darmstadt, Germany; 2Museum of Sabugal, Portugal; 3Vila Velha de Ródão, Portugal; 4University of Freiburg, Germany; 5University of Coimbra, Portugal; 6B2R Institut UniLaSalle Beauvais, France A petrographic and geochemical provenience analysis of meta-psammite Iberian Stelae from the Final Bronze Age will be presented. A provenience analysis of archaeological objects is a Sisyphean task or impossible when dealing with uniform rock composition and structure along strike as they occur in sedimentary formations. If there are no observable singularities along vertical and horizontal inter-digitations of facies, the specification of a possible extraction site is like searching a needle in a haystack. Geo-morphologic consideration helps to enhance the probability to find the outcrop if strike of formation is perpendicular to valleys or mountain ranges. Furthermore, post metamorphic folding and tectonic dismembering reduces the possible areas, and increases the probability to find appropriate outcrops. The Beira Interior was metamorphosed during the Variscan Orogeny showing a metamorphic field gradient from amphibolite to sub-greenschist facies. The orogenic tectono-metamorphic pattern is disturbed by pluton intrusions and by aplite dykes. Metamorphic aureole zonation crosscuts formation strike and the orogenic metamorphic facies zonation. Therefore, areas with the same sedimentary lithotype (educt) and transformed to meta-sedimentary and metamorphic rocks (product) of a specific contact-metamorphic grade often postdates orogenic metamorphism and deformation. All these observations allow to drastically reduce the potential raw-material areas and to find outcrops showing the same educt-product genetic history as found in the rock-types of stelae. The very first application of metamorphic mapping techniques in combination with geo-morphology will be presented to clarify the provenience of archaeological objects. *(DFG-project AR 1305/2-1), https://www.experimentalarchaeology.uni-freiburg.de/ 2:45pm - 3:00pm
Topics: 4.11 Geo-scientific methods in Archaeology, Archaeometry and Experimental Archaeology Geophysical Prospection in Archaeology EASTERN ATLAS, Germany In recent decades, Applied Geophysics has become firmly established among geoscientific methods in archaeology for the non-destructive prospection of archaeological remains in the subsurface. Significant contributions have been made by technical developments towards mobile multi-channel platforms that can survey even very large areas of Hundreds of hectares with high spatial resolution and positioning accuracy in cm-range. Today, magnetometry and ground penetrating radar are not only used in research projects targeting known archaeological sites, but also as a professional commercial service in linear and urban planning projects. In the presentation an overview of the current state of the art will be given. The application of the available prospection techniques will be presented with examples, including archaeo-geophysical surveys done along the power lines SuedLink and SuedOstLink in Germany. An essential point in the presentation of the results arises from the interdisciplinary cooperation between geophysics and archaeology. A deeper understanding from the point of view of the user, in this case archaeology, is necessary to properly evaluate the geophysical data in terms of their archaeological significance. |
1:30pm - 3:00pm | 3.23-2 Mountain Building in the Alpine-Mediterranean domain – from mantle imaging to crustal and surface processes back in time - AlpArray and AdriaArray Location: Wiwi 105 Session Chair: Mark R. Handy, Freie Universität Session Chair: Sabrina Metzger, GFZ Potsdam |
1:30pm - 1:45pm
Topics: 3.23 Mountain Building in the Alpine-Mediterranean domain – from mantle imaging to crustal and surface processes back in time - AlpArray and AdriaArray High resolution image of the Moho in the Eastern Alpine–Dinaric transition and implications for Alpine tectonic history 1GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences (GFZ), Potsdam, Germany; 2Freie Universität Berlin, Institute for Geological Sciences, Berlin, Germany; 3See https://doi.org/10.14470/MF7562601148 for full memberlist; 4See https://alparray.ethz.ch for full member list The tectonic structure of the Eastern Alps is heavily debated with successive geophysical studies that are unable to resolve areas of ambiguity (e.g., the presence of a switch in subduction polarity and differing crustal models). In order to better understand this area, we produce a high resolution Moho map of the Eastern Alps based on a dense seismic broadband array deployment. Moho depths were derived from joint analysis of receiver function images of direct conversions and multiple reflections for both the SV (radial) and SH (transverse) components, which enables us to map overlapping and inclined discontinuities. We observe the European Moho to be underlying the Adriatic Moho from the west up to the eastern edge of the Tauern Window. East of the Tauern Window, a sharp transition from underthrusting European to a flat and thinned crust associated with Pannonian extension tectonics occurs, which is underthrust by both European crust in the north and by Adriatic crust in the south. The Adriatic lithosphere underthrusts northward below the Southern Alps and becomes steeper and deeper towards the Dinarides where it dips towards the north-east. Our results suggest that the steep high velocity region in the mantle below the Eastern Alps, observed in tomographic studies, is likely to be of European origin. 1:45pm - 2:00pm
Topics: 3.23 Mountain Building in the Alpine-Mediterranean domain – from mantle imaging to crustal and surface processes back in time - AlpArray and AdriaArray Paleogene deformation pattern and Neogene post-collisional reorganization of the Dinarides fold and thrust belt 1Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena, Germany; 2Institute of Geology & Geological Engineering, University of Zagreb, Croatia,; 3Utrecht University, Netherlands; 4Faculty of Science, University of Zagreb, Croatia The Late Cretaceous collision of the Adriatic microplate with Eurasia resulted in an overall SW-vergent and in-sequence structural architecture of the Dinarides. In the Paleogene the deformation propagated from the Internal towards the External Dinarides, associated with ca. 130 km of crustal shortening. Fault kinematic data and balanced cross-sections across the External Dinarides suggest contrasting styles along-strike the orogen, separated by a ca. 250 km long dextral transpressive fault. This fault delimits the southern, SW-vergent nappe stack segment from a northern, NE-vergent backthrust-dominated Velebit segment. Based on the distribution of the flexural foreland basin sediments, it is known that these two domains deformed contemporaneously, which marked the end of the Paleogene Dinaric orogeny. Within these Eo- to early Oligocene syntectonic and older Mesozoic carbonate platform rocks horizontal marine terraces are preserved at elevations of up to 600 m. We extracted terrace surfaces along the entire Adriatic coast from DEMs. All these flat surfaces are degradational, not related to bedding or faults, and they are located on the western side of the main drainage divide facing the Adriatic Sea. Their spatial correlation is in agreement with the position of a reported negative P-wave tomography anomaly, which in turn correlates with the thinned part of the Adriatic lithosphere. Our findings suggest an orogen-wide surface uplift affecting the Dinarides in the Neogene due to mantle delamination. Our overarching results show that the Paleogene Dinaric orogeny was related to high crustal shorten- and thickening, whereas the Neogene was related mainly to surface uplift. 2:00pm - 2:15pm
Topics: 3.23 Mountain Building in the Alpine-Mediterranean domain – from mantle imaging to crustal and surface processes back in time - AlpArray and AdriaArray Active tectonics of the eastern Southern Alps 1Institute for Geosciences, Friedrich-Schiller University Jena, Germany; 2School of Geography, Earth and Environmental Sciences, University of Plymouth, UK; 3Neotectonics and Natural Hazards Group, RWTH Aachen University, Aachen, Germany; 4Leibniz Institute for Applied Geophysics (LIAG) Hanover, Hanover, Germany; 5Department of Geology, University of Ljubljana, Ljubljana, Slovenia Current tectonic activity in the eastern Southern Alps is driven by the ongoing collision of Adria with Europe at a rate of ca. 2-3 mm/yr. While the South Alpine Front is well-studied, the deformation in the hinterland of the orogenic front is still not well-understood. Structurally, this area is characterised by dominantly E-W-trending, south-vergent thrusts and dextral strike-slip faults of the eastern Periadriatic fault system and the Dinaric system in Slovenia. Here we present new data on active faulting from tectonic geomorphology studies, field mapping, paleoseismology, and Quaternary dating techniques. We show that in Slovenia, crustal deformation is accommodated by a system of NW-SE striking right-lateral strike slip faults in a more than 60 km-wide zone. While the largest of those faults might be capable of magnitude M≥7 earthquakes, there is no historical or geological record for such large events. Several shorter faults with lengths of less than 15 km also show postglacial activity, but very little is known about their earthquake history. In Italy, most of the deformation is accommodated by thrusting at the South Alpine orogenic front and in the Friulian Plain. However, historical reports and our geomorphological observations indicate that strong earthquakes (M>6) occurred in the interior of the mountain chain, but these events are probably very rare. In Austria, the geological record of active faulting is sparse, although damaging historical quakes are known. New dating results from undisturbed geomorphic markers allow us to place constraints on the maximum amount of deformation that is accommodated here. 2:15pm - 2:30pm
Topics: 3.23 Mountain Building in the Alpine-Mediterranean domain – from mantle imaging to crustal and surface processes back in time - AlpArray and AdriaArray Geomorphologic evidence for postglacial activity of the Fella-Sava Fault, eastern Southern Alps, Italy Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena, Germany The eastern Southern Alps are a seismically active region. Research has been conducted to identify seismically active faults, with the sources of several catastrophic earthquakes still unknown. In this study, we conducted a paleoseismological investigation around the Fella-Sava Fault in the trijunction of Austria, Italy, and Slovenia, within the epicentral area of the destructive 1348 earthquake (MW 6.6-7.0). The Fella-Sava Fault is a ca. 100 km long, E-W- to WNW-ESE trending dextrally transpressive fault related to the Periadriatic fault system. Using digital elevation models (DEMs), we tried to identify direct evidence for surface rupturing earthquakes like fault scarps or offset geomorphic markers. Additionally, we put a special emphasis on sackungen. Sackungen are created by the gravitational collapse of mountain flanks, both aseismically and coseismically. Hillshades and aspect-maps derived from the DEMs proved suitable for mapping sackungen on a regional scale covering an area of ca. 1500 km2. A systematic remote sensing-based mapping of sackungen (of which several were subsequently ground-proven) in an area 15 km to both sides of the western segment of the Fella-Sava Fault revealed their clustering within 5 km on either side of the fault. The sackungen correlate neither with lithology nor valley depth. A directional analysis shows that the preferred trend of the sackungen is parallel to the Fella-Sava Fault and doesn’t correlate with the distribution of regional slope orientations. Thus, we suspect that the higher number sackungen in proximity of the Fella-Sava-Fault provides geomorphological evidence for its postglacial seismic activity, including the 1348 earthquake. 2:30pm - 2:45pm
Topics: 3.23 Mountain Building in the Alpine-Mediterranean domain – from mantle imaging to crustal and surface processes back in time - AlpArray and AdriaArray Finding Quaternary Seismic Slip Along the Eastern Periadriatic Fault System: Dating Fault Gouges by combined means of Electron Spin Resonance and Optically Stimulated Luminescence 1Friedrich-Schiller University Jena, Germany; 2Leibniz-Institut für Angewandte Geophysik LIAG Hannover, Germany; 3University of Ljubljana, Slovemia The Periadriatic Fault System (PAF) is among the largest post-collisional structures of the Alps. Recent studies using GPS velocities suggest that Adria-Europe convergence is still being accommodated in the Eastern Alps. However, according to instrumental and historical seismicity records, earthquake activity is mostly concentrated along structures in the adjacent Southern Alps. This is also the case for the PAF, which except for ambiguous historical events presents little to no earthquake record. Electron spin resonance (ESR) and Optically Stimulated Luminescence (OSL) are ultra-low temperature thermochronometers (closing temperature below 100 °C), with a Quaternary dating range (a few decades up to ~2 Ma). Both have the potential to date shear heating episodes. In this contribution, we present a first approach to narrow down earthquake activity during the Quaternary in the Eastern Alps by combining the application of ESR and OSL. Specifically, we aim to show which segments of the PAF system accommodated seismotectonic deformation by directly dating quartz and feldspar from fault gouges. For ESR, we measure the signals from the Al center in quartz following the single aliquot additive (SAAD) and single aliquot regenerative (SAR) protocols, focusing on the 4-11 µm and 100-150 µm grain size fractions. For OSL, we measure the IR50 and pIRIR225 signals on K-feldspar aliquots of the 100-150 µm grain size fraction. Our ESR results indicate the PAF accommodated seismic slip during the Quaternary with a maximum age ranging from 1-0.5 Ma, and OSL minimum ages of around 0.3 Ma. 2:45pm - 3:00pm
Topics: 3.23 Mountain Building in the Alpine-Mediterranean domain – from mantle imaging to crustal and surface processes back in time - AlpArray and AdriaArray The 2019 Mw6.4 Durres, Albania earthquake – anatomy of a thrust fault from high-resolution aftershock relocations 1Deutsches GeoForschungsZentrum, Germany; 2Utrecht University, The Netherlands; 3Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany; 4Polytechnic University of Tirana, Albania The 2019, Mw 6.4 earthquake struck Albania at the Adriatic port city of Durres, 30 km away from the capital Tirana. It caused significant destruction and more than 50 deaths. The mainshock had thrust mechanism typical for the western Balkan margin along which the Adriatic micro plate collides with Europe. A dense temporary network of 30 seismic stations was deployed for 9 months to record the aftershock sequence. We applied a fully automated, machine learning-based detection and phase-picking routine to analyse the seismic data. This way more than 19,000 events were detected and located. Deriving cross-correlation-based differential travel times and relocating the entire catalogue of events with the HypoDD algorithm and a newly derived 1D velocity model reveals the fine-scale structure of the thrust fault. The rupture occurred on a ~30° NE dipping fault between approx. 10 and 20 km depth. The aftershocks collapse to several additional synthetic and antithetic structures highlighting a complex fault network. |
1:30pm - 3:00pm | 4.12 Geoethics – fostering ethical perspectives in the Geosciences Location: Wiwi 108 Session Chair: Dominic Hildebrandt, ETH Zurich Session Chair: Martin Bohle, Ronin Institute Session Chair: Barbara Zambelli, TU Bergakademie Freiberg |
1:30pm - 2:00pm
Invited Session Keynote Topics: 4.12 Geoethics – fostering ethical perspectives in the Geosciences Geoethics and Transgenerational Climate Crimes - four examples to hold States and corporations accountable AIC Agencia de Iniciativas Cidadas, Brazil Is it possible to hold States and corporations accountable for the extractive industry’s transgenerational climate crimes? Answering this question implies the definition of climate crimes in time and space and, for this reason, four case studies will be analyzed to substantiate the critical analysis proposed: the Coalbrook mine disaster in South Africa (1960), the Amoco Cadiz oil spill in France (1978), the Performance Coal Company explosion in the United States (2010), and the Vale-BHP tailing dam collapse in Brazil (2015). Actions that cause climate catastrophe affect individuals and ecosystems beyond jurisdictions in an uncontrolled and incalculable way. The real purpose of the extractive industry must be observed from a geoethical perspective, that is, the extractive industry’s capacity of producing and reproducing life. States and corporations have historically managed the extractive industrial complex regardless and to the detriment of the existence of life in explored territories. This means that States and corporations are accomplices in actions that not only cause the worsening of life conditions in the present time, but also prevent life on the planet to be fostered and preserved. By comparing the alleged benefits and the real harm arising from a geopolitical developmental agenda of global endless industrial extractivism, this paper develops the geoethical possibilities of definition of transgenerational climate crimes departing from four case scenarios and their devastating consequences. 2:00pm - 2:15pm
Topics: 4.12 Geoethics – fostering ethical perspectives in the Geosciences Responsible Geosciences, or Geoscience Literacy for Urbanites 1Ronin Institute, Montclair (NJ), USA; 2International Association for Promoting Geoethics (IAPG), Rome, Italy Urbanites, i.e., people living in urban environments, should be geoscience-literate. Them living under a ‘veil of geo-ignorance’ is not a valid option for responsible geosciences. The urban realm is a social-ecological system on a planetary scale. Its complex-adaptive dynamics couple human practices and the geosphere1 2 (e.g., buildings, mines, shipping), causing massive fluxes (e.g., energy, water, materials), implies extensive civil-engineering works (e.g., housing, transport, infrastructure), and applies geoscience expertise. (e.g., foundations, drainage, position) A well-functioning urban realm requires professionals, who design, build and govern it, to apply geoscience expertise. Urban environments emphasise socio-economic interactions of people sheltered from everyday geosphere phenomena (e.g., weather, climate, slope-stability) and many disasters (e.g. floods, storms, heatwaves). However, most people have little insight into how much urban lifestyles depend on geosphere functions. That ignorance is a systemic risk for modern societies, which geoscience professionals should mitigate3, and meteorology gives an example of ‘how’. Modern meteorologists combine weather forecasts with information on meteorological phenomena, climate change, and impacts on economic and social activities. They show how forecasts determine people's work and life, demonstrating the wealth of geoscientific information and professional practices. The yet-to-answere question: How to do alike? 1. Otto, I. M. et al. Human agency in the Anthropocene. Ecol. Econ. 167, 106463 (2020). 2. Rosol, C., Nelson, S. & Renn, J. Introduction: In the machine room of the Anthropocene. Anthr. Rev. 4, 2–8 (2017). 3. Bohle, M., Sibilla, A. & Casals I Graells, R. A Concept of Society-Earth-Centric Narratives. Ann. Geophys. 60, (2017). 2:15pm - 2:30pm
Topics: 4.12 Geoethics – fostering ethical perspectives in the Geosciences Let us synchronize watches HSPV NRW, Germany “The mind seemed to grow giddy by looking so far into the abyss of time,“ noted John Playfair after having been introduced to geology by James Hutton. Deep time is in fact one of the main intellectual tools one must be ready to work with when wanting to do geology. Marcia Bjornerud describes how tedious the communication between geologists and people who think that the earth was created after the domestication of the dog can be. But it is not only religious people – almost everyone else finds it hard to grasp a duration of a million, 100 Million or a billion years too. This is because time is not only an objective parameter of the fourth dimension – it is also dependent on social factors. We all know that because time passes by more quickly when we a are older and / or in company and it goes slow when we are waiting for Father Christmas to show up or when we are bored. This social dimension of time will be looked at in my presentation. I will make use of the writings of religious scientist Mircea Eliade on time and will – with the help of the writings of geologist Marcia Bjornerud – try to describe the social implications the geological vision of time has or could and should have. Bjornerud (and I with her) is sure that geological “deep time” is not only a specific way of thinking for geologists but also a tool for social integration. |
1:30pm - 5:00pm | LEHRERFORT- BILDUNG Location: Wiwi 103 Session Chair: Sylke Hlawatsch, Richard Hallmann Schule |
2:00pm - 4:00pm | Stadtexkursion "Weltkulturerbe Museumsinsel" | 14:00 - 16:00 h Start: 14:00 Uhr Museumsinsel // Granitschale vor dem Alten Museum (Nähe U Museumsinsel, Bus Lustgarten) Anreise organisiert jeder selbst! Ende: 16:00 Uhr Exursionsleiterin: Gerda Schirrmeister |
3:10pm - 3:40pm | Closing Ceremony Location: Audimax Session Chair: Esther Martina Schwarzenbach, University of Fribourg Session Chair: Dirk Scherler, GFZ Potsdam / Freie Universität Berlin |